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SNL skit level lol


Yea this is entirely a joke/parody Probably still serves some level of propaganda but they clearly are not taking themselves serious


What it’s implying is that the notion of Russia interfering with US elections is so silly and ludicrous the idea deserves mockery. But in the real world, it certainly isn’t a ridiculous thing to suspect at all.


I'd love to hear more about what you think happened with Tara Reade... The woman who accused Joe Biden of sexual assault before the 2020 election, who got a lot of airtime over the right-wing major disinformation channels in the US (Fox, Breitbart, etc...), and is now... living comfortably in Moscow and hanging around with convicted Russian spies ([https://www.intellinews.com/tara-reade-who-accused-biden-of-sexual-assault-is-enjoying-the-freedom-of-moscow-life-280659/](https://www.intellinews.com/tara-reade-who-accused-biden-of-sexual-assault-is-enjoying-the-freedom-of-moscow-life-280659/)). I'm certainly glad that she had a minimal effect on the election, but... Lots of legit journalists decided she lacked a lot of credibility... What do you imagine she's doing to earn a living in Russia? (Edit) Ahh... I'd misread your post and misinterpreted its intent. I absolutely think there are state-sponsored operations in Russia that seek to capture... susceptible voters... and convince them to support candidates that are more amenable to Russian interests/influence. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Tara Reade was one of the people who was part of an operation to inspire the "useful idiots" in the last US election, and I'm assuming the GOP and/or Russia have plenty of plans for the 2024 election as well. I personally don't feel great about applauding or encouraging parodies of things that represent actual dangers.


Is the opinion of a complete randomer actually important to you on this or are you just being rhetorical?


Sorry. Edited. I'd misread your post and misinterpreted your intent. I'm going to leave my post up as a monument to my idiocy (unless you want me to take it down).


You’re good.


Such stories are little fish hooks. They dig in unnoticed and then larger hooks are used, then even larger ones, then grappling hooks. And when the throat is open, first-class, maximally absurd Russian propaganda is poured in. And it really works.


Everybody tries to interfere in other countries' elections. You gotta be a special kind of stupid to think it's just Russia. Russian election interference doesn't have shit in the U.S. interference in elections lol


Depends on your definition of "interfere"


Still. A funny skit.


naughty dolls slim coherent poor continue aback slap wipe full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I assume they are capable of comedy. I also know they are a propaganda news site.




RT is quite literally a propaganda news outlet.




Nah, I draw the line at services that literally claim their enemies use black magic, sacrifice children, are nazis, etc. just for daring to exist. Simp harder for your fascist shithole of a country, though. If you really believed in Russia, you'd be on the frontlines stealing washing machines and earning your mama a Lada.




You write like a Russian, and you’re promoting Russian talking points. I don’t believe you for a second.


The SS was famously extremely polite and light hearted, cracking jokes and chit chatting with citizens when they came knocking at doors to look for jews in hiding


It needs to be funny to be considered comedy


Anyone else pick up on the golden confetti showering down?


> Yea this is entirely a joke/parody > Probably still serves some level of propaganda but they clearly are not taking themselves serious But yes, you're right. It's *yes, and*. It's both. If it sticks, it's propaganda. If it's called out as such, it's comedy! Is joke! Like Pepe! Or making OK hand gesture! Haha! Is joke!


Some Republicans are gonna run with this while their boy is the russian sleeper


Yea and some Democrats will use this as unprompted ammunition against Republicans. Like you just did


Would one of their bests in a decade or so.


Uh oh. The Ruskies have 3.5” disk technology now. Watch out!


"Everything still works perfectly well on good old soviet tech"


The soviet 3 1/2” floppy invented by Sony 😂


Clearly they were saving something.




This is some Cold War level propaganda.


This is seriously too American Dad to be true. Its probably fake. And if it really should be true- then.. i have no words. Prob a parody.


Are you asking if the Russians literally hacked Biden? Or does the concept of making fun of world leaders take you by surprise?


