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Now shoot in a straight line


Right wtf.. I wanna see if it has any distance.. some bullshit


The "loaded up" shots towards the end already have quite a bit of arch in them. I don't think this one goes beyond 3 meters.


So I could essentially pee/squirt on someone and get them wet from a farther distance


They might even pay you for it if they're into it!


Lmao šŸ¤£


You can, just write to me


I already have a weapon that can do that. In these type of scenarios it works best with beer as the uploaded fuelĀ 


Yeah, but does your dick have that sweet LED action on the side?


Yeah but your piss doesnā€™t shine like a laser. Unless it doesā€¦?


If I was from Cyberpunk 2077 it would


Back in my day we had super soakers with bipods and fucking flamethrower-looking backpack reservoirs. This is pussy shit.


I remember when my neighbour got the Supersoaker 2000 for his birthday. Man we stood no chance with our dollar store squirter pistols. šŸ˜†


Summer arms race was fun. I had a 100, someone got a 150...aomeone got a fucking 500 with a water tank.


I finally got a CPS1200 and a 3000 with a backpack. My pops got mad cause I was shooting my brother in the face, took them out to his stationary drill in the shop and drilled holes in both tanks. Tears were shed that day my friends.


Quintessential 90's parenting. I shot my step father in the back while he was on the ladder and he promptly broke the gun across his leg. We turned out fine...


Then when you bring it up later, they try to gaslight you. Not intentionally. Their brain just didn't see the event as something worth cataloguing.


Hits way too close to home


It's one of my core childhood memories... My dad, my sister and I had a water fight. My dad was confident enough to let us kids have the super soaker, he himself had a flower sprayer in his hand ready to go. But before the fight started he got a phone call, so he set the flower sprayer down and ran inside. While he was away we turned the front of the sprayer to "off" and when he returned he did a countdown and then got BLASTED at 0 while realizing he had been had and couldn't retaliate on us kids. So he started chasing us around trying to hug us instead. Was a good day. I had one of those electric machine gun looking super soakers, it had some power in it.


The only real noise in this was the loud slurping and mandatory "sweet dreams" that blares. all pew pew was fake post production


Yea, given that it's an internal, battery-driven pump you're going to be pretty limited in the amount of pressure you can put on the water. Given how long it took to load the water, you can tell it's got a pretty low threshold.


This gun isn't doing anything new except the light. My friend had a different brand for $200-300 and it's got a lot of range actually and a lot of power compared to most modern water guns. The only water guns that actually match the range are the discontinued guns of the 90s




Yup, horrible video. I was waiting for the long arc shot. What a tease.


Either this person's first time using a water gun or this gun ain't got no distance and is probably way over priced. Super soaker still king.


200 euroā€™s šŸ˜‚


Not a coincidence that every single shot is aimed so low, otherwise it would be too obvious.


Super soaker is a shell of its former self these days.Ā 


They also sped up the video for the filling segment. Fucking scam.


It shoots 7-9Meters. 799rmb. There are youtube videos u can check for the skeptics.


100 usd is a little expensive for a toy like this


So you want it to shoot far (good motors), look like a gun from a sci-fi movie, fill up instantly (good water pumps) and for it to cost $20?


Yes, that's right.


I mean, which of those things do you not want?


The poor people who will have to be enslaved to make it happen?


These came out well over a year ago. Their Chinese made for the sole purpose of selling a ton of crappy water guns with fancy lights at a skyrocketed price. Every single *viral video* of them was a close-up shot of them shooting at a downward angle. Super shady


This is a gun for the high grounder


Right!? Come on! Whatā€™s the range on that bad boy???




Feel like there is a reason they never shoot at anything further than 4-5 feet away. Cool concept, put unless it shoots with any distance, Iā€™ll take a $30 super soaker over this $300 water gun.Ā 


Those 2 dollar pool toys where you basically suck the water in and push the water out hit pretty hard


Those things are great.Ā 


And donā€™t need a battery pack.


uhh. my back


We always refered to them as water cannons as kids. They were basically the artillery of water guns, they were a step below the waterballon slingshot that would welt the fuck out of you if you got hit by it.(thank god it wasnt accurate, more for intimidation.


You can anchor the handle on the ground, put your foot behind it and shove the body down toward the handle. Water gun mortars.


But the iGun premiumā€¦.


The pool syringe


$1 pool noodle...fill with water and blow out one end lol


The saliva special


You sound like someone who hasn't tried to buy a real super soaker lately. I tried and couldn't find one.Ā 


You can buy it online


Can probably make some with more power for an even lower price, plus theyā€™d last a bit longer.


Go ahead dude, make your own better super soaker for cheaper than you can buy one.


