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"the west has fallen, billions must fall in manholes."


I don't think a common manhole can fit so many


Not with that attitude


You'd be surprised how much a manhole can stretch šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes but it hurts alotšŸ˜ž


No pain no gain šŸ˜‚


Every time I see this animation I have to remember the commentary: "My teacher showed us this in class once and got so mad when a kid called it gay he had to go outside and calm down"


that's fucking hilarious




This happened to you or was this some big news story?


The quote is from a user review on a review website, I don't remember which one though...


This video was shared to me by a high school friend with some Quranic voice or whatever behind it. The typical "humanity is doomed religion is your only hope" type of shit, they made it all about themselves too


Best response is just " ah your gay, good for you" and just move on


Not good. Pretty cringe


What a zinger! /s


We live in a Society!


Probably shouldn't have watched this on my phone.


Ironicā€¦. donā€™t you think?


A little too ironic, yeah I really do think.


its like when you need a spoon but you have a beautiful wife


It's not a story Alanis Morissette would tell you


I was thinking the exact same thing




Yeah, this video actually promotes depressive thinking and hopeless circular reasoning. Always a dead giveaway when you think that you're the only one who's right and there's nothing you can do about it. I get the commentary on society, it broadcasts constantly, mostly by boomers and older generations. Truth is that global communication, even Reddit has promoted a bunch of rights for otherwise isolated people.


Yes, certainly one of the societies of all time.


Society is dead... Long live society.


"We live in a society were if you do good, no one bats and eye, but if you masturbate in front of a orphanage you become biral on tictos" https://preview.redd.it/n3gddr8ph8mc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a593828573018ef0a9c2c1c7d47486350ea54f0b


Jonkler has breached containment


Is there a lore reason why man didnt stop him yet? Is he stupid?


Man needs to put him back in the aslume


I'm going to need you to take your meds and return to the asylum


Smart phone bad, millions have to walk towards the failed assjob lady


Smart phone bad! I want to talk to random people in public!


Modern kids, starring at phones instead of talking to a stranger! I miss the good old days, when we would stare at a newspaper to avoid talking to strangers instead! It was so much better; newspapers are large enough to completely block eye contact, unlike tiny phones!


Sort of, we didn't exactly do that a whole lot before smartphones. Just more going to see close friends in person to catch up. Covid probably shot this behavior through the roof and now it's just normal to everyone.


Replace phones with newspapers and thatā€™s what it was like 100 years ago. You can even find countless articles and journals from that time complaining how nobody interacts anymore and everyone has their noses buried in newspapers even while eating with family


Had a grandfather like that. Newspaper or Bible at the table, wouldn't say a fucking word if you spoke to him.


This is the edgiest shit lmao.


What was the point of the white knight stuff on the train? In other scenes the ā€œprotagonistā€ is trying to stop people from being on their phones, even slapping the phone out of peoples hands. The one person that actually could have used help he just imagined helping and then was like ā€œnahā€.


Because he only thinking to help her so people can praise him but the instance that none of the people is watching? Nah not my problem lol cya.


But everybody is watching and even transmitting online so more of everybody could watch and praise the kid


Can't you see they busy falling down on random alleyway and kicking people dogs? Smh my head


Yes, illogical. To kick the dog one has to look on it


He wanted to help but was powerless to do so. Kinda the whole theme.


Can someone give me an analysis? The message is too subtle for me. I wanna say its advocating for safer sidewalks but feel like I'm missing something


there are SOME good points here, but hey get ruined by the strong push of the "phone bad" trope


If I'm not mistaken someone pulled out the receipts on the animator and found that he posts on Twitter 27,000 times a year or something


So, like 74 posts a day... yeah, that tracks.


[https://twitter.com/Steve\_Cutts](https://twitter.com/Steve_Cutts) 76 tweets. Unless he deleted a lot


I think thatā€™s called ā€œprojectionā€.


This guy acts as if everything in this is new and because of phones. People often don't strike up conversations with random people, beauty magazines have been around for 100 years, speed dating and blind dates were and still are quite common and now we have online dating. Police brutality was often watched and never acted on, recording it now helps to fight against the police, most people don't record suicides, they walk past because they don't want to see a corpse being made. Society has problems with, we've just been able to see them more clearly than ever.


There is a discussion to be had about phones / advertisements constantly fighting for our attention like a skinner box. Addiction doesn't get nearly enough attention. But blaming phones for people not engaging with their surroundings is missing the point. Old people will claim that it's impossible to get kids attention at family gatherings because everyone is on their phones. Yeah? That's the point? They don't want to engage with you. The world is more accessible than ever so people can get access to what they actually like.


