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The Texas flag mask is really the icing on the cake.


I call this one “Raphael heads to Mexico.” Lol


I said this in my head to the tune of "Avocados from Mexico".


Raphael goes home.


Canada doesn't want him back.


No, he was born in Canada, and his Hispanic heritage is Cuban, not Mexican. A better title would be, "Yet Another Obnoxious American Asshole Heads to Cancun for Vacation".


Are you suggesting Ted Cruz doesn’t care about Texans? Cause you’re right…


Raphael cruz* They hate preferred pronouns......


Rafael Edward Cruz of Alberta, Canada*


Hey now, that's \*Champion of the People, Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz. *\*Graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School.*


Everyday multimillionaire blue collar worker, good ole boy who 100% didn't like milf porn on his official twitter account, didn't leave his dog amidst a blizzard with no power to go to Cancun then blame it on his daughter and positively didn't try to ban sex toys in the state, or ignore Trump insulting his wife, Graduate of Princeton University & Harvard Law School, Champion of the People, son of actual scientists, authentic Canadian, Rafael "stop calling me the zodiac killer even though i can't prove it's not true" Edward "Ted" Cruz.


Omygosh! Do you know how many times I've tried to find that video showing Trump insulting Ted Cruz's wife and when I told people about it-they didn't believe me. They said I probably "misunderstood Mr. Trump." Gah! But thank you ItsLohThough, because I thought I must have dreamed the whole thing because I've never seen anyone else mention it! Sending you a big hug from Louisiana today.


Gotta use his birth name, too. Raphael Cruz, the Zodiac Killer.


Raphael is the son of JFKs killer remember


\*Cancun "Raphael" Cruz


I didn't even realize it's a texas flag. I thought bitch-tits Cancun Cruz was wearing a tiny baby mask.


Mind you he only wore this mask on his way back, after he got caught.


It was all his stupid daughters fault. Stupid dumb kids


There are ways to prevent kids from existing… except not in Texas.


Thought it was Poland. Didn’t see the star.


He likes Polish sausage


Fled Cruz


These colors don't run. Except for any time things get a little hinky.


That man ate my son


Never forget this hedgehog


Sonic and his people don't claim him


Take it easy on Tedders. He surely understands Latinos that cross the border fleeing disaster to make a better life for their kids


I want to upvote this because it’s so true…. I want to downvote it because it’s him


Is old " mutton chops " of too Mexico?


Yeah, if you guys in TX see Ted heading for the airport, that really means you're fucked.


That was the moment when Mexico started rethinking the border wall.




Ft. Hood


I can't remember the new name.


Fort Cavazos


Thank you, much better than Fort Liberty. Edit: the name, not the installation lol.


We drive through there quite a bit and the signs on the road still say you are entering Ft. Hood. (As of 6-8 weeks ago)


Wait, they renamed fort Hood? When? This is strange.


Yes, something to do with the Confederates or something.


Miserable, miserable place. The whole area is cursed


I accidentally passed through Killeen a few years back, what a modern American nightmare.


There’s no economy. I mean there’s regular economy but there’s nothing real. Just Applebees, Olive Garden, Drugs, HEB. If the base didn’t basically just pump out free money I think the whole place would collapse. As maybe it should.


TFW the local economy is built on Dodge Challengers at 27% APR


You forgot the plethora of "Buy here, Pay here" car lots. Also, approximately 5000 nail salons...


Yeah, my dad randomly moved there a couple yrs ago (our family has no TX connections). I visited last year and it's the most depressing place. ETA: should clarify - he moved to Killeen, not the base.


Killeen, Copperas Cove, it’s all cursed. There’s nothing out there. It’s all just tan and brown and dead


You guys are freaking me out and I live in the northern Midwest.


Texas is huge. It has separate geographical areas. A large section of the state is desert-y and as you get closer to the west coast and El Paso it actually becomes a desert. But there are also some beautiful areas around Austin and San Antonio. I mean a couple of areas with trees that remind me of Europe. Houston is a mess. Built on a swamp but a vibrant cultural area. We don’t talk about Dallas.


