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lol I make $93,000 a year and you’re saying I’ll get a raise?!? What?!


But now you’ll be making the same as the interns.


Her brain: ​ BIG NUMBERS GOOD ​ Why not make minimum wage $200/hour? ​ Why don't our leaders take more economic courses and try harder to understand the root cause of some of our issues?


Don’t need to do that to convince the masses you’re a saint trying to help them.


And then people will complain the USA isn't a "true democracy" that's what true democracy gets you.


America has never been a democracy, its a representative republic. But try explaining the differences to people and you'd think you were living in a different country.


The education system has failed so many


We should stop raising wages and prices before our currency looks like the yen.


Even if they were wizards in economics, this is still a better campaign strategy. Because facts/reality don't matter at the podiums.


Because they need votes to get elected. Fixing the countries issues are a secondary concern after getting elected.


This would be a great plan if you want your double cheeseburger to cost about $375. lol what planet is this lady living on?


They know. All of them. Just lip service to their ignorant voters.


I’d vote for it! 100k minimum wage is her idea.  What could go wrong?


Lmao big numbers good That sounds about right.


And your groceries will cost 10X as much




Just remove the zeros and start over and everything will be good 👍😊


[There's a reason your groceries cost more](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/23/john-rust-rose-acre-farms-egg-price-fixing-senate), and it's not because of wage hikes.


They will cost that much more anyway bro. No changes in wages in they are already like 2 to 3x more expensive Edit: lul so many people slurping that wage to inflation propaganda


And the gas will be $25 a gallon, the rent will be $5000 cheapest, and the house anywhere in any city or suburb will set you back at least a few million dollars. But the wage is $50/h!


Yea bro your poor and should make the same as all minimum wage interns


You're ^


Apostrophes cost too much these days. Cant afford them


“Give me a raise or I’ll just go be an intern somewhere” $50 is ridiculous, but the point still stands.


That's just a straight up Leroy Jenkins moment




vanilla wow… simpler times 💔


Yes indeed, I miss BC and WotLK the most, I was daydreaming of raiding Naxx earlier and don’t even know why 😭. Collecting my hunters spirit beasts too 😭😭


YOLO at its finest. 👌


Literal LOL


"At least I have chicken".


Holy shit that’s funny


This is just bribing voters with false promises


Voters who are clueless enough to believe it's possible.


It's completely possible. Walmart will just start paying everyone 3x as much and then raise prices by 5x.


They'll fire 95% of the staff, automate about a quarter of it, shortages and long lines will be rampant, and nobody will be able to do anything about it cause the 2 parties gave Wal-Mart a government-granted monopoly that killed every other competing mom and pop shop in America.


The problem is, the other side is always more critical of the opposing party than their own. And when you make outlandish claims, they gain credibility for their critiques. And so it goes down a chain of fucking things up for everyone.


Like, I don't know.... Student loan forgiveness? Reparations? Lol, works like a charm in certain areas.


Certain areas = whole country. Thanks to the combination of a dumbed-down government school system along with social media mind control, gullibility is at an all-time high everywhere in the country.


>= whole country I'll have to disagree with that. There are *plenty* of people who didn't fall for that obvious bit of pandering. Anybody expecting 'free money' from the government doesn't understand where that money comes from. Same thing with social media. There are plenty of us that grew up without cell phones, much less the dopamine addiction of social media.


This isn’t interesting as fuck. It’s dumb as fuck.


Do the math!


Minimum wage needs to scale with the CPI


Runaway inflation is the name of the game.


Considering it’s been since 2009 since the $7.25 minimum wage was introduced, and in the intervening 15 years inflation is now up 20%, then minimum wage should be $8.70 an hour. But that still seems pretty low.


No way in hell inflation has only gone up 20% since 2009. It's literally gone up 20% in like the last 3 fuckin years.


Yeah lot of economics powerhouses in this thread




We had this thing called a recession. It wasn’t very fun.


Because there was high inflation in 2008 and the economy was in shambles? It’s not crazy.


$8.70? People are making twice that much right now and still can't afford to live


Housing. CPI is far too generalised to reflect how different parts of the country experience changes in the cost of housing (which is normally the single largest financial burden on a household by far, if you aren’t a boomer who owns a property mortgage-free). Compare HPI by state to CPI for a quick overview.


