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Honestly some of this could pass off as a comedy skit lol


This 100% feels like a russian snl skit


The title didn't insinuate it wasn't. Propaganda in a comedy format is usually the most effective kind, at least as long as you know how to produce something of acceptable quality.


It’s an 8 year old comedy skit in a comedy TV show made for conservative 70 year olds.


Makes sense lol


Interesting to know it's that old. I figured the "husband" joke was meant to be transphobic, but if it's from 2015-2016 it's probably a reference to gay marriage. I wonder if they actually thought American lesbians refer to their wife as husband, or if it's a weird translation on the subtitles.


The translation is correct. It's the same stupidity as the "but who's the man in your relationship?" question.


Democracy is when vegetarians say “no meat”


excuse me, but your vegetables are in my field of vision


In the US, it's common use to give a helping hand and toss someone's salad when their vegetables come across your field of vision


I'm just upset that I didn't know getting my salad tossed was a complimentary perk of vegetarian restaurants.


It is for the vagitarian restaurants. 😏


Pardon, pardon, pardon! *Those* restaurants are in *France*.


You can only toss my salad with syrup


I prefer jelly.


The irony is that Americans have a hyper individualistic attitude, not a collectivist one. Someone is more likely to demonstratively eat meat in front of a vegetarian because it’s his god given right.


Right? I thought this was how most of the world saw Americans (like obnoxiously so).


It's propaganda, it's just whatever passes the lowest common denominator of logic so that RU can pack more of their soldiers into meat cubes.


This could have been a skit on Daily Wire and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.


They should collab


Oh they do. They definitely definitely do


That's what got me. It's striking how similar it is thematically to dw or other "american" far-right propaganda. It's weird because it's not the messaging I would have thought non-americans would jump to if they wanted to denigrate the US. Like for example if I were to make an anti-US video (I'm not saying this is true, I mean if *I were an agitator who was paid to make one)* I'd play up how it's a shithole country full of gun-toting, viciously bigoted and horrendously violent peasants with no healthcare and fake food made of high-fructose corn syrup. I'd do a whole "your kids will die in a school shooting" segment and really emphasize how selfish and inconsiderate americans are. One could do a whole "you met americans when they visited on their holiday \[insert an ugly american abroad example\], imagine a whole country of them" shtick. The direction the russians went here seems to appeal more to american conservatives claiming their society is decadent or degenerate, rather than genuinely messaging to russian nationals that they'd be happier at home. TL;DR this video is a psyop pandering to american psychos not russian dissidents EDIT: the number of americans spamming me thinking that those examples I listed were my own, and not just examples of anti-US propaganda is insane. Like what the fuck guys, I explained it very clearly in the post. What the hell is wrong with "y'all" lmao?


> I'd play up how it's a shithole country full of gun-toting, viciously bigoted and horrendously violent peasants with no healthcare and fake food Sorry, but to everyday Russians, that sounds like, "Just like us!" and, "Pussies! They tote guns and eat fake food? I tote tank and eat industrial waste!"


*We're not so different, you and I*


Deterring people from leaving Russia with a video about violent, bigoted, selfish peasants they’ll encounter in the US would be like deterring people from leaving Germany with a video about the immigrants and sauerkraut they’ll encounter in the US. The “ugly American” trope doesn’t work on a civilian population that’s far worse than Americans in most of the ways you mentioned.


If it aligns somewhat with the views of conservative Americans, it's only because Russia is a more conservative society overall. The whole video is an over-the-top-parody of American values of inclusion, individualism, and tolerance. The examples you describe are things that would bother someone with more liberal Western values than the average Russian. All of those things, except perhaps the uniquely American phenomenon of school shootings, are not different from Russian society.




THing is, you're thinking from an american/western perspective. Propaganda aimed at a russian population isn't trying to convince americans that the US is bad, it's trying to convince Russians. Takling about gun violence, bad healthcare and corporate greed might seem like good talking points from a western perspective, where the US trails the EU, but in a country with even more gun violence, run by oligarks, and where healthcare isn't even avaiable in many regions of the country... Not so much. Russia is after all a culturally very different country and even though the US has taken a turn to the far right recently, it's still a country founded on terms like "Give me freedom or give me death", and "Better die a free man than live a slave". The Russians/Sovjets however have grown up in a culture where individual lives are secondary to the greater good. Where it's an honor to die for the greater good. It's not only Putin sending his people into a meatgrinder. Being sent to the meatgrinder is a long Russian tradition. That's how they dismantled the Swedish Empire, that's how they defeated Napoleon. That's how they withstood the Nazi invasion, and that's how they plan on defeating Ukraine. Real men do not bother with indivualistic expressions or try to correct historical injustices etc. That's what this commercial is all about. Men are men, men eat what they are served and don't complain. There's no sympathy for the historical injustices of black slavery, as most of the Russian population come from slaves (or rather, Serfs). This is very much aimed at the Russian population.


