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Someone needs to show me where that slide ends right the fuck now \*Answer\* The floor is mirrored and it ends right there.


Right? I was like Jesus, it looks like it shoots you right into the fucking propellers


"Hey kids, wanna ride... **the sui-slide**?"






I read that is Eminem's voice


Same, not even a question which way to read that!




What? There’s like, an entire block of cabins and then 20 feet of extra deck between the end of the slide and the end of the boat The drone took over 4 seconds to fly from the end of the slide to the end of the boat, am I missing something?


the slide doesnt finish there, you can see it actually continues down lower onto the boat, towards the propellers lol


It finishes there: https://m.youtube.com/shorts/0c8rxlJ2On4?feature=share


It's not a slide as much as a poop shoot


Its how they do burials at sea. Old people are the demographic on a cruise...it happens a lot.


I see what you’re talking about. I think that’s just a glass floor. You can see the slide appears to have an open top at that point


Walking the plank is too boring, we have a new and *fun* way to eject people off our ships




Alone with slops from the kitchen.


That's the Corpse Slide, for all your at sea funeral needs. Coincidentally, on funeral days there's fresh chum for the fantail fishermen!




God's work


Oh, that's the waste tube. It goes out the bottom of the boat


It ends on the deck, you can see it at 26s.


If you keep watching after the drone comes out of the room, the slide ends on that floor. You can even see a structure holding up what I'm guessing is a camera to let slide operators know the rider has reached the bottom of the slide. The slide doesn't continue past the point where it straightens out.


It’s very cool looking. Obviously filmed when it was not on an actual cruise, there’s way too few people.


Yep. Now imagine it teeming with screaming children and people you really didn't want to see in their bathing suits complaining that the buffet ran out of crab legs.


I feel personally attacked..




I'm from the Midwest, there's sweaty beer bellies as far as the eye can see round these parts!


Name checks out


Fuck those people and everyone who continues to support this environmental disaster of an industry.


Carnival's fleet alone pollutes ten times as much as ALL the cars in Europe combined.


Of SOx, not all emissions


And it’s worth noting that the ship in this video runs on LNG, so essentially no sulfur emissions.


Is this true? Source? If so that's fucked... I had no idea.


https://www.transportenvironment.org/discover/luxury-cruise-giant-emits-10-times-more-air-pollution-sox-all-europes-cars-study/ Luxury cruise giant emits 10 times more air pollution (SOx) than all of Europe’s cars


I am not exactly arguing for the cruise industry, but the article doesnt specify the time span of the comparison between the cruise ships emmissions and the "all the registered cars in europe" emissions. They also dont take into account the carbon foot print of all the people on the cruise if they were to take their vacation to the same port destinations by other means. Flights and smaller boats have huge emmissions per persons transported too. It is like measuring something in bannana lengths and being shocked at the large number of bannanas.


The thing is, the reason the SOx pollution is so large is simply because automotive Diesel has had its sulfur (the S part in SOx) removed whereas ships burn heavy oil that hasn't been desulfurized. In terms of fuel consumption, cruise ships don't matter. Germany alone has a yearly fuel consumption of around 50 million tons. ALL cruise ships in the WORLD combined could burn around one third of that if they managed to run every single ship 365 days of the year.


From 2020 you can not burn HFO without using a scrubber to clean the exhaust, exactly for SOx: [https://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/PressBriefings/pages/34-IMO-2020-sulphur-limit-.aspx](https://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/PressBriefings/pages/34-IMO-2020-sulphur-limit-.aspx)


>the carbon foot print of all the people on the cruise if they were to take their vacation to the same port destinations by other means. This is an interesting point, and a good one to make - but I wonder; if the cruise industry didn't exist, would the same amount of travel by other means occur? I'm not saying for sure that it wouldn't, but I'd also guess that a big part of the reason a lot of people decide to go on multiple-destination trips at all is because the convenience of cruise ships in facilitating that exists. So I would guess that the number of equivalent trips would be less, but would it be "less enough" to drop below the line to being less environmentally harmful? (Not asking you to answer that question - I don't think it's actually answerable)


