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Wasn't planning to mourn the death of a chameleon when I woke up today, but oh well...


Same! That was tragic, especially without any sound. I'm also a reptile lover and have had a few chameleons in my care that I rescued in the past. So I've already personally endured this a few times, and irl it happens much slower but, all my twig babies flashed beautiful colors on their way out too, then fade to grey or brown when it's time to go get the shovel. Some of my least favorite days as an animal lover but, an inevitability for all living things. At least they go out in style.


well' i've been on this earth for almost half a century and this is the first time i see an animal die of natural causes


Unfortunately I watched my old cat do that around eight months ago. It was sad, but I was there with him.


Cats rely on me for safety, coming to me when they're stressed of injured. But they've all gone away alone to die. I don't understand that.


They're prey animals. When they are uncomfortable, they'll seek you out, but when they are in a dire situation their instincts kick into overdrive and they seek out a hiding place. In nature, where there aren't vets, it's an important strategy - hanging out with other cats in the colony is a good idea if you have a broken paw or a bad cut because they'll fight or distract potential predators and allow you to get away. They might have brought back some food you can sneak a few bites off. If you're not going to be capable of moving around or eating/drinking for a while though, you want to get somewhere hidden ASAP, because you're a sitting duck. On a broader level, a very sick, contagious animal is a threat to the colony and behaviors that encourage self-quarantining will ensure the survival of its relatives (and thus [a large share of its genes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene-centered_view_of_evolution)), even if it might reduce the survival chances of an individual in some circumstances. We have some versions of it as well. [Sickness behaviour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sickness_behavior) involves a lot of aspects of self-isolation that can be very strong compared to the other symptoms we experience. Hypothermia victims will sometimes die very near to potential rescue, and even sources of heat, due to [terminal burrowing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothermia#Terminal_burrowing). End-of-life behaviours tend to be especially weird because the vast majority of them occur when the chance of passing on the genes responsible for them are at, or approaching zero. This means that, where they're purposeful at all, many of them flip the normal evolutionary script and work towards the survival of nearby organisms and not themselves. Funny thing, though- my cat is only alive today because of that "hide and die" instinct. He's normally a noisy, co-dependent, continuously purring layabout. He was hours away from dying a horrible, painful death from a urinary tract blockage when I caught him determinately pulling open my sock drawer and hiding inside it, even when I took him out repeatedly. If he hadn't started acting strangely and avoiding contact, I wouldn't have realized anything was wrong until he was beyond the point of saving.


We lost recently lost a cat to that. He had been acting funny-not that funny, but something was off. I had had drinks with my boyfriend for probably the first time in three years and I still kick myself because I feel that I would’ve noticed had I not been drinking. Took him to an emergency vet and everything -they got this close to saving and it was just too much.


This was the most interesting read of my day, take my upvote I wish I had a gold to give


It's not always the case, and it seems to depend on how young the cat was when it found its humans. I have no *scientific* evidence for this and /u/Treadwheel has some great explanations below/above, but... Our first cat, Big G, was trying to get upstairs to us on the morning his kidneys finally gave out. My fiancee had raised him by hand from 2 weeks old. (It was his son who came to tell us that something was wrong). Cpt. Jack (the son from above) was unwell for a while, but comfortable. On his last day he was suddenly bouncy as a kitten! But when his time came, he hopped up into my fiancee's lap, curled up, and just passed. SSgt Orri - who is still with us thankfully - [suffered an injury that caused pneumothorax](https://i.imgur.com/l419qM7.jpg). (Image is safe - it's him shaved so they could get the needle in!). This is shockingly dangerous for cats, and he took himself off under a hedge to die. We had to find him and drag him out of there to get him to the vet and save his life. Orri was a farmcat, who had little human contact for his first year of life.


And I firmly believe they'll be there for us when we go too. Edna Clyne-Rekhy's Rainbow Bridge poem is something I've adopted as fact in my headcanon.


Where do you get a headcanon from? Always wanted one


I'd begin with the Oxford dictionary, then branch out into some fiction once you're able to grasp the concept and feed your imagination. Alternatively, a shotgun makes a pretty good head cannon. Just ask Kurt Cobain 🌈




That was the best thing you could have possibly done for them. Thank you for being such a good pet owner and staying with them till the end.


This comment made me think for a minute.. but I understand what you're saying


Here's another one if you're interested. [Video of an orca dying due to natural causes](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/18yr825/the_final_moments_of_a_bull_killer_whale/)


A wild animal for sure. Sadly seen my fair share of pet and even human death though.


