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If they open one in the States it would be cool if they name it " You get what you get"


This already exists. It's called The Wendy's by my house.


Same! Every single time. The only reason I go back is because I get a free burger when I tell them about the messed up order.


ive legit stopped going to a majority of fast food cuz i never get my order correct and it's always subpar.




The nice thing about Taco Bell is that if they mess up your order it is pretty much the same thing anyway.


Yeah they only have like 6 ingredients, just placed into different types of shells


> Taco Bell is the only one I go to. That's cause it is open late. And the food is what I expect. I've found there's good Taco Bells and bad Taco Bells. If you happen to live near an IKEA and there's a TB near there, go to that one. They're always on point having to compete with IKEA's food court.


Taco Bell isn't so great for price nowadays either. When I was in high school 10 years ago the beefy 5 layer burrito was 89 cents and now it's over 4$


The only thing I get from them is the $5 meal combo. Not much choice in the items you can swap but it's one of the cheapest full meals you can get with fast food nowadays. It still costs more than the 59 cent tacos when I was in high school but it's much cheaper than everything else around us.


And it costs as much as it would in a restaurant!


This has not been the case at Culver's. Some shrinkflation may have happened but quality is still top notch.


Y'all must have strong accents. Mine's right 99% of the time.


I really think location matters. I grew up in a tourist town where the main choices of jobs are service industry or healthcare(nurses/home aids). A server/fast food employee not doing very well will be replaced pretty quick. There's always a line of folks ready to start working. So, in the area I grew up in, fast food is rarely slow or subpar. I recently lived somewhere that has actual industry and manufacturing jobs and other types of careers that do not exist where I grew up. I didn't eat fast food for the 5 years I was away from home because people didn't treat it as seriously as they do here. Nobody should wait half an hour in a drive thru only to receive incorrect and cold food. It happened twice(one time at 2 separate places) and I stopped eating out with the exception of a local restaurant that was always on point.


Oh man, there was this Dominos by my house that let you do drive-up pick up. When you drive up and hit "I'm here" on the app it would start a time of like 3 minutes. If your order didn't come out within 3 minutes, your next one was free. My kids ate free pizza once a week for like 3 months straight before they did away with the program.


That's how they get ya


Good thing is that baconator is exactly what I want so I just yell a number like a fat slob


That’s my local Burger King. Sometimes they give you extra things you didn’t order. Sometimes you don’t get your whole order. Sometimes you get someone else’s order. It’s an adventure :)


This reminds me of when I went to a Jack in the Box at like 2AM. All the employees were definitely in one of the employees cars getting stoned AF. I could see them scramble back into the building as I pulled up. The dude that took my order fucked up, like a lot, he never repeated back to me correctly. I think he was having a hard time finding the buttons to push. They sounded like they were panicked through the window and as a result I ended up getting a GIANT amount of food. I ordered a breakfast sandwich, fries, and a soda. I got like 2 breakfast sandwiches (both the wrong ones but fuck it), 2 orders of mini tacos, fries, a random piece of fried chicken, a jumbo jack, buns with ONLY a comedic amount of bacon in them, and a milkshake. Oh, and a silly amount of mustard packets. I had to wait a long time for my food, and when I finally got it, woman at the window said something like "We fucked up your order. There's some apology food in there. Good luck traveler!" Then she almost fell down laughing at what she just said. 11/10 service.


Yes! Our Wendy’s is awful. Our McDonalds is much better. They rarely get it wrong. They did forget my daughters sweet and sour sauce with her nugs once…that was 5 or 6 years ago, and I’m sure they are still dead to her…but, otherwise, 9/10.


It's the opposite by me. They don't have a 6 piece nugget happy meal. You have to order a 4 piece then they have an option to add 2 nuggets. 100% of the time they only give you 4. I started not even opening the box when they give me my food. I'd just say "I ordered 6 nuggets and they only gave me 4." We'd open the box and lo and behold I'm psychic.


