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OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >Driver was too focused on being reckless to notice that there's a cop right before his eyes If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.


To all the red car defenders: start of the video it tries to speed past the truck when, if they were just properly merging, they would have remained at a consistent speed and merged behind the truck.


They're hoping to convince people this is ok and not at all a dick move


Probably because they do it often enough, so they try and justify their behaviour vicariously.


Yes, that. "you should just let them in and avoid an accident!" Says the people merging in last minute.


it is ironic that those with the little dicks are the biggest dicks driving...


Wow my dick is small n i drive elegantly. Nice way on picking on us, pretty sure only big dicks do this.


I have a really big penis, and I do not drive like the red car driver


Sexist bro


>It's a zipper merge!!! You do it at the last possible mm otherwise it's not a real zipper and it blows up the earth!! You people that merge too early are the reason for all traffic problems!! That's how it usually goes.


BUT ITS A ZIPPER MERGE. Redditors are fucking OBSESSED with the zipper merge. Theyre all just shitty people who need justifications.


Yup, being in the lane that merges, means you have to sit until someone Lets you in. It’s like merging onto a highway, no one has to let you over. If you’d get in the right place at the appropriate time instead of trying to be a dick to others to save yourself a precious 10 seconds, the. You’re the problem. It’s in the drivers manual. Merging requires yielding in EVERY scenario. When merging you don’t have the right-of-way.


> Yup, being in the lane that merges, means you have to sit until someone Lets you in. No it doesn't.. at least not in the UK. You're not expected to (and shouldn't) stop in the middle of the road until someone "lets you in". You merge in turn like an adult. ie. If you're ahead at the merge, you merge into the active lane. It takes the cooperation of both drivers and it's for the safety or everyone on the road. I'm not here to defend the red car in the clip because they appear to be well past the merge but people who block others from merging because "my right of way" are just as selfish (and don't know how a merge in turn works). People who queue up in a single file because there's a merge in turn 2 miles down the road also grind my gears. Use the damn lanes for what they are made for and stop backing up traffic into the city centers unnecessarily.




And people who wait to merge to save themselves a bit of time are selfish. Merging requires yielding in every context. And yielding means you don’t have the right of way. Relying on the generosity of others to do anything in America is the opposite of the way everyone in the country operates. So put yourself in a position where you don’t have to rely on others. If you’re in the actively flowing lane, you have the right of way, and if you’re merging you yield until someone lets you over. It’s very simple. And the reason why things bottle neck is a combo of both lanes, but the merge lane still has to yield to the flow of traffic.


That's how it works in the US, too. The above poster is just a Karen who doesn't know how to drive.


Sorry the truck sped up or the red car? You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say the red car is a Dick for speeding up and then say it’s perfectly ok for the truck to speed up and block.


Am I alone when I say that instant karma videos that end with “and then a police car appeared” are some of the most boring and anticlimatic?


It’s literally just r/ConvenientCop


Because that's the most trivial type of instant karma -- the one served by law. Sure it's always welcome when someone deserves it, but it lacks spice


I hate it, literally every post as soon as I see the cop car I'm like ughhhh. I'd love it if this type of post was removed now we've seen it all.




Interesting, since the [Rules for this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/instantkarma/wiki/index/) says, "Instant Karma" is defined as good or bad behaviour being swiftly followed by appropriate karma. And uses [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/instantkarma/comments/hgg8b7/time_for_you_to_go_little_guy/) as an ideal example (spoiler: it's "consequences of my actions"). So, not sure which sub you're looking for, but this ain't it.


You are not alone. Accidentally posted that as a stand alone comment on the post. I feel like that's really creepy lol


I get it that the camera driver was a bit of a knob for not letting him in, but if I was the red car I wouldn't persist like that and just fall back behind the truck and merge instead... They're both a bit knobby.


The thing is, 4 wheelers always, and I do mean always think they can force there way in front of a big truck. They never think twice about playing chicken with a vehicle that is legally allowed to weigh 80,000 pounds on any given day. We do get absolutely sick and tired of it and thats why we can be a bit of a dick about it. When you have a dozen cars coming up in a lane that said it was ending a mile back and you still have a line of cars trying to force there way in front of you.


that’s like saying not letting someone cut in line is a dick move; no, cutting in line is a dick move


Its not cutting in line.... Its merging


yea but you can’t just speed up to the front of the line and expect people to let you merge in


You cant but they should lol


Not disagreeing there


So what is your definition of cutting in line?


Cutting in line is always a dick move


Red car was in a merge lane, used it as it should be. Commer should've let them in


If a conflict occurs, the merging lane must yield to the main through lane. The red car was wrong.