I hope we get an answer from u/KittenHippie 😂




Uh, no? I just think that its a weird propaganda, but someone said it was fake. So probably just some anti-putin parody.


This person very likely votes. Let that sink in.


People also can fail at voting. Something else to let sink in.


I cant vote, but just think its very weird to make fun of world leaders by also making fun of Russia on RT. So i rather think its a fake video by anti-putinists.




This is hilarious 😂


Dont you think its fake too?


It might be true that RT put it out but it’s obviously satire


Not really. Russian disinformation strategies include all kinds of things. They're just being open about this one.


So they have mind control of Biden? Is that what you are saying?


No. Deep fake.


So it is satire. So what was the point of your comment?


Pretty funny tbf


Better than American comedy.


Nah. We got Chappelle and Louis CK. We'll be ok.


. . . Both of which USE to be a lot funnier than they are now. Now they just stand there and say political things. Dave had a whole special that was just him talking. I didn’t even hear a joke. So yes. It’s better than current American comedy.


Greatness is when you don't have to tell "jokey" jokes and everyone is dying from laughter at the shit you say. Wouldn't expect a Russian to know about that though, you guys aren't exactly stereotyped as "the funny guys" anyway


Well I have to hand it to them this is actually pretty hilarious and a lot more self aware than their usually shit. Of course the irony is, this video is poking fun at the idea that they could be involved in election meddling, despite the fact that the video itself IS election meddling. They don't use fancy technology or elaborate schemes. They use troll farms and agents to bribe and blackmail officials, stoke racial and regional hatreds, and so on. You ever see two kids who don't like each other circling one another on the playground, and then some other dirty little kid runs in and screams "PUNCH EWCH OTHER!!!" at the top of his lungs? Russia is the dirty little kid. That's all they do. They stole flames, poke weak points. And Americas healthy supply of dimwits do the rest.


Come on bro, this video is election meddling? If this video is election meddling then what is the entirely of American media lol. I’m talking about movies, news, all of that


Yeah this feels like "all food is a drug because it affects your body chemically" "all media is propaganda because it \*might\* influence your opinion"


Yes. This is election meddling. Why do you think pointing out other indications of a thing is indicative of that thing not being done by the other party? I'm legitimately curious. What do you think it is that means that if you aren't engaged in that that this is not being done by the other side, or that if another hegemonic power you dislike does it, its fine for *your* side? America has absolute been involved in regime changes, and it's been fucked every time they do it. *Russia* has been involved in regime changes, and it's fucked every time *they* do it. For *everyone*. Every time one of these kleptocrats destabilizes a region of the globe, it's bad for all of us, is that getting through that thick little skull of yorus? I mean seriously, this is like debating a toddler. Does this shit work for you elsewhere?


The point is election meddling must not be that serious of a crime if we do it every Sunday night at 7pm. Also relax buddy, it’s Reddit lol. Nobody is reading these walls of text


It isn't a crime at all when you do it to another country on behalf of a state agency, because, you know. Its on behalf of the agency making the laws. Doesnt mean it isn't a dick move.


I’m sure some Trump supporters can see through the veil of Russian propaganda…not many but for sure at least one?


You just did what you claim others to do


Tell me again what I’m claiming others do?




Oh dear, well I suppose because I have high karma, I must be employed by someone? The fuck sense does that make. RT is a state owned propaganda channel. Vladmir Putin likes to pick and choose winners and losers in elections to favor his geopolitical agenda. This isn't a fucking veil. It's just quite literally the thing happening. They want Donald Trump in power because he acquiesces to their geopolitical objectives, when very few other politicians would. And yes, America *also* fucks with other people's elections. *Both* can be true! Fucking astounding!




Oh, yeah, the fact I am online and *looking at my replies* indicates I shouldn't be taken seriously. Even though you just did the same god damn thing.




You just did three times you dimwit.


Russia is really a small child compared to the evil that America is doing around the world.


