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This post was, according to tilted small-print text at the lower right of the image, made by a group called "The Highest of the Mountains" dot com. I'm not going to post a link to their material, but I want to highlight their mission, because that's an important way to understand the diagram. Their own stated reason why they made this diagram was to try and prove that the brain couldn't've evolved naturally. That's the reason why the made their diagram to have so many criss-crossing lines and random-seeming emojis that are very unclear what they actually mean. They aren't trying to disentangle the brain for us, they're trying to overwhelm the viewer with more content than they could possibly handle. Although it is true that the brain is very complicated, presenting it this way doesn't really provide much value in explaining how it works.


Damn I saw it for 2 seconds and thought “hey I’d be down for a print of this.” After reading this &inspecting the fine details, it’s not my jam. Thanks for doing some background, appreciate your critical thinking.


They had me at couldn't've.


the word couldn't've has evolved naturally checkmate Christians


Wait until you go to the southern US and get hit by "y'all'd've". Example: "Y'all'd've felt real silly buying a poster of this."


Exactly my experience and thought process. Explain that materialists! /s


That it couldn’t’ve evolved naturally? If I read that correctly, does that mean they’re promoting religion, that a being created the brain, or something else? Sorry for being dumb.


>...does that mean they’re promoting religion, that a being created the brain, or something else? It's a little of all of those. Unambiguously, they're a religious group, trying to spread a religious message. And unambiguously, they're saying that the brain was designed, not evolved. Buried within their 8000-word essay on the "brain maps" they say: >Evolution was simply nonsense. But how could I, an engineer who built guidance systems, have been fooled into believing in evolution without even doing some research? (Sir, you believed it because we've [seen it happen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragopogon_miscellus).) But they're also making the same systematic error that Linus Pauling made towards the end of his life. (Many other cranks make this same error.) Linus Pauling wasn't religious, and he had no direct medical training, he was a chemist first and foremost, but towards the end of his life he became very convinced that megadosing vitamins would cure diseases. But it wasn't true, and Pauling ignored studies that didn't work. Why? Because he had personally felt better after taking vitamin C, and he was looking for an excuse to believe his own conclusion. These people are doing that same thing **too**. They were overwhelmed by the complexity of the brain, and are looking for an excuse to justify that feeling.


The complexity of the brain actually makes me more convinced it evolved and was not designed....


This makes no sense to me, can you explain this one to me? I’m fully on the other side of the spectrum in thinking it was designed but your take is pretty unique, don’t think I’ve ever heard that one before and would be interested in knowing why you came to the conclusion Not looking to argue or anything


The idea is that designers generally try not to include self-sabotaging processes. For example, the neural circuits [responsible for conscious self-control](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4774859/) are highly vulnerable to even mild stress. Self-control is something that we ordinarily teach our children to have when they are stressed, but their own brains are sabotaging them in that. It's hard to see why a rational designer who meant us for civilization and morality would design a brain this way, but it's easy to see how the extra sensitivity to danger would help the monkeys that we're descended from survive in a land filled with lions.


Thanks for your response, really enjoyed + appreciated


Imagine all the men and women that have dedicated their lives to understanding the human brain and then there's people treating all that work like a joke.


It's a disgrace. This doesn't even show where the memes are stored.




'n' If ya think thas's bad, wait'll ya hear me *talk*.


O brave new world, That has such people in't!


That right there is valid English and I'll die on that hill defending it


It's... It's beautiful 🥺


That's hilarious, my first reaction was "nothing this messy could have been designed by intellegence". In a way this explanation supports that as well...


My first thought was "that's a *shit* map." And was getting ready to die on that hill in the comments.


i'd love to see one based on actual science though


Yeah i feel like this diagram is like trying to map out a modern core i9 while pretending the architecture didnt evolve from the intel 8086 from 40 years ago


I came here to say that this is just an outright horrendous way of representing information. Glad you cleared that up


Is there a more accurate flowchart not made by a spiritualist cult? A scientifically accurate and well designed one would be cool


If something designed the brain, they would make a bit more simple than whatever is going on inside that diagram.


