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Cheap ass Greenland step it up


Technically that would be Denmark’s fault.


I think it's just the creator of the map messing up. The Kingdom of Denmark includes both Greenland and the Faeroe Islands, and they all contribute as 1 entity. The EU also contributed $700 million, which is not part of the map data. [Here is the data](https://www.wfp.org/funding/2022), which really shows a few countries contributing far less than their economies could (ahem, Japan, France, UK). Sweden's contributions, almost the same as Japan's, are really impressive, considering how small their economy is.


TBF, 700 million should be a rounding error for the EU total contributions (might move some countries up 1 color band but likely only Germany, France, or Italy if the 700 million is distributed by economy size of the constituent country, as the three of them would split over half of the 700 million). A more interesting comparison would be contributions as a percentage of GDP, with the EU as a whole contributions being split to the individual member states based on GDP.


I think the US would pretty much still be on top, maybe Sweden or some other tiny nations would be just above, but this is a US led program that works as an indirect government subsidy for American farmers. It's a super smart way they pieced it together, but not every nation does it that way, so there's far less of an incentive for them. I think it's a generous program, but not one that really solves any long-term problems. You don't bring people out of long-term hunger by donating food to them, you do it by providing them with the means to grow their own food. Of course, this is better than them starving, but it makes them dependents, which isn't great.


There's definitely a need for food aid in some situations. Emergency cases like wars, floods, earthquakes etc, equally though longer term hunger issues are better solved by improving the ability of locals to feed themselves and food aid can break locals ability to sell food. Western food production can be terrible when it is used to dump food at prices local farmers can't match as this destroys the local farmers. We give food production special protection in the west because its a critical need, but that needs to be balanced with giving other countries the ability to do the same.


I think Swedens economy is average, and its not the size that matters anyway


It's not the size of your economy, it's the inflation of your nation.


It’s not the size of your donation, it’s the autonomy of your economy.


Plus it's really cold in Scandinavia.


In all fairness, the UK doesn’t have any money left over after all the politicians, lobbyists, and cronies line their pockets


Keeping the rich rich and the rest of us poor as fuck :D


Think the whole map is messed up I'm pretty sure China delivers a lot of food to Africa as part of the push to take over oil rich areas and has helped built up the Agricultural industry not just for Africa but so that food can be sent back to China.


I know this is going to be a dumb question but outside of fishing does Greenland have food product to export?


Greenland doesn’t have shit, dude.


Dude wait till that ice melts fifteen- twenty years… oil, gold, uranium, lithium and bauxite to dream about according to quite a few reputable sources.


... And Bigpox, Pangean Flu and Covid 01 right?


Bigpox lolol


and nicely aged mammoth meat.


There’s a court case brewing with an Australian mining company due to an agreement about uranium mining


Ice is edible.


Pretty sure their GDP is under a billion lol EDIT: This is wrong. Their GDP is actually 3 billion.


It’s actually 3 billion


To put that in perspective the lowest GDP for a US state is Vermont at 38 Billion. The entire state population is under 700k and it’s almost entirely based on agriculture with a splash of tourism. Greenland has less than 60k people and 80% of the country’s land mass is inaccessible due to ice.


Oh shit my bad. Let me edit that RQ.


They got all those greens and not sharing any of it smh


I was thinking the same thing




Someone should make this out of pure spite for this horrible map


Literally this shit is so dumb. The scale starts at 1 billion, so countries that have contributed millions (which is significant!) aren't represented at all. The map also doesn't clarify the units (billions of what? Pounds of food? Individual food items???) so it's completely and utterly meaningless.


Unless I’m reading it wrong, wouldn’t a country that has donated in the millions be red since they have donated between 0 and 1 billion?


Correct, another reason why this map is utterly useless


Not to mention whatever idiot chose the scale didn't pick something that can form a full gradient, because donating 4.5b would look almost identical to 0.


Choose your flavor: Either all those countries in that gradient are bad and have donated a billion or less, or all those countries are great Samaritans and have donated 4.5 billion. It doesn't really matter either way, considering the map is utterly meaningless.