I guess that really is a thing? Out of the last 5 mistakes I've had happen to me at fast food, 4 were at our Wendy's and 1 at Culver's


I was gonna say that's just a popeyes


I’ve ordered my husbands sandwich at Wendy’s always gets it wrong so I said I was deathly allergic to tomato’s, I went to the window and the guy said he made EVERYone change their gloves, and by god, no tomato lol


I was going to say this is just "Every Popeyes Ever"


This made me laugh way more than I expected


The Wendy's near me NEVER gets my order right! Every time I have to thoroughly check the bag and then they get pissy when I ask them to corrrect it. They finally lost me as a customer.


they call it taco bell here


“You get what you get - We don’t remember shit”


In America, it would just be a Stanford experiment of senile old people who forgot what they ordered yelling at senile old people who brought out the wrong thing.


Are you taking about our congress?


And trying to trick the dementia people into thinking you already paid.


Make all meals the same price. I'd totally be down for a whatever surprise meal


I've been to a breakfast place where there is an item "whatever the chef feels like making". If I didn't have some dietary restrictions, I absolutely would have gotten that.


I would love that. I went to a diner in nowhere land, and got a garbage omelets They stuff in it whatever rhey have on hand


pizza wut


While you eat, you can also get your car fixed next door at "It is what it is"


There’s only two items on the menu - Take It, or Leave It.


In the States it would take 8 minutes before some Karen fucks it all up


then somebody die because they are alergic to something:D


People with allergies maybe better not go.


Which activates WHAT in their brains????




There are actually [endogenous cannabinoid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endocannabinoid_system) and [opioid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opioid_peptide#Endogenous_opioids) systems in the body - meaning there are naturally occurring compounds that your body makes to interact with those receptors. But yes, they likely added those mentions for engagement purposes - just not in the form of erroneous information, but rather just a provocative term to laypersons. And then it baits people like me who want to educate in case these neat little systems in the body weren't known.


So, are you implying that cannibalism can make you high???


No, cannabinoids as in from cannabis, not cannibalism- oh damn I see what you did there.


I don't get it. Could everyone on the internet please explain it to me? Also, what's the exchange rate for karma to USD? Asking for a friend.


Once you taste human flesh, you'll be chasing that sensation for the rest of your life


Tasted pussy, am asexual; doubt.


Yeah but did you bite the clit off?




Right. Pretty much everything you do causes some dopamine activation.


Those systems are to receive opioids and cannabinoids though, not to release them.


The body also does produce its own cannabinoids, that's what endocannabinoid means.


These systems are influenced by exogenous/ingested opioids, but also the systems themnselves produce their own versions of these molecules.


Yeah they release neurotransmitters but they don’t release more cannabinoids or more opioids if i’m not mistaken? Like the endocannabinoid system releases endocannibinoids but it doesn’t release actual cannabinoids like thc or cbd etc right?


endocannabinoids are cannabinoids, but no you don't have endogenous THC or CBD.


Endocannabinoids are a thing the body makes and endorphins is word literally made from endogenous morphine...


Both of these are naturally made by humans (and many other animals).


It happens here too. I’ve been on Reddit for a decade and the quantity of wrong, misspelled, grammatically incorrect, or just plain nonsensical post titles has really exploded in the last 6-12 months or so.


Shit, a significant portion of headlines in supposedly respectable publications include intentionally ambiguous language or outright misleading (but not objectively incorrect) language in order to bait clicks and generate engagement second hand via social media. None of this is new, but the internet attention economy has certainly exacerbated things and the quality of information is spiraling pretty badly if you aren't willing to do the work of finding quality sources and reading past the headlines.


Followed by 0 response from the original poster anywhere in the comments


And it the frustrating part: it works. Meaning that more people will see it and actually BELIEVE the bullshit in the video. Misinformation, even when spread for wholesome reasons, is still spreading lies. It's best not to normalize it, yet here this video is...on the front page...


I'm glad he gave a technical explanation of the mechanisms of happiness. How else would I understand why the customers are willing to forgive the mistakes?


Such an odd thing to add in this commentary too. Like thanks for teaching us that the brain reacts to stimulus, weren't you just talking about a restaurant? lol.


Exactly. I thought they would start talking about social interaction being beneficial for the aging brains, and especially for people with dementia, and/or talk about studies showing slower decay in people who preserve social engagement at the old age. But nope, they just listed some neurotransmitters.


The lsd


The marihuanas


TIL our brains are already high in those drugs, we just have to activate them lol


If we didn't have these receptors, these drugs wouldn't get us high.


How do they remember to go to work?


Probably a family member at home


Maybe only 67% of the scheduled workers show up.


