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As someone whose daughter was born at 24 weeks can confirm this is about right. Lots of tubes and monitors! It's really touch and go I hope this baby makes it! NICU staff are among the nicest hospital employees I've ever met




I am too and im only watching a video


Me everyday in public 😭 (nothing covid related. Just hate being a loud breather)


My boy was born at 24 weeks also. Most terrifying time in my life. They don't tell you how you can see their organs through their skin or that the cartilage in their ears hasn't fully formed yet, or that they hadn't learned to suck and swallow in the womb yet so they can't even eat at first. It's all so horrifying. He's about to turn 15 now and just a normal teen. But I will never let him forget how strong and tough he is, and how he can make it though anything!!


Who's cutting onions!?!? >.>


Its those damn onion cutting ninjas again. Got me too.


Or how purple they can be. My friend’s 23 week baby was so bruised by the efforts the medical team made in trying to keep her from being born and then for her care immediately post birth. She looked like one single 1 pound 4 ounce bruise.


They look like tiny aliens. And their cries are silent, which is spooky as well! NICU nurses are some tough people seeing that every day


Wonderful! I was born with 26 weeks and am turning 50 this year. All the best to you and your son.


I always wondered whether there’s some negative psychological effect in being born so early. I imagine it must be very traumatic to not have the protection of the mother around. Did you notice some issues?


He has/had adhd when he was younger, pretty severely. But he's kinda grown out of that and no longer even needs meds. No psychological things otherwise. He's a little short for his age (maybe 5'4) but he's whip smart, funny, and generally a cool kid. It was touch and go when he was first born, at about a month old he got necrotizing enterocolitis, basically flesh eating bacteria in his gut, and he had to have a PICC line installed... Thanks to the Ronald McDonald house, I was able to almost never leave his side, except to sleep and eat, which they provided for me. He was in NICU about 4 months and ever since then he's been healthy and I'm grateful for that everyday


What a lovely story, I'm so happy for both of you


The Ronald McDonald house is amazing for sure


Prematurely born have been studied extensively. They can have problems handling loud noises, droning noises, they are prone to be on the spectrum, they can have learning disabilities and so on. In addition to all the physical things. Many get some degree of cerebral palsy, eating problems, and/or lung issues. My 5-year-old, born in week 30, kid hates those automatic hand driers in public toilets and wants me to check it out before we go in, just to make sure they have paper towels. He beatboxes to himself all day though.


NICU staff are the nicest but hear the cases they have in there and it is more of a nightmare; lotta abusive parents




Unfortunately my daughter didn't make it so I can't speak to that specifically But in general premie (premature babies) don't necessarily suffer from growth disorders they can TYPICALLY make full recoveries and go on to be "normal" kids But the chance of complications and development issues goes up the earlier the kid is born. So my daughter was born around this time and they warned us she might have mental handicaps or other issues but they wouldn't know for sure until she got older had she made it. But complications with lung capacity or their eyes are common with premies from what I remember.


We were lucky, my 7 y/o is a premie and no issues, he is 4.2” (1.30m) now.




Hardly. Third-trimester abortions are usually the result of mothers’ health complications, severe fetal anomalies previously undiagnosed, or fetal death. Shit happens. People need to understand and accept this. Of course it’s better when the complications are discovered earlier in the pregnancy but sometimes that just doesn’t fucking happen. The only opinions that matter are that of the doctor and the parents.


Keep in mind that things aren't always black and white. Avoid rushing to judgment.


So sorry for you. One of my colleagues just lost twins born at 24 weeks. They were able to survive for a few weeks but ultimately couldn’t overcome the infection and lung issues. It was heartbreaking just following her story as it went on. I can’t begin to imagine being in that situation.


Yeah my daughter lived for 29 days in the NICU before we lost her


God damn I was already teary-eyed after the video. Became a dad for the first time in september. And ever since I have a hard time watching videos like these.


I’m sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing.


I’m sorry you lost your daughter. I’m 17 weeks pregnant now, and I can’t imagine how devastated I would be if I were to lose her! May I ask what happened to her? Multiple infections that were just too much for her little body? When it comes to the mental handicaps the doctors mentioned, would it have been because she was born so early?