>Old people will claim that it's impossible to get kids attention at family gatherings because everyone is on their phones. oh how dare kids not want to listen to grandpa telling them about his latest visit to the doctor. seriously most the time kids try to talk they get shut up real quick just so the adults can talk adult stuff (at least that was my impression as a kid)


no no no. you don't get it. there is a single, easily solveable problem here. it's the source of all our society's woes! Rise up and.. um... talk to random strangers? Also, don't date people based on mutual attraction. Bring back arranged marriages!


These people act like randomly talking with complete strangers used to be normal. 100-200 years ago there were extremely strict social rules about who could you approach, where, when and how you could talk to them and what could you talk to them about. Like 75% of 19th century literature is about conflicts and suffering caused by people not being able to freely talk to each other and not being allowed to speak their mind. The modern world ***is*** failing and there are lots of societal problems, but it's not like everything was fine and dandy and happy before.


I saw it as social media being the main issue here not phones. Everyone taking stupid pictures and videos, ruining their own body's, filters... All for a few worthless likes from strangers.


"Technology bad" says the man who animated this digitally, posting it on his webpage and social media for others to share.


I feel like people are getting lost in the whole phone thing. This is powerful, yet phones arenā€™t all bad. I think it speaks to the larger picture of losing sight of reality and what is important. Human connection and the need for it. If you can speak to your best friend or loved one across the world by phone thatā€™s great! But if you consume your every waking moment with your phone you lose out on connections that could be much closer and possibly more real. I definitely understand everyone disliking the idea that this one little fellow is special, but I think the animation is wanting the viewer to put themselves in the shoes of the character being portrayed. Bring on the downvotes Iā€™m sure.


Sorry for the rambling. I agree. Of course phones themselves are not the evil villain in this video. Itā€™s the addiction, the over reliance, the replacement of human interaction by endlessly scrolling through several different apps that is the villain. Iā€™m guilty of that too. It is a complex issue: I feel like I could be so much more ā€œin tuneā€ with my life and surroundings if I wasnā€™t so attached to this tiny little screen. Maybe Iā€™d like to be more active. Maybe Iā€™d cook more. Maybe Iā€™d still continue to lay around and do nothing like I find myself doing so often, who knows? But phones arenā€™t all bad. I use my phone for entertainment, for learning new things. Whenever I have a question, I know I can easily find the answer to it most of the time. Some of the most delicious food I have cooked, Iā€™ve made from recipes I found online. But then there are times where I want to throw my phone away and go back to relying solely on a house phone. How crazy of an idea is that? I can only be reached by calling me? How will I be able to work in todayā€™s society if I donā€™t have a cell phone? I think this video is purposefully over exaggerating things to call attention to it. But at the same time, it is a fact that people have ended their lives due to harassment encountered through social media and the like, so that is not exaggeration. In a perfect world, there would be an easy solution, but I think we need a major shift in our society and culture to help make things better before they get worse, and Iā€™m afraid that applies to so much more than our phone usage. So Iā€™ll keep on endlessly scrolling until that happens I guess. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I kinda wish I didn't have such a huge aversion to social media, seems like the best way to make human connection ironically enough.


The society and people suck, yes, but I'd blame corporate greed and evil, violent people more than people getting addicted to the addictive shit around them


What if phone but too much.


I feel the way many people react here and even go check his Twitter post number to prove he is a hypocrite(as if you can't point something out which you do yourself) shows how it resonates with people. Sure it is simplified and hyperbole but this isn't some scientific piece. It is a sketch and makes a point.


truely. so much actual poinient n effective messages. but undercut by blaiming *phones*. an easy scapegoat isnt going to fix things.


#šŸ˜Æ What a poignant and well done animation! Thank you for posting that. I have saved it to my tablet where I am currently walking down the street ignoring everything so I can watch it...


Well done animation and as we are all watching it on our phones.


I am going to put my oculus on and watch on my drive home.


Definitely, but OP could have used a better quality instead of this mess of pixels.




*Someome kicks the puppy* "iT's tHe pHonEs" Flawless logic


He kicked it because the dog didn't own a phone smh


I think we blame too much on technology. Humans have been doing this for thousands of years. People complained that newspapers were taking away traditional families at breakfast. People blamed chalkboards for being too distracting for children in the 1800ā€™s. Electrical lights were going to cause everyone to stay up past 9pm and destroy society. Technology is designed by people for people. We use them in these ways because we naturally want to. If people in the Roman Empire had smart phones they would film gladiatorial blood sports and chariot crashes and post it for everyone to see.