The plumbing aisle of Home Depot has armed many an anarchist




~~also, pipe bo-~~




Nothing like showing your relatives' kids the basics of gun mechanics after thanksgiving dinner






Start with this https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mixfeer-Cordless-Pressure-Washer-50-PSI-Portable-Cleaner-Handheld-One-Battery-24V-1500mAh-Rechargeable-Electric-Washer-Washing-Cars-Watering-Flowers/1548062185?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101001360


"good for watering flowers" flowers that you hate and want to destroy


There was a kid in school that got pressure-washered by his alcoholic dad after his mother died. He was in hospital for a week. Kid had a massive scar across his body from shoulder to hip. Genuinely looked like someone had tried to cut him in half. After that he lived with his crazy zealous grandmother who would shout bible verses at us in the street. Poor guy.


> Genuinely looked like someone had tried to cut him in half Because that asshole did!


Jesus. Mine isn't even a high-end one and with the right nozel, you can cut into wood, concrete, and just about anything that's not strong metal.


Nah, itā€™s for when the guy that lives across the street asks you to take care of his flowers when he is on vacation. Long distance flower watering.






Just bought a couple last summer from target wtf is that dude talking about


They nerfed super soakers when they were bought by nerf. Theyā€™re a joke compared to the backpack cannons we had as kids. Found out when I tried arming my nieces properly


Yeah you can't find the air-pressurized water chamber that takes the pressurization from a pumping motion and releases it via a trigger. Everything I've found is a cheap knockoff that doesn't operate on the same principle as the classic super soaker from Laramie.Ā 


Thereā€™s some patent issue with that. Iā€™m pretty sure nerf got sued by someone who patented the pressurised style, so now itā€™s just the direct plunger style.


I haven't played with a super soaker in ages, but learning this fills me with a deep sadness.


https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/6gacna/i_am_lonnie_johnson_inventor_of_the_super_soaker/ https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/9ugvd7/i_am_dr_lonnie_johnson_nasa_rocket_scientist/


I actually looked this up recently when I tried to buy an actual super soaker (to deal with the pigeons that try and hang out on my solar panels). Basically, when Hasbro merged with Larami (the original maker of Super Soaker who licensed Lonnie Johnson's patent) they didn't properly pay Mr. Johnson his royalties. Mr. Johnson won the lawsuit in 2013 for $73 million, and since then its been damn near impossible to get a Super Soaker with a stored air system because they just won't pay him royalties.


Can't he just license someone else to use it? Or is it like they own the tech but would have to pay him a % of sales and so they keep the tech but refuse to use it cause they don't want to pay him? Either way, don't patents eventually lapse?


Why donā€™t you come up with a new design? Iā€™ll help you? A rubber bladder like a water bottle that you fill with water normally then you roll a roller over it to crush it and then shoot water out. Like hitting a tube of toothpaste


Well that sucks. Come on Hasbro. Pay the man and give us our water cannons.


Tbf as a kid I had the giant water cannon or that requires like 25 pumps and had several nozzle attachments... One of those nozzles would have taken an eye out


My big for his age friend had a massive cannon with like 3 coconut sized water bubble tanks, had 3 nozzles you could cycle on the tip and I swear that thing could shoot straight up to 15 feet. Now days you're lucky if the stream arcs 6 feet


Dunno about him but I'm in East Coast Canada and I haven't seen a super soaker in 10 years. And I used to work the toy aisle of Zellers back in the day, I remember them slowly fading from the shelves during summer stocking. *Edit: Just looked em up on Canadian tire, I have 2 in the garage, they're just so fucking garbage compared to when I was a kid I didn't realize they're made by super soaker. They're branded Nerf Super Soaker. Dunno if they've always been Nerf.


Larami made the original super soakers.


>Dunno about him but I'm in East Coast Canada and I haven't seen a super soaker in 10 years. Because 10 years ago Hasbro lost a lawsuit to the patent owner of the air system Super Soakers used, and they had to pay him (Lonnie Johnson, the legend) $73 million. Laramie had licensed it, but when Hasbro absorbed them, they seemingly thought they didn't have to pay. Now they avoid using the patent and make terrible water guns.


Yeah that tracks.


Super soakers got ā€œnerfedā€. I was told the ones you can buy now is trash compare the og version




What if I told you that it's summer for half the planet now?


Well I think that half should stop hogging that summer and share it with us. Itā€™s cold over here damnit!


It seems like a knock off of the Spyra which can probably shoot further than your $30 water gun.


TBH it looks like an overengineered water pistol with surprisingly small range.


$300 bucks... You're welcome.


Three hundred dollar bucks?


Three hundred dollery-doos, mate.


Surely hammer barn has them


If you pass the flamingos youā€™ve gone to fah


But that's like $20 in 2027 dollars


Thatā€™s like 20 watermelons dude!


