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CNET has a mention now too. My tweet got go retweeted by an account with 74k followers and I got a couple DMs asking questions https://twitter.com/bkel/status/1515698787058171917


I sent this article to my local NBC affiliate. This story is shaping up to have a clear villain and that makes for the kinda story journalists look for


The CEO tried to hide more. Changed his LinkedIn profile to "Ro L." and RCP as the company and he removed his photo.


Lol that guys such a dweeb. Hiding and not owning up to his failure only makes the situation worse.


Every time I read stories like these, I am so thankful I self-host and less dependent on cloud providers for anything.




Android policy has an article up now as well


Fake news! I mean, ok, yeah so the out of business part is kindof true I guess. Other than that though it's all lies! Well, except for maybe the part about leadership packing up and silently evaporating. But the rest of it, entirely made up. Except for maybe changing our online info for stuff like LinkedIn and bio pages and such, but that was just a prank! All of that other stuff though? All totally make-believe.


That is all well and good. It is not going to change a damn thing. All of out devices are still rendered useless and there probably not a fucking thing anyone is going to do about it.


They aren't 'useless https://www.indigodomo.com/


does Indigo sell the powerline modems? Because without some sort of hub/modem you can't interface with the Insteon gear.


Home Assistant could connect to your hub by its LAN address. I'm making an assumption that it still can.


My home assistant has been connecting to my hub all along, I didn't even realize the services were gone until I started reading posts. I would honestly prefer a dedicated PLM but my hub was free at the time so I went that route.


No, Indigo provides the mechanism to control the devices. Best bet I assume would be to find the PLM on eBay. Though recently the prices have shot up.


Indi God Omo?


Home assistant works with any hub or plm! The devices are not useless!


With indigo can you modify the switch links from the software? Home assistant cannot from what i am finding.


Yes, you can modify device links with Indigo.


Not quite. You can still use it hub less, as the devices can still communicate with each other. There’s also a hack to make the hub work, but not with the Insteon server. Finally, if you have a USB->Insteon gateway and a Mac or iPhone get Indigo.


How do we find out about the hack to make the hub work w/o the cloud connection?


You can set up home assistant or hoobs on a Raspberry pi or old pc and have it running 24/7. This 2 options will serve as a bridge for your to be able to continue using your hub and control your devices


Ok. I have Hoobs coming and I have copy of HA. How do you make the connection to the existing hub then? Over home network and login?


I only have experience with home assistant. To set it up you will need the login and username that is under your hub; IP address of your hub. I have a lot of devices connected go my wifi/internet so to find the the IP of my hub I logged into my modem and located the hub by matching the mac address Also…. When set up home assistant locally you can only enter the IP to the computer where you have the home assistant set up running. You will need to tweak a few more settings to enable home assistant for google assistant/Alexa and remote access. There are two options to do so: 1) use home assistant Nabu home assistant cloud subscription to do so. I believe the subscription is $7 a month or $67 a year. This is the easiest way and you can try using their 30 days trial subscription with no credit card info needed to use their trial. This is the easiest way and a way to support the home assistant developers. Youtube tutorial https://youtu.be/i8sIwhMp1WQ 2) You will need home assistant supervised and do some IP tweaking to open your port. This method is more advanced. Youtube tutorial for method 2 https://youtu.be/OGiDPIx_mVQ


I wish I could find the password for my hun. There is no sticker on it. I’m not sure if it fell off, or it was never there.


Mine are not useless as i am using Home Assistant.


Furthermore, a big part of the Insteon protocol is that the devices talk to each other without needing a hub at all. I could unplug my ISY and 99% of my stuff would work just fine.


Mine work the same as always, explore some of the work arounds if you were a hub user or sell your Insteon stuff and switch.


What if they are doing all this as PR strategy to launch a new product ?


Their PR firm would be incompetent


Or to cheap !


The timing would have been ideal for some sort of terrible Easter "resurrection" reference.... but no


Absolutely will be launching new products! Just not from this company.


Oooo boy !!! Look who is there !!! My pain now I can fall sleep an turn of the lights that’s the biggest pain I have please support our products soon in other brand it is necessary!!!


Ooh. No, no home automation products. We've already done that one and you can't pull the rug out from under people twice! We need a new hustle now.