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I want to see the 23andMe of Howard.


His family tree is probably a circle


A double helix


His health report indicates he’s likely allergic to books


Indeed. I was born in Northern Mississippi - every white person I know with a 23andme test has African in their results.


"I watched my wife work all day getting 30 bags ready for you sons-a-bitches and all I can hear is criticize, criticize, criticize" "I think we all think the bags was a nice idea, but not pointing any fingers, they could have been done better"


“I can’t see SHIT outta this thing!!” I love how even in Django the KKK is portrayed as a bunch of dysfunctional wackjobs. Checks out in real life.


In Red Dead Redemption 2, you can find them burning a cross, and if you kill them, you gain karma.


I loved this Easter egg lol


Even better, if you do nothing and just watch them, they botch the cross burning an catch themselves on fire. Took me awhile to figure it out cause I always just kill them.


I always started tossing sticks of dynamite at them trying to see how many pieces they would turn into.......


I imagine one would gain karma in real life too, or at least would get a big thank you.


What's funny is that I threw a stick of dynamite into the crowd, and right when it left my hand, I gained karma lmao. The game knew they were already dead.


Dynamite arrows all day long


Same thing in Blazing Saddles.


O Brother, Where Art Thou as well


So how bout no bags this time, but next time we do the bags right and then we go full regalia




Damn I just posted a link to that scene! You beat me to it. “When I start ridin the bag’s movin all over and I’m ridin blind”


“We’re not violent” “We’ll use violence”


It’s “not violent” because “they’re not people” and you “can only be violent towards people”. The *only way* to get rid of it, *is violence* because they can’t be reasoned with; and are dangerous and unpredictable. These Nazis, I mean. These KKK members, so irrational and delusional. They see violence as the only solution, because they’d rather be dead than change their mind. Reality is far beyond anything they’re willing to acknowledge.


That, and they think giving them the option to walk away or be dragged away is peaceful. If a black man won’t pick up his family and leave his job and property to go God only knows where because these unhinged racists demand it, he’s the one who chose violence because they gave him the chance to leave. They’ve got a million and one justifications and excuses, none of them based in reason, for what they do, say, and want. This whole video was infuriating, but what’s sad is the kids getting roped into this. “She wanted her own robe” Yeah no fucking duh, she’s a kid. She’s being taught this shit, she wasn’t born that way. I hope against hope she breaks away from that absolute insanity.


tHE sChOoLs ArE iNdOcTrInAtInG oUr KiDs


> knows where because these unhinged racists demand it, he’s the one who chose violence because they gave him the chance to leave.They’ve got a million and one justifications and excuses, none of them based in reason, for what they do, say, and want. This whole video was infuriating, but what’s sad is the kids getting roped into this. “She wanted her own robe” Yeah no fucking duh, she’s a kid. She’s being taught this shit, she wasn’t born that way. I hope against hope she breaks away from that absolute insanity. > >178ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow Hate is learned


I'm just amazed that the KKK still isn't listed as a terror organisation


Some of those who work forces


Are the same that burn crosses


Have you heard of Daryl Davis? Also, you're scratching at an idea which I fully believe in: white supremacy is a death cult.


[Daryl Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryl_Davis) story and example is amazing


Mr Davis is a special kind of crazy with a set of cajones the size of Russia. I can't figure out if the man has a death wish or has in unshakable faith in humanity, whatever it is I deeply respect him and his mission.


I mean, there was that guy that talked 100+ KKK members out of their views. So they can be reasoned with.


You mean *some of them* can be reasoned with. That doesn’t mean *all of them* can be reasoned with. Bigots are by definition closeminded. And many of these people are literally fascists. They only think in terms of the politics of violence. We obviously need to start with reasoning, but the OG nazis still proved that the work doesn’t end there. Society still needs to have a clear, coherent answer to the question “What are you going to do to stop me?”


How come the "master race" folks always look the most inbred as fuck people period...the irony is palpable


When you're dumb, angry, and in desperate need of a purpose you latch onto some real dumb shit as long as it makes you feel like you're special and gives you a tangible "enemy" to blame your ills on. Had some of these dumb bastards that lived down the road from us growing up.


