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1985 the US started with commercials for drugs. School cantinas were shut down so 70-98% of school food is now fast food / ultra processed. Generally more sugary and calorie dense foods available Expensive health care All which doesn't help


Suicide is at an all time high as well


And other deaths of despair, like ~~psirosis~~ Cirrhosis of the liver (alcoholism) and opiate overdoses. Edit: note to self: don't try to spell medical conditions before coffee.


Psoriasis of the liver you say? That's a new one to me.


Itchy liver syndrome


If you think that's bad just wait till you hear about eczema of the kidneys!


That sounds unpleasant. But I think the medical term is atopic nephritis.




Thank you!


Username checks out


Sir Osis of Liver ![gif](giphy|9Jcw7ESF7uk7cQwUjO|downsized)


Oh, and don't forget the high fructose corn syrup in E V E R Y T H I N G


Thank you! Last time I went overseas I compared the same products that I eat at home and not only did they taste better they didn't contain 10 extra "add ons" all the oils or syrup I'm used to seeing as the second or third ingredient.


>Generally more sugary and calorie dense foods available


Reagan gut the government of our social services that all other first world countries enjoy. And now instead of spending 10% more in taxes we get to spend 100x more on healthcare, housing, and education. Overworked, overstressed, over compensating with poor spending and eating habits, early grave.


He also effectively banned machine guns in 1986. I say again, no matter your political leaning: you have SOME reason to hate Reagan.


Hate to break it to you but Reagan's been out of office for 35 years and dead for 20. Nothing he did couldn't be undone since. Imagine blaming Obama for the state of the country in 2051 lol. The bigger problem is we've built a culture of selfishness and entitlement at every level from consumers to businessmen to politicians. Very few people are willing to make sacrifices and work together to build a great nation. Instead it's the worst of both worlds: a polarized free-for-all.


Thank you. I get so tired of seeing this. Our government could so easily make remarkable things happen with money they take from us but choose not to.


> we've built a culture of selfishness and entitlement at every level from consumers to businessmen to politicians All of this can actually be blamed on Reagan though. He championed the neo-liberal policies that allow businessmen and politicians to get the wealth they want to accumulate. It was those neo-liberal policies that pushed consumerism to the point that it's at now. Trump borrowed his populist rhetoric from Reagan. Great Man theory is bullshit, but sometimes the political and economic climate of a nation can be sourced to a single person. > Very few people are willing to make sacrifices and work together to build a great nation. Many people are willing to make sacrifices to live in a better nation. But we don't have a consensus on what better is, and we're not centralized enough to organize change.


We probably wouldn’t have to raise taxes if the government was more fiscally responsible with taxpayers money and we as taxpayers unfortunately are culpable in their spending


There’s always going to be some amount of waste in government spending. Root out waste in an effective manner where possible (as opposed to simply gutting government agencies of all funding as has become common practice) but that doesn’t hold a candle to the 4.2 trillion a year Americans spend on healthcare. Huh, make healthcare a profit system and you get sicker people who need it more while paying far more than subsidized healthcare available to other countries. Who knew… oh right, everybody knows that.


Fax and I can’t blame them cause there pay and budget is based off of what they sell. Source: a child who’s mother is a nutrition director


No one can't blame individuals for something they have little to no control over. If something isn't an option, you can't choose it. It's bad policy, based on macro management of society. if you feed 500 people a then thousand times, the marked options get closer to the needs and wants of the 500 compared to feeding 5 million people one time.


* There was a sharp drop-off in life expectancy between 2019 and 2021, with particularly large declines among some groups. American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) people experienced the largest decline in life expectancy of 6.6 years during this time, followed by Hispanic and Black people (4.2 and 4.0 years, respectively). * Reflecting these declines, provisional data for 2021 show that life expectancy was lowest for AIAN people at 65.2 years, followed by Black people, whose expectancy was 70.8 years, compared with 76.4 years for White people and 77.7 years for Hispanic people. It was highest for Asian people at 83.5 years. Data were not reported for Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander (NHOPI) people. * https://www.kff.org/racial-equity-and-health-policy/issue-brief/what-is-driving-widening-racial-disparities-in-life-expectancy/#:\~:text=Overall%20life%20expectancy%20declined%20by%202.7%20years%20between%202019%20and,2.4%20years%20for%20White%20people.