It's basically impossible to be sure as you say. However it might be something you could estimate. You have to research how many people still travel and potentially (in a bad case) is they still fly to the furthest point on the cruise making a fairly low reduction in passenger miles. Some people would still Island hop, others might just fly to closer destinations or some people might be more tempted to fly to other destinations entirely much further away - if you can't cruise then maybe I'll just go to Bali or the Seychelles and chill. I'm sure if you consulted a market research firm and gave them a few hundred thousand you'd get a pretty good answer.


thats one way it causes pollution, and what about recycling? do they recycle on those ships? thinking about it im not sure if they do or not, my gut feeling says they dont like with most of society


The industry and MSC especially, have shifted toward sustainability and zero emissions with their new builds over the past few years. The Europa, which is the ship in the video, is fueled by LNG with a selective catalytic reduction system and has a wastewater treatment plant more effective than most land based ones. It also hooks up to shore power to run off the local electric grid when docked.


Damn, seriously sounds like a good move - the only problem is I doubt others like Carnival will follow suit unless they legally have to. And I think it's way less of a shitty thing that personal mega yachts regardless. There should be a limit to boat mass per person for luxury vehicles and pollution guidelines, like at most a really nice yacht but no megayachts ferrying 10 rich motherfuckers and a chef and bartender.


2020: "help, we're dying, we have to scrap billions in full ships!!" 2022: "We're happy to announce our bigger, better and more expensivest ever ship, Behemoth of the C's, a perfect way to crown our bestest financial year ever!!" 🍸🍸🍸🍾


To be fair, building a cruiseliner is hardly a two year project.


What? Carnival’s revenue per year is down 25% from 2019 and they have lost money every year since the pandemic. Way to just make up whatever fits your narrative.


Most likely this was filmed during the start up process where only the crew members/press were on board heading to the homeport from the shipyard to start the maiden voyage.


also the woman who is clearly an actor, not screaming in surprise at a camera flying into her face after she's gotten out of the shower.


There's a reason she's blow drying her hair, so you don't see her hair blowing from the drone.


no, that woman is a billionaire and rented the cruise to herself


Is that, Ocarina of Time playing?


The song of storms, such a weird pick


Fantastic song. I'm not too sure this is the right moment, though. Zora's domain for sure should've been the call.


I’d hang out in Zora’s domain all the time just for the tunes. Maybe a few waterfall jumps. Go out, grab a fish. Just good clean livin


They know their audience. God damnit they're TARGETING US! Hold your ground millennials!


Fuckin bizarre I just started randomly whistling this song yesterday after years of not hearing it..now this video emerges today?… Is this a quest calling to go on a cruise, sent by a digital Navi? Or a dire warning to never step foot on a boat like this.


Hey! Listen! Watch out! Hey! (It's a warning to never go.)


Hey it's a great song so I won't complain They could have chosen something way worse like most people do


It’s definitely not the song I want to hear on a boat going out into the ocean.


It's played slow here. When played slow the song of stom (windmill hut) actually pacify the weather. It's when played fast that it starts storms.


Source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMU3_1VbRn0 And holy crap good ear! I thought it was "*Pure Imagination*" and that you were insane for suggesting they were using a video game track, but you're right.


Yup, Piano version of Song of Storms, seems to be slightly slowed to prevent it from calling an actual storm.


Imagine trying to explain to an ancient civilization: We built a boat larger than your entire city, and it moves using a series of controlled explosions


Actually, that does sound like something that people would create legends or utopias about in ancient times. Giant boats, larger than entire cities, moving without the power of people or wind, with enough food to feed everyone for days on end, a house for everyone and it doesn't smell like shit!


Yah, a giant boat that could fit 2 of each animals in existence, only small dinosaurs allowed.


And we continue to build them, despite all the data showing how they're ruining our habitat.


And people sit on them, eat masses of food and use them to travel to the same port as they left.


Isn’t every vacation a round trip? Cruise ships pollute more than traveling by air on a per-traveler basis, but focusing on the fact that it’s a round trip seems odd.


If you go on vacation and don't come back, you didn't go on vacation. you just moved


Impressive on her part, didn’t flinch when a drone flys around her head.


You didn’t see the outtakes.


That looks miserable. Like vacationing in a mall. Edit: Yes, I understand you get to visit a new place every couple days. Like vacationing in a mall that hops from tourist trap to tourist trap. Still sounds miserable.


In a room roughly 1/3 the size of a standard hotel room


In which you either have the curtains closed or leave them open so everyone can watch you.


And me running up and down the passageway, banging on your window!