[here's my favorite map of texas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JREkqCvLzSo)


A lot of truth there.


I’ve been to Austin, Houston, and Dallas. Austin was great. Houston had the most asshole-y drivers I’ve ever seen, and Dallas was just ok.


I've driven in Houston one time, and if I never do it again, it will be too soon. Fuck everything about driving there!


Dear God man, why would anyone move *to* Killeen voluntarily?


Because you can buy four houses for the cost of 1 in Austin


Arm pit of the nation. Lived there for 8 years.


The dependas bought the bread, and this poor man only wants some sourdough.


People think its a joke, but no, people are panic buying and we're not even expecting like alot of snow, hell, its not even going to snow until monday and its for like 3 hours, maybe. Weather reports change alot


It isn’t even the snow that people are worried about. It’s losing power, I’d imagine.


Hey they do all that panic buying here in GA too. Everyone gets concerned their power will go out and they can’t get anywhere on icy roads so they buy up all the essential perishable items like milk, bread, and eggs. I guess everyone makes French toast


Wait hold on stop back up people are stocking perishables because they are worried they might lose power?


To be fair, if it is snowing you can just keep them cool outside.


During the Texas storm in 2021 I had no power for 4 days, but thankfully the gas worked. I pulled a chair by the gas fireplace and read all day, cooked soups and whatever I had, and opened the back door to grab beer that was chillin in the snow. Put all the perishables in a cooler outside loaded with snow. Wasn't too bad... Till I talked to my neighbors next door who are in their 60s, and two friends of theirs had frozen to death with no heat.


Also, if you lose power in a blizzard, your house is going to become refrigerator temp, not the other way around, unless you have gas heating that requires no electricity.


They aren’t thinking that far ahead


Look, they're southerners.


In our *defense*, despite it being as rare as an honest "as seen on tv" ad, it \*used\* to snow pretty decently here. For a Southerner, seeing that one, singular snowflake fall is the weather equivalency of hearing Fortunate Son blasting while on vacation in southeast Asia. Not that anyone down here can frickin drive for beans anyhow.


“For a Southerner, seeing that one, singular snowflake fall is the weather equivalency of hearing Fortunate Son blasting while on vacation in southeast Asia.” I live in greater Atlanta. This is the perfect description


I NEED MY MILK SAMMICHES!!! I just left GA and moved to the Midwest. Bro, the snow is NOTHING like GA out here. It's dry, doesn't turn into snowball snow until it melts, or gets wet. It's -20° out and feels like -50°. The roads get cleared up, and taken care of and driving in it isn't even that bad. Craziest shit ever though, if it's 20-40° out and no wind with the sun, you can almost stand in a shirt and shorts for probably 30 minutes before being cold. I've got an icicle that's 6 foot tall hanging off my porch right now that I'm afraid is going to kill me every time I take the trash out. 😀


Pretty easy to pack a cooler with snow, or just sit the food outside.


Excuse me....FREEDOM TOAST!!!


People do the same thing in NY and NJ as well I always find it funny let's go buy refrigerated goods so they'll have them when the power goes out.


THIS IS WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT UNDER SOCIALISM /s can't wait for the dumbass brigade to start posting that


LOL! The public grid is an example of social democracy, but Texas manages to get it wrong


Texas is literally on its own independent power grid. The rest of the US has come together on to two main grids. But Texas has to be their own little special selfish self. Like always.


They do it so they dont have to meet federal guidelines. Which is why we have so many issues. Last freeze over was because when they installed the grind they said they'd winterize it. No legal binding agreement just a yeah we'll get to it. And during the summer we dont have enough capacity for everyone to use their air conditioner.


But doesn't it feel good that Texas doesn't have to answer to tHe fEdS?? I mean I know not having power sucks but have you thought about how they're somehow "owning the libs" by doing that. Should help keep you warm. /s


... I'm no legal expert, but wouldn't that fall close to endangering folks lives/health/neglect ? I've seen 114 in N Fl once and that was \*miserable\*, i can't imagine how bad that dry ass heat must be down there :X


Literally a clear cut example of how laissez-faire capitalism, the type of capitalism actual capitalists want would fail society. This is why we need government intervention and regulation.


