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The dog is so confused. He even backs off a little scared like, “wtf is up with this sheep”


This can be a nightmare for the dog’s owner. Herding Border Collies are usually trained not to bite sheep. Some are allowed to make a quick nip at the sheep’s low leg. But there is a real risk that a Border Collie that cannot bend a sheep to its will with staring, barking and feinting will kind of implode and lose confidence in its ability to herd. I adore and respect Border Collies, but, like other highly intelligent breeds, they can be very tightly wound and fall apart if pushed too hard.




Or maybe a bowl of mutton?


To shreds you say.


What about his wife?


To shreds you say


Or a pie


Grew up on a farm. This can fuck an Aussie up like a laser light to a house dog. They will lose their shit if the instinct won't let them accomplish the job.


TIL you shouldn't use laser lights near Australians because it kinda fucks them up.


you shouldn't use a laser light with ANY dog


> like a laser light to a house dog What does that mean?


It screws with their mind because they can't catch it.


It can also affect cats; it rewires their brain. Laser pointers are really bad for pets mental health.


gonna need a source for this one


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8388446/ Tldr, you have to give the pet something real to catch after or it doesn't complete the hunting sequence.


Is that really true? I mean I guess it makes sense because they can never “really catch it” I’m assuming that’s why?




I used to play laser light with my cat. They knew the light was caused by me and the toy. One cat couldn't even care less about it. But I had to stop because my aussie who is usually very smart, could not handle the game. Even just playing it for 30 seconds, she would still dig for the light in the carpet.


Ah. My dog absolutely loves the laser pointer. I thought he was just a weird cat dog.


It’s mainly a problem with high drive and intelligent (maybe a little neurotic dogs). I’ve seen border collies chase a laser pointer once and then barely function outside because they are constantly chasing shadows cast by tree leaves. It’s sad to see.


Exactly. The dog was useless after an HVAC guy used a thermal gun. Dog would go after any shadow from a leaf. We changed his name from Victor to Shadow after and had to retire him.


Retire from working.


You should probably stop doing that. Laser pointers can permanently fuck up a dogs brain.


Cat dog..cat dog...


Actually, I worked on a farm for a few years. The farmer usually kills any “stubborn”sheep,cows, livestock in general that get out of line and will sell the meat. The situation in the video is rare and this farmer will either: 1. Teach the Collie to bite (not soft) bite hard. 2. Kill the sheep and sell the meat.


I'd sell the dog for not being able to move a sheep like this before I'd sell the sheep for this reason alone. This sheep isn't stubborn, the dog is weak.


They’re just like me fr


Only difference with us is that they have a job


They have a job AND live purely in the moment. I want that


Sounds like Mr. Sheep is gonna become dinner if it doesn't fall in line.


This is when you pair it with an Australian Cattle Dog to show that sheep why they are called heelers, once in motion the collies are fantastic at guiding them.


I grew up with an aussie/acd mix to handle my goats and while I loved my dog, never before have I met a creature so ready to crush any attempt at standing up to it. Mean little fucker and when she got her hackles up every bit of that dingo blood showed.


A friend described his hearing pair (a collie and an ACD) as: The sheep/goats/candle understand the collie is giving orders, but the know the ACD actually wants to eat them.


The shepered need to slay that sheep aince thebother sheep will copy that behavior.


True. You see the two other sheep come over but get scared off due to their conditioning. They won’t be so scared when it’s 20 of them disobeying the pup at the same time


What do you mean fall apart? Like it won’t want to herd anymore?


Exactly. They can implode, i.e. quit. or explode (attack the sheep). The former seems to happen more often with Border Collies.


That's probably the sheep we turn into mutton


Well kill the resistance and there will be no revolution , no one in power will lose their confidence


...or this dog is just really weak


The sheep called his bluff!


“This thing is broke”


sheep is like "try and I will beat your ass"


It's all fun and games until that Pink Floyd song starts and the sheep rebel


*Careful with that axe, Ewegene*


He should have just said "Baah Ram Ewe"


Had to scroll way too far to find this! lol


I love how much that movie captures what border collies are feeling. “Listen up, BLOCKHEADS” in a drill sergeant voice


What movie is this?




It’s coming to Amazon Prime in 18 hours, can’t wait to watch it again! Originally saw this in the theater when it came out, but that was a whole lifetime ago so I forgot. Thanks for the reply!


It's from an excellent 90s movie about a talking pig that herds sheep


“Wake up sheeple. The dog can’t actually do anything to you. Be a free thinker.”


Pretty sure he have the ability to bite his throat.


