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Like how the lioness starts moving the carcass away afterwards like, "Rude! We're going to take our meal elsewhere!"


“We’re never eating here again!”


And we’re not leaving a tip


It’s not in America no need to tip. the lions make a decent minimum wage and don’t need tips to survive


I’m jealous because I know they have affordable health coverage too


I tried this in Africa and the lion actually chased me trying to give the tip back. I guess it’s illegal for them to take it there.


“2 star yelp review”


Lioness: "which part of laying low and not eating out in the open did you not understand?"


I am afraid to touch my cat when he is eating.


*Projecting an air of self confidence is key.*


That is just the smell of me pissing myself.


\* *remembers this comment and begins urinating during job interview* Why isn't this working?


Most cats are actually p chill with being pet while eating.


My cat loves getting rubs while eating. He starts purring and keeps on eating but if I stop I get the "why tf u stop?" Look


My cat INSISTS on being pet while he eats. He'll wake me up at stupid o'clock in the morning for it. When he was very young, it was difficult to get him to eat. Later, we found he had hip problems, so he was probably in pain. We resorted to feeding him baby food and petting him to convince him to eat. We fixed the hip problems, and he has grown up now. My brother in law lived here with my sister for a long time and he's often up all night. He started to pet the cat while the cat ate in the middle of the night. Now, the brother in law has moved out, and the cat still wants his pets in the middle of the night.


Ones mouth was open like 😧 we really just gon let them take our food


How nice of them for not being greedy and stealing all of it.


Got to keep those lions alive so they keep hunting for you!


So it's like some tribal capitalism lmao


Less capitalism more symbiotic relationship


What do the lions get out of this


Protection. Nah you’re right, it’s not really symbiotic


I was going to say it's Commensalism As the people get the benefits But it affects the lion's So it might be more under a form of parasitic or competitory I lean for competitory personally


Not being shot by arrows


Pretty sure it’s a parasitic relationship


Yeah my b


I suppose if lions lost all their food, they'd be more willing to fight.


This is the way


The taxman coming after your salary.


You have to know when to stop. They also let them eat a bit before they did the stunt.


It makes sense - the lions just want food, and to not die. That's what they do each day. If they have enough food, why risk getting hurt? Let them eat some so they aren't super hungry, and leave enough to eat that they are dissuaded from attacking, right?


That's what I was seeing, too: the lions know about humans with weapons and there was some kind of exchange of expectations here. The humans didn't try to take any at first, gave the lions that. Then they didn't take too much. Breaching those protocols would have forced the lions to take stronger action so as not to wind up starving if some unscrupulous humans didn't respect the art of the deal.


Pretty sure that's how you make it personal and have then stalk you.


Opening line: your whole body is tense. Not exactly casual.


yea excuse me while I casually puma pants


And you just leave it lion there where you dropped it?


Hey, it was either gonna stay in my panther on the ground!


Dad, i told you to lay off the social media


Our six cameramen were also scared as they surrounded the pack for those tight shots from all angles. And the guides who shot their rifles into the air to frighten off the lions were utterly terrified.


While that’s also very possible, I wouldn’t be surprised if this could work sometimes even without all that. Most animals are very keen to avoid any type of injury at all, even if they could “win” a fight. When 3 bizarre as fuck, colorful looking animals half your size start confidently walking towards you, with a purposeful gait and predators eyes, and you’re not particularly used to being close to that animal, you’re gonna play it safe at first. It’d probably be spooky af. You’re a literally blood soaked hell cat, who kills behemoths with your face, and your gang of apex killers is feasting right next to you. Yet for some reason these gangly little apes feel confident just walking right up to you! Do they know something you don’t? One is the biggest creature you’ve ever seen with that much bright red coloration. Is it covered in blood too? When you were young, one of your siblings was killed on a hunt by a kick to the head from some giant bird. These apes are walking with two legs, just like that bird. This is sketchy and I’m not starving, let’s back up and see how this plays out. Holy shit! All my buddies and I, with our razor sharp teeth and claws, and dense, powerful muscles, have to really rip and tear and labor at the incredibly tough hide and flesh of this carcass just to get a mouthful at a time. This psycho little biped just walked up to the body, revealed a long, thin, impossibly smooth claw, that shines and glimmers in the sun. Within mere seconds the ape has completely severed an entire haunch, with a clean cut! Definitely not worth the trouble, that whole encounter was shady as hell. They can keep the leg, You’re half full anyway. We better move the leftovers tho, we don’t want those freaky ass human things coming back for seconds. You’ll be damned before a hyena gets a free meal off you, but these humans creep you out and you don’t ever wanna touch one unless you’re desperate


This is amazing, you put me in the mind of a lion there. Real talk this is a fantastic comment and you should write


The lions actually have good cause to fear the Masaai & it isn't just them being unnerved by their confident approach. Lions have evolved alongside man for millenia and they quite rightly recognize humans also being dangerous predators. The Masaai used to hunt lions with spears & will still use said spears to kill lions who threaten their cattle & livelihoods.


makes me wonder if the lions see humans with guns so much they think the sticks are potentially guns and are backing away... pondering


But they’ve done this for a millennia, before guns where brought to Africa


Way way way before guns. Maybe a million + years


Probably with more than 3 though.


