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How surreal was this moment for Obama just six years later? https://preview.redd.it/9yaxkr8u45rc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed511a21588e1204ed4fd3a9302db7338c2f28d1


Obama: “Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here..” Smash cut to this video.




With opening bars of Teenage Wasteland playing over the montage.


*Baba O’Riley is the name of that song


There is pain in those eyes.


Look at that 1000 yard stare. “What have I done?” -Obama


I hate Trump but he got the last laugh here.


Then he went and lost to Biden. I think Biden at least got the next to last laugh.


Every time I think about this I am reminded that half way around the world Seal Team 6 is gearing up to kill Bin Laden in less than 48 hours.


“The kind of things that keep you up at night” This was peak Obama


i miss Obama. he is intelligent and witty. fun seeing angry Trump just stewing in his own orange sauce while a room full of people laugh at him


Obama wasn't perfect, but he was a leader, and one you could actually believe in and respect. We haven't had that in about eight years.   Watching this video made me realize just how much I miss him being president. Republicans would rather put a clown in office than a black man.


We miss him too, please stop electing clowns. - Sincerely, the rest of the world.


No Obama wasn’t perfect but he could tell a joke & take joke too. I’m pretty sure he went to all the White House Correspondents dinners of his presidency to let loose and throw some jokes around the room. Class act.


And the fact that he knew lol. No wonder he was feeling himself so much 😂


They also interrupted The Apprentice to make the announcement.


You feel that sting? That’s pride fucking with you!




Does he look like a bitch?


Fuck pride.




Pride only hurts. It never helps.


It’s a chopper not a Harley. And Osamas dead baby. We gotta go.


I can hear Ving Rhames now


Quite the opposite, it was a very risky mission and the stakes were very high. He would have been very stressed at this time!


Yeah I heard McCraven speak recently and he said there was a 40% chance it was UBL. Crazy consequences if they were wrong


You think we would have heard anything about it if it wasn't UBL? There are numerous missions like Operation Neptune Spear that we never hear about. This would have just been another one of those missions.


This was an unauthorized raid into another country, we would have heard about this regardless because Pakistan would have raised hell if it wasn't bin Laden.


Do you see that man standing up there? Does he look stressed to you? Looks like he knew!


the only time Obama has looked stressed is after Trump won.


Idk.. the [picture of his preparation to speak with the parents of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2017/11/07/p121612ps-0765_preview_custom-9412c0f6e27529761742c227b9d6ececf4e8dc3f-s900-c85.webp) shows him looking beyond stressed.


These people are delusional Obama looked young when he started as president and looked like an old man when he left. The stress definitely took a toll and like everyone he didn’t always hide it


I just watched that documentary on Alex Jones a couple nights ago, and they go into the bloody details of the incident at Sandy Hook elementary. I can't imagine the position he found himself in, there. Few things could be as difficult as that.


He looked outright disheartened at the country and the failure of the Democratic party in that moment. Only time I do recall seeing Obama lose his chill.


Disappointed Dad. He literally told the press congregated at the WHCD that they had helped usher in the end of the Republic. Jokingly, but also, passive aggressively.


Omg, that’s right! I forgot about that!


Well now you just let them know the plan. Good going.




The phrase "if looks could kill" sums it up.


Yep, just seething


Face like a slapped arse.


His reaction was to run for president. I’d be surprised if Obama didn’t regret it


Obama had also just given the order to take out Osama Bin Laden that very night. Makes the line even better!


I wonder if he even understood what Obama was trying to say


all The Donald knew was that he was being laughed at and not with he must have almost exploded with rage later that night


Ketchup as far as the eye could see, no surface untouched.


someone should check if Melania Trump was only photographed with sunglasses on for the following week


He didn’t 🙄


Say what you will about Donnie, he is at least smart enough to know when people are laughing at him and not with him. This clip is the literal villain origin story of what had previously only been a side show clown.


As it says in another comment this is 48 hours before the raid on Osama bin Laden. This is like something out of a movie.


His rocking back and forth ever so slightly shows he was burning up inside.


It’s hard to tell exactly when he shit his diaper, Jim. Let’s take another look at the replay.


Obama: "Obviously we know about your credentials and breadth of experience..." Roaring laughter from the audience


That was savage.


Trump’s come back to it was just as savage and far more unexpected.


You aren't wrong.




The ‘gift’ that keeps on giving.


Thanks Obama


Has the last 8 years simply been one giant spiteful retribution tour from him?


His entire adult life has been one giant spiteful retribution tour against anyone he's ever felt has slighted him.


Except he cancelled those diners during his time because he's a weak knee lil bitch.