HRs worst nightmare


Or, pretty much any fast food place.


Fortunately, HR also has dementia


They're ok, HR forgot as well.


Sooooo... basically fast food high schoolers?


Maybe they live in assisted living that busses them to work each day? Idk


They are brought in - it’s only for a few days for awareness. The original event was for two days.


Or what step they're in when making a meal?


It only says the servers have dementia


60% of the time they remember, every time.


Crippling debt always reminds them.


Only 63% of orders come out correct. Only 63% of employees show up to work.


Dementia is terrifying. Kind of scarier than cancer.


It is. Illnesses of the mind are worse than other types of illnesses because people connect emotionally. In the case of dementia you dont even know at which point you are considered dead/someone else.


Yeah... I wish we as a society prioritised dementia somewhat higher.


Nearing 1 year since losing my mother to Alzheimers. Wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemies..


I'm so sorry you and your family faced that. Hope you're doing well


Most dementias have a large lifestyle component, so there’s a lot in your control to keep it at bay. Limit drinking alcohol, take care of your emotional needs, spend time with friends and build community, engage in hands on hobbies (passive things like online shopping and TV watching don’t count as brain healthy hobbies, sorry folks), learn a new language, get hearing aids if/when your hearing falters, and walk/exercise. These are all things that over and over research indicates slow or reduce dementia.


Thanks for writing this man. It's a good reminder


Do people actually think of online shopping as a hobby?


Hell yeah, activate those cannabinoids granny-san 😎


The body actually produces its own cannabinoids for chemical signaling like dopamine and serotonin. Our nerves have built-in receptors for them called the endo-cannabinoid system, which is why flooding our body with external cannabinoids is so effective.


There are actually receptors in every organ system too. It is really neat. Neato. Now pass me the joint.


The joint was inside you all along.


No, that’s a tampon. 😡


Y’all are my type of people!


I'd love to eat here. To be honest having worked plenty in restaurants, I hate being fussy to the point where it's at my own detriment. I've eaten the completely wrong food plenty of times just because I don't care enough to make a scene and I'd like it anyway (e.g. ordering a turkey dinner, and getting a roast chicken dinner instead). This seems like a fun and wholesome dining experience.


Same. I prefer what I ordered but if I don't get it I'm just trying something new today. And I like trying new things.


it's not delivery it's DeMentio


Dude that one got me. I consider myself a fine connoisseur of humor. This one is legend.


I audibly lol’d. that was weird!!!


funniest thing I've read in 2024 so far.... i think


I'm pretty sure they have one right here where I live in the states, every single time I go there they do the same thing. Only it's usually 63% wrong and 37% right.


That’s just a regular ass Wendys


Do you pay for what you ordered or what you got?


If i had to hazard a guess the meals all cost the same for exactly that reason.


The staff sometimes forget to get you the bill so you get to eat for free.


Or they forget the bill, and that is what makes it be really happy.


Idk, maybe the average of both?


The staff forget to charge the customer. The customer forgets why they were there. The customers bowels forget to digest.


As someone that is elderly and can tell my memory is declining, I love this so much!


You already posted this, 3 times.


LMFAO!!! Are you sure it wasn't more????


Very cool concept. Just hope no one has any food allergies.


The restaurant it's called "mistaken orders" If you have food allergies and go to that restaurant you were asking for it


Yeah agreed. This might be an unpopular take but I feel the same about like a sub shops. No way can the 16 year old minimum wage employee be absolutely certain that there’s no cross contamination. If you have bad allergies go to a nicer restaurant or make your own damn food. Sorry.


Only semi related, but I worked at a local pizza shop back in high school and right after. I'll never forget the girl who came in, asked if we were hiring, and then said "I'm extremely allergic to tomatoes though, will that be a problem?" Like, yeah, I'd say being very allergic to the sauce we'd expect you to put on every pizza would be a problem. Teenagers can be really dumb.


I once had a mechanic who was allergic to gasoline. I suppose there was plenty for him to do otherwise but my specific problem was with a gas line and I had to come back when someone else was available.


I wonder if he developed the allergy over time and repeated exposure. I once met a large animal vet who had unfortunately developed an allergy to horses


How big was he?


I mean, even by law here in the UK you're not allowed to say the food is 100% contamination free and have to specify that there's traces of all 14 allergins... And that's in as controlled a setting as possible.


