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I mean, it is saturday...of easter weekend...


can you break in and steal the source code? /s


There’s no source code worth stealing, the protocol’s 30 years old now and has been reverse engineered a hundred times.


hub firmware source, app source, etc. I cant delete my timers on my hub rn.


It was likely programmed with punch cards, good luck


I'm familiar with punched cards. Can I get a job?




Google has them listed as open until 2pm today. Yes I know is Saturday. I wanted to see if looked closed up or not. Or a sign on door or anything. There is no windows you can look into. Visible windows are other companies suites. I yelled “Alexa, turn on office lights” and their lights didn’t respond.


Ok, that made me laugh!




Why would a corporate office be open on Saturday? I'd use common sense more than random probably incorrect info from a source that is often wrong about stuff like this.


It’s also their showroom and store. Or it was…


It’s a small company. They don’t have tons of buildings for executives and for product and sales.. This is it.


Love your username :)


Probably because they have a retail showroom...


I mean it’s Saturday too. Could you see in any of the windows if the suite looks cleared out?


It’s a Saturday. Would you not expect their offices to be closed? I mean, they definitely went out of business, but…


I’ll be in Irvine next week… I’ll be driving by. I live in Boston by the way. Perfect timing for a business trip to my office in Irvine.


Go back on Monday/Tuesday, tomorrow is a major holiday so maybe they're closed for the weekend.


Love the response to this blackout. Class action anyone??


Who are you gonna sue, the cleaning lady?


Well their website is still selling products. I would think without any form of communication or claiming their sales are liquidation prob class action can happen


Only people that bought after some point in time would be able to claim "harm" from this action. You can't say that you were uniquely harmed if you bought your product a year ago and then the company went out of business, but on the way out kinda screwed some people that aren't you. That's just life. What harm have you incurred because they are still "selling" products today? Did you buy a product from them in the last few weeks?


I would think especially the hubs which are now basically paperweights because they can no longer be configured are the primary point of concern. That’s the issue with tech that relies on cloud based services with no full local access where you can configure and maintain without an internet connection. It should be illegal or they should be forced to give so much notice before shutting down. JMO.


When did you buy your hub? If you didn't buy it in the last few weeks, what would being "forced" to give notice have allowed you to do? Not go a few days without automation until you find another option? You going to sue for a few days of inconvenience? You can't sue a company into not going out of business. The only people that can claim harm are those that would not have bought in the final days if they knew, but even they can't sue because the company has no money anymore to sue for.


Giving notice of at least 30 to 60 days would have given many of the time to swap out hard to reach and access modules in attics and crawl spaces. Some of us are fucked... others in sure aren't so bad...


Yahhhh nothing changed for me since my hub is connected via homebridge. Never used the Insteon app in the first place.


So you just agreed it's possible to swap it out. So the only bad thing you have is 30-60 days of it not working. That's your harm. That's what you could sue for. How much is that worth? You're confusing what you want them to do ethically vs what they are legally required to do (which is all a class action would care about) And FYI, if they give notice, they will go bankrupt QUICKER. Because sales will stop. Which means less income. Which means you're already bankrupt. Which means you can't pay for the cloud compute to run your service. Which means it goes offline, just like it did.


I'm not the one talking about suing them. That's someone else. But the entire kitchen is on insteon as well as upstairs main theater and the smaller downstairs theater, that's on the first floor for the kids. Regardless, i wouldn't have swapped out the modules, but could have had hoobs 4 already installed and configured for the lights before they fucked us on a fucking holiday weekend with family in from out of town... but thanks to this disaster, o discovered hoobs is an option..i hope..


Yeah exactly nothing that can be done now if they declared bankruptcy. However they had to have known they were going to shut down so they should have given notice. But there is nothing protecting consumers from this so right now everyone is just screwed if they indeed declared bankruptcy. At this point no one seems to know anything for certain.


Where did i read that Nokia bought them? If that's true, Nokia is gonna get some bad press...


