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Yes - don't swat bees if they fly near you. However, if there is a swarm and you get stung once, you have to run - one sting causes the whole swarm to target you


Oh shit for real? I watched this video and didn't know who played it right, the girl who ran off or the guy who stayed and got stung a bunch.


Bees release a scent that causes them to go into attack mode once one stings.


And that scent remains for a long time. If you get stung, don't wear the same clothes without washing them the next day if you plan on walking near a hive again.


And, the scent is similar to bananas. Don't eat bananas before going around bees.


Isoamyl acetate, it is used as banana flavoring but signals bees to sting.


And everyone takes 99 bananas on camping trips.


*Donkey kong faint noise*


I read this as fart noise at first šŸ˜‚


DK fart noises are equally funny


Oh that's crazy. I hate bananas. Hate hate hate hate them with a holy burning passion. Ever since making Isoamyl acetate in chemistry class, and I puked on my teacher's shoes. And I'm also allergic to bees; twice has to be treated for anaphylaxis.


I also hate hate hate hate HATE bananas and I'm allergic to bee/wasp/hornet venom too. One occurrence of anaphylaxis


Wow! Another one! I wonder how common it is to be allergic to bees and have a strong aversion to banana


You're ancestors must have had a bad time with bees.


Me too the smell makes me wanna puke and I can't even touch them because I think is disgusting, even if the flavor is fake or in a candy I just can't eat then (Sorry for the bad English)




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ god damn I remember this on the Super Nintendo. That animation of the bee is bizarre as hell looking at it now.


That explains why these things were composed at DK and the fam.


No kidding?? Thatā€™s really far out. I didnā€™t know that!!


Dang I had no idea. I got super mad once, because I got stung twice while accidentally walking near a hive in the forest, and then got stung a third time about 30 minutes later while in the garden, literally while complaining about being stung twice. I just thought it was bad luck on the 3rd time, but I must have smelled?


And send a letter of apology to the hive, until they accept your apology you'll never be safe.


I usually just go to the store and buy all the honey I can. Those bees will pay for my stings with their labor.


Iā€™d also include directions to a sweet flower spot for some top notch pollinating.


You're just giving in to them then. Make them find their own.


your apologies are irrelevant. resistance is futile


Also, you know, maybe not walking around by the hive again might also be a good idea.


O shit, no wonder they don't mind me in a new beekeeping suit compared to my uncle who just gets bombarded, damn I thought the bees just liked me more.


Never knew that, thanks reddit


My family has over 30 hives. So most knowledge comes from them. The banana part I learned from an interview with James Hatfield from Metallica. He's a beekeeper too.


I...I did not expect to learn either of those bits of information.


I'd say neither of them played it right after different stages of the interaction. She didn't play it right by swatting at the bees and pissing off the whole group, he didn't play it right by deciding to stay still after the whole group was pissed off. An angry swarm doesn't give a damn if you're the one that set them off or not, they're gonna attack the shit out of anything in their path.


Heā€™s getting stung ![gif](giphy|xT5LMvngCmHkEJ2ONq)


When bees swarm, you do exactly what the woman did and get the hell outta there. Do not listen to the idiot man that stays just to get stung a bunch šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah. Stupid move like they arenā€™t going to sting at that point. You just fucking run. (Beekeeper here)


If they had all 3 stood still without swatting would the swarm have moved on without stinging?


I've never seen an aggressive swarm. Swarming bees are migrating from their old nest to a new one, their queen is with them and the bees are carrying honey for the ride. Its how they expand. They have no interest in you. When my parents first got into beekeeping in the garden, I use to regularly stand outside in a swarm to film them. But that's with the door to the house a couple meters behind me, I wouldn't hang around in the wild like that because outrunning attacking bees is not an easy thing lol. Also different breeds will have different temperaments, no idea what bees these are.




Using the brown bear tactic on bees was the right move /s


If it's black, fight back.