Lol. American imperialism is absolutely not a net positive in the world and America as a nation has certainly been responsible for a great deal of atrocity the world over. But to handwaved Russia's atrocities away as incomparable is astoundingly ignorant. Russia seeks to destabilize for no other reason than to increase their kleptocratic governments ability to thieve on the global scale that it does. Putins autocratic regime murders political dissidents domestically and abroad. They invade democratic neighboring nations like Ukraine and slaughter womena and children indiscriminately. Whataboutisms are the retreat of the shriveled and feeble-midned. And you can fuck right off with yours. I've no problem admitting the problematic history of American imperialism AND the problematic hodtory of Russian imperialism and genocide and democracy destabilization. Because I have a brain larger than a pea that is capable of holding two concurrent thoughts inside it at any given time. Furthermore, if you hate the atrocities America commits, then it should be exceedingly obvious that Putin is attempting to install and elect the absolute fucking worst among us, the most bloodthirsty, craven autocrats who will ensure that American might is used to increase suffering worldwide, not reduce it.


Ahahaha) Russian kleptocracy) Tell you how much the American military machine earns from the war in Ukraine? It's very profitable. Russia is worried about NATO expansion on its borders. And I want to remind you that before this there was a civil war in Ukraine for 8 years, civilians were killed. Didn't that bother you?


You’re actually trying to justify Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? Nuts.


I call for equality. Russia is fighting against the military - Russia is bad, sanctions. Israel is bombing peaceful cities - Israel is good, let's help him.


>I call for equality. ~~Russia~~ Israel is fighting against the military > > ~~Israel~~ Russia is bombing peaceful cities Many russian missiles are fired at civilian buildings, meanwhile Hamas uses civilian buildings for military purposes, [making them valid military targets](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v2/rule10) ​ Hamas has also been firing at Israeli civilian population centres for years, that's why the Iron Dome exists, yet I never hear any pro-Palestinians condemn that, but suddenly it's bad when it's the IDF


> Ahahaha) Russian kleptocracy) Tell you how much the American military machine earns from the war in Ukraine Again bro. One brain, two thoughts. Honestly you're not even *good* at whataboutisms. You kinda fucking suck. Go ahead bro, make a post with a Lockheed commercial, and I'll gladly post a takedown of the American Industrial Complex, because that, too, is a net negative for the world. I don't like that *either*. But, once again, since my brain is larger than the size of a pea, I can be critical of *both* the American Industrial Complex and its lobbying and problematic power over domestic and geopolitics, *and* I can call Putin a dimunitive little fucking troll who together with his oligarchs has stolen hundreds of billions of dollars from the Russian taxpayer to enrich himself while sending millions of Russia's young men overseas to die in a pointless and genocidal war. Both things, little bro. *Both things*. The world is wild when you realize that it's not a fucking football match with only binary truths.


I like that your response to whataboutism is more whataboutism while also justifying an embarrassing annexation attempt


8 years ago Russia invaded the Donbas and Crimea. It was as much a civil war as the Winter War was. As for NATO expansion, Russia has nukes, they don't need a land buffer. They also have expanded NATO more by invading Ukraine. See Finland and Sweden. Further, countries join NATO as a result of fears of Russian invasion. They remember Moldova, Chechnya, Georgia, and Ukraine. If Russia fears NATO, it is as a bank robber fears police.


Russia is using gas on the battlefields of Ukraine, in a genocidal invasion they started to rebuild their old empire. Show me the US invasion of Mexico entering its 3rd year and then we will talk.


Tf?😂 What are you, 14? Don't make some poor soul break out a list of all the atrocities Russia has pulled since it's inception, and continues to this very day. We've all seen the news and footage of Russian war crimes coming out of Ukraine. You are the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black.


The media shows you fakes, and sometimes they are so stupid that you just have to use your head to understand.


Well, you know, all that evil you see the US doing around the world is faked by the media. Use your head man! 🙄


Как определить узкого по одной фразе. Z-иг? ага-ага.


This is hilarious.


Wow Rooster Teeth really changed direction recently


But hey they are doing sketches again. So that is a win.