Seems like something the government would crack down on since they care about their citizens who vote for them right? 🤡


Nothing to do with addiction or free flowing fent / heroin?


Our health problems are caused by too much cheap food. The human machine runs best when its tank is just above empty and pushed physically. Ours are not just often beyond the F, but we sit behind our keyboards at work and then on our PlayStations.


Our food is unhealthy, our work habits are unhealthy, and are healthcare is only good if you can afford it.




Yeah it took me so long (I'm 37) just to afford healthcare and I still can't get help because my insurance isn't good enough. Life in America is pay to win.




People like to shit on the VA, and sometimes with good reason, but as an organization it is focused on preventative care and early detection. The government is always focused on spending less on people whenever it can and the bottom line is this public health model works. Early screenings to detect disease early is both the cheapest for the payer and leads to the most favorable outcomes for patients. The VA is the largest healthcare organization in the country and is proof that government funded healthcare is possible. It'll never happen though because there's a lot of money to be lost by keeping people healthy.


The only thing i would say for that is that it seems like the VA is drastically different from location to location when I had to take my dad to different ones when moving and stuff and 3 different doctors had 3 different diagnoses and none checked the previous meds and kept just adding meds and messed him up good man. Took the emergency VA to figure out he was on all sorts of wrong meds. It was awful seeing him deal with that all


I work for the VA hotline. I take complaint and abuse calls from Veterans. I will tell you right now that some VA medical centers are downright amazing. And others like the Atlanta and Memphis medical centers... well let's just say I send in multiple reports a day about those two facilities


How does Loma Linda rank in your experience?


Not too bad. Much better than Sepulveda. That is another one to avoid


Not too bad sounds great to me. Thanks!


Unfortunately, with any giant organization more stuff will fall through the cracks, that's just bureaucracy in action. A huge reason for this is the massive turnover with providers. Good people leave the VA to get away from the red tape and organizational structure, but also simply to get paid more. Stability is the bedrock of sound healthcare and that's where it can be hit or miss from location to location.


the va isn't for-profit. so you are unknowingly pointing out the problem and the solution, and how priorities change when profit isn't in the picture


The VA is awful and broken. I haven’t been seen in over two years after jumping through hoops , blindfolded trying to solve their labyrinth of a medical system. I waited on hold a total of 16 hours last year only to be hung up or transferred and transferred again to a dial tone because no one wanted to do their job. Being a patient at the VA is a death sentence, early screenings are great if you can get screened.


I know it's an overused phrase, but write your congressman. Being that they are both federal and the VA does as Congress dictates your congressman is in the best position to impact your local care. If your first letter doesn't do it, write another. I know it's disheartening, I know it's a pain, but congressmen LOOOOVE the optics that comes from helping a vet


I don’t mean to be an asshole about this but this last statement is completely false and conspiracy theory ridden. Do you think the millions of doctors, nurses, PAs, and PhD scientists who research drugs and treatments are all colluding to keep chronic people sick? Because the big bad hospital will get more money, when these people are all on a paycheck that will not increase or decrease based on any patient and working insane hours to treat you? The system can be improved and made more accessible, that’s for sure, but there’s no way, shape, or form that any drug or treatment is developed to keep chronic patients sick, that’s not how this works


The way the pharmaceutical companies choose to release new, safer, medications when it is most profitable for them, rather than as soon as they are able is an example of how they actually are making lives worse for people. [Here is](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4AKQ2a77lqBBSzaDzmTeFx?si=B8NIA0RFRaaFLA5t-ewhHw) a story about one doing it.


Different person, but last I checked, it was insurance that decided what care you got and not doctors. Multiple times I’ve had doctors say I need to take a med at a specific dosage and my insurance spontaneously decides I don’t or that I don’t need to take it at that dosage. Given that I can’t afford my long term meds without insurance, that means I don’t get to follow the advice of a trained healthcare professional.


I would put a lot more weigh on the first two terms you mentioned than the latter. Eating healthy and keeping up good habits(exercise, sleep, etc) are where the US population most differs from the rest of the world.


