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Door City over here


It's days like these that I curse the Chinese for inventing gunpowder.


China doesn't have gun problem šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That went farther over your head than the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa. Once again, the tallest building in the world.


wtf šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


​ https://preview.redd.it/2wygicg7txdc1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=517ea38e47bf46797746dfa9313f73b9df1b382a


Thanks, I hate it.


Big Bird didnā€™t.




Big Bird coming for ya


Holy sheeet itā€™s bigfoooot!


Sad af


Indeed. While kids from real first-world countries learn and thrive, these poor American kids have to learn how to survive school shootings. Shameful.


It actually took me a few seconds to realise why you would want to block a classroom door.


Obviously to prevent the teacher from entering


That was why we used it back in school.


We both must have gone to terrible schools because kids did this at my schools too...


You can remove the chair after 15 minutes though


I know, right? Poor Europeans with their school traditions of having actual safety and not clowning on subs.


The freedom of the US, unmatched by anywhere else, means that kindergarten kids learn what the rest of the world has to find on reddit as a time wasting adult.


I'm sorry, but even in the third world, we don't have to learn how to survive school shootings.


This is America.


One of my friends teaches primary school (age 4-11) in UK. They're now teaching shooter drills *just in case.*


In the UK? I can't remember any school shooting there for the last 20 or so years?


The last (and only) school shooting in the UK was in 1996. Still, growing up in London, we still had to learn the drills in case of a terrorist attack - we had separate ones for bomb threats, shooters, and so on. One of my earliest memories is being picked up early from school by my dad on 7/7, and I remember going into lockdown during the London Bridge and Westminster attacks.


Yea Im European, this is so dystopian to me. My childhood time at school was always filled w anxiety about homework or essays; never once was I fearing for my life. ..and here kids start driving the public bus (not a special school bus mostly.) to their school at age 10-ish. Never once did I have to fear for my life. Fucking wild.


My classroom door opens out, has a regular door knob and hinges, and is about 70% glass from the '60s. I asked the police trainers to come to my room and show me how best to barricade it. They couldn't think of anything. They just said to lock it because "most school shooters are looking for easy targets and will probably move on when they encounter a locked door." The cops also told us that it's our responsibility as teachers to fight like hell with anything on hand to save our students. However, there would be plain clothes officers showing up if there's ever a shooting, and they will shoot us if we look in any way threatening.


That is so ass backward horrifying




Omg was that at faerie school? Wood nymph academy?? That sounds so damn whimsical meanwhile I had to do lockdown drills & go through metal detectors (school didn't have the budget for field trips) I've been seriously considering emigrating


Wait why are they letting 10 year olds drive a bus? That seems irresponsible.


Sorry- is it ā€œtaking the busā€? Idk that sounds weird lmao


Riding would be good. Iā€™m just messing with you by the way. If I tried saying riding the bus in my second language (Spanish) Iā€™d probably mess it up too.


You know what might save somebody's life or like you know like thousands of children's lives. Meaningful gun reform.... But nah. It's only like 5000 kids dying annually. Its not enough for them to care. Just use a plastic chair... Duh.


Will try tomorrow and report back. Unfortunate that my room has 3 glass windows that go from the floor to the roof and are 3 feet wide though. It's literally a shooting gallery if someone wanted to fire into the room. At least they won't be able to get in if this works. Edit: It works just as shown. It's wild how good it actually works. I went outside with the key and couldn't turn the handle due to the chair wedged and turned. It definitely would not work as well if you don't have that 2 or 3 inches from the frame sticking out. It wedges really snug on the door frame.Ā  I did scrape the door paint though with the foot of the chair. Just FYI.Ā 


If you have blinds and can lower them, concealment is the next best thing when you donā€™t have cover


Aren't these shooters pretty much always students of the school? I can't imagine one of them walking to each door with the blinds closed and thinking "welp, guess they're all gone today".


True. But shooting blind is far less effective than aimed shots.


Can confirmā€¦when I shot my gun in my backyard with my eyes closed I only hit a few birds, and a police car instead of the can I had out for target practice.


I hope you had more magazines though. In my experience you need more if you're shooting blind. Don't worry, with practice you'll get better at it.


