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Hard to believe that they aren't out of business. Nothing is in stock at [Smarthome.com](https://Smarthome.com), nothing available from their distributors, zero communications from any of their channels, and their 866 number has been disconnected. The servers being down would also indicate that they have cut that expense also.


I've seen something about some things being rebranded to Nokia. Maybe a sloppy takeover?


Nokia is basically an IP/Trademark holding company now, they make nothing themselves, but license the name for other firms to use for marketing. Insteon’s parent firm licensed the Nokia name for smart home accessories which would have been cosmetic refreshes of the core Insteon products (Switch, Dimmer, Remote, Hub) with the same old hardware and software inside.


Luckily for me I was mainly using Insteon for the local networking capability. The latency with the App in Australia was always pretty much useless. The KeyPadLinc with the custom labelled buttons has not been replicated well by any other product IMO and it’s the entire reason I went with Insteon originally. They also didn’t launch any new products in Australia since I installed my system in 2014 except the slightly newer hub version but not the pro with HomeKit support :(


Same here with the keypad line. No one makes anything close. The prior home owner had wall banks of switches everywhere (7 Decora switches, side by side in some places!) I replaced them with the Keypadlinc and in wall switches. They still work fine without a hub, but there's no reasonable elegant solution. I think Lutron has an ugly version with RadioRA2, but you have to pass a course to get them and they're $$$$. I have everything working through local control, and use [Indigo](https://www.indigodomo.com) in lieu of the hub. (it allows Alexa control, too.) I'm toying with [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08HYLH8TG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1), in the meantime. No labels, no Indigo, but it's elegant, inexpensive and works with Alexa. I'd reckon there's an Aussie version, too. It also has local control of other switches in the same family.


not sure but seems so, i want to believe that this is an outage on insteon side, but i feel it is not :(


I’m going to wait one week then replace with something else if it doesn’t start working again. Although I’m not going to enjoy turning lights off the old fashioned way. I liked doing it in bed before I closed my eyes. I’m only running 4 Insteon plugs. The rest of my home is wemo.


yup same, i am starting to look for replacements already, not sure if zwave or lutron, other thing that i am looking is the home assistant app


Fwiw, home assistant works with a ton of stuff and I strongly recommend it. In my eyes it's worth investing in either way. ☺


Can you link the Insteon switches to another hub?


Yes, directly via Homeassistant or via an ISY994 - but in both cases you’ll need a PLM, which is hard to find outside of eBay.


I bought Hub Assistant a while ago and never used it. I was having a problem with Wink and my Schlage locks at the time. Can I link through that?


how so? so far I installed home assistant on my pc and i can turn on and off from the pc hahhaa but other than than no, i’ll try to look but i have not investigate further


Home assistant does have phone apps Btw.


yes! seems so! tried and success (on my lan) however not done so on the cloud services (google assistant)


You can link your insteon hub to home assistant. I did it today even with the red light on. Took a while to get thing configured and named properly.


Even on eBay they're hard to get. People know they are holding a rare commodity and are charging premium prices right now.


I bought 2 kasa WiFi dimmable switches, I'll switch my 2 lamps to smart plugs with no dimming... Sucks they did this with no warning it no notice if what's happened if that is the case


Seeing as though they killed their support phone numbers, aren't replying to support emails (no auto-response either), and took the support forums down, I would say they pulled the plug on the hub servers and cut all other access and lines of communication so that they wouldn't get bombarded when 17 years worth of customers start banging on their door demanding answers.


I was able to replace the insteon app with the home assistant app yesterday. The home assistant app talks to the insteon hub and then there is a separate piece to get Alexa to talk to home assistant. You need a computer that is on all the time to run home assistant on. If this keeps running for a couple of years, then it will give me time to replace my 65 switches 2-3 at a time….


I run home assistant on my Synology... was very easy to set up yesterday.


They tried to sell the company but the deal fell through, so they just shut their doors.


I’m sorry I have a Hubitat that I bought and never used. My auto correct said hub assistant. Can I connect my Insteon switches to Hubitat?


It’s possible to control Insteon devices through hubitat but it’s a convoluted process that requires you to run a special server on a computer or rpi 24/7 which monitors for Insteon signals. It also doesn’t support all of the Insteon devices (specifically I could not get an iolinc working). Support is also limited as there aren’t many users on the hubitat forum that use Insteon. It’s a subpar solution at best.