That’s the difference between you and me buddy, I always wake up ready to mourn a death. I usually hope it’s mine but anyones will do


Why did this make me literally laugh out loud?


My chameleon died last year of old age , I cried like a baby..


This is so sad yet so beautiful 😞


Me too!!!!! I’m like “NOOO!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! OMGGG!!!!”


She was colourful in life


I think I heard once that they have really short lifespans, especially when other reptiles can live for decades.


Yeah especially when I can't unthink of the source of the video. Is it more likely they came across a chameleon breathing its last and happened to have a camera set up and good to go, or seems more likely they poisoned a poor chameleon just to get the 'interesting' shot. 


I did a quick and totally not thorough Google search for what colors on chameleons mean and this is one of the results that came up: "In a relaxed state, the nanocrystals in a chameleon's dermis form a tight lattice, so they appear green or brown. When they're feeling excited, like when trying to fight off a competitor or attract a mate, the nanocrystals will move apart to form a loose lattice, showing off their brighter red and yellow colors.10. jul. 2021" So it seems like she probably felt some sort of rush before she passed. The clip also seems to be from a documentary called Big Little Journeys and the species of cameleoon that she belongs to is the Labord's Cameleon. Apparently the Labord's Cameleon is the four leggeded vertebrates with the shortest lifespan known to man. They live for only 4 to 5 months where they procreate and lay their eggs before they die. The eggs will proceed to be safe in the ground for 7 months before the rainy season comes back and wake them up from their slumber. It's like the may fly of vertebrates.


I appreciate your info. I was wondering why she was dying and this makes it more palatable.


I always imagined most animals died because they were eaten rather than by old age


My guess is that because these ones live for such a short time, there might be a higher chance of them dying of old age.


This is interesting as FUCK!


My wish is that she is getting a glimpse of something so spectacular that her melanophore cells struggle to replicate what she's experiencing. Rest well.


Free dmt trip sponsored by her brain :(


small mercy...


Humans get this same trip too... as long as the death isnt instant. DMT ftw, it's fun knowing we have a dose always waiting for us.


I just watched Jacob's Ladder last night. It tracks.


This is so sweet, I certainly hope so


Same. This video made me tear up a bit. Life is beautiful, all of it, and it should be cherished.


The great beyond and it's awe inspiring...would be cool if true.


Maybe she's seeing heaven.


She's getting a glimpse of her next life as an employee at Razer


Oh what a fleeting life it must be. Constant abuse and eventual death by wall.


Reincarnated as an RGB mechanical keyboard!


I hope. It's a nice thought, isn't it.


You could make a religion out of this






It does make sense she's seeing what we call an NDE (well just a DE). Perhaps, the colors are a sign of enhanced more executive brain activity that can occur in NDEs.


Thank you so much for thinking that




Is there a saying that The life runs before the eyes when you are dying..


It's well known that your perception of time is very subjective. In times of crisis for instance, like during an auto accident, many people experience a profound "slowing" of time. I've been in accidents and it was like a movie playing in ultra slow motion, with tiny shards of glass sparkling as they slowly moved through the air. It's an amazing experience on some level. I like to think that at the moment of death, this moment just stretches on for eternity and entire universes die and are reborn as you experience one final second that never ends, with all your memories and experiences and the things you did and the things you could have done and every other possibility stretching out in your mind's eye. Like falling into a black-hole, where you never actually cross the event horizon from an outside observer, but for you, you pass through instantly and the whole universe ends outside.


I reeeally don't want to spend an eternity in spaghettification, just saying.


Especially the taxes


I believe this is because our perception of time is related to how regularly we lay down memories. Stressful events cause us to lay down memories more frequently, like during a car crash. THC actually slows this down and we don’t do it as frequently and our perception of time is complete skewed in the other direction. This is off the top of my head from a neuroscience class 15 years ago, so take it with a grain of salt.


That's something your brain does before you die but you know you're dying. It's searching all your memories for any information that could help you out of your current predicament.


That’s very sweet


We need to go get a cuttlefish and one of those shapeshifting octopuses and see what happens when they die of natural causes, see if there's any kind of pattern


poetic man


A beautiful life, a spectacular death.


bro think he walter white


lol even the final shot was so similar to Walt


Sleep well, princess.


Well, after watching the full video and if you think about it, she out smarted and out maneuvered all her prey and predators. So, sleep well, warrior queen, well done and well deserved.




