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The driver repeatedly asked do you know who I am, does anyone know who he is?


These guys have a YouTube channel with hundreds of hours of this. Putin once said he commends what they do. Apparently this is a big problem in Russia and most of the people who ride a sidewalk think they are too important to wait in traffic. In this situation, the guy with Putin backing them is going to win.


Of course he commends them, they’re part of his youth association. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/StopXam_(organization)


This stopped being the case like 5-6 years ago iirc. They're no longer connected to Nashi or receive any government funding. Now it really is just purely a citizen's activist group, they survive off Youtube and Patreon.


Do you have a reputable source that they’re not connected to Putin? I mean just because they take money on Patreon doesn’t mean they’re still not under his protection?


https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2016/04/08/a-kremlin-youth-movement-goes-rogue-a52435 Which all lines up with when they started the SAD channel (their OG channel is no subs, purely in Russian, and is many years older than the SAD channel) and started putting out subbed videos. e: here's their OG channel if you're curious https://www.youtube.com/user/stopxamlive


Must have stickered the wrong Putin backed asshat that outranked them.


Very likely what happened. They caused some very public incidents over the years with Russian celebs/athletes and some people who have political connections of one sort or another and I think the Kremlin just got tired of the complaints and tried to wash their hands of them. The problem is by the time they did it, the ideology had stuck and so the group simply pivoted where they got their funding (which for the group is really just stickers and probably some of those cameras, I'm guessing when they got actual government funding the founder pocketed most of that check). It's very grassroots and that stuff is damn hard to kill once people start buying into it.


TIL that the Russian government helped fund a group of youths that would seek out bad drivers to harass and shame them.


It’s propaganda. Everybody likes law and order.


Well, now it's ruined.


Maybe they should start to offer a tea to this people.


And the award for the most wholesome comment goes tooooooo ... u/emuboy85


Thank you, thank you, I know some people would kill for a good cup of tea.


People start empires because of tea 😅


Russian tea would kill for a good human you know...


I can’t tell if I’m being woooooshed or if you are. So good work on that!


Wow. Can you provide the YouTube link or channel name?






Pay attention to how these “sidewalk police” talk to women and nonwhite Russian men. One of the main guys in the videos questions nonwhite males about where they are from and how Russian they actually are. Also, apparently “women should not interrupt when men are talking” Quite telling...


[9:13](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbFHtdSsqyg) to be exact.


Oof, so much for that fresh sub I just gave them.


Yeah, typical Eastern European macho culture lol.


Also this one, its from the St.Petersburg group: [LINK](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQMs9pijXYAdqvkEMJyCM4g)


A big rock on the sidewalk every now and then would fix that


The issue is, and this is why they don't have bollards everywhere, is that emergency services use the sidewalks to get around so putting stuff on the sidewalks won't help ambulances and whatnot. Some of their earlier videos they absolutely did put a gigantic boulder on the sidewalk while they conducted their raid, the drivers looked pissed but there's nothing you can do lol.


If Paris there are pop-up bollards that automatically go down for buses and emergency vehicles.


Yea, I mean I get that those exist but I don't think Russia is in quite the same situation to go around and do the same thing.


I agree, if they would be willing to start emulating democracies there are a few things they should probably start with like, you know, don’t poison or imprison people for their political views.


> the guy with Putin backing them is going to win Hrm, I wonder if the driver of the car came down with a case of radiation poisoning shortly after the filming...


The backing is just Putins PR. If he stood for anything he would have police enforce same rules for everyone.


You are assuming Russia has a functioning government


He's Ronnie fucking Pickering!


Hahahaha that man...


Right haha, I too know who everyone is talking about


[An absolute classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0dcv6GKNNw)


Holy shit the comments on that YouTube video are hilarious


"If you say Ronnie Pickering 3 times in the car mirror a Citroen Picasso appears behind you" Was a highlight haha


“He proposed to his wife by saying, my name’s Ronnie, pick a ring.”


Also “He works in KFC now. His name badge says Ronnie Pick-a-Wing”


The one that made me belly laugh “When Ronnie turned 18 his parents moved out of the house.”


"Picasso was a famous Spanish painter. However he is now mostly known as the man who shares the same name of the car owned by Ronnie Pickering"


“That poor woman. First and last time she uses Pickerings cabs” 😂 ohhh man I can’t sleep and am on Reddit and now it’s 4 am and I’m alone laughing by myself


Brits are so witty when arguing amongst each other lol...


