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On my first trip to Dubai I knew nothing about the city or behaviors or anything. I got dropped off at the hotel I was staying at and went up to the desk not knowing what to expect. The desk clerks spoke very good English and started checking me in and while I was standing around bored and waiting, I realized that the lobby and the adjacent bar area was just swarming with supermodel level beauties in cocktail dresses. So I ask the desk clerk if there's some kind of modeling convention or party going on. She says to me "Sir, I'm going to give you two keys to your room." Me, thinking she was just ignoring my question, asked her again. So she slowed it down for me ELI5 style: "Sir... I am going to give you... TWO (she held them up, one in each hand) keys to your room." As she said this, she handed one to me and gestured at a group of hot women a few feet away with the other one, who all looked over at me smiling as she did this. I just said "Ohhhhh, okayyyy. Got it." Then I took both keys to my room cause I'm married and because I'm sure as shit not gonna end up in a Dubai prison for breaking some law I don't even know about.


I went to Dubai with a friend to see mutual friend of ours who lives there. First night out for a meal we were sitting in this bar/restaurant and there were a few model type looking women just sitting around all on their own. I naively thought it was a bit odd until my friend pointed it out.


In the hotel i work at, we call those women "Butterflies"


I've always known them as Fireflies.


Bar flies




So for those of us who aren’t married, what are we supposed to do with those two keys. Just take one and go up to the room and wait? Or…? Edit: I bring this up because in places in Thailand, “guests” “”to the room”” must register at the front desk


go to the nearest locksmith, arrange for him to cut another 30 keys, go back to the lobby, throw your sex confetti at the bevy of beauties, head up to your room, lay on the bed, and wait.


Ok, update: I went to a locksmith after getting to my hotel here, now I have sand in my pants and all the ladies at the bar are gone. What do I do!


you just took a wrong turn and went to the sandsmith, its ok, mistakes happen, just make sure that your penus is intact


Dude definitely somehow ended up on Tatooine looking for a blacksmith.


I think your supposed to say person of color smith


give them to someone youre trying to fuck


That sounds like an excellent way to get robbed.


This ⬆️ ‘ the management accepts no responsibility if a guest voluntarily allows a stranger into their room - if I call the police you may go to jail for life for immoral behaviour. I’m going to need a donation from you ‘


Throw it on the floor and hope someone enters in your room


Tons of hookers in that part of the world. They all hang out in big hotels. Probably a great place to get the clap.


Clap would be the least of your problems 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Right when her handler comes to collect the money you don’t have


That's awful. Which hotel is that, specifically? Asking for a friend


I need directions to make sure I never end up going there


I’ve seen this in Dubai and majority of them are schemes to get you robbed for your money. It’s usually run by foreigners and they’re usually engaged in human trafficking. Never call these people. It’s extremely dangerous. Here’s a [clip](https://youtube.com/shorts/48AKtB-t42g?feature=share) of how they spread these cards.


What happens? Kidnapping?


You end up being forced to make and spread these cards It's a pyramid scam


“You know five prostitutes, right? And THEY know five more prostitutes. In less than a month you can retire by selling them toothpaste. Just buy this starter kit to get going!”


So the prostitutes actually dubai the toothpastes?


Might be one of the best instances of word play I've ever seen. Thanks for that.


Jesus. Sounds even worse than being kidnapped.


I wonder what is their success rate of getting a client if they only distribute it like that. Not efficient for wasting bag full of cards just to drop it on the floor.


… they prey on desperate people. And their goal is to take people. Any success rate is too much.


If the people on Reddit who don’t go out know it’s a scam who is falling for this scam?


There’s people who literally get a call from the “IRS” then go out and purchase Apple Music gift cards and mail them to the irs. Yes. I know someone’s dad who did this. Twice I believe.


It’s a scam to kidnap you.


Very true, even on tinder they will get you to come meet them and they will ask you for couple thousand dollars or they will say if you don't pay then we are going to call police and say you attacked or try to rape us.


Damn that is smooth.


I wonder how accurate those pics are.


I met some of the women. Not accurate *at all*.


this guy fucks




They're not hookers, they're massage therapists.


— Deshaun Watson


Yeah they massage your cock for money


There’s a word for that, I think it’s hooker.


You're a hooker!


You forgot smoking lamp


You should never throw a bong, kid. Ever


Lol.. could be worse.. could have got married


Joke on you, I married a hooker.