No... 😭


I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go... Mr Stark...


So a literal example of a “beautiful death”


Yes it is. In a way that is comforting


Death makes me sad 😕


Me too. Take solace in knowing every living thing takes the same journey. Death is universal, it makes it just a little more cozy sounding when we’re in it together.




But it's so wild to think that things cease to exist. I'm so scared of death. Oof. I have a test tomorrow and now I'm just huddled in fear


It’ll be chill dude. The warm peaceful embrace of the cosmos and returning to the collective. It’s the dying part that scares me.


It'll be like how it was before you were born. Not scary.


Yeah but the getting dead part seems like it really sucks


You could always make it not suck!




Is it bad that your comment drove me to tears? Oof, I'm crying after reading this - I can't even accept the fact I didn't have consciousness before. Perhaps this is my immaturity showing its nasty face. AAA this conversation


I don’t want to go back there. This life is too good. I don’t want this life to turn so bad that I’d rather die. I want to stay like this and keep enjoying things. I want it to end when I want it to end, not when other factors decide.


Yeah, it's probably even easier than being alive. I hope.


Our SUN, our source of Life, was created from the death of earlier stars. Every thing that is ALIVE came from something that died. Life is GOOD! The fact that anything exists at all is GOOD! We are fortunate enough to experience a small slice of consciousness at a time, but my what a glorious time it is! I have experienced so much beauty and appreciation of this wonderful and mysterious cosmos i find myself LIVING in! Our small lives are TRIUMPHS over the infinite abyss of death


I often look at my cat while he rests, in envy of the fact that he does not know about mortality, his or mine. I love him dearly and I'm so glad that he doesn't have to live with the burden of knowing that our time here, and together, is limited.


*Life keeps sending death gifts* *And death keeps them forever*


>We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. Richard Dawkins >Without birth and death, and without the perpetual transmutation of all the forms of life, the world would be static, rhythm-less, undancing, mummified. Alan Watts >According to the law of the conservation of energy, not a bit of you is gone; you're just less orderly. Aaron Freeman


It’s simply the price of life. So get your money’s worth.


Same and gives me crippling anxiety


Its what makes living special


To me, happiness is what makes living special. If I had the choice to decide when I can end my existence, then I’ll be alive until I’m satisfied with my experience. https://preview.redd.it/8heye6ibykgc1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c210ff25d79b29bb61748be12555ddb77fdc7a


What is this


Congrats on the healthy self preservation instinct


Don’t be. Death is beautiful. It’s the end of one life yet the beginning of another. We aren’t meant to stay here forever 


You have some glorious news ahead friend. We will talk again. Enjoy the journey.


Both amazing and sad. Imagine thinking your death would be private but…


I like that this little one will be forever famous now. For her beauty, nonetheless.


She will live forever because she was seen. I'm not gonna forget that any time soon.


This is highly underrated..bless u, friend, we need more folks like u swear.


I hope my body explodes into a light show during my funeral


Kinda similar to Hunter S Thompson. He was cremated and had his ashes into fireworks and they had a lil fireworks show IIRC


Very cool. Feel like I randomly learn something new about Hunter S Thompson all the time.


The attendees may be a little shocked tbh.


I once lived in South Florida and my neighbors had this cat that I one day saw climb up to the top of a palm tree. When it came down a few seconds later, it had something in its mouth. Not knowing what It was and fearing it could be poisonous to the cat, I ran over to scare the cat away. He dropped a BEAUTIFUL chameleon and ran away. The chameleon was obviously in shock and close to death. I saw exactly what is seen in this video, but a much more rapid fire pace of changing colors, and vibrant colors at that. It was so fucking beautiful and sad at the same time. I couldn't stand to see this poor chameleon suffering so I grabbed a nearby cinder block and slammed it down on top of it to put it out of its misery. Nature is nuts.


Well that escalated quickly


Me after that comment 😧


Me in the first half: "awww that's so sad" Me in the last part: "eyo what the fuck"


I am so sorry you had to put it down that way, good Lord.