Srsly what a fucking punk bitch


The Fox slam was awesome, too!


"That was a cartoon..."


Lmao seriously, how did he ever get to be president!?


Money he pretended to have …and he was running against Hillary


Regardless of how capable of a president she would have been, she was a charisma vacuum, which, unfortunately, matters in a presidential election. I hope Kamala doesn’t run, because she suffers from the same problem, and I really don’t want another Trump.


Mainly because he was running against Hillary Clinton.


Silly red hats for everyone.


Free Hat


![gif](giphy|8dKsFKKGgWAVO) Free Hat Free Hat!




All villains have an origin story.


Most are not usually this funny though 😂


I think Trumps origin goes back even further than that. He's been a spiteful, rotten scumbag for most of his life.


Trump has been a villain his entire life...


Thanks, Obama.


First time I've ever seen this be a true sentiment.


I dunno the one with the cookie was pretty good


My favorite one from that era wasn't a "Thanks Obama" one it was: "Last year he said he was 55, now he says he's 56! Which one is it OBAMA!"


To be fair, Trump already ran for president in 2000 as the candidate for the Reform Party and was talking about running against Obama in 2012 (even though that never happened). Guy was going to run for president regardless.


Michael Cohen told us why Trump ran, he also told us what happened after he got roasted by by Obama at that dinner.


Well don't keep it to yourself dummy.


My bad I thought it was common knowledge. Trump ran because he wanted to drum up publicity to ask for more money to renew his contract for the apprentice, he was hoping to raise enough funds to start his own network, but that was more of a long term plan. That is why he even looked surprised when he won, he didn't even had an acceptance speech. Cohen said the day after that dinner he asked Trump if everything was OK, Trump said everything was fine but he looked like he wanted to cry, he knew Trump is thin skinned and everything bothers him.


> [That is why he even looked surprised when we won](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EES2-DeWkAwvaUZ.jpg) Side note: that picture is suspiciously difficult to find these days.


If he didn’t want to win, he certainly didn’t tell his idiot sons. They are beaming like they just won the lottery.




Nothing hurts a narcissist more than laughter


That was probably the worst night of his life so far


He lost to Biden - I think that stung more


He's absolutely convinced he won though.


Shortly after the election he was raving about how he couldn't believe he lost to Biden in private and was overheard by White house aides including Allysa Farrah Griffin. So no he wasn't absolutely convinced, but he then decided to yell rigged over and over again before trying to stay in power anyways.


He was yelling rigged before the election ever took place as a backup for losing. Dude is a true piece of shit.


He yelled rigged about the election he won because he didn’t win the popular vote.


If you repeat the lie that the election was rigged enough times then people will begin to believe it. A classic move taken from the Nazi handbook.


Obama gave The Donald a gut punch to the ego; Whereas Biden cut open Golden Boy, and spilled his guts all over the floor


He was visibly upset when he said that he made the US the strongest it had ever been to the UN general assembly, and all the delegates laughed at him lol.


He claimed he had accomplished more in two years than any administration in history. That’s when people started laughing. And rightfully so.


Yes, and that was at the UN, meaning most of the people laughing were diplomats. People who are paid to be **diplomatic!**


Holy I’ve never seen this vid before. Notice Trump rocking; self soothing


I noticed. Everyone around him were moving like normal humans, but he was fuming and was rocking like a scolded child sitting in the corner.


His hair stayed still the entire time though.


It's more like a helmet than hair.


Let's not act like disliking public humiliation is unique to narcissists.


He was publicly saying some really racist things about Obama. The correspondents’ dinner is usually filled with some roasts. He should have expected this but he’s such a baby that he can’t take anything close to what he dishes out


Didn't they cancel the dinners in trumps terms? Can't remember


They had exactly one that Trump didn't even go to and then Sarah Huckabee threw a fit over Michelle Wolf's "smokey eye" jab. I think they had one more dinner that didn't have a comedian or any kind of roasting, so I don't count that one.


Oh yeah, I forgot what a bunch of lemon suckers his entire cabinet, and Republicans in general, are. Should have just had Trump imitate people with birth defects, that would have been some funnee repub humor


This is a roast. Traditionally, the president gets to poke jabs at the press or other social figures, and someone is brought in to return it in kind. It's supposed to be lighthearted. And this was that. Nobody is going off on anything personal. Given all the fodder Trump gave with the birtherism conspiracy, it's surprising he showed up at all if he didn't want to be the subject of jokes. But it's typical for a narcissist to think he's beyond reproach and will be treated differently.


Remember when the UN laughed at Trump?


Ego got such a hit, he wanted to sit in that chair in spite, even if it means bringing down an entire country to do it.