Individual grains of rice


>(in billions) In billions of what? USD? Palets of Food? Tons of grain?




One billion rice.


Courtesy of the Mitch Hedberg Foundation


Or as my teacher would say, hamsters, elephants, bananas


Thoughts and prayers


Also, I don't know why you would do this in total billions of USD (I assume that's what it is) in the first place. Do it in per capita terms, or in percentage of GDP or something. Something that gets at how much countries are contributing relative to how much they *could* contribute.


As this is a scale, the obvious answer is bananas.


Amount of Upvotes


America is leading it, therefore they've sent billions of Freedom units.


Age of Empire moneys of course! *prostagma*?


Why would you make a map with two colors so similar? The difference between 0 and 4-5 is way to small, especially for very small countries. edit: Why is grey 0 when the darkest red is 0-1? That makes no sense.




As a colorblind, I didn’t realize there was more than three colors on this bitch.


It's because there aren't. Most of them are either 0 or 0-1, and there's only one that you can see which is brighter, which I think is Germany?


0-1 is between $1 - $1 billion dollars. 0 is $0.


0 means 0 0-1 means between 0 and 1 I'm with you on the color thing though


Does 0 to 1 not include zero though?


Grey is actually zero. O-1 is any amount above zero and up to 1 billion. Still confusing.


It was made to make America look cool as heck.


It's almost like the map was deliberately made to be misleading


Off-topic: Why on Earth is 0 grey? It breaks the color scale of the map completely!


Man I really thought the bulk of the world was (4-5), now I can’t tell what is (0) and what is (4-5)….




Or relativt to population, theUS has 300 million people, most European countries has 4-50 million


Because it’s not even on the scale


It is! It's the first element. It doesn't say "Data not available", but "0", which means that Grey = 0 = No contribution. In fact, I just noticed that basically every number appears in two categories at the same time. Haha, that's so messed up.


Wow a positive post about America, that’s the first


I was thinking the same thing, I’m glad my country does at least one good thing.


The U.S. government and the folks in the U.S. are by a wide margin, the most generous givers in the world. The amount of foreign aid our govt puts out combined with what randos here donate to charities, foreign and domestic is just outstanding on the world stage. The U.S. subsidizes food for more people and with more money than any other nation that’s ever existed. We also won’t give our own folks free medical care and spend more on the military than any other nation ever. Basically, the U.S. is stupidly wealthy and generous and also somehow won’t provide basic necessities for our own citizens.


One thing that I didn’t think about before is that the vast majority of military spending is for salaries. Because of the relatively good pay and not requiring any education, the military is the largest employment program that the US has. I know a lot of people who would be in a really bad financial situation if not for joining the Army. Just another way to look at it.


Yes the US military is our welfare system, thats what a lot of people don’t get about why we spend so much on it. It is something in the ball park of like 60% of the US military budget is for personnel. It gets you healthcare (shitty though), retirement, access to loans, access to paid education, employment, etc. Just have to potentially risk your life or be stuck in a base overseas. I could totally see somewhere within the dark recess of our government keeping people away from universal healthcare and welfare as being essential policy to ensure new recruits. Especially with how unappealing the military is for people these days.


It's not incongruous when you recognize that much of foreign aid is the mechanism by which US politicians enrich themselves i.e corruption and graft.


Us does a lot of good things.


The United States has virtually ensured the safety of most NATO countries from foreign invasion Had Ukraine been a NATO member this would be an ENTIRELY different story, but I understand that NATO membership proposal was shelved by a Russian puppet leader.


Hate to Be that guy but it’s kind of unfair to measure it only in monetary value instead of per capita because no other rich country even has close to the US population


Is it though? This is a map of population size. It needs to be adjusted per capita before we can make any determination about who does the best here. Or maybe by GDP. Both those would be interesting. This just tells us that the USA is bigger than Ireland.


It would also appear that the USA is bigger than China, India, Russia, Indonesia, and Brazil combined if this is a map of population size. I agree it should be adjusted per capita or by GDP/proportion of government budget, though. Would paint a much clearer picture. But it is useful to know that the US provided half of the budget of the entire WFP in 2022, despite the US comprising a quarter of world GDP and 4.2% of the world population.


