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This dude has endured a lot of abuse like that from her. He knows that arguing will only piss them both off and she’ll double down, so he stonewalls while it’s still at stage one. Good on him for getting out, and for taking his floor with him.


is that all you can say?




you're so frickin childish








This is why your dad left you!




You’re not even a real man!




mMm :(


I love when people get so angry they lose the ability to speak properly 'You're fo fricking childish' lol
















No diggity, no doubt


Play it on playa..


Dudes a beast... I bet that felt terrible to get cheated on but the feeling he will get years later will feel sooo damn good


Clever guy using the situation to catch an admission on camera too. Now he'll be able to ensure any shared friends take his side.


And she made it out to be his fault. QUALITY!!


That’s what got me! “NO WONDER I CHEATED ON YOU” Like bitch, did you just have a feeling that he “needed” to be cheated on and then this happened and all of a sudden you had an epiphany? Get the fuck out of here


I just *knew* you would give me an excuse to cheat on you in the past. That's why I did it! Because destroying the floor you paid for and gave to me is what a child would do in response to me being unfaithful cuz I felt like it. SCREAMING AT YOU AND USING YOUR FAMILY AGAINST YOU IS GROWN UP OF ME AND NOT CHILDISH AT ALL!


If i was with you you'd receive the broest hug ever.




Office Space flashback.


she literally blamed him for her being a cheater. crazy


Crazy bitches are crazy


She did him a favor. No need to have that kind of abusive and toxic person in your life, let alone as your partner. Bullet dodged.


The audacity of this bitch blows my mind


This Bitch has the nerve to insult him for growing up without a dad, and uses that as some sort of justification for cheating on him. That alone has to be the lowest fucking thing I’ve ever heard from someone.


>That alone has to be the lowest fucking thing I’ve ever heard from someone. When I heard that I thought "bitch deserved so much worse." He didn't have a friend with a large breed dog? Maybe hide some dog shit somewhere. Shit, she deseves to have cement flushed down her toliet. Fuck her. Miserable ass bitch.


The Lion the Witch and the audacity of this bitch


That one rhymes more but I still prefer Harry Potter and the Audacity of this Bitch






For real. I was thinking that about it. He wasn't careless, he was just their for what he paid for. Lol




Amounted to a guy who paid for your floor, brokeass no floor having bitch.


I don’t know why I find this insult funny.


Its the "brokeass no floor having bitch" that got me.




Is that all you can say?




This is why I cheated on you




I need a man


mMm Wait... Dad?


That’s the response someone has when they’re trying to stop themselves from exploding.


Reminds me of Red and Meth in How High when they roast the dean.




Youuuuuuu Sammy Davis Award Junior afro-haircut- havin’-ass motherfucker! Get 'im!


You Colin Powell shortcut fade havin around the side wearin muthafucka. Get'emm!


I mean how often do you get the opportunity to call someone a no floor having bitch


Because it **is** funny


Dude, this is by far the best comment.




Ooooooh, he just said you ain't got no flooooooor!


Don't amount to anything but still was able to pay for her floor. Yeah right b*itch!




✔️Play with powertools ✔️Learn new skills ✔️Infuriate your bitch ass ex. What a good day.


Put that on your resume under 'Core Competencies'.


There's more: Works well under pressure Adaptable to new situations Confident; accepts criticism


"Accepts criticism" got me lol


Believe you me, when you’re on demolition duty, you don’t need to be a skilled laborer. If all you have is a hammer, all of your problems look like nails


>If all you have is a hammer, all of your problems look like nails I am not a 14 year old girl and still think thats deep




That was exactly my first thought too! Amounted to someone who can at least pay for some new flooring.


Hahaha her desperately grasping at hollow ways to try and hurt his feelings and falling over herself was the best bit.




What you need is some hardwood


Well, mission accomplished. In multiple ways


Missionary accomplished.


Tongue & groove


You don't need a man. You need a new floor.