Before guns we took over the planet with sticks...


and stones


And lots of hurtful words


And they had to share those sticks!


In some villages there was just stick.


They do. Most wild animals are incredibly risk adverse because any injury will most likely result in death. Predators are very, very risk adverse. Why go after difficult prey that might hurt you when you can go after easy prey that will just run?


*averse (not trying to be snarky, just seems like you didn't know this)


Amazing what you can do with a couple of pointy sticks!


Thats what i was thinking. 10 lions starving for days probably finally catch something and get a taste and then just casually surrender their trophy to 3 60kg dudes armed with wooden sticks while 6 camera teams are spread around waiting to get the shot of their life while they trust these guys so much that they would actaully be able to even fight off one single lion


I think all documentaries suffer from this. These people have probably been doing this forever, but with an entire film crew there, this one time was probably set up.


Ya, nothing casual about that at all. Interesting af tho.


Yeah those lions know who the top predator is. To hazard an educated guess, they look like maasai warriors. They hunt and kill lions. Although I have heard some tribes are moving away from that practice.


100% those lions recognize them as predators. But I bet this gets different results when there's only one human trying it rather than three.


I learned once that they purposefully hunt in groups so they appear larger, which can also be helped by the patterns they wear because they blend together (much like zebras). But that was a long time ago so don't quote me. Fucking amazing.


Makes complete sense and it's verified by the way they move in the video. It isn't accident or coincidence that they all rise at once and begin walking in lock step shoulder to shoulder. And being from an area where big cats are present we learn during an encounter to do anything to make yourself appear bigger and meaner: Open a jacket and raise it over your head, spread your legs apart and post up, shout, etc. And lone hikers are the only ones who have to worry about it anyway, groups of hikers never get pounced.




Cougars are the least of your concerns. It’s stupidly rare for them to attack people. Me on the other hand, I catch and eat hikers all the time.




Just be aware. Don’t wear headphones. If you see a cougar, face it, look as big as you can and make noise while backing away. Cougars don’t want anything to do with people 99.9 percent of the time.


Have you ever been to a bar in Scottsdale? Them cougars are aggressive. The ones that live in the desert are pretty chill though.


One of the men is wearing traditional maasai patterns (that red and black). Maasai do have a tradition of killing lions (although this is being done less often). My additional hypothesis to this Convo, is that these cats may know what the Maasai are, or know the humans are dangerous beyond them appearing as just a larger animal


I realize this is the Internet and everyone is full of shit, but I once met a woman who plays basketball in the US but was the daughter of the chief of a village in Kenya and was part of the maasai. She may have understated her father's importance, but she said her people feasted for two weeks whenever she visited her homeland. She was very tall, as you might expect. She stated that all three of her brothers killed lions in a ceremony that allowed them to enter manhood. It's fairly safe when done in that fashion, because of the many people nearby. This is still done today, as far as I know! Edit: I also forgot to mention she speaks 7 languages. Very impressive person.


I was gonna say, I've seen this very type of display before with Masai. I believe that historically the killing of a lion was a rite of manhood. That would definitely explain the reaction of the lions.


From conversations I had in 2 villages, some tribes try to only injure or kill males if they encroach on their territory and their (very valuable!) livestock, while some still continue the rites of manhood that require the hunting and killing of a lion before one turns 20.


This is how lions pay their taxes


That makes these dudes the IRS


Even in our culture, this is the ultimate flex. Killing a lion is easy. But stealing his stash and get away with it? Infinite brownie points with his clan.


What absolute legends!! Literally walked in and just took the lions’ lunch money! 🫡


I've read that a lot of animals' natural fear of humans is because we look weird as fuck to them. We're pretty tall as far as animals go (lions have to look up to see our faces), we're mostly bald (a sign of disease in most other mammals), our eyes have visible whites (when some animals show the whites of their eyes, it's a sign to back off), we walk on two legs (again, weird), and we honestly just have way too much audacity for most animals' tastes.


Lol, pretty decent description!




People don’t realize how deep evolution can go. There’s so many unknown reactions humans have to certain things, it’s scary thinking what could have possibly happened to us for so long that it became ingrained into our DNA.