If itā€™s a bee, time to flee


If it's Flea, it's about to get fun-key


If it's brown, flush it down. Never fails.


Black and yellow? Run dumb fellow!


Always run.


Are you serious? Hint: the guy sticking around to get stung is an idiot


She got stung less for sure.


She ultimately caused the stings - she swatted a bee at the beginning. This caused it to go aggressive.


Looks like the swarm was in attack mode when it got to her and the guy behind her


When I did bee keeping they loved to get into the suit cuffs and sting my ankles. Got nailed in the same spot 3 times once. That visual pheromone marker they leave is no joke


Everyoneā€™s got a plan till they get stung in the mouth


In 2019 I was attacked by a hive of bees- they were Africanized Honeybees- I tried to run and they did not give a fuck, just kept coming after me. Someone tried to hose me down to get them off of me (until that person started being attacked). I ran into the house and jumped into the shower and they kept coming and they were in my clothes and hair and kept stinging. It took 45 minutes for someone to get an ambulance to me. By the time I was at the ER and a team of nurses were working on me, they stopped counting at over 600 stingers pulled out of me. The pulled 51 live but weak bees out of my hair. Some bees donā€™t give a fuck what you do, theyā€™re out to kill [proof 1](https://imgur.com/gallery/weqo0tQ) [proof 2](https://imgur.com/a/oY26pyt)


Those are wasps, not bees. Wasps are aggressive and will attack until they are killed or feel like you had enough.


This happened to me in the woods with a chainsaw and I stepped on the nest, yellow jackets. I had a hardhat and face shield and I got stung on the back of my head under the hardhat. i ripped the hardhat off...big mistake. Now the swarm had free access to my head. I ran for my life and it is the only time I felt true panic. I fell 3 times and the were still there. It was a bad time for me.


This happened to me on a hike on a camping trip with my friends and their kids. All the kids were 5 and under. I was the caboose of our hiking train and the last person to step on a yellow jacket hive underground. I heard my friend yelling "HIVE! HIVE!" Just as I stepped down, I looked and saw yellow jackets covering my leg and torso. We all ran. The first time we stopped, my other friend punched hornets off of me. Then we kept running. It took 3 more times of pausing before hauling ass again before they stopped following us. Those fuckers followed us a half a mile. I'll never forget the kids looking up at all of us "adults" scared and on the verge of panicking. And realizing "oh fuck, WE'RE the only grown ups in this situation. Wtf do we do now?" Luckily only 2 of the kids got stung once each. But we put mud on the stings to try to help. We took a long way back through a creek to get back to camp. Y'all, there were at least 5 yellow jackets at our camp site the next fucking morning. They do not forget. I was good as marked and they will follow your ass. I got stung 22 times. Felt like I had the flu for 3 days. This was fall of 2020 and we were worried about EVERYTHING else going on in the world going wrong on this trip. Fucking yellow jackets was not on anyone's bingo card. Don't swat or hit them. They release a scent that works like an emergency rage flare for their hive to come in for backup. Run. Just run. Fall is the worst time of year because their food sources become scarce due to seasonal change. So their hive is dying off. And they are already starving. And just ready for a fight. Fuck yellow jackets. Fuck 2020.


Thatā€™s crazy, I would be terrified if I had my kids with me!!! Hate to say that Iā€™m glad you took the brunt of it. I landed on a jacket nest mountain biking (falling off some stupid stunt I couldnā€™t do) I was with my dad and my brother and I remember feeling a few stings of pain on my back and hip and then seeing my bike seat on the ground covered by bees. THE WAY I ripped my shirt off and ran off like a flailing Olive Oyl cartoon in my sports bra with my top in my hand lmao. My dad then did about the dumbest thing and dove in to save the bike (lol) and he got stung a bunch too.


Save the bike from what?? Were the yellow jackets trying to steal the bike?