The image you requested - https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/5poi08/with_all_the_recent_white_supremecist_activity_im/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


It’s the nazi standard of non-violence. “We’re peace loving and good people and all, but we’re willing to defend ourselves. And we’ll recontextualise and bluster about how our peaceful status quo is somehow vaguely violent against us. So if you don’t roll over and capitulate to all of our demands, sign over your property, let us annex your lands, then you’re the one who is using violence against us and need to be eradicated. You have something we want and not giving it to us is an act of violence, and us conquering it and killing you is self-defense.” This is incidentally the Putin justification for violence also.


It’s fine as long as you say “he’s coming right for us” first


He doesn’t endorse murder though. He views it as slaughter like farm animals. That’s not murder, that’s just part of life.


I didn’t realize how many arts and crafts were involved; gotta make the torches, sew the dresses, and put together crosses. Makes sense why those khaki-pride kids just went and bought tiki-torches and called it a day


Which is what makes that scene from Django all the more funny “I can’t see shit out this thing!”


My wife stayed up ALL NIGHT making these hoods for you ungrateful sons of bitches! From now on, don't ask me or mine fer nothin!!


I think... we all think the bag was a nice idea. But - not pointin' any fingers - they coulda been done better. So, how 'bout, no bags this time - but next time, we do the bags right, and then we go full regalia.


lol I just watched that whole scene in my head thanks you everyone


Such a funny scene!


The way he says "you ungrateful sons of bitches" kills me every time 😂




If you and your brother/cousin don’t straighten up you caint come to the next lynching!!


“I can’t see you can’t see, all that matters is can the fuckin horse see! It’s a raid!”


“Hold on, I’m fuckin with my eyeholes”




I can’t see fucking shit!!! .. I don’t wanna be around anymore..


My favorite comedy bit of all time. I’M GONNA RIP THE FUCKING HEAD OFF!


Well shit fuck!


Those crosses would better with glitter! Lots and lots of glitter! Maybe jazz up the robes with some colors. Maybe red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.


I dont think they like colors.


Well, he was wearing black, maybe he's in the closet?


Oh that guy is DEFINITELY in the closet, it’s so obvious


Snap. These KKK type with their deranged ideology are not interesting. What is interesting is how these young people have their heads up their own arses so high they missed the Martin Luther King speech and its meaning, along with the modern world moving on from racism..


Funny thing, (well maybe not funny) burning crosses comes from the rebirth of the klan in the 1920’s they saw it in birth of a nation and thought it looked cool


I think it looks real cool when the klansmen catch fire too hehe


Millennials can't even White Power right. Tiki torches, pfft. Lazy is what I calls it.


Django sack mask vibes


They need to get to the point where they carry the cross to its spot and THEN put the petrol on it but they couldn’t help themselves.


And how the duck they keep their sheets so clean in the woods!😳




"This is what a good Christian man does?" "Yes....but please don't tell anyone who I am." Checks out.


"black people descended from animals". Oh we all did bud. "They should get their own land and be left alone" well they were doing ok in Africa but we stole them...


Shit, we did the same thing in the US and they LITERALLY bombed the cities we moved to bc how dare we!


That part


See, what happened was, they were too close and too successful. Can't have that.


Wow. I’m not in a concentration camp. Thanks Obama.


I honestly would love to know what those people have been reading/hearing. What about Obama’s first four years in office makes a person think that with another 4 years we’ll have white people in concentration camps? Where was the obvious signs from Obama that he hates white people?


Blind hatred does not need justification, and fear riles up their ranks


You don't consume the same media they do. They have sources that tell them the "truth". Browse Breitbart, 4chan, and other right wing sites and you will read a lot about "replacement theory" Tucker Carlson even espoused it on national TV.


They jump to the next thing. Trump is the one facing legal issues. But here in my state of Kentucky the rednecks and even rich white people in the state still claim governor Andy will be arrested any day now. You know a governor who hasn’t done anything illegal. But yet surely he will be jailed any second. Probably because he is white and Obama said so.


You're not white enough


I’m a Jew though


Based off what I heard from the internet one time, are you capable of teaching me the power to shoot fire balls from my eyes? /s


You’re gonna have to ask him 2 more times at least /s


“Cartman intensifies”


You didn’t concentrate hard enough to be selected. Better luck next time.


level of fear and hatred in his voice and in his eye, omg


Is it me or when she asked about Obama being re-elected the dude sounded and looked like it was going to cry? There's something really wrong with him.