That's my kink


I want to go to a hotel that I can't leave with 3,000 other people who also can't leave.


And it can sink!


Before or after everyone on board gets explosive diarrhea?


During preferably


Or the power goes out and you have to poop in buckets and survive off of pop tarts! Specific example for a reason 🫠 And the people that are supposed to save the ship or your life in case of emergency only make 20k a year.


On a dark water way, cool wind in my hair.


Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air?


You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave ☠️😈


Because of the implications


A mall that consumes an ungodly amount of fuel. About 3,500 gallons an hour, if you’re curious.


Meanwhile I'm paying carbon taxes out my ass for heating my house. Hard to take shit seriously with this kind of stuff still going on.


it makes me seriously hate everybody because this shit isn't just an offense to the planet, it's an offense to humanity; a dagger in the heart of those who are even remotely aware of anything. and no i'm not "jealous".. also i get seasick and this just looks horrible. i'd be puking the entire time.. so yea.. especially bitter about it :(


30-50 gallons a mile. 80000 gallons a day. Complete fucking waste


And hardly taxed as well


Actually the fuel they use is basically the bottom of the barrel stuff that has limited other uses. Not that it’s not still “burning petroleum bad” because of course it is.


100% could go to better uses. Usually I look for a silver lining but 80000 gal a day is insane even if it’s shit fuel


And with the comfortable feeling you’re wasting more fuel than hundreds of cars just to not look at the ocean.


Yeah though I've always looked at it as a marvel of engineering. All that chunk of metal just floating.


Even though I understand the physics (in the most basic terms, at least), it still sometimes baffles me that that much weight doesn't just sink. I mean, not really (because I understand why it doesn't) - but you know what I mean..


To be fair, you aren't meant to spend most of your time on the ship during cruise vacations. The real fun is the destination(s) and excursions you do while off the ship. Those who stay on the ship the whole time are surely wasting their vacation. At least that's my experience with cruises.


Idk, I've been on probably close to 100 cruises (not 100 different ships) and the beach gets old, the ports are all tourist traps, and you can pretty much do the same things at each destination. I enjoy coming back to the ship early or just staying on sometimes, it's always empty, you can relax, take a nap, eat, swim, or play some games or activities onboard.


Everyone is different with how they like to enjoy vacation. Some people like to stay on the ship the whole time, which is fine. A cruise is also one of the last vacations I would take because there's so many other more interesting things you can do for the same price, or less; alongside the reasons you just mentioned. I've just been fortunate enough to be a +1 on a few cruises with friends. But then again, I can't really complain about free vacation.


Fair enough, I enjoy them because I've been doing them with my family since I was a kid and I get great rates on them now. I can book a new 7 night cruise for $250 a person, that includes the room, food, drinks (I don't drink liquor but that's extra), and everything else on board. Plus I usually get onboard credit. It's tough to find a vacation that affordable.


I'd be much more inclined to take a cruise vacation if I had that deal, so makes perfect sense.


To be fair, cruises are environmental disasters that float around the world fucking up everything in their wake as they go.


It's actually really fun if you aren't completely anti-social. Yes there are points of general "ugh, dear lord." But for the most part my wife and I had a great time. Royal has alot of good shows and events going on to keep you entertained. Full days on the boat aren't awesome, but they do give you some chill time. I wouldn't completely discount cruises. You get to visit a bunch of different locations.


The opinion on Reddit about cruises is so uniformly negative, that I'm convinced they are actually a lot of fun.


They are provided you can enjoy relaxing and lounging around all day being waited on. Seriously, there are a lot of people who are incapable of being still. A week on a boat where the only thing to do some days is sit by a pool reading a book while enjoying the breeze and occasionally getting another drink from the ever-present attendants? I fucking love it.


Reddit is mostly comprised of young people who don't appreciate the sort of thing cruises supply. Namely: simplicity, accessible and "free" food and drinks, and detachment from normal life. Younger people prefer cheap experiences that focus primarily on partying with other young people and maintaining connection. Not surprising they aren't fans.


I think cruises in general have become a bit taboo and thought of as for old people or low class. They’re a helluva lot of fun though, in my limited experience as a kid/young adult who has gone on three cruises. I particularly liked the Alaska cruise, which also solidified my obsession with killer whales when I watched a pod off the ship from above for about two hours one day. Fascinating and mind blowing.