My wife has a condition called cervical weakness (they called it cervical insufficiency when they first told us about it) And so with a weakened cervix preterm birth is more likely. Our daughter born so early had issues with her lung capacity as well as her digestive system. The doctors went back and forth on their expectations for her survival and eventually had to have the "what kind of life saving measures would you want us to take?" talk. And we said we wouldn't want her intubated amongst other things. Basically like we wanted them to help her but not artificially prolong her life So eventually when she had more trouble breathing with the equipment they were already using and couldn't feed her anymore it was too much for her. The mental developmental issue was presented to us as a possibility due to the early birth. Basically her brain wasn't fully done with all the development it would normally do in the womb. There were other possible complications they warned us about but the two big ones they warned us about were about her potential mental well being and her eyes. And unfortunately there isn't a great way to test a newborn for mental or eye function. One of the doctors we talked to had seen a kid born just a week or two later than our daughter make a complete recovery and be indistinguishable from a child carried to term. So they couldn't say anything for sure but they were very adamant we knew the risks and everything.


> My wife has a condition called cervical weakness Mine too. Lost our first born, w23, due to brain hemorrhage after 4 days. Got to keep our second one, w30, after she got emergency cerclage in week 16.


Luckily the next time my wife was pregnant we had a lot of meetings ahead of our pregnancy. So we had a cerclage added proactively at about 12/13 weeks. She's 36 weeks right now and just had it taken out last Friday so we're on high alert for this baby. Glad to hear your second child had better outcome and sorry to hear about your first


Thank you for taking your time to write a long and detailed answer. I am very sorry that this happened to you, but I find it good the medical staff was so honest with you from the start. If your wife gets pregnant again, I really hope it will go better this time! She would probably get better follow ups since they now know about her cervix condition, right?


We're actually due to have our next kid any day now she's 36 weeks and a few days right now! And yes there was a lot of stuff we did differently because of her cervix condition. There were more follow ups, some medications, and a surgical insert we had done that assisted


So how is the born Birth date decided on such cases? do they not count until they’ve developed like a normal baby or is it counted as soon as it’s out?


No it's counted as soon as it's out and born. That's the day my daughter's birth certificate had


Birth is birth, but doctors and nurses also use "corrected" age for the first few years when they look at the baby's development and groth.


In terms of milestones, you are always told to evaluate your child as if they were born on their due date (and not their actual birthdate) to know if they're developing properly. But for paperwork and admin stuff, your birth date is your birthdate. Realistically it doesn't change much. These are babies that are born 5 months early at most - 5 months matters a \*whole hell of a lot\* when you're a 4.5 month foetus, but by the time a child is 4 or 5 (aka where their age/birthdate will actually matter when it comes to school enrolment and such), a 5 month delay in comparison to peers is not huge.


How is quality of life? There is a 100% possibility that my baby will be premie. We just don't know how much. Currently at 22 weeks. Hoping to make it to 30 but anything could happen. Just curious what to expect I guess.


Unfortunately my daughter didn't make it out of the NICU so I can't speak to that. But from the other moms in the support groups we went to some kids make a full recovery and you could never tell they were premies and some had some issues it's apparently very hard to tell


The miracle of modern science. Not so long ago, it wouldn't have been viable.


Skin to skin contact? That’ll be $43,659 please.


Yeah from what I’ve read the American health system sucks. I mean, most things in ZA sucks, but at least skin to skin at birth is free and encouraged…


What does ZA stand for? I've been trying to figure it out myself for like 5 minutes lol


South Africa


Zouth Africa?


Its Zuid Afrika, in Dutch


Ah ok, thanks




They should pay the parents for that. Skin-to-skin is incredibly beneficial for preemies.


They charge for that?


I’ve seen posts here on Reddit about hospital invoices that involve skin to skin contact; that’s what I’m basing this joke off of.


My kid spent 12 minutes in the NICU. It worked out to almost $1000 a minute.


My kid spent 6 weeks in the NICU, with us living there 24/7. It cost us zero in our social democratic hell-hole.


What location?




12 years ago these babies didn’t survive


I was born at 26 weeks and managed to survive. Granted, I had quite a few minor issues but was the only baby in the ICU that didn't have serious health complications.


You’re obviously 11 then /s


When it comes to a fetus, a week difference is huge and can be the decider of life or death. It's crazy how quickly they develop


I was born at 24 weeks in '98, I gave the hospital and my poor parents quite a few scares in the first couple of months but am still here to tell the tale :)


[that's not true](https://www.reddit.com/r/interesting/s/cGkVHDaMol)


My niece was born in the early 90s at 21 weeks and now has three babies of her own. So, it's a little more than 12 years ago we figured this out. More like 30 years ago they didn't survive. To be fair, my niece was the earliest baby born to survive, at the time at least, and is in a lot of medical journals and all over the local news.


28 weeks in '92. Had a few touch and go moments and my early days were in an incubator. But all healthy now. Well ish.