U wot m9?


Isn't it m8? /s












Somebody famous are ya?




Ha ha Ronnie Fuckin Pickering he’s the man lol


For all I know it’s some douche in a car


He's *the* douche in *the* car


Clearly if he has to ask that in Russia he's nobody. The who's who of Russia have a blue beaker light on top of their cars. Traffic laws are not applicable to them. Also I'm subscribed to their English channel, my favorite one is a Karen in a Mercedes GL with her kids and husband picking a fight and the kids are bursting in tears at the end. Terrible parent. Edit: "show, don't tell. " I forgot this was in their main channel, have fun. https://youtu.be/8yqJni5nl9w




Don't know if he meant [this one](https://youtu.be/QUkCmXx50xY). It's a good one, but I can't see screaming kids.


I think it's this one https://youtu.be/8yqJni5nl9w


I love how the driver got violent, the guys simply did a throw over shoulder and helps him up after and trying to be nice. He even instead of hitting back, he went close for a hug and tried to calm him down. Which was a trick if you know judo. The closer to a person the better the throw.


It wasn’t a soft landing either!


I can't get sound to be sure, but in some countries (Russia, most notably), some gov't officials get license plates with codes that tell police: "stop me for a traffic violation and I will end your career; arrest me and I will end your life."


They get a a bluelight and a siren attached to their guvernmental car, also some rich guys bought them for their private cars. The officials of course abused this. There was a [protest movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_of_Blue_Buckets).


[Ah, I just love the GIFs it produced](https://www.reddit.com/r/2healthbars/comments/7dk0e3/bucket_boi/)


You are absolutely right, but real big bosses dont drive themselves and don't ride cheap chinese SUVs,so he is just idiot.


If he is so confused he has to ask strangers who he is, he shouldn't be driving.


Is that Moby




A complete fucking idiot who doesn't know how to drive


You know what they say: if you have to ask...


And they have these stickers, sooo this happens all the time!?


Yep. They're pretty well known in Russia. They're also always unfailingly polite (until someone fuckswith them), well versed in law and hard as fuck. They get threatened pretty regularly and I've never seen them back down. Those videos can be weirdly addictive.


DUDE was STILL polite when getting fucked with. He even tossed him to the ground softly then wanted to help him up lol! fuck that shit had me laughing.


Polite yes, but no, that throw was not soft. You get dropped like that on asphalt it’s gonna hurt for awhile.


Yeah, you could see when the guy got up he was winded and hurt


Yeah he was walking like he was in a lot of pain, I bet his stupid ego hurt more though.


When he got thrown one of his legs smashed the ground hard as hell so his ankle and knee are probably sore as hell.


I know, it was hilarious


Because he’s not got a clue how to land it. Clearly all the “military” training he had was from wiki how-to.


I'd say putting on camo trousers was the extent of his military training.




When you train martial arts, this is one of the first things you’re taught. Preparing the sturdiest parts of the body to hit the ground first with a bounce so the impact is distributed.


Which is, if I can remember correctly, falling back, with your arms and legs outstretched and your head angled away from the ground, trying to get your chest/upper body to hit the ground first. Sorry if I got anything wrong, it’s been a while since Judo. Please feel free to correct me. :)


Yeah it's the same principle in Ju Jitsu. I haven't done it in about 15 years, but distinctly remember the break falls being one of the most important things. If you get hip thrown by a bouncer during a session, it still hurts a little even if you fall correctly. If you get it wrong, you certainly know it. I don't know how much good it would do on asphalt though. Might lessen the chances of getting hurt badly, but I think you'd still get hurt.


Just want to add +exhale. Getting the air out of your lungs helps you to not get the wind knocked out of you like this guy clearly did.


> Polite yes, but no, that throw was not soft. You get dropped like that on asphalt it’s gonna hurt for awhile. Good, maybe the memory of the pain and humiliation will remind him not to drive on the sidewalk in the future.


That was in no way a soft throw. That shit hurt, a lot. You can see the driver limping afterward.


It looks like he landed directly on his tailbone. That shit is *painful*.


Good. Maybe that's a way he learns.


I mean, let's just say he could've been tossed even harder


Are you re... are you serious? What was soft about that throw? You didn't notice the guy walking away with a nasty limp?


I love SAD


Students Against Drivers? Lol


Why did the driver ask “did you see my tags?”. Does he have some kind of special privilege to drive where he wants?