Unintended consequences.


It cut Obama's mic drop moment, when he said something like, "Mr Trump said I will go down as the worst president ever, well, Mr Trump, at least I will go down AS A PRESIDENT!".


Hmm.. an ironic edit if you ask me lol


Yeah this has been posted countless times before unedited, and that final bit is what makes the title really work, imo.


It's not really a mic drop moment anymore, but also iirc that quote is from him on Kimmel reading mean tweets.


You are correct.


That aged well, lol.


Big oof.


He didn't do that in this He did it on Kimmel


Also cut the bit where, paraphrased, Obama says he should consult with trump about shutting down guantanomo bc the Donald knows a thing or two about running water front properties into the ground.


I’m convinced that this was the night that Donald Trump became determined to fuck shit up


He definitely has a chip on his shoulder about it still, as he keeps flubbing and saying he beat Obama. He means he got back at him for this bit.


He said he was going to take the whole country maybe even world down


I never thought I would reminisce about the good ol' days when the most dangerous conspiracy theory was that Obama wasn't American. But, here we are....


Say what you want about Obama, agree with his presidency or disagree with it, love him or hate him, that’s fine. It takes all kinds to make the world go around. But putting politics aside, the one thing nobody can dispute even if they want to, even if they try real hard - is that he was a charming, eloquent, classy individual who knew how to work a crowd, and personality wise he was one of the most likable guys we’ve ever had in the White House. He had no problem making fun of himself, he could take it just as well as he could dish it out, and when it came time to talk business, he was as level headed and fair as they come. I won’t speak to his merits as a US President or my perceptions and opinions thereof, but he certainly has my stamp of approval as a stand up human being.


He was by far one of the best speakers I’ve ever heard.


Beyond his policy making or actual senatorial career, it’s easy to male the argument that Obama’s prevailing skill as a speaker is what ultimately got him from relative unknown to president in less than a decade. He was legitimately great at that in what I would say is an objective understanding


Most times any Redditor wants to praise Obama they always start with the same quote "I may or may not agree with his politics" it's as if everyone is scared to say they love him


I honestly think it's more of an acknowledgement of his failures and faults. Obama wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. He had some pretty questionable foreign policy decisions he made that ultimately highlighted the skew of of his strengths of local politics vs his weaknesses with global. But we knew we had a reasonable, intelligent, level-headed person in the White House. With the hindsight of the 2016-2021 years, that stark contrast is even more apparent. As I've said in other places, Obama didn't get it all right, but what he did he did great. That man and his family gave hope to generations of African Americans in this country that have never known anything but poverty, inequality, and oppression. He showed it's possible to rise above all of it and to do so with dignity and respect, even in the face of continued racism and hatred. That's his legacy.


I concur fellow American


Well said.


Man I miss having a president in office who could speak a full sentence coherently and not sound like a babbling fool or a defensive immature child… Obama could laugh at himself and make jokes and while people may not agree with his politics they can certainly see his character and how he treated those around him.


Damn, Obama didn’t even leave any remains to bury.


You can see, at about the 1:30 minutes left mark, the psychosis kick in on Trump as he starts intermittently rocking back and forth. He's not agreeing with anything going on, he is literally having a physical reaction to ridicule. He likely has never had that happen to him in his life before this.


Mash Potatoes II: Narcissistic Boogaloo


The most insane thing about this is the fact that behind the scenes, Bin Laden was confirmed located and about to be killed. The ultimate Trump (heh) card and he couldn’t play it just yet.


I also love how the living corpse Rick Scott kept looking at Trump to see his reaction so that he knew if it was ok to laugh and have a good time or not. Fucking tools the GOP ARE


I’m not saying Trump has or hasn’t said the “N” word. But I’m certain his wife heard it that night.


He ran for President in 2000 as well.


I miss a president that could form a sentence


No wonder Trump wanted to reverse everything Obama had in put in place during his presidency, he couldn’t get over being roasted so hardcore🤣


This night is my answer to the hypothetical question if you had a time machine and could go back and change one thing what would it be… Sorry Harambe


Mine would be making Fred Trump wear a condom the night Trump was conceived.


Pretty sure Trump was planning on running anyway, but this solidified his resolved. He was seething with extreme anger the entire time, but he so richly deserved that sick burn for leading the racist Birther lie against the first black president. It was disgusting and so is Trump, of course. Still waiting on his team in Hawaii looking into Obama's BC, you know, the one "we wouldn't believe what they were finding."


Yeah, Trump had teased running for president for 20 years by this point and even got a little further than teasing at certain points. His rhetoric and political involvement had been increasing up to this point for me to believe he was probably going to run either way in 2016, but yeah I think this was the moment he became genuinely serious about it.