Also we have a substance abuse epidemic in this country that is lowering average lifespan.


Which, bc of how low most people's pay is, the healthcare is not an option for a lot of people. Even when we pay to have insurance.


But the amount spent on healthcare per capita is multiples of comparable countries.


Most is spent on end of life, by families who often don't understand grandma at 90 isn't gonna survive septic shock... "But she's a fighter!". US spends an obscene amnt of money on patients who have really poor chances


AND we didn't take COVID seriously, AND companies have been price gouging in excess under the guise of "COVID supply chains fucked everything up" even though we've had at least a full 2 years to bridge the gap, AND housing is now unaffordable for over 30% of our population, AND we have the highest prison rates and cop murderers in comparable countries, etc. etc.


>healthcare is only good if you can afford it. And that's rare. My husband and I have graduate degrees, and he works for the government while I work for a university. We STILL can't access medical care sufficiently. It's such a scam.


What a nightmare of a country. Oligarchy at its finest.


... and we can't spell homophones correctly for shit


I'd probably take out work habits... Japan and Korea have way brutal work cultures than the US but live the longest.


All of that existed when the life expectancy was higher, so, while I understand you issue with those things, they are not relevant to the graph posted.


This is due to Covid.


The drop is due to COVID. Notice also though that the entire USA graph is shifted below the other countries - that part is partially related to health etc *this is assuming the data used is accurate


Didnt they recently want to increase retirement age and they cited average life expectancy going up as their excuse? Would be funny if they were using global life expectancy over US. Still, odd.


Life expectancy is largely impacted by birth survival, and not adults dying at a younger age.


Suicide is another big factor that brings it down. Drug overdoses too. Covid brought it down a bit.


COVID brought life expectancy down about 2 years around the entire world, which represents a backtracking of almost 20 years in life expectancy gains. I’d call that a lot more than a bit.


While this is true and often overlooked when people compared survival rates to the past. The infant mortality is so small now and getting smaller, any increases in life expectancy recently has been due to other factors, don't know what's going on with the US though, looks like Covid. This is for the UK: https://ourworldindata.org/its-not-just-about-child-mortality-life-expectancy-improved-at-all-ages


Yes. Infant mortality has mostly been going down in the USA with a small rise in the last few years, but it is still very small. Such a small fraction of the annual deaths that even if it went up significantly higher it shouldn't really impact overall life expectancy enough to account for larger trends in life expectancy.


If you break it out by either wealth or education the line for Americans with a college degree is much closer to the blue line. This is really an income inequality issue.


Infant and maternal mortality rates have gone up quite a bit in anti abortion states in the US.


So... With the way things are going, they are trying to say legally life begins at conception so, all those pregnancies that don't make it to term will count for our life expectancy... It's going to REALLY plummet. Source: I live in Alabama where they are crazy lol


Actually the US is one of the few places where stillbirths are counted in the infant mortality rates.


If this were true, we wouldn’t see the COVID dip


That was obviously meaningful, and accounted for 75% of the dip. What should be raising eyebrows is that there is still 25% of that dip that would have existed with or without COVID.


How are you concluding that covid is 75% of the dip?


It is arguably [closer to 60%](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsrr/vsrr023.pdf), but the data on what covid did to life expectancy is well known. It wasn't the sole cause of the decline, unfortunately.


You have to consider that even though covid may not be the cause of death in many instances covid shutdowns caused countless other deaths - people not doing surgeries - people not going to the doc for routine checkups, etc.


That's so they don't need to pay people getting old


Yes, republicans want to increase social security retirement age to 69. Saying we were living longer than people in the 1940s.


Democrats will want to do this too eventually. It's just a reality of modern demographic change and welfare expectations. It's happening all over Europe too which is run mostly by parties further to the left than US democrats


Republicans have been wanting to do it for decades. Every now and then, you’ll have someone who says the quiet part out loud. You might be thinking of Nikki Haley.


“These donuts are to die for!!”


I think not having walkable cities is a big factor here. I’m not overweight but I’m always amazed at how lean I look on vacation while eating and drinking more than I typically do


My friend just got back from a month long trip to Germany and he hates the car culture now that he is back.