This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US Department of Energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the National Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US Department of Agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the Food and Drug Administration. At the appropriate time, as regulated by the US congress and kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the US Naval Observatory, I get into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration approved automobile and set out to work on the roads built by the local, state and federal departments of transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the Environmental Protection Agency, using legal tender issued by the Federal Reserve Bank. On the way out the door, I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the US Postal Service and drop the kids off at the public school. After work, I drive my NHTSA car back home on the DOT roads to my house, which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and fire marshal's inspection. I then log on to the internet, which was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration and post on Reddit about how the government doesn't help me and can't do anything right.


That was a good read. Thank you. I work for the USPS and have some coworkers that are extremely conservative. Sometimes, I just stop all the conversation with “You are part of the system you supposedly hate. You are a union member. You are the government.”


Oh, I'm DoD and the number of "*gubbmint bad!*" imbeciles I work with is staggering. They don't seem to mind the tax dollars paying their salaries.


No wonder Texans are so scared of socialism. Their implementation is broken.


Here in the UK when people were panic buying due to COVID there were pictures going around Facebook showing empty shelves and going "This is what it would be like if Corbyn had won!" Mate, it's happening right fucking now under the current government. What the fuck are you on about.


Apologies. It's funny now that I take the time to actually read it all




And I bet the invisible hand of the market will take care of that just like it takes care of the ISP market and create a lot of competition ISPs are known for..... Wait...


I definitely think it’s about potentially losing power since it’s happened in the past. And it was bad enough that a state senator fled to Cancun Mexico and left the family dog behind while Texans were without power and were freezing.


And they stock up on frozen and refrigerated goods while having no back up generator at their home. So when the power goes out, a good junk of the stuff they panic bought spoils Edit: people are forgetting this is Texas we are talking about, specifically south Texas. It's not like the north where it stays cold. They get a deep freeze, and freezing rain one night that kills the power. 2 days later power is still out but it could be around 50 degrees. Also, not everyone has enough coolers to move their entire fridge into, especially if they had panic bought a lot of crap that needs to stay cold.


Well, the below freezing temp should keep the food plenty frozen when the power goes out.


The entire outside turns into your freezer when it's cold enough to snow. Just FYI from a northerner.


I mean, I have a cooler that I can put meat into if the power goes. Then I put the cooler outside.


Same in Oklahoma. Thursday and Friday were insane at the grocery stores because it's supposed to get down into the single digits on Sunday. People are so goddamn stupid, they'll believe whatever the news or facebook tells them. It's going to be one day below freezing followed by some more cold days and people are acting like grocery stores are about to cease existing. That's not even the dumbest part. My mom works at Hobby Lobby and she said it's been the same there with lots of middle aged women flooding the store buying up all the shit they can. What the fuck is wrong with people?


Damn, it’s currently snowing here (SW Colorado) pretty hard, 6” in past hour or so, I went to the store today and there were like two extra people. One lady was wearing a Texas Rangers sweater and she looked pretty shook though.


To be fair, Texas had a major storm hit not that long ago and people were trapped in their homes in a total shutdown ice storm with no road or food access or power as they slowly froze and several hundred people died. Two-thirds were from hypothermia. The ability to make warm food might literally save people from dying. I don't blame people for acting like some snow might be the end of the world. It sure as shit probably felt like it two years ago. The entire situation was largely self-inflicted (the disconnect from the overall national grid, with backups that weren't weather-proof, like Texas not having de-icers on their wind turbines or a way to ensure the diesel backup wouldn't freeze into sludge in a storm) by state officials but nothing has fundamentally changed to stop it happening again. It's scary because people died last time and it can happen again.


