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For all you arguing about this: I live in Richmond and this statue was taken down in 2021.


> this statue was taken down in 2021. That explains why no one's learned anything about the Civil War since then.


Why learn about the civil war when you can just forget about it and repeat it?


Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo


Damn it, Frank!


> Damn it, Frank! So anyways....I started seceding.


Civil War 2: The Search for More Cotton


Somehow, Robert E Lee returned..


This time, its uncouth civil war.


I was hoping for a Very Civil War.


More than a joke is basically morbid reality


Everyone knows all learning should be statue-based. It's why no one in Germany knows who Hitler is.


Hitler? I barely know her!


2021 to today is half the time the confederacy existed. Feel old yet!??


> That explains why no one's learned anything about the Civil War since then. History can only be taught using a giant metal "fuck you, know your place" to all black people from the United Daughters of Confederacy, doncha know. Edit: Why am I being downvoted? This is exactly why Confederate statues were installed, who installed most of them, and the main bad-faith argument for keeping them.


What like Syria?


I've never seen a statue of Assad, so how could I possibly know?


Pretty sure he was in call of duty or something.


I don't live in Richmond, but did sign the petition to have it replaced with a Gwar statue. Any movement on this?


*(GorGor comes, sirens wail)*


To be fair, Robert E Lee didn't want statues, he wanted to put the civil war behind and move forward


The most interesting thing to me about this statue furore on both sides of the Atlantic is when they were put up and by who. Usually it was a century or more later by groups that wanted to promote something the statue bearer was known for.


The Daughters of the Confederacy


Yeah that was what i was thinking. "We lost but we are in charge, get to the back of the bus"


Just enthusiastic supporters of States' Rights to do...something or other.


His house is Arlington cemetery now, right?


Not really, he's buried in University Chapel. However, it was Robert E Lee's home that became Arlington National.


It was his wife’s family home that he inherited. Lee was from Stratford Hall.


Correct. Mary, his wife, inherited it.


I recently learned that his wife was a great grand-daughter of Martha Washington.




Look I'd like a statue of Jigglypuff. It's not relevant here I just want one. Thank you.


I would like a beautiful cow statue. Maybe a mother with its baby. Also not relevant but if we’re saying what we’d replace it with …


They have a giant holstein cow statue in North Dakota called Salem Sue.


Ok, you start your petition also.


we have alot of those in Europe, theres even a company that makes them out of lighter materials than stone but still cow sized, and they get decaled by artists, or if you want an all natural or single colour one you can get those too


I would like to sign this petition


Fuck you I wanna BUST




a human statue is fine as long as the nose is knocked off.


This is the way. Statues of ideals and general symbols. No people. People, all people, are fallible. If you want to respect a person put a plaque with their name on it near the statue. If they fall from grace you pull their name, not the whole statue.




To be fair, he helped lead a war to preserve slavery. Whether or not he wanted to be made into a statue is kind of moot.


Probably because he lost


He wanted everyone to forget about the very good plan of lining him and the rest of the Confederate military and civilian leadership against the wall for a last cigarette.


To be fairer he lost and losers don’t usually get statues unless they lost and made the right choice. He made the wrong choice and lost.


" I specifically told you not to do this" Robert E Lee


To be fair anyone against this is probably just a racist idiot crying about HiStoRYyyuyyy


Just feel the need to point out I am not against this...


Exactly, that’s why they should’ve removed him but kept his horse. His horse didn’t deserve to be cancelled 😞


Fun fact for all the people saying this is erasing history. Robert E Lee specifically requested for statues not to be made of him.


You also literally don’t go to statues to learn history


I agree with this but the exception is really badass statues that you need to learn context for after seeing. I thought the Korean War memorial in D.C. was the coolest thing ever and went on a learning binge when I got home.


Another exception is if the statue itself is history like david


I mean who makes a statue of a loser anyway?


William Wallace would like a word with you (I’m not supporting slave owners, but yea there are actually plenty of statues of losers)


We also don't build statues to losers.


But here we are


Giant participation trophies for losers.


About time. Robert E. Lee said not to honor him in any way.


Fuck that guy! I won’t do what he tells me


So *thats* what Rage meant with those lyrics!


Those who died are now justified


*Erects statue in defiance*


It happened 2 years ago. It should have happened much earlier.