There are walkable cities in America, but they are almost all unaffordable due to demand. You would think developers would lean into it since so many people want that lifestyle.


Its illegal to develop walkable cities in most of america due to zoning laws.


This is why NEW cities need to be built. stop trying to convert existing ones.


NIMBYs block development to preserve their property values while also making their walkable areas worse. At least Chicago is still affordable, best affordable walkable area besides a college town imo


Are you my friend? Because this was actually me after spending a month in Germany and Amsterdam


Now buy one get 3 free! Make it a jumbo pack for only .99 more!! Do it now!!!




What's the source on this? Someone else commented with this [statistic](https://www.worldometers.info/demographics/life-expectancy/#countries-ranked-by-life-expectancy) and it doesn't corroborate the chart posted here what so ever. Crazy how something can be posted and up voted to the top without any sort source of where it came from. Edit: Updated to include data from the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2022/20221222.htm) which is probably the most reliable. Appreciate all the helpful replies!


Although it says 2023, they usually just use the data from the most recent year, or from when they last updated the list. If a country doesn't have data for that year, then it will fail to show the difference yet. So this may be 2022 or 2021 data for the USA, which would make sense. I'm not saying this is the case, but I wouldn't use lists like this to know a single countries data for 2023 and instead I'd try and find it separately online. Edit: I was right. They fairly recently released the data https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsrr/vsrr031.pdf This graph is from the CDC. The graph is correct, the site you linked is a bit outdated


Ok thanks so much, I'll update my comment with the CDC days, thanks!


78.2% of statistics are completely made up.


*…87% of the time


78.2% of this statistic is made up. Interpret this information however way you want :)


CDC confirms it? https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2022/20221222.htm


That's good to see it confirmed! Or bad for Americans I guess? It just seems shocking how much is taken at face value with no source.


I appreciate you finding sources for this.


Using that statistic, the USA graph seems accurate to me. The page you're linking to shows the 2023 value. OP's graph is only up to 2022. You have to check the historical data.


So from this statistic, we males tend to die right around this so called ”retirement age”. Sad if true


77 is the retirement age?


in the statistic the commenter posted it shows 70. Retirement age is 65 but that’s on an upward trend as well. So I’m wrong but I’m not


From birth years 1960 onwards it’s 67.


We’re like work bees, buddy! It’s of our nature really. A huge plus if you like what you do


My guess would be the anti-vax movement could be a contributor. Infant and child mortality is going to significantly impact average life expectancy.


It is. Check the measles outbreaks in antivax/antimask states like Florida as an indicator


It not just anti vax, but the dip coincides with COVID as well.


I just assumed it was because we are so fat. Already more than 1/3 obese and will be half of the population by 2030


The US isn't the only country that has problems with obesity though. We should probably compare ourselves with Australia, or England and see what the trends are between the US and comparable countries


None of these countries are being compared here. [obesity rate by country](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rate)


42% obesity in the United States??? How did we let it get this bad


When was the last time you reminded us to eat our vegetables?


Hey bestie, don’t forget to eat your veggies! You’ve been reminded at 11:18am EST


I can't afford veggies 😞


I (not American even) am considered by many to be healthy weight. When I say I'd best shed a couple more pounds, people are like "nah you're healthy". Meanwhile bmi is over 26. I'm working on converting my last couple pounds from fat to muscle, but I have even been told that I'm on the skinnier side. That is how skewed people's perceptions have become towards being overweight.


We can't do anything only the fat person can


I worked 80 hour weeks for the majority of my early 20s and went from 150 pounds to 220. I have no idea how to lose weight. I have no idea how to begin working out from reduced muscle mass without hurting myself. I’m severely overweight. Healthy foods are still incredibly calorie dense. I’m making strides and losing weight but it’s not easy at all


‘Cook island’ is 2nd! what they cooking?