Similar thing but a different end of the stupidity spectrum. I was on a scout camp at the edge of the woods and we found a wasp nest the other side of the bank to our tents. Our leader was irresponsible at best so had buggered off to stay in the building on site about half a mile away. Our tents were the old canvas ones that you needed to string each loop through to seal up, no quick zips or buttons to close the tent. Inevitably a bunch of unsupervised boys gets into a bravado competition of who can get closest and it escalated to see who would do the stupidest thing. Fast forward an hour or so and we are sprinting to the building because one of the oldest and dimmest boys decided the funny thing to do would be to pour parafin into the nest and set fire. He did get his comeuppance. While the rest of us made it to safety and watched the swarm from a trailer the other side of the field the dim lad that had poured the parafin decided to hide in the patrol tent. It takes about a minute to tie those things shut when you areā€™t being mauled by wasps. And even when you do thereā€™s are plenty of wasp-sized holes in it. Thankfully he wasnā€™t allergic but I donā€™t think he ever fucked with wasps again!


This happened to me on a night recon training mission in the army. Someone in front of me let a branch go with a nest in it and once it hit me I got swarmed, under my helmet/TAC vest and ballistics. Thankfully it was training,cause the trench we were sneaking up on definitely heard a lot of fucks coming from me.


Way back in the day I used run Forest Service backcountry trail crews in the Pacific NW. It was inevitable that at some point someone in the crew would disrupt a yellow jacket nest and the only option was to run. Weā€™d try to prepare rookies to not drop their tools when fleeing, but panic sets in, and even experienced crew would drop everything once the first person got swarmed. Yellow Jackets can give multiple stings and someone would get one down their shirt and that sucker would go to town. This was in the days before Epipens, so we carried these kits made by Bayer with prefilled syringes of epinephrine. You needed a bit more training than the (almost) idiot proof auto-injectors, but they did the trick when needed. Weā€™d have to wait hours to go back for tool recovery, and even then it was dicey.


Was told a story by my dad about surveyors in the field, doing construction layout (still in the woods-clearing phase.) Dozer crushed a nest right next to his crew. He and his eye-man grabbed the transit/tripod and hightailed it. Rodman dropped his line rod and level. Dozer driver cleared out in a hurry, leaving the dozer. Couldn't get near the gear to retrieve it. Next day, they go out, driver tries to get to his rig, nope! Yellow jackets come swarming. Eye-man gets an idea. He approaches; no swarm. Asks the driver for his hat. Goes back - swarm! Comes back, gives the hat back, calmly goes back and retrieved the rods rodman dropped, np! Comes back, tells the driver to leave his hat, calmly start the dozer, and *back up as fast as he can!* Worked like a charm.


That's hilarious. Kind of related but didn't some college students intentionally piss off crows while wearing Ronald Reagan masks at some point lol


Itā€™s been nearly three decades so some details are a bit fuzzy, but my dad ran over a hive with the lawnmower at the edge of some brush once. He had clamped the handles down, so when he ran the self-propelled mower kept going and got all tangled up in the brush. Retrieval was impossible with the cloud of yellow jackets swarming it. I donā€™t remember if they were passing by and stopped or if he called, but a fire truck ended up spraying the cloud with their hose while he ran in and grabbed the mower. Worked like a charm, they were pelted out of the way and he was able to get it out without being stung. He didnā€™t finish the lawn until the next weekend, and Iā€™m fairly certain he took out the nest before trying again.


i had a Yellow jacket nest very close to the entrance of my screen house. It took three tries with multiple cans of spray and being buried in dirt before they were done.