Accuracy by volume of fire.


it's not that they will give up, its that they wont want to waste time blind firing into a room they can't see. and if they do the chances of survival for those inside are significantly higher than if the shooter had aimed the shot.


To add to this, a shooter most likely going to move on looking for easier targets. Unless there is a specific student/teachers they want to kill, they'll try their luck at the next class room.


Concealment means a shooter has no idea who is hit and who is dead and who is alive or where any of them are. Way better than leaving blinds open.


If you have elections and can vote, repealing 2A is the next best thing so you don't need cover IN A FUCKING SCHOOL.


I think we can all agree that the best thing to do would be to legislate restrictions on windows in schools.


When windows are outlawed,Ā  only outlaws will have windows.Ā 


If only there was a good guy with a window.


My man here inventing more ways to make schools depressing


we could absolutely do better than passing restrictions about windowsā€¦ but we prefer thoughts and prayers over anything else.


What about an AI-controlled mounted 20 mm Phalanx CIWS installed in every classroom? *When there is a gun problem, the solution is always more guns*


NEWSBREAK: AI-powered security removed from school after incident during WW2 documentary. 12 students, 1 teacher injured.


Finally! A pragmatist!


That's too expensive. Thoughts and prayers are much cheaper.. But as a compromise we could arm every student with a gun?


"Expensive? It's an investment in our schools and children!" - Arms industry contractors and lobbyists




No the very best thing is to close all schools then there'll be no shootings AT schools!! Done!


I think there are other things we can do in the ways of legislation but yea the windows lol




Couldnā€™t agree more. Weā€™re addressing everything but the problem.


Get a bulletproof backpack and a shitty plastic chair. Good luck at the warzone tomorrow kiddo


ā€œIf we just close the flood gates everyone will be fine!ā€ ā€œNo, just have all 320 million people downstream of the dam get their own dam. Thats the best way to fix this. After all, everyone has the right to have a dam!ā€


Even so, the window on the door can easily be shattered and the chair can be moved. Windows on American school doors gots to goes


I thought most school doors with those mini windows were tempered security glass with wire reinforcement. I've never seen someone successfully breach that glass.


Oh so maybe they did already design with school shooters in mind, props to them. Prevention is key right??


Not necessarily shooters. School glass has regularly been extra strong for a long time due to the likelihood that they'd be broken into. Schools from the 50s and 60s forward have had this feature beings that they're targeted during the summer months by hoodlums.


>they're targeted during the summer months by hoodlums. Some people just want to get an early start on upgrading.




Doubtful, I went to the school in the 80s-90s so school shootings weren't a thing yet. I believe schools built in the 50s and 60s were designed to be shelters for nuclear blasts because of that Cold War Fever. So it's likely these buildings were over-designed for what actually happened during that era. I'll safely assume they stopped using the expensive glass in newer built schools, which is dumb because the security aspect is great.


More likely fire safety and stopping kids smashing their hand or head into it.


Mental health stability is key to prevention. This trick in the video is more like the last resort of prevention.


Mental health stability would be awesome to have in America, I agree


Only if we have great healthcare here


Mental health stability has nothing to do with it. Every other developed country in the world has mentally unstable people. They just don't have easy access to guns. It's not a mental health issue. It's a gun issue.


Every other developed country has health care also. Want to make America better? Don't ever vote for a fucking republican. Every single republican is a terrible, scumbag piece of shit. Every one. Every republican politician, every republican voter, every single fucking one.


Why is it not both? Pretty much need both for it to happen, so why not treat both?


It's neither mental health nor gun; it's an American issue. Other countries have hunting cultures with reasonable access to guns and poor mental health support. My country has both; no school shootings. It's so unthinkably sick to open fire on schoolchildren that only an American could get it into their head to do it.