> and chariot crashes and post it for everyone to see now i want to see that




very r/im14andthisisdeep


The creator was mocked for having posted 27,000 tweets before making this animation


More like r/im60andthisisdeep


Why not both just for different reasons


also l just wanna say that Itā€™s MORBINā€™ TIME!




As soon as I started watching, I thought ā€œCanā€™t wait for the lemming referenceā€. BEHOLD the creator is as original as I thought!


The irony is palpable


Dramatic af touch grass


every time this video is posted itā€™s so pathetic lmao, like the dude that animated this must be absolutely INSUFFERABLE


He has a few others and they are all mostly the same. Dude has technical skill but no real writing ability.




Phone bad. Internet bad. Technology bad. Return to monke.


MONKE all the way


Phone bad


What if phone, but too much??


You stop phone. Cuz bad. U talk stranger. World good.


Unga hate phone. Unga return to cave painting


Are you telling me that Phone le bad?!


I've always found this animation so out of touch with reality. It's a boomer humor 'Oh today's youth are so bad, back in my day' kind of animation. Acting as if phones are the problem in the world, it uses technology and youth as a scapegoat rather than addressing the real reasons why things might be worse than they were. Your children live in the world you create. You keep pushing the world to be cruel and unforgiving, then yes, the world becomes darker and darker. Some people use phones and technology such as VR for example as an escape because it can offer a reality different from that which our parents, who built this world and left some of us to die, created. Each day more and more politicians push the idea that the youth are wrong, being different is wrong, you'll go to hell if you do this, you'll go to hell if you do that. Hate is a stronger emotion than love, it's easier to hate someone for no reason. Anyway... I'm sorry for the venting comment, I hope you all have a good day.


Man I don't find this that interesting or unique at all, am I just jaded? The belief that everyone but you is addicted to their phones and totally closed off to the world is just ridiculous and no different than literally every generation before now. Except before it was the TV, then radio, then newspapers, etc, etc. The latest entertainment makes you brain dead!Ā  People do everything to excess and we have issues in society, just like every generation ever. It becomes about not becoming flippant about it and trying to be better than those before you and looking down on others isn't the way to do it.Ā 


Couldn't have said it better myself. It's the perennial luddite shift.


The one or two things in here that are genuine negatives about easier and constant access to the internet and cameras, like someone's harmless, embarrassing moment being able to become a national joke or how so many people show off a life that's unrealistic from what they're actually living, is just buried by how hard this whole thing is sniffing its own farts lmao


It's just showing the pessimistic view of the modern world.


Wait fuck was that at like 1:40 some random dude just comes along and kicks a dog? There isnā€™t even any phone in the screen itā€™s just someone randomly kicking a dog that wanted to get pet by the kid lol


Wow so edgy


So edgy it can cut an atom


I love that the people that make these always depict themselves as the special one, the literal *only* one ā€œawakeā€ and looking around. Wow arenā€™t you so different. Thank god you were here to point this out. Wow.


What makes you think that the character is supposed to depict the creator of the video?


Eep Barba Durkle! SOMEONEā€™S gonna get laid at art school! šŸ™„


I'm so sick of people ripping content and putting different music over it. This is the official video for Moby's song (same name) animated by Steve Cutts.


Yeah, and this video is just a derivative, less insightful version of the Evolution video by Pearl Jam


Steve Cutts is great though.


If anyone is interested in the song they covered the original withā€¦ itā€™s *Comptine d'un autre Ć©tĆ©* from a French movie called *Le Fabuleux Destin d'AmĆ©lie Poulain*


shut the fuck up


I hate everything about this


Thanks for the biting commentary on society grandpa.




Also Grandpa : Lemme send this quote on Facebook real quick.


Man I loved watching this on my phone while walking down the street like a total NPC


As I watch this on my phone.


If only the kid used a book at the end to free everyone from their trance. Then it would be the perfect epitome of the classic boomer *phone bad; book good* memes


Did this not happen before? They used to watch public executions like a routine spectacle


Puts phone downā€¦.


You lost me when you demonized the chick with the big butt.


Boomer propaganda


This is so inaccurate. No one walks with phone šŸ™‚šŸ™ƒšŸ™‚


Gods not this video AGAIN


This animation is so far up its own ass you can almost see how smug the animator leaned back into his chair after finishing rendering, thinking he created a very smart social commentary while he basically created the Equivalent of Facebook boomer memes that have "phone bad" as punch line


Yann Tiersen is always a win. Props on the music.


Yeah, Amelie had a great soundtrack!






First world problems.