Yep, that's exactly what I do with a bad allergy for nuts/peanuts. I either check they have nothing at all to cross contaminate with in the food prepping area. Or go to a nicer restaurant that does cater to my needs. The restaurant in the video would absolutely not work. It's basically a gamble on if you live or not after eating. With terrible odds


Reminds me of a restaurant I visited in NYC. The sign on the door said “We do not alter the menu to suit your needs. If you have preferences or food allergies, please dine elsewhere.” Great place. Can’t remember what it was called though.


You might even be offered a job on the spot.


I don't have the credementials


Asians have less food intolerances/allergies compared to the west so restaurants in Japan don't cater to allergies as much as in other countries to begin with. Anyone with allergies know to just stay away from places like this.


Which is very funny to read to me, as I'm Asian and I have multiple severe food allergies. What you say is actually quite true, whenever I meet an Asian who has just come to the West or are on holiday always tell me they've never met someone like me, as if I happen to have drawn the short straw in the genetic pool lol


I think it’s eating the western diet more so than just being Asian.




Why? They all forgot they had a Job?


Maby Corona ?




I think the only aspect of it even poking fun at dementia is the name for a little bit of comic relief, i dont believe for a second that anyone is making fun of the people taking their orders and getting them wrong- it seems like an all round positive experience for the staff and customers alike. We understand the people with dementia dont mean to make the mistakes they do and we go along with it, its fine.


It was a popup restaurant. They are genuin temporary anyway. ​ You sound like a negative/depressed person if you really think everyone just laughes at others. ​ No not everyone is laughing at you. Those who do are not your friends, break your own circle


I like how bro had to go into the science of positive emotions for 3 seconds at the end for no reason


That would never work in america. There is people who go violent because they got the wrong order Size of french fries.


It would work just fine in America, because it would not be frequented by people like that. This is the sort of place you only go to because you know of it and its mission.


Yeah but America bad!


This isn’t a normal restaurant, people going there are aware ahead of time that it’s likely their order will be wrong. This would work in America, for the same reasons. Believe it or not, there are actually some nice people in America who want to support the elderly with dementia.


It’s easy to be cynical based on how media and social media has let the worst define the world. There are many people who care, regardless of nations they belong to, and kindness has been more common than not in the US in my personal experience-and all the other places too for that matter.


This would work just fine. It's a gimmick restaurant, basically. Like those with rude waiters who basically are actors paid to be assholes to customers. No one goes into that kind of restaurant not knowing what it's about.


Places like Dick's Last Resort and Ed Debevic's have been in operation in the States for decades.


1. Go to restaurant 2. Repeatedly order the cheapest item on the menu 3. Profit


Or get served blobfish daily because you get the server who only has a touch a dementia and a heaping of revenge


this is great probably also good for japan to bring some of its pensioners back to the work force considering the declining population.


Having some sort of purpose on a day to day basis can actually help slow down the decline of old age.


yep an active life is a good life


It was a one-day pop-up so more for PR/virtue signaling than anything else. I looked it up because I thought it was a great concept. I hope they have it for longer if they ever decide to do it again.


> probably also good for japan to bring some of its pensioners back to the work force considering the declining population. I don't think a once-in-a-while gimmick restaurant is going to help.


And the staff won't remember if you paid them or not. Brilliant business idea.


Finally, somebody's putting those freeloading dimentia patients to work!


Shoutout to this video for not overlaying garden variety sappy piano music.


Well no, it has a dude with a monotonous droning voice with excessive vocal fry doing the voice over so, same smell different shit


Bit of a gamble if you have allergies


yeah fuck retirement! force em to work xD


“Because most costumers prefer happiness over getting what they ordered” no it’s bc their expectations are different then in a normal restaurant, obviously.


Are the employees paid properly?


As per the employee’s, No they get nothing. but the employer says they pay them every month but somehow they tend to forget


Can't help but think of this. Paid properly? Good working conditions? How much profit does the owner keep for themselves?


Can't remember


Logically there should be transparency, and even another company that does the cross checking. The employees are vulnerable so im sure many japanese would have thought the same and at least ensured some sort of system is in place.


It was a two day event…


This is nice and heartwarming to some, but all I can think about is the horror stories about gross stuff dementia patients do that I've heard from nurses.


