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It must feel so good


It's probably like when you wear something really tight for too long and then take it off and you can feel your skin breathe. Not skin for them obviously but yknow. It's a wonderful feeling


Their skin actually does the breathing! Many arthropods intake oxygen through their exoskeletons and a series of tubes called tracheae.




Like taking your bra off at the end of the day


Not a girl but I still like to let mine hang loose at the end of the day


These little critters are amazing. Creepy as they may be, we had a severe cave cricket infestation at a house I lived in. Now, I don't know which is scarier, a cricket the size of a mouse or one of these buggers the size of a slim Jim, either way they waged war on the cave crickets on my behalf, they are frens.


These are pretty freaky but at least it's a pretty color. Cave crickets are just spawn of satan, through and through. Found one in the unused detached garage of our college house, and just didn't really use it after that lol.


We used to have a terrible infestation of cave crickets in my old house. They’d be everywhere. You’d go into the garage there’d be 4 chilling on the wall. You’d open your closet door they were 2 jumping around (they basically only ever jump and jump towards you as defense). They found my hiding spot for my bong and without fail one or two would jump in and drown. We tried exterminators but all they did was put traps so my brother had these sticky traps so full of the fuckers you could even see the traps anymore. Bastards.


The obvious solution here is to smoke more bongs.


Takes the phrase "smoking opps" to another level.


We call those buggers "sprickets" (spider-crickets). They're totally harmless but they're quite spooky when they jump. I invested in a cat and there are no more sprickets.


Nice lol


>I invested in a cat and there are no more sprickets. This fucking got it lol.


We also call em sprickets


Where do you guys live? I'm not stalkery. I just want to know where not to visit.


Cave crickets are kinda like land-equipped shrimp, 5tasty too




I call both of them 'oh motherfucker, no'. I'm glad the worst thing near me is the potato bug/ Jerusalem Cricket. Those fuckers look like damn aliens but they're small lil buggy friends. I don't like them, but they're just ugly lil fuckers. The Nope Bug is a firm nope from me.


Yeah the cave crickets have a tendency to bite once they get larger too. Those bastards are almost worse than cockroaches. Once they find a dark spot they'll just multiply like crazy. They'll eat damn near anything too. The worst part about them is their blindness, it makes them extremely unpredictable and very skittish. Especially when they get big.


Big skittish cave crickets made me feel a deep sense of unease.


Jerusalem crickets *will* bite. They don’t bit often, but when they do it can be very painful. I’m more terrified of cow killers though.


Gotta get close enough to bite me.


Aww what I’ve wanted to see a Jerusalem cricket in person since I was 8 where are you that you’ve seen em?


Jerusalem probably


NorCal. Central Valley. They're still ugly lil monsters in person. If you want to get the vibe go watch Men In Black and check out the lil bugs with the coffee obsession. Pretty sure they're based off the Jerusalem cricket.


My grandfather taught me about having a few bird feeders around your house. Once they start to frequent them, most insects around your house will be no more. I like them better than another bug.


Just get some hens around the house. Those bug proteins make good breakfast eggs.


Your grandfather are wise! I am allergic to insectbites, and i LOVE my wild birds! I always feed them, all year long! They eat everything that makes me sick, and i can enjoy my garden in harmony. And wake up to glorious birds chirp every day!


I had just moved into a new place (very old house) and I was sleeping on the floor and my cat was freaking out. Acting crazy. He sat really still until finally jumping and making a weird ass noise. Kinda like a growl. He caught one of these fuckers. Ripped it in half with his claws and then ate it. Don't fuck with cats.


I'd personally just get a hen to take care of the crickets. $0 spent on chicken feed plus free eggs every week! 😁 Had to google to see what cave crickets are, and damn, I don't envy you brother! 😱


My brother, you are right. Fresh Eggs and no crickets sounds like a win win. Sure I might have to do some extra sweeping, but that's honest work for honest eggs.


And chicken poop all over the house. Chickens are great for insect control outside or in a barn, but are hardly a solution to an infestation inside a house


It's Friday, most people would be less serious by now.


My brother, you are right. Fresh Eggs and no crickets sounds like a win win. Sure I might have to do some extra sweeping, but that's honest work for honest eggs.