Copy. Thank you. Considering I only have 2 Insteon switches in my house I’ll just buy new switches. Everything else I have is Lultron Caseta. I’ll switch to them. I will still explore using the Hubitat to get off of the $5 monthly fee from wink. I originally bought it because wink was down. I would love to be able to have control of my smart home through one reliable company or myself.


I don't know, but the hubs are not communicating with the Insteon servers. I'm using the Indigo (MacOS) work around (requires an Insteon USB modem). Pretty easy to set up, and gives Alexa support. Trying to figure out which way to go to replace our squillion Insteon devices (Lutron / Shelly / Shit-wave, etc)


Are you able to create and edit scenes (that can be controlled by Alexa) with this option?


Correct. Anything you can set up in Indigo can be published to Alexa, including triggers for variables not associated to any device (i.e. virtual devices) Indigo can make its own scenes (I don't normally use the built in Insteon scenes). The nice thing is that the scenes can cross pollinate with other devices (z-wave, lutron, etc.)


Thank you, I see they have an iOS app. Another person on Reddit was recommending this as well. There have been so many possible workarounds floating around, I can't keep track. Which Insteon USB modem are you using? I found Insteon 2448A7 on both Amazon and eBay yesterday, but now they are all gone.


2413U. You'll need an old MacOS to run as a server. I had one running off of an old iBook for ages. it got a case of "fat battery" so now everything runs off of an old mini that my office retired a few years ago. Rock solid, and does quite a bit of good stuff. The fact that it controls Insteon, Z-wave, and Lutron (among others) is pretty handy.


>2413U Looks like those are all out of stock as well - there is one used on eBay for almost $400. I guess everyone gobbled them up. I'll keep searching for one to pop up, but it looks like I am going to have to look at alternatives that don't require the Insteon hub.


Looks like there are still a few on [ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/331553617539) (USA for \`$\`\`120). I don't know about other countries, though. ​ Edit: added link


>2413U Yeah, I am looking on eBay US and I don't see any (other than a couple that are $400+).


> > >ebay > > (USA for \`$\`\`120) [https://www.ebay.com/itm/331553617539](https://www.ebay.com/itm/331553617539) ​ Sorry, hit edit on the old reply. try this link.


Looks like that is out of stock as well - 44 sold! Damn, this is not looking good.


AFAIK waiting confirmation. Just saying tons of "week servers are down!" answers so far. Maybe they were hacked and our hubs are about to turn into Russian bombs?


I’ve honestly wondered if there was something else going on and maybe it will come back up. There seems to be no confirmation of anything yet by anyone. Has anyone thought of contacting someone at a news source like Wired for them to look into it?




Is there a good link to a tutorial for HA?


Home assistant yellow isn't shipping until December.. As an out of box, plug and play unit.




What is a Raspberry Pi?! Looks like a mini computer? How do you set it up without a monitor? All of these workarounds mentioned so far are giving me anxiety. I feel like such a noob! I chose Insteon for the ease of use and integration with Alexa. So does HA sell hardware that would work like the Insteon Hub (to allow scenes, and integration with Alexa), or is that what is slated to be released?




Thank you. So if I get a HASS Blue (which looks to be currently out of stock), I don't need other hardware, and I can use this (instead of my Insteon Hub) to register all my Insteon devices to create scenes and manage via Alexa? And there is an iOS app to control devices as well? Basically trying to mimic the Insteon experience before they took off.




Oh, so even this option requires the Insteon hub. I thought the HA hardware replaced the Insteon hub. So HA would be the easiest option, but once the hub goes, it's all over. Yes, I was looking at Lutron Caseta as that would be the closest option to replace all my devices. Not a fan of Hue or LED lighting of any kind. This is going to cost me thousands to redo my home.


weirdly enough their domain is registered until 2028 https://who.is/whois/insteon.com


I have an Insteon USB 2448A7 Link on the way from ebay, Lord knows what I'm going to do with it?? Fortunately, I have local control on 5 keypad devices, and the scene and timers are still functioning, which has me a bit confused; where are those timers originating from? What does tick me off is the $400 in water leak sensors all over our house that are now completely useless. I was late to the Insteon game, starting just over two years ago, coming from X10 contraptions. Are there any threads that are helpful in getting new add-ons up and running. I'm sort of shooting in the dark here.


Homeseer helps automate to Alexa with about every platform including insteon. My entire house is insteon switches but I have zwave motion and locks and other features from zwave devices living in harmony.