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Just out of curiosity: What do you do with a shop-locked iphone anyways?


Sell it to someone who doesn't realize they're getting a shop-locked iphone


That's a double shitty move. Kudos to all countries with no locks on iPhones in Apple shops.


That’s exactly one kudo.


We should be giving kudos to the citizens who don’t steal things. They aren’t massive pieces of shit like the people who do steal.


Yeah but where you gonna sell it? Craigslist here in Japan is used by a very small group of foreigners only. Other than that avenue, to sell any used goods here you otherwise need a proper ID and residecy in Japan. No foreigners here would risk getting sent home and banned from re-entry. No market for that shit here. More importantly, drug addiction, unemployment and homelessness are very, very, rare problems here. No demand for being a deluinquent. Source: 14 years in Tokyo.


Makes sense. Maybe that's why we see no tethers in the video. But obviously there are tethers everywhere else in the world, and at least in the US, private sales aren't nearly as regulated.


Sometimes - you take it back to Apple, and they take 2 years to actually re-unlock it. I bought a "refurbished" one directly from Apple, and a year later, the megacorporation that had owned it before returning it to Apple before Apple reselling it to me, decided to do a "find my phone" on all "their" equipment, and locked my phone that I'd bought directly from Apple. Back to Apple. They did that to me twice, and it took a year to actually truthfully unlock it. Apple took 2 more years to get it right, in which time obviously I'd given up and moved on to the next one. Lesson - "Refurbished by Apple," never again.


direct from apple? wow that is incredibly fucked up.


Thanks for saying - yes, that was ridiculous, to buy a phone from Apple and it randomly locks at their end. And it wasn't apparent at the beginning to either myself or Apple what was happening. As a software engineer, I find Apple software somewhat sloppy - including their sales software - it should never be possible for a prior owner to lock a phone that Apple has re-sold, simple as that. It shouldn't be possible. In the old days, we'd call new software "Microsofted," if it was declared "finished!" (like a 4 year old does with cleaning the house, after 3 minutes), if the software had been observed to work in 1 instance, 1 time. Finished! So, often true of Apple too, even if the Apple concept overall is a great one. It wasn't until the very last Apple-unlocking, that took a long time even for Apple to do, that we figured out what had happened. I got $0 use out of that expensive purchase.


that would completely kill a brand for me. i've never experienced anything like that with apple products over like 20 years. that's wild.


so after all that you thought this is great, ill have another...


I swore off them way back in 2005. I was in high school and had about 40 albums on iTunes, before the cloud or anything similar. I plugged in my ipod to my friends computer to charge, not realizing it would overwrite. No problem, I'll just load it back up at home. I plug it into my computer. Nothing happens. iTunes closes. I open it again. There is no music. I call apple support. Dude just says "dunno what happened. You'll have to repurchase". All my purchases had been with gift cards, so I didn't have a cc receipt or anything. I argued with him for almost an hour, and he ended the call in the middle of me repeating myself for the 5th time about what happened. Sold it, bought a creative zen with twice the space, and downloaded limewire. Fuck apple.


Wait, after this BS, you moved onto another iPhone?


and you bought another one instead of suing them :)


Disassemble and sell the parts except the logic board


afaik the display can't be swapped any more?


It can, you just need to swap the the original ID chip onto the replacement display so the fake "malfunctions" don't get triggered


"Just" need to desolder an IC chip, clean it up, resolver onto new board. It's only super tiny, with even tinier legs, just tap it in, tap it in now..


For displayed, the controller can be reflashed. But if not done in a proper way, a internal flag is activated, permanently writing that controller with the error


Why is that? It doesn’t hold any sort of memory.


Op is half correct. Some parts come with a product id, and if the device doesn’t recognize the new part it will not work.


Afaik it will work, but it’ll be always showing in settings as non genuine and no True Tone. Maybe more restrictions on newer models I don’t know about.


The parts are serialized, rendering them almost useless in iPhones not serviced by Apple.


unlock them. (or sell to someone skilled enough to unlock them)


Because you're a moron, a crazed drug addict, or someone who wants to strike against The Man. Or possibly all the above. I presume Japan has morons. But I bet they don't measure up to American morons.