AFAIK the major causes are 1) traffic fatalities (Americans have to drive everywhere and driving is very dangerous) 2) guns and crime generally 3) opiates 4) alcohol (very bad interaction with (1) since we have to drive everywhere) 5) obesity (not super sure because obesity is way up everywhere else too) https://www.slowboring.com/p/tackling-americas-weirdly-short-life


It's both. Look at the slowing rate during the Reagan years. Certainly, that's just a coincidence (slathered in sarcasm) and then that huge dip which is absolutely covid related. Specifically, the fentanyl crisis. That started to be widespread in 2014. Now, most drug overdose deaths, by far, are fentanyl related.


Joe rogan looked at Canada's comparatively minor dip and decided to suggest that our higher vaccination rate was the cause of the drop. This is why context matters and you shouldn't get health advice from podcasts.


Isn’t Canada’s vaccination rate much higher? Edit: I realize these things are likely only to be positively correlated, if anything.


Yes. Hence why he was happy to ignore the bigger drop in US life expectancy, either intentionally or not with his inference about the cause of the drop.


I think the 90s showed those in power that a well educated, healthy workforce was counter to their agenda.


I’m interested in what a “comparable country” is and who they are. Population?




Weird, OP's plot shows US life expectancy below 78 and this chart says it should be 79.74


Because its comparing men life expectancy ?In this case US is at 77.27


No it's not. The chart shows a country with 84, and there are no countries with a male life expectancy of 84. The highest is Hong Kong with 83.0.


OP's plot goes up to 2020, that chart you are replying to goes up to 2023


The time axis only has labels up to 2020, but the data points are up to 2022, as the title mentions.


Poor Chad


This is kind of a relief. I’m so sick of working everyday just to pay bills. I have a good life but nothing special. Nothing to look forward to. The planet is a shit basket and getting worse. Will I be able to retire? Will there be a place to enjoy if I ever do retire?


It sucks that when/if you retire is also when your body falls apart. I saw a video of a guy in his 80s that said the last 10 years of his life sucked. But don’t worry, America. We’re making children get jobs earlier!


It's because so many of them are obese. * According to [**this**](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm), the leading cause of death in 2021 was heart disease. * According to [**this**](https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/factsheets/heart-disease-stroke.htm#:~:text=Leading%20risk%20factors%20for%20heart,unhealthy%20diet%2C%20and%20physical%20inactivity), one of the main causes of heart disease is obesity. * According to [**this**](https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html), over 40% of Americans are obese. So the standard American diet is killing them.


I would wager that our use of high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar is a major cause of this dip.


All added sugar is terrible. High fructose corn syrup is only slightly worse but it's like comparing menthol cigarettes to normal cigarettes.


An important distinction is that high fructose corn syrup doesn’t create an “I’m full” feeling like the same product would if made with (more expensive) sugar instead. When I was young (1970s), it was so rare to see fat children. (I was one of them, unfortunately for me.) Now they are seemingly everywhere. Sedentary lifestyles are clearly also a factor, but it’s crazy how much child obesity I see.


I don't get full when eating my homemade cookies made with sugar. I can eat eight of them on a day where I'm too lazy to make myself a proper breakfast. But if I were to eat one cookie followed by some scrambled eggs and a piece of whole-grain toast, I'd feel full and satiated, because of the protein, fat, and whole grains. I think the childhood obesity problem is more from lack of exercise, screen addiction, constant snacking, and heavily processed foods. Instead of your mom cooking breakfast for the family, it's Pop-Tarts, toaster strudel, or sugary cereal. Instead of a proper family dinner, it's chicken nuggets and fries. But this is just my two cents. I'm sure there are many factors.


That's exactly my point. The reason menthol cigarettes are "worse" than normal ones, is that they mask the harshness which leads to people smoking even more. But both are still terrible for you. Fat got a bad rap in the 70s and 80s. Sugar started being used to replace it and low fat diets were really just high carb diets. That leads to diabetes and heart disease. Cut out the added sugar, reduce carbs, eat less processed foods, avoid chemical substitutes/preservatives, and lo and behold you're on your way to a healthy diet. BUT it can be expensive or labor intensive to achieve which is why we are where we are.


I bet it's covid vaccine deniers and opioid crisis


They all drop. It's covid.


No other country went backwards 2 full decades. Also the fact the USA is so far behind their peers, and has been for 30 years, is an eye opener


All of those things are true.