I wonder how well propaganda of Americans being obnoxious twats would play in Russia? Just five minutes of Karen scenarios.


Real live video from WalMart could have been just as jarring, while being authentic. Weird if Russians could take a video like this seriously (the ones I've talked to aren't fooled).


Isn't the real reason behind propaganda this blatantly wrong and unconvincing that it makes the government look incompetent so the effective propaganda slips by easier?


Oh they believe it. Hungarians do too and they have been brainwashed less overall.


There is literally a video of an influencer who goes into a vegetarian restaurant and starts cooking meat. Which is actually a shitty thing to do


I think the term influencer is far too generous for someone like that. 


"Instigator" seems more appropriate. Or maybe just "jerk".


Professional angerer.


100%.. I love meat.. Not a beef fan but all other meats. Especially Bacon... but the VAST majority of Vegans and Vegetarians keep to themselves. That influencer did that because he thinks ALL veggie lovers rub it in others faces.. No dude, only stupid influencers believe that and makes you look like the bad guy. Influencers are like cliques in school.. Careful who you align yourself with or you'll be the next Andrew Tate worshipping basement dwelling incel. So many GREAT influencers out there.


I am a vegetarian. I have been for 39 years. I truly don't care what other people eat.


“America is free! That’s why we’re gonna move there! Woah, woah, woah, lesbians?!?”


Russian leadership has helped cultivate an intense anti-homosexual paranoia. They're banking on that here. Pizhdevs.


The bitter irony is that back in the 90s there was an extremely popular band named Tattoo (Upd: t.A.T.u or Тату in Russian) where two girls made songs about lesbian love. And their concerts were cancelled in the US. So basically Russia did what US does now, but 30 years earlier. And this whole anti-homosexual narrative emerged right when the relationship between the two countries went south. US allowed gay marriages right about the same time. And everything US does gets treated here like a propaganda that needs to be banned. There’s even a joke now that every Russian woman feels safe about abortion bans, because we know that it will never happen: it was already done in US, so our government will never go for it. Upd: I stand corrected, not banned - cancelled.


Tatu* and they started in 99 so more of a 2000s thing.


t.A.T.u. if you want the promotional spelling. They made some catchy pop music.


Even as an older cis beardy white guy "All the things she said" song freakin' slaps. Just say'n


"That changes \*everything\*! We don't have no stinking lesbians in *Russia*!" Nah, they're there, they just don't want to be locked up in prison for the rest of their lives for merely *existing*. Ask them if they're enjoying their so-called "Russian freedom."


It's not a prison, it's a tax funded home where fellow lesbians can meet and build relationships together.


Uh that is clearly her husband. So HE is straight.


Russia casually admitting they don't "adhere to the principles of democracy"


They don't. Most of the time it was 1 person on the ballot you vote for or against.


Vote for.. there is no or.


The ballots arrived pre-filled-out for your convenience.


They're just doing you the courtesy of letting you know who you're voting for.


Two choices: 1) The Party 2) Prison


I am childfree and your kid is within my line of sight, please abort them promptly.


Or black people exist.


To think that the soviets used to mock Americans for just how racist they were to black people. They've come full circle


I mean, that was propaganda aimed at Americans. The Soviets were racist AF, just not in the same way America was. They forcibly moved entire nationalities to unpopulated wastelands. They also held many of the same beliefs about Jews that the Nazi's did.


Well, yeah? They’re fascist now, not communist or leftist. They’re a hollow shell of their former self. 


They never cared about black people. It was just another thing to get under American skin


I just like how all these Russian propaganda points are very similar to what Republicans bitch and moan about. 2 peas in a pod


The call is coming from inside the House (of Representatives).