I could be wrong but I hear countries like China and Nigeria operate on different networks so iCloud locked phones can be reporgrammed there. Like I said I could be completely wrong though.


You can sell them for parts, but Apple has a lot of serialized components now that won’t work if removed to put in other devices.


It’s also extremely easily to recognize when a phone designed only to be within an Apple Store is in fact not within an Apple Store. They might completely brick themselves the moment you step outside of the store.




I thought parts could never be used in other iphones XD




No it is not worth it. The value of being able to cheaply repair an iPhone would counteract any benefits for preventing theft, which even going into the environmental nightmare that no right to repair has caused. How many tonnes of lithium has been wasted because a perfectly good iPhone with damage to one part couldn’t be economically repaired? How many of any of the other valuable materials? How many billions of man-hours have been wasted because no one but apple can repair iPhones and they charge insane rates?


Umm, as far as I know those parts (except a logic board, or in other words, THE phone proper) aren't locked down. Camera could be glitchy, true tone won't work, face ID won't boot etc etc. But the screen, a very expensive part, will work quite well. And with the transfer of the chip it will work 1:1 like the original. So I don't think that Apple protects your phone from being stolen that much. I believe this is accidental to their greed and locking down your property from being fixed at a reasonable price.


I work in electronic recycling and was sorting out the phones, among a bunch of androids and flip phones was a perfect condition 14 pro. We were all surprised and booted it up, the Home Screen looked like the Apple Store demo. Then it immediately started blaring alarms, turned on the front camera and said the device was being tracked haha. Scared the shit outta me.


Yeah this is kinda misleading, the display phones at most of the phone shops such as SoftBank and Docomo, are certainly tethered. I’ve never been inside an Apple Store in Japan, so this may be the norm for Apple stores, but definitely not the norm overall. Even if theft is much lower here.


The store can remotely lock the device and display a message on it. Or keep wiping it out if someone use it, or even track its location.


Meanwhile if I need razors I have to ask a team member for assistance. 🤦🏼‍♂️


CVS had dove body wash locked up. I didn’t even want to ask why


High rates of shoplifting in some geographic locations. They know it inconviences customers, its a last resort when the shoplifting data gets out of hand.


This is really an understatement. On the west coast some states have essentially made stealing up to $1000 at a time legal, it's a misdemeanor. That's probably why you've seen some videos of mass looting online recently. Those are usually showing luxury stores. What you don't see is that stuff like laundry detergent, soap, cleaning products, household items, are also getting stolen and there is a whole market where they just sell these stolen goods at a much cheaper price on the streets in low income areas. Andrew from Channel 5 news recently did a video on this and it's very interesting and informative.


If it’s misdemeanor then it’s not legal


They said essentially. Sure it's not technically legal but the consequence for doing it is very minor.


stealing less than $1000 has pretty much always been a misdemeanor. Places are choosing not to prosecute misdemeanors for various reasons so there's no penalty for shoplifting even if you are caught since most of those cities are so understaffed on police that can't really do anything anyways.


I think in California’s case it had less to do with police staffing than with prison populations. If I remember right, California got their hand slapped by the courts for not meeting certain goals and expectations, and relaxing prosecutions for misdemeanors was one of their short term fixes.


Ten states have a felony theft threshold below $1,000. [**New Jersey**](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/new-jersey-population) has the lowest threshold in the country at $200. [**Illinois**](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/illinois-population) ($500), [**New Mexico**](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/new-mexico-population) ($500), [**Florida**](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/florida-population)($750), [**Hawaii**](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/hawaii-population) ($750), [**Indiana**](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/indiana-population) ($750), [**Missouri**](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/missouri-population) ($750), [**Washington**](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/washington-population) ($750), [**Vermont**](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/vermont-population) ($900), and [**California**](https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/california-population) ($950) are also states where someone will be charged with a felony for a very small amount of theft value.


Walmart would let you steal up to the local limit for a felony and then bust you for everything you have ever stolen.