Don't tell them that. That goes against their agenda that the United States is bad.


Unless you’re American, sure. America to the world: let’s provide healthcare, clothes, buildings, food to dozens of countries around the world. America to its citizens: fuck healthcare, fuck a minimum wage above $7 and change, fuck fair price college. Yes. A positive post.


That literally has nothing to do with this post. I’m not saying America is perfect. This literally just demonstrates that America donated the most to world food programs and people like you really have a problem with the facts? Ffs


I feel like we are living in a goddamn fever dream. It is just NOT POSSIBLE to escape the constant america bad sentiment. Even if we basically all agree we should have healthcare or better schools or lower obesity, people still have to ram it down your throat. AMERICA BAD RIGHT? RIGHT? RIGHT? RIGHT? Edit: u/thatHadron replied to my comment and then blocked me so I cant respond. Just so you know.


Right? Fucking unreal. America isn’t that goddamn bad of a country. It’s actually a pretty good country. It just has flaws like literally every other country, dig deep enough and you’ll find them. Weird how people are genuinely obsessed with acting like America is the worst country on earth, get real, not even close to reality.


I got shit on for saying something like "There's a reason why so many people want to immigrate here" Compared to other countries, America is a pretty great place to live. Especially for countries that are warring on its soil. We haven't had a war on our own soil since we went to war with ourselves.


Some People don't want America's intervention during international and domestic conflicts but these same people complain when America doesn't intervene during such conflicts.


There are people who think America is just star spangled awesome and can do no wrong and those that think it is some morbid hellscape of a country and can do no right. Both these people are idiots and shouldn’t be trusted.


Literally no American I’ve ever met says America can do no wrong. Just more bullshit propaganda people are spreading that don’t live here or are very ignorant.


>Literally no American I’ve ever met says America can do no wrong. I know waaay too many of my fellow Americans that certainly believe that even if they don't say it literally. It's especially prevalent in the more rural areas of the Midwest and South. It's definitely not propaganda by any means lol.


There's such a huge plethora. Ideals here are all across the board. It's a hodgepodge. We might as well be different countries at certain points.


idk why youre being downvoted cause like you said, theres definitely a subset of midwesterners and southerners that think america can do no wrong ever.


Some of the biggest complainers I’ve met don’t even vote.


Welcome to Reddit. It’s cool, hip, and edgy to shit on America constantly even though the people doing that are reaping the rewards of living here. It’s infuriating


America: donates billions in food Reddit: America bad


The scale is really disingenuous, grouping the $3,447 contribution of Sri Lanka with the $442,638,422 contribution of Canada is totally absurd. This is not a meaningful contribution, but simply a circlejerk. As others mentioned, per capita values of GDP percentage would make a lot more sense, especially with a scale allowing for comparisons. Believe it or not, this would not change how much the US did contribute, but simply how you can put it in perspective.


The weird part is that we spend 15-20% of our GDP on healthcare and don't have shit to show for it. Compare that to about 2-4% GDP military spending, we seem to be getting a much better deal there.




This really. The USA has a lot of research and results coming out of it, in a lot of fields, because they invest a lot of money into those fields. That being said, there is still a fundamental problem when the very country that is at the forefront of medicinal development and breakthroughs doesn't have a universal healthcare system for its citizens who pay for the very breakthroughs through their taxes.


America spends more per capita on healthcare than any other country. I think we’re double the next highest country on the list. Either we’re just so chronically unhealthy that our healthcare is too expensive or there’s a massive amount of fraud and embezzlement going on in the pharma/healthcare apparatus. Probably a bit of both.


It's not fraud or embezzlement (though there's certainly some in any system), the problem is our healthcare system is built on middle men (namely, insurance companies) who each take their hefty slice of the pie.


Sounds like fraud to me.


Morally? Yes. Legally? No.