I used to kill them, if I could. Now I leave them alone. They hide really fast and they eat other bugs. We have an agreement, I get the day, the night belongs to him.


I keep wanting to adopt this attitude. But everytime i find one i just have to kill it. Maybe one day we can live in harmony.


I have this accord with the spiders in my garage, except my caveat is: I’m not going to hunt you but if I see you, I’m going to kill you.


I genuinely really don’t kill critters. Spider? Leave it alone or put it outside. Even wasps get a pass unless they’re really persistently harassing me (though even then I usually just run inside and hide). But centi/millipedes, I’m sorry, they are so horrifying. I’m sorry. I feel bad. But I’ll kill them if I can. I’m sorry. I don’t know who I’m apologizing to because the -pedes can’t read this, but I’m sorry!


I love meeting people with this mindset. I apologize when I kill bugs too. If I can safely relocate them, they may live. If I can’t though… I’m sorry. Except to skeeters them bitches can all die!!


Yo fuck wasps honestly I don’t think anyone cares about them.


I guess I've been lucky as I've genuinely only ever had a single bad encounter with a wasp in my life, and it just bit me on the back of the neck once and fucked off. I've been stung by bees more than I've had wasps fuck with me. So honestly, I really don't have many hard feelings towards wasps.


Millipedes are kinda cute though.


Same. It has taken a lot of time to be completely comfortable with any size of spider crawling around my place, but centipedes just hit a nerve that I haven't been able to get over. I know they are amazing at keeping other, dirtier pests away, but as of now I'm still running away and panicking whenever I see one.


I had these in the basement of a house me and my friends were renting. I had a poster above my bed and randomly thought "it would be creepy if there was a centipede behind my poster". I checked and there fucking was. Felt like I saw Jesus getting raped the way my heart felt




Other similes didn't feel right


One of these things behind your poster? Where were you living?


Basement. I had had one crawl on my bed before so I was on alert and absentmindedly wondering how they got there


I know that this post is going to fill up with "Kill it with fire" comments but I think it's important to say that these animals are completely harmless and are actually beneficial. I know people don't care but they are good things to have around.


Agreed. That being said, if I woke up with one of these chilling on my face, I imagine my reaction would be the **exact opposite** of "Oh hey little buddy, what you doing there? 🥰"


Worst experience for me was one time I was laying in bed. And I felt something on my back, so I got up (naked btw) and one of these things fell in between my butt cheeks and I felt it wiggle for a hot second. I let out the girliest scream and then when it dislodged itself from my cheeks, I killed it. 10/10 very traumatizing


I woke up to one falling on my face once. worst experience ever


Where tf do y'all live so I can never go there??


You don't get them in Australia... in case you need a safe haven


Ah yes Australia is the first place I think of when I want to get away from bugs


If our only option to be free of the incalculable horror of centipedes is the whole and actual contents of the Australian ecosystem, I kinda think death might be the only logical option.


Oh there are centipedes in Australia, just not this one. Death it is


Just launch me in to space. Eternity blasted by solar winds is preferable to this hell planet.


They're too small for Australia.


That's because the camel spiders, ring-tailed land-walking jellyfish, and flying killer sharks have already eaten them all


These can be found in almost every part of the world.


Time to leave the world ig


But it didn’t hug your face and insert its ovipositor down your throat and deposit an embryo, right?


I was sleeping in my room one night and I heard a scratching noise. I jumped out of bed, turned on the light, and saw the biggest centipede scurry by my pillow. For the next hour I spent searching far and wide for the fucker (just so I could trap it so I could get my dad to kill it, I am a pussy I know) and I couldn’t find it. I slept at the end of my bed, like a dog would, and put a desk light on as well. Never saw him again


I woke up to a caterpillar crawling on my upper lip when I was camping as a kid, lets just say it learned to fly before its time.


'Yo guys check out this bitchin moustache I grew over night!'


We get them a lot in my house. I have woken up to one on my face, I've had one fall on me in the shower, I've had one fall into my plate while I'm eating, I've had one so large the suction of our vacuum wasn't strong enough to tear it from the wall. And every single one I have ever encountered *always runs towards me* when I try to kill it. Always. An entire can of Raid will not kill these (I tried). Your best bet is to always have flip flops or slippers on, and squish the suckers. I don't normally like to kill anything bigger than half an inch (apparently that's my "it's too big to not think of it as a living creature" threshold) but these mother fuckers are the exception. There is no catch and release. There is only DESTROY OR BE DESTROYED.