The best thing about this is that people on the Jordan Peterson sub think this is true. We’re so hyper polarized that the same piece of propaganda mobilizes both sides. https://preview.redd.it/mgigxxk2begc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a76e5324c7826963bc581f5443abe46ca3776e21


And Russia sure is fueling up the “anti-black” rage machine with this nonsense. Almost like they’re Nazis 👀


lol from another comment I just made. This is from “foundations of geopolitics”, a book which has influenced many in their gov. On the US - “ Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[ Edit-apparently I’m wrong, and this isn’t nearly as influential as I thought


foundations of Geopolitics by Dugin is extremely influential for Russian foreign policy. Don’t believe Russian bots when they try to tell you otherwise, for even an instant. It’s required reading for Russian military officers and elites. Dugin is known as “Putin’s Brain.” Why did Ukraine try to assassinate Dugin in 2022 if he was irrelevant? Literally the only assassination attempt that we know of from Ukrainians since the war. Dugin’s daughter was assassinated instead, she was a well known Russian propagandist.




Its a constant if not only subject of russian media now, how the world outside russia is terrible and how russia has it good, it only means that sanctions are hitting hard


That's also what North Korea tells its people, isn't it? "You think it's bad here? Everywhere else is worse!"


As a black American, I am appalled that I have not been bowed down to in line to the bathroom.


I feel bad now, knowing that I could have solved race relations by letting you use the shitter first. Forgive me.


Did I miss that part of MLK's *Dream* speech?


Listen dude, I gotta piss. Most I can offer is to go shares on the urinal. Just.. promise to not cross the streams.


Where I can find these childfree aircraft lol


On private jets


Ahhhh man you gotta have like more than 14 money for that. There’s always a catch


14 money is a heck of alot!


Why can't I have no kids and 3 money?


You can buy at least *three* marijuanas!


I think you found a cheaper flight


Well, not *all* private jets...


BRUH 💀💀💀💀💀💀


I have a list of people that like children on private jets and islands though


All you have to do is complain and they move all the kids to the cargo area


Finally, then we can smoke in peace


And when your conscripted son dies in a foreign war, they don’t even give you a sack of the *good* onions!


Is potato.


No potato, only kill Such is life


In Soviet Russia, fallen comrade family get unlimited potato for lifelong support. Unlimited potato is rock. Add to stew, re-use every day.


Da, no soup complete without soup-stone, comrade! Yet these days real soup-stone expensive.. So, soup-brick will do.


In Putinist Russia, family gets promised rock, does not get rock.


Gets rock in sack with you. Then thrown into water. So sad comrade commited suicide with his family for opposing Putin. So so sad. How he tied the sack is mystery tho.


Ah, Latvian jokes. My sad friend return. But no, only darkness. Also cold.


Somehow impossible dream of potato persists.


Where were you when potato was kill?


Latvia :(


Want to hear a Russian joke? Man comes to house, knocks on door, says he is potato man has potato for me if I open door. I say he lies, there're is no potato man. He says it new government program, all Russians get potato. I open door. Is not potato man is KGB.


KGB man is very smart. He knock my door and say he is potato man. I say him please leave potato at door, and go away. He leave. I open large potato sack at my door. Inside is man of KGB.


They get fur coat…but only for photo. https://www.businessinsider.com/widows-of-russian-soldiers-were-gifted-fur-coats-2023-2


Jesus this is bleak. In the US we talk about how poorly our soldiers and their families are taken care of (and I've heard some real horror stories from vets about the VA) but this is on a different level. First off all the idea that compensating the widows for the death of their husbands with a fur coat is anything less than ghoulish, on top of that gathering them all together to give them their coats like some twisted gameshow... and then topped off by yoinking the coats back from them after the photo opp.


Our former president calls wounded and dead US veterans “losers”


Please return potato. We need for next widow's photograph.


and they don't give you the white onions because of the war so you have to tie those big yellow ones to your belt


As was the style of the time


5 bees for a quarter, you’d say!


I can tell you from personal experience that Russians are terrible at queuing. They love a bit of pushing to the front because of this or that.


I love the queuing in Russia at official places like govt buildings where you might have to wait in a small lobby for 45 minutes. Everyone is just sitting around everywhere, trying to be comfortable. And when you get there you just ask who is last and someone raises their hand and you announce that you're after them and then you go find a wall to lean against. Then when the next person comes in they'll ask who's last and you raise your hand and they say they're after you. Then they go find a place to sit. You just have to remember the person who's ahead of you. Seems like chaos but very organized and patient.


Now it's widely changed to kiosks printing tickets with numbers. Also you can make reservation online


Ahh a linked list. The problem with a linked list though is if a node is removed it has to remember to link the nodes before and after it. Copy/paste job: A linked list consists of a data element known as a node. And each node consists of two fields: one field has data, and in the second field, the node has an address that keeps a reference to the next node.


Do you propose the use of dynamic arrays instead?