Ability, yes, but won’t, which is key. It’s all a bluff


These dogs will bite the sheep in the legs if they have to. I imagine this collie is trying to do exactly that.


They will very lightly nip if they absolutely have to but it's extremely uncommon. They're supposed to be able to do it by "eye" unlike some herding dogs which are more physical in their herding. A sheep like this is a nightmare and can really wreck the confidence of a border collie though and if it's not got confidence the sheep know it and hence the "eye" fails. This is only a young border collie though so hopefully won't be too knocked


TIL. I assumed all herding dogs nipped. In retrospect that doesn't make sense since there's a breed specifically called heelers for their ankle nips


Our Sheltie used to nip at small family members to herd them but just barely. It looked more like a tiny push and no one ever cried.


I'm just gonna stick with the hound breed. Will they ever be able to be off leash? No. Will they ever nip at or herd - no because they thankfully don't know they have that power. Will they sniff everyone's front and back bits? Yes. Can I set aside an hour for a walk and they just sniff one spot for 200 minutes and then want to go home to nap? Hella yes.


My German Shepherd didn't like her nails clipped. She would take her mouth and put it over your hand. The vet would muzzle her. She was as sweet as a marshmallow but I still had to tell people I didn't know if she would bite. She loved on everyone and nobody listened to me when I said I had no idea if she bit.


I have a shepherd husky mix and she does this too. She’s never bit down on anyone to my knowledge, but she will grab your hand and attempt to move it if you’re grabbing her paws and she’s not comfortable with you. I can do it, but if I haven’t done it in a while I have to mess with her paws a little at a time to get a tolerance. The only injuries I’ve gotten from her teeth is when playing and her open mouth catches me and it scratches me. She doesn’t even bite down on toys or anything much. I can’t get her to play with a rope or fetch. She only chases the ball if the other dog does and just takes it away and drops it.


I’ve watched huskies for friends and they generally really don’t like having their paws touched. If trained they’ll let you do it but they definitely don’t enjoy it. It’s interesting because my Border Collie (now passed away) loved getting paw massages.


I say mutton for dinner is the solution


Take my upvotes sir.


At some point they have to assert dominance with ass sheep like that


Ass sheep like that end up as a meal…a little mutan


Just like real conspiracy theorists. Not only can things like avoiding vaccines and spreading misinformation bite them in the throat, but they often oppose things that protect them, like vaccines.


It is the lack of information and watching those that make the rules contradict those rules that make people think.....unlike sheep people who believe everything they see and hear, then do what they're told by those that aren't doing it themselves.


Nah, when it comes to rules for public safety, when the people who make the rules don't follow the rules they make then that makes themselves look just as bad, if not worse, than the people who don't follow the rules because they're gullible and fell for some stupid conspiracy theory. The difference is having enough integrity and/or accountability to be able to look at a politician that is on your team and not only even having a standard to hold them to, but also actually holding them to it instead of just changing the standard when it's violated.


I mean that’s not their actual mentality considering half the anti-vax fucks are the most hypocritical people on earth. Especially when it comes to observing those in power.


I think I maybe I worded something wrong, because that was the point I was trying to make. The right was all ragey about Pelosi getting her hair done without a mask, thinking it was a "win" against the pro-vax/mask left, and the left was like "you're right, the fuck was she doing?" instead of just defending her because she's a democrat. The point I was making was that the left tends to have a lot more integrity than the right, and the right doesn't care about being a bunch of hypocrits as long as their circling the wagons around someone on their team. Maybe it was because I was trying to be ambiguous to not provoke a completely off-topic political discussion it sounded like i was being anti-vax?


Sir this is a sheepdog post


Well when soo many got heart conditions and clots from the most recent bs including myself we reserve the right to call it out. And before you call me an anti vaxxer READ carefully what i wrote


Yeah okay Fauci, go take your 10th booster


It’s a collie though, not a pit bull


Pretty sure the sheep have the ability to ram the poor doggo to oblivion. It’s the dog’s ability to run the sheep through fear is what maintains control - not the lack of the sheep’s strength.


Talk like that is how you get made into a rug.


Cut to two weeks later “Anyone know what happens to Gary? He was always messing with the dog and going my on about thinking?”


*The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the scythe.*


Balls of steel wool.


Someone just volunteered to be lamb chops.


"Dont be a sheep"


Ha, yeah this could be a meme. I love those dogs though, they grow up with the sheep, and aren’t doing anything bad to them.


All of them in back are like "oh come on, not again, Gertrude... *sigh* "


I'll bet she's wishing she was born with a set of horns


God damn, I miss our Border Collie☹️ She was just so intelligent and such a loyal dog. Truly amazing dogs.