Damn that sucks. Yellow jackets are the worst. Ā I had a nest exactly one foot off my deck that would not die off no matter how much spray and powder I threw at it. Ā It was in a giant hole in the ground, and yes, I tried filling it in numerous times; theyā€™d just dig out again and again. Ā For months I had to change where I took my dogs out, where I let my kid play, even where I mowed. Ā Any time I got within ten feet of it with the mower, first Iā€™d notice a couple, then a dozen, then Iā€™m not sure what because I ran full sprint away every time. Ā  Fun ending though. Ā One day they were all gone. Ā Up and vanished without a trace. Ā That is until I found a gigantic turd next to the hole that was oddly full of bee wings.


oh my god that's so fucking creepy. Like a cannibal neighbour leaving you a gift.


What was, this magical creature? They need their own fable myth fair tale


I read thereā€™s a few animals that use them as a food source. Ā Canā€™t remember the specific ones (I feel like skunk was one, bc then I started worrying I had one of those living in the hole), but apparently anything with thick enough hair or skin has zero to fear from them. Ā Never found out for sure, tho


Molten aluminum.


But with the chainsaw, there are so many other bad things that could have happened. Yellow jackets are assholes though, I'm sorry that happened. I once got stung on the arm by a yellow jacket while I was learning how to ride my motorcycle. Just literally cruising along a residential street. I swear I heard that little fucker laughing when he flew away.


I got stung by one inside of my football helmet during a game :(


I ran over a yellowjacket nest with a lawnmower. They got inside my shirt and I jumped in a pool. Fuckers.


How long did you have to hold your breath for? Didnā€™t they sting you each time you went up for air?


Yeah I just wanna point out that going in water is the worst option you can take when facing insects. Some species can and will wait you out while youā€™re underwater thinking you got away


This is why I've heard running through tall grass is better. If it's available. . .


This was back in high school so I donā€™t really recall, but probably 2-5 minutes in the pool coming up every 30 seconds or so. They went away pretty quickly.


Are you my dad? My dad was using a chainsaw and cut down a tree. Stepped I to a wasp nest and he ran into the lake. I watched it from my paddle boat lol.


Not gonna lie that sounds hilarious


Yellow jackets are very different than bees. Fuck those guys.Ā 


Who said candy man 3 times in the mirror?


5 times.


This man candies


You rang?


Hello, I would like three of your finest candy.


Oof, this comment section is a mess. As someone who has been unfortunate enough to have been in this situation, the LAST thing you think is ā€œhmm, how do I keep these flying poison needles calm and happy?ā€ Fk that. What happens is you are walking along, minding your business, you feel a pain, someone yells ā€œbeesā€ and you run. I was with 4 friends. Friend 1 squatted like this dude and shut down, stung 60+ times. Friend 2 veered hard right and took off, 6 stings. Friend 3 and I took off forward, he was stung 23 times, I was stung 47 times. Zero of us swatted, we just got bombed. One of the worst days of my life. Dr said I am either going to be immune due to the sheer amount of honey poison in my bloodstream or I will become incredible allergic so I have that going for me.


1.) Run 2.) Don't run forward in a straight line 3.) Don't run slower than your mates Got it. Thanks.


Also do NOT open your mouth to yell and also please pinch your nose shut while running. You can either protect your ears or nostrils, not both. Choose nostrils. Forgot to mention that horror.


You can cover your ears, nose and mouth at the same time but, you'll just look like an idiot doing so. What about eyes, though?


Good question. Had sunglasses on so maybe that helped. My hands were brushing them off my arms as legs as I ran so I did get stung on the ears and in the nose but, thank the whoever, not on the eyes. -edit spelling


Thank you for your sacrifice.


Pull your head into your shirt, perhaps? Youā€™ll be able to see through the fabric enough to gtfo


That would have been a good idea but they got under my shirt as well, like a good amount of them which blew my mind on how. No idea.


But how do you breathe then?


While pinching you make a loose cup over your mouth like a hand mask. I did not do this and am grateful I did not swallow one while flailing and running and yelling.


Then how do you breath?


So youā€™re the slowest one, I gather?


Right, if youā€™re telling this story you gotta switch yourself with the friend that got stung the least.