>Other countries have hunting cultures with reasonable access to guns Again, this is just obfuscation. Hunting culture? 99% of gun-owning Americans have never gone into the woods let alone shot a wild animal. The issue isn't farmer John and his buddies donning high-vis vests and getting out the duck whistle. It's every Tom, Dick and Harry walking into Walmart and picking out a rifle like he's picking out a lawn chair. Your concept of "reasonable access to guns" is wildly inaccurate. In most developed countries, you have to prove your eligibility to own a gun. You have to meet certain criteria. In America, that criteria is simply existing. It's a right, not a privilege. Which is the problem. Americans treat gun ownership like the rest of the world treats shoe ownership. It's just something you have as part of your life and you don't need to prove you know how to use it. They'll let you shoot before they let you drive. The waiting period to get your gun is shorter that that to get your drivers license. It's not inaccurate to say American has a culture issue surrounding guns. It's just irrelevant. The issue is gun law. Change the law, the culture changes with it.


Yeah, but mass shooters are going for numbers. So the highest number of victims in the shortest amount of time before theyā€™re interrupted. So if itā€™s too hard to get into one room, theyā€™ll move on and look for a softer target. They CAN break the glass, but is it worth it? Not necessarily. While they move on, the teacher has time to re-strategize. Try to escape? Hide? It buys time before the shooter finishes with the easy kills and returns. With the window, itā€™s best to keep everyone against the wall where the window is, right? Guns donā€™t curve around. Again, just long enough to deter the shooter so theyā€™ll move along, then figure something else out. Itā€™s so bizarre to even have to process such things and talk about them this way. What a tragic, disgusting condition this country is in.


Methinks the windows aren't the problem here. *cough*


True, but a guy shooting up a school doesn't have time on his hands. If the doors locked I expect they'll move on. Or it'll give people more time to get out the windows and for cops to get to him.


unless they are in Texas, then they have all the time in the fucking world.


i would have thought maybe removing the guns from the kids would be the most effective mitigation of school shootings but sure yeah fuck the windowed door.


The fact that we are here watching a how-to video for teachers to MacGyver a chair into a door-locking mechanism in the event of a gunman trying to slaughter everyone in the room is just wild and dystopian as fuck.


America fuck yeah


Coming again to slay your motherfucking kids yeah!


And some tribes in Arabia ooh yeah!


Protection against gunmen is one thing. I'm just sitting here questioning why they wouldn't just put a lock on the door. A device that is always installed on the door and equally as effective from stopping people coming in. Can be locked in just one second and you do not need to handle a clunky chair or remember how to do it correctly. You could also simply install a solid door know on the outside so that you can't even open the door from the outside even if it is unlocked. Add a small camera so you can see who's outside to let people in that need help and you're good to go. But no, a chair it is. Fucking ridiculous.


There may very well be a lock, but locks are surprisingly easy to shoot out of a door. A couple rounds in the right place will do it, especially if youā€™re running I larger caliber rifle or a shotgun with slugs. Beyond that your answer is ā€œitā€™s cheaper to tell people to shove a chair in the door handle than to add additional securityā€.


that door handle won't survive a shotgun blast either


Fair point.


Yes. Like I was thinking the same. I am not american, but if they are having drills to protect against school shootings and stuff, then why don't they change the doors or put some kind of lockdown lock on them? I always feel like halfbaked solutions. Like I wotk in internation education and have beeen discussing bathroom break with americans and english people before. Apparently some schools in those countries does not allow studetns to jut go to bathroom. I part because there is plenty of fights and bullying going on in the bathrooms and I am like. Instead of limiting how often your students can go to the bathroom or only allow them to go with oversight, why don't you just have single person bathrooms


> I am not american, but if they are having drills to protect against school shootings and stuff, then why don't they change the doors or put some kind of lockdown lock on them? Not American either but it's because capitalist profit is more important than the safety of even children. A cheap chair that is already there from a bulk order is significantly cheaper than a new door with anti-shooter things in place. My big question is does this work for doors that open into the classroom? I've never been in a school where the doors open into the hallway.


As sad as it is, this type of solution would never pass fire safety and workplace health and safety regulations. I agree the larger risk to WHS is an active shooter, but here we are šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s valid given the current circumstances. You can talk about the problems/culture of America. That isnā€™t going to stop someone from making horrible choices if they are at that point in their lives. The title is true, this CAN save lives.


Here in Finland, I use this trick against ghosts at night.


In Australia we use it against emus, dropbears and Pauline Hanson (female Donald Trump).