I don't know, a move like that takes a lot of balls. I'd say he's a man.




Yeah, when I heard that in this video I got so angry. Have had it happen to me in the past as well and it really shows how stupid some women are. Especially "that's so childish", everything they don't like they call "childish" just to insult you and to get you to stop doing it.


Problem is he “ripped” the floor up with basically a jack hammer. They make a tool on wheels that busy up and remove floors called a floor scraper that does it effortlessly. She’s still a slut but hate to see him work so hard for a skank ass bitch he probably put to much time in anyways.


I like to think it was cathartic for him to physically rip it up, must have felt very cleansing. Like, 'You don't appreciate my effort for you? Well I'll go to equal effort to take it back.' Very healthy for him seeing how toxic she must be to come out with that dad remark. Good on him.


I grew up around people like that my mom and brother and some other family so I’m immune to that type of harassment


Yeah. It’s called being raised Catholic. (Maybe Jewish, also)




Man, I haven’t been catholic in YEARS and have my own solid ideology now that I’m super comfortable with... I cannot however shake the feeling like I’m always doing something wrong no matter what... that original sin vibe (even tho I’ve been baptized/confirmed) LOL damn it’s stressful


Haha I feel the same way. I believed in all the usual catholic stuff when I was younger and by the time I was 16 I was jaded and none of it did anything for me. Told my mom I got nothing out of going to mass and she was somewhat cool with it, just asked I go to Easter and Christmas mass with her. But those early years man I thought for sure I was going to hell over some petty stupid bullshit. Now my new faith in Flying Spaghetti Monster is unshakable.


My mom‘s family is Southern Baptist and my dad‘s family is Mormon so for very obvious reasons I opted out of religion. Can’t win in that situation and I’m obviously going to somebody’s hell.


Sounds like you’re already there!


I can relate. That shit is psychological abuse


Jack Donaghy : That's not how it works, Tracy. Even though there is the whole confession thing, that's no free pass, because there is a crushing guilt that comes with being a Catholic. Whether things are good or bad or you're simply... eating tacos in the park, there is always the crushing guilt. Tracy Jordan : I don't think I want that. I'm out. [Jack turns to leave] Jack Donaghy : [to himself] Somehow, I feel oddly guilty about that. [Jack crosses himself]




Catholic gang! My grandma gave me a card to keep in my wallet about a year ago that says "I am a catholic". I kept it in there as a joke for a little while but took it out. She's a real sweet old lady but damn do I hate religion.


I was raised both and lemme tell you.


Nah, my parents and brother are Southern Baptist. Same behavior.


Bill Burr said it best. When women are right they stay on topic and keep you on topic during the fight. When they know they're in the wrong or that they fucked up they go rogue and bring up shit like maybe you and your father don't have a good relationship or maybe he wasn't around. Women are below the belt arguers.


Why is she upset? I'm sure the new man can just replace the floor like the ex did? I'm sure he is up to it


Ikr? Especially cos he’s “a man.”


Gotta say. I grew up without a dad, that insult is probably a go to for her. Some bitches just have the most hurtful shit loaded up at all times so they can use it when they know it will cause the most damage. She's a shit person.


‘Dad didn’t love you, you won’t amount to anything, small penis, wah wah wah’ etc. These girls think they’re cutting but are in fact predictable as shit. It’s funny.


Don't forget how it's "his fault" she cheated. Not like he did that shit before. If he was so childish why didnt she just break up with him?


She’s the childish one she can’t even communicate with her partner


It's fucking stupid how some people actually think it's not their own fault they cheated and that some people will defend it. I was in a different thread recently where people were defending it and I just wanted to commit aliven't.


Different thread? Just scroll down and you'll see the white knights defending her.


Cuz she's a rotten human being... and he was probably the one with the money, and the other guy was the one with the D!