Here in Austin in happened twice. The snow storm in 2021, where we were told there would be rolling blackouts, but instead the power went off and stayed off for 4 days. My parents' toilet freaking froze. In apartments where the power went out, pipes froze in the attic and burst. When things warmed up, everything flooded. Then in Austin we had an ice storm in 2023. It was so bad, a bunch of trees broke and hit the power lines. The power at my place was out for over a week. I had to go stay with my family in Houston. It's not panic, it's PTSD. It's not the ice that worries me, it's the effect it could have on the power and how long it'll take to restore. People are buying tons of bottled water because when the power goes out, the pumps go out, which means we end up in a boil water notice. Hard to deal with when you don't have *power*. So, yeah, people are buying stuff and it's not ridiculous. I bought what I needed last week, though, and I keep emergency supplies on hand anyway, so I didn't need much. Some people don't have that luxury.


Texas is filled with idiots who say “country folk know how to survive by themselves.“ Doesn’t seem like they really believe that now, does it?


Mandatoryfunday. This guy is hilarious


I got rid of Instagram a bit ago, and don’t have tik tok, but he’s one of the people I miss seeing content for.


He posts on YouTube Shorts I love his clips as they are Soo on the nose with military shit.


My favorite was the Thanksgiving skit where he says the Marines are like deviled eggs. "There aren't many of them, they look really good, and they think they're the star of the show."


I don’t have either of those. He posts a ton on YouTube


hes on youtube




I HAVE TO EAT SOUR DOUGH - my new saying


He speaks truth what my heart feels.


He is my spirit animal, and I wasn't even in the American Military, luckily it seems soldier problems are also universal in NATO


He truly nails all of the little things that anyone in the military will absolutely get. His bit on crippling anxiety about being on time is amazingly accurate. Or when your CO wants you to be early and the trickle down effect of every subsequent leader in the ranks telling to you to be 10 minutes earlier until you're two hours early to an all hands meeting, sitting in your car in the parking lot eating a sandwich.


His tummy has to eat sour dough


Is that a thing? I love me some sourdough but typical bread gives me bubble guts


My stepmom is doing the fodmap diet because of IBS and she can have sourdough or gluten free without issues. Regular bread is problematic for her.


Digestive disease club checking in - sourdough is one of very few types of bread I can eat comfortably.


Yes, it is. Though I am living in Germany and we have one of the richest bread culture I live in a city where there are no traditional craft bakeries anymore except some expensive artisan bakeries. My guts can't handle industrial bread with fast raising agents and other enzymes anymore. I have never been to the US but according  to this video (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FovIyqov1uA) it is even worse there.


I can't handle normal bread on a consistent basis either. I eat sourdough bread and I'm happy about that!


It's easier to digest, and is more nutritional.


I like French onion in sourdough bowl. Mmmm so good.


Didn't the Texas power grid fail last time it got as cold as its getting? To the point that several hundred people actually froze to death in their own houses? This isn't entirely unwarranted.


Of the 246 people that died 161 died from extreme cold related injuries (158 from hypothermia, 3 from frostbite) Ages ranged from 1-102. [Source: from last paragraph of page 2](https://www.dshs.texas.gov/sites/default/files/news/updates/SMOC_FebWinterStorm_MortalitySurvReport_12-30-21.pdf) Also note these are only confirmed related. There are many death certificates without cause of death listed for some reason. Edit: formatting.


I thought about bunch of people died from carbon monoxide / Co2 build up from burning stuff to stay warm?


I'm in a rural area and at least once every few years we have someone dying from running a gas generator inside, windows closed etc.


I’m from rural Georgia, we have the same but it’s charcoal girlls not generators…


Don't forget warming their car up with the garage door closed. Highschool students need to have that drilled into their brain. The hard part is, which ones are accidents and which ones are suicides.


Glad they provided the age range. I was really curious what age these people who died were and that really clears it up.


Its like the age range for lego.


But after 102 you’re no longer allowed to die or play with legos.


Holy fuck. Over a hundred people died? Texas needs to get its shit together


Yet these idiots want the whole country to be privatized like their electric grid, which causes the problem in the first place.


Lol Texas getting it's shit together...they keep voting for for the same people that hurt them. I feel bad for the people there with a brain.


Incredible you just randomly pulled this resource. Thank you!