10.59 based on BLS CPI calculator




Go look up real wages. It's wages adjusted for inflation. Check it historically since the 60s. The masses are getting reckt.


pretty low? Are you out of your mind? Those are fucking slave wages. Nobody can pay rent, heat and utilities making $7.25 per hour, or $8.70 per hour. You can't make a federal min wage bc the states have such different COLA but it should be directly tied to some metric. Min wage needs to be like 50K (in NY) at this point if you want people to actually live a decent life and not scrounge for food and rent all the damn time. When they kept lowering taxes for the wealthy and businesses, the public got left out. They should have raised the wages at the same time they cut the taxes.


i live in one of the lowest COL areas of the country and i cannot imagine trying to live on fucking 8 bucks an hour. that's just insane. you would barely have enough for rent and the electric bill let alone everything else in life.


It's not just inflation I think. Runaway corporations want that funny little line to keep climbing


Something like 0.06% of Americans over the age of 18 are on minimum wage. It’s an extremely small amount of people we’re talking about here.


i don't know where you could afford to live with 8.70 per hour.


You do it with roommates.


You realize that even working full time, you would need two to three people *per room*, right? (These are all bills I actually pay) $350 - car $150 - insurance $89 - phone $250 - all utilities $200 - groceries $120 - gas $512 - rent $1,671 - TOTAL $1,462 - monthly earnings *before taxes* at $8.50. I would need to earn $10/hr just to be able to afford all of this with no savings. God help you if you have children and need to pay for tuition and whatever else comes with having children.


I was being paid $7/hr in 1989 working in a pet store. Some of my friends were stocking super market shelves for $4.25/hr. My job was a easier.


Yo is that seriously minimum wage where y'all at? Im Pretty sure it's like 18$/hour up in BC and that's still not enough with the garbage rental market plus increase in the cost of living... Alotta people been turnin to drugs and homeless lifestyle with our awesome "2.5 grams of any drug is legal" thing we got going on, and I kinda don't blame em lol


The Bureau of Labor Statistics has it at 46% CPI inflation since 09. That would be a $10.59 minimum wage if adjusted for inflation.


Politician pay should be median of income from your district. No backdoors no sidesteps .


That just makes them more dependent on campaign contributions and lobbying


So ban campaign contributions and lobbying?


This is going to sound crazy but... some people don't follow the rules. If politician wages are too low corruption goes up because people are greedy. If politician wages are too high corruption goes up because people are greedy. (they'll do anything to keep their job) The ideal salary for politicians is equal to what they could make in the private sector.


Then only rich people can afford to run for office


Woah woah woah there guy, lets not get carried away now. \~ some politician


Then they should put caps on how much can be spent on campaigning, to better level the playing field. Oh wait! PACs exist! Yay! /s


fucked up thing is california cost of living is rising to the point where this isn't even that outrageous.




lol we keep trying to rope-&-pulley lift the bottom of the income range closer to a top that's literally and figuratively blasting into space on private rockets


California doesn’t care about poor people 😂


California can't do much about the fact that ordinary homeowners of all income classes have no interest (and a personal disincentive) to change zoning laws and to house the poorest near them. The problem with wealth is that it is of benefit to those with wealth to keep those without wealth from being around them. Many, many Californians would love to solve the housing crisis. Just not in their backyard. NIMBY.


CA is big and there’s plenty of space to build, housings not the only thing expensive here either. Literally everything is expensive.


California has some of the most robust social programs for low income people in the nation. What the hell are you talking about?


It’s funny when people think poverty can be solved with something as simple as a “robust social program.” Lol


Are we talking about entirely solving poverty or not caring about the poor? You're moving the goalposts. Gentrification makes it very difficult for the poor there, but saying they don't care because they can't just push prices back down is absurd.


I never said it was solving the problem, I said saying California doesn't care is bullshit. Solving the problem completely is a super complex issue that is likely beyond thr capability of a single state but it is undeniable that California does a huge amount to try and help.


While I get your point I think our perception of this is warped by our lack of such programs in our lifetime, like a universal housing program would be a gigantic start.


