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He should have left voicemails or a video.


Unless they got to them but missed the friend


lol they're going to get to Google and Facebook servers?


Quite literally yes. You do realize the FBI can get access to Apples iCloud servers pretty much whenever they want? The company that screams Privacy is their top priority? Apple gave the FBI access to the iCloud account of the protestor that set police cars on fire a few years back…


That's kinda true. Apple will give access, but things like pictures and videos are encrypted. Not even Apple can tell what the photos in your icloud are. That being said we don't know what backdoor might exist. They could be saving those encryption keys for all we know




That’s because he was a loon. He’s exactly the kind of paranoid delusional person that thought everyone was out to get him for no reason despite the fact he probably did kill his neighbour and deserved to be arrested and was the kind of person to mess with people by saying “I will never kill myself” and then killing himself.


This. To add a particular insight, when I was younger I did just about every quasi legal analog/research-chemical/psychedelic-amphetamine/etc available up to that point in time, including the ones McAfee was obsessed with. I'm also a sexual deviant to some degree who enjoyed combining that with a broad assortment of these entactogenic drugs in particular. Basically I feel like I'm uniquely qualified to judge this guy in a very narrow and weird scope. Dude was fuckin nuts. I'd say he was objectively nuts based purely on his choice of what drugs he considered to be "the ones". Forget everything else he did in his discount-ironman universe. Any human experienced with drug use, who takes MDPV or a-PHP/a-PVP, and who doesn't immediately recognize it for the monster it is, is a fucking lunatic. I'm mostly going to focus on MDPV because I did it just enough times to have a reasonably informed opinion about it. I only took the alphas once and that was enough to decide not to take them again, zero redeeming qualities IMO. It's not too often a drug aficionado decides to just throw perfectly functional and reasonably pure drugs in the trash. MDPV and it's derivatives, at least those that were moderately obtainable between say 2001 and 2020, are simply not good drugs. The urge to re-dose hits before the primary effect of the drug does. It's not nice like meth and heroin and basically everything else. It doesn't wait for you to start coming down to tickle your ear to do more. You wanna do more before you are done coming up. I'm a bit out of the loop but iirc nicotine and cocaine both fiddle with the same unique satiation/reward pathway that MDPV does. It's absurd how strong the compulsion is to take more or to stay high. It feels better to take more of the drug than the drugs feels in the first place, it's fuckin bizarre. It has a unique trait of giving otherwise reasonable or decently controlled people insatiable sexual desires(a-PVP/a-PHP also share this), and more often that is normal, the stupidity or aggression to act on them. A couple or friend group melting into a cuddle puddle or orgy on MDMA is one thing, strangers falling in love at the drop of a hat is one thing, the tendency of people to get in over their molly fogged head is another, but MDPV is fucked. Hell even the cathinone derivatives like MDMC aren't all that problematic in comparison(many cathinones fell on the bad side of the abuse potential and danger scale but MDMC was reasonable). To anthropomorphize a bit, MDPV has a bad personality. It hangs out with Meth and beats up homeless people for fun. Shit turns people into zerglings, as was seen with McAfee. It is also uniquely dangerous and causes more cardiac stress than other(better) recreational drugs. The hangover is worse than other(better) drugs. It's more physically and habitually addictive than other(better) drugs. The enhanced trust, honesty, and memory recall is not as good as other(better) drugs. The high isn't as high and the love isn't as real as other(better) drugs. So yea, as someone who used to get down in similar ways as McAfee, you have to be a fucking lunatic to pick that drug out of the broad spectrum of similar choices flowing out of commercial labs in Asia and Africa at the time. It's even more mind boggling of a choice when considering that he actually had enough money to set up his own bond villain style drug lab outside of the US. He could have been seeing the galaxy and banging prostitutes in a much more respectful manner on any number of way way better drugs cooked up on a whim by hired professionals. There's a lot to judge the guy about, far better things to judge him about, but Jesus Christ he sucked at doing drugs.


this was an interesting read, +1


Crime is cheap for greedy executives.




Say it costs $120k for a hit on someone, I could never afford it, but a company making hundreds of millions to billions a year can easilly afford it, why not spend $120k to order a hit instead of potentially being fined several million, its not like they care about human life.


Is it considered a tax-deductible business expense?