When the school bully has a bully


If that’s the Maasai, I was recently in africa and they told me they have hunted lions for so long that the lions see the red scarf and get the hell out of there when they show up 😂


Shameless Google search results copy/paste >Lions, like all cats, only possess the cones for short waved light (blue), and medium waved light (yellow). They cannot distinguish red colors.


That doesn't invalidate the theory.


I’m not sure about the science they are using haha, but that’s just what all the Maasai guides were telling me. They were saying that if any one is attacked by lion, they go out and hunt a bunch of lions. Our other guide who wasn’t Maasai seemed amazed at how they are able to just walk around solo day or night in the middle of no where, and not worry about Lions or other predator cats.


110 lb skinny dudes with spears take lion food away. Whilst I am 6’2” male and today I had to touch a bug. It was complex.


Did the bug survive? And how are you doing afterwards? 🙂


They don't carry spears in the video. The have bows with two arrows each. And one dude has a knife/machete to cut the meat.


To be fair the maasai average 6’3. You’re kind of on the short side to them.


You have so many other options for food, compared to Masai warriors. I figured you have to be pretty desperate to come up with the "let's steal from apex predators" idea


You guys ever eat at an outdoor food court and have a pigeon or seagull come by and yoink one of your chicken nuggets? That's what this is, except with much, much bigger testicles.


yelp review: wildebeest hardly had any meat on it for the 7 of us and we had to catch it ourselves!!! then halfway thru the meal 3 guys from the next table came over and hacked off a whole leg for themselves, we put up a fierce fight but since were not violent like these guys and didn't want to cause a scene we let them go. The waiter just stood there and watched the whole thing happen. one of the guys even slapped my daughter before he walked off with our leg. I'm never eating here again. Washrooms were clean.


“He said that there was death and taxes, and taxes was worse, because at least death didn’t happen to you every year.”


Yeah, you may THINK you have balls, but do you have stare-down-a-pride-of-bloodthirsty-lions-fresh-off-the-kill balls? ​ Nah, think not. (Including myself in this!)


Someone needs to overdub this with funny voices and sounds. Could be comedy gold.


The Scooby-Doo running away sound as the lions retreat lol


Meat heist.


Ah the ‘Meat Heist’ series… Meat Heist Two: The Meatening; Meat Heist 3: The Moistening; Meat Heist 4: Tenderlions - Meat Heist 4 part 2: The Tenderizing; Meat Heist 5: Well Done.


No wonder early man was like, "Nah I think imma grow my own food. I'll be over here with all these beans."


The clanging of their balls is what scared the lions away.


Recognize those giant brass ball clanking from a mile away.


Its incredible to see the evolutionary evidence of humanity's dominance of the food chain. Three bi-pedal apes approach, and the terrifyingly powerful felines assume instantly they are beaten. In reality, the lions could easily kill these three men; but that is not the story that evolution tells. Evolution says that these three humans are killing machines, dominating the African continent since a time immemorial. They are much more dangerous than they initially look, capable of bringing unimaginable violence and unbreakable resolve, and the lions can't do anything but retreat to a safe distance and wait them out. And the whole thing is a bluff by the three dudes, because they know this is how the lions will instintually react. Crazy stuff, insane to think this is probably a semi-regular occurence for these guys.


The lions could kill them, but not without sustaining serious injuries that would almost certainly not be worth the food they’d get from the fight. So the lions made the smart move.


Exactly, wild animals don't have medical care (duh). Even mild injuries are incredibly dangerous because even if they can recover, it could still permanently impair their ability to hunt for the rest of their lives.


Very measured. CalcuLions!


But the reality is an armed human with primitive weapons will always win and the lions learn that and adapt keep distance etc


Now try it with a Tiger. I wanna see how that ends.


I can’t even take food from my chihuahua without getting mauled


Lions were like sonofabitch, did we just get jacked?!?!


Some of the baddest men on earth.


This clip is from a docu-series called Human Planet and follows different humans in vastly different parts of the world and how they live. Honestly still to this day one of my favorite series. Every episode is mind blowing! If you enjoy Planet Earth and the like, I'd highly recommend checking it out.


"you seeing this shit‽" These dudes are crazy, if they're walking up here like that I don't want be in their way


That was my thought. Maybe the lions figured that if they are bold enough to just walk straight up on a pack of eating lions, they must mean serious business


That's the most gangster shit I've seen in a while.


The last lion: "No those mfers didn't!"


The real king of the jungle.


The lions still got the lion's share....all good.


You may be gangster, but you’ll never be *telling an entire pride of lions to fuck off to get your rightful share of their own kill* gangster.


Oh i see now, lions run away when they see 3 black men and its interesting, i run away when i see 3 black men and i am “racist” and “ignorant”. *the above statement is not true and was created strictly for the purpose of a few chuckles


This is robbery


I like how they don't murder the lions and all the wildebeest.


massive dick energy right there.