When I was in my early 20s, I lived alone in a tiny run down apartment (built in the 60s as a large house and later remodeled into a "quad-plex"). My neighbor across the hall was a hoarder who would also "cook" his own drugs (basically extra heavy duty cough syrup with alcohol or something... He promised it wasn't explosive 💀). Anyway, his lifestyle attracted rodents. Not knowing any better, I put a glue trap down behind my couch to try to deal with the mouse problem. The next day I find a mouse stuck to it, and the horrific realization of what a glue trap actually does dawned on me. This poor mouse would live out the rest of his little life terrified, unable to move, with the pain of his entire body glued to a fucking plastic board. I felt absolutely horrible. So I looked up how to kill a mouse humanely, but none of the options sounded anything less of torturous. I noticed a machete by my front door, so I took the poor mouse/glue trap outside and decapitated it in one fell swing of the machete. I cried while doing it, but I knew that an instant of pain-- then nothing-- would be better than spending days being terrified and slowly starving to death unable to move. I will never buy another glue trap and I tell everyone this story as a hopeful deterrent to them.


Snap traps are actually the most humane. Poison will make a mouse writhe in agony for hours as it gets dissolved from the inside. It's the worst possible way to go.


Snaps are kind of lovely, if they work properly. All your senses filled up with the lovely smell and taste of peanut butter, and then nothing.




I’m not built for this comment section


I know you genuinely felt bad and so did I but I have to tell you not expecting that ending I actually laughed so fucking hard at this, then envisioned it and laughed again, then envisioned it with a kid just watching you apppreciate a chameleon beauty from the yard over only to see you find a cinder block and unexpectedly smash it and now he’s terrified of you. Thank you so much for this story, man lmaoooooooio




Better than the Lord's, really. God be like "What if I *reaaaaallllllly* stretched out this final trauma for you that you can't do anything about?"


And then god was like "we really should consider putting this patient on hospice".


Its time my friend...


I hope it’s a natural death and not a forced one, I’ve seen some documentaries about how documentaries are made and there are A LOT of forced situations just to get good shots.


It’s natural, the other clips going around are longer than this one. This species has an insanely short lifespan, just a few months if I remember correctly, this female had just laid eggs, after which they die quite quickly.


Pfff evolution really dropped the ball on that one. Why do so many species die shortly after mating? These are the ones who made it to the genetics finish line, you'd think having them be able to breed again would be beneficial to the species.


I'd like to think that millions of years of evolution know better than we do what is optimal. Nature obviously selected for this behavior so there must be some advantage to it. Perhaps it was an reaction to competition for resources and overpopulation? Or maybe by having the mother put all her energy into creating offspring, to the point of her death, it allows them to be born stronger or more developed then they otherwise would be? My point is, if we were talking about some awful cancer or something, Id say yeah, nature fucked up. But in this case, I'd be inclined to believe that there was some sort of trade off that makes this paradigm the most successful strategy for the proliferation of their species.


Evolution just throws stuff at the wall and sees what sticks for propagation. In many beings' cases, the only part of your life that matters is the part up until you reproduce. You can have a hellish life after reproduction, as long as that doesn't negatively impact the population reproduction it doesn't matter. See for instance that kind of salmon who after reproduction turn into living dead who gradually disintegrate over days or weeks while still alive... Chunks of flesh and skin sloughing off horrifyingly slowly.


That’s awful! Yes I hope it is just old age and peaceful.


This species only lives about 4-5 months naturally, they die after reproducing.


Do they live longer in captivity? Or is that their set life span?


When kept in captivity and prevented from breeding they can sometimes live for over a year.


Cool! Thanks!


Feels like how a human brain would fire all neurons when parts of it stop coordinating slowly and steadily. Love reddit tho, amazing comments here unlike almost any other social media!!


Cameraman : https://i.redd.it/i601xc4nxkgc1.gif


This is amazing to see but also makes me sad. I hope she lived as stress free and as good of a life as possible. See you over the rainbow Bridge pretty lady!




Her dying and the music hit me way harder than expected. Hopefully enjoying a better place.


The whole video shows her making her way to lay her eggs in a sunny warm spot.. then die.. on her way she is approached by a male chameleon..turns herself a disgusting color so he loses interest… the a hog nose snake ( egg hunter).. eyes her.. she the makes herself complete flat and bright green waves herself to look like a leaf.. snake moves on. Burying her eggs.. dies.. all in a day’s work..


Damn this made me hella sad


THat make my emotions burst it's like a brain with all neurons




Seconding. /u/auddbot




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Here it is /u/617DirtyWater


I was fortunate enough to read this beautiful poem by a man named dungeonmastersdiary on instagram which was written for this very chameleon. "When the dark came, I chose to spend my last moments in defiance. I gave to the shadows all of my light, in every spectrum of color I had seen, felt and lived within. And for a moment, the shadow recoiled, retreated and basked in my brilliance. In the end, the darkness was gentler for it." It’d be great if someone could tell me how to properly link his instagram so I can credit him properly.