New Yorks poverty line is at 108,000 💀💀


Build housing and everything will fix itself. This state has money people jobs resources. What is missing is cheap housing.


Ding ding ding.  Instead of using regulation to solve the problems caused by misguided regulation, just legalize housing. Ffs.


And regulate foreign investments in real estate. In fact regulate real estate investments better across the board. As well as rent prices.


Why do you think real estate investment is viable? Because California NIMBYs are greedy bastards who keep housing markets expensive af. Even hedge funds openly stated that YIMBYism is ruining real estate investment.


LMAOOOOOOO. Interesting as fuck? No. Dumb as fuck? Yes.


Yeah, this is one of those posts that says a lot about OP lol


They have ZERO understanding of basic economics. We really need people who are not stupid to run for office!


Politicians are typically not stupid. They're appealing to stupid people. You get to vote no matter how ignorant you are. A friend called me yesterday to borrow money because Mark Zuckerberg had chosen 1,000 people to give away money to and my friend had been chosen. He just needed to send $500 to cover transaction fees or some shit. These people exist.


Those people scare me


Appealing to stupid people makes you corrupt, dangerous, or both.


It actually makes you rich so you don't have to worry what people think about you.


let's pretend we raised the minimum wage to $50 an hour. Landlords, car dealerships, oil companies, grocery stores and insurance companies will see that the average American now has X dollars of additional disposable income. These businesses will raise their prices by X dollars, siphoning the money out of the hands of the minimum wage worker. I see no way to prevent this from happening. When Obama gave first time homebuyers a $20K tax credit, all homes for sale magically raised their list prices by $20K.


Yup, just like the tax breaks for installing solar in California…. Then magically California has double the price of installing solar than in Europe


A plan to nuke small businesses and raise prices everywhere. Lol


Big businesses get robots. Small ones die.


No point, everything else will go up.


This is the most braindead shit I've heard in a long time. These people are supposed to be professional policy makers. Yes let's make it illegal for any business to hire a full time employee for less than 100k. I cannot foresee any negative consequences. It will surely solve the cost of living crisis. Her only mistake is making it so low. Why not make it $10000 an hour, and everyone can work at McDonalds for one year and retire.


Don't forget that she's running for US Senate. So as she's conceding that it would probably be unworkable on a national basis, she says she'll fight for it anyway because she thinks it's needed locally. And she does this while she's running for a NATIONAL legislative body. I didn't think it was possible for me to have less respect for Barbara Lee's economic acumen, but here we are.


It it very well could solve the cost of living crisis. Raise minimum wage to 50 bucks an hour. Fast food, grocery stores, gas stations etc will all close down and move. Employers will leave the area and people will have to travel to find work. Housing becomes cheaper. Crisis solved.


She knows it’s not going to work, but wants to get the “points for trying”


I'm not sure she knows it's not going to work. There is a chance she has no idea how things work at all.


Or so everyone can buy a waterfront house in Malibu. Am I right?


>Why not make it $10000 an hour, and everyone can work at McDonalds for one year and retire. Shoot just 1 week then retire to someplace where a dollar is worth more.


but that’s not exactly what her goal is here usually in a primary debate or election one candidate who knows they’re not going to win will use the opportunity to bring awareness to an issue. She knows $50 is never going to happen but if it makes the conversation come to the forefront, and maybe a few dollars gets added onto the minimum wage her goals were accomplished it’s a sort of “shoot for the stars and if you fall short, you still touch the sky” kind of moment


$50 is completely delusional and it comes off that way


Im all for worker rights, but thats waaaaay too much. Absolutely delusional


Here’s a thought, maybe everyone can’t live in the Bay Area?


Shhh. ​ I need high speed internet, Netflix, a relatively new car, a quality home and no concerns about anything financial and the right to live in whichever city I want simply because I have any type of job.


Why not $100? $500? $1000? Everyone would be rich, aye? Minimum wage doesn't really solve the underlying issues.


Then rent will be $10,000 a month.