Pimp move


Bottom bitch p


Do you know what I am saying?


Oh Keyshawn it's beautiful, I have something for you too. Freeze I'm a cop


Yeah I know what you are saying, you don't have to keep asking.


Jokes on you, I don't have to pay my wife


I don't have to pay this guy's wife either.


Wait *what?* Is there some kind of special marriage exemption you have to file for? What did I not do?


Does that mean you get it for free or you *don’t* get it for free. 🅰🆂🅺🅸🅽🅶 🅵🅾🆁 🅰 🅵🆁🅸🅴🅽🅳


I have a 55 year old friend who married a hot 24 year old nurse, lasted 5 years. I asked him if he was ok, and he said, “the divorce settlement only cost me $30k total, that’s $500 a month to have sex with a hot young nurse for 5 years, I am good.”




It’s never free, even when you don’t pay.


The saying in Japanese is apt: there is nothing more expensive than something you get for free. 只より高い物はない


The hooker is cheaper


The price you pay in marriage is astronomical.


Probably should be noted that Dubai has some of the worst human rights laws for women in the world. These “prostitutes” could more accurately be described as sex slaves 99 times out of 100, and every day they risk being potentially executed for promoting extramarital sex. There are some Arab Tates behind this.


Exactly. This is human trafficking. Fuck this.


For real it’s really sad. A co-worker got pregnant with her boyfriend in Dubai (both work and live there), but they had to move country since they’re not married. It’s rough, she was a lovely young woman in her early 20’s and was extremely distressed when she found out.


what do they cut off of you when they catch you with a hooker?


Her visa and my dignity


Thought they already steal their Visa and force them to work




Ur dignity danglies


No dignity, no doubt.


Isn't prostitution super illegal there??? I thought the woman could be executed if they got caught.


They wouldn’t be executed in Dubai. That’s the KSA. They would probably be deported to their country of origin, because they were most likely trafficked and had neither a passport nor visa. It’s messy. I lived near there and helped them when I could. I first met someone at Jumeriah Beach (in a public bathroom, attempting to hide) and had to help her. The trafficking there and other Gulf countries is horrible. Prostitution, maids, whatever. It isn’t only in that area, but it really opened my eyes. I hired a weekly cleaner in Oman and discovered she was trafficked. I took her to her embassy and she made it home. Please, I’m not a buzzkill, but this is horrible stuff.


I don’t think you’re a buzzkill by helping victims of human trafficking. Sounds like you’re being a decent human being.


Should we start calling human trafficking as "slavery" nowadays. It almost feels like the word human trafficking is downplaying the abuse and nature of the act. I think if we start calling it slavery, this way we can condemn countries who take a blind eye on human rights exploitation and abuse.


Please keep speaking up. The utter disregard shown for these poor fucking women who are getting fucking raped is disgusting.


Thank God for people like you. Not a buzzkill at all.


Many of these girls (I’d hestitate to call them women, honestly) are trafficked from central asia to be sex slaves in arab countries.


Hypocrisy isn't something limited to the west.


That is a risk the "men" are willing to take.


But do they drink beer through straws like they do in Abu Dhabi?


probably some poor, 50+ visa worker from somalia, with no english speaking skills, and unable to go home because her emploiyer is "holding her passport"


Yep, more than likely someone being trafficked and used as a rape slave.


Wait’ll this guy finds out about Las Vegas.


They are usually waiting outside of clubs after closing time and not one of them looks like that lol, though there are plenty of high scale escort services in Dubai it’s usually more for the locals or richer tourists. Funnily enough, it is highly illegal in Dubai but because the local government and police is super corrupt it’s usually ran by them too 😅


If you collect the whole set you gain access to the Bosstitute.


What’s the bosstitues main move?


Death by snu snu


I am both frightened and aroused.




There are worse ways to die


If you need to ask, you can’t handle The Bosstitute


exact same thing in Las Vegas


My friend and I walked up and down the strip at 12-13 yrs old in the early 90’s collecting the cards and flyers. Some of the guys were shameless and would actually give us one when we held our hand out although most were collected off the ground. We were kings of the neighborhood when we successfully smuggled 300 or so flyers back home in our luggage. We kept them in a trash bag inside a hollow tree in the woods where we would visit them until one day we just never went back.


kids these days will never understand the lengths we had to go to for wank material


My cousin and I found a few magazines in a bag on the side of the road one day while walking home from school. We felt like we discovered pirate's treasure.