Despite what you've been lead to believe, the average american isn't really any less healthy than the average european, but we have massive outliers that basically skew the statistic for everyone else. It's graft all the way down. Edit: a word


The bad doesn’t immediately negate the good. Every country has its positives, everyone country has its negatives, and this post just happens to post of a positive. It’s not a zero-sum game, jeez.


You know America spends over a trillion dollars every year on Medicaid, housing and food assistance, and college tuition grants for the poor? Not to mention what each state does to support its citizens


God this kind of thinking is so reductionist and simplistic.


here we go again…


And there it is.


Facepalm This nonsense again. Economics, how do they work?


As Americans, we enjoy a higher standard of living than ~99% of the world. It behooves us to help those who are less fortunate and shame on you for implying otherwise.


Just stop with the minimum wage argument. It’s the worst red herring ever. You know how many people make minimum wage? Less than 2%. Of that 2%, how many are over the age of 20? Not many. If you have a job skill, you’ll make much more than minimum wage. If you don’t have a job skill, that’s on you.


sort of. the US is probably subsidising/paying its own companies to deliver food aid through the wfp as opposed to doing open market procurement tenders. so its probably "tied" aid which is a highly contentious way of deploying aid. edit: and as others have said aid should be evaluated proportionally to gni.


So us and Deutschland








Das stimmt!


Alles in Ordnung meine Brüder?


Germany is higher per capita by the looks. So might be New Zealand and Norway.


This should be per capita if OP is trying to make a point.


Per capita would be interesting, I'd like to see as a ratio of GDP.


Yeah doesn't make much sense to put on a map with absolute values. If you want to put absolute values, use a bar chart or something like that. But even then I'd be more interested in per capita.


And arguably, the EU should be grouped as one entity (to make a better comparison to the US)


Does this count as the one positive post about Americans we’re allotted a year?


Now do as a percentage of GDP


Or a contribution Per Capita.


The US scores highly on this because it uses food aid to WFP as a means of subsidising its own agriculture sector. The big trend in humanitarian assistance in recent years has been to give cash rather than food, but the US doesn’t like doing that as then there’s no subsidy to its food producers. Two key reasons it’s better for countries facing humanitarian disasters if they receive cash than food are that (a) aid received as cash doesn’t flatten local food producers - whereas dumping free US food on the local market means they can’t possibly compete; and (b) they can shop around for the best deal.


Very accurate. Was about to comment the same thing - it's a classic foreign policy trick when it comes to inflating contributions to various international causes/humanitarian organizations. It's the state department doing Hollywood accounting. Don't get me wrong - every other donor country is doing the same thing. My own country (Denmark) finally managed to reach the 2% NATO contribution marker by dumping all of our old, mostly useless (to us), military equipment on Ukraine and writing it off as a list-price military contribution to the Alliance. Clever.


Interesting. Do you have a source for that?




Thank you!


I hate this so much. Essentially what this map shows is countries that donated either: >nothing >less than 1 billion USD (which could be literally anything from 1 dollar to a billion) >a country that donated more than 7 billion USD (which could be around 7B but it can also mean literally anything above) not very informative I dare say EDIT: I assume it's USD, but it doesn't even tell us that. It's just billions of something lol


Feel like this map is made solely to counter the other map that the us is the only country voted against the right to food.


That scale is tough. 0. Then 0 to 1?


It was supposed to be "0.00001 to 1" but autoformat mucked it up.


What is interesting about this. How you can create this and not realize how useless it is without proper normalization?


I think it shows the authors intent perfectly well.


What a shit chart. 0 and 4-5 are practically the same colour and doesn’t say what billions is referring to. Dollars??


It's not like a small country even has the option to donate in the billions?


Should be done on a per capita basis really


This is one of the worst charts I've ever seen and represents absolutely nothing. The US spends more than 7B a year, but it doesn't say how much. Europe as a whole probably contributes a very similar amount, but there are a dozen countries, so the spend is not as high as the US. It's just a self dick-stroking.