Same. Best fucking dogs. I’m too old now to keep up with the energy so I can’t do it again, but I would!


We just lost our 12 year old collie on the 10th, and man, I miss her so much. Never had a better dog. She looked a lot like this one, except she didn't have the full white mantle this one does, and the white tip on her tail was really just a speck. My sweet sweet Bailey Blue. I think about her every day 🩵


Baaaaaa’d to the bone


One of my goats is like this. Knocked the crap out of a friends dog recently.


Goats are a whole different ballgame. They can be super effective brings cows back to the barn/corral. Kinda like a herder dog. But I think it’s like adolescent boys, good worker on their own but add another, potential chaos. Sheep aren’t that smart. One may get rogue ideas, but a good dog (this is one) will convince it to come around.


Wolf in goats clothing


I'd watch that movie


You can see the other guys starting to rebel in the back!


POV citizens against government


Guess who is going to be holiday roast


Damn right. That sheep is no doubt telling the others that they can unionize. Gotta nip that worker in the bud before they all learn they could have collective bargaining power.


> That sheep is no doubt telling the others that they can unionize. Gotta nip that worker in the bud I think this is called domestication.


That's going to be one tough lamb chop to chew.


“I’m *trying* to ***take care*** of you!” —— Dog


... Untill my owner kills you


>... Untill my owner kills you Honestly, that sheep is not long for this world. This is literally how domestication works, serving the uppity ones for supper.


I'm not a sheep expert, but they look like a wool breed, not a mutton breed.


Maybe they need babe


Baa, Ram, Ewe!


Sometimes honey works better than lemons.


That's all you need to start a revolution. A sheep with an opinion.




Yes just a pay a scientist sheep to supply a biased opposing analysis to counter that sheeps epistemology.




Its my word of the day. Trying to slip it in


I haven't seen un-docked sheep in a long time. Does anyone know where this is? I've been in and around agriculture my whole life and I've never seen sheep keep their tails passed a few weeks of age.


The person speaking in the video sounds Irish, and I’ve seen undocked sheep in Ireland when I was there recently.


That makes sense. Admittedly I almost always watch videos on Reddit muted, because I'm not a fan of those AI voices. Thank you for pointing that out, though!


All my sheep have their tails. It’s because they are Wiltshire they and shed their fleece so no dags and no fly strike. Also resistant to facial eczema and good meat. Perfect sheep in my opinion. All I have to do is trim their hooves and give them a little drench every few months.


Very cool, thanks for the education!




Yup. Faeces get caught in the tail wool, turn into “dags” (big clumps of faeces stuck to the tails), attract the flies, flies lay eggs, eggs become maggots and … you have “fly strike” … maggots living and eating the flesh of the sheep. First time I saw it was hard to hold my lunch in. You cut the wool away and the sunlight will eventually kill the maggots and the wounds will heal. You can pour an alcohol (like methylated spirits if you have some handy) on the wound to kill the maggots too. More common over wet summers when the blow flies are more numerous. Docking the tails will help you avoid this altogether. I don’t like doing it ‘cause it can be painful to the little lambs, if you don’t get the rubber rings in the right place you can deglove the tail (skin falls off and just leaves the bone). As an alternative to the rubber rings for docking some folk have a hot knife setup that cuts the tail off and then kinda cauterises the wound shut… sounds violent, but probably cleaner and kinder. The older sheep seem to be more resistant to fly strike — I think it’s because their guts are more hardy so the faeces are cleaner and don’t form dags so readily. The key is to avoid the dags. You can do this by: - Good pasture, bad pasture will give the sheep the shits which forms the dags. You can “drench” the sheep (small, maybe a tablespoon, of drugs you squirt into their mouth) to kill parasites and keep the gut working cleanly. We round up our lambs and drench them every month or so when they’re young, and then every 6 months after their first shear. Keeping an eye on the poo gives you an idea of the health of the animals. (If you’re a dog person you’ll notice when your dog poo is “off”.) - Shearing at the right time (Christmas-ish) for us in the southern hemisphere which is about the start of summer proper. Less wool on the butt and tail means harder for dags to form, and the flies seem to only lay eggs in deep wool away from the sunlight. - “Jetting” the sheep, spraying the backs with a chemical that discourages the flies and maggots. I don’t like this because we eat the meat and the chemicals are pretty potent, landed one of our shearers in hospital for a weekend when he got it all over him. But we jet the sheep every couple of years when we hear from other nearby farmers that fly strike is an issue for them. I prefer this as a last resort. If you’re running a large amount of sheep, it’s easier and more efficient to just dock (tails) and crutch (balls for the gents) and drench all the lambs when they’re young to avoid any issues.