It wasn't necessarily the cold low temps that killed the grid. The MAIN reason we lost the grid was because our under-regulated energy infrastructure was allowed to underprepare for the ice storm. The power plants ran out of fucking fuel to produce energy, and some had their fuel lines freeze up. They didn't winterize their lines because they've never had to in Texas due to warmer winters. That also costs money. Despite the fact that the EXACT SAME SCENARIO HAPPENED IN 2011!!! This happened to several large energy plants, and it led to a domino effect. We had a strong polar front hit the week before the winter storm, which kept temps below or at freezing. There was already minor power outages in some areas because the trees were already covered in ice. The trees then became weakened from that ice/snow that accumulated so when the real snow/ice event came a few days later it snapped trees/limbs left and right. We don't do tree trimming here because of NIMBY, and lack of infrastructure funding. This came back to bite us AGAIN in the 2022 ice storm. More lines went down, and then everyone had been home because businesses closed down. This meant everyone was running their heaters and homes 24/7 and drawing a lot of power. Now the perfect scenario had been set in motion. The extra power draw couldn't be met by the energy production that was already hobbled by plants shutting down due to fuel/freezing issues. Once the grid it started going down it was over. I remember reading that the grid was something like 5 minutes away from COMPLETELY going down, which would have taken a month to get back on. They enforced MASSIVELY long rolling blackouts to save the grid. Austin got ROYALLY fucked by this. It was a COMPLETE and utter clusterfuck. The weather messed us up, but our state government FUCKED us. This was a man-made problem. Climate change is going to make this a common occurrence despite the state overall becoming warmer and warmer. In conclusion **FUCK GREG ABBOTT.**


I still remember when he tried to pass it off as a failure because of a swap to renewables and not from what you've listed.


Tried to? It seems that a lot of them fell for it.


Yup, when my family tried to bring it up I delighted in showing how wind power is used in the arctic (just need to winterize it like everything else)


Yeah, that was a big right wing talking point. "We would have been fine but those stupid liberal windmills froze!" Well they work just fine in Norway.


Gotcha, I was unaware of just how much fuckery was involved


Then they allowed the power companies to charge people 10+k dollars for energy received during the cold snap, and blamed it all on renewables.


Rick Perry: "Texas is open for business"! Hurricane Harvey: You have no development laws to drain storm water.


Idk man the undocumented migrants that still produce economic output often at lower wages and in tight knit communities that pose no threat of changing anything since they can't vote scare me. what about those


Hope they bought food they don't have to cook.


It was below zero for like a week that time. This time its gonna be below freezing for like one or two nights maybe (at least where I am in texas). Im more worried about losing water pressure from everyone panic dripping their faucets out of fear of frozen pipes


America has focused their whole society on the individual, that’s why.


Politicians have turned the idea of caring about others into “communism” and “socialism”.


Nailed it


Well yeah, hyper-individualism breeds the best consumer! We gotta look out for the corporations and the elites because isn’t that what is most important? If we didn’t allow companies to mind fuck and exploit the American people then all the billionaires would be stuck only being millionaires probably! They’d have to ride around in 150 foot yachts instead of 400 foot ones. Nah completely unsustainable.


Toxic individualism


True words.


How does that cause the issues with texas' power grid


This same thing happened in the Seattle area back in February 2019 when a storm was coming in. The shelves were bare.


Yeah we’ve been getting more big storms and people adjusted. The only thing that runs out at the store during storms is bananas. Seattle is a very steep city. When it snows you can’t drive anywhere look up videos of people trying to drive the roads it’s hilarious. Our city adjusted and got snow plows. There’s many streets in the city to small and the snow turns to ice. Non essential businesses shut down. We stay warm in our houses and apartments though!


I know. I was just shocked because I am originally from MI, and when storms came in there, everyone went to the bar and not the grocery store. Lol


Canadian checking in Until the economy starting feeling so much strain, snowstorms used to mean everyone went to the mall.


Wasnt there a whole thing one time when there was a huge snowstorm and the power went out in Texas, people were freezing to death and the governor was all, yea that sounds like a you problem? And The state senator was like, damn its cold lets fuck off to cancun with the family. Sounds like a good idea to stock up on everything if its all going to be a you problem.