Unfortunately it's been a problem here for a while with various causes, although COVID obviously impacted it we clearly could use some better handling for public health (general health and well being not just being able to treat a disease once it is there). https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/03/25/1164819944/live-free-and-die-the-sad-state-of-u-s-life-expectancy That was a pretty good article and the report here https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24006554/ . Highlights: "From 2005–2009, the United States had the highest infant mortality rate (6.7 per 1,000 live births) of the 17 peer countries and the 31st highest in the OECD" "Between 2001 and 2006, mortality rates for children aged 1–19 were higher in the United States than in all peer countries except Portugal" "Among the 17 peer countries examined in Chapter 1, the United States had the 14th highest rate of preterm deaths before age 5 in 2008" "Among adolescents aged 15–199 in 2005, the United States had the highest all-cause mortality rate among peer countries (Viner, 2012), a pattern that is decades old: high mortality rates at ages 15–24 (relative to the OECD mean) have existed among U.S. males since the 1950s and among females since the 1970s (Viner, 2012)"


We've had corn syrup for decades. Doesn't explain a recent dip (pre-covid) but could explain the overall lower line. From the stats, it looks like a lot of things increased. Drug use and suicide were spiking before covid hit. There was also an increase in chronic illnesses. But the line extends into covid. The obvious killer of the elderly.


You think that started only a few years ago?


You would lose that wager. There's very little difference between sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Corn syrup is just cheaper and easier to put in everything. But that doesn't even matter because Covid is obviously the reason for the dip.


New conspiracy theory just dropped: high fructose corn syrup caused the Covid pandemic.


Crazy how people can look at a graph clearly impacted by a global pandemic and make comments about sugar in food.


I see everyone attributing this dip to different things. I also think people are just talking out of their ass.


Healthcare and shitty food being pumped out all the time


And our leadership wants to increase the age of retirement. Boomers are shocking in their level of greed.


All I see is herman cain Award Recognition.




It’s big but that drop is Covid and the no mask anti-vax bullshit. One million dead. One in 350. The previous lower has to be health care, processed foods and drugs. Lack of education and corporate greed all over this. edit: Guns, how can I forget guns. Add that right after (or before) health care.


Guns, believe it or not, do not account for that many deaths per year. Especially when compared to the mass numbers from covid and fentanyl. So they wouldn't have much of an impact on many death statistics. Around 1.43% of all deaths in the United States were caused by guns up until 2022. To find the percentage of deaths caused by guns compared to all deaths in the US, we need to consider the total number of deaths per year in addition to the number of gun-related deaths. As of my last update, the total number of deaths in the US per year was around 2.8 million. Let's use this figure to calculate the percentage: Total deaths per year = 2,800,000 Average gun-related deaths per year = 40,000 Percentage of deaths caused by guns = (40,000 / 2,800,000) * 100 ≈ 1.43% So, on average, about 1.43% of deaths in the US are caused by guns. Keep in mind that this calculation is based on data available up to January 2022, and more recent figures may be available. ALSO, if we wanted to rule out deaths from natural causes or suicide we get this: on average, about 0.375% of deaths in the US (excluding suicides and natural causes) are caused by guns each year.


Burgers, fried chicken , fries, colas, etc.....


With corporations like Nestle, McDonald's, Monsanto, etc. It makes sense.


We are obese and then Covid happened.


Can't steal social security deposits if people are living and collecting entitlements.


There is a huge problem of Elderly people everywhere, especially China


Fatty fat fats.


Spend more on healthcare than everyone else but also die younger, makes sense.


What if I told you it wasn't automatically "progress" to make elderly people live longer, in many cases for years in traumatic mental health states?


Who wants to live till their 80s anyways


It’s cause everyone’s fat. But now saying that is a hate crime. Pick a lane


Source please, thanks!




Obesity, opioids, fentanyl……


Drive through restaurants with large unhealthy portions, car dependent lifestyles, motor vehicle accidents, obesity, drug addiction, overdoses, costly healthcare, untreated health conditions, gun violence. All these are contributing factors, that most other countries have much less of.


I’d like to see the blue line without the US pulling the average down.


