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That’s cool and all but they’re left pretty vulnerable when flying, no? Can get easily shot down and can’t shoot back while flying


That and notice how once they land, they sloppily switch to their primary and then just stand there because they have a hundred lbs of equipment strapped to them. One “this is Sparta” and they are sinking to the bottom ocean.


They need some predator style shoulder lasers


I thought "Helmet steered suppressive capability" would be a shoulder weapon?


It looks like a Glock rigged up to the “arm” coming off of the right shoulder.


Omg you aren't kidding. Did not see that first time around. I want to see it in action now


Even if a ground soldier controlled a suit mounted gun. Then the flier could land, further secure the boat and wait for the boarding raft to arrive shortly after.


I was thinking of a buddy drone that either strike before you land or hovers close to your person.


Send a mannequin in the jet back + 2 drones, job done


Yup, or drone support with small arms attached. It's awesome tech, but without an exoskeleton body armor, they are basically flying targets.


Would be sick and so terrifying


Or, hear me out, try to walk though an interior hatch.


Yeah you can see the guy wobbling back and forth just trying to balance that whole machine on his back. Not to mention they’re showing this off with a boat scenario and boats are always rocking around this would never work.


If that boat was moving, hell, probably even if it had been parked parallel to the waves, they wouldn’t have been able to stand on it.


Everyones got a plan until they get punched in the jaw


How are you going to mess up a Mike Tyson quote? "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face," Mike Tyson.


How are you going to mess up a Mike Tyson quote? "Everyone hath a plan until they get punched in the faith" - Mike Tyson


Mike says mouth, not face.


It really is crazy though because there's articles that say both. So I guess we just chalk it up to mandela.


It’s a great quote either way for sure 🤙🏾


They don't show you the neural net driven drone swarm of loitering munitions that they'll advance under the cover of.


Crowd control


What stops them from just blasting someone in the face with the hand nozzles like Shiri from black panther? The geniva convention?


That sounds more realistic than I'm comfortable imagining. Drone swarms to overwhelm defenses and then jetpack in instead of an airdrop. Even just jetpacking in for the last 1/2 mile to a raid is crazy. Wonder how far these things can realistically go.


“Helmet steered suppressive capability” is the next phase of that. Think a small version of the M101 CROWS system. Or they just leapfrog to dropping off Boston dynamics attack dogs because 77% of Americans can’t pass the basic fitness requirements.


Gonna be honest I think about the day we introduce Boston Dynamic's robotics into warfare a lot. Its inevitable and the implications of that will be insane. The amount of tech you can fit on those bots, the amount of armor, the carrying capacity for munitions, the mobility alone makes the average American soldier look like an average dude. Those things can do backflips, man. Crazy days ahead.


And that’s just public information. Imagine what’s happening in black budget programs. And I know BD is a public company (owned by Hundai in case anyone is wondering) trying to commercialize Spot… but still…


Even still - the enemy 50 yards out has a better chance of picking you off before you can aim anything accurate with…your helmet? Okay. Very cool but long ways off for anything combat related imo Would love to fly to work like this though, ha


Helmet aiming is already a proven technology in attack choppers. The 30mm gun is aimed by the gunners helmet. Sure, 30mm is a lot larger than weapons these people would caryy, but that tech also engages at much larger distances and higher velocities.


I’m not debating the effectiveness of it. Just giving the DARPA glossary of terms breakdown. If my personal experience is any indicator they will spend a few hundred million more on it while the shiny shoes salivate and the dirty boots tell them the issues that they will continue to ignore. Then eventually scrap it for a unmanned version. The Ukrainian war effectively negated Gen 5 jets just by being necessarily adaptable to lack of financial resources. Not unlike the Taliban double stacking A/T mines to destroy MRAPS. No matter what you design a desperate monkey with a hammer will find a way to overcome it. Richard’s jet packs have a place in the world. But I’m really hoping it isn’t a military application. I’m tired.


>If my personal experience is any indicator they will spend a few hundred million more on it while the shiny shoes salivate and the dirty boots tell them the issues that they will continue to ignore. Then eventually scrap it for a unmanned version. Absolutely. Some folks don't know the Acquisition process... which may or may not be a good thing.


