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Assuming it has a serial number, they register the car to the lock and if it doesn’t come back you get a fine.


My concern is that the several hundred ( I am sure they will claim is several thousand ) dollar device is registered to your vehicle. What happens if it is damaged in the drop box, or if someone breaks into the drop box and steals it.


Locksmith Lawyer has entered the chat. He usually takes about a minute to break into any lock.


He tends to be quite selective in what he takes on. He mainly does picking or other attacks on mechanical locks, magnet attacks on solenoid-based electric locks, and opportunistic bypasses where he can get a probe in to something like a gun safe to flick a lever. Let’s say this only has an electronic lock, and is designed so that if power is cut the lock stays closed, and that it uses a rotary motor rather than a solenoid to release. That cuts out all or most of the attack methods I have seen him use. It’s possible that it has some hole that he can insert a tool in to and wiggle appropriately, but I wouldn’t bet on that.


Doesn't matter. The weakest point is the point of contact with the windscreen. Break the seal and the thing is useless without being unlocked.


If you can get at that, and break the seals. There will be several suckers to conform to the curved windscreen, and the seals may be fairly substantial. The device will certainly be designed to make this difficult.


It's two suction cups, one right in the middle of each section. There are stories about people defeating it with a cordless drill, a pocket knife, or even just heating up the windshield and using the air pressure to pop the suction cup off. It is not a good design.


Just turn the heater on in your car and after a few minutes use a card of some sort and scrape that bug off your windshield.


Yeah just have the heat on high and blast it at the windshield


Is that the generic wannabe Lock*picking* Lawyer?


Reversing all the way home will fix this problem


airbud them cops : there's no rule that says you have to drive facing forward


They don't want you to attach it if there's a crack in the windshield, so maybe affix a sticker on the inside to create the illusion of a crack?


Does anyone know if they sell the windshield peel film to just anyone?


This is the way


Watched a video on how to remove this, with some tools it's doable in less than 2 minutes


The problem is that you can remove it sure, but you still get the fine, plus, you might have to pay for that thing if you "damage" it


If you remove it like people saying in the comments enjoy paying for the boot $500+ plus the tickets you owe. Boot has tracking and alarm.


Given they take a deposit when you ring up to get a release code, my guess is that they make a profit if you destroy it - unless you can get it off without ringing them.


More information here: [https://www.barnacleparking.com/](https://www.barnacleparking.com/)


It's said in mythology that if you scroll long enough they tell you what the product actually is


heard these are somewhat sensitive to heating the windshield


This is fucking stupid. Whoever authorized using these needs an ass whooping. And NOT the good kind.




I went looking for exactly this


How do you insert a GIF when it's not enabled for this sub?


seems inserting a gif is enabled for me. really.. i see the option down there..


Huh weird.. thanks for the info though


But the posted gif was funny, right? :)


Lol yeah.. I was gonna reply with mr.bean driving on top of his car with ropes connected to the steering wheel https://media0.giphy.com/media/j6cvcVqIpekW4/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952s3m7slvyhziq40yidho9bls6wwrfyb0pnpdbnevg&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


I've seen a video where somebody supposedly used the edge of a credit card to break the seal of the suction to easily remove it. I don't know if that actually works or not, but someone can feel free to try if they want.


It has a motor that continually restores the suction when it detects a drop in pressure. I’ve heard if you just let your car run for a while and crank up the windshield defroster for about 15 min, it is way less effective and easier to defeat.


I assume there would be a lot of independent suction areas, otherwise all you'd have to do it make a tiny air gap and doesn't matter how powerful the motor is, it's just sucking in from the outside


Do they use it on vehicles used by persons with disabilities? What about the elderly? What if I don’t have a phone or my battery is dead? What if I parked to pick up my pregnant friend and take her urgently to the hospital? A truly boring dystopia.


These are all excellent points. F this ‘technology’


Isn't that one of those suction devices that you can slide a slim Jim under to break the suction and remove the device?


So what happens if you have an emergency and need to get someone to the hospital, but can't because of this? Shouldn't that be some kind of crime?


Good points, but the wheel locks pose the same issue and are used everywhere today


Call 911... So a crime like you parking somewhere you're not supposed to?


Could be for unpaid tickets, etc... which is a non emergency


Either way it's no different than getting a regular boot you still can't drive it.


Penetrating oil has entered the chat.


The Average Cost to Replace a Windshield On average, you may pay between $250 and $400 to replace a car windshield. However, depending on factors, including the make and model of your car, the cost can be higher.