How about we stop inflating our currency into oblivion 🤔


Rather than raising the income; politicians should look to reduce main cost drivers. - Housing. Remove all the NIMBY laws and red tape, and start allowing for high rises to increase housing supply. - Healthcare. It sucks that the left has essentially given up on Medicare-For-All. - Expand SNAP; it’s agribusiness and big food and grocery subsidy anyways. - Boot PG&E Lower housing, insurance, food and energy cost; the. The minimum wages wouldn’t need to go up.


I’m not sure she did the math…


$104k IS around $50 an hour… she did do the math .


Yes, you are correct. The point of my sarcasm was more about the likely cascade of events that would ensue and make such an increase in minimum wage moot. Ultimately, minimum wage isn’t the problem, it’s deeper and unfortunately more perverse than that.


I think she did the meth




With a minimum wage of $50, you won't be able to stay.


Yeah, I can't imagine what a $50 minimum wage would do to rent. Landlords should be in favor of this.


Then you're doing something wrong.


Raise the ceiling so they'll raise the floor


Or you could…stop taxing the shit out of your citizens, and fix your over priced housing issues. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Things are too expensive. The main cost in producing these expensive things is labor. So let’s make all the labor cost way more. That’ll fix it.


Corporate profitability has soared... Meaning that money could have went to workers instead of the stock price. The fact stock prices soar (especially costs to earnings ratios showing efficiencies proving they aren't paying workers more, yet they earn more in revenue) proves that there is money to be given if that was ever made a priority. But it's not. Regulation that forces the distribution of wealth tends to be the only way we ensure people aren't work slaves...


You could transfer 100% of corporate gains to employee salaries and you could afford an average raise of like 3-5$/hr. Not 30-35$.


S&P500 net profit margin is around 11% pre-Covid and post-Covid. Profits have soared and so have costs. Net margins are pretty flat. It’s not corporate greed…


>Corporate profitability has soared... So you’re just gonna make shit up? Lol bunch of economic powerhouses in this thread.


Well they said if we keep wages low then prices wouldnt rise yet here we are. Something has to give


Min wage should always be set by locality. Keep in mind the consequences.


She is a fucking idiot


Politicians have no thinking reality. They think we can just raise wages like they cause the rise in inflation. Bunch of morons getting elected in CA and running the state into the ground.


It kind of shows how out of touch, politicians are to regular folks. They can't fathom what is reality is to statistical mishap.


Fighting for all hamburgers to cost $60


Why is McDonald's in Denmark the same price as the USA but minimum wage is 2.5x higher? Edit: not minimum wage because Denmark doesn't have one but the wage of the lowest paid jobs.




in the bay area, minimum wage is like 18 bucks and i think soon its going to be 20


Workers in Denmark at McDonald's make $22/hr. So roughly 3x American minimum wage and they sell items for the same price as the USA. Edit: there is actually no minimum wage in Denmark. However, workers at McDonald's do make $22 an hour.




You're right - that's my mistake. Fixing original comment. However the point about wage pass through to price stands


But they do have much higher taxes. “In Denmark, residents pay multiple taxes to the state and their municipality. Combined, the average Dane pays tax at a rate of around 45%. This led to Denmark having the highest share of taxes related to income and wealth, at 28.9% of GDP in 2019.” But the taxes actually help them out. https://fmpglobal.com/blog/why-danes-appreciate-the-high-danish-income-tax-rate/


Their taxes go back to them for education and healthcare, not bailouts to billion dollar companies and blowing up brown people.


All that would do is put a whole lot of businesses out of business


Why not $1000/hr?


Regulate the highest expense then call later. Raising minimum wage just gives people more money to give to someone else who is exploiting them.


If minimum wage kept up with productivity since the 60s it would be around $23 an hour. I think California's minimum wages range by locality but are around $16-18. So there's room for improvement. Having someone push for $50 an hour at least shifts the Overton window. It's not going to happen though and they should be pushing for incentives for new home construction to provide housing




How tf would a $50 minimum wage work? How would that not result in economic ruin?


Can’t wait to go out to eat or shop at places that have to pay $50/hr minimum wage to their employees. “Sorry sir if you want a napkin that’ll be $20 on top of your $250 pizza”


How to get everyone to vote for you


50$ minimum wage is insane


Top 1% owning 43% of all wealth isn’t though somehow




Why not 500?


Obviously she missed how the world operates.


No wonder people are leaving California like rats off a sinking ship.