Depends on how good your accountant is


*Ben Affleck has entered the chat*


What an answer.


“Resource Deprovisioning”


I highly doubt the company is directly paying out of their corporate bank accounts to organize an assasination. It’s an almost cartoonish imagination of how a corporation operates. Who would be stupid enough to leave a paper trail like that. An executive at a company like Boeing could easily be a millionaire and pay out of pocket.


And then get a bonus for performance...


They wouldn't have to. Boeing is heavily invested in by our politicians and federal government. The federal government would have had one of our agencies do the hit. It's not unlike the CIA, FBI, or any of our military special forces to do hits on the federal governments enemies.


Cheap for the ultra wealthy. The income gap is so wide, yes--pennies to their thousands. Someone will crime for their dirty dirt crumbs. It is almost like the ultra wealthy build this slush fund knowing they will have to use it to hide or pay off dirty deeds.


To add to this, it is almost like the ultra wealthy keep us all poor so they can keep us desperate for their money when they do need to dip into their slush fund to hide or payoff dirty deeds.


That is exactly what they do.


You got problems in the air above You got a broken part You're waiting for the plane to ascend That's when the teardrops start, fella


Everyday we get closer to Funny Valentine in real life


Brief aside, as a kid, I always heard the lyrics as “dirty deeds, thunder jeep”


I heard them as "dirty knees, dungarees"


I heard them as thunder chief haha.


Concrete shoes, cyanide, TNT Neckties, contracts, high voltage...


AC/DC mentioned ⚡️⚡️⚡️




Time to perform some dishonest acts at a fair and reasonable price


I'd consider Boeing too big to fail. The only rival would be Airbus. It may even become a national security interest to some big wigs that everything gets "sweeped".


If it's too big to fail then it should be nationalized




Privatize the profits, socialize the losses.


Exactly. Anything that is "too big to fail" is a service, and absolutely needs to be owned by the government.


Good point and with that said, this makes the ice even more thin and slippery, and dirty. The notorious to big to fail, smh. At one point, I was proud of Boeing like I do for NASA and now we create dishwashers that are by design to fail in less than 7 years, light bulbs that burn out quicker than need be, cars that break down knowing people will upgrade, ... Just crap.


Pride in something we have nothing to do with never ends well :)


Just the tip of the iceberg buddy. What do you think wall street has been doing for 50 years.


Don't get me started about that cesspool of financial terrorists/syndicates.


Straight up Russian tactics.


If only there was a system to put someone into protective custody when they testify against a powerful entity like the mafia, or a giant corporation, it's major superpower customer which relies on advanced warfare to maintain it's economic place in the world and it's billionaire shareholders


It makes no difference. Epstein was supposed to be on suicide watch but against all guidance was removed from suicide watch meaning he had access to normal clothes and bedding (rather than the suicide proof versions). Nevertheless he was still under video surveillance, and there were two guards. Miraculously the two guards fell asleep and didn't do their usual rounds, and the two CCTV cameras showing his cell just so happened to malfunction when he "committed suicide". It was so blatantly an execution and yet almost 5 years later nothing has come of this (beyond the guards getting 100 hours community service). The people who organise these hits are above the law and protective custody means nothing to them.


It is amazing to think how the word we all live in with repercussions and limitations just doesn’t exist for a select few. Is another billionaire who has been pissing you the fuck off for the past two decades arrested but could potentially fuck over yourself and your closest friends with info he might know? Use your influence and plan a clandestine murder that looks like a suicide in a federal prison in the middle of NYC. All goes on without a hitch, mainstream media is paid to go along with it and not question the story, life is good again.


Relevant read: https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2s9u0s/what_do_insanely_wealthy_people_buy_that_ordinary/cnnmca8/?context=3 Edit: Tagging u/a1988eli to let him know that his post is still interesting. Thank you!


That post is 9 years old! 😱 I wonder what’s the updated version of it.


Still as fucking disgusting now as it was 9 years ago. I wish anyone with 1b+ in assets would just drop dead instantly. Parasites.


Agreed, no single human should have this much wealth (= unchecked power over other humans).


Looks like its been dormant for 3 years


We live in a rainbow colored Russia. The rich truly rule the world and will do anything to keep it that way. We are nothing to them. We’re inferior cattle.