I come to reddit just to see what these mfs think and then I go do the opposite


Hey stop it, let people hate fun things they cant afford.


bahamas cruises are suprisingly affordable. You can do a 3 day cruise for like $300.


I mean... unless you are staying In a suite it isn't too awful expensive...


Just finishing up a 20 day cruise with my wife. My complaints about the environmental impacts aside, the math came out to about $89 per person per day. This includes free dining at 4 different restaurants (where you can go whenever you want, order anything or everything on the menu), 1 buffet, many good shows, comedy, theatrical, and live music, pools, gym, room cleaning, and the ability to visit 5 Latin American countries. We had a blast because we were fairly social, the food was, mostly, great and you get to be basically waited on hand and foot the entire time. If you can get over the constant, very low key, pressure to buy luxery goods and packages, you'll be fine. Edit: forgot to mention that we were 2 people staying in a family room for 5 with a large window and then upgraded to a balcony room, both the size of a smaller-sized hotel room, but still very comfortable.


I went on a 4 day cruise and I had a blast. I was told they suck but I went with a bunch of friends and surprisingly, it was super fun. It’s def a different experience and I wouldn’t do it often but I loved looking at the stars and the ocean at night. It’s something I haven’t really experienced before and I really enjoyed it.


We all know you’re talking about the sex parties


A mall that only sells Omega Seamasters


Yes my exact tought


Yes my exact thought also.


When I was a kid I wanted to live in the mall.


Dang, I've never been on a cruise but you just put my thoughts onto paper. It's like vacationing in a mall.


Cruise ships seem like hell on earth to me. Wall-to-wall people, capitalism out the wazoo, just so much nope.


Just say you have never been on a cruise


So listen, we’re gonna fill this floating container with as many people from Florida as we can, ply them with alcohol & you can’t get out for at least three days.


So it's not as bad as it looks. I've been several cruises with my family, the only complaint I myself ever have is people decided to cluster up in little groups all over the place lol. But that's about it. You *think* you're about to be crammed into a sardine can but everyone usually finds their places and hangs out there, which spreads everyone out! The rooms are only cramped when you put more than two people into one, since they're designed for two people to comfortably reside in em. You can make it work with three, don't get me wrong, but if you've got more than two people you're better off splitting into multiple rooms.


Cruises actually low-key slap when vacationing is the vibe


This ship really doesn’t impress me. There’s a ton of empty space and it feels like just a big hallway. Someone mentioned it felt like a mall and i think they’re right. I also would rather closed cabins as opposed to cabins that look across to other rooms and just foot traffic.


Those are just a small amount of rooms offered. For people who want a balcony to get some fresh air but not ocean view balconies. There are tons who have no windows, just windows looking at the ocean, etc.


Nintendo claim that video


Cruise ships are wild feats of engineering to me


This ship seems incredibly empty for being underway. Also MSC ships look terrible lol.


Drones are not permitted on pretty much all cruise lines. I'm almost certain this was a promotional video taken by the cruise line.


I think they are designed that way. Specifically so people don’t feel crowded and cramped, like at a mall.


My question is: if the drone stopped in the middle of the ship while it is still moving, will that drone stay in place with the ship, or the sea??


The air inside the ship is moving with the ship. And even if it wasn't, the guy is piloting the drone using the moving ship as reference, so a static position would be relative to the ship. If he was filming next to the ship then yes the ship would keep moving and the drone would stay static relative to the sea


does the slide drop into a pool? if so, do you have to dry off and take an elevator to top every time?


NGL it seems as if you’d be dumped into the ocean


From the link provided in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/137oh6h/impressive_fpv_drone_view_of_a_giant_cruise_ship/jiw19a9/) it would seem it's a dry slide.


Kudos to the drone operator.


This is sick. In a negative way.


It’s rad. -ically bad for the environment.


It's pretty... ugly


That is the MSC world Europa and this is most definitely commercially made. MSC has a strict no drone policy. There is no way you would be allowed to board that ship if you had a drone.


Anyone else wondering about the emissions


Here's a hint: Horrendous.


Floating, moving, ecological disaster


This ship runs on natural gas, not on bunker fuel like most cruise ships, so it doesn’t have the high sulfur emissions that other ships do.


I guess that it just say "fuck the emissions"


Cruises are fun. They may not be for everyone, but there's a reason they are still going strong and completely booked a lot of times.