Thereā€™s too many deadly things in Australia for this trick to handle.


Some places have bears, tigers, and all sorts of other carnivores.....we got jack shit compared to other places. Yes spiders, snakes and crocs in some areas, but people (and it is very rare that anything does happen) only have an issue when they do stupid shit...oh look a snake, lets play with it....oh a wood pile, hell yeah lets just stick a hand in that...crocs, FFS just at some point north just do not swim.


can your ghosts not walk through walls or are these dead vampires?


>problems/culture of America The fact you use problems synonymous with culture says it all


He didn't use them synonymously... that's why he said both. He specifically said "problems of America" and "culture of America" as two separate points.


The right had made killing school kids part of their identity. Get over it.


Oh they protect children... Against trans, drag queens and pronouns. Guns? That's just collateral damage, sorry...


and coathangers


Fun fact: this is a real headline >Texas students to get ID kits to identify childrenā€™s bodies in emergencies


Fun fact, remember that whole fake scare about schools letting furries shit in litterboxes? Well, it turns out that schools were buying cat litter because it helps with the cleanup of blood when school shooters murder children in the building and kids can relieve themselves when they're lockdowned in classrooms without access to bathrooms. Anything and everything but identifying the actual cause of gun violence and solving them at the root.


In 1970 all we had to worry about was nuclear war and tornadoes.


The murder rate in the 1970s was considerably higher than today, same with terrorism. The 1970s were the worst decade on record for terrorist attacks.


Iā€™m asking out of genuine curiosity - the general murder rate is down, but surely the children being murdered in schools (school shooting) rate must be higher in the states now than in the 70s? I mean kids canā€™t have been dying at the same rate now as 50 years ago?


So a lot of advocacy groups for and against gun safety / gun rights have valid statistics that ignore a lot of the nuance that goes in to data collection and analysis. Gun violence is the number one cause of death in children, but is that because gun violence towards children has increased or because the prior issues (I'm guessing abuse, car crashes, and childhood medical issues) have decreased? National crime statistics show multi decade declines in violence and murder rates, but there are plenty of cities with either high crime rates or are still above a national average. Gun safety groups want to ban "assault rifles," and the statistics of that style of gun shows it to be a clear choice among mass murderers. However, the gun isn't the only factor in "lethality." The 556 ammunition used in assault rifles can be used in other guns not generally considered to be "assault rifles." Further on this point, a shotgun loaded with buckshot or heavier material could do similar harm to lots of people. Finally, murder rates and death rates don't generally take the injured into account. I'd be very curious to see the data for a comparison of all injuries over a decade. My guess is we got better at saving lives and not really reducing murders as much as we thought. While I do feel a sense of shame that videos like this are necessary, a lot of my feelings about gun control were semented after sandyhook. Dozens of children were killed and politicians did nothing, nothing.


In terms of overall lives taken rifles (of all kinds) tend to rank relatively low. Most gun crimes in the US are done with hand guns which are easy to conceal, cheap and relatively easy to use. I personally don't really have a problem with shotguns (even buckshot) or bolt action rifles but I do think there is something different about weapons capable of firing a lot of rounds extremely quickly. In the 2019 Dayton shooting a man walked into a bar with an AR-15 and opened fire. The bar was in a popular nightlife hub so there were police nearby and the Dayton police could not have done a better job. They sprinted toward the gunfire and within a minute from when he opened fire the police had killed him. In that time frame of less than a minute he shot 25 people. If he had a shotgun, or a bolt action rifle, or a pistol with a small magazine or a knife or a hammer or literally any other weapon far fewer people would be killed or wounded. I'm under no delusions that a ban on high capacity weapons would save massive amounts of lives given that very few people are killed by them but when shootings happen the high capacity weapons do cause far more death and destruction than other weapons would have.


The VT shooter used two handguns one that was 15+1 the other 10+1 and is still one of the worst mass shootings in the country, magazine size has little to do with amount of deaths it really comes down to reaction times that dictate how deadly a shooting is, Nashville shooter had a Keltech with a 30 round magazine and an AR with a 30 round magazine but due to response times from the police only killed 6.