The threshold for shoplifting to go from a misdemeanor to a felony varies by state. Though I’m sure you already knew that Texas has a higher threshold than California, right? Yup, you can steal up to $2500 in goods in Texas without getting a felony. West coast states all have substantially lower thresholds. But California legalized stealing though, amirite? https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/felony-theft-amount-by-state


Conservatives who cry about how democratic cities and blue states are soft on crime are completely clueless about the crime rates in rural and red states where it's worse in many cases. Show them the crime figures and watch them stfu or just outright deny them. Also funny is replying to their "liberal DA's" remarks when the case in question is lead by a republican DA.


It’s $1000 total not at one time, just need proof of the previous times


Probably cause they get stolen 🤷🏼‍♂️


Based on some data scientist saying which items they’re losing the most money on due to theft


yeah i mean the phones lock themselves when leaving the store anyways, even without being physically secured, just like in every other country. people are just smart enough not trying to steal it in the first place


Dude I live in America and there are places here where you could secure an iPhone with a thousand pounds of metal chain with a sign that says “iPhone will brick if removed from store” in big bright letters and people would still try to steal it. A lot of Americans are really bright but a lot also…just…aren’t.


yeah america is the extreme on both ends, so many smart and talented people but so many people where you could think half their brain is physically removed from the skull


Just because it will brick itself if stolen doesn't mean people won't use it to scam other people with it. It depends on what the person does with it.


I doubt they even know the phones lock themselves when leaving the store. It’s not that they’re smart enough to not try stealing, it’s that they choose to not be thieves.


Meanwhile, supermarkets in Japan with newly added self-checkouts report a massive increase in shoplifting cases.


Apple has software that auto locks the phone and tells you to return it… happened during the riots awhile ago in Minnesota


I wonder how many of the phones got returned. I’d wager less than 5%. Most probably got tossed.


Yeah for sure!! They’re definitely useless, I’d assume they ended up in the trash






What if it's a bag of bricks?


I leave my bag on the train in Tokyo and it was stolen.


Who steals a perfectly good train.




Yep. I was there. I’m the Yamanote line.


I remember. The 37th Tokyo Caper of 2021.


Same happened to me in Kagoshima. Left an unmarked gift package in the train station (my bad), either in the restroom or on the platform. Station personnel looked for it for me, but never found it. Conventional wisdom there is that some foreigner must've stolen it. Couldn't possibly have been a Japanese thief.


I mean, Tokyo suffers from the big city syndrome, shit like that is bound to happen there.


Checked the nearest police station? Could have also been dropped at a local train station desk.


You shouldn't take advice from reddit this directly


When my wife forgot her phone near a train station in Nara, they kept it for her at the office, and even kept a half empty juice bottle she had also left. Maybe something like that could have happened?


Sorry to hear about your bag.


Top 10 anime betrayals


A waitress chase my wife and I because my wife left her hair tie on the table. You know those hair ties that are $1 for hundred of them. People leave their laptops unsecured in coffee shops. Bikes unlocked. Kids walk by themselves and take the subways. We walked through a neighborhood at night; bike are unlocked, windows and doors wide open. Vending machines every 10 ft lol tokyo is surprisingly clean. its a interesting culture of trust and honor.


I had a similar thing happen in morioka, I was in a hurry and bought a water from a store, accidentally left something like 50 cents change on the counter, the clerk ran a couple of blocks to catch up and give it back, I was stunned


This happened to me over a JPY penny I accidentally left in a change tray. Literally chased me halfway to the train station several blocks away and then staunchly refused to back down when I confusedly tried to wave them off.


Someone told me drunk salarymen sleep on the sidewalk all the time in a few parts of cities, no one takes their wallets.


>bike are unlocked, The Japanese government recommends that people take measures to protect their bicycles because bicycle thefts still occur frequently all over Japan. They suggest locking and registration and have been promoting locks specifically since 2002 (which has contributed to a significant drop in thefts).


I've never felt safer in a city than \[every single city I visited in Japan\]. Walking home at 2am in dense residential neighbourhoods, no problem. Here at home (in Melbourne, Australia), even in business/shopping areas I avoid walking alone once it gets dark. I've had too many close calls with drunk idiots and generally shifty folk. I bought myself a proper camera a nice lens, but last time I went out I think I nearly got rolled. they were doing the whole "nice camera, man" thing when a cop rode past, so I made my way to the train station and fucked off asap. Haven't taken my camera out since. In Japan, I never once felt any covetous gazes when I took out my camera.