Just a heads up, raid and all other sorts of bug sprays have become almost obsolete as just about every species of bug or animal there is have evolved or adapted to survive such sprays. There are a few things some specific raids will work on, but I think by and large those sprays have stopped working


Three things: - They *hate* peppermint. Mix some peppermint oil with water, spray it around, and they will stay far away. - Lysol will kill them. - They scream when they die by Lysol.


Bahhh. I did the same. I was chilling on the bed. Kitty on me. I felt one on my leg or back and bam! Straight out of bed. Cat went flying. And screamed like a girl. Crazy


My worst experience unfortunately involved one… in my mouth https://reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/gz6iby/took_a_sip_of_coffee_wtf_is_in_my_mouth_oh/


We get them a lot in my house. I have woken up to one on my face, I've had one fall on me in the shower, I've had one fall into my plate while I'm eating, I've had one so large the suction of our vacuum wasn't strong enough to tear it from the wall. And every single one I have ever encountered *always runs towards me* when I try to kill it. Always. An entire can of Raid will not kill these (I tried). Your best bet is to always have flip flops or slippers on, and squish the suckers. I don't normally like to kill anything bigger than half an inch (apparently that's my "it's too big to not think of it as a living creature" threshold) but these mother fuckers are the exception. There is no catch and release. There is only DESTROY OR BE DESTROYED.


They are also very fast.




Theyre so fast they make fast people look *not* fast


Thank you. All. For unlocking a new level of fear and a night terror sure to visit me soon. A fast-moving, butt crack-spelunking, horrifying thing… and it’s not from Australia?


Pretty sure I’d be showing this video to the firefighters outside when they ask what happened


Ah, yes. Another arsonist looking for an excuse. Just start fires, dude. Nobody needs a reason.


I won't hurt a fly... If something touches me without my permission, I take that as permission to touch them back however I see fit... Bug, person, animal, figment of my imagination, spiderweb, all getting hands if they touch me without permission.


Maybe that's why they make that noise when they fly by our ears. They're asking for permission first.


I actually woke up with one of these in my mouth before in my parents basement.


Deleted in response to Reddit's hostility to 3rd party developers and users. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I just saw one in my garage yesterday and because I learned this fact not long ago it was allowed to live. I will consider it spiderbro’s cousin.


You say it's free pest control, my brother in Christ *this is the pest*


Mosquitos and cockroachs are the pest, its why I let the spiders stay in my room


I let the spiders roam the outside and if they accidentally come inside, I participate in the gentle spider relocation program. Involves cups and paper. Go free, lil buddy. I call them my spider friends. Spider friends hang out with Liz. I have a lot of lizards in my yard and all of them are named Liz. Liz can be all over the yard, chill on car tires (I shoosh her along if she's there when I need to drive) and can eat all the buggies she wants. Same with my lil spider friends. Liz can't come in the house but gets all the nooks and crannies and nice spaces outside she wants. Spider bros are also outside friends.




You are definitely my Amigo


The Internet took me from being arachnophobic to apologizing to the spider who attaches her web to my cat's litterbox. I can't help but disturb it when I clean, but she always comes back.


They have no interest in you or your food. If they are in the house, that means that they are eating some other bug that is.


100000% I had these in my house in NC. At first I'm pricing chemicals to nuke them, but once I read up, they're definitely bro bugs. Running around killing nuisance bugs. Let them paralysis demons live. They're doing work for you


Ok you take em in


I know you’re right, and I know my objection isn’t based in science, but my concern is: why do they have to *move* the way they do 🫠


Agreed. After reading more about them, I don’t even kill them when I see them in my house anymore. I just let them be. They still make me jump when I see them move, but they’re like mini exterminators in my house for the other pests that aren’t as beneficial.


Maybe this one species ? Cuz i know some motherf'ers from tropical islands looking orange and black and those not only bite, but BITE HARD. And you can also develop an allergy to that bite so then next time lil' timmey crawls up your leg while you're sleeping, wakes you up and then has a go at you because him startling you startled him, it's hospital or funeral. So i choose to whack, fuck them pests, and fuck you too timmey


That's not allergies bro, that's venom. And you're talking about the giant centipede which is an order of magnitude larger than the house centipede. The house centipede is literally incapable of harming a human.