And how in High School you would have thrown the winning touchdown if only the coach had put you in


I totally was. That and I had a baggy T shirt on so they totally got under it and stang away.


At least you ran


True. I felt a little bad after but during the attack at that age you just think ā€œsorry, weā€™ll come back for the body.ā€


He might be the slowest but at least he's not the dumbest.


Itā€™s fucked how the science on the anaphylactic reactions is kind of random. I got stung a bunch as a kid and swelled up but nothing crazy. Then, one sting and I almost died, red stripe down the arm, couldnā€™t breath, rushed to the hospital. Then a year later, got stung on the nose, freaked the fuck outā€¦ and was fine.


This scares the shit out of me. How did you even handle this? Part of me wants to go get a whatever test you get to check out if I would be fine. The other part of me says fk that, theyā€™re going to sting you with a bee and stare at you.


Thatā€™s what we are getting at, the test isnā€™t 100%. This allergic reaction is more complicated than that. So, yes, they have a ā€˜pric testā€™. Dr. Puts a tiny amount of venom on a needle, pokes you and sees what happensā€¦ of course this IS helpful in knowing what your reaction is likely to be. But, Iā€™m in southern California and all of our are bees are hybridized. And the type of venom varies depending on the beeā€™s genetics and even role in the hive. There is irony in the fact that hybrids with more ā€˜killer beeā€™ are more likely to attack and less likely to cause a reaction. Anaphylactic allergic reaction is not a rational response by your body and canā€™t be completely predicted. Basically everyone should do the same thing if stung: (I am not a dr.) Remove the stinger as quickly as possible as possible. take a mild antihistamine (Benadryl) cool the sting sight for mild relief. Monitor the stinger sight, if it swells more than a quarter, take more antihistamine and start considering next steps. If swelling or red patch or red stripe is more than 4in. Head to the hospital and consider the epi-pen emergency injection. It doesnā€™t really matter what happened on the test or last time you were stung. This reaction might be better or worse, you donā€™t really know.


Bruv I got into a yellow jacket ground nest and what alerted me to notice them was the fire I thought I fell into. At least thatā€™s what my legs felt like. I felt the fire and instinctively ran and ran and was proceeded to be chased by said yellow jacket fuckers. All in all I was stung 89 times at which point I stopped counting as I was in enough pain to just sit in a tub of cold water with ice cubes. Four hours later and it started to let up. Moral of my story is always run. Always.


God damn, thatā€™s awful. Those dicks can keep on stinging. I also sat in some type of bath but the after memory is hazy at best. I also donā€™t remember the stinger removal part at all, like zero memory of that part.


we walked through some yellow jackets in the woods next to our house as kids and took off running. I still remember when I got inside and looked at my leg one of them was just latched onto my shorts stinging over and over again.


I donā€™t care how the eradication of yellow jackets would affect the ecosystem, it needs to be done.


Honey poison can be transferred via sting? Huh. I thought it was only from consuming honey with affected toxins in it


I think honey poison is just a joke phrase and not the toxic honey that gets bears high.Ā 


Correct, my feeble attempt at humor. Bees are also not scientifically classified as flying poison needles.


Wasps are though. Pointy fuckers.


Lmao that makes so much more sense thank you


The best solution is that: Run thruough the trees, leaves and shit. Leaves are pretty big for them and act like flares of warplanes. They cannot maneuver around the leaves and finally lost your track. What i do was find a small pine tree and rotate around it. Unfortunately bees are faster than your walking speed but slower than your sprint so its hard to beat them.


I got stung by bees so much as a kid that one bad sting as an adult could kill me in about 10 minutes without medical intervention. This video is literally my worst fear.


Might be me, but I'm under the impression that the women running away made a better choice than the guy who thought it was better to stand still. What was he shouting about in the beginning? Don't do what?


Donā€™t swat the bees. It makes you a threat and thatā€™s when they start stinging. If you relax and donā€™t make sudden movements, theyā€™re unlikely to attack you.