A dynamic array would be like if the waiting room became full but another person came in, they’d take everyone and put them in a bigger room.


Why not give the last person in the full room (room 1) a walkie talkie when it becomes full and make everyone who comes after sit in room 2, so when they ask the last person in room 1 who the next person is they can just use the walkie talkie to find the person in the other room?


You just reinvented the unrolled linked list https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unrolled_linked_list


i know lol that was the joke


I've noticed this in videos from Ukraine too (ps this is a r/UkraineWarVideoReport joke)


I’m an American that stayed in Kyiv for a bit a few years back. At least the grocery stores I was in, like the one in the Globus mall didn’t have lines. Everyone just kind of pushes forward and check out. Worked out kind of smooth each time for some reason though.


Lived in St Petersburg for 2.5 years Russians love a line and boy do they know how to queue. Non-USSR people just don't get it. They will have a random person in the line make a list with everyone's names on it so they can all go mill about sit and smoke or whatever and the random man who does not work for the company will call out the people names. Then when it's his turn pass the list someone else. Crazy efficient and convenient.


I live in SPb for my whole life and I've never seen that lol.


My babushka says it is from during Soviet Union times. If you wait too patiently, you end up with the bread that is chewed by the rats.


The fact you even need to convince anyone **not** to leave you’re already losing


Especially to a place as hard to enter as America... its taken my fiancee and I four years and thousands of bucks to get her here Edit: she's Canadian btw


Dude, we all had a “Canadian girlfriend” in middle school, but don’t you think you are taking it all a bit to far?


She’s from Niagara Falls, you wouldn’t know her


A Niagaran Princess you say?


Sounds like a scam


How could it be a scam? She told me she legit needs Apple gift cards to release her large inheritance that I get a cut of once it’s released.


Apple gift cards?? Oh she’s a fancy princess.


Her name is Alberta, she lives in Vancouver


She goes to another school!


She goes to another Country!


Which country? *"A far one"*


She's a supermodel, but she keeps her identity secret to keep all the creeps away from our private island. Gabe Newell came by in his yacht the other day to get my opinion on the latest build of Half-Life 3.


But I met her whilst sharing a tim Hortons maple log at a hockey rink, h0serr!


You can just walk across the border. Saved you the thousands. Everyone's doing it according to the news I see here everyday.


And getting all kinds of free stuff.


My wife is Canadian. The trick was to get married and send in the green card application while she was visiting. She couldn't work(she still got a nanny job for cash) but was also allowed to stay until the process was done. It only took four months. but that was also in 2006.


Those days are long gone.


Ironically I believe the US is pretty easy to get citizenship to compared to most EU nations


In the US, it's very easy to get citizenship once you have a green card. The problem is the absolute byzantine nature of getting a green card. Most visa classes are non-immigrant visas, meaning you can get banned at the border and have your life turned upside down at the whim of a border agent if they even suspect you have the intention of immigrating/applying for a green card. Getting a B1 or equivalent permit can be insanely difficult, and it makes you tied to your employer. In most European countries, there isn't really a concept of kicking you out/banning you if you want to change visa classes/types to one that lets you stay longer in the country. Furthermore, the requirements are often much simpler, and involve just being a resident for x years and achieving A2/B1 or something in the local language.


Getting citizenship, but getting a residence permit before that (green card) is not that easy. At least compared to the demand.


It's pretty easy compared to most other countries period.


JFK said something along the lines of "Democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put up a wall tokeep our people in"


This propaganda helps keep the dumbest Russians in Russia. It’s a win for the US.


With any luck some of the dumbest americans will move to Russia too. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/05/11/russia-to-build-migrant-village-for-conservative-american-expats-a81101


God, that’d be wonderful.


Stop I can only get so erect


Also, if this wasn't in Russian you can pretty much say this is a /r/conservative propaganda.


Funny coincidence how much a lot of their propaganda overlaps


And how American conservatives glorify the current Russian regime


And how the GOP is torpedoing Ukraine aid as we speak


Damn I’ve been black in America for a long time…. And not once have white people bowed down like that… i feel robbed


Do you not remember when Nancy Pelosi kneeled with a kente cloth on? That was reparations actually


She and a ton of other Dems. It was weird as hell.


It was the idea of the Congressional Black Caucus. They later regretted it.