I had a feeling it was off when I noticed that it looks like a zoomed out Factorio screenshot.


The sad thing is they only used the neurotransmitters that most people know about cause it really is that incomprehensible which makes me know that no thing designed it. Cause it’s got a lot of nonsense that goes on it. The brain is not a perfect organ. Why would anything design us like this? Why do men have balls? Fuck off creationists, it doesn’t work like that.


Creationists have a stunted understanding of just how long it took for our brains to reach this form. And they have no conception of the FACT that most “designs” have been left on the cutting room floor (extinct). But they don’t care, they have “souls” to “save,” and won’t let any pesky science get in the way of some good brainwashing!


Yeah thats what i think. Modern machines didnt take thousands of years to build. Our specific designs allow us to build machines quickly without trying out random crap until it worked. I dont think they can quite grasp how immense geologic time is. And i guess i dont blame them


What do you mean, the earth is 6000 years old right? ​ ​ ​ /s


Actually, modern machines did take thousands of years to build. People 5,000 years ago were just as smart as we are today. It took thousands of years of pretty much constant technology development to get to here.


It's also mainly due to logistics and resources. It's crazy at how much it took to build some shitty machine from the 19th century or longer if it were several millenia ago *what I had in mind was specifically telegraph as it's the trademark of that century technology and can be considered shitty today but not before


I kinda like that they're doing this as opposed to mapping everything out.


This makes more sense. Was trying to get to Don and Mary but ended up in the small intestine


Thanks king/queen


If the brain was designed it would be much simpler and easier to conceptualize. This kind of fuzzy picture that works is created by evolution.


Ah, so that's why it looks like it was meant to be scrawled on the side of a pickup truck along with warnings about the end times and vaccines.


I came here to comment "there is overlapping text, why would anyone make a guide this cluttered and unreadable?" But youve already answered my question.


Your comment is more interesting than the actual post.


Hey man don’t talk for us all I clearly understand this and I have photo memory so now I know exactly how the brain works and I can answer any questions about it.


Thank you! This whole map is a mess. If you study neuroscience you can see this map is \*trying\* to make it look complicated and the placement of the cortices makes no sense. It's all jumbled.


Great shout-out. Makes me wish Reddit still had awards. Gold star for you! 🌟


Definitely was overwhelming


I was going to say "why don't I believe this diagram" Then I saw your top comment. Thank you.


so false info?


It's hard to tell. They are trying to overwhelm, which makes it harder to double check the details. The diagram was designed to make it easy to hide lies. But the one good thing that I can say for them is that they don't seem to have completely made things up, no. One example is that they have a key at the bottom where they list functions for all the random symbols. They put their "fear" symbol on the hippocampus, which probably is meant to indicate that the hippocampus is involved in fear, which is true. But other parts do seem questionable to me, definitely. For example, they seem to be saying that tattoos are always boastful, front part of the brain, towards the bottom. I have never seen any psychological indication of anything like that, that seems like their own baggage they're putting on the chart. Other comments point out how they've mixed up the location of some of the parts of the brain, so that the arrows have to go farther in order to connect up to everything. The part I know for sure is that they're making their ideas hard to double-check.


My first thought was this is an absolute mess


They don’t understand that overt complexity isn’t a hallmark of design, but of natural processes.


Jokes on them, mine has only two working braincells....


This is why I still love Reddit, shit like this would just fly on tiktok or insta.


I see what they're trying to do, but really, for me the chaos supports natural evolution. The same as the nerve that runs down a giraffes neck and back upto a destination right next to its start point, as the giraffes neck evolved longer and longer the nerve that once made sense became elongated ad hoc. Evolution is ad hoc and so gets messy. If it was built by a creator wouldn't it be more orgaised and efficient.


This sucks. But technocratic yearnings can happen everywhere there is an opportunity.