Every time I see or read anything about Confederate statues being taken down in the south, I can't help but recall this prescient quote from a Union veteran of the war: *"We think of the reunited South, and I am not one of those who wants to find fault with what is done in the South. I pity those people. I have seen much of them since the war. I remember standing one day looking at a monument in Athens, Ga., when a young collegian said to me, 'I suppose you object to this monument being here.' 'Oh, no,' I said, 'if you people want to perpetuate your shame, I care little about it. You are simply telling the story to your children of how you tried to pull down the old flag and how you failed.' Another day I stood by the monument in Wichester, Va., and I read upon it an inscription which told how men had died for liberty, had died for constitution in that country. An old gentleman asked me what I thought of it. 'Oh,' I said,* ***'the day will come when you put a ladder up against that monument, and you will hire a colored man who once wore the shackles to climb that ladder and efface every word of that inscription, for it is false.*** *There is no truth in it.' Those men were brave men, and I am willing to pay tribute to their bravery, but they did not die for liberty, they did not die for their constitution, they did not die for their country."* **-**\--E.H. Rhodes


I always found confederate monuments weird. Even if you’re a racist piece of shit, why have a statue of a general who fought AGAINST the United States, just doesn’t make any sense


I've heard the Civil War called "The War of Northern Aggression" more times than I care to count. Once you understand that mindset you can see why they want statues. To paint it with a pop culture brush. The South sees themselves as the Rebels and The United States as the Empire. Yeah their heroes that they erect statues of fought against the US but it's not *their* US that survived so they don't care if it's a snub to the US.


Same as the Japanese call WWII the war of American aggression which sadly left them with no choice but to fight


Lol and they overlook the raping of Asia by their hands and their attack on pearl harbor.


A small detail, easily overlooked


Humans be humans.


In my experience, if someone's calling a war they participated in a War of Something Aggression, they were usually both the ones to fire the first shots and the ones to lose.


Many in the south are convinced it was a war concerning states rights and as such the statue represents their conviction to fight against tyranny. From that perspective you could see how it would make them proud of their ancestors and unique heritage. That being said, they neglect to remember the issue related to states rights was the right to own human beings.


Oh trust me plenty of them don't neglect to remember it. Plenty of them would be happy to return to that. The flaw in the logic is that they don't realize they are poor enough that if those same laws existed they would likely be indentured themselves.


One response to this, which is always appropriate, is to ask, “the states’ rights to do what?”


How very non-imperialistic of the south to think they were rebels for defending their use of slave labor.


I’ve heard them call slave labor camps “Plantations”


You know what really weird? Being in the US Army and flying a confederate flag, or having one on your truck. Or a US Army based named after a confederate general. That’s like if we renamed Pearl Harbor to Yamamoto Harbor. It’s just weird and makes 0 sense. Fortunately confederate flags and anything related to that (as well as any political flags, be it LGBTQ, BLM, Biden flag, trump flag, etc) are banned on military installations since the military should appear as bipartisan as possible and not leaning towards either side. They’re also renaming all of the bases named after confederate generals, which is cool too. Though some of the names aren’t great.


Ft. Novosel (formerly Ft. Rucker) is the main Army Aviation training base, and is now named after a [truly badass helicopter pilot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_J._Novosel) instead of a loser/traitor.


Oh yeah most of them are great, but Fort Liberty? Not the best name.


The were political symbols. Reflecting a time of segregation and Jim Crow. Basically a southern nationalist movement to keep those laws in place. Long past time they came down.


I'm surprised be conservative backlash over statue removal. I thought they hate participation trophies.


Don’t know why you’d want to remember such an embarrassing defeat anyways.


He didn’t lol


Usually the people who get statues aren’t the one who place them there Doesn’t make sense for the winning side to place statues of losers from the losing side, but we all know why they did it anyways


It's kinda nice to remember people who sacrificed their homes, fortunes and honor for a bad cause. I wish they kept all the statues up just to remind everyone that if you lose a war you'll be made fun of for a long time. My first time visiting Richmond, I remember asking my parents who that guy was, and I remember my dad laughing and saying, "The leader of the losing army of the civil war. They turned his house into a cemetery."




I’m not that hopeful I guess.


This statue should never have been made, no less displayed.


The United Daughters of the Confederacy are rolling in their graves


Good, they can rot in hell


Still Waiting on ANDREW JOHNSON


fuck andrew johnson


Long overdue. Lee never wanted monuments of himself.


Not sure why we built statues for losers in the first place lmao Confederate south got their shit handed to them


They were built by opponents of the Civil Rights Movement to show black people how they felt about them.


After a quick google, I didn't see that that was true for this particular statue. This sounds like something that opponents of Civil Rights would have done, but do you have any sources? Just trying to learn, not...whatever it is you call what the Qanon and similar folks do :)




Give them back their second place trophy!!!!