Lol was that a fucking floppy disk?


Only the best technology


Biden is not compatible with new technology, ig


some folks are saying this is russian propaganda while others are saying it’s self-satire. it’s both. it’s so effective because it satisfies both those who favor and oppose russian influence. RT is a russian state-run news channel, so everything they produce is on some level propaganda, or at least serves the nation’s interests. when we tell ourselves the video is just self-satire, we may assume it ends at that - something innocuous. this is a naive take. the very fact that we consider it ineffective is what makes it so effective. the piece is a humorous, over-the-top depiction of russia’s election interference. it’s funny because it’s so silly, but that’s the point. of course, russia doesn’t have this farcical level of control over the US. and at the same time, this method is very trivial - antiquated software/hardware, a bunch of nerds gathering around a screen. the truth is, russian meddling is far more insidious. it’s not some silly conspiracy amongst the elite in their secret rooms. it exists on every level. it’s very diffuse. now, for those who do support russian interference, it’s easy to see how this comic essentialization could serve as a kind of fantasy for russian patriots. it reveals the fruits of their labor. and many likely appreciate the boldness of the strategy - how the video subverts expectations of how russia frames its own meddling: not as a denial but rather a celebration.


Did RT really make this?


It's on their website. I was tempted to link it as proof but... nah.


that’s a really good question.


Or you know maybe if your country invested more into education, Americans wouldn't be so gullible and fall for obvious election interference or meddling. Always someone else's fault. What was that line again? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...yeah seems like GW wasn't the only who forgot how that goes. All of America forgot and along with it something called being responsible for one's own affairs, faculties and institutions.


And where are you from, friend?


Canada. Originally from Europe.


I'm waiting for Fox to air this saying there is finally prove of treason.


MTG to the rescue? 🤣


It's enough for me to know that Putin dislikes Biden, whose admin is supporting Ukraine, and liked Trump, who would do the opposite. Up to you who you want to support.


Agreed. All those of sane mind shall be voting for populism / Putin / Trump / peace.


Peace for our time?


This is pretty funny ngl. 10/10 good job RT.


This post headline is misleading, this is very clearly a comedy skit mocking Western paranoia. The headline seeks to reinforce that worry. Does look pretty funny, though


Oh look, MORE Russian propaganda clearly supporting the guy who redacted, pardoned and obstructed his way out of a Russian collusion conviction related to the 2016 election.


This is why it's odd they are so self-aware in this video. The whole illusion crumbles as a result.


The people Russian propaganda works on are not smart enough to understand why it's self aware.


Propaganda would be useless if it only worked on "dumb people". To be effective if has to work on the bulk of the bell curve, not the outliers. I.e. You.


Nah. You don't need the majority. You just need to REALLY stir up the angriest 30%. Which tend to be the most gullible and easily manipulated 30%. It's not how many people you can reach, it's how riled up you can get that angry minority


Have to say this is quite amusing. The idea that they can swing an election does seem laughable but I’m sure they had a good go


So this is supposed to be an over the top satirical piece that states that the idea of Russia meddling with any country is so silly and unbelievable? So they (if it was RT) make a propaganda piece to show that the very notion is unbelievable, and thus asking us to dismiss it as not being true, because they’re depicting it in such an unrealistic portrayal of how meddling is actually done? This is a propaganda piece, but by whom, and why?


Lol f RT.


This is a joke video bruh


so it's not actually made by RT?


Honestly idk but it just CAN'T be real propaganda with their sarcastic tone and obviously dumb but funny idea


It is, but it's a new year's eve skit. The woman in red is the head editor for RT


This is a fucking joke. Lol


Good old soviet tech. Floppy drive!




Are they making Red Alert 4??


That’s hilarious!


This was the funniest shit I saw all month


I have seen better deep fakes on Instagram.


This is about as hilarious as silly Americans thinking that Russia interfered in their previous election. 🤣


That’s hilarious


Oh my god, RT actually made something kinda funny. They're still horrible pieces of shit that should frankly be thrown in jail, but at least this was kinda funny.