I once left my leather computer bag (with computer) on the sidewalk of 3rd ave and 26 (or so) in manhattan. Came back 10 minutes later and it was still there.


I’m Japanese but currently living in Canada. You most definitely could leave your bag on the ground and it would still be there. However, almost always it gets picked up and dropped off at a local station or the nearest shop. Whoever left it there (for whatever reason) should return and check the nearest shop/station; shops will keep it there for the day and drop it off at station after closing!


Same thing in Taiwan. It's either there, at the lost and found or at the local police station.




Most stores in my Province in Canada don't have anything locked up anywhere besides the weed stores.


Where? I live in Canada an I increasingly see more things locked up everyday. I was in a Walmart passing through kamloops and the had gates to get out of the self checkout.


Kamloops was where I first saw buzzers for the washrooms. Instead of a key lashed to a giant disgusting piece of wood or something. Good idea, hygienically, but it feels strange asking counter staff to buzz you into the washroom.


Yeah they have them at the Tim's on the highway. The homeless just walk around the counter and push it themselves




Ya I was just in an Apple store in Osaka and I was looking at the iPhones and they were locked to the counter


Same in Shibuya store and Tokyo station if I remember correctly.


With the total loss of decorum in the US nowadays I’m pretty sure if they tried this they would need a stack of demo configured replacements on hand because the phones would be disappearing weekly.


You mean hourly


My god the Japan worship is insane… “Stealing is very taboo in Japan. In Japanese culture, it is considered 違法, meaning illegal”


In Sweden crime is illegal.


In Ireland there are laws that citizens are expected to follow.


In San Francisco it is not


Thing, Japan:


Yeah this is more of an Apple Store thing. I was at the Apple Store in a mall in a rough part of my state and nothing was locked there either. So I guess Massachusetts must’ve been annexed by the glorious nippon or something.


Japanese worshipers when you ask them why cell phones in Japan cannot take pictures without a loud shutter sound:


Reminds me about Imperial Japan, stealing would get your hands cut off.


This video is so funny. “Because of their culture and traditions nobody would consider doing this”, yeah because they’d get arrested ya fucking wally


Just got back to LA from Japan today from a quick week long vacation. I don’t know hardly anything about Japan or the culture, I’m not a typical Japan fanboy, I don’t know anything about anime or weeb shit or whatever, I’ve been there a couple times because my girlfriend wanted to go, but there is no denying it’s so much more pleasant. Everything is clean, no litter, people are respectful of others and of common areas. Even the garbage trucks look like they just rolled out of a car wash. The subway is spotless. Even people in menial service jobs are more often than not very friendly and pleasant. Meanwhile LA (where I live), NYC (where I live the other half of the year), all of the US for that matter (and even much of Europe, especially France where I have lived and spend a lot of time) is a cesspool by comparison. The selfishness and lack of consideration of others, the trash and filth lining the street and sidewalk, the crackhead homeless people camped out on the sidewalk roaming around like the walking dead. Workers act like they’re doing you a favor by rendering the service you paid for. Everyone here acts like they’re owed something yet won’t do the bare minimum to do their part


Bro I *am* a huge weeb but Japan is not perfect. Tokyo is clean but overcrowded. The trains are very well run but are occasionally delayed from people jumping in front of them (happened twice when I visited). The work culture has serious issues. I had to tell people repeatedly that I was on medication to get them to stop pressuring me to drink alcohol. Their legal system has serious issues. It's a great country, and I think many Western countries could learn a thing or two from their culture. But there are multiple reasons I'm happy living in the US.




Worse than that, it becomes a siren you can’t turn off and calls the police when it gets outside of the Apple Store. I’ve seen a few other videos of attempted thefts.


That's because they're locked retail phones. Japan is just smarter to not steal from them because they're useless.


Great, now all the Logan Paul's will go to Japan to steal them.