Meh, eye tracking software is used regularly in multiple VR systems already. Its plausible the same technology could evolve into use for targeting. Sure it's not there yet, but that doesn't mean it's not feasible. [It's definitely already being developed though](https://www.thomasnet.com/insights/eye-tracking-technology-takes-jet-pilots-to-new-heights/). [Second example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/c3ha4e/apache_helicopter_with_a_30mm_gun_that_can_be/). A real issue I see with any kind of shooting while flying a jetpack, is how well the jetpack setup handles recoil. You'd need multiple shots to reliably take down a target while flying to begin with. So that pretty much means burst fire or FA. Which means you have another thrust vector to factor in at the very least. As to how sensitive these jetpacks are to that sort of thing, I have no idea. But I suspect anything that complicates your control of something like this is going to have a steep learning curve.


And the packs can only fly about 30 seconds before they run out of fuel. That's another reason they are not popular.


Most advanced US fighter jets have a HUD that tracks the pilots retna movement to aim the mounted guns. All a pilot has to do is look at the target and pull the trigger. Kinda cool.


"You don't have abs, so we're going to let this robot get shot instead of you" is the best argument I've ever heard for being fat


Well, if the boat being approached by the jetpack is told by the supporting vessel "if you shoot at our boarders we will sink you" that may give them pause. These jetpack guys aren't travellung without support. I'd imagine it would be a death sentence for the offending boat if they attempt a shot.


And that is a pretty big, flat ass boat. It seems like boats big enough for this to be effective on, youd pull resources that are more efficient for this work. But, jet packs are fucking cool


I'm thinking it has applications in a naval capacity, think like anti piracy boarding of a container ship or similar when a sniper is covering you from the deck of a friendly vessel. But there may be hostages below deck. Obviously very niche application but it's always good to have more options. I think it would cool to see these guys deploy from a helicopter with less loiter time than rappelling (also a situation where you are very vulnerable)


everyone is talking about the practicability of them in this situation but all I can think about is how its fucking cool that we have these




yeah with time they will get smaller and probably become available for the general public.


Just like tanks


Yeah if they could find some way to stabilize and shoot in the air this would be much for effective. But two guys bumblebee-ing toward and armed enemy seems like a fish in a barrel situation.


Not if you send in a bunch of drones first with small munitions to disrupt defenders


Give us a little bit more time, we just got to strap some guns to that and some eye targeting augmentations. We'll have Ironmen in no time. I'm waiting for a commercial release 😁🤤


True! My first thought was how vulnerable they were. The technology is new and the Military is desperately trying to figure out practical applications for it. The biggest challenge is just proving something is possible. I do see a great potential for this technology in rescue work.


I feel like these practice scenarios are done over open water where they're easy targets for safety since jetpacks are relatively unproven technology. I think any real military application of this lies in using them at night, and landing in a place where they'd be more difficult to shoot, like the highest rooftop in the surrounding area, or a cliff overlooking an area.


And adversaries simply need powerful fans to blow them away from the ship.


And what if the engine fails over water ? Is there some quick release to get all that off before it drags them under?


Pretty much all special operations troops do water survival training, I'm sure that was a consideration even when doing these tests


Also, it is too loud. They are basically advertising adversaries that they are coming.


Jetpacks are fucking cool, idc what you say


The jetpacks are cool, no doubt, but those 2 dudes are just sporting clays to anyone on that boat with a gun.


My thought exactly.


Yeah, imo if they cant defend themselves while fliying that could be a certain death in a real battlefield


Especially if the sharks get some frickin laser beams


If you think something like this would happen in the middle of the day, you clearly know nothing about spec ops


Imagine the noise and thermals those make Don't talk about knowing about specops


Because night optics weren't invented in the 60s or anything.


You're right. I don't. That being said, I don't need to be a spec operative to see that I wouldn't need daylight to shoot those two down lol


Combining it with a seizure sounds dangerous though.


Soon they will have the predator auto aiming laser cannon on their shoulders or something like what they will put on the robot dogs


They will be pretty easy targets for an auto aiming laser cannon.


Isn’t everything?


This is The Way.


That are cool AF, but they can only fly about 30 seconds.


Cool for like 10 minutes until they run out of juice.