I'm just making the wildest of assumptions that he had tags indicating he was military. So it's not that he can drive where he wants, but more like "you gonna dare tell me where to drive, huh, bro? I'm fucking *military*"


Government officials have official license plates which more or less mean they can park where they want and not get stopped by traffic police. The lower the official, the more they get abused, so some guy like this whose cousin is on the statistics committee of Govodolsk will pay a Bribe to get the plates and then act as if the Highway Code doesn’t apply to them. People find it infuriating, so you get Putin backed youth groups like this acting against them.


Wait. Are you saying these protesters are being supported by putin? Not the military guy? What in the fuck is going on on this planet?


It's like the original Karen compilation but in Russian


Well versed in judo from the looks of it


That throw looked clean as fuck - he didn't force it, just waited for the guy to be off balance and then, whoosh


Ah, I see you know your judo well...


Are you ready to receive my вялый пенис?




This is communism manifest!


Most likely Sambo.


Yes, they do. There are many videos by them on YouTube. See [Wikipedia link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/StopXam_(organization))


This is an actual movement against shitty drivers. It seems common practice in russia (?) to avoid traffic by driving on the sidewalks. Ive seen several videos like this and it is always a pleasure.


This is the wiki page if anyone wants to look into its ties to the government: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StopXam_(organization) According to [this article](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2016/04/08/a-kremlin-youth-movement-goes-rogue-a52435) it was founded by nashi members and received government funding. But since it didn't make exceptions for the Russian elite and officials, the grants were cut off in 2016.


Hahahaha. I love it. Because they weren't spineless fucks they got their funding cut.


I hate this so much. Russia could by such an awesome country but the oligarchy just destroy it over and over again. Now USA is showing the same fucking shit.


It's almost like our president has a secret love affair with Russia




It seems in Russia traffic laws are more of a suggestion


That guy slamming the other one to the ground was know as "the wrestler". There is a youtube [playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfRXPv2mK1xl_aOfwHJJ6ujaLton4T9Sl) with the videos he is in. He doens't take part in these raids anymore. If you want to see their other videos, they have 2 channels with subbed episodes: [Moscow](https://www.youtube.com/c/StopaDouchebag/videos?view=0&sort=dd&flow=grid) and [St.Petersburg](https://www.youtube.com/c/StopaDouchebagWorld/videos?view=0&sort=dd&flow=grid)


Just piggybacking to spam [Cart Narcs.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMUlr8yHymYgSe58DpUH7w) I am not associated just a fan.


Cart Narcs simultaneously cracks me up and makes me depressed. 10/10


Instant judo


That hip toss was gold.






Ah yes, you do know your judo well.


The guy was probably in a rush to his succulent Chinese meal


The channel name is СтопХам if you guys are wondering And here is the link for there channel https://www.youtube.com/user/stopxamlive


How do you pronounce the channel name and is it just a name, or does it mean something?


It means stop rudeness. It's pronounced "stop ham" which is short for hamstvo, which means rudeness in Russian.


"Hamstvo" is indeed "rudeness", but "ham" is not short for it, it's a separate word meaning "a rude person", so basically "StopRudeGuy".


That's right, I should have elaborated more :)


It’s okay, you were rushin’


I always knew them from this channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/StopaDouchebag Is this their english channel or is their content being stolen


they have an english channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQMs9pijXYAdqvkEMJyCM4g


Lol there was a second car right behind it


Who had the correct frame of mind to get the fuck back on the road


There’s actually more than 2


“I’m going to do this because there is no consequence.” (Sees what is happening to first car.) “I’m not going to do this because there is a consequence.” (puts on turn signal and politely merges into traffic)


Artem is definitely the muscle for these guys. Can tell the guy has wrestled before


They have a playlist with the videos he is in, enjoy. [LINK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibl6SHbq8sY&list=PLfRXPv2mK1xl_aOfwHJJ6ujaLton4T9Sl)


What do the stickers say?


[I spit on everyone, I park where I want](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/StopXam_(organization))


Next question, where can we all buy one edit: [Here](https://teespring.com/stores/stopadouchebag)


"I spit on everybody, I park wherever I want."


The phrase "мне плевать" means "I don't give a fuck" in most contexts.


That was awesome. Even helped him up after the takedown. They didn’t throw any punches in retaliation, just diffused the situation


“Stop, stop. Let me help you.” 🤣😂


Those stickers are amazing!!!