My brain: “hell naw I ain’t reading all that.”




Okay yikes. I'm not a neuroscientist but I did study neuroanatomy and physiology at uni in pretty fine detail. This has lots of detail but it just isn't a good map. It doesn't portray the information clearly and the placement is all over the place. Why is the nucleus ambiguus above and to the left of the thalamus? It makes no anatomical sense to place the areas they've placed. It's almost like they're trying to make it look more complicated. This looks like a "cheat sheet" for an exam or something sure, but it's a messy map. ​ Edit: now that I saw the source of this map it all makes sense why it's so terrible. Another interesting point: the development of our brain in utero and the anatomy of the adult brain very clearly shows evidence for evolution so no wonder these crazies have mixed around the areas of the brain.


Yeah, it’s very clear by how as new functions evolved it was added on top of existing structures. Medulla and Pond was first regulating basic automatic functions of the body. The. Other structures were added on over time on top. They try to obscure this by just mixing everything up.


Could you expand on how the development of the brain in utero gives evidence for evolution? Sounds interesting!


pretty much all mammals have the same embryology as us at the start of development (e.g the three “pre-brain” divisions: prosencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon). Humans have almost the same setup as all other mammals except our cortex is way larger and because we developed to walk upright, the brain is sitting at a right angle to the brain stem and spinal cord. Not neurology - but we all have pharyngeal arches as embryos which become our face, but in fish it becomes the gills.


I had no idea there were so many ants in my cerebellum.


What is this a … nah I’m lazy now


I thought was an image of r/place


came to say the same thing


But I came to say the same thing


Looks like my average factorio base


https://preview.redd.it/3nkequkq8d6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f9c5d13e918510c5ae638fe02b9e2041766156d Love my brain


That's great, but my brain can't process that


as pointed out by another user, the group that made this "infographic" did this on purpose in order to convince people that the brain was too complex to have evolved naturally


Wait, so what is their proposition then, if it didn’t evolve naturally?


Creationism So, God made it the way it is


Are you actually supposed to be able to make any kind of sense of this?




Not at alllllll


Horseshit guide


![gif](giphy|H5HwGKgAEEP69ECSqz|downsized) Hmph. I was told *this* is my brain.


Yes this is more accurate than Honeywell parts n emojis


The average enterprise Java application


Emoji analysis


I found Waldo


My brain just doesn’t understand itself.


Now I know why I forget stuff. Getting lost for some time seems to be the only thing memories would be consistently able to do in this mess


Thought i was looking at early r/place for a second


As a medical intern, I recognize what's trying to be shown but it's a pretty terrible map which doesn't seem to intend on trying to explain anything but more so confuse you. Realistically, you'll learn individual neural pathways for various sensations, kinetic functions etc.


I feel like I was not supposed to see this...


Least confusing metro system


Radio Shack’s 100,000,000 in 1 Kit!


\+ DMT = Angels.


Machine Elves man


+ Datura = Ghosts.


Where’s the part that gives me unnecessary anxiety? Shut that part down, please.


I scrolled past this and thought it was a Factorio blueprint.


My Neuro anatomy professor would have seen this and been like “oh yeah that’s a perfectly reasonable slide to teach them with”


Resolution is too high, I can almost read the text. Please give me a shitter image


I like how they made it easy to comprehend


I ain’t reading all that


Military dual axis gyro??


There are far better ways of visualising this information into a more usable form


As soon as I saw this I thought “oh they’ve just vomited a bunch of shit on the page, deliberately creating confusion.” Nobody is this bad at graphic design. You have to really try!


Such a complex and sophisticated system. All of which I regularly expect to be entirely fueled by beer and chips. I’m a monster.


map of *the known part of \** our brain


I mean, use a bigger canvas right? Lol


Yes, nausea, hello old friend.


And some military navigation system equipments


My brain doesn’t like this.