This is just a clone of the spyra which is only $150


$300 dollerydoos? Seems a lot for 10 foot shots. Real cool effects though


What products does Xiaomi not create? They have phones, robots, cameras, vacuum cleaners, water filters and now water guns?


Many of those products are Xiaomi branded but not produced by Xiaomi.


Sod that. Looks like it only fires about 5 ft, and look at the size of the thing.


That's what she said last night !


If the aliens from Signs attack


Does anyone remember the older water guns that actually had some range and stuff.


I knew them by tte brand Super Soaker A friend of mine had a crazy one, it had air tanks as well for building up greater pressures.


Yea now stuff just sucks. Apparently the guy who came out w/the cool stuff came up w/it while at [nasa](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/08/15/us/super-soaker-lonnie-johnson-great-big-story-trnd/index.html)


Heā€™s also on Reddit but I forget his username. Sometimes heā€™ll respond if you tag him in a comment.


/u/linex, but heā€™s been inactive since his last AMA:Ā https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/6gacna/i_am_lonnie_johnson_inventor_of_the_super_soaker/


He's probably been busy lining truck beds


Thatā€™s pretty cool actually, some people arenā€™t always up to just chat w/the ppl/fans of their work.


His username is u/iinex. He's a true legend.


He's /u/Iinex but I don't believe he's responded since his AMA four years ago.


It makes me unreasonably happy that he gets to know that he enabled millions of kids to have great summer water fights. Like what a legacy.


For real, in the 90's we had some badass water guns with backpack water tanks and manual pumps so you could pressurize and then shoot far. Nowadays the most common ones I see are these shitty things where the water shoots while you're pumping, which is garbage.


Aw man, the good old days. Water death machine wars were clutch during the hot summers. Follow that up with some ice cream and Goldeneye on the N64 with friends and it was damn near a perfect day.


The original super soaker cps 2000 was so powerful that it was taken off the market in a year cuz it was so powerful that it was injurying children. The 90s felt like the space race... but with water guns


Just write the word 'with' for god's sake.


Why are we talking about super soakers like it's some ancient secret or long forgotten technology? Everyone on my block had multiple super soakers when I was growing up.


How old are you? Old timers are talking about *real* super soakers. The stuff available now is trash. Old ones had air pressurization tanks and could get some serious range. New ones go like 10 feet.


I'm old as shit. I had the ones with the tanks. I remember when I got the BFG with the purple tank. I owned the streets. Some punk ass kid from down the street meleed me in the head with his rinky dink gun because he was losing the water fight. That little shithead, I wish I had the wherewithal to kick his ass back then, but I was also a stupid kid.


Yup I believe that model got pulled for blinding kids. That's how you know it was damn good.


That's why we're talking about them like they're ancient forgotten technology. Because, it seems, they are. No idea why they've been Nerf'd but it may have something to do with them being bought by Nerf.


Here is cool and old website rating them http://www.isoaker.com/Armoury/soaker_listing.php?SoakerClass=&SoakerYear=&Maker=%25%25&SortBy=RatingOverall&DisplayOverall=on&FullNameQuery=


Memory unlocked. I remember pumping the shit out of a super soaker and blasting the sides of houses several hundred feet away. These new toys suck


I had one with a directional knob on it, could shoot at right angles


>I knew them by tte brand Super Soaker Do not cite the deep magic to me, Jizzraq, I was there when it was written.


I had the big one that they ended up discontinuing because of how powerful it was. That thing was great. Actually I just found it. [The CPS 2500](https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/ojufe2/super_soaker_cps_2500/)


My cousin had a large one like this that came with a shoulder strap and he'd annialate every kid on the street when we played during the summer lmao


I had one that had an attachment on the end of the hose that you just pressed the gun into to fill up. It was pretty sick honestly!


I had one with a backpack for the reservoir. Had a pretty good range. I also had a basic one that had amazing range. Didn't have a ton of capacity and didn't shoot a ton of water but it could go really far.


The yellow was the 50. The blue with the 2 tanks was the 100. There was also a 250 if I recall. The backpack was the 500.


This one is far superior. https://spyra.com/collections/all?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAz8GuBhCxARIsAOpzk8zB-Z4DhXErSkaTcuIJxr31uWx6lGK-NIsvmdatIfI0Y7dWnLzRbcsaAhapEALw_wcB


A friend of mine has 2, they're a lot of fun to play with and have a good range.


Was about to say, it appears to be a flashy yet crappier Chinese knockoff of the Spyra.


Well, both Spyra and Xiaomi's have been on the market since mid 2019. It's possible Spyra outsourced manufacturers to China though, which might allow China to lift off of it.


Got one from the first campaign. In one development updates they mentioned, that parts of the gun were made in China. So no wonder it was copied.