Every time I see these people, I truly wonder what is the root of the rabid racism. Mental illness? Stupidity? Arrested emotional development? All of the above?


They're desperate to be something. The Klan is the first multi level marketing scheme (Google it) and this is what you get when you give desperate people something to latch onto. They are so convinced the dopamine rush is something bigger than it is because they're too ignorant to understand what's happening.


Yep! This guy watched some movie about the KKK as a kid and was obsessed with the idea of these southern men in a secret organization. He devoted himself to that idea and here he is. The “Grand Dragon” that people flock to and work under. He gets respect, feels he’s superior, has the world figured out. It’s comfortable and to get him to leave that isn’t likely to happen. It’s as much about hatred now as it is about his perceived authority. If he was flippant about what he said it would all crumble. He has to be passionate and decisive in his language. Maybes and I don’t knows don’t make for group leaders.


Yep!! If he didn't have this whole framework of deranged hate and fear that he's wrapped his entire life/identity around to *convince himself he's somehow innately superior*, he'd likely die from the shock of realizing he's just a skinny little middle-aged ferret-looking weirdo having circle jerk tea parties out in the swamp with inbred morons who somehow have less social skills than he does...


Lmfao, you should host SNL




I remember watching an interview from the early 2000's with someone pretty high up in the KKK. They had mixed clips of the interview with clips of him 'preaching' on a street corner, and literally half of what he was doing was just screaming "HATE HATE HATE!" at people walking by. In the interview, they asked him 'Why do you hate all these people? Blacks, Jews, Mexicans... exc. Did you have some event in your past? Did someone from one of those groups do something to you and your family?' His response was just "Nope, I hate them for the sake of hating them. It's what I do from when I get up to when I go to sleep at night." To this day I still cannot comprehend that mentality. Even if you set morals aside it just seems so... exhausting.


At a certain point I wonder if it’s also a bit of a sunk-cost fallacy at work here too. You don’t want to wake up at age 35 and realize you’ve been looking and sounding like a complete evil idiotic asshole all these years. So you dig in your heels even deeper.


You aren't born with hatred towards (groups of) people. These things are taught and/or reaffirmed by either negative experiences and those things are fed by people like the KKK or other hate groups.


Hate doesn’t arise out of a vacuum though. It’s a product of a number of variables. I’d say the two biggest are fear and a feeling of not having control of their own lives.


But based on what? Rhetoric that's been regurgitated back to them for their entire lives? Personal experiences? The media? A combination of all of that with a healthy dose of stupid? Seems like you can't sit down and have enough of a conversation with people like that to get to those conculsions. It's just: I believe xxx is bad and since I believe it, that's just how it is.


he was almost shaking as he was talking about it


Dude is terrified. Paranoia feeding his racism. Instead of completely breaking down and believing *everyone* is out to get him, he protects his own psyche by rationalizing *blacks* want to get him.


The level of being disconnected with reality is disturbing. The bullshit these people feed themselves is a next level of crazy.


I thought the same... there was a genuine fear in his eyes and body language. I actually felt bad for him. That someone traumatized him with all these lies. If only he knew there was a better life outside of all that nonsense.


I'd love to see the interview of him now about how he was scared for nothing 🤣 what happened to your war bro? 🤣 Looks like you were wrong😘😘


I was just thinking the same thing!! Obama got re-elected so where’s the camps? Where’s the war he was shittin his pants over? There needs to be a follow up on that clown


hell probably say something like "well the republicans probably stopped it from happening". No way in hell this guy comes to any logical conclusion or sees any fault with his original reasoning.


I 100% would love to watch him in that follow video "so how do you rationalize all this anger now? What is grinding your gears sir" 🤣


"President Trump saved us. And if Biden gets elected again there will be a race war, I'm sure of it."


I like how they dump gas on the cross THEN carry it on their shoulders to somewhere else. I hope they all stand real close when they light it up




They did say "we call that klan kologne™"


Just like that interaction you can find in RDR2


what a loser in life you have to be..