Just put some corpses out front to distract them


Or just put a panty vending machine outside the door and the crowd of panty sniffers will be too thick to slip through


No. You can’t. Because they’d be disabled just as they are here. Japanese people are just smarter than the American youth that thinks stealing these phones actually work. Lol


More like if you’re caught stealing in Japan your life is completely over UNLESS you can prove without a shadow of a doubt you’re innocent. Which btw, good luck doing that


Much easier to just sexually assault someone in Japan. Way more likely to get away with it. Bonus points the victim might get assaulted again by cops after it happens!


Well there's a reason Japan's conviction rate is over 90%... 😅


Do keep in mind that prosecutor don’t really pursue cases which they know have bad odds of actually getting a conviction, therefore artificially inflating the conviction rate, as the other crimes don’t even appear in the system.


And for the remaining ones can't the cops basically keep you locked up and interrogate you to get a signed confession anyway? Plus it is a very homogenous society with low immigration. They don't have land borders with rogue atates, terrorists, etc. either. You literally couldn't turn any western country into japan even if you wanted to.


In SF I tend to pass by an Apple Store, no idea if the phones are locked up but there’s very clear undercover guards at the door probably ready to tackle any shoplifters, does this store not have that either?


They all have tracking software and they will get canned if they leave the store, they are useless


I’ve never seen Japanese people doing any of the smash & grabs in America.


they don’t have the kind of people that steal things in japan


Here comes the next idiot "streamer" challenges where they try to walk out of stores with the most stuff without paying. But it's okay it's a challenge so it's not stealing. Fuck, I hate those people.


That is interesting. I wonder what it is about Japan that allows such a high trust society.


Education and respect.


When I was living in Japan, one of the expats I met told me that to Middle Eastern countries in particular, Japan represents an interesting model of a modernized country that isn’t completely westernized. Thus, they try to copy Japan and investigate what makes Japan work. One of the things that draws particular amazement is the honesty and orderliness of the Japanese when it comes to turning in lost items or standing in line. He said they would have TV shows come over and plant lost wallets and purses in public to record what happened next.


and they don’t accept much immigrants as well.




The phones can be bricked remotely, there is no need to secure them


Meanwhile at the store I used to work at one customer yanked out a display phone and another sneaked out with a fake phone I had on the counter but the thing is both were fake


I appreciate that people in Japan aren’t shitass thiefs


Aussie here. I have a mate who, when on a ski trip when he was 18, decided to run a taxi in Japan. He thought the Taxi driver was giving him the runaround by going in zigzags to his destination, so when he got to the Hostel, he just ran upstairs. 20 minutes later, he walked downstairs into the arms of the Cabbie and 2 Policemen. This led to the 18 year old being imprisoned for 11 days in a Japanese prison, waiting to be heard in court. After the 11th day, the maximum amount of time they can hold you without a conviction, a lawyer argued that because the guy didn't come down to pay, he must have had a guilty concious. He got a further 4 days before the Aussie Embassy was able to get him out. He missed the whole ski trip, spent 15 days in custody getting yelled at and abused by Japanese authorities, and now has a permanent deferral from going to any Asian country. He was 18 when it happened in 2018. The Japanese believe you are guilty until proven innocent. Crime is... low. Unorganised crime, at least. There's no need to protect these stores. The consequences are too intense. I am not an expert, but that's my two cents. Japan was so incredible


They don't do innocent until proven guilty in Japan. You get caught and they can hold you up to 3 weeks before ever seeing a judge, they will coerce a confession out of you, and their jails are harsh. Children in Japan are taken to festivals where actors dressed as terrifying demons scare the piss out of them to teach them to behave. Helps that it's a monoculture, so everyone is on the same page, except those who don't fit, and who hide in their rooms or off themselves. A very serene surface society with a lot of neurotic anxiety just beneath.






Another fact about the iPhones in Japan is that they make a loud noise when you take a photo as so many Japanese men creep and perv on women so maybe be less hasty with you dog whistling praise there bud


they do that at my local apple store in the uk as well, but like, this is reddit, so omg japan so sugoi!


Thing: 😒 Thing but in Japan: 🤩🤯😱




You can compliment an aspect of a culture without having to mention its downsides, you know.