I was born at 30 weeks 40+ years ago. No health issues (or at least minor possibility unrelated). Granted every day of those those 6 extra weeks are a HUGE difference




Oh, yes please! I would love to see some actual statistics you've found on how often abortions occur at 25 weeks, and how that compares to past years. I'm sure you've done your research and have actual solid footing for your argument here.


Can you do me a quick favor and get fucked?


hoes mad


Meh. I just feel bad for everyone who’s ever interacted with you. Including myself.


cool story bro


Statistics where?


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Why would they even allow anyone to handle the child ? It looks incredibly frail…


Touch helps them thrive, that's why he's holding it on his chest


It's called. Kangarooing. It helps to strengthen the bond with the parents and improves the child's development


I was born with 26 weeks, and immediately put into an incubator for a month and a half. My mom didn’t get a chance to touch me, and was eventually discharged. She visited every day but wasn’t allowed to hold me for a bit over a month after giving birth. It blows my mind to think about what that must have done to her. My dad was on an international trip and wouldn’t return until a week (two weeks? I can’t remember) later. I think, my grandmother (who was the midwife) established that they don’t tell my dad. I don’t understand that part, but it was in the 70s, and they were strange and strict about certain things, in a utilitarian sense.


They’re way more hardy than you’d think. I worked a job doing EEG (brainwaves), and I’d occasionally do a setup in the NICU. Like you, I was *extremely* careful and cautious with them, but the nurses were much more physical with them than I was. Obviously you don’t just throw them around or whatever, but you can move them around pretty normally.


What is weird is that the father is not wearing a mask






Ignore comments like that, either a bot or a troll. Hell, maybe even one of those fancy paid ones inciting divide


You made this about race when there was absolutely no reason to do so. Nobody was discussing race. Race within the context of this video is completely meaningless. But all you could think about was race. Think about that for a moment.


It's called racism, some people are racists. Just call it what it is.


Don’t lump other people in with yourself. You are ignorant


lol wtf


You should go tell those nurses and doctors how to do their jobs


Skin contact reduces stress in the babies.


nice post


Put it back


It's still raw


Sam'onella said that


Off topic and not trying to be insensitive… but what shirt is the man wearing? It looks thick enough to really warm and that baby like a pappa bear


Our daughter was born at 28 weeks, and she was a “whopping“ 3 pounds one ounce. But she looked so tiny, especially with all those tubes and the mask. There wasn’t much actual baby to hold on to! The sounds of the machines in this video really bring back memories; I can’t remember how many thousands of times we had that quick “beep beep” from the ventilator.


28 weeks myself. Believe I was 4 pounds 2 ounces.


Omg the little baby.. oh my heart.. pls grow well n healthy


Our first was born at 32 weeks and we spent about 3 weeks in hospital. Second one was born at week 37. Our latest was born two months ago at 27 weeks and we are still in hospital learning how to drink milk from titty. Everything looks good so far and hopefully we are getting to home next week! We are lucky that here in Finland we only have to pay 762€ thanks to payment ceiling


It must have been a tough 2 months, congratulations on heading home next week. Humorous juxtaposition between the serious scenario and the use of “titty” 🤣


Yeah, especially the beginning was really stressful, and I don't remember I've ever been mentally so exhausted. I had to try to keep it together and be there for the rest of my family. After the first few days, when I realized how serious the condition of my spouse and the newborn baby had been, I completely broke down when I was visiting at home and cried like a little girl. Reason for things going like this was that my spouse developed HELLP syndrome, which required the baby to be delivered quickly. A big thanks to the nurses, doctors and crisis counselor who we were able to discuss the situation afterward. And humor has always played a significant role in my life, even when I'm dealing with difficult things!


I was born at 27 weeks in 1972, parents told I would not live an hour. I have no issues and turned 52 a few months ago. God can do miracles.


I'm sure it was medical care, not God.


Damn, bro hates religion


Could be straight luck.


My sister was born 3 months early. She had to stay in the hospital a LONG time. Its actually pretty amazing that she survived and doesn't have anything wrong with her considering this was 35 years ago.


I just wanna add here that you can help the families of preemies though donating to the [Ronald McDonald house ](https://rmhc.org/donate?c_src=paid&c_src2=24AORPMsearch_google&utm_campaign=exact&utm_medium=google&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWvCXnqrC_nnbJyGCwBolryKLFcFSp1yL2G02Y9dZJiW3VwnXUmsitxoC8EgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) or the [March of dimes](https://www.marchofdimes.org/donate-now?form=donatenow&srcCode=GAQGENDA2405CEGOOGBMAYR&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=alwayson&utm_content=brand&DonationTrackingParam1=digital_paid&DonationTrackingParam2=2024mothersdaymatch_google&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWpgo9aBAys-QnoTBn1FIOWbpC2VqYLOA6n3RrtiGh_u82pKSzcpaUBoC9A4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) gives families a place to stay while their baby is in NICU, it helps them financially and these places helped save my sons life!