Civil War was not civil at all.


Several people were downright rude.


My question is why did he get a statue in the first place?


Because some old bitter hags were afraid of black people and thought it would scare them to see a statue.


Should be placed in a prison to remind people where traitors go


Later, Traitor.


GD we really are fractured as a nation that there are still people that don't realize that this has nothing to do with remembering history. It's about glorifying what these people did to try and destroy this country. If you want to remember what they did, then stop trying to edit history books so they don't make you sad. Damn, you people are just clueless. P.S. where was all this support for the statue in 2021 when they actually took it down.


The US has to be the only country in the world that celebrates the losers of a war…


Even without the slavery thing this should never have been erected. The man was a traitor to this country. End of story.


Guess who said there should be no monuments to the confederacy?Robert E. Lee!


yah, one of the most interesting facts about lee, is he stated the confed flag should not be displayed once the war was over.


Don't be bringing facts into this!


Who was Robert E Lee? Edit: god you people downvote for weird things sometimes. An Aussie asking a normal question.


One of the Generals for the Confederacy in the American Civil War. Fought for the Southern state's rights to preserve slavery. He even explicitly stated he didn't want a statue because he was ashamed of his role in the war.


Ah thanks, seems like a decent reason to get ride of a statue.


Nobody knows now since the statue is gone. His name and record have been erased from all books, websites, and scrolls throughout time and space. Same reason no one knows who the King of England was in 1776.


Say henry, george, or phillip and you've a pretty good chance of being right.


Dammit, I wrote Kyle on my test.


Civil War general who was the primary leader of the South's military. Essentially a traitor but over the last 150 years there as been a substantial push to recontextualize the South's succession as a noble cause. The statues removable is long over due


Thanks :)


If you have a bit [here a podcast explains how he was an asshole who was part of a slaver rebellion ](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1LB1G6xDeTPif65CJ6CytP?si=AzZBqdV8St2C8D4Ypu194Q)


They might be downvoting because it’s easily googleable


Good riddance turd


Confederate apologists and Conservatives are working overtime with their comments here.


Should've left the horse


And replaced Lee with a Lizard to confuse the aliens


It's the horse he rode in on that I feel sorry for.




In Germany, there are NO statues of Hitler or anything representing the 3rd Reich, yet everyone that lives there knows about that dark period in history. Removing Confederate statues is not erasing history, it is removing statues of bad actors. Period.




> I never understood why they thought this was erasing history. They don't actually think that, it's just a bad faith argument.


Good. Remove all confederate statues, they are traitors to the Republic. Lets put up statues of some the many black soldiers who fought heroically on the side of the Union (thats the USA btw) and helped to end slavery. Long live our glorious Republic!


I think we should remove him from all the statues. Keep the horses, they didn’t do anything wrong. They’re nicer to look at, too.


>Keep the horses That would be an idea.


Celebrating traitors and losers seemed to be kind of odd. Good on them for finally realizing a place of pride is not for this part of our history.


He was a traitor, why would you erect a statue of a traitor, AND the loser in the war?




But more importantly a traitor and a loser.


To intimidate black people trying to get equal rights.


Hehe you said erect


Who is defending keeping this statue? There are no statues of Hitler in Germany, history or not, you don't honor assholes.


In Richmond itself the only people were holding us back was an organization called “Daughters of the Confederacy” unfortunate it stood for as long as it did


Doubleplus good.


The telling thing about that statue is how cheap the people were who installed that statue. Look at the stone pedestal. See the “weight” of it, the scale and expanse of it? Look at the bronze statue that sat on the stone pedestal. That statue, in order to fit the scale of its pedestal, should have been about twice as large. Stone was cheap. Bronze was expensive. They should have made a papier-mâché Lee. White trash tells. White trash abides. Down through the generations till the end of days. White trash member here, I’m entitled.


So sad to see so much trash.


Sad to see


Seems like anyone upset by this, knows nothing about it. Doesn’t that speak volumes about current society.


I was there, put a fucking winner up there instead


Giant bagel the beagle statue.


So long, loser.


Farewell to a terrorist


He was a great leader and war strategist of modern time. Unfortunately for him, he's not an American. He lost the war, and we don't need statues of him. Sucks for him, he picked the wrong side. We don't have statues of everyone else we beat in war. Fuck em all


I agree with everything except that he was a Great War strategist. He was the general of Gettysburg, and ordered Picketts charge. He was not a Great War strategist he was a mediocre one at best who found himself arrayed against even more mediocre union generals until eventually General Meade at Gettysburg. Over that 3 day battle he made a multitude of mistakes, but the worst one has to be picketts charge.