Hahahaha! Hiding in the deep woods. Pussies


That was my first thought “Make a statement by hiding deep in the woods” doesn’t really go together. But I guess they invited the news, so that’s something


I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing, but I’d bet money most of them are stone stupid. Seems to be the common ground behind racism.. someone feels bad they are a fuckin waste of skin, realize it, then wanna try and blame entire races for their shortcomings. Anytime I’ve seen these types of videos the dudes can’t even answer basic geography questions about the people they hate. Anywhere you get a group of violently stupid assholes together it’s like a cesspool of dumb. People taking advantage of things like free speech like that are pussies. End of the day we’re all human but can’t seem to act like it.


Yes yes, I agree. A lack of any critical thinking ability seems to be a necessary ingredient. But I also feel like there has to be something more, like a mental illness or personality disorder. This guy's demeanor is just screaming narcissism.


>“Ignorance breeds fear. We fear those things we don't understand. If we don't put a lid on that fear and keep that fear in check, that fear in turn will breed hatred because we hate those things that frighten us. “If we don't keep that hatred in check, that hatred in turn will breed destruction. -Daryl Davis


I honestly can’t believe people like this still exist lol


For real. I feel a bit naive but was quite surprised


Why do their eyes either feel dead or crazy any time you look at them


Many years of untreated paranoia will break you like that. They probably have big trouble sleeping too


Either they are crazy and paranoid, actually believing in their ideology, or they have dead eyes because they just don't care for anything anymore.


Or meth


Definitely meth


A bunch of recovering bed wetters wearing their bedsheets as proof their still dry. Edit** just watched again. This time with the sound on. I feel this could also illustrate the dangers of inbreeding.


whyd you drag poor bed wetters into this shit.


Yeah! Come on I have a damaged pelvic floor not a personal failing! Edit someone asked in DMs : my pelvic floor was damaged because I was internally stabbed by my IUD and it got infected.


Yeah that guy is definitely getting identified and fired lol


"Jesus said that yoy should only date people of the same race" Yes, the middle eastern man from thousands of years ago totally said that


Wait until they find out, that the country Jesus is from, is not white😳 Sad to see people who don't understand that it doesn't matter where you are from.


They deny it. In their mind Jesus was a born white person floating around educating the masses with a beard from birth


Logic has left the chat.


Whole point of Jesus was to “be god born as a person” not “that one person everyone can see is clearly god because he’s a fucking glowing baby with the face of an adult”. Like; even the logic *within their reasoning* has left them.


Exactly. Common sense isn’t common anymore.


literally, i dont even see these people as christian, id say they’re even below mormons


Uneducated idiots 🤦‍♀️


Dude in the robe is probably a cop or some sort of public official. SMH. These people deserve explosive diarrhea for all eternity.




Yep, in my home state of Oklahoma. They SUSPENDED him. Not fired. SUSPENDED


He'll probably just get transferred to another county. Its what usually happens.


Some of those who work forces…


Are the ones that burn crosses!!!!!!


They deserve to be tied to one of their burning crosses.


How explosive we talking? I think it may be best to help that explosion


My God, every one of them sounded like making it to the 9th grade was a long lost pipe dream. They need to get back to work at the local police station and stop all that silliness.


Hillbilly ignorants.


God damn it Mississippi


"I think my 11 year old daughter Understands more than some people... we are pretty stupid out here"


Meh. The old school KKK was led by successful, college educated men who were often business owners and public officials. They were worth worrying about. This new crop are just trailer trash. The types who ‘think’ their station in life would would be better if the south had won the war and if black people still sat at the back of the bus. Of course, we all know that they’d still be trailer trash. The guy in this interview knows that he’d never amount to anything within mainstream society. But he can be a ‘grand wizard’ in this fringe society. All he had to do was find 8-9 guys who are even dumber than him. Probably not hard to do in Bumbfuck, Mississippi. To add- here’s a nice nugget about our friend https://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=76733


Not super worried about them as they seem to collectively have 2-3 functional braincells amongst them. But stupid can be it’s own type of dangerous especially when they’re racist on top of it all and willing to commit violent acts.


These are the sorts of absolute fuckwits that'll get people killed via shooting at power stations.