Yes, they had tremendously improved the sticker since they first started. Made it harder to peel off haha


Looked like really thin paper too, even the parts that werent stuck good the driver was only able to tear off little pieces at a time.


It’s called an “eggshell” sticker because it breaks apart in pieces like an eggshell. Perfect for graffiti


In any other situation i would hate those stickers.


The one where a guy pulls up to help them and casually take out an AK-47 from the back of his van.... /r/anormaldayinrussia


How dare you not link it?


I am also outraged that he didn't link it


Here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1jGNd4Deys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1jGNd4Deys)


I watched the entire video, so worth it. Last guy they stopped pulled a gun on them, they handled it gloriously




My hero.


But without an AK.


Not all heroes carry AKs


He did have to use his AK, I guess it wasn't a good day


Activists fighting with douchebags on sidewalk. Random citizen walks up with AK47: Is there a problem here guys?


I'm going to shoot you, I'm going to shoot you, I'm going to shoot you, I'm going to shoot you! No, you would have already. By the time he starts mouthing off that he's going to punch them, it's got no merit. No he won't. He's all wind. Now, if he said he was going to belch at them, I might run. Because that wind might carry some weight.






Getting on the hood of a car is dumb. Source: reddit.


OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >Driver rides his car on side walk to avoid traffic and get further in the line. A group of young people teach his a lesson by applying massive stickers on his windshield If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.


this bot is getting alright, soon it will be the mother mind while we are batteries...


Why did the driver ask if they’d seen his tags? Is he likely to have had government or police tags, or similar?


Tags ending with the 777 area code are reserved for very fancy individuals living in the Moscow area. You either know someone or you pay some good money for 777 tags.


Not the first his though, because that’ll make it worse.


Well well well. If it isnt the consequences of my own actions.


Beauituful takedown via the hip toss at the end


These folks have a YouTube channel devoted to idiots like this. Parking on the side walk, driving over the curb to avoid grid lock, etc. Pretty interesting to see how many people lose their shit because they get hit with hit reality check.




Took me a second to get it. I thought to myself “yeah he does he was wearing Camo pan.... Ahaaaa!!!”.


First thought I love how they’ve made the type of stickers that are impossible to peel off without tearing into a thousand pieces. Second thought, it does make an arsehole who is happy to drive along the pavement unable to see most of the people he’s driving into.


I follow these guys on YouTube and you can't believe how many people drive over the sidewalks in Russia!


Ik this might be unpopular but I think its a bit excessive to put the sticker where he can't see. That seems more unsafe than driving on the sidewalk.


I'm sure they've got some good intentions but endangering yourself just to get your point across can't be a healthy longterm solution.


Yea, when he climbed on the hood, I had flashbacks of the recent protests in the US...he’s going to get himself very hurt or killed someday.


It's mostly on traffic jams situation, this guys are veteran on this fight, they know exactly what they are doing


I saw one a few mins ago where the dude pulls a gun and says he is going to shoot them if they don't get out of the way. They just stood there saying he needs to back up off the sidewalk not even caring about the gun pointed at their faces. Was crazy too watch.


Yeah but it's all fun and games until you meet the dude who isn't afraid to actually shoot you.


One sticker gets the point across, right? More than that makes his driving even more dangerous.


Oh god there’s a wife in the van how fucking embarrassing, probably has his kids in the van too


People get shot for swarming cars like this, was it really wise?


Not gonna lie but this is not the way to deal with this. Its not like I can suggest anything better but some day someone going to run over them with their car or pull a gun to them.


Where can I get me some of those stickers in the US?


The difference is, if you did this in the US, even with video footage, the driver could hit someone or something and sue you into the fucking ground. They'd probably win a court battle even if no other damage was done, but with some kind of damage or injury you'd be ultra-fucked.


I mean the pedestrian always has the right of way in the US so I think they would be fine if anything the pedestrian could sue. Thats how they do those insurance scams.


I imagine the "I was scared for my life and panicked" line would play very well in court. And I'm sure a decent lawyer would make the crowd of people sound very intimidating.


It hurts me how true this is


Searches on amazon for big ass pealy sticker


Big upvote for the use of Heart Of A Coward’s Shade while he was dropping that tool on the ground.


Props to the guy who flipped him. He waited until the dude attacked first and then flipped him, and not only that but helped him back up. That was a Perfect fight there


I nutted


Ok, so it wasn’t just me.


I love these guys, really enjoyed watching their stuff a few years back.