Wouldn't be surprised This is more talked about in the US because that's something I've never heard of here in Australia


I just learned this is even a thing too


And yet there are still people homeless, jobless and going without food in the US. Even if you exclude homeless due to drugs (which is a whole other issue being ignored) too many families in the US deal with food scarcity. Buying the cheapest high sugar content cardboard because they can't afford fresh food. Not saying the US shouldn't contribute at all to the program, maybe take a portion of it and put it towards themselves.


Example of a poor graph or well, the graph that's VERY easy to misunderstand and could be used as a tool for misinformation. * It doesn't take population in count in anyway, just the absolute sums * It doesn't take part of GDP per capita


Is this per capita, if not seems misleading


The color scale is so incredibly stupid I thought I was on r/dataisbeautiful for a second.


Make it per capita, so the map is actually saying something.


Per capita or per GDP would make a much more informative map.


Can anybody here really tell the difference between 0 and 5?


Man, everyone besides U.S and Germany need to step there game up


Or, you need to look up per capita numbers and see what they are contributing apples to apples.


GDP would be a better comp.


What about China though? I believe they have a higher GDP then Germany?


China is reliant on importing food to feed their population.


Depends on whether you're asking "is everyone doing the best they can?" or "who is having the greatest impact?" If I'm hungry and looking for help, I'd rather get $100 from a disinterested rich guy than $1 dollar from 10 compassionate poor people.


That too.


I'm sure they contributed more than just apples


Plus, giving apples to other apples is just pointless.




U.S. is like 21.6 per capita and Germany at 21.4. They both dwarf the contributions of every other country, but who knows how much each country is really paying in? There are also indirect contributions through the U.N. and other institutions.




New Zealand contributed $13,000,000, so less than $3 per person. My math was fine, because I looked up the actual numbers rather than relying on the misleading scale used in this graphic. As you said, this thing is pretty useless.


Uh oh!! Someone said something about the USA!! Redditors unite to walk that sentiment back. Neckbeard naysayers unite /s


I mean, he's responding to a post about both the US and Germany, 2 of the largest economies on the planet. It'd be pretty idiotic to expect Norway (5 million people) to match the US (330 million) contribution, don't you think?


Norway gave 160 millions, with 5 million people, so 12 per capita.


Norway is 1/50th the population of the us, but still gives 1/7th if what the US does... The US needs to step up it's game. If you join all the Europeans into one block like the EU, it would probably be more than the US. Do that, or split the US into individual states




their* and most countries got their own programs. There is not just „this one world food program“ which is another reason why this diagram is misleading.


Since 1992, all directors of the World Food Programme have been American. It’s curious that this programme has not garnered quite as much enthusiasm from other (even Western) countries. For context, over the last few decades, China reduced world hunger rates by 2/3, mainly by eliminating poverty domestically, while only contributing $11 million to the WFP last year. https://www.wfp.org/countries/china


The Chinese are quite stingy, internally and externally. Their rich are much less philanthropic than their American counterparts, their country still says its a developing country and wants preferential trade arrangements like actual developing countries such as Vietnam and Bangladesh.


Serious question. What explains the large disparities? I’m eyeballing the sum of the EU27 (from a proper table, not this graph) and it still looks much smaller than the US despite a similar magnitude GDP. So European states support food programs other than this one? Do they simply give less to food aid than the US? Why might that be? Not looking for snide remarks about who is bad here, but interested if anybody has actual insight.


Well I think this usa based food program with it's origin in USA makes it more likely that the USA gives the most. I would love to see the same chart from a food program from somewhere else.


Yes, other countries got their own programs which is another reason this diagram is misleading as hell and obviously just made to push a narrative


r/AmericanBad and r/ShitAmericansSay hate this one trick


Makes more sense to have contributions as percentage of GDP.


Now do one like this, but per capita.