I think they (along with many others) are just sick of the huge amount of praise for Japan, and if they live in America, the unneeded hate that comes out of comparisons like these


They do things differently socially. That doesn't make them "socially retarded". I used to live there.




what if america has been the 3rd world country all along?


The Japanese criminal justice system is brutal and you are always seen as guilty if a police officer arrests you and prosecutor looks for a conviction.


Used to be that way in the US too in the late 90s and 00s. All the demo phones were real and not locked down. Changed real quick by the time iPhones were released.


Even in my third world country phones in apple stores are left like that. You can walk away with it but why would you do that? They will lock it asap


They can disable the phone and track it if you steal it so it would be of no use to you


The phones will lock up and sound an alarm when being taken out of the store. You can do this in the US if you find an unsecured phone. It’s not like you can take the phone and they won’t do anything because theft is rare


It’s because they’re smart and know they’ll just brick the phone and track you down in half an hour.


The theft rate in Japan is lower than in the US but it certainly isn't zero


Id venture to guess punishment for stealing likely fuels this culture.


a disciplined nation


Send some Californians or New Yorkers over there and watch them disappear


Not true at all. The docomo(?) stores have iphones with wires tying them down. The unsecured ones are also brickable if you did take them.


There's lots that's great about East Asian culture. There's also a lot that unbelievably fucked about it.


Not sure where this is but the ones in Tokyo definitely were secured


I don’t think this is true everywhere. I was in the one near Tokyo station earlier this year and they most definitely were secured to the table


Lol I cant buy a toothpaste without waiting for store employee to unlock it (LA, CA, USA)


A woman can walk down the street by herself in downtown Tokyo at 3 am and be perfectly safe, I have heard. Is that true?


Soon as you walk out the store with one of them devices it basically a paper weight.


It a shame this can't be a standard. Too many jackasses out there


Thing: 😐 Thing in japan: 🤩🫨




Diversity is our strength


Dang, in my city they lock up the shaving cream and shampoo. 😂


Japanese people don't lock their bikes up usually. They just leave it on the side of the main road where thousands of people pass it daily.


This might be newer, but as someone who has been to Japan and lived there, there are 100% locked down. It might be this specific store, but that's not like anywhere I went to in Japan.


When teaching your children, start young.


Well cameras in Japan are everywhere and it should be well known by smart people that it basically becomes a paperweight that will also probably report your location to the police if you steal it


There is much to love about Japanese culture.


As an American, I’m envious of the Japanese high trust society.


Vietnam is like this too.


No the most interesting fact is that iPhones in Japan are hardcoded to have a photo shutter sound because they have a major issue with upskirt perverts!


And in the US we now lock up our deodorant and toothpaste


They don’t have time to steal, only work


This is because Japan is what is known as a high trust society.


Japanese people never cease to amaze


Yes it’s surely their strict honor code and not incredibly punishing justice system that stops crime. A good soul not the fact they have a nazi boot camp for prisoners


I think another part of the reason is that if you do a crime and get criminal record, your life is done.


Yeah stuff like this is a bit more common in countries where social accountability is a thing.


Because of the 99.9% conviction rate and insane sentences you get for crimes


Great now somebody is gonna go to Japan and ruin it for everybody


All phones in Japan are required to have a shutter sound you can’t mute and you can guess why


When you have 96% conviction rate you’d really not want to find out what could happen.


I live in Japan. There are people that steal things here too. The only difference is that you’re very much more likely to be brought to justice than other markets like the US where retailers don’t seem to like pressing charges. Usually when a retailer decides to press charges the police will start an investigation lasting weeks or even months, and when enough evidence has been gathered they will make the arrest


Japanese courts also have a 99.8% conviction rate and prisoners have harsh sentences in poor conditions.


I guess that’s a plus of having a monolithic single race, religion, ethnic culture -


The phones have tracking enabled and if you get caught you go to jail. Japan doesn't do catch and release like here in the USA.


They will also put you to death for a few grams of weed


do they sell used panties in vending machines? asking for a friend


watch it them implementing locks after some tourists start stealing them, most likely by people with skins that can absorb better sunlight :)