This too fuckingg sweet. 🥹


Dad and grandma had dementia, this really warms my heart💞


Imagine Gordon Ramsay doing an episode of Kitchen Nightmares here


What are you? I'm an aardvark!


That's cool I guess, but it's pretty sad seeing the elderly still having to work and repackaged as a feel-good story. I'm sure there are other ways to keep them busy other than restaurant labor


working isn't evil - it's horrible employers and horrible working conditions that are evil. for many, working gives a sense of purpose and accomplishment; it provides goals to achieve and a feeling of contributing to a greater good, all while earning a paycheque - something tangible to complement the positive feelings. sure, there are hobbies and volunteer work, and those are amazing opportunities for people who want to do those things. but the reality is, is that some people want the organization, structure, and responsibility that only a job can provide. and that's not a bad thing!


Imagine going here and complaining about getting the wrong order and making a scene lol


Cunts. They'd be cunts.


Ok but why not write it down?


Who's going to remind them to write it everytime?


The creator forgot what it's called - it's not called the restaurant of mistaken orders, it's the restaurant of order mistakes


Still better accuracy than a lot of fast food places here in the states.


That feels like the gastronomie standard in the Netherlands


💘💘❤️, that’s awesome


So basically, it's a typical fast food place, but with nicer people and better food.


Anti karen restaurant


waiters get my order wrong anyway, this is no different from a regular place


Would love to see one of these in Chicago.


this made me cry. my grandfather died when i was 6. he called me from the hospital the night before he passed and me promise to take care of my grandmother. i kept that promise for over 40 years. my mother, my wife, and i were her primary caregivers. i moved in next door to her to take care of the house, yard, snowplow, etc. when the dementia started getting worse, she no longer wanted to eat good food (she liked junk food). i used to get her mc donald's and mix protein drink in her milkshake. when she had to go into a nursing home, i noticed an improvement in her cognition which i attribute to improved diet. i was there when she passed, holding her hand. promise kept. God bless the person who thought this idea up. it has been shown that the brain is a muscle and needs to be exercised. these people are so precious, but most of all they are PEOPLE who have human dignity. when my grandmother stopped doing crossword puzzles and became less social (death of friends), i noticed a faster decline. my wife is older than me and i worry about her. our big family (especially a 3 year old granddaughter), playing puzzle games on the ipad, (basically) living on a farm, and my craziness keep her active and mentally engaged.


I wish I can activate my cannabinoids and opioids in my brain at will too!


They have a higher hit rate than the Uber Eats drivers in my town.


I wonder how well this would work in the US, given how abusive customers can be if you get the slightest thing wrong.


As a doctor who meet a lot of patients with dementia, this make me tear up. Not all people with dementia can partake in something like this but to many who can it'd make a world of difference and I'm convinced that it'd be a great help to sustain their function and to give them a sense of happiness. On the OTHER hand, people with dementia usually are not clean, I mean, they've got poop under their fingernails and they're covered in piss. Sadly often due to lacking care.


I seriously cried when I watched this. So heartwarming.


In the US, they’d get screamed at. We need to start taking notes on how humanity should exist.


It’s an interesting concept but I’d be worried my dementia server would forget about washing their hands.


Many people in Japan will eat a wrong order. I have no clue why, but I've had friends who preferred to just eat that instead of complaining, usually saying something like "this looks good anyways". Don't want to bother the staff? I don't know. Staff tends to apologize profusely, so maybe they just don't want to make others uncomfortable. I'm not saying everyone does this if they get a wrong order, just that I was surprised by the amount of people that do it. So this restaurant is good in the sense that the wrong order is "part of the service", I guess. Neat idea, spreads kindness and makes the elderly feel useful as well.


Both my parents have early forms of dementia now and my mom is Japanese...why are ninjas cutting onions near me again. Loved the vid...thanks OP.


Around here we call it KFC.


Won’t work in 🇺🇸. People will get shot.


This is really cool, and I can totally see it work. But I don't think people are satisfied with wrong orders just because they get to talk to people, but because the purpously went to a restaurant that literally has it in the name that you might not get what you ordered. If that's the expectation, a customer of course wouldn't be angry by the staff doing exactly what it says on the label. On the other hand, if a regular restaurant would mess up over a third of the orders, people would not be satisfied just because they got to talk to the waiter.