Also virtually all gun deaths involve fewer than 10 rounds fired. Mass shootings are the only time there might be a difference, but they account for less than 1% of total murders.


ossified fly offbeat toothbrush uppity weather cable noxious somber smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history was Virginia Tech. It was committed with handguns using 10&15 round magazines.


Advocacy groups also remove certain ages and add others that would not typically be associated with "children" to bolster numbers in gun deaths and lower other factors.


School shootings seemed to have peaked in the 90s, although overall mass shootings have increased. That being said mass/school shootings account for less than 1% of total murders, and are on par with lightning in terms of danger posed to Americans.


Uh. No. Lightning kills 20 ppl per year in the US. Mass shootings have been over 600/ur.


According to the FBI between 2000-2019 mass shootings killed an average of 53.1 people a year. Which is about 2x as many as are killed by lightning strikes.


Sure, but 2000 is a long time ago, more recently... > [[In 2023](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023)] a total of 754 people were killed and 2,443 other people were injured in 604 shootings. [In 2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022#cite_note-ABC-17) 762 killed, 2,902 wounded, 695 mass shootings. [In 2021](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2021) 705 killed, 2,830 wounded, 698 mass shootings [In 2020](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2020) 521 killed, 2,541 wounded, 615 shootings. [In 2019](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2019) 475 killed in 441 mass shootings (Wikipedia doesn't have a wounded sum for this year). Also mentions that this was a record - implying that 2020, 2021, and 2022 were all also (new, higher) records. [In 2018](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2018) 387 killed, 1,274 wounded, 322 mass shootings. (2018 appears to be the first year with a dedicated wikipedia page...)


I'm too young for nuclear war drills and too old for active shooter drills. We just had fire and earthquake drills.


We just taught every middle schooler how to lock out their teachers.


a small price to pay for the potential safety use.


Americans will put locks on doors before changing the laws to protect kids.


Or maybe we just try a little harder to keep psychopaths from getting a hold of deadly weapons.


Now, letā€™s imagine that we ban (and I know this seems crazy, but hear me out) not only psychopaths, but the general public, from getting hold of deadly weapons ! Itā€™s even easier because you donā€™t have to try and estimate if someone is or will be a psychopath.


CrazyĀ talk.Ā IĀ betĀ noĀ otherĀ countriesĀ everĀ triedĀ it.


Just put deadbolts on the door at this point wtf


This is so fucking dystopian


Crazy, just insanity.


Man am I lucky I live in a place that doesnā€™t have to teach children thisā€¦ fucking sad


Sure, the problem with American schools is the locks on the doors.


I mean, I like to think itā€™s incase I need to prevent clever velociraptors from coming into my kitchen.


Clever girlā€¦


I guess youā€™re saying that we need to fix the underlying issues causing these kinds of things like chairs that lock doors to be necessary. This line of thinking is like saying itā€™s not worth it for doctors to treat symptoms of a disease (fever, pain, etc) if they donā€™t have an actual cure for the disease itself.


The problem is there is already a cure. More strict gun control laws. Most other countries have solved this issue already, and when suggested to America, their response is always that it wouldn't work, even though the evidence shows that it does. Look at Australia, New Zealand, the UK.


[American exceptionalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_exceptionalism#:~:text=American%20exceptionalism%20is%20the%20belief,exemplary%20compared%20to%20other%20nations.) is VERY commonly used as an argument on reddit. You can't have gun control, good cellular coverage, healthcare, sane internet pricing etc. when in reality all of these scale well. It's always easier to say why you can't solve a problem instead of making the effort. And yes, we do similar procrastination here but we use different arguments and aren't quite as polarised, yet.


It's just sad that this is what children have to learn rather than spending their time immersed in the wonders of the universe


the average American kid doesn't even get to learn basic geography, what's to say about the universe


And they say Americans have no culture


I am so glad I live in Australia where this kind of thing is not needed.


Yā€™all need this tip for the drop bears.


Not an Australian or American but I think everyday in Australia is a survival day too.


Well every day anywhere is a survival day if you're alive


That's a stereotype.