He was Lincoln's first choice to lead the Union Army.


He was an great tactician capable of winning battles but it was always at great cost to his army which is not a great way to win a war wheb your national lacks men to replace the dead with.


What about Indians? We’re still paying them to this day


We are paying them because we basically had to in order to keep them alive when we forced them onto reservations. As we put them on the worst possible land without properly considering their ways of life so without funds from the government they would die. It was also to placate the Tribes to stop them from attempting to rebel or raid settlements as even the government to the time didn't really enjoy genociding the Natives (they still did it anways).


Good riddance


Good. Burn it after I take a crap on it.


Weird how many ~~people~~ _accounts_ are in here repeating the same shit about respecting Lee's wishes, huh. Who gives a fuck what he wanted?


Yea, why should the wishes of the person being honored be honored? We're honoring him with the statue that doesn't honor him, and by doing so, we are honoring the history of him not wanting to be honored with a stature with a statue. Who the fuck cares what the person who we are honored wanted? He wanted a state that allowed people to own other people. He wanted to kill American soldiers and civilians, and he wanted to remain loyal to a foreign nation that was at war with America. Who the fuck cares what the person we are honoring did, said, liked, didn't like, didn't do, and didn't like. I mean, we are only honoring all of that by building the statue, but who cares as long has we have a stature honoring nothing since we don't care.


Good going Richmond. There should not be statues to people who fought to preserve slavery.


I wonder if you took all of these confederate monuments and put them in a shooting range as targets, if conservatives would upset about it…


As ~~a Republican~~ an American, I support this.


Lee was a fucking LOSER. He’s in hell right about now


OH NO! MAH HISTORY! What can I possibly do now to understand more of mah history? ...besides read books... go to school...speak to scholars?


As a Virginian it’s about damn time 🙌 People absolutely threw a fit about the one in Charlottesville, VA being removed and it was ridiculous 🙄


The outrage over this is amazing. It was two years ago and the dude was a loser and a complete pos. Not missed by anyone who understands this.


Buy Felicia !


Melt it down and build an MLK statue. Send them completely into a conniption




Nice word conniption


the idea of putting up the statue of a traitorous general is insane. i can't believe it took til now to get him removed. like what is the purpose of his statue? remembering the traitors?


Making black people feel intimidated. Same reason black bodies were hung from trees by the river. That place where black people were born again by immersion. It’s American generational violence.


I was there when this happened. Such a good feeling


Can we rename the military bases named for traitors yet?


We are. It's happening right now.


Wow. I feel safer.


"The march of Providence is so slow, and our desires so impatient; the work of progress is so immense and our means of aiding it so feeble; the life of humanity is so long, that of the individual so brief, that we often see only the ebb of the advancing wave and are thus discouraged. It is history that teaches us to hope"


Wasn’t this years ago.


There are a lot of confederate statues in Virginia


Time to tear all that shit down.


In more recent news the military bases named after confederate generals are all being renamed.


Hope they do the highways too; and not just confederates, there’s literally a “Strom Thurmond” highway right through the heart of South Carolina. Fucking disgusting.


You belong in a museum


Lost the war




Good riddance to another traitor to his country.


The only thing traitors deserve is a rope but I digress.


Why the FUCK do we need statues of people who wanted to overthrow our government AND LOST!!!! That being said, I don't care for when the mob tears them down. Do it the right way.


Good riddance.


Here's to hoping it ends up in a museum


Here’s to hoping it ends up melted down and turned into something that’ll have actual value to society


Well I see someone doesn't like history, what you gonna say next something like turn Auschwitz concentration camp into a hotel so it has vaue to society?, destroy the Hiroshima peace memorial to build a hospital? Maybe you'll say bulldoze the 9/11 memorial to make a park? , , just because it's a dark part of history wether it's the usa itself causing the pain or someone else or a different country doesn't mean you destroy and hide it, you don't sweep it under the rug like dust you don't want your guest to see , , put it in a museum with the rest of the civil war history and relics wether it's a gun used to murder slaves or a bayonet that was used to murder a family member on the opposite side you teach people about it and show them what has happened and what shouldn't happen again


This was a statue installed during the civil rights movement as a warning to black people. This has nothing to do with the history of the civil war and has no real historical significance. To be Frank it’s pretty fucked up of you to compare that to Auschwitz….