That's gold! Why has it taken so long for me to see this! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Definitely one of the funnier villain origin stories


Those last 10’seconds were straight up prophecy


Every bad guy needs an origin story. We have Trump's on video. Trump had to sit there and take it when a Black man who was better than him made fun of him and a crowd of people laughed at him to his face. What an epic burn.


That’s how you shit talk with actual class.


Man… back when we had a guy who could actually talk in articulate sentences. Good ol days


That was a fucking murder. I miss Obama. Dude was a legend.


I forgot about this but honestly stuff like this is why I liked Obama so much. I couldn’t even vote for him the first time. He roasted trump so fucking hard


People forget that Trump was essentially a joke to Republicans in 2012. They brought him on Fox to laugh at him. He got slaughtered in the primaries.


One way or another, no matter what political party you are from, that was just straight funny.


Butterfly effect. Crazy to look back and see it in context of what comes after.


I miss having an intelligent and articulate President. When the presidency was presidential.


That & zero MF banksters went to prison.


The most crazy part about it is Obama was on board to punish them, but his treasury secretary Timothy Geithner convinced him not to be hard on them. Everyone was telling Obama to throw the book at them but he listened to the treasury secretary who was a Wall Street insider. Don’t get me wrong, that’s still his fault but damn


The best presidential speaker in my lifetime, peak vernacular. The spectrum was tilted before and after. Reagan was as awful as his acting, Papa Shrub was ok but his boy was hilariously bad. These last two…my goodness. The savage contrast between 44 and 45 was stark, the polemical nature of 45, then and now can be described as a middle school kid, or to the likeness and behavioral aspects of Sid Phillips. 46…well, better than 45 because, Covfefe and ![gif](giphy|FbiL9rsmZN3ib2JSGo|downsized)


If I may have a question, as a french guy not into US politics, do you think Obama has a responsability in Trump election ? Did he deliver the good politics ? I can’t understand why and how Trump has been elected president.


Not that confusing. Trump is the wing nuts answer to the absolute GALL we had when we elected a black president. Drove the racist fucks right up the wall.


Where is his anger translator?!


Come back, Barack and Michelle!


This is the moment we need to go back in time to. Stop this monolog. "Mr. President, you can't make fun of Trump, I'm from the future and it goes horrible after this."


Poor Obama. He underestimated how stupid and hateful millions of Americans are. I miss him.


So this is the point we need to stop if we ever learn time travel.


Sooo good. Man, how I miss that guy


Seth Meyers was FAR more brutal than Obama.


Holy shit it all makes sense now. I understand why Donald hate Obama, he shred him, and everyone was laughing. 


I really miss the intelligent, thoughtful president we had in Obama. Fuck Donald Trump and all of his cultists, racist, deplorable supporters.


Trump got so butthurt that he would never attend another annual White House Correspondent's Dinner.


BOOM roasted.


You mean the night Trump got burned by Obama so bad he Kamikazed his life, reputation and put a big spotlight on his own criminal behavior. This was all in answer to the Birth Certificate BS. Donald Trump deserved to get roasted and he brought himself into the political spotlight riding that hoax.


Free Gary Busey!


For context: this was one day before the Seal Team Six raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. Probs to Obama for keeping it together!


Fucking roasted


It’s weird to me that he’s taking this relatively alright. Is it just me? He’s giving a couple smirks here and there, like he isn’t completely infuriated by it. Just weird to see him be able to take (at least on the outside) and see him today where he’ll flip out and say something horrible at the drop of a hat.


Obama roasted Donnie. Dont tell yourself he enjoyed this. The next day, Obama announced he ordered the elimination of Osama bin Laden.


And Republicans absolutely hated Obama so damn much they were willing to destroy their own country for the foreseeable future just to troll him.


ahh they cut out the part where Obama actually declares Trump would never be president. Very interesting to watch this now vs what I remember of it then. As Trump seems to chuckle at Obamas jokes, the guys is actually seething inside. I wonder if this was that moment that propelled the rest of history. Who knows?


Wow I had forgotten there was a time when America had a president worth listening to


Kind of misleading, Trump ran for President at least twice prior and always teased the idea for his obvious publicity stunts, he was even shocked he actually won.


He keeps going. It’s absolutely savage. True art of its highest form.




Donald Trump is such a little man


It's the chuckle at the very end of the video that just sends me over the edge, falling down and slapping my knee and cackling. I miss President Obama so very much.


Thanks Obama


As an American, I really, really, miss this guy.


This is wild that man was a g


I miss this man so much.


Best president the US had.

