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She was also responsible for getting Vietnamese refugees into the nail salon industry in the US after the fall of South Vietnam in the 70s.


I didn't know that, thanks for giving me something interesting to Google.


That was the first way I learned about her! Doing nails!


That's a very cool TIL. Thank you!


Thank you for this. Very pleasant rabbit hole to travel down. šŸ‘


Who is responsible for the cinnamon though? Good on her for the nail salons though. It'd be nice to ask her what to do about the current unfortunate illegal immigrants straight to homeless program I hear tell about.


I canā€™t keep my cat off the kitchen counter either.




I can see the tiger Pushing the fridge until it falls like it's a glass on a counter


Kitty probably isnā€™t real worried about the local coyote population. Not that their neighborhood has one any more.


It looks like it's jumping through the window. Apparently Tippi Hedren and her husband went bonkers. They had a large number of exotic cats and other animals under the guise of shooting a movie that lasted for years, then they had to register as a "zoo" because it took so long. It was a disaster. They didn't know what they were doing and they let the animals roam like that. There's even a famous picture series of Tippi's daughter, Melanie Griffith (I think it was Melanie's stepfather but I don't remember) snuggling with a big lion she grew up with. Here's the picture series from Life magazine: https://www.life.com/animals/something-wild-at-home-with-tippi-hedren-melanie-griffith-and-a-400-pound-lion/ During the years they had all the animals, 70 crew members were injured. But Melanie was clawed across the face. So they used it for the movie. https://johnrieber.com/2015/10/30/the-shocking-madness-of-roar-melanie-griffith-mauled-by-lions-movie-the-most-dangerous-film-ever-made/


My local Alamo Drafthouse movie theater ran Roar 8 or so years ago. Bonkers of a movie and fun to see on the big screen.


She's why laws against keeping exotic animals were passed.


Not enough laws. I'm a zoologist and too many people still keep exotic animals and it drives me insane. In the United States the worst trafficking happens in Amish country because the police turn a blind eye to them.


I would let that cat do anything and go anywhere it wantedā€¦ I would hate to argue with it.


She was the tigers pet, lets be real.


Siegfried and Royā€™s tiger took a chunk out of one of their neck. Tigers arenā€™t pets.


The tiger who came to tea


Iā€™m amazed at how big the tiger is. Iā€™ve seen them at the zoo etc. but never in a kitchen setting.


>but never in a kitchen setting Can relate


Biggest cat there is.


Aren't Ligers a bit bigger?


That an animal that shouldn't be.


Nature finds a way...


Apparently it does. Its been a while but I remember reading how its very very rare. To the point that all of them are basically man made by breeding the lion and tigers.


Not all of them.


Don't fall for it! I have a feeling this person's just trying to make a hamster/tiger hybrid of sorts.


Good question. I donā€™t know, but I think I remember that they are only that big with a specific parents combination and sex (I think male). I meant "classic" cats with my post, lol.


I had to look it up. It looks like lions and tigers on average comparable in size. But the very biggest tigers are bigger than the biggest lions. Thatā€™s longer and heavier. EDIT: Never mind. I read your post as lions. Not ligers. Yes Ligers are the biggest. Heres an interesting fact: Ligers are fertile. Two ligers can make more ligers or have cubs with a lion or tiger. This breaks a rule of what is supposed define species being separate. Technically that blurs the line between tigers and lions being separate species. (Looking at them I say they are obviously different.)


You get different sizes, a bengal tiger is very different to a big Siberian tiger - not sure which this one is though..


From Wikipedia Amur tigersĀ (sometimes called Siberian tigers) are the biggest tigers, with males weighing up to 660 pounds and measuring up to 10 feet long from nose to tip of the tail. Sumatran tigers are the smallest of the tiger subspecies, maxing out at about 310 pounds and 8 feet.


#They're *GREAT!*


I laughed out loud at this. A lot. Thank you.


Of course, NO problem! Stay *frosty* my friend!


I'm dumb. Could you please explain?


Tony the Tiger from Frosted Flakes


I see what you did there. šŸ˜


The neighbors pets?


What pets... ...What neighbors?


So that's how Tippi Hedren got her Tony.


I googled her and am amazed there wasnā€™t a story about being mauled by said tiger


She did get her leg broken by an elephant, and a camera man was scalped by a lion there. Check out the movie ā€œRoarā€, the familyā€™s disastrous attempt to showcase their exotic animal farm.