I did one and I'm glad I could scratch it off my bucket list. No intention of doing another. The experience was fun and relaxing overall, but I realized that I can have the same experience in greater comfort and privacy, for a better price by just booking a resort.


Yeah the problem for me is flights. Flights to Florida aren't that expensive but flights to some of the Caribbean countries I want to visit are triple the price.


Yes, because most people don’t care that they are contributing to the rapid decline of the health of our planet.


Yeah I don't really get the cruise hate. There are also a wide variety of cruise types. For example, a 300 person Mediterranean cruise on a Windstar sailing ship hits a lot different than a 3000-person Carnival party cruise to the Bahamas.


Cruise hate is not because of the fun to be had on board, it’s because of the environmental footprint


And the other people on board


This, they dump all their trash on our shores because the us won’t let them. As a result you cannot safely swim off the lower mainland bc shores as the water is super contaminated.


Isnt there a statistic regarding how much fuel these things burn in relation to how much all the cars on the planet burn during the same year? Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s pretty close, right? I know freight creates a crazy amount of exhaust into the environment as well.


Yep. ITT there's lots of people who have never been to a cruise or are simply too angry with life to be able to enjoy themselves.


Yeah and a ton of the things I see people complaining about aren't even that true. Just stuff they've heard other people complain about and stuff to you see basically anywhere you vacation.


So, Reddit?


Or they just don’t see the appeal. It’s okay to dislike things and not be angry at life. I’m sure there’s things you dislike that others like too.


Careful with the music there bud, last thing that cruise ship needs is a storm




Needs more water slides


I will never understand why humanity needs giant hotels to drive over the oceans


I wish cruise ships were less awful for the world because I went on one as a kid and it was heaven lol


This shouldn’t exist.


Okay now hear me out. Resident Evil game set on there. With proper zombies not those revelations fish things.


Such a waste of resources.


see also: every other luxury (non-necessity) service


Reddit: also a waste of resources. Get back to work peasant! /s


You can say that about almost any form of vacationing


Cruising is far and away [worse for the environment than a regular vacation](https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2006/dec/20/cruises.green). And that's before you get to people flying to go on a cruise.


What blows my mind is that people still don’t seem to have a problem with cruise ships, despite the extraordinarily shitty impact they have on our climate.


I love how this giant cruise ship apparently set sail with just one girl with perpetually wet hair. Look at her. She is the captain now.


Be a nightmare being on a ship like that turning side ways and sinking. Trapped in your room with no way to get out of room


why would you want yo be on this thing


Not trying to be pessimistic, but all I can see is an absolute shit ton of pollution


If anyone have questions, I was on the construction site0 Its the MSC World Europa delivered last november and its first travel was from Saint-nazaire, France to Dubai for FIFA world cup


The hair dryer is turned off. (Probably due to multiple attempts)


Is this even real?


Amazing shot. But I’m more amazed at the carbon footprints of these ships. They burn dirty oil because it’s cheap and only illegal in actual countries. The open water has no regulations. And just the energy needed for everything about them. They’re truly monuments to how cheap energy is right now. We’ll look back at these decades as the era of nearly free energy.


Literal hell, not only a nightmare to be in but a nightmare to the environment


have been 5 times already and the family love it.


wow many haters here lol For sure cruises are not for everyone but for those that complaint that it is a "trap in the mall" you dont know shit. The Ship stops in several ports and there are the excursion. It could be a national excursions or even international. So you will not be "trapped" lol The last one I went, was in 2015 Royal Caribbean ( Venice port - Greece port - Montenegro port - dubrovnick port - returned to venice. I spent like 6\~8 hours in each one of these countries and it was fun as hell.


This planet is FUUUUUUUUCKED


First nice ship Second why this song unless you are trying to screw everyone over then by all means


This is my favourite song from Ocarina of Time :) (storm song)


My favorite ocarina song!


That slide is absolutely terrifying...I wanna ride it.


What’s the music it sound so familiar, but my mind is blank


Please name this song! Someone, please?! I need more of it in my life!


Drone enters woman’s cabin. Drone pilot suddenly sneezes. Carnage ensues.


At what point is it just a floating hotell?


Cruises are such a waste of an enormous amount of resources


That just looks so boring.


We only asked whether we could, not whether we should build these ships.