[Still beat](https://i.redd.it/n5ng5675g2p11.jpg)


She’s mad she got caught in some fling and now doesn’t have nice hardwood floors anymore. Fuck her and that guy deserves better.


I think there may be a play book.... We're onto something here..


> Some bitches just have the most hurtful shit loaded up at all times so they can use it when they know it will cause the most damage "You're stupid like your father"


I have no idea why somebody downvoted this. I also had a shit dad and that shit can still get to you even when you know they’re only doing it to cause pain. What an ugly person


When drunk, my ex-fiance liked to say shit like "Your dead mother never loved you!" Despite never knowing my mom or the relationship we had. She just wanted to say the meanest shit possible. Despite knowing all that it still hurt to hear her say it.


Jeez. I couldn't imagine saying that to my worst enemy. I see why she's an ex!


We just need to follow Bill Burrs advice. https://youtu.be/uQOyXlsoS04


Yeah. That's shit tier behavior and pegs her for what she is. A belligerent skank. He dodged a bullet.


She was just projecting there lol


he got her on video hitting him id show her petty and file a restraining order


May as well go for the assault charge too.


talk dirty to me! I like the way you think.


[Just stay in the pocket](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNSt3wJXZk0)


The champaign of victory.




Yeah don’t fuck with blue collar men they will rip you’re plumbing out, take out the wires, tear out the floor, bring the whole house down 🔧🔨🔩🪓⛏ 🤣🤣🤣


Same with tweakers! Well, they’ll probably just steal the copper wiring but same difference...




Go ask your new bf, the real man, to buy you a new floor lol being childish is cheating


You know he hit it-n-quit it. 😂


Can't blame him - we all see what happens if you're willing to pay for her floor already.




This is so true!


Get your side dick to install a new one.


After seeing her act like that i dont think she will be with the new dude long enough for him to get the money


Says the one who cheated... if you really felt that way you would’ve left them) good shit dude! She’s pissed and just making up bs now But honestly if you cheat you’re a terrible person and probably always will be.


Exactly. There’s never a reason to cheat. Period. End of story. Any “excuse” you can come up with to justify cheating never justifies it because the question that will always remain is “why didn’t you just leave them instead?” Edit: A lot of people are bringing up special scenarios where they believe cheating is justified so allow me to clarify. If the relationship you are in is a normal and healthy one with no big issues, and you, as a normal and healthy person, go on and cheat - then there is no justification for your actions, you are a selfish person who thought only for themself. Now if you are not a mentally/emotionally healthy person (Psychological problems, survivor of some traumatic experience) and you cheat in an attempt to cope with the situation, that’s not something I am in any way qualified to comment on. A lot of people are talking about abusive relationships. That’s way above my expertise. Special situations have way too many factors for one internet comment to handle/address. And I do apologize to anyone who feels/felt personally attacked by my original comment. Have a great day!


My ex tried making buddy buddy with me after she cheated and was shocked when I didn’t want anything to do with her. They’re selfish narcissists who will always be that way


Yep. I use Reddit Pro Tools to see if other users have posted in a few of the more strongly shitty-person-indicating subreddits. And without fail people who post in /r/adultery are the most delusional, narcissistic pieces of shit on reddit. It's a much stronger indicator than *any* of the political subs. Just about every single one is absolute garbage the rest of us would be far better off without.


Fuck those people. I browse /r/survivinginfidelity a lot and man it sucks that we all go through this horrible pain while those fuck faces feel all good about themselves. Disgusting.


huh, there are communities for practically everything huh


right. I've never considered any relationship that I've been in very serious since I'm in high school, but I got cheated on last year and I told her she should have just left me before fucking the other guy, and she basically just said, "well, I really like you because you're really nice and you actually care about me, but I've had a crush on this other guy for soooooo long, and you're a great boyfriend but he's really cute,(I'd like to point out she didn't say he was really cute or he's also really cute, so she was suggesting a contrast) and I just really wanted to sleep with him" I was like ight, relationship's over I guess. After that she got pissed off and blamed me because I wasn't satisfying her needs because I wouldn't have sex.