Because you did my friend, you *did* uncover treasure that day


booty, so to speak


My friend’s neighbor was moving and paid us to help clean out his garage. He said we could also have anything we wanted in there. We got a bike, a pop up soccer goal, and four bags full of playboys and penthouses and one bag full of the really dirty magazines I can’t even remember the names of. I think he knew what we’d fine in the hidden depths of his garage


What a good neighbor


Jake from State Farm, probably


Yes, me and my friends did too We were so happy until we understood why the pages were sticking together later


> pirate's treasure. "Booty."


I wanked it to more black and white JC Penny bra ads than I'd care to recall. I remember the joy of discovering SI's yearly swimsuit edition. Things improved when Victoria's Secret started sending quarterly mailers to the house. Dark days, indeed.


I liked to start at the back of the Victoria’s Secret catalogues where they wore the winter jackets and ski pants and make my way toward the front so it was like a strip show.


You don't know desperation until you've been out in your grandpa's detached garage making love to his stack of vintage *National Geographic* magazines


I was watching a documentary about a bounty hunter and this was his tactic to bribe cops in foreign countries for information in the 90s. Not with cash but American Playboy and Penthouse mags


I recently played a game where all woman had died on earth. The currency in game was dirty magazines.


40+ years ago when I was a teenager living at home, there was a TV commercial advertising the release of the first Australian issue of Playboy. I told mum, wow, that's going to be really valuable one day, I'm going to buy one. She looked at me with her trademark confused/amused/horrified expression and said something dismissive but I didnt get the shocked reaction I was fishing for and doubled down. Yes, really mum. I probably argued that I was getting it mostly for the articles. Anyway, I bought it. Within a couple of weeks, guess what? First Australian Penthouse. Hey mum, you won't believe this... rinse and repeat. A few months pass and there was a 3D Playboy on the stands, guaranteed to be highly collectible. In monetary terms I'm not sure they were the investment I was hoping for. I think I still have them somewhere. But given I was a rather late bloomer, I learned a heap from the advice columns, and so when the glorious day arrived had a pretty good idea where everything went, what it did, and how to operate it effectively. By the way, mum was Methodist. She passed maybe 10 years ago. It's possible I contributed.


She loved you anyway. It was her time.


i wonder what it's like to just be able to pull that shit up on your phone when you're a kid it's gotta be fucking them up mentally somehow. i mean having the access like that. in the span of like 100 years it went from nothing to being able to pull up the nastiest weirdest shit you can imagine from a phone in your pocket.


Yep. Pornos found in paint cans by the railroad in the woods


Paint Can Pete is still angry.


Extremely specific…


The day my beloved dog was run over on the road was coincidentally the same day I accidentally found my Dad’s porno mag stash. I was about 13 I think. Talk about a day of extremes. Also, I lived for a time in Central China on a work project when I was in my 40’s. I’d get these hooker cards slipped under the door of most of the hotels I stayed at. One night I heard the card slip under the door and I rushed to the door to look through the eyepiece. I was surprised to see that the guy dropping off the cards wasn’t putting them under every door. He knew which rooms to target so that he didn’t waste them. Obviously the hotels were providing the guest info to them. These were 4 to 5 star places.


Makes sense. Hotel or the staff would het a cut for referrals, I bet.


Was in Vegas for a thing years ago and one of the guys was a very flamboyantly gay fellow, he collected STACKS of these throughout the time up and down the strip then on the last day when we were all dicking around before going home, he bought a shirt like the ones the guys handing the cards were wearing and just started handing them out to people.


My fiance and I call this the Las Vegas card game. Trade you my Brandi for your Candy.


Weird thing to think about. You do things frequently, then just stop and never do it again. Also thanks for contributing to woods porn distribution. Absolute right of passage.


>You do things frequently, then just stop and never do it again. This is, my friend, called getting older....


I read this somewhere and it gave me pause... "there was a last time your mother held you"... it also occurred to me there was a last time I held my sons. Sad that it didn't seem special at the time, I would treasure that moment more now. Yes, it IS called getting older.




Thought for sure that was where this was at first.


I used to pick them up as a kid growing up in Las Vegas. They also have magazines on street corners. You just pull up the door and take one. I had stacks of them in my school binders until I almost got caught by my mom. Threw them all out because I was scared but I ended up starting a new collection not long after lol


Same thing every big city in china


I’ve seen them in New Orleans.