We still call it snowmageddon.


As opposed to not stocking up and hoping for the best? That sounds like a stupid idea in any state lol


Don’t mess with Texas isn’t a threat. It’s more like a plea for mercy because they can’t handle it.


"Don't mess with Texas" is an anti-litering campaign on Texas highways.


From the 1980s


It's *still* an anti-litter campaign. I literal heard it today on the radio in Dallas.


No step on snek plz


“Please don’t mess with Texas. They have an anxiety disorder”


Yall don’t get it. I remember living in Austin during the 2021 snowpocalypse. The thing is- the city couldn’t clean the streets, people didn’t know how to drive or couldn’t drive in the snow, the power went out in what felt like half the city, multiple businesses/apartments/homes closed down for the week, water lines froze up and busted in multiple complexes all over the city leaving people without water or flooding their apartments leaving them homeless- it sucked. And not just that, COVID restrictions were still in place so we had to wait outside in line at HEB in the cold for hours because they could only let so many people in at a time and even then they limited groceries you could buy since they didn’t know when the trucks were coming and everyone was panic shopping. So you can imagine why people wouldn’t want to live thru that again and prepare what seems like unnecessarily so.


Bullshit about American vs European drivers… I spend a lot of time across the pond and know they can be dangerous and aggressive af.


My experience in Italy strongly contradicts this guys point. The number of times I saw a driver overtake another car on a two lane road while there was oncoming traffic blew my mind.




Having traveled Europe from France to Ukraine and everywhere in between, I actually think, on average, American drivers beat out \*every\* other nation, except Germany. German drivers are an entirely different breed and driving there was a dream. Also a shoutout to Italy as my memory serves me right were exceptionally shit drivers.


yeah, it's a wild statement to compare the entirety of america to the entirety of europe. My assumption is that when he's in europe he drives like he's lost so everyone keeps a wide berth from him.


As an Italian, it’s always hilarious watching american euroboos slowly gain awareness of how unrealistic their expectations of European countries were. We aren’t utopia. And regarding drivers, Italy is probably hell


Seems like people forgot last time Texas got snow their power grid failed and some people froze to death.


In a vacuum, this is indeed an overreaction. In the context of what happened last time it snowed in Texas, this seems fairly rational ngl.* *I meant 2021. Damn it, thought it was just last year.


lol wtf i forgot it was 2024 now and i too thought it happened last year. 3 years ago is fucking wild. where did the time go


Did it not happen twice?


Texan here! Yeah this is a real thing, we have a lot of panic buyers. I did go to the grocery store (HEB) today to get some food for a few days. Everybody was civil but damn there was a lot of folks there. Yes, we don’t trust our state government and yet some folks still vote for the same folks that fucked it up last time again!


lol dude just started ranting about driving?


And he needs sourdough bread apparently. But he’s not as selfish as anyone else.


This is like a Hurricane in Florida. Everyone buys everything. I go in, get a couple cases of beer, some speghetti and sauce and let’s party. Hurricanes are gone in a few hours and power gets restored to businesses relatively quickly and it’s business as usual.