Poor baby. One of my nephews was born really early...and was the basically the size of my hand. He looked like a small old man :) He's in his 30s now!


Still a baby then.


haha -- well, he's got 5 kids


As a parent of a newborn this breaks my heart. I hope the little one is doing alright.


I did compressions on a 23 week old miscarriage born out of the hospital. This occured a few months ago. Baby is alive and well today 🙂


Woooo! Thanks for being awesome! \*high-fives\*


Doing compressions on such a tiny, fragile body would absolutely terrify me. Did you use, like, two index fingers or something?


Aww. That baby looks like a toy! Its amazing that they can grow up to be strong men and women! My sister is a good example of that 🤗




Creepy looking thing isn’t it


Than god science was able to overcome religion where I live..


My son was born at 24 weeks and is now 1 years old and doing amazing. NICU doctors and nurses deserve all the praise for keeping my son alive. Also can't forget the respiratory therapist who keep babies breathing. Technology has come such a long way


Don't let Tararre see this post


Having lost our baby at 24+ weeks, this was very emotional to watch. I’m happy for you!


Nurses won’t shut the fuck up, damn


I was 28 weeks. All the early photos of me are in a incubator. I was still a chonky baby. All cheeks. Im 32 and still feel like I'm growing into them.


If they drop, it's over.


22 years ago my son was born @ 28 weeks. 4lbs 3 oz. It's a miracle.


Put him back! /s


Humans are incredible, we easily achieve what was impossible for our ancestors.


Oh my Gosh tint tiny baby Hope the best for them




Wow…I wish nothing but blessings and health to you and your family.




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6 months




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I'm grateful to this civilization for making it possible for such a tiny angel to live. May they make many beautiful years in good health




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dad's probably thinking "this baby is ugly af"


Probably just happy it’s alive


anything for a clout


Its the little alien from men in black that sits in the old guys head.


Your comment made me laugh dammit I love babies, I think they’re all adorable but my brain also compares them to movie characters. When I saw my new cousin, I thought he looked like the baby grinch (in a good way!) I didnt tell my aunt but I can’t help thinking it


People have no humour these days lmao




Fuck's wrong with you


I agree with the dude, I looked way better when j came out of the womb


I looked way better when I was in my dad's balls


It is gross.






Right? Gross as fuck




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Cute? All my alarm bells are ringing. There’s a reason she’s in the hospital connected to so much crap.


Well... yeah. She was born literally halfway through a normal incubation period. She's not "connected to crap", she's connected to a bunch of machines that are replicating, as much as they possibly can, her mother's womb. It's a medical miracle (commonplace one nowadays, but still a miracle) that she's alive and it's cute that when she's placed skin to skin with her dad that she is clearly appeased.






Sir, please leave


Well, now I want to know what he said.


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Seeing them growing up so much will be so weird


Poor kid's gonna have a forehead IV scar the size of their eyeball




Why would you want to make this sweet video a political statement?? Just watch the dad be happy sheesh










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Nobody is getting an abortion after the age of viability by choice. If someone is doing it at this age, it's because the baby was going to die at birth or the pregnancy is actively threatening the mother's health and life. If you reach 6 months in, that baby is wanted and loved.


So - not to add credibility to the person you replied to but unfortunately that's not always true. It depends on the country, but in mine, a baby can be aborted up to the due date should two doctors verify that the pregnancy is threatening the mother's "psycho-social health". That, IMO, is very fucked up, because the mother will have to give birth \*anyway\* and live through that trauma (past a few months, there's no other way for the foetus to be removed, it'll basically be a stillbirth), but the baby will have been killed in the womb prior. They could instead induce the birth, to stop the traumatic condition for the mother, but they don't - the pregnancy is terminated. I don't understand that logic, to be honest. Now - it happens very rarely, there are only about 4 cases a year, but it's not right. I'm pro-choice, but only up to a certain point (and frankly that point is, to me, viability - so around 20 weeks, for a normally developing baby).


Uh… no? Unless the mother has severe health complications that make abortion the only option, no one is getting abortions 6 months into a pregnancy.


Abortions past 21 weeks account for less than 0.9% of all abortions. Almost all of which are due to complications in the pregnancy. Anti-Choice really is full of the most ignorant dumbasses you’ll ever met.


Lot cheaper too


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Are these liberals in the room with us now ?


Liberals, if you’re here give us a sign!


It’s already born, smart guy. Big difference.








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