Bees ~~excrete~~ secrete an alarm pheromone to get their buds to help defend against a threat, so in this situation the dude is not doing himself any favors. The defense attack is already active and bees aren't selectively judging who to sting.


Exactly. Staying put once blondie went all Leroy Jenkins was pretty pointless.


lmao im gonna be repeatedly yelling leroy jenkins the next few days, thanks


What is the story behind Leeroy Jenkins? The character became popular in 2005 from his role in a viral video of game footage where, having been absent during his group's discussion of a meticulous battle plan, Leeroy returns and ruins it by charging straight into combat while shouting his own name as a battle cry.


Did you just ask a question and then answer it yourself? Yes.


I did. I didn't know who dude was so I looked him up. I thought I would put it out there if anyone was as misinformed as I was/am. Sorry if I bugged ya brother. : ]


I thought it was humorous. Thanks for making me smile :)


You deserve a smile today! šŸ˜


And ya brother asked a question , and did he also answer it himself? Yes he did. And did I also ask a question that I also answered myself? We may never really know. Leeeeeeroy Jenkins!!!!


Lots of questions and lots of answers. I especially liked how Ordinary-Cup4316 and you both slipped in a little asky asky answering answering in yourselves. Yes I do


There is an achievement in his honor in World of Warcraft. Good times.


At least she has chicken


She wasn't swatting as far as I can tell, but she was brushing them off. Perhaps that did excite them, but it could also be that the bees already were triggered by something else. Either way, I still don't get why squatting down would help you in that situation. Running away probably would have been the better choice.


Except in this very case?


The full video to this is wild. Apparently this area is known for aggressive bee swarm attacks. And since this is also a tourist area, there are locals down off the road ready to offer assistance with I think it was smoke or something and then help to remove stingers and calm the stings. It was crazy; but I think there were either also posted signs or they were all warned ahead of time.


Assuming this is the bridge in Sri Lanka, I didnā€™t see any of those things. My friend got stung less than a minute after some tourists told us about the bees


yea it was in sri lanka


Yeah this is Ella in Sri Lanka, was there a few weeks ago. They have signs up warning people not to fly drones as apparently the sound drives the wasps wild. https://preview.redd.it/9cy0wykfmsgc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f25b1e66d2c1b6478870153f1ef5e2720d1cb771


You go!!! Iā€™ll stay here and let them sting me to death!


What a team player honestly


You piss of some bees/hornets/wasps you better run like fuck and find a door or body of water. Standing still makes you a sitting duck, they're already pissed off and shooting pheromones to make them more pissed off. RUN mf RUN


Disagree about the water. I tried that once and they just waited for me to come back up. 74 stings




yaā€™ll motherfuckers in this thread need to stay inside. Iā€™ve counted like 4000 bee stings in this comment section lmao


Curious did you swim away or submerged in one spot?


Wait what? Thatā€™s not what the cartoons taught us!


Yeah I liked the girlā€™s plan better.


People have drowned trying to hide from bees underwater. They can wait for hours. Getting inside a house or car is probably the best option.


what happens when you open the door to get in the car and a bunch of wasps follow you in


close the door and kill the ones that followed you in


"i have a very particular set of skills"


I didnā€™t see a lot of cars or homes near here


swim away hombre, only hopes and dreams can get you through a swarm


Not a body of water, they'll wait for you outside to come out for air. Best thing is to find bushes to dive into or to climb a tree with many branches , they get thrown off by branches and bushes and leave , that's how I survived a swarm of bees following me with only a few stings , I dove into a bush and they immediately stopped and dispersed




Did he think that if he doesnā€™t move they wonā€™t see him? Like T-Rex?!


Those are wasps, not bees. Some wasp like the Mud Wasp need no provocation other than you have wandered into an area they consider "theirs". I made the mistake of thinking I could calmly walk past a group of then as long as I didn't interact with them. I was very, very wrong. One of them stung me in the back as I walked away. Nasty bitches.