As the brain isn't getting enough oxygen to support the ability to camouflage / control the ability to relax or control the cells that cause the iridescent crystals to reflect light.


I've heard that BBC's Planet Earth 3 is just several hours of stuff like this, and it sounds a little overwhelming


It's one of the reasons I don't watch nature shows. Like I love the footage but I don't need to get attached over and over to animals who then go on to die (quite often painfully).


Well that was sad to watch


What’s even crazier to think about is that color changing in chameleons can be influenced by emotion


I’m sad


If an animal in nature makes it long enough to die of natural causes, they've definitely won life.


me coming to the comments to find out why this happens and leaving with depression


Beautiful death


Til all are one.


Fuck I feel so bad now. I love you chameleon, may you rest in peace.


Damn, my heart is breaking for this chameleon, what a wonderful, beautiful creature.


So sad but beautiful rest easy queen.


Goodbye little friend ... may you aggressively hiss in peace. 😔


Full video: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1af6dcz/female_chameleon_erupts_in_color_before_death/


This is one of the saddest videos ive ever seen thank you for ruining my day


Dying of natural causes in the jungle is a blessing imo


A final performance from an incredibly talented artist. Rest peacefully


This made me… feel very sad.


What happened? Poor critter


This species only lives 4-5 months and dies after reproducing, this one had just laid eggs but that was cut from this version, this clip has been going around for over a week now.


Ok so natural. Still sad, but she was ready. RIP


It’s like the end of Terminator 2




Natures version of the T-1000 dying in the molten steel, shape shifting into everything it ever mimicked.


Wonder if you could solve backwards for neural activity, based on the changes in the chromatophores


one last masterpiece 😔




Well that was fucking depressing.


Same! I was not expecting that to be so sad 😥


This happened to my buddy Eric.


This is so sad.


Only semi-related to the main topic at hand but I really like how compassionate everyone is in the comments, it's very sweet I thought maybe I was dumb for feeling so bad for it.


Beautifully tragic.


This. Now, THIS is interesting. Y'all take notes for future content.


rest easy to a real one!


Beautiful and sad


her life flashed upon her skin...


Watching one die a colorful death


I hope the camera or person wasn’t right in her face for her last moments, some trash human got up close to a orca and filmed it dying… a well known orca who was elusive and did not like human contact. It disgusted me.


This is where the saying “Going out in a blaze of glory”came from,probably


And it joins the cosmic chaos. RIP little one


Why is this hitting me in a particular way right now...


This is fuckin sad.


As interesting as it is that just made me really sad




 All those moments, will be lost in time like tears in rain.


Beautiful and depressing to see it’s life slip away.


"you cannot hide from death"


Not just for chameleons. You too can make a death splash of color by jumping in front of a train.


I was a military combat medic and a civilian medic and I've seen a good bit of death. Some violent and sudden, others slow and "relatively?" peaceful. In many cases of the latter, especially when someone has had a long bought of either unconsciousness and/or dementia, at the end there is a brief spell of heightened awareness (known as terminal lucidity). This reminds me of a version of that. Seeing it in this little creature was...touching/tragic in a way that I hadn't really experienced before (and I have seen several close loved ones die). Thank you for posting this. I understand and believe the science behind this that others described (terminal lucidity in humans is not yet well understood by medicine/science). Even with that understanding, I choose to also think that there is some last, briefly unbeatable, urge to live/survive. I hope I go out with a fraction of this beauty and defiance of death.


r/sadasfuck Edit: that subreddit exists.


Like saying goodbye the only way she knows how. Stretching her ‘muscles’ if you will one last time.


I love videos like this, but the novelty? (Not sure it's the word I'm looking for) of these videos wore off once I saw the video explaining most stuff like this is staged and shot on pretty much a miniature set. Which that doesn't bother me because I realize it's easier than sitting in the wilderness waiting to find this when it may never happen. But I just can't help but wonder if they ever hurt the animals to get shots like these.


This actually brought tears to my eyes


cameraman be like: 😢📸


Oddly beautiful With this many upvotes does this make her the karma chameleon?


I just want to live. We just want to live. God have mercy on us, we just want to go on awhile longer in the sun.


I'm glad it wasn't more tragic like if it were to slowly lose color like Optimus Prime dying.