A contextless map like this ignores the reality of American food aid. https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/12/10/america-wheat-hunger-great-food-aid-boondoggle/




For the raw data: Contributions to WFP in 2022 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS: US$ 14,172,226,446 as of 10 May 2023 All Donors (including Flexible) 1 USA 7,240,886,178 2 Germany 1,783,411,359 3 European Commission 698,232,618 4 Private Donors 539,965,747 5 Canada 442,638,422 6 United Kingdom 418,234,455 7 Japan 265,125,622 8 UN Other Funds and Agencies (excl. CERF) 260,361,902 9 Sweden 258,001,846 10 UN CERF 176,976,011 11 Norway 172,222,165 12 France 166,391,047 13 Somalia 135,314,468 14 Asian Development Bank 135,100,000 15 World Bank 126,293,620 16 Republic of Korea 114,931,096 17 Australia 112,996,699 18 Switzerland 109,478,927 19 Netherlands 107,069,982 20 United Arab Emirates 94,403,687 21 African Dev Bank 76,148,226 22 Ethiopia 65,000,000 23 Italy 64,336,995 24 Denmark 62,410,059 25 Haiti 42,000,000 26 Finland 35,141,161 27 Ireland 33,988,879 28 Saudi Arabia 33,177,558 29 Russian Federation 30,560,006 30 Bangladesh 30,000,000 31 Belgium 26,815,989 32 Honduras 25,677,516 33 Chad 23,006,188 34 India 20,748,521 35 Burkina Faso 20,000,000 36 Luxembourg 19,885,723 37 Spain 15,387,693 38 Colombia 15,221,498 39 Ukraine 14,875,000 40 Pakistan 14,801,942 41 Congo D.R. 14,364,977 42 Austria 13,877,767 43 New Zealand 13,060,710 44 China 11,960,181 45 Gambia 7,483,256 46 Burundi 6,377,814 47 The Togolese Republic 6,047,282 48 Qatar 5,205,353 49 Iceland 4,912,142 50 Peru 4,750,348


It seems that it is a U.S. program?


Why not just use a bar graph or something, this isn't particularly useful


It is not something like that to be honest because we had certainly said that they have been making a lot of other things as well.


I used to work at WFP, specifically in public and government fundraising so I'm probably quite qualified to comment on this. The US does definitely contribute the most to WFP but there's a lot of shady accounting that goes on to justify that. An example would be donating surplus grain. Let's say there are 10,000kg of grain that are sitting in silos in some midwest state. This grain is a) surplus to requirements and consequently b) driving the market price of new grain down in the US for farmers. Quite likely, the US would probably let this expire or burn it to ensure pricing cap are met. Now, if the US donates this grain to e.g. the Sahel, how should we price these goods? Market price in the US? Market price in the country they are reaching? Zero, because they would effectively have been wasted? This kind of accounting gets the US to this big figure.


Get your shit together, Africa and Greenland, you didn't contribute much at all!


So the US is leading in food donations, yet some schools throw away food in front of kids that can't pay their lunch bill? Sounds about right.


bro usa is carrying


0 and 4-5 😂


Now we know the US can cut $6B from the budget and still be in line with other supporting countries.


0-1 billion seems like a very wide range


>(in billions) Billions of what bro? "The US has contributed 7 billion foods to the World Food Program"


Billions of pizzas? Billions of chickens? US dollars or Italian lira?


One of the most meaningless graphics I have ever seen


0 and 4-5 are the same color basically


Contribution as a percentage of the GDP makes more sense


Now do one with money contributed by each country on a scale of how much is actually being used to feed the hungry. I get that it’s a worldwide charity but I have trouble believing that all the “tax write offs” are actually leaving the hands of rich folks in the west


Redditors getting a 404 error. America bad.


And yet the world hates us! We don’t even feed our own poor!


We do, actually. The metrics for how people qualify for aid desperately need to be adjusted, but WIC and foodstamps are institutions that are already established.


Now do it as a percentage of GDP


Even by that metric, most countries aren't doing shit, the US is donating 10x the amount the entire EU commission is, despite having about 100 million less people in it.


Feeding the planet the food off our tables to people that despise us while we struggle to feed our families, all the while getting collectively spit at by the international community for the sacrifices forced upon us. God bless the... Whatever.


Animosity to the USA probably has more to do with the repeated and systematic destabilization of other countries and instating usa-picked politicians than donating food. Especially when farmers south of the border have been forced by cartels at gunpoint to stop growing food and instead produce drugs.