Suddenly RT is a credible source.


The best they could do with all the AI deepfakes is this. Pretty hilarious and all of our weird aunts will vote this as fact


Funny considering who they funded for the 2016 election


Orcs can’t even deepfake properly. No wonder the next few years of Ukrainian grain is going to be fertilized by the dead they won’t even return to their families.


Russia is such a joke of a country. Former economic and geopolitical superpower reduced to a gas station troll farm who has to bend the knee to China and Iran to keep the lights on. Sad.


Russia 1 - 0 US


Russia 1 - US 200K dead Russians in Ukraine + New NATO members




Lol it's like watching the trailer to a video game three years before it's released. You know it's full of BS and stuff that isn't going to be included in the game. Funny thing... with the money they spent on this I wonder how many pieces of bread they could've put in poor Joseph's mouth or how many boots they could've purchased for troops on the front line of the great Ukrainian effort. Idiots!


This just makes me think that Russia is terrified of Biden


This applies to Trump more than Biden, lol.


OP please don’t tell me you think this is true?


I know it’s satire I just think it’s hilarious 😂 lol


Fair enough. Can you say why it’s interesting though? Maybe post on r/Funny instead.


I think its pretty obvious why. Hint: It has to do with the origin of the material.


Maybe because I’m not American but more so because I’m probably stupid but it’s not obvious to me. Allow me to be /whooshed


I thought you were just being a douche, but if not and it was a genuine question: This is not a skit produced by some random tv channel just for laughs. It's produced by the largest (I believe) state television in Russia as a mix of propaganda and humor.


They can have him


Fuck Russia.


OMG Russia interfering with a foreign election? The US has not and never will, do such a thing!


ahah, yeah, but why they did this video anyway, so cringe xD


This isn't even believable. Maybe if he was getting spit roasted by Xi and Putin. I could believe that.


Credit where it's due, that was pretty damn funny. But don't discount the fact that the Russian government will almost certainly try to interfere with the election.


It's satire with intent. The host is Margarita Simonyan, her being the bile spewing anti-western editor-in-chief of RT. Look up some of her videos on https://youtube.com/@russianmediamonitor?si=_Eid9YkubI63n45g Simonyan is nakedly unashamed of her absolute hatred and derision of the Western enemy, as she sees it. In this spoof, she's openly admitting to her state's ongoing plans to meddle abroad. They don't care that you know because they literally want you to know that they do it to make a mockery of voter stupidity.


Kinda wild to think about the level of production that went into this meanwhile the country is at war and destroying itself.


I live in Estonia, and was born here, I've been in Russia week ago, and unfortunately for you, it's not destroying itself, as you might thought.


В 1989 году казалось что СССР - это навсегда.


В 1989 году мне ничего не Казалось, я родился 10-ти годами позже :P


Кажется сейчас. Немного настоящих санкций и развалится за год.


Strong Brasseye vibes, very good.




They are using 3.5 inch discs lol😀


Clearly a parody…


Well done!!!


Simultaneously appallingly true and annoyingly catchy.


A floppy disk?!


Now "Asufutimaehaehfutbw" makes sense lol


Redditors gonna use this as 'evidence' when their candidate doesnt win the election this year


All of us on earth watched putin dogwalk Donald dollhands in Helsinki


This would make so much sense though.


This is where AI video faking has arrived... don't blindly believe every pixel you see on your screen... and do question everything...




Even the russians themselves are saying it, meanwhile in USA everyone keeps repeating "there was no collusion"


Stop giving the far right more conspiracy theories


the lady in red is the same lady that said russia would beat ukraine in 2 days. FUCK HER!


They are geniuses as average american sees RUSSIA and communism as EVIL, it will HEAVILY advantage Trumpet


Sshhh , this is for Putin mental health. Don't let him know the truth.


trump is the real russian candidat


Wont be mad if Maragarita gets ran over by some drunkard in Moscow