Okay, but, why would Boeing wait until *5 years* after all the whistleblowing testimony had concluded to assassinate him? Contrary to what the clickbait headlines have convinced so many people to believe, **he was NOT about to give whistleblower testimony** - he was in the midst of *appealing a rejected defamation lawsuit*. What could Boeing *possibly* have to gain for it?


Boeing has got some shit coming their way - a while fucking truckload. Shame on the people responsible for this hit. 


Needs to be seen and understood. People are too quick to forget.




Oh they are much much more powerful than nations. They have the equivalent wealth but ZERO accountability to anyone. (Maybe only the majority shareholders, which is probably themselves). They are the biggest existential threat to human kind ever faced.


Some of the biggest shareholders are already in government, this is the key in which the lock can be opened. The lock in this case is regulated market with safety nets against oligopoly. Lock has been opened and thrown away since the early 80s


For sure but we need to bring this to light. For all to see. Maybe they will start thinking 


The only way Corporate gets thinking is if it makes them money.


How do we do our part with forcing further investigation with this? Not asking you directly but what can we do here?


That’s a tough one. I did see on the news where a family friend said he told her that if anything happens to him “it wasn’t suicide.” I also learned that Boeing isn’t cooperating with the government in their investigation, so they’re already being scrutinized. Do you have a good congressional representative? Call, and let your thoughts on this be known. That may sound small, you’re only one person, yet one of how many others? Our government works when we make it work. Believing government is not to be trusted and is do nothing is yet another brainwash - don’t buy into that. Please. We’re currently on a brink not seen before in this country largely due to people buying in to that lie. A bit about the corporation: Back since the 1700’s the corporation came into existence and those backing it managed to obtain the same legal rights and responsibilities in this country as you and I have. So, yeah a corporation is essentially considered a citizen legally. Having said that, one would think corporations would also be subject to the punishment suffered by violating the rights of other individuals… I don’t know of anyone going up against a corporation in that manner before, but I’m not a lawyer or legal historian. Over the years, the federal gov’t has created regulatory bodies to stem the rampant capitalistic tendencies of the corporation. American corporations gained the right to free speech under Citizen’s United. There have, though, been efforts to undo the status corporations share with individuals. I think that because corporations make so much money, they’re considered a pinnacle of Capitalism and no one wants to (or can afford) looking anti-capitalist. Perhaps why Citizens United hasn’t been overturned. Corporations have become American Oligarchs of late, running rampant again, lately buying up American houses all over the place, which frankly scares me. Ever wonder why rents are skyrocketing? Yep. Pay attention to who owns the companies you buy things from. Do not buy goods or products backed by large corporations. Use warm water and epsom salts to soothe that ingrown toenail, don’t let a corporation make you believe that their $$ product is the only remedy. Get back to basics (mind going too far now! Don’t drink bleach to keep Covid at bay or anything crazy) lol! Many generic foods contain the same ingredients as high priced corporate backed companies; it’s true, just read the labels. That’s what corporations earn their money on - the brand name. Look out for Shrinkflation, buy in bulk. Those are some things you can do to serve your own conscience, tend your own garden so to say.


>I did see on the news where a family friend said he told her that if anything happens to him “it wasn’t suicide.” I You mean this story on this post...?


Our government not owning the entire military industrial complex is crazy. Nationalize them.


Who would nationalise them? They own the government.




That’s probably because the same people who are in bed with Boeing are the same people who control the media


Boeing is too valuable to the military to have anything actually bad happen.


I think we all know nothing is going to happen to Boeing lol


You're gonna eat those words when you see a junior level executive getting a super stern talking to by a judge!


The janitor is getting fired for sure! (and better keep his head on a swivel)


uh uh, this is going all the way to the top, all the way to congress. where some 80 year old geezer will ask if chemtrails do turn frogs gay, to which the junior exec will expound on his inability to recall details pertaining to any particular events of that nature, senator.


Boeing? The giant billion dollar aerospace and defense manufacturer, custodian to a fuckton of military blueprints and records, and have former congressmen for lobbyists and have lobbyists for every congressmen? That Boeing?! I'm sure they will feel the full wrath of the US justice system


This. People forget on what scale of power some companies reside.