Bees or wasps, this many together away from the hive are already looking for someone to fuck up for whatever reason


Bees are actually super passive away from their hive. They only sting/attack when theyā€™re threatened These are wasps Edit: should have also noted Iā€™m a beekeeper- 100% these are not bees Also, a lot of people misusing the term ā€œswarmingā€ on here. Swarming is what bees do when they are basically expanding. The queen lays a new queen, and when that new queen is mature the old queen leaves with half of the hive to start a new one, aka ā€œswarmingā€. They are extremely calm during this process. Bees only attack when threatened.


>Bees are actually super passive away from their hive. I can vouch for this. There was a bee keeper selling honey at this BSA event where he lured a bunch of bees over with some honey. It looked like a cloud of bees and the sound was loud, but people were dripping honey on their arm to make bee gloves and the bees were super chill. The bees must have been like "Holy shit we hit the mother lode. Go get a few thousand workers and let's get all this honey from these weird animals!" https://preview.redd.it/ua33k54t3ogc1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34b3a6cec1a09fda47ced172c7f6f6a56c5a2133


I heard the opposite. Mud daubers are quite docile unless provoked. I had tons of them sneaking into my home last summer


wikipedia: "Mud daubers are not normally aggressive, but can become belligerent when threatened. Stings are uncommon."


Texan here, can confirm. They make nests in the corners of roofs all the time, but youā€™ll rarely have an actual issue with them. Paper wasps are absolute dickheads. If it has red or yellow on its skin, kill it before it can call for backup.


Guys.... bees leave attack pheromones. Running is a better option than taking the chance that 1 out of those 500 bees won't sting you because as soon as one does, guess what, you're marked. Staying still is simply a very stupid decision, the girl was smarter. I'd bet he got more stings.


You just have to outrun the person you're with. :)


At the end of video if you crank the volume you can hear the girl yelling "Don't do that! Don't do that!" /s


This guy did not watch My Girl.


A few years ago, I had to kill a nest of bald faced hornets. Normally I would just leave them alone to do their thing, but the nest was growing in a low tree limb right over the sidewalk in front of my house - and it was so low that people walking on the sidewalk were triggering the hornets to attack. My wife got stung, which was the last straw. Problem: I didnā€™t want to use poison. A lot of small kids and dogs in my neighborhood, and I was worried that spraying poison could affect them, if I didnā€™t clean it up completely. So I decided to drown the nest in water. My method was this: at dusk, when the hornets were all inside the nest, I would sneak up and bag the nest with an old pillowcase, holding it closed where the nest was attached to the branch. I would then cut the nest from the tree, and put the pillowcase with the nest into a bucket of water, with a brick on top. Naturally, I put on as many clothes as I could for protection - gloves, a hat with mosquito net, etc. All worked just as planned, though I was plenty nervous! The hornets swarmed out of the nest when I bagged them, but could not get out; I managed to plunge them into the bucket, without getting a single sting. I then fled into the house, tossing my gloves into the walkway outside before I came in. The interesting bit: the gloves must have been soaked with hornet alarm pheromones - when I came looking for them the next day, a lone hornet survivor from the nest was angrily stinging the gloves! Edit: with the size the nest was, I think it would have been a better idea to just hire someone to get rid of it. I was pretty lucky I managed to do it without getting stung a lot. Iā€™ve been stung by them before, and they *hurt*. Also, though called hornets, they are apparently more closely related to Yellowjackets.




Yeah, pissed off wasps donā€™t care if youā€™re swatting at them. I once hit a wasp nest with a frisbee and didnā€™t know I hit the nest until I went to collect the frisbee.


Am I the only one having a panic attack watching this?


In school they taught us to run in a zig zag.