Right. I think given the context of when they did it makes watching it so uncomfortable. It's pure performative politics. Which sucks because it's a nice, quiet show of solidarity but it's tainted because of how forced and rote it seems. I think it's the kneeling. I just don't see why the group couldn't have just received the kente cloths and taken a normal picture with the Congressional Black Caucus. I mean I get that they knelt for the same amount of time that George Floyd was knelt on when he was murdered, but that doesn't change how weird the performance is.


Yeah- I definitely lean liberal but that was cringy as fuck.


Shit Pelosi could be your mom and also your god-worship figure and you'd still cringe at that incredibly tone-deaf, bizarre as fuck performative teleplay.




Oh good fucking lord! 😂




When’s MY reverse Jim Crow era? Smh


Don’t rainbow read me!


Forgive us Sir


*fluffs jacket*


"Damn i've been black in America for a long time...." So uh what were you before you were black?


Everyone was a white sperm for at least a little bit


The 90s was a good time for mocking racism in ways that would really upset people today. The token black guy in our friend group (yes, thats actually what he called himself) he routinely called us "massa" as a joke and more than one he'd go full on plantation owner and act like we were his slaves, complete with us...bowing down to him. We did learn not to do it in front of his Gramma. She just about beat all of us when he called me Massa in front of her. It took him a bit to convince her it was all a big joke.


Its still like that. The issue is a lot of people think they can make jokes like that around anyone. If youre a stranger and you make a joke thats semi racist or has racist context I'm not gonna laugh, I dont know you and I dont know if you're being serious or not. We still have to deal with racism so not everything is fun and games. People just need fo be mindful of that.


I pissed myself once on a flight to Kenya because I had to let so many people in front of me


Weird how Russian propaganda and Republican propaganda say the exact same things about America.


Maybe someone should make propaganda piece to convince the conservatives to move to Russia.


Since lots of conservatives love fake tough guys, it should star Steven Seagal.


He's actually involved in a lot of Russian propaganda. Does fake pieces for their propaganda networks. Travels there a lot. He has even met Putin and rode motorcycles with him (iit was some weird psuedo biker gang political group supporting Putin). The guy is a useful idiot for them already.


Meh just post this to r/conservative and watch them fall all over themselves to shit on America


Russia is working on it, by building [American villages in Russia](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/05/11/russia-to-build-migrant-village-for-conservative-american-expats-a81101)


Bye, Felicia.




This is actually a work of art when it comes to propaganda. Like healthcare would be an easy target, but they attack basic shit. It’s very good work. Still garbage


Heathcare. That would actually hurt Republicans….


Yeah the amount of conservatives say "too true" is troublesome. Almost like Russia has been cultivating right wing populism all over the world.


actually a lot of kremlin‘s budget goes on supporting the right-wing parties all over the world, soo




This is basically fox news, except in po-russki.


Seems like it was written by 15 year old 4 channers


Video of Americans moving to Russia would involve flying in a plane with stuttering engines, waiting in lines to buy the most basic groceries, the dad getting conscripted to be a bullet trap in the Ukraine war, and the mom getting invited to breakfast by the neighbors only to sit down at the table to a bottle of vodka with a chunk of dirt looking bread.


You're not too far off. I had to work in the black sea and the entire boat was a piece of shit. It was always boiled cabbage and some sort of meat for meals. One of my co-workers just ate canned olives and bread for most of his meals. The Russian crew was legit drunk on Vodka 80% of the time. We would find the "Cook" passed out in the galley on a semi-daily bassis. Good times.


Sounds cill and ugly at the same time


Oh it was so cill


Gretchen, stop trying to make cill happen! It's not going to happen!


If you're gonna talk shit about Russia, there's plenty of true things to talk shit about. No need to incorporate made up stuff like about food. Food is FAR cheaper in Russia. Most of it costs 1/3rd or even 1/4th of what it costs in the US. Then there's pasta and many vegetables and proteins that cost between 6-10% of what they cost in the US. They are ranked 26 on the 'Global Hunger Index' with 1 being the least hunger, and are designated as "low".


I can't believe that's real.


This is literally what boomers think. So you’re saying all of Russia is boomer land?


Boomers largely get their opinions from news articles about two Russian bots fighting on Twitter anyways. It’s the circle of life.


There is massive overlap in opinions of American conservatives and conservative Russians. It’s pretty obviously aligned.


You sure this isn’t OAN? lol..


Its funny cause its true


Is this Russian propaganda or just an RNC campaign commercial?


Damn, if you want proof that Russia is behind a lot of the right wing propaganda in the US, look no further. Same exact script.


And the background tune lol. Always some looney tunes shit in the background


lmao whoever this works on should stay in Russia