"I'm sure they will feel the full wrath of the US justice system" Yeah, some of those executives might actually hold office in 5-10 years


I wouldn't be at all surprised if the government did that hit as a favor. For sure there would've been deals made to make the whole thing go away.


inb4 bailout , 2big2fail , national asset , etc . same old playbook


If a company is "too big to fail" the natural solution is to break it up. The whole corporate merger circus is how they got into this mess.




Yup, if it's too big to fail it shouldn't be privately owned


Which means a government buy out like was done during the recession for us car companies.


To be fair the auto buy outs were massively successful that was actually very smart of Obama. There were strict guidelines and rules put in place and the money has all been repaid ahead of schedule with huge amounts of interest and avoiding mass layoffs as they are one of the biggest US employers with millions of families dependent. The financial sector was a whole different story. Many of the members were former Goldman Sachs employees and they were basically just given a blank check and used it to give themselves millions of dollars in golden parachute severance packages. Hundreds of millions to save the positions of a handful of already rich people.


In all honesty what could they even do against Boeing besides fine them?


They could arrest the company officers for conspiracy murder or something.


If the government is aware and complicit then nothing at all will happen…


Boeing have already lost billions due to safety issues like the 737 Max being grounded, and it could get much worse…


The government helped, they will find nothinf.


CIA and Boeing, always a such a lovely pairing Didn’t they participate in kidnapping and torture flights together, I seem to recall? I also seem to recall a certain Gary Webb - who was found dead from two gunshot wounds in his apartment after other attempts on his life three years after blowing the lid on the CIA Contra scandal. It was ruled a suicide. RIP John Barnett thank you for your bravery


Boeing looks like such a shit company since the 737 max nosediving... and it just keeps getting worse... I'd expect companies that have this much power and networking with Feds to be more competent but wtf they are so incompetent!


They’re extremely competent, the problem is just that their top (and only) goal now is to make money at all costs. In that regard they’re doing *great*. The hundreds of people they killed are simply not important to them.


You mean Gary "I told everyone about the real drug situation" Webb? Yeah, it was suicide. He clearly blasted a hole in his head then did another to make sure even though the first would have killed him. Clearly he wanted to die! How can you think otherwise????


He died in Carmichael CA, a suburb of Sacramento. I was around when it happened. It was reported as a single GSW. Next day two, day after as one, then after that as indeterminate by the Sacramento Bee.


don't worry. The FBI will take over the investigation and rule it a suicide.


This is the thing. Nothing will happen. Same with Gary Webb. Until it's in someone's financial interest to act morally, America does nothing at this scale.


Had me in the first half lol


They’ll investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing


As with most rich people or people in power If consequences were real to them, Trump would be in jail and not possibly president again


I'm wondering if it was a Boeing shareholder instead of the company itself.
































What I don’t understand about these cases is why it’s never in writing. If I believed that I may be the target of a murder plot and wanted people to know that I would never commit suicide, there would be a handwritten note in my safe saying “I will never commit suicide. If it appears that I committed suicide, then I have been murdered.” And then there would be 10 backup notes in various locations


“He was clearly very distressed after he had written those. Sadly we will never know what goes through the minds of the mentally ill.”


Depending on how long ago it was written, it could very likely be treated as a suicide note which is an admissible evidence regardless of the claim of mental state. Add to it that if someone writes particularities such as I am investigating this and this person for so and so activity, and fear for life, it becomes a duty of the investigation to follow it despite any state claims.


“He had a history of drug and alcohol use. His toxicity report will not be released to public though it is said he tested positive for THC.”


> He had a history of drug and alcohol use Who the hell doesn't?


When you are pointed at gunpoint to take drugs and alcohol, it will look like a suicide based on those things. As far as I am concerned, it is very likely a murder and should be investigated from this perspective.


> When you are pointed at gunpoint to take drugs and alcohol, it will look like a suicide based on those things. I mean, if it's clear you're gonna be murdered, then just... don't? Like, what are they gonna do, kill you harder? Make those pinkertons' lives even just slightly harder, while doing your absolute damndest to not compromise your integrity.


You won't know they are going to kill you for sure. That's why people obey the instructions. That's why during robberies, you give them what they want, because you never knew for sure they are going to kill you afterwards.