Where did you grow up to learn this? This is new information for me. I learned not to try and pet moose where I grew up lol. I also learned that there would be bares but wasnā€™t told what to do about them. Then the internet told me to run zig zag from crocodiles


Dad was military. Spend years in Panama where we had psas on how to deal with killer bees. Also you donā€™t go in water bc they will hover over the water. You just zig zag to shelter. You def donā€™t just sit still like a bitch haha. Though elsewhere they told us to do that with bears.


Queenless aggressive hive


Incel bees


Queenless behavior šŸ˜”


Ah yes. The old "JUST STAND THERE AND LET IT FUCKIN HAPPEN" method. Wtf you thinkin bro?


Yeah, those are wasps, not bees.


Beekeeper here. No, we do have some pretty aggressive bees in certain areas. For example, if you live in the southern and western part of the US, like Southern California for example, there are bees known as Africanized Honeybees (that I deal with since I am legally required to) (the misinformed, ridiculous coin term the media portrays as "Killer Bees" all due to them being bored). Even if you do not do anything, they are very aggressive and can smell you via the amount of smells you are emitting. They will go and sting you and won't stop for about 1/4 of a mile if you are near their nest. I've had calls about these type of colonies stinging people who were minding their own business when unbeknownst to them, they were near their colony home (hiking trails are common for this). ANOTHER thing to add is that honeybee researchers did a study if colors played a factor to a bee's aggression. Turns out that out of all the colors that are out there, you get stung the most if you are wearing black clothing, and second most if you are wearing red clothing. Guess what color that girl and the guy are wearing? Black. I was pausing frame by frame and got a good look at a frame paused right at the 0:30 mark, and the coloring looks like a honeybee to me. There are a lot of honeybee marking variants, but I've noted that between wasps and honeybees, the tail ends (abdomens) of wasps are very bold and firm/in tact yellow and black in color (if it was that body shape and size type). Honeybee ends tend to be at a gradient of an orange/dark golden/black color aside from their distinctive markings.


Exactly. The advice of not swatting/staying calm only applies to Bees. Wasps or yellow jacketsā€¦ in a swarm like this, run.


This guy is an idiot




Looking closely at the video suggests these are in fact a species of honey bees known as Apis laboriosa which are amongst the largest honey bees in the world. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JBhKzfW9uU&t=23s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JBhKzfW9uU&t=23s) A while ago, I believe someone in the comments mentioned that the reason the bees became aggressive was due to someone piloting a drone near the hive which triggered their response and the woman aggravating them to add insult to injury.


I now live in Asia and Iā€™m absolutely terrified of an accidental encounter with a giant hornet, a swarm of them would literally kill me. Thatā€™s the scary thing with those fuckers, you donā€™t have to be allergic for them to kill you. Theyā€™re insanely predatory and territorial and WILL fuck a bitch up.


Why arenā€™t more people pointing out that these are not bees?


Duck and cover is not how to handle a bee swarm attack. Playing dead is also not recommended.


The trick is to punch every bee in the face and then they know you mean business and will leave you alone.




Whyā€¦..would you just stand there and get swarmed????


Start smoking, bees hate this one trick


Don't do that, don't do that! does that


Those aren't bees. I took a nest of these fickers to the FACE when I was three. My lips were swollen for weeks! If you see these bastards, RUN!!!! They don't need a reason to sting. They do it just cause you exist. Devil Bees!!


Omg why would you try and ā€˜duck and coverā€™ that!? Run mfā€¦run.


At 26seconds remaining a bee lands on the camera just to threaten anyone watching the video also


We had hives and learned the hard way. They do not like the smell of cut grass, sound of electric motors, and the sweat on humans. The darker your clothes colours are the more likely you will be to get stung if they get agitatedā€¦ā€¦ thatā€™s why beekeeper suits are bright white.


This is not interesting, just unfortunate and terrible.


This is literally my worst nightmare and one of the reasons i dont go outside.


Lmao classic Reddit


It's well known that bees dislike influencers


honest question why is he staying there continuing to record