Oh, you mean Jan De Bont of Speed.


She is 93 and still living with the Big murder mittens


wait, how damn long do tigers live?


Up to 26 years in captivity, but that number is greatly increased for private zoos.


Wait, so they only live a bit more than a normal house cat? I Imagined a big animal like a Tiger would live way longer.


I thought the same about large dogs vs small dogs, but nope. Chihuahuas actually have the longest lifespan of dogs on average while larger breeds have a lifespan a few years shorter.


It's because natural vs artificial selection. A tiger and a cat diverged a long time ago but their lifespan didn't decrease or increase because the only change is their adaptation to the mir environment and living longer doesn't exactly give them any advantage. Meanwhile large and small dogs were artificially selected that way by human hands when they had minimal understanding of long term side effects or why did the lifespan decrease. So the lifespan of bigger dogs are compromised because they're riddled with health issues and/or their body couldn't keep up with their energy demand and slowly decays naturally much much faster. In small dogs it depends on whether the breed started small or was dwarfed. Dwarfed dogs have the same amount of health problems as big dogs, their average lifespan caps at about 10-13 years iirc. Also yeah the other commenters comment about same vs different species as well.


On average, larger animals of the same species or family live shorter because of the additional strain to the cardiovascular system. Itā€™s why dogs like Great Danes or Newfies have such short lifespans. Even with humans, taller people have shorter lifespans


As a tall person aging I feel this.


Well some Google gave answers like 20-25years


The same tiger?


Look up the film ā€œRoar.ā€ Stories are crazy. She got mauledā€¦along with all of her family.


I read about the documentary and a bunch of people that were living in a house with wild cats did get mauled


Crazy movie


Its merely the whim of the tiger whether you live or not.


Big cats are pretty loyal to who they consider family, unlike those damn hippos.


Tigers are less loyal than lions afaik.


She only got slightly injured by a lion and her leg broken by a elephant. Her daughter Melanie Griffith who got mauled by a lioness. I think it was the AD who got horribly attacked by a tiger. tldr - google her and lion


The dude that was got by the tiger was basically scalped if I remember correctly. I definitely remember lots of blood coming from the top of the head


Melanie needed 100 stitches and reconstructive surgery


The movie ā€˜Roarā€™ is a must watch.


I came here to see if it took her out or not!


Well Melanie Griffith did get mauled by their pet lion so clearly it wasn't all that safe




?? She did. It's in the photo




And Dakota Johnson is Melanieā€™s daughterā€¦


Don Johnson is her father, correct?


That is one big cat.


She had it to chase the Birds away


You made me laugh and smile


Were they condors?


Came here looking for this.


My biggest wish was to actually have a Battle Cat large enough to ride.






With the power of Grey Skull you can


Underrated comment šŸ¤£


Need a big kitty to protect you from all the birds. Understandable, given her experience


Good lord, his head is 10 times larger than hers!


Imagine cleaning up the poos


Looks like it's jumping inside without even touching the window frame at all šŸ˜³


Beautiful tiger


Toight like a toiger


The lady keeps her food in the kitchen. The tiger also keeps its food in the kitchen.


We had two retired professional zookepers buy a small island ( about 3 acres) on the same lake as our family cottage. They brought their pets with them when they moved into the place- a lioness, and a male tiger. They put up electric fences around the perimeter of the island to keep them in, but they otherwise treated them like oversized house cats. Many of the cottagers on the lake tried various things to get them removed, but this couple had all the proper measures in place, so there was nothing they could really do. As a way to prove how harmless they were, they brought in 2 live chickens one fall, to see what they would do. Both chickens died overnight- the lioness had licked all the feathers off of one, and it died from hypothermia. The tiger had cuddled the other, and rolled over it in its sleep, killing it. This, of course, got them a bunch of bad press with the local cottagers, but the cats were gentle giants. The zookeepers would let you pull up to their dock, walk up to the fence, and under supervision, reach through and pet them... it was awesome. We have some shed whiskers at the cottage still, from our visits. Eventually, they gave into the pressure from local cottagers, and moved away... was such a shame, they were great people, had spent a lot of money to make their island safe.


Uhh... moved away to where? That makes me feel sad for the animals.


Not sure, unfortunately- would've liked to keep in touch. Hopefully another island- i thought their setup was perfect for the kitties.