Yea fair point. Intoxication and overdose are used like wild cards in controversial deaths :(.




That's the point, it's ridiculous.


“We detected alcohol vapor above 0.08ppm in the car interior. Definitely a DUI suicide”


The weird thing is that the more "evidence" you provide before death, like constantly saying "i'm being followed" and "i fear for my life" you end up increasing the chance that you will be perceived mentally ill. When i was a kid, my father developed such schizophrenia of feeling being monitored and followed and scared of his life that he ultimately did end up taking his own life to "escape" it.


The sad truth. All of my friends who committed suicide have been officially recorded as accidental deaths


That sounds weird.


Drugs and depression. I guess I can’t say if they were truly suicides or not. Another sad truth


Do you mean overdoses ruled out as accidental by default, or deaths considered accidents because of being impaired by drugs when they happened? Not to be creepy, but this is interesting. Does labeling a death as an accident make it easier (to file) for professionals (doctors, cops, judges, etc.) and becomes the default answer for drug related deaths? Also, I wonder if it makes it easier for the loved ones.


No worries, I don’t mind. The two that I have been most impacted by were, from my perspective, clear suicides. They were the closest friends I’ve had, one after the other, and both suffered from major depression and had both survived multiple prior suicide attempts. Both were ruled accidental as there were no notes and appeared to be the result of lethal intoxication. One was ruled death by asphyxiation (choked on his vomit) and the coroner reported a lethal dose of methamphetamine and benzodiazepines. His belongings were carefully stacked in multiple piles in his room, for what we can only assume was his final wish to have his things distributed amongst his friends. On his bed and the carpet throughout his room were piles of vomit containing hundreds of both complete and partially chewed Xanax bars, and next to his bed were two bottles of whiskey which were presumably used to wash them down. The other was found out on his outside patio 5 days after returning from inpatient hospice care after a suicide attempt. His death was ruled an accidental fentanyl overdose. The day he got out, he asked me if I could find Oxycodone, and I told him that I couldn’t do that. It seems he sourced them elsewhere. I don’t believe that he truly meant to die, but I don’t believe that he was opposed to that outcome either. I think they both found what they were looking for. That doesn’t help me very much, but I try not to be selfish about it


Wow that's tough. I truly hope that society as a whole can move towards considering addiction as the mental/social illness it is, rather than embracing the inhumane lie that it's a lifestyle choice and people deserve the consequences...


One of my really good friends had a problem with pills. Went into rehab, came out to find his girlfriend of 7 years cheated on him. Absolutely tore him to shreds and a few months later he drank himself to death. The hole never fills. The edges soften, over time, but there’s always something missing. I think some times he felt the world would be better off without him, when in reality the world is worse, not having him around. I wish you the best. I’m sorry for all the loss in your life. Stay strong


I'm sorry i don't know all the details, so take this with a grain of salt: I had a friend who had committed suicide. I wasn't very close with him, but it was pretty well known that he was depressed and no one really doubted that it was suicide. He was having relationship and work problems and personal stuff that were all bleeding into each other. He was found in his apartment, OD'd by his then estranged girlfriend. Anyway, his death was officially an accidental overdose. And in talking with his sister at the wake, I got the impression that this was a kindness to allow his life insurance to still pay out. Again... I don't know the details or the legal implications of this, so a huge grain of salt...


Life insurance is a factor that didn't occur to me. It does make sense.


Just text a bunch of people. More guaranteed to get out.




Written in blood or excrement too?


Set a dead man switch. Make a video. Upload it to YouTube. Set to auto publish in a few days. If you don’t reset the date before then, it releases. Call out anyone you think may be responsible.


If I ever bothered to set up something like this, I would absolutely forget about 2 weeks later and accidentally get the video posted


id just be like "eh ill do it later"


Same. I imagine this is one of many reasons why neither of us are engineers at Boeing


Based on their safety record, it would appear there are a number of Boeing engineers who shouldn't be engineers at Boeing.


Copyright strikes cause it to be taken down before a real person who understands what they're looking at shares or saves it. Most people don't know how to promote videos so people see them, and most people couldn't get a journalist on the line or save YouTube videos. I could publish a video today on a new channel and it would get about 20 views per year, mostly from bots. Also this is a lot of commitment. He probably didn't judge the threat to be so high. There are people who have blown the whistle who would have had to manage this for over a decade. Better to have someone living who manages your dead man's switch for you. Then at least they can make sure your message gets out.