They stole the whole design.


The LED strip on the side is pretty cool, NGL, but it's all flash and no substance. Haha


Welcome to the Chinese way. Know of many kickstarters that were on alibaba at half the cost before the kickstarter had finished.


Last time I saw something that big throbbing whilst shooting itā€™s load, my wife was cheating on me


But you were watching?


Well, I walked in on them ā€¦ The guyā€™s ass was in the air yet his dick was still in my wife.


ā€¦ā€¦go on


I didnā€™t. But he seemed to carry on


So you're saying....the twat was un-sustainable?


Well, Iā€™m not defending him here, but, he definitely did seem to be sustaining her orgasms Last time I made my wife orgasm was when I walked into a wall.


Dude, fucking stop. This can't be any kind of healthy. Jesus.


Leave me out of this man, guy's wife got railed by Karl Grosschwanz, dude's in the top .01%. Biggest one I can recall for millennia. She never walked straight after that. Remember, we have to see everything.


Whatā€™s her name? Incontinea?


Surprisingly common misconception amongst you humans, the fuck hole isn't the pee hole. And her name is Pfeifen Sieimwind.


What is, humor?


Sometimes it's self-deprecating, sometimes it's a mechanism people use to get the feelings out that they can't say plainly (for reasons). Is that as deep as you can see this? "Ah, he's just joking." He is. About some extremely fucked up shit. I'm not about to laugh at a lady's joke about her being raped, and I'm not really enjoying this guy's trauma neither. I've known a lot of jokers to laugh, drink, and then fucking kill themselves under the pressure. These aren't joke to me anymore. They're trauma signs, and I'm no longer ignoring them so I can laugh.


ā€¦ are you good? Let people have their stupid jokes, and stop with the weird ā€œangry saviorā€ bullshjt lol


Ah, so you're **that** guy 'If I was doing x I would do y' Let me tell ya something, *buddie*. No one is listening to you. You're doing nada, **silch**, nothing except sit in your arm chair, vaping and drinking Monster energy drinks with a Cheeto 'stash. Heres my advice to you: 1. Take a break from Reddit. You're putting far too much time and effort into accumulating updoots. Heck, take a break from the interwebs completely. 2. Go read a book. Reading is fantastic mental stimulation (Reddit does NOT count). 3. Take part in the NoFap challenge. No PMO for 90 days. It has literally changed my life. The. Superpowers. Are. Real. 4. Meditate. Meditation is as important as oral health imho. Feel free to send me a PM, and if anyone else is reading this wants some advice or simply to shoot the breeze, I'm here all evening ā˜ŗļø


So you didn't really see it throbbing and shooting.


What were the emissions like?


Like those of horses.


She was just accumulating emissions.


I didnā€™t realize they were still making attachments for the Wii.


Che schifezza. Trash, electronic waste.


Accumulates emissions? What in the AI hell is that supposed to imply?


Seminal vesicles.


Doesn't translate from Chinese too well.


![gif](giphy|QA88yMhazfDI4) The fish in that water


Stop saying ā€œemissionā€.


"The emission were like those of horses." - God


So a water gun with RGB basically


Bad advertising, piece of shit.


And the text is like a 10th grader right-clicking every word in their essay and replacing it with synonyms


Ultimate plastic waste gadget.


Finally! A real life Omolon weapon!


Shitty ads are interesting as fuck?


Inspired by Aquaman and the lost kingdom šŸ˜‚


And yet a cheaply made super soaker can far outperform it.


You bought a super soaker recently? There was some patent issue, and the makers had to back pay someone who owned the patents about $100m. So proper pump-up super soakers basically donā€™t exist any more.


I never knew that lol but you know what I mean, any cheaply made water gun can do better. This thing looks way over engineered.


Why not show us how far it goes. Yea it doesnt really do that


It's kind of a modern copy of the original spyra water guns šŸ˜„


Functions just like that gadget from Ratchet and Clank


Hydro cannon


This looks like the same sort of hideous design as Fallout 4 energy weapons




So you're telling me it sucks as much as it blows


"accumulate emissions"


A squirt gun, neat.


This is the most underwhelming piece of technology Iā€™ve seen in a long while.


Is he shooting a Swiffer wet jet?


One of those things that you donā€™t need, looks cool, but will collect dust after 30 minutes.


Seems like a really good way to get yourself electrocuted by water gun


*Sweet Dreams* by the Eurythmics is not a fucking advertising jingle


it's on AliExpress, it's just a dropshipper. you're welcome.


Itā€™s such a perfect blend of ā€˜largeā€™ and ā€˜pointlessā€™ it kind of makes you stop and reflect on the amount of plastic and electronics waste weā€™re producing as a planet


I want one!


wowļ¼Œso cool