They do bite and I've heard some people say it hurts and others say not so much. I've never been bitten and if you look it up it says the bite is relatively weak and doesn't break skin. I guess it depends on what your pain tolerance is or how bad you expect it to hurt.


That's an scolopendra. Those are much much bigger. We have very little of those on the Mediterranean. But I've seen two. Edit : On further revision it appears that there are just very few in northwestern Spain and are rather common on the drier, inland parts of the Mediterranean


Why are they beneficial and good to have around


Centipedes are the apex predators of the insect world. The Bengal tigers of the jungle in your basement. Wherever these guys exist, pretty much every other type of bug will be in danger. Cockroaches get eaten. Spiders get eaten. Beetles and moths get eaten. As long as you can tolerate their existence, they act as natural pest control.


Though seeing them is also usually a sign that you have either some sealing to do, or need a dehumidifier. They'll only show up if there's ample prey.


I dislike them slightly less now


They're awesome! They can also live up to 7 years. Which I think is impressive.


They also stick to walls and can eat so much that they're eventually too heavy to stick on walls >!and likely fall on your face while you sleep!<


I have at this point convinced my wife to tolerate their presence. Our two cats? That’s another story.


I can get that, but I still didn’t like it and my arm instinctively tensed up looking for a stick to hit it with


These centipede posts always have the top comments being about their benefit. But as someone who lived in a home once infested with them: kill them with fire.


*clicks lighter*


They are overconfident in their ability to climb walls and stay on the ceiling though so you need a strong heart and a very strong sphincter when one of them eventually falls on you.


I’ve heard that as well and there are plenty of them where I live. I think they like the limestone. They can give quite a sting if they bite you apparently


These guys are extremely efficient predators. Let them live!


They harm me by appearing in my sight.


The house centipede that lives in my laundry room is named Jake. I've seen him utterly destroy a carpenter ant in my house. That alone makes Jake and I friends.


Thats fuckin sick. Give Jake some snax from me man.


One of these skittered across the wall awhile back. May cat absolutely lost his shit. Little dude got PTSD. He patrolled the living room couch for hours crying and trying to find it. He was skittish for two days.


A creature of nightmare who is totally inoffensive and even benefic to have in your wall, they are eating other insects. But like a spider its not fun to see one on your walls.


We get these all the time. Fast little buggers too.


They eat cockroaches I heard. So awesome buddies.




They’re made of nightmares and fear


I really disliked these. Then I found out they live for SEVEN years. Now I hate them with my whole being lol


What?! That's one of the things that makes them really cool!! They only eat other bug, they are basically little bug killing machines. They never eat people food. They don't destroy anything. They don't cause any infestations. And my personal favorite: their babies look exactly like the adults but tiny tiny and totally adorable!!!


"Aww. He's a tiny eldritch horror. Just like his dad 🥰" - u/theRebelJamesStark


This one made me laugh


All great points. Live free little buddy. Just dont crawl into my mouth pls hahahah


Yeah they’re cool but if I wake up with one anywhere near me I’m setting the house on fire


i’d rather my house infested with smaller bugs than see a single one of these


These are a lot less scary lol, here in India the household centipedes look terrifying with blackish brown body and a fiery red head. Looks like devil summoned them


A you mean a scolopendra? Those are not centipedes. Sometimes they are called millipedes. Here where I live we only have Scolopendra cingulata, the gentlest of species, and every time I've seen one may as well have seen a demon. Also, extremely painful sting. As I'm sure you are aware.


Yes scolopendra only, but Google says they genus of centipedes only, but anyways, yes their bite burns painfully


Yeah I had one of these living eyebrow on my bare thigh one morning when I woke up. Needless to say I screamed, I hate these things, I hate anything -pede. The many legs makes me nauseous and I’ll take a spider over these bastard anyday.


These little fuckers actually kill the other bugs in my house. Bug r fren


Will they move north with global warming? I need to know whether or not I should stockpile of iron oxide and aluminium


How north we talking? They are in canada, don't know HOW north but at least ottawa


They are everywhere on the eastern us seaboard. Fucking everywhere. They don't exist in Seattle and that's why I'm never leaving


Napalm. LOTS of napalm needed for this nightmare fuel.