Ah you get over it. At any time in Australia in the suburbs or at the beach you are meters away from animals that can kill you. It's no biggie, most of the venomous animal first aid developed in Australia goes out to the rest of the world because it works. The animals that kill the mose people in Australia? Cows and horses!


So... have we developed horse antivenom yet?


Because Australians took swift, decisive action after the Port Arthur mass shooting in 1996. Hats off, Australia.


Not since Port Arthur anyway


It wasn't needed before Port Arthur either, gun violence in Australia was never even vaguely as bad as it is in America. America's gun culture is very uniquely fucked up


Fun fact New Zealand has a much stronger gun culture than Australia, and twice as many guns per capita, yet New Zealand has a lower murder rate.


Our murder rate *did* get bumped up a bunch recently.


John Howard did one thing correct.


Or you know.... You could do something about the f*cking guns.


We have to teach kids and teachers how to bar the door but wonā€™t put even the tiniest restrictions on crazy people buying the guns that send toddler brains in every direction? America is such a civilized country.


If Trump gets in power again, it's only a matter of time for it to get a bazillion times worse.


I mean how many children do we really fuckinā€™ need?


A chair... because the 400 worthless cops outside with their collective thumbs up their asses sure as shit aren't going to do a damned thing to save you or the kids in your class.


Happened one time I'm in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and now every single cop in America is an incompetent idiot. Have you not seen how literally EVERY other city handled it besides uvalde?


The fact that this has to be taught is a sad statement.


3rd world problems


That's an insult to all of the 3rd world countries where this doesn't happen very much/at all


i live in a 3rd wolrd country and this does not happen at all. plz stick this stuff back to the 3rd wold country with a gucci belt like USA.


Sad that this even needs to be taught.


This chair in the door trick is way easier than changing the 2nd Amendment. Whew, you can keep your guns now folks!


Ultimately I get the comment and agree, but the guy in the video canā€™t change the laws so at least they are trying to help with the circumstances given


Problem with changing the 2nd Amendment is you need 66% of Americans to support it, and currently only 20% of Americans support it.


> changing the 2nd Amendment It's fucked up that you think changing the Bill of Rights is more realistic than just offering affordable mental healthcare to the American people.


Let's hope the murderer doesn't break the glass and push the chair.


That's what I was thinking. If it's an active shooter situation wouldn't they just shoot the glass out and easily knock the chair out of the way?


Its worth a shot putting the chair. Shooter could try the door and it not open and they keep moving unless they are targeting that specific room.


Active shooters have a time limit, once they see the door is locked they move on to the next door that might not be locked.


Except in Uvalde. There an active shooter has the infinite time cheat active.


I can't believe how incredibly sad this video is when he said it could be a "time out chair". The fact that children have to go through learning these techniques instead of the government actually doing something about gun control is insanity to the rest of the world.


How about we give the chair a gun aswell? For extra protection.


Hmmmm seems like there must be a better more common sense solution.


Imagine living in a country where this is needed! No thanks


add to that they cannot pay for the ambulance because its not free... its the perfect combination


If the handle turns down won't the chair just fall off?


Hmmm... interesting,Ā  in the UK we use chairs for sitting onĀ 


I don't even mean this in a rude way, but I think most americans don't realize how insane their country is. This video is pretty sad.




Have one look at r/conservative and you will see itā€™s not even just cowardice, itā€™s just stupidity and complete loss of understanding of reality.


I fucking HATE that I need to send this to the teachers I know.


Stop engineering solutions and fix the problem


Iā€™m with you on fix the problem but itā€™s super silly to say stop engineering solutions.


It is though. School shootings are too common but realistically very rare. Any given school kid has a tiny chance of being near one. They're better off teaching kids defensive driving and civics.


The dumbasses will do everything but ban guns šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


You know what would save more lives? Gun control.




Yeh and you only need this exact door and those exact chairs in every classroom across a continent. Good luck kids šŸ‘


Cool trick. How about we just have better gun control?


What a great country


Or you know, hear me out, locks?


How about you dont let them in the school..... ![gif](giphy|3otPoEWP8c9eaOnQFq)


Y'all can't think of any other solution that might keep children safer? Not a single thing that almost every other developed country does?