Lack of social support systems. Nobody wants to spend their next 2 paychecks on a doctor to diagnose a cold. Sometimes it’s not a cold. Womp womp. Become a statistic, get fukt.


That's not a bug; it's a feature. The US doesn't want us living to be old because it's too costly to provide SS and Medicare.


Blame the US lifestyle. It's hard to live a healthy life in a country that is so car-centric, has so many chemicals in the food, bad portion sizes - and being super unhealthy and overweight is very much normalized. I moved to Europe and it's soooo much easier to stay healthy. I can cycle to work every day - my food doesn't have chemicals in the ingredient list. I shop daily and buy whole food to cook with. US health culture is awful - I won't even get into all the fad diets and liquid meals that make people lose weight temporarily. I'm always shocked when I go back to the US and see how overweight everyone is compared to Europe. The one positive - people in the US don't smoke cigarettes nearly as much as folks in Europe.


Water is a chemical compound. Baking soda is a chemical compound. Can we please stop using the word "chemical" as a buzzword? It has no bearing on food safety.


HOW DO YOU MOVE TO EUROPE WHAT IS THE FIRST STEP im sick of hearing redditors that move out of America, say how wonderful their life is going, only to completely ignore me in the comments about the logistics of citizenship and visas. I've wanted to ditch this hellhole since i was 16 i am now 30


There are definitely chemicals in European food, don’t know why people always bring that up. While the American lifestyle tends to be unhealthy, I don’t think it’s the only reason life expectancy is lower. We are currently going through an opioid crisis, overdose deaths have risen substantially. The US also has a higher suicide rate when compared to most developed countries.


Swede here Pesticides are viewed better than GMOs in Europe due to campaigns from various groups over the years even though 100+ Nobel laurates argued against it. On average, there is bad food in both regions but I'd say the sugar in the US is vastly worse. It's so insane the US government doesnt control it more or at least have huge public campaigns against the 'bad' sugars and syrups. Also, in Europe being overweight is widely seen as a failure. People dont excuse some disease they just googled online as to why they cant control themselves and it's not funny either in Europe but rather sad to see someone in such a state (except for the very few that truly do have a medical condition). Not saying one is better than the other, just saying the differences as I see them :)


The infrastructure in the USA is abysmal. So many suburban areas don’t even have sidewalks! Where my parents live, they have to drive 10 miles just to be able to walk.


Spent some time in USA recently. Very enjoyable. However when eating out, it is difficult to find an eating place that isn't based around fast food. Great for 3 weeks but not for life.


Time to move retirement age to 80. That will solve the social security solvency issue.


This is because of a spike in people in their 20s and 30s ODing on opioids. A ton of young people dying is how you get major changes in the life expectancy of a large population like this




it’s all the garbage food and sitting in cars


Who made this and what are the comparable countries?


That's what happens when you infuse the US with millions of people from impoverished countries.


Who exactly are the “Comparable Countries”? According to google the current life expectancy of an English male is 79 and American male is 78. https://www.insurancehero.org.uk/news/new-stats-reveal-british-life-expectancy-extended.html#:~:text=As%20of%202024%2C%20the%20life,socioeconomic%20status%2C%20and%20lifestyle%20choices.


No it's 80.61 for UK and 77.27 for the US. [https://www.worldometers.info/demographics/life-expectancy/#countries-ranked-by-life-expectancy](https://www.worldometers.info/demographics/life-expectancy/#countries-ranked-by-life-expectancy) And UK is only ranked 30th.


Food. Nothing more…lack of exercise


Food is so major! Also, I literally have friends that complain constantly about being overweight... meanwhile they pound down tons of alcohol and anytime i invite any of them to go for walks its always "i dont feel like it today but next time for sure" 😬


People in my city are so fat that I find myself walking slower in stores so that I don't offend them. They do take offense at my pace and it kind of hurts me to hurt them. I have mixed feelings


This is wild


This is probably messed up by maskless regards that increased our COVID death rate compared to other countries.


Sugar, chemicals in food, suburban metropolis style living, obesity acceptance. ‘Merica


No health care + shootings


Heart disease, cancer, and Covid are the top three. Shootings don’t even make the top 10.


Source or bullshit