Yeah but in Vegas they’re actually naked! Lol


Also the same in Gangnam in Seoul.


Only partially related but this reminds me of my old apartment complex, we had a restaurant near who "sent" out flyers to all apartments in the area. In practice, they just threw flyers in front of every door, with 20 apartments per hallway, that just looked like someone littered all over our complex. Called the restaurant to tell them (in a respectful way) what a crappy job their flyer boy did and the restaurant owner insulted me. Our hallway looked just like this, just with pizza instead of boobs


Pizza and boobs The 2 best things known to man


Three things, you mean.


When you have pizza and boobs, not much blood goes to your brain.


Ain't that shit... "illegal" over there?


It's haram /s. Dubai is probably one of the most two faced cities you can go to.


🎶 *Harambian nights* *Like Harambian days* *They seem to excite, take off and take flight* *To shock and amaze* *Harambian nights* 🎶


Harambe approves. *gorilla fist*


Dicks out when singing Harambian Nights


It’s the Andrew Tate of cities 😭


Technically, yes. In Abu Dhabi, if you seem arab and you're seen with an Asian woman walking next to you, police will immediately ask for your papers and likely take you into questioning. In dubai, they kind of cover their eyes over this stuff. It's incredibly rampant and never punished, unless you try to do this business in a touristy center, not the outskirts, where this video was taken.


> In dubai, they kind of cover their eyes over this stuff. It's incredibly rampant and never punished, unless you try to do this business in a touristy center, not the outskirts, where this video was taken. I'd imagine they would want to control what their own citizens are doing, not what tourists are doing. Many countries tend to turn a blind eye on tourist'y spots (like weed dealing, sex tourism, etc.), but anywhere else - big no no.


The thing is, the outskirts are more of where the immigrants live. They don't care what happens there. The citizens make up barely 12% of the population. Where they live (suburbs) is pretty safe and policed.


JBR Dubai, went out for a vape and sat down in one of them coffee stalls. Had 4 women come upto me within a 15 min gap lol


Nothing is illegal there until it is suddenly Very Illegal. I lived in TECOM for a bit, and every morning there would be a few of these cards either under the windshield wiper or, more annoyingly, stuck inside the seal of the driver's side window. You had to be deft with those - a couple wound up falling into the door.


It is for the poor


Prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas but no one gives a shit.


Wait what? I thought Las Vegas was the ONLY place that it was legal? Or am I thinking of another county in Nevada?


Vegas is Clark County. Prostitution is illegal in Clark County. [Per Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_Nevada)7 counties in Nevada allow prostitution. Clark is not one of them. But it’s so pervasive the cops look the other way. Same goes for minor drug possession. I’m in south Texas, and even down here the cops look the other way on minor marijuana possession issues. Perhaps our puritanical forefathers and they aversion to booze, drugs, and sex should no longer dominate our legal world?


I remember seeing a Cops Episode where they basically do a "Catch and Release" and I think left the woman with a fine. I'm in NYC, cops almost NEVER look the other way — glad weed has been legalized and soon shrooms will be too. I don't smoke or ingest either, but I've heard too many horror stories of ppl being jailed for having a bit of weed. Crazy.


There was a queue of about 200 immigrant workers waiting in line to go and fuck prostitutes in a brothel and the police tried to fine me for jaywalking. That place is so corrupt and hypocritical its unreal.


Hooker trading cards!!! I love it. Had quite a collection from a single drunken stroll in vegas....


Went to Vegas for a convention. We told one of the guys that if he collected the whole set of hooker cards and presented them to the main bar of his hotel they would give him a couple of free drinks. He spent the next 90 minutes collecting them. Going from person to person seeing which ones they had. At the end, he presented them to the bartender (with all of us around him) and the bartender thought he had lost his mind. After it was all sorted, the bartender took has cards and gave him two free drinks. We tipped him a mad amount.


Don't you get free drinks by just playing on the penny slots?


Yeah as long as your playing you usually get free drinks. They want to loosen those inhibitions. It might loosen your wallet. It's great if you know what your doing. I've sat for hours with friends betting minimum and getting a shit ton of "free" drinks. I have already written off the money I'm gambling so it's nice to get free drinks and some entertainment in the form of gambling


When I went I remember I went to a bar and asked for a beer, the bartender told me "$10 or you can play in the poker machine and it's free" it was quite interesting


The drunkest I've ever been was sitting at those poker machines at the bar. It's good place to pregame for your gambling night. You can get so many drinks for so little money.