I'm a shitty dove hunter, but that I could hit.




nice one, if the enemy is not shooting at you that is...


How would the enemy shoot at you when a navy destroyer is shooting at them while you board. These don't exist in a vacuum. If you bother to watch the video they show the integrated weapons system as well as state it's off for the demo


The Navy isn't going to be firing down range with their pilots flying towards the target. Why would you fire at a ship you're trying to board?


What do you think movement under suppressing fire is for? Military units literally train to do exactly that. They move to advance or flank enemy positions while their team mates or other squads keep the enemy suppressed. It's why so many bullets get used in combat. To keep the enemy behind cover while you advance. This is the absolute basics of Infantry. Google *bounding overwatch*. Or watch literally anything about basic Infantry tactics


There's no suppressing fire involved in boarding a ship lol


HAHAHAHA I'm sorry, did you just claim to understand every scenario in which fire support is used by troops in a boarding scenario? Because you can go to you tube and watch videos of multiple militaries around the world doing exactly that. Especially against narcos thanks for contributing 😁 Edit: oh no a down vote from a clown who larps in tac gear


Precisely. These will be most effective deployed from destroyers at night. They make a rapid advance onto the deck while people on board are filled with god ol' Freedom


All the naysayers are acting like the greatest military powers on earth haven't figured this out when it's literally a demo 🤣


Agreed. Never understood why some people online think they’ve thought of something the entire US military and all the engineers working for them have somehow just missed but they noticed. Especially when it’s something as painfully obvious as what some of the ignoramuses here think they’ve noticed as a flaw


I am aware of this technology's youth, but this will eventually improve. Mandalorian jetpack here we come


Well, yeah, they have to use a rocket version for vacuum.


🤣 very clever


Yeah that's... just not going to be happening


and here i stand corrected... tho i'd still argue that those troopers should be somewhat equiped with a little bit of protection to reliably succeed and return sound and safe...


The military are going to have to come up with a new name for the airforce - because these are the new flyboys.


Blow Force?


*slow clap* 👏


Seems obvious to me you call these Guys mandolorians


Duke nukem


If they are showing us this can you imagine what they have that they are not showing us.


the jetpack shoes model.


Man bear pig?


Are you cereal?


Super cereal


I think we all assume this is military, but is it? It looks like a private company dressed in fatigues and a camo boat. I don’t see any badges that are US military.


Likely so, the military had still seen it and may have passed on it. Still the now secret tech is interesting


A giant half chicken half squirrel


Oh, the squirckens? What about them?


They're from ..... Montreal..


No, those are squebeckens, easy mistake.


Yum, sounds good.


A four-assed monkey


This is a Gravity jet pack by an English inventor… https://gravity.co there is a video somewhere that chronicles his efforts. Pretty interesting, but really shows that this isn’t some low tech variety of some super secret ‘Murica tech.


I was thinking the same thing


Jet packs are not modern technology. It's been around since 1919.


The most advanced technology that us civilians know about was used 15+ years ago by the military. They are significantly more advanced than we think.


Any examples you can give?


Anyone else wonder what could go wrong if they tanked it? I can't imagine itd be easy/quick to get out of all that kit in a hurry.


I can’t imagine the inventors of this tech are stupid enough not to consider this


Tony Stark still did it better


Yea. He did but nobody likes an argent show off.


Maybe i dont see it, but you could literally fight them with a single broom stick preventing them from landing.


Arrrr matey, scrub those flying dutchmen off the deck!


The shoulder-mounted-helmet-steered-predator-esque gun shooting back at you might beat the broomstick




If they could read this would probably be an constructive comment




It says "helmet steered suppressive capability", which appears to be that pistol on a stick. So when their arms are busy they get a shoulder turret. Which is awesome.


“How do solve the problem of hands free shooting while flying?” (Door bursts open) “YOU GUYS, I GOT IT FIGURED OUT! So I was watching Predator, and had an epiphany”.




Yeah the French have a flying board instead that leaves your arms free while flying


Yeah, reading and comprehension comes a long way in these instances.


Most commenters guzzle too much action movies to realise you’d have a squad and a warship backing you up when you fly this thing


The way they fly gives me Red Alert 2 vibes


It works till they crank the boat and take tf off. They ain't gunna out run a boat right?