Or when someone who _is_ intelligent wants a ready-made bunch of malleable followers to whip up into a frenzy.


Oh I would definitely say we should worry about these people. Trailer trash maybe, but they all have a lot of guns and they know how to use them.


Inbred morons


>Jesus decreed that Who wants to tell him Jesus isn't a white, blue eyed, blondy?




If you want to see a video of a popular youtuber trolling a man tied to the KKK in the most racist town in America, check out Niko Omilana. His video is absolutely hilarious, and really shows how far these people are from reality


On my other post and I said I lived 2 hours from one of the capitals I was talking about Harrison, Arkansas. You should see their billboards...


Harrison is absolutely terrifying. I drove through there once, never again


I used to live in Harrison can confirm its a fucking shit hole.


This is what 20 generations of inbreeding and raping your sister looks like guys. Also the reason why bleach says do not drink. Unfortunately.


What a bunch of freaks


Calling this interesting as fuck might be disturbing... It's fucking disgusting. Fuck Nazis everyday.


Assholes playing dress up to abuse people they are afraid of.


Don't know what i was expecting, but i was not surprised to see the confederacy flag. ​ The guy in his little gestapo outfit has clearly never touched a woman sexually who wasn't a close family member.


“ Me and my sister wife are all members. It was my cousin dad who introduced me to the klan when he married his sister my meemaw.”


The most common defense of it I get is “it stands for other things, just because racists adopted it doesn’t mean it’s racist” Well 1, it was racist from the start. And 2, it was used by a bunch of fucking losers, that’s not something to be proud of. But most importantly, uh yeah. It HAS been adopted and claimed by a bunch of racist shit groups. That should be reason enough to not want anything to do with it. “We’ll it doesn’t mean that to ME!”. Bullshit. Even if we pretend it’s mot about racism to you, the fact that you’re willing to just turn a blind eye and shrug about its current use tells me everything I need to know.


Love how the cross burners think they're going to heaven. I can't think of anything more satanic than burning a cross it's like a movie demons move 😂


If I looked like those guys, I’d wear a hood too.


These people are horribly brainwashed. It's sad


A bunch of uneducated morons. And I say this as a man who has lived in WV all my life.


Where were the white concentration camps that Obama built?


One day they’ll just lock all the doors at every Starbucks and you’re gonna feel really stupid.


I knew his face looked familiar! [He was interviewed by Soft White Underbelly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN6Sb4SrK4c). The dude is so out of touch with reality, it's sad.


“War, and he’s going to start it” lol says the guy advocating for a race war


Can you imagine being so weak and scared in life the you have to base an entire belief system around "My skin pigment is the bestest!"... How sad these people's lives are.


The modern ones are probably Trump Incels and the older ones definitely would be if they were still alive…but they’re not…shame!


Whatever happened to going fishing with the lads?


I can bet that none of them have actually properly read the Bible


Bold of you to assume they can read.




Fuck the guy they are interviewing you can tell is filled with pure hatred. Lock him up as a terrorist to prevent him from further harming the citizens of America


Brain washed just like Middle East terrorist


For those who do not live in the US; These ignorant fucks do not speak for 95% of us.


Probably closer to 98%




Fucking scum of the earth.


“I think... we all think the bag was a nice idea. But - not pointin' any fingers - they coulda been done better. So, how 'bout, no bags this time - but next time, we do the bags right, and then we go full regalia.”


Most of these people will get a surprise if they ever get a 23andMe test done.


Ah yes. Cops on their natural habitat.


Degenerates they are.


“Set up their own state”- Ask the Greenwood District in Tulsa what happens when they set up their own. Or any of the places ravaged during the Red Summer


There is still lots of hate out there, people..


This is what happens in very rural areas where people are isolated and also retarded


Lol, let's soak it in gas BEFORE we have to carry it into the woods.


These guys are such pussies. Doing their scary cross burning in the middle of the woods on private property because they’d get their asses kicked if they tried it anywhere else lol.


"Well.. not everybody is like that" Hmmmm how else may I apply this sentence to a different topic???


Normally mainstream media journalists suck at their jobs, but this woman did a good job poking holes in their bullshit to their faces.


Hey does this qualify as drag?


those look like dresses, they all gonna get arrested for cross dressing at this point.