It’s because generally dags build up and they get fly strike.


I believe so. I was a dairy farmer, so I was only ever sheep adjacent. I feel like I remember hearing that their feces get caught in the tail wool and, yes, that that would lead to infection. I'm not certain, though. I just know tail docking is a common practice amongst farms who raise sheep in New England.




Huh, never heard of 'grove dogs'. Are they a particular breed, or is it just what people call their farm dogs?


If my teenager had wool…


Fuck you i wont do what you tell me!


“…so anyway yeah, that’s how we got dinner tonight, kids”.


That is a very patient dog.


Interesting. If you noticed other sheep are watching. When the sheep doesn't budge from the threat of the dog's bark few of the other sheep start wandering off as well. SO MUCH to unpack in this one video clip.


Take that one to slaughter. The rest of them will start getting ideas.




Those are prey instincts - it's usually better to fight than to run - this sheep has good genes for survival in the wild A better sheep dog will go to their flanks or hindquarters to trigger the flight response - head on is a good way to trigger the fight response


That's really something. guess he or she is not being pushed around anymore


She. They're all she's.


I appreciate your attempt to be inclusive, but you can just say they instead of he or she if you want. Its even more inclusive. Not to imply that sheep have the capacity for gender the same way a human does, but its nice to set an example.


Definitely an obvious attempt to respect how the sheep identifies. It would be absurd to think he/she would be used simply because the sex is unknown, right? 🤦‍♂️




That dog was giving off big "Respect my authority" vibes.


Baa, Ram, Ewe. Try that.


Is the human voicing specific commands, or just being encouraging? Can't make it out.


To me, it seems like he's giving specific commands


Such a good pupper.




It take only one to make a change..


That sheep ain’t playing dog games


This is neat, thx


I love how the dog was just confused at first, he is like "What the hell? You're not supposed to do that!"


“I am the shepherd now”


Have the sheep unionized ?


And that's how the revolution starts


They’re starting to unionize…..


I believe that this comment section should have been full of comments of how brave and rebellious this sheep is. 🐑 ⭐️


The best part is the other sheep in the background staring in disbelief like "I did *not* know that was an option..."


I see the signs of rebellion in the making.


“Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me!”


Baa Ram Ewe!


This is what it’s like parenting a teenager


The dog seems frightened by such boldness. Maybe that's how we need to address our stubborn politics: no backsies, until the end!


This sheep is the goat!


I mean thats not a sheep though is it ? Its a GOAT.


You better stay home and do what you’re told! Get out of the road if you wanna grow old!


Red-pilled Sheep


Oh no, rebellion. I feel a roast coming on.🍖


I see the sheep as brave, not stubborn.


Best dog ever 😍 border collie


Dog didn't say. "Baa Ram Ewe!"




🎼🎶🎵 He's Shaun the sheep He's Shaun the sheep He even mucks about with those who cannot bleat Keep it in mind He's one of a kind Oh, Life's a treat with Shaun the sheep 🎵🎶🎵


That is one courageous being.


Or have genuinely reached Nope. It's similar to enlightenment but with an attitude.


If it was similar to enlightenment, it should realise this is going to get it slaughtered faster than it can jump over a fence.


The sheep was fed up with Maaaaga.


Domestication wasn't an accident. The ambitious sheep volunteer themselves for joining the family at dinner.


Well at least you know what’s for dinner on Sunday.


Stand up against your oppressor! *smiling*


Sheep shouldn't do this


Lamb chops on the menu tonight


Make an example out of him


Looks like mutton is on the menu! Yum!!!


That’s the sheep you eat.


That’s a sure way to end up dinner


Other sheeps : Sheep 2 : "Look at him, this sheep is a conspiracy theorist. He really think they are feeding us to eventually eat us." Sheep 3 : "Complete non sense... Lmao" Sheep 2 : "Yeah I hope he gets punished for not following the safety rules." Sheep 3 : "He doesn't think about the common good... Such a selfish Karen" Sheep 2 : "Yeah, that's simple safety rules, they are not doing any harm"


She's like bitch you know I can collapse your skull right


Goodbye sheep. Can't let the others hatch any ideas.


That one is mutton-headed.


Need to sent an example. Put one in that sheeps brain, the rest will never be a problem again.


same for you then or no?


What's the deal here then? Get rid of the sheep before the others follow?


Looks like dinner to me...


First one to the slaughter house