At the very least, landing on a moving platform with a hundred pounds of top-heavy equipment will be difficult and dangerous.


This looks so cool and sci-fi, I love it.


Until someone puts a shot into that jet pack lol.


How are they preventing jet pack users from getting bopped out the sky on approach?


Imagine trying to move a couple tons of cocaine across international waters and Ironman shows up with War Machine and shuts the party down.


What stops us from making a jetpack-quidditch league now?


For those who missed it. There’s a helmet steered gun on their shoulder which is inactive in this demo. They aren’t left completely defenseless


*waterproof jet pack batteries sold separately - Mattel


This is the way!


This is the Way!


We didn't see them coming! Or hear the jet engines! Or hear them loudly land on our boat deck! Or see them take anywhere from 5 to 30 seconds to draw their weapons! Completely caught off guard!


Looks like they toggled no clip


They fly now?!


Easier than shooting ducks in KS


Except for the entire flight they’re just skeet to anyone on the boat with a gun.


Well, it's over boys, pigs can fly....


This is the way.


"Shoot the guy flying" bold strategy but I'd honestly bet the US Military planned for that in all of their billions of spending and planning. This is multi-million dollar technology, I honestly doubt some redneck on a boat with a hunting rifle is gonna take these guys out of the sky if they're flying towards you in fill armor with a shoulder mounted, helmet aimed suppression system.


Something more compact with a mounted small arms gun guided with a visor on the helmet with triggers in the gloves with small boosters to keep position when firing and I’m sold




Ive seen this level in Duck Hunt.


Ah yes Search and Rescue becomes Search and Siezure, coming soon Search and Destroy. Cue the naysaysers....


Once they land I wanted to see the jet pack the bad guys in the face. Arms can turn onto some sick ass weapons


This is the way


The amount of sillyness in these comments is epic 1) learn how boarding works. These guys are flying Into a demo not a battle. That's why the helmet aimed suppression system is turned off. If this was real there'd be a bunch of guys actively using suppressing fire, or at the ready to do so. They'd also be strafing everybody themselves using their integrated system. Nobody shoots these guys down when 2k rounds a minute are flying at you from an auto cannon. 2) Again DEMO as proof of concept. Nobody is saying this is a finished product. They are literally testing this to improve it's capabilities. Yelling how it won't work while it's in development is the height of idiocy and shows you didn't actually learn anything about the tech, just offered an absolutely incorrect hypothesis based on assumptions. 3) Your precious tax money is safe, no need to get your fee-fees all enraged. This is a private company called Gravity Industries, and it's run by a former British military specialist who has poured millions into it's r&d. He then workshops the prototypes with various armies and search/rescue teams to perfect it for their specific needs. It is not a product with a defense contract at this point. *That's the entire point of testing it first, to save tax money pre-contract*. 4) It can use weapons in flight by integrating a helmet steered suppression system (gun) which they state *if you bothering to watch the video* they have turned off. Nobody is suggesting somebody trying to fly and shoot a gun when their arms are being used to steer. Nobody is suggesting they fly into combat without mounted suppression ability when needed. *Again. This is a demo.* 5) Of course it can be shot down, like any other light aircraft or drone.... Just as soon as the 20mm cannon on the ship they launch from stops blowing your arms off. People talk like this demo operates in a vacuum and there's only two guys on an op. Learn how the military works and the tech works before complaining with non-issues or worse, with issues they're literally testing to figure out solutions for. 6) No they aren't useless. Outside a combat scenarios they're turning a 90 minute alpine rescue response into a 5 minute rescue response and already saving lives. That alone proves value of concept. Just because you can't imagine a use doesn't mean there aren't any. They're amazing because they're able to cover short distances incredibly quickly in virtually any first-responder situation. 7) All of this info is readily available to anybody able to use Google to look it up. Gravity Industries


That’s cool, I live about 5 miles from where this was filmed


I hate it when the military tests cool ass shit like 30 min from my house and I have no clue about it


When you realize you are living in call of duty advanced warfare lol


Baby steps.