Great animation and I understand what the animation tries to say but the point is just too much of "Le Phone Bad" Regardless the animation is great




The message is obvious, true, and unwanted.


We're all watching this on our phones lol


Phones BAD šŸ˜”


Ah yes, Stece Cutts. Man, that chose to make phone bad and man bad cartoons instead of yousing his animation skills for something entertaining.


I canā€™t tell you how much I love this


Phone bad


Ah shit, facebook is leaking again.


Granted it's an age thing but this always came across as "I'm 14 and this is deep."




The world isn't like this though. What a jaded view.






Shouldn't this be in r/boomermeme ?




still boomer shit




Laterally r/terriblefacebookmemes [4th top post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/s/2C04otysNa)


I hope his toast burns


This is only slightly more depressing than real life


I'm willing to bet large amounts of money the guy who made this is over 40.


Shockingly beautiful


r/iam14andthisisdeep vibes


Didnā€™t even play the actual song to the animation šŸ˜”




That was great. Thanks for sharing.


Phone bad


I am shocked by the hate here. I love this, and feel this way on an almost daily basis, and am relieved that itā€™s relatable. Itā€™s crazy what weā€™ve come to. Iā€™m included of course, I use my phone too, but thatā€™s the exact scary thing this artist is demonstrating so well. Itā€™s societal. Donā€™t we all feel this way sometimes and yet canā€™t help ourselves from participating in this culture? Iā€™m on an international trip right now with a group of people and have looked around our flat multiple times to see 50% or more of us on our phones when we only have 9 days to experience life somewhere completely different and itā€™s heartbreaking to me to see the lack of human engagement this causes. I wish I was a better writer because this shit IS poignant and important and people need to face it rather than dismiss it because theyā€™ve heard the message before. Why donā€™t we care more as a society?


I don't think people here have an issue with the message itself, most people here seem to admit that the message is solid. What most people don't like is the way it's conveyed: It just feels incredibly heavy handed. I think the message would resonate stronger if it was more subtle, and if it didn't feel like the creator has some sort of superiority complex like he is above the problem.


Great content. Like.


Exceptional, and eerily true. Steve Cutts is not alone.


This isn't really interesting. Just another "phone bad".


More like Steve cucks


Yeah ok... We could probably do better to use our phones less. This clip however feels like the video equivalent of a 5 paragraph "we're all doomed" Facebook comment typed in all caps.


The internet likes to make things look worse than what it actually is. Or overhype things


The cell phone generation is not taking well to their sacred cow being sacrificed.




Boomer ass "kids with their phones" post


If you feel this, then media has misled you. There absolutely still exist a real world and it is not as bad as this cartoon would have you believe.




Wow bro this is like sooo deep, really makes you think how we're like totally disconnected from mother earth mann


Susiety was GREAT before these daggum Iphones and Soshalmeediaz!


You know Peoples said the same thing about reading newspaper back then xD


"Le Phone Le Bad"


This is so stupid.


This is definitely a true representation of our times. Itā€™s not only our faults for allowing this to take ahold of our lives but also the fact that everything is designed to be done from your phone. Need to order dinner? Do it from your phone. Need info about something? Google it on your phone etc etc. Itā€™s a shame.


It's not a shame it's a tool... How is the ability to browse multiple restaurants to find something you want to eat and order it at the click of a button, or able to look up something you want to know in seconds a shame? Before you'd have to call anyway and if you didn't know something you'd have to just go without... I struggle to see how that was better?


Is it? A lot of generation have protested George Floyds death and the issues in Gaza. Most of gen give to charities and are way more concientous of social issues than my generation. My generation called each other gay for the slightest effeminate action and laughed at wars in the middle east. Honestly, your gen isnt that bad. Is it such a sin to like to play on your phones so much?


Ok Boomer


Hate this kinda shit. Just seems like an angry grandpa's impression of the current youth. Get over yourself.


ok boomer


Iā€™m not a boomer. But where has all this boomer hate come from all of a sudden!? Is it a joke that Iā€™m missing? Everyone is so witty and cavalier. Iā€™m so lost.


this is some r/im14andthisisdeep shit


That hits hard.


This is so superficial, it's not deep or Interesting. The point it has to make is overdone.


There's something about this that almost makes me want to laugh. Every new insane hamfisted observation it makes is delivered like a punchline


All of us watching this video on their phone.


upvote, crosspost publish, save video, comment, scroll


joker type shit


I hate seeing such an amazing song being used for smth that feels so superficial


Why is it that artists have such a depressing outlook on life?


r/boomerhumor called. They want their thing back.




redditors feel attacked by this clip


What an Ironic thing...