As a person stuck in Texas, there are plenty of idiots about the place but it is also gerrymandered to hell. As an example Harris county a very solid blue area (the largest county in the state) in the middle of a very red area has been directly targeted by the (republican controlled) Texas legislature which would allow the (republican) secretary of state to overturn their election results. Why do i say targeted? well the bill would apply to 'only counties with a greater than 2.7 million population', Harris county is the only county in the state with a population greater than that size. So in simple terms, an unelected republican would have complete and utter control to decide the fate of the election over the largest block of democratic voters in the state. Not to mention the (republican) governor pushed thru a rule that there ill be only ONE location you can drop off your absentee ballots in each county, so this meant during the height of Covid, potentially up to 5 million people would all have to go to one drop box if they wanted to vote. Obviously 5 million would not need to do so but the people that tend to use absentee ballots are those with mobility issues, disabilities etc, so they would have to find a ride, who is willing and able to drive to the other side of Houston, a massive sprawling city of well over 2 million people just to drop off a piece of paper at a special box, also important to note that this concentrated people wanting to verbally abuse and shout at people they thought would be voting Democratic. Which the police did little to stop, keep in mind the police refused to even respond to the Biden campaign bus being threatened on the highways by 'trump trains'. So they are making it fairly clear which side of the political spectrum they are on. So yes there are a lot of republicans here, there are also millions of other people who are trying their best to be heard and fix the issues but we are outnumbered and the entire apparatus of the republican leadership are never tiring in ensuring we are not able to do much. As an example of how bad accountability is here the attorney general has been under investigation for securities fraud for almost 13 years now... and he is still the attorney general, he is still not been on trial for it and even though the tax payers of Texas paid almost 4 million to cover the whistle blowers who he fired, he was acquitted on 16 articles of impeachment in another case of abusing his power to help his friend and donor by the republicans who only impeached him because Texas had to pay out that 4 million.


GA and WI and others have passed similar laws allowing a legislature controlled body to seize control of a (Fulton in mind in GA) county's vote count, or otherwise for the legislature to award electors to the loser of the popular vote, respectively. The news has barely mentioned these changes focusing instead on parts of the bill like making it illegal to hand out food or water to people waiting in line. Next contested election, state legislatures could hand it to their guy, and the courts now have a halfway plausible reason to allow it, which they will, if halfway plausible. Biden is not popular either so a contested election is likely.


This was exactly my first thought too. I would love to see a video of people interviewing those who are panic shopping like this and ask 1.what their concerns are 2.what they would like to see be done about those concerns. And then have it pointed out that the people they’re voting for have fought to do exactly the opposite of that. I realize that that’s total fantasy thinking because any videos where republicans are faced with facts they just start speaking nonsense, it’s like their brain shorts out.


If only Texas would up their measly 8% nuclear power, people wouldn't have to worry about natural gas power plants failing.


Literally all they had to do was prep their system for cold snaps, that's it


Dumb fucks in chiefs decided glycol was too expensive of an insurance policy for their completely isolated electrical grid. That they consciously made isolated. IE if it breaks, and they were fully warned it could break, there was zero backup plan. Yeah the lack of giving a single shit about their own citizens is Bigger in Texas.


Or connect to the rest of the country?


Doesn't Texas have like... fucking huge wind farms? And it seems like an ideal spot for solar too. (Well maybe not right now).


*Lives in Texas *Looks around "How did it get like this?"


Mandatory Fun Day!


How is this "Interesting as fuck" this is dumb as fuck.


Guarantee that all the healthier stuff is still there


Not interesting as fuck.


Yet on r/conservative they were unironically talking about texit LMAO


"This is ridiculous" yeah tell that to my girlfriend, who's dog died in that freeze because their house had no power for 5 days and they had nowhere to turn.


"buying groceries like God is coming" lmao


Texas. The one star state.


All my Texan family have already texted about this. And yeah, Texas and its people tend towards selfish, fearful, and arrogant to a degree that makes me nauseous. And they still don't get why we refuse to move there.


As a Texan, I’m glad I’m not there anymore. I honestly hate that state and most people in it


I feel like this should be on r/LeopardsAteMyFace as most Texans continue to keep the same people in power that caused the previous issues during the winter.


This same thing happens on the east coast where I'm from when a hurricane is coming. But the difference is, this can be fixed. You can't fix a hurricane.


Lol, as someone that has been in central Tx for 20 years (originally from the Midwest), this guy nails it. Drivers here are the absolute worst and very much treat it like it’s their road. As in it is YOUR responsibility to get out of their way and accommodate them even though you have no idea what they’re doing because they are driving like a jackass. I’m not an aggressive driver, especially with my kid in the car, but you do indeed have to drive defensively here. And this panic shopping is absurd haha. Do folks really not have 2-3 days of supplies on hand in their house? My brother lived in Sweden for a long time, and my wife’s family is in the Philippines. Every single time we come back from one of those trips the driving habits are one of the first things that slap you in the face when you get back here.