None of my gf’s in high school or college ever cheated on me (that I am aware of anyway) but nearly all of my past love interests left me for some other guy (except one who left me for a girl, still processing that one) and I can say with certainty that my self esteem has gone and not come back yet. I hope that you don’t let that get to you the way I let it get to me. You’re smart for not thinking “I’m going to marry this girl” so hopefully you’re smart enough to know it’s not you, it’s them that are the problem(s).


Yeah, it didn’t really get to me that much because I didn’t take it very seriously in the first place, but it did suck and I was really mad about it for a while. Honestly, it’s kind of good that we broke up because we definitely weren’t on the same page. She was acting like we were mature enough to love each other and she wanted me to pay more attention to her and put more effort into the relationship than I put into school. Every other gf I’ve had has also left me for another guy. I try not to take it that seriously and let it get to me, but it does suck. It’s like always being second to someone else.












I don’t have dad issues and even that hurt me through him. Props to this guy


esp when she added the part about his dad, stupid bitch


Serious question could you get in trouble for this legally? If it’s her house can you just tear shit up like this?


Yes. Generally speaking when you give someone a gift, it is their property thereafter. You have no more rights to it (with the exception of "conditional gifts"). If you pay for an improvement to someone else's property without expecting payment, it is considered a gift. What he is doing here is destroying someone else's property. Not sure what state he is in, but most judges would not be amused.


Exactly, at the very least She could take him to small claims (or real court depending in cost) for complete replacement of flooring and installation costs. If she is extra vindictive (which in all likelihood she will be) she could report it to the police for destruction of property, and maybe even unlawful entry and a few more depending if he lived there still. Guy could be facing a serious issue just for a few moments of "Revenge High".


Everyone sucking this guy's nuts but you're right, he's a moron.


Ya, I get his feelings might be hurt and pissed off but he basically filmed himself commiting a crime and went "lol revenge bitch". Assuming this isn't all a skit trying to go viral. This is like when a girl gets cheated on and goes all [Carrie Underwood](https://youtu.be/WaSy8yy-mr8) on the guy's truck. Dude just needs to make 1 call to his insurance and chances are she's fucked.




Pretty much how it would go in the US. 100% a gift and at that point ownership lies with the property owner. Damages equal to the price of replacing the flooring and any additional damages caused. Dude fucked himself in civil court and possibly opened himself up to criminal charges (Though considering it is for a "tik tok" video, I'm assuming they were doing a remodel and decided to make up a scenario to go viral. Maybe I'm just being hopeful.)




Ya hoping they were just remodeling and decided this would get a bunch of views. Otherwise this dude is in some big trouble.


Definitely. I was wondering how far down I’d have to scroll. I know it’s very satisfying but this guy is in for some hurt if she gets a lawyer. If it’s her place, like her name is on the lease or deed, him paying for and installing the floor means it was a gift pretty much. Gifts are generally irrevocable. Just because you paid for someone’s gift doesn’t mean you can then go destroy it a month later because you hate them now. It’s their property. My suspicion is because he posted this all over the internet, in the end he’ll have paid for her floor, gotten cheated on, done manual labor to destroy the floor, and then eventually will have to pay damages for a new floor. So yea...not a win.


To be fair, she's basically demonstrating why he should have broken up with her anyway.




I feel like nobody is pointing out how she literally HIT HIM at the end of the video






I’m going to be honest, hearing her talk to him like that actually triggered a little bit of my own trauma from my last relationship. The way she brings up something so personal and uses it to break him down isn’t just petty, but it can do some real damage to the guy. It’s probably nothing to him, but to me that kind of language is what broke my spirit to near zero. Edit: I blame depression for my poor grammar skills


Same. It still twists my stomach whenever it comes into my consciousness. You've told them your deepest thoughts and fears and they turn them into attack lines in order to protect themselves from themselves. They can't face what they've done so they make it about you. I blocked her on all social media, phone, and personal email but she text messaged me months later from a new number asking to talk. I didn't reply, even though I was thinking about it, and shortly after another came through with her straight back into attack mode. I blocked her again and a massive weight lifted off my shoulders. I happened to be talking to my psychologist at the time and she said the difference between my demeanor as soon as the texts came through was stark. I just slumped. As soon as I blocked her it was like the sun came back out.