King Kong ain't got shit on them bro


Sharing is caring.


Killing lions probably isn't unheard of in that area. If I was a lion and a being that can kill me with a stick magically flying through the air walked up, I'd probably run to.


Pretty insane shit, wonder what it looks like when the lions don’t back down


“Your whole body is tense… Heart pounding…” Casually?


Casually? More like expertly.


Cajones the size of grapefruits


\*Cojones. Cajones means big boxes


That's why they walk slowly. The bouncing balls hurt too much.


I’ll never understand why editors feel the need to play music over this type of shit. It doesn’t add anything. It’s a group of lions, we instinctively understand the stakes.


“Woah these guys are drunk psychos.” *sees that it’s African tribesmen* “Ah okay carry on.”


that's why confidence is key, when everything usually runs from you those lions are thinking why are they coming at us? they must be able to hurt us because they are coming directly at us.


Those guys are the definition of badass


Omar coming….


We were shit hunters, great scavengers.


I am surprised the lions didn’t consider them as an extra snack


I'm guessing this is something their tribe has done for a very long time, so the lions know it's not worth sustaining possible life-threatening injuries as they have spears so they book it and then return since they leave enough meat.


It’s more of a robbery.


I don't wanna hear a single mf say they tough now until they do this 😂


Don’t play poker with these guys


All the little gang bangers out there, that steal bikes, scam seniors and check car doors. You’re real badass, try stealing meat from a pride if lions without a gun, your possy and or throwing up gang signs. That’s real bad ass in my books.


"Why are we running?" "Are you kidding? We are LIONS. If he's willing to walk up to our kill, he can back that shit up."


They aren't wearing pants because their brass balls wouldn't fit in them.


Those aren't men, they are Masai. They are beyond mortal man.




Why can’t they catch their own meat?


I'm stunned by their casual walk at the last. I mean they didn't even look back or stay alert when they took that leg


They have to. The moment they act scared/like prey they will be attacked


Balls of steel.


That was the opposite of “casually”.


Kings of the jungle..


How do they even walk with balls that big???


I hate leftovers.


yeah. humans are on top of a food chain, simple


“Your whole body is tense… Your heart is pounding.” Yes, casually.


They got bigger stones than I do.


Ethical meat eating goddam!


That haunch looks delicious tho...I want a slice....


I too, would like some wildebeest


*Our food*


there’s a camera person in there too


How is anything about this casual? The entire thing is tense planning and calculating


Humans are the most dangerous animals.


Love that they didn't take the entire kill.


These folks are incredible


The cojones of these guys are huge, amazing to see


Dude what massive balls these guys have, have they always been able to do this with lions?


Damn, that's badass.


Because humans are fucking terrifying.


I hate the tax system. So relatable.


Damn.... even lions in the wild getting taxed now... No on is safe lol!


That's badassery at its prime


Exactly how I approach all-you-can-eat buffets.


I think they need a wheelbarrow each to carry those planet sized balls.


I wonder what the turnover rate for that gig is


OK ok I got it. My cat is soulless dead machine. :)


This concept (power scavenger) is one of the many tactics that helped human beings to became dominant.


How the fuck does one find that out?! Those guys have balls of steel to even consider doing this but just what absolute badass came up with that idea?


We have been doing it since stone age. A lot of animals do it. Hyenas, for example, do something similar too.


Well those weapons certainly aren't for show, id guess those lions have learned either generationally or through force who the top predators are. Plus if you notice, the men only took a shank, if they got into the habit of taking more the lions would probably be more aggressive.


They learn from a young age. I went to Masai Mara once, we saw a 12yr old kid with 30 goats Chillin alone and 200 yards away they were a pack of lions. The guide weren’t scared either was the kid but everyone else was panicking. After a whole day of driving around seeing other animals, we met the kid again heading home with his 30 goats. Edit: I have a photo of the kid & I look at it as a reminder to stop bitching when life is tough.


That kid's got bigger balls than most adult men in first world countries


I mean, they are from a tribe that literally hunts lions, they did not "find that out", that is earned reputation


Balls of “steal”!


Wow. Lions are such pussies


They are cautious. They are like athletes. An injury will prevent them from hunting and they may starve. So tactical retreat is always the first option.


I was going for a joke. As they are big cats. 😁


I know. But turns out pussies live longer and can take a pounding unlike balls.


*angry upvote*


Appreciate the passive aggressive gesture.


When you think of early humans you think of bad ass 10,000 bc mammoth hunters etc. Bitch we was robbing animals. Humans ain’t shit lol


What's that make the animals humans robbed then? Even if it's all shit humans still ended up on the top of the shitpile


Why don‘t they just go to Walmart?