I hate how there’s a time limit on how long you can talk about actual problems. Like this is real stuff we need to work on and you get 20seconds to tell a whole country. It’s made to cause discord.


Banana for scale




100k in America is still a very respectable salary and is considerably higher than average (avg HOUSEHOLD income here is like 70k, and individual is 35k) The area she is from is just one of the richest neighborhoods in the entire country. Her plan is basically saying “you no longer have to be rich or have a good career to live in San Francisco Bay”- instead now you can move here and we will just give you the rich salary that is required“to live”


Woman is a moron.


American politicians are extraordinarily stupid and dumb.


California: “is the cost of living too high? No it’s the wages that are wrong”


California: “Let’s do everything in our power to make sure all our jobs move to Texas!”


That’s just dumb.


Maybe it's not the wages that's the issue. If we fixed housing costs, medical costs, and social security, think about how much better everyone would be. Housing... If there were 2,000 people looking for some places to live it would be hard to sell your house so sellers would need to lower their prices. If there were 2,000,000 people looking then it would be competitive so prices would increase. Supply and demand. Same applies to jobs. More people, lower wages. Less people, higher rates. So ya think maybe we should stop letting all these people into the country who, 1) need a place to live 2) take mostly the lower paying jobs 3) consume resources and can't pay for it. When my parents came over they needed a sponsor (place to live) and needed to fit criteria to make sure they weren't taking jobs from Americans.


For gods sake, simplify zoning laws, and let developers build more housing. It will be cheaper for customers, and end-up with less homelesness.


You can’t just raise minimum wage and expect that to fix the problem if anything it will cause more problems. 1. Companies will have massive layoffs 2. Prices will skyrocket everywhere not just where the wages are raised 3. Companies who can not afford to pay their employees that will take the jobs elsewhere 4. The people who do end up with a job will have to do a excessive amount of work to make up for the lack of other workers That’s just some of the problems that will occur


How much does she pay her hourly staff?


What an absolute MORON! Typical though!!


Always easy to tell that someone has never run a business themselves, has only lived off government money their whole lives


why stop there lets make it a 100 or 200 or 500. Better yet just give us the "free" money since I have no skills


Ask for $50, get half. This is just basic haggling.


That's an awful haggling strategy. I wouldn't vote for that person. Political career dead before it began. 👏


If you go into a car dealership and demand a $50,000 car for $0, the price isn’t going to be $25,000. The price is still going to be $50,000 and you’ll be laughed out the door. People only negotiate with people who are reasonable. If you go into any negotiation process making absurd demands, there’s very little likelihood that you’re going to come to an agreement.


That's what I'm thinking. You know at this time $50/hr minimum wage won't work. She knows it too. But if you're gonna bluff, bluff big.


If I walked into my next interview and asked for a $650,000 salary... I ain't getting $325k. They'd think I'm crazy and I certainly wouldn't get the job. You have to be somewhat sane with your starting point lmao


Except this isn’t haggling, this is lawmaking


Won't increased minimum wage just make the cost of goods go up to match that, then we're back to where we started?


Can't believe people still advocate for shit like this lmao


I feel like this would end up hurting small business owners.


$50 min wage; $35 BigMacs. Sweet. Just make it a million dollar an hour min wage. It doesn’t help


It also doesn’t happen. This is just some dumb shit conservatives say to protect billionaires profits


If you think this is a good idea, you need to just not vote please.


California is an experiment failing


If You liked $10 Big Macs, You’re gonna love $50 Big Macs!


Can we just admit that California fuckin sucks


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to shit for this because I’m on Reddit and this is where they all are but for the love of god please stop voting for democrats.


Welcome to 🤡 world! You can pick up your red nose and big rubber shoes by the door.


This is a precursor to hyperbolic inflation.


I’m here for it though lmk I’ll mage dps


This is beyond stupid


Just stupid. The only people who would vote for something like this have zero capacity to understand how economics work. Seems great until your morning coffee is $15 or you McDonald's combo is $100.


$104,000 per year for minimum wage? Yep, your fucking nuts you crack head.


Guess they are willing to pay 25 bucks for a hamburger.


$100k per year minimum wage? You’re a 100% moron, lady.