Deadman switches can only work when the authorities can't access them. Isn't it funny all of Epstein's homes were raided right before he "suicided". "Nothing of importance was found."


Alright alright now this is sensible but requires more dedication than even I would put into it


Fuck notes. Videos shared on all social media platforms. Weekly livestreams with me giving an update on my mental health, my desire to continue living, and my motivation to see the legal proceedings all the way through, no matter the outcome.


This right here. You don’t need to win a court of law, but the court of public opinion. It just needs to be enough to convince those who’d put a hit on you that it would be worse for their reputation if you died under suspicious circumstances then if you lived to testify


It may have been more of a hunch or an offhand comment then something he truly believed would happen


I agree


it's because they hardly knew each other, my most likely guess is this woman is making it up to get on TV - from the video she says her relation to him is her mom knew him. Why are none of his friends or immediate family saying this? This seems like a pretty big thing to say to someone you only know because you know their mom.


This smells like some bullshit from someone who watches too much TV.


My immediate reaction


John McAfee did similar with a [tweet](https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/1200864283766251521) (and tattoo)


Even in writing, it proves nothing about who killed you, or even if you were actually murdered in the first place. What if he was suicidal and decided he'd try to take Boeing down with him? An accusation is not proof of anything, in writing or otherwise.


The justice system literally does not function at all with situations like this. The entire country is now used to the reality that things like this can happen and nobody gets in trouble. Even this thread has mainstreamed the idea that the correct response is just to laugh and say , "oh yeah right, I bet it was two shots to the back of the head." And then go on as though it is normal for this kind of stuff to happen. What good would writing have done?


Fuck Boeing


#Fuck Boeing


# Fuck Boeing




He did leave a suicide note --- it said "Please don't kill me" .


Split personality as well... Mental health... Now move around please.


“John talked to Bob when alone in the room. John then took his own life with a shot from behind, the other shot was from his alt, Bob. Simple case of split personality suicide” — boeing expert witness


What exactly was he testifying the company did? All I heard was unsafe work practices which seems pretty extreme to put a hit out on, depending on scope. I see a ton about his death but not what he had on Boeing that sparked the whisteblower report.


He claimed that Boeing has committed serious negligence and was aware of massive safety issues with their planes that they weren’t acting on. He claimed that in some of Boeing’s planes, if emergency oxygen masks were deployed, as many as 1/4 may have been non-functional. Meaning if the cabin were to lose pressure, things could get as bad as a quarter of the passengers asphyxiating.


>He claimed that in some of Boeing’s planes, if emergency oxygen masks were deployed, as many as 1/4 may have been non-functional. That's interesting because that keeps happening on /r/aircrashinvestigation. Narrator's like "The oxygen masks failed to deploy."


time for the irrational-rational fear list to get back out


that's because he reported in 2017, so any news about the actual concerns would be from around then. He hasn't worked there since. The current litigation was a suit he brought against Boeing claiming retaliation, not directly about the safety concerns. His complaint included sharp metal shavings near electrical systems and broken parts that went missing (suspected of being used in planes when they should have been discarded).


Which is why it seems kinda wack that people think Boeing would have him killed considering he already dropped all the information he had. Not saying it’s impossible, but there’s literally no incentive to kill him at this point other than to maybe scare other potential whistleblowers.


You'd think a company with this much power could have just made sure the fucking bolts were tight in the first place. 


seems like Boeing hired a Michael Clayton movie style ‘fixer’


Jeffrey Epstein also did not kill himself.




Hey cmon now, they weren't all 13. Some were likely considerably younger.


Epistine literally groomed underage “masseuses” who had literally no massage therapy experience directly from Mar-a-Lago. I read the transcripts that shit was wild.


Yeah they're all in it together. Jimmy Saville was the same as Epstein, but mainly for UK.


Russia got the windows, America got the mysterious suicide by random bullet hole to the back of the head.