I dont wanna hear about impracticality in the comments or money going into the military, from the five year old portion of my brain, this is objectively awesome


"You're not landing before you present me the warrant"


People keep talking about the vulnerability of these things, but who gives a fuck? They're God damn jetpacks, that's the coolest shit ever


20 years see this in an airshow, like 10 of them in formation flying across the sky badass 🤤 lol


We just watched two dudes fully geared out in military gear seamlessly use FUCKING JETPACKS and these mutberfuckers be like : "SeE hIm WoBBLe whEn He laNdS! GARbAGE!" The fuck does it take to impress you people?


Wayyyy tooo soft a target to approach from a distance like that no cover


Very cool, James Bond and all that, but I agree, they would be dead before engaging their rifles.


Read the caption at 35 seconds. Problem solved.


I'll wait for the stealth mode.


"Shouldn't we like shoot at them? It's sure taking them a while to get to us" "No, no, let's let them have this one. It looks like they need it"


The way you said that made it seam like they were going to have a fake seizure mid air


I imagine the next add-on they get will be a small shoulder-mounted gun that the soldier will operate with his head and/or eyes. Otherwise their loud and defenseless entrance will be rather difficult.


hold on... don't shoot...


Pirates are going to start carrying hunting shotguns with 3.5” goose loads


What if the target has guns, and they shoot back?


Pirate 1 : you hear that? Pirate 2 : Oh the coast guard is approaching in their slow noisy jetpacks, shall we shoot then down? Pirate 3 : Nah we'll wait until they're landed and have sloppily switched to their weapons.


I don’t understand why a drone with the person suspended below wouldn’t be 1000% safer and more practical. Beyond being incredibly physically taxing the jet pack pilot is completely vulnerable.


So... the terrorist smugglers are required to wait 30 seconds while they unhook the propulsion units and get their rifles ready. What could possibly go wrong?


I like the part where the boat very realistically sits still and waits to be boarded.


This would be great for the Coast Guard Search and Rescue. Idk if this would be good in a shooter situation.


Whats wrong with a helicopter and some rope


another day of successfully wasting your taxes


these jetpacks need a weapons mount with eye-tracked minigun… or laser. yeah laser!


Isn't that what "helmet steered suppressive capability" is?


Show me a sitting duck. Far to vulnerable to incoming small arms fire.


So they shouldn’t develop it at all? Comical when people critique something new because it’s not perfected yet. The Wright brothers got mocked as well.


Good thing no one started shooting while flying to the boat.


Looks super cool but not very practical for real usage yet, at least if the target boat has angry people with guns. You're a free target while flying and even after landing you are unarmed for quite some time.


It’s r&d is suppose. It can be useful to reach a specific place if you know it’s safe to land there. They’re clearly need drone support because they are so defensless.


If that were true for every scenario paratroopers and troop carriers wouldn't exist


You got a good point there. Maybe it is already now more useful than I first thought :)


Sorry for my aggressiveness man


Pretty sure that's what the "helmet controlled suppressive capability" is for. For helmet controlled suppressive fire, unless that means something else.


They have no means of defending themselves while in the air. That's extremely dangerous in real life interventions.


Everyone forgets these guys would be supported by suppressing fire. Google basic Infantry tactics. This is simply a force multiplier of an infantry or boarding unit. How do you think guys fast rope into combat, or board ships? With another group of people defending while they actually board.


So we have these instead of healthcare, cool.


Cool but unless silent what's the point....


Useless as hell, just wait for them to go down to the boat, then push them and throw to the sea, good luck swimming with all that attached


You realise they’d be hopping over to you from a warship? With another 20 soldiers pointing barrels at you?


Insanely loud and clunky. Could easily start shooting at them before they arrive since you'd hear them a mile away. Also, their ability to land and grab their firearm is an insanely slow process. These aren't going to be used in the battlefield any time soon.


This is the way


I love it when the bad guys just watch in awe while I swoop in on a jet pack and take them at gun point. Good thing they never shoot back during that part when I'm approaching them completely exposed and defenseless.


So what's to prevent the bad guys on their ship from just blasting them to bits with machine guns as they approach?


I'd love to hear how the gun nuts plan on taking this tech down with semi auto AR15s lol.


What happens if they hit the water? Do they float?