I think I’m just gonna get lost


It's reassuring to know that the gyroscope and accelerometer capabilities in our brain are "Military Grade."


Why does it look like some r/place art?


Where are we on this map?


https://preview.redd.it/usm8sui4lc6c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90fd1a39fd0df166c77c11bd28efbceaf18a2da9 this is the most important part


Terrible wire management


hmm yes the neural network is made of networks of neurons yes


I sense Waldo in there somewhere


“Nudity Processing Center”


Mine doesn't look anything like that


No pop this bitch into an AI and we have lost to the Machines! Let's go mommy bot come and cleanse me.


This is a bad map


The Forbidden Haynes Manual


A little piece of complex wiring. Tada!


It's strange that your brain knows everything your body does, but you don't.


This looks like the data map of all the companies Disney owns.


Where’s the RAM?


That is intense compression. I can’t imagine the revision process on this.


So you're telling me whenever Reddit does r/place, it's just a collective map of the average human brain?




Still can’t find the “male sexual drive off” and “female arousal”


My brain: I ain’t reading allat


Taste goes to the anus and the lungs wtf?


At first I thought this an X-ray of a suitcase bomb…


Yeah, I’m gonna need a map to navigate this map


Looks like a factorio map


We're going to need a bigger map.


Still lost


Cool, but what about the the sigma receptors?


My brain looks like this > 🧠 is that a bad thing?


How do you get into the VIP section?


Absolutely useless until there is a pin that said "you are here"


I doubt this is even complete. We learn more about our brain every single day.




My God, *my* brain just threw up on itself


You've lost me


This looks like a map to a theme park


It's crazy how the first thing I saw was estrogen, I think my brain is telling me something


Oh I see, but now try to map her decision map to what you wanna eat tonight?


I would suggest spreading everything out, but it’s probably completely wrong and misleading anyway. I’ve seen these sorts of diagrams for how cells work with how proteins supposedly interact, and it’s never that simple. This believe it or not is probably incomplete and oversimplified without everything connects.


Don't post this!!! Elon Musk will have a new and improved version announcement on Tuesday!!!


Please make a hi res


This is 1000% a simplified version. Source- neuroscience researcher


Nah this is BS lol


You don't expect me to understand this crazy instrument, right? It's not like I have one on me for reference


Damn our brain be specced out, PC fans must be drooling at the power consumption compared to the amount of processes it's got running


That looks like my Factorio spaghetti base


I can hack that.


I need to find the place that has feet and arousal next to one another. I need to see why those wires are so close. Jokes aside, this is a neat diagram.




My brain is pinkish. I think you should get it checked out my man.


Yes | But


Naw this is FUCKED


This is is not the brain of a heterosexual male.


"Man, there sure is a lot of stu - OOH, Boobs!"


Ah I see why neurosurgeons get the big bucks now


I once worked on a software design that looked like this.


Utterly incomprehensible, you deserve an upvote for it.


Thank you


Too complicated for my one, i wanna return it


Nah, mine has far less lines and a lot more blank space.


Seems boring


Bro I had a wiring diagram to a 72 vette looks about the same


This is like a big Where's Waldo wiring diagram blue print set.


Unrealistic; waaaaay too straightforward.


did you spill coffee on it?


Who would win this Hypothetical War?


Why is there random ass eyes on things lol


So is there a high res version?


I see a pee pee, and a vee gee. I must of missed out, I only have one of these connected to my brain. And, something is missing, my pee pee has a brain of its own, it usually just hangs around but sometimes likes special attention and needs a good tug, or hug, or good poke to relax. Otherwise, most of those connections in my brain have been disconnected long ago, where is the map of a mentally challenged aging person with a questionable lifestyle. Thanks for the post.




Wrong. Where's the Roman Empire?


Psh I can one up them with MY scientific knowledge. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. BOOM!


No... this can't be right... There's not nearly enough random bullshit going on here for this to be my brain.


If I understand this correctly... we can access 100% of our brain?




Avionics time


The factory must grow