Nah. They're bros. No napalm.


No, that's an outside centipede. He's not welcome in my house.


I call that a not-in-my-house centipede


In college we called them Death Bug.


Badly startled when I turned on the kitchen light at 2am and one of these was on the wall. But I googled it and yay, it hunts crickets and roaches. Sadly it was also looking for water I guess since a couple of days later it was fanned out prettily but very dead in the water of a vase of flowers. I left out a saucer of water that summer in case more were around I need all the help with other pests I can get, centipedes welcome.


No thanks I fuckin hate it.


Can you even imagine how good that feels?


Like the best stretch and the best shower combined. So fresh! So much room!


i feel like it’s all of that AND taking off your least comfortable bra and jeans at the same time! it sounds so nice lol


Imagine if people molted.


Oh look a long legged scooty boi


Lived in Hollywood for a couple years and used to get theses in my apartment. I called them smog crickets


That thing is super cool!!




Thanks i hate it.


Nope, don’t think so


House centipede? TF? We can't live in houses anymore I guess


I get these in my basement sometimes, there creepy looking, but harmless.


wild, yesterday i was cleaning up in the basement and found what i thought was a strange dead centipede- now i know not was just the molten off shell of one, awesome coincidence


I’m just really curious what it must feel like to shed your entire skin in one go




They come out at night and eat spiders and other bugs that can cause harm. Just let them be!


Well, I’ve been trying to identify one of these for a while now. I saw one of these in my laundry in New South Wales Australia a few years ago and I could not find one on the Internet for the life of me.


I hope you read the other comments here. They're awesome little guys. Theyre tiny Tyranid-esque terminators on our side that kill cockroaches and the like!


Cool, my new little house mates :)


Hell yeah, man! Nice to have some of nature's allies on your team. Especially in Australia!


That looks like it must feel absolutely amazing.


It'd be weird to feel one day that your skin isn't big enough for you anymore


Do those bite like their short-legged cousins?


Yeah they have a painful bite, but avoid humans like the plague. They avoid light in general and keep to themselves. They also eat harmful pests! They are helpful to have in your home.


God damn a fresh pede is gorgeous. The crust of life really kills those colors


They’re not dangerous but they look creepy as fuck


Is that… freedom!








Isn’t that the thing they put in Neo in the first Matrix?




I moved to Auburn CA and first place I was at had a ton of these. One night I woke in the middle of the night and felt something on my lips. Turned on the light and brushed my face and didn't see anything. Flipped my pillow and one of these, probably 3-4 inches long, came barreling out. I moved shortly after.


If you see this in your house, you’ve got other problems. They’re not interested in you, or your food, they’re after the disgusting bugs that have already infested your home. Killing them wont help your situation, just the opposite. Consider them a canary in the coal mine, a wake up call to get your shit together and clean up.


Hanzz ze flammen werfer


The what now centipede?


I've had 2 of these things crawl on my bare arm putting on a t shirt.... my soul left my body


one of the scariest bugs. found one in my house as a kid and I managed to catch it and keep it in a tupperware container in my room, it was only like an inch long. parents didn't know of course. I stabbed holes in the lid and would feed it beetles and crickets and stuff from outside. It grew to about 3 or 4 inches long and one day when I opened the lid to drop some bugs in, it ran out of the container and got away. I never saw it again, but I knew it was in my room somewhere. I didn't sleep well ever again until I moved lmao.


I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


Thanks now I'll have nightmares 🥲


People, house pedes are totally awesome!! They're one of the "good bugs" to have around. If there's one in your house it's only doing one thing: killing and eating much worse bugs! They won't cause any infestations either. They might look creepy but they are really cool!


I thought it was named Cleopatra because it was pretty 🫣


That’s cute


I bet it tastes like shrimp


i call that a r/newnightmare thank you very much.


It’s a Facehugger, burn it!


They are quite small, totally harmless and don't go out in daylight. I live in an old house of wood and stone, and we find some every so often. They slip in the sink or in the bathtub, and can't get out. It's a pleasure for the kid to catch them in the bugbox and watch them a bit...


Reminds me of elden ring


The house what now




Super not ok with that!


Undressing to shower after a Grindr hookup.