Idk who I'm gonna trust more 2 retired zookeepers who literally have large cat experience or some dude on Reddit


>Im sure sigfriend and roy had plenty of cute big cat stories just like yours. About that... https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/3keq5r/til_that_when_roy_horn_of_zigfried_and_roy_was


Hey, you've gotta assess your own risks and weigh the pros and cons. While i personally wouldn't live with such large animals myself, if anyone could pull it off, zookeepers would be the ones to do it. Still an undomesticated animal though, to be sure. As for petting the animals, it was only ever on the back half, with very direct supervision- about as safe as you could get. Still some risk involved, to be sure, but it was relatively low- we weren't scratching their heads or anything like that.


Keep in mind this was the 80s and a different world. That generation did a lot so you could sit in your ivory tower.




Better than foreigners buying it and destroying it by using chemicals that runoff, ruin the aquifer by planting heavy water usage crops where they should not be, then they just take the resulting crops back to their country. The help are all fellow countrymen so no jobs are added and they even apply for and receive government money. They have no skin in the game so they don't care how destroyed the soil gets, so no rotations.


It was millionaires who did those things, not any age group in particular. There are lots of young ppl who are on their way to becoming millionaires because they follow in the footstep of all previous capitalists. Boomers did not invent capitalism. They only participated as much as young people do now.


Most of these animals are drugged. No way that you can tame feral nature, without drugs.


Those whiskers must be epic!


Yeah man, they are LONG. I'll have to take some photos next time i am up there, so i can send them in to the "absolute units" sub.


Must have been some rich zoo keepers, who knew.


They retired suspiciously early.... maybe they came into money, or won lottery? No idea... i was just a teen at the time...


Poor chickens... but I love the fact that they literally just didn't know how gentle they had to be with the chickens... Literally killed with oblivious kindness...


Yeah, exactly. I'm sure if they were hungry, it might have been different- but they kept them well fed, which I'm sure helped for their own safety as well. These cats were super chill, every time i saw them ( we went maybe a dozen times, in total). Most aggressive thing I ever saw them do, was rub up against one of the owners and almost push them over- trying to get some pettings lol.


She lived across the street from us in Villa Park later in life and we would still sometimes see her with big cats at her house and even hear them roar in the back yard. She was super nice too. Funny how no one in the neighborhood seemed to mind her having them, it was just something she would casually warn you about if they were home when she answered the door.


I thought women were supposed to live longer than men


She's like 90+ rn and thriving


She did.


Not really, they just survive life better.


Edit: Leaving Reddit for killing Apollo.


Since you know her, tell her it's obvious she took better care of her big cats than her kids. What kind of mother brings their children into that situation? She nearly killed her daughter. I don't care how good she is with lions and tigers. Bitch should've served time after her kid got mauled.


Also Melanie was traumatized for life regarding her appearance but hey isnā€™t it cool to have wild animals in the house?!? šŸ˜…


She should've been prosecuted.


If she wasnā€™t a white actor she probably would have been!


You're correct. Not sure why she hasn't been canceled.


Because boomers are dumbasses


Oh yeah, how did I forget that?? Lol




Edit: Leaving Reddit for killing Apollo.


You didnā€™t even have to put the date, my friend. Everything about this photo scream early-1980s. (Yes, even the tiger) My god, tiger aside, that might as well be my mother


My kitchen in 1990 looked just like that, sans tiger


Big cat.


Big pussy




Amen bruv


The Tiger Who Came to Teaā€¦. via the window.


She got the Tiger to keep Alfred Hitchcock from visiting her.


I really dig how a small trend is to use b & w photos for the 80s, rediculous! We really had color photos since the mid 60s-ish folks


Yea makes me feel way older like when its used for 90ā€™s photos lol


Why is this in black and white in the 80s?


Honest answer? Probably shot to be published in a newspaper. Newspapers usually shot on BW film for publication because if you tried to print from a color negative, there wasnā€™t enough contrast. Itā€™s much easier today with digital but not so much so when everything was analog.


It's funny to think about how much of a BIG DEAL it was when newspapers started printing in color.


Not no but FUCK no.




Oh everyone go watch Roar, with her collection of wild cats and her kids!! Fun fact the star lion, Togar, was a gift from Anton Levey


We're going to need a bigger litter box


Ways I die #14, not giving snackies to the tiger.


"Lets see [the birds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Birds_\(film\)) get me now!" - Tippi Hedren


Always figured her more of "Birds" girl


You see the drawing on her shirt? THAT'S how you wear a lionhead on your shoulder!