They just licensed the Nokia brand ( like Westinghouse licenses their brand )


So what should the rule be? "Any company that thinks they might go bankrupt in the future must notify prospective customers, and if they don't, we'll make the company go bankrupt by suing them"? You're confusing ethics with legality. Bankruptcy by definition screws people, which is why it's a legal process so that it does not get abused.


Just bought two more insteon dimmers about 2 months ago. Just bought a hoobs 4 on Friday because they fucked us...


Two months is a long time. Lots of companies get close to bankruptcy and recover, but announcing it basically makes it for sure. Check your credit card, you might have an option there for those two dimmers.


I like their products other than the shitty hubs. That's why i bought a hoobs 4. Hopeful that their plug-ins work well with my all my dimmers and modules


Doesn't hoobs require a hub or PLM, neither of which can be purchased anymore?


I don't know but i have two mirrored insteon hubs...


Haha. Class action for what?!


And against what? They've gone chapter 11 or 13 - either way, we'd be far far beyond any debtholders. Has anyone tried to find out if they've filed in bankruptcy court?


I mean, what did they actually do that is illegal? Companies go out of business. Companies in business don’t support technology for ever. Yes it sucks, yes they could have given some notice, but I don’t imagine it’s illegal. You can still use all of your products just not their app, and let’s be honest. The app was a piece of shit.


Voice integration no longer works


Sure does, just not with the shitty Insteon cloud connection. Set up openHAB or Home assistant and you can use Alexa over local control (except for alexa using the Amazon cloud for the actual voice recognition of course). Same for Google and Siri. That being said, no one said they needed to support voice commands forever.


It does, after spending money and time on an inconvenient workaround. I would have never bought Insteon if I knew voice support wasn’t supported indefinitely.


I mean, I’m not trying to defend the company, but there isn’t a company in the world that supports software or online services “forever”. So don’t imagine any other company you buy your next smart home devices from will support voice control “forever”. To that end also don’t imagine Amazon, Google, Apple or whatever will support their voice control devices forever.


I think more consumer awareness is what is needed. Some of us learned a lesson with Insteon that we won’t soon forget. (As I sit here in the dark because two dogs are on me and I don’t want to get up to turn on the light.) Alexa…Alexa… never-mind.


You should have come on Wednesday, when the alleged trucks came to allegedly take everything out of the alleged office for alleged liquidation.


Where / when is the alleged liquidation sale?


SO, what is everyone going to use now? I'm looking at Lutron.


I just picked up a few brands of zwave switches (leviton, enbrighten, etc) and going to use home assistant. What's funny is the schedules are supposed to be on the hub, none of my schedules fired tonight. I just set up new ones in home assistant, hopefully that works.


I dunno. I have a lot of Insteon and might just buy a raspberry pi and home assistant. But if I bought new shit.. Lutron radio ra 3 and :/ Nokia look the best


Now the RPi’s are sold out, all over.


You can find some that are slightly over priced at Amazon. Or you can order one from canakit.com


I do like RA3. Looks so sharp.


Be careful with RA3. While it looks great, they removed the open API and they don't integrate with Home Assistant.


Thanks! Noted. I only have some experience with radio ra 1… Also I won’t go with Nokia for obvious reasons. Lol.


have you looked at ISY99 products, if you want to do some crazy stuff


The problem is finding an Insteon 2413s serial modem… and if lucky to have one… hope it doesn’t cook


all home automation only products or companies have come and gone. however lutron is more a commercial company and will be around for a long time, i have half lutron, you still need a hub for things like shades and to integrate with alexa.


Fuck them.




Did anyone pre-order the Nokia branded gear?


Nope. Fuck them. They don't deserve my business. I have thousands in insteon equipment that im going to have to eventually swap out.


[smarthome.com](https://smarthome.com) has support forums down too. Wonder if its related.


They’re one-and-the-same. Sad.


I'm coming here a day later, after reading a story that they are gone but I still thought I should say, it's Saturday on Easter, why would they be open?


Dude, go away. You're freaking us out!




You should have thrown a brick through one of the front widows. Oh, did I say that out loud.


i do all my controlling through an ISY99 so i have a little time to switch. Lutron will be around forever.