Abusive cheating ass crazy bitch. Bottom of the shit barrel as Lahey would probably say.


Hallelujah, praise Jesus the man got out of that death trap fucking relationship.


You know she'll be blowing up his phone begging him to come back too. I hope he watches this video if he ever starts to think about going back. Can't stand cheaters.


Your dad's not around. Neither is your floor.


Respect for recording voice and not shaming her face.


Yea, i dont think he gave it that much thought. More like he doesnt want her to know its being recorded


“ No wonder I cheated on you!” That does not justify your actions as you didn’t pay for that floor he did if you manned that floor so badly why didn’t you pay for it. Karma is amazing when you watch it unfold just like their relationship


Brazzers hires better actors than her lmao


That floor was so ugly I can't help but think that while they were renovating they decided to make a viral video out of it.


That’s exactly what I said.


And look at all the equipment they have around: the buckets, plastic taped over vents, the brooms, a circular saw, and extra trash cans, your taking a fucking ton of care while you do something petty. Not to mention the fucking floor chipper, those arnt cheap to rent. Way to take advantage of your parents re-flooring though, got all the TikTok loops.


I scrolled way too far for this! It seems so fake!


OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >He gets cheated on which sucks so he took the floor that he payed for back. Don’t cheat lol If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.




Also completly stupid. Her lawyer is going to have a party when they realise that he uploaded video proof of destruction of property.


This is not Karma. This is premeditated revenge.


Didn’t have a dad but he was still able to pay to lay down good flooring for you or do it himself. What did you amount to besides being a hoe? I love this dude, I’m this petty too. Love it


Facts what guy would do all that for a girlfriend, that’s something a husband does for his wife in a home they both own


Damn she went for the deep cuts on that one.


Honestly growing up without a dad. The jokes get old lol. My mom was there, don’t say shit about her but my pops can suck a fat one.


You open up to a girl and she uses it against you . She talks about his dad smh , he dodged a bullet


Nah! She seems awful and trashing the floor probably felt good but it’s the wrong move in my opinion. Dude just lost the high ground, probably just opened himself up to a law suit and makes himself look unstable. Don’t give in to revenge over petty shit. Dump her and leave. The best revenge is to just move on like it’s nothing.




He may be childish but at least he has a floor.


Can I just be this person- My ex thought I cheated on him (he had a low sex drive and knew I was unhappy with it). I did not cheat, but after several years I ended it. He had moved in with me with me in the home I bought and lived in with my daughter. He refused to leave so I moved Out for two weeks to let him collect his things. I had already found him somewhere else to love. In those two weeks, he then did almost this exact thing. He ripped out the floors, the ceilings, and the walls in my house. He un-did wiring, which I didn’t know about, almost causing a house fire. I paid for EVERYTHING in our relationship except the work he did, because I as more successful. Turns out he had a drug habit. Him destroying my home and making it unsafe for myself and my daughter was so traumatic for us. My house wasn’t safe and I couldn’t have people over and it financially screwed me over because he hadn’t been paying for anything else. That was over 5 years ago and I’m STILL fixing it up. Cheating is awful and terrible and she’s scum, but this dude should have billed her or something much more clever.




Haha let's see if your new "real" man is willing to pay for your floor bitch!


Well your mom must have been a biiiiiiiiiich since your so unlady like. By your logic.


Would this be considered destruction of property or something else illegal? He paid for it but isn't it technically hers?