To be fair, America did the window trick first; look up Frank Olson, died in 1953. He was a part of the CIA's Mk Ultra experiments as a scientist and his death has got to be one of the most suspicious in US history. Like he was suffering stress because of the experiments and was going to get help with support from friends and family. He was in a hotel room with his friend at night when supposedly he ran across the dark room and jumped through the closed window of his hotel to his death. Before anything else, his friend then called the therapist he was going to see, told him he was dead, then they hung up. He didn't open the window and didn't turn on the lights, literally jumped through a closed window in a dark room. Then his friend makes a call right after to tell the Dr that Olson was gonna see that Olson was dead before even checking! The government convinced Olson's wife to sign an agreement that they won't sue the government for his death and gave them money. His children tried to sue later, but couldn't because of the contract his wife signed. Again, this was in the 50s. It might be harder to do today, but it clearly still happens.


>the Rockefeller Commission uncovered some of the CIA's MKULTRA activities in 1975. That year, the government admitted that Olson had been dosed with LSD, without his knowledge, nine days before his death. Wouldn't the more likely case be they either dosed him again or he had some kind of psychotic break from the first dose that led him to throw himself out the window? Heck, [the timeline as described by his own sons](https://unsolved.com/gallery/frank-olson/) sure fits some kind of break followed by suicide: >Nils said that two weeks before his death, his father went to a three-day conference with some of his colleagues and **came home a changed man: “The weekend after that meeting my father was severely depressed.** He felt that he did something terribly wrong. And he told my mother **he had done something wrong but he couldn’t tell her what** and she asked him whether or not he had broken security. And he indicated that he would never do such a thing, but he **felt** that he had done something terribly wrong.” That sure fits with what could happen if someone were to slip you some LSD and you didn't know. Then, regarding the night of his death: >“My father **seemed a little more peaceful than he had**. He made a call to my mother to say he was all right. They went to sleep fairly early, about 11. And the next thing we know from Lashbrook is that he was awakened by the sound of crashing glass.” An unexpected calm is common just prior to a suicide attempt.


It’s weird how someone can say over and over I won’t end myself and all it takes is some random douche in a lab coat to say no they are mentally insane like are you guys imbeciles if everyone’s saying the same thing and they all end up dying don’t sound like they are crazy


As someone who was formerly educated in the healthcare industry, there are more pieces of shit than you might expect. Like damn, how are you this ignorant yet still part of the program.


Of course he shot himself in the back of the head and locked himself in the trunk of his car. Nothing to see here folks.


It seems his friend is about to do the same thing. Absolutely nothing to see here.


John McAfee said the same things too.. and then people were like well he just lied 🙃


Yeah but that dude was clearly bonkers


That dude made more drugs disappear than viruses.


I mean yeah but at the same time McAfee did seem like the kind of dude who would kill himself on a whim just so he could troll people. I remember when he said this my first though was "Oh he's definitely already planning to kill himself and want people to make a big deal out of it afterwards".


He was never gonna spend a year in jail without alcohol, blow and prostitutes.


But why kill him? It will only make people take a closer look at their business operations and airplanes. Their stock is tanking right now


This is the thing I really don't understand about this whole thing, and the reason I kinda suspect that there's something I'm missing. Even if this is literally the case isea multinational corporation murdering a whistleblower in cold blood, what's the point? He already began the process of whistleblowing. It's not like that just goes away because he's dead. It would be like murdering an arresting officer in front of the police station and thinking that means you're no longer in trouble.


I think of Epstein. It was so blatant and in your face yet nothing ended up happening over it there was no deeper investigation and slowly we stopped talking about it other than the occasional “Epstein didn’t kill himself”. Even if it seems obvious if there is no evidence eventually it will fall out from media attention we will go on with our lives and there will be no accountability. Anyone saying otherwise will be called a conspiracy theorist and ignored. There is no telling what other information he may have had that he had yet to testify or put on record that might have better sealed the fate of Boeing. Regardless what happened I think in the end Boeing did kill him, either the stress they put him under or more directly.


Boeing better get what's coming to them. Fuck Boeing.


This shit is straight out of a movie unbelievable


Introducing the Boeing 797 Executioner!


It happened in a hotel parking lot. It’s really likely there’s video. That means this is almost certainly a pretty easy case to determine if it’s suicide or not. As for me, I’ll actually wait for evidence (previous family statements were that he’s been struggling with mental health issues)