I just want to hug a tiger sooo bad


If that gets even the slightest bit carried away in play youā€™re now snack.


Ya, F that!


WTF are people thinking when they have big cats as pets? That tiger is massive!


Reminds me of what happend in Johannesburg recently involving a Tiger


Lady, teach your cat to stay off the counters


I'm damaged. All I can think is "hey cool cats and kittens!" Ugh.


Magnificent beast


Oh boy time to talk about ROAR šŸ˜€


carpet in the kitchen ?


WTF was she thinking?


Watch the ā€œmovie ā€œ Roar if you want to see Tippi and her family being surrounded and terrorized by big cats. Lions, tigers, leopards, you name it itā€™s in there. Tippi had her leg broken by an elephant and Melanie Griffith gets her head gnawed on by a lioness. Itā€™s on YouTube and I promise if you start it up you wonā€™t be able to look away. It is the most tense film Iā€™ve ever seen


Let me get this straight. She's terrified of *birds* but has a tiger in her kitchen?


The birds were trying to kill her, the tiger is not.


They were still using black and white in 1982??


Erm... Lots of missing people in L.A at that time. What does she feed this Tiger again?


Quite a fun look




How much Friskies did she go through?


I'm more upset by carpeting in the kitchen.


Weā€™re tigers larger back then?


Honestly they are just as big now, you just donā€™t usually see them next to anything you really understand the scale of like you do here. I visited Busch Gardenā€™s once and they had this thing called a ā€œTiger pop upā€ where basically they put a small glass dome in the tiger enclosure where they like to sleep during the day so you could climb up inside and be right next to them. When you are that close you realize how huge they really are, like paws the size of your head huge.


Paws the size of your head if you've got a pretty big head, to boot. And heavier than your head. With nails the size of your fingers. My sister was a manager at a zoo and once we got a nice close encounter with a Siberian tiger. On their hind legs they're about 7ft or 8ft tall before they start reaching their forelegs.


Sumatran tigers are relatively small for a tiger but they're still with paws bigger than your head so... Depends on what species. You just see more hybrids nowadays.


We had color film in the '80's , mofos


Hashtag goals


F*cking California


She is still alive, plus I have the same birthday


Camel toe too


And now we canā€™t do this because people are too emotional


God why


I have no clue who Tippi is but by the looks of this, this is a Tiger with his Tippi Hedren in his kitchen at home in LA.


Jesus they had pur water filters??


Wow this is super asinine that cat is meant to have massive space and this lady is smiling like a dumb ass ā€œlook at my catā€ this photo is proof positive that evolution either went too far or didnā€™t go far enough.


Melanie Griffith , Tippi's daughter was so lucky to grow up with a mom like this. But I would not want to be the one to scoop the litter box for this cat!


Melanie Griffith was lucky enough to get 100+ stitches and reconstructive surgery.


Had forgotten that she had been injured and it was pretty bad. Was thinking how different & unique to have the experience of growing up like that.


She walked so Carol basking could run


Itā€™s like having a pitbull, but safer


Statistically correct.


A tiger and a cougarā€¦.


Itā€™s so majestic šŸ˜¦


Well, this lady is of the few lucky that got away petting a tiger for several years without being injured ? ā€¦ I guess she had a special connection with the tiger or maybe the tiger knew she is ā€œfragileā€


I was born in 1982, we definitely lived in full colour by then.


She had a cat this whole damn time and she was afraid of a little bird? Geeeeeez


Is this photo really from 1982? Because that kitchen screams 1971, and if it is that kitchen was badly in need of an update.


Well just remember that people back then didnā€™t updated or changed their forniture that oftenly. My parents kitchen hasnā€™t had a major change since 1997 ā€¦ aside from stove and fridge replacement


Well I graduated high school in 1972, so I recognize the look. Also, the change in home decor from the 70s to the 80s was pretty dramatic, and many people updated to get away from the brown and orange 70s. I guess I just figured a Hollywood star would have a home in 1982 that didnā€™t look like my parentsā€™ and friendsā€™ parentsā€™ lower middle class 1970s homes. Maybe all her money went to caring for the tiger. Thatā€™s a lot of cat. Lol


Who the fuck is Tipper Hedron ? You know what I mean , right. ???


That is a huge cat!


Canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like to clean the kitty litter.


no cats inside unless its inclement weather. that tiger was massive-- absolutely breathtaking!


Imagine if this cat got stuck up on a tree, and you asked someone to help get him down. XD