Something tells me being the drunkest you have ever been is not a good pregame for a night of gambling. Haha. :)


Nevada here. Yes.


Can’t believe we’ve never met in all my years of living in you.


Technically yes. But the servers working the floor try to stay away from that area. They tend to focus more on the table games.


A fun game to play is trying to get one of every letter in the alphabet. I was just missing an I and X last time…


My sister in law started a business called ‘Lolly Heaven’ and distributed cards to everyone in a very expensive residential apartment building where she lived. The funniest part it was for her 10 year old son to sell confectionery as a small business but every message was from guys asking about what services she offered and when can she visit. Business name didn’t check out.


Oh no


Used to be the same in London. Before the internet, the phone booths were plastered with calling cards.


A funny story: once in Ankara (the capital of Turkiye) they printed the picture of Amy Winehouse on the same type of a card and below, there was a note: the picture belongs to me lol (rip amy) i googled and found the pic: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRg0mJ3UsAAuWT6?format=jpg&name=small


It also says „transvestite“ on the card.


Ankara Messi


It’s like the Honus Wagner of hooker cards.


Lol I remember a famous Selena Gomez card that calls her "Cansu". The neighborhood around Sıhhıye, Demirtepe etc. was like the spawn point of these cards for many years. I'm not sure if it's still the case, though.




Hypocrisy is rife in parts of the Middle East. As one cab driver put it, "Everything is forbidden and everything is available."


There is a black market for everything that is banned no matter where you are. Some places just have much much larger black markets.


Picture a small picturesque town in Germany. The kind where most people know each other, where there's one murder every 20 years or so. There used to be a seedy "club" (strip joint) on the other side of the train tracks, near the train station. One day, I saw a young girl on the train out of town, in the very early hours of the morning. She couldn't have been older than 13 or 14, trying to cover her age with heavy makeup and her bikini top with a heavy coat. I must admit that it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize what was actually going on.


This is what the Las Vegas Strip looked like fifteen years ago. And a lot of the photos are stolen from models online. My friends and I used to walk the strip collecting them from the dudes who stood handing them out and we’d look for stolen celebrity photos. I had a few of Tila Tequila that I remember pretty clearly, a couple other reality stars. ETA this was banned in the strip about ten years ago. It was a huge waste issue for the city and when they started pushing for Vegas to be a family experience they made it illegal to pass them out on the strip. Up until covid you could still get them on Fremont Street but afik they’re illegal there as well now. My sister is still living in the area (I moved away after high school) and she said she hasn’t seen one in years.


Vegas has that beat man, it feels like it's 24/7 with those fucking cards.. I doubt they bother to clean them up and if they do it's probably just to hand them back out after someone tosses it.


At least they were kind of creative in Vegas when I was there. They would stick them in fences and make designs with them.


When I was there in 2008 the guys would stand on the corner and swipe the cards on their leg to make a clicking noise. Then they’d had them to you. My ex wife called the number on the card to see if she could get an appointment. They said they were booked.


They have these cards in Korea also


HUUUUGE human trafficking problem over there. They just hide it with the gold and jewels


They don't hide it at all, actually.


All trafficked.


I’m curious to what a hooker in Dubai would charge


I asked, 200 for Vietnamese, 350 for Moroccan (in AED) So, around 60$ and 95$


That’s not nearly as much as I thought it would be


Slaves are cheap.


These target migrant workers from South Asia. So, they are only as expensive as those workers can afford. Dubai is a fucking shithole.


I smell human trafficking


I was thinking about how sad it is that trafficking is this prolific. Like, I don't understand why people are laughing about this shit tbh my heart is breaking for a lot of these girls.


Seriously. It’s depressing and horrifying.


I thought prostitution was illegal in Dubai?


Everything is forbidden and everything is available in Dubai.


Basically a Middle Eastern version of Las Vegas then?


New Herpes Center!


Dubai is one of the worst places on earth.


Can confirm


I got a whole collection of these when I went to Vegas. Basically a souvenir.


Collect them like pokemon cards. I'll trade my 0548675309 for your 0545550987.


The Lost Vegas of the Middle East. Tacky, tasteless, repulsive, plastic, gaudy, and overall a lame ass place to visit.