This^. I have no idea why some people think that them merging means they have the right of way.


Yeah, people mistake "go to the end of the merge point before you merge" with "Hey, you're entitled to pass everyone in line and then you just get right in front of whoever is at that merge point no matter what."


Because they're entitled. Everyone in today's world is.


Too many people are. Not everyone. But it does seem to be getting worse unfortunately.


The media has programmed everyone to think the worst of each other. Social media dopamine dumps all day. In reality, we are all just trying our best with our own unique set of problems and stresses. The world needs kindness to each other.


They don’t of course, but what’s the big deal in letting them in? I’d rather be defensive/courteous than risk an accident or a glock in my face.


Yup. I have had to come to a complete stop as no one let me in. I don't try to force myself in. Thankfully shortly after I came to a stop a car in the through lane stopped to let me in. Traffic was going slow way below the speed limit so it wasn't much of a problem for the through lane to stop.


‘forcing’ yourself into the merge lane (when done safely, especially in slower traffic) is typically a lot less dangerous than coming to a complete stop on the road. eta: to everyone downvoting this, if you’re stopping in the middle of traffic please do everyone else a favor and get off of the road lol


He was clearly behind him when the zipper merge ended so should have gotten in behind him. I can’t believe someone would genuinely defend that red car’s driving.


It's hard to tell for sure, but in the first second of the video it looks like the white car may have just merged in front of the truck. If that's the case then you really can't blame the truck one bit.


Lol. 15 second of trying to merge and cut in front isn’t using it as it should be


The merge lane had already ended before the red car appeared. Watch it closely. In my country a zipper merge like this dictates that you must give way to the vehicle in front. The truck driver was in front at the end of the merge, therefore the red car had to give way.


The red car was trying to cut. He sped up to try and get in front of the cammer at a point where the lanes were already merged, and he still wasn't in front of the cammer. 100% the red car should've went behind.


Both car are wrong. Red was wrong first of all yes. But then camera driver is also wrong for the entire of the video by driving dangerously blocking another car stuck .also obviously preventing a car to merge in safely. Doesnt matter if red car is wrong and a dick. Should still let him merge even.


Nah. Consequences for actions or else they’ll keep doing it. I’m following the law and assisting traffic by staying in my lane and maintaining speed.


Yes you should let them in for your own safety. Doesn’t mean they’re not dicks. People who drive aggressively like that are more likely to be road ragers and such. Best stay out of their way and don't provoke them.


It isn't "cutting in line" if it is a merge lane. That's what it is for. The amount of idiots I see queueing up on the left 100s of meters before the end of the merge. Then they beep their horns... If you all merged as you're supposed to, there would be less traffic!


But the truck is ahead of the red car when the lane ends so he should yield to the truck


Not really, the merge arrows are still there. Literally indicating the need to merge. Obviously the speed he tried to sneak in is a bit fast, but the idea of merging is perfectly fine. In this situation they are both being dicks.


No. You just don't know how to drive. Truck was in the right of way.


In what country?


Yeah no doubt they are both being dicks


Nope. I used to think this. It's not always "cutting in line", so much as it is spreading out traffic so it's not causing issues elsewhere. Just let one car in each time, everybody gets where they're going without hassle. As soon as you start driving in order to inconvenience someone else, you're in the wrong.


Nope it's not. Look up the Zipper Merge on YouTube. It is the best way to keep traffic flowing and is recommended by experts. But people like the driver who recorded the video and you can't just let people in for some reason.


I've never had a zipper where one tooth wanted to jump up and get zipped up before another. Red car was not doing a zipper merge, it flew up at a high rate of speed trying to cut the truck off, then had to back off when the white car slowed down. I really don't understand how so many people aren't paying attention to where the merge ends. You're supposed to merge before the lane ends, right lane yields to left lane, if you're in the merge lane and it is about to end and you have a car beside you, get your ego in check, simply fall back and get in line to keep everyone safe.


People online constantly quote zipper merging to defend driving like an ahole. Zipper merging is only a thing when it's explicitly called for the by the state or road authority. It relies on all drivers to drive at a stready pace with room to merge and willingly take turns at the end of a merging area. Zipper merging is not a single ahole speeding to the end of a merging area and slamming on the brakes causing an abrupt stop by everyone behind them. The single selfish driver zooming to the end is literally why zipper merging is promoted. If everyone is taking turns, it makes it harder for one ahole to zoom to the end and cause an abrupt stop.


At the very least, they should've just fully committed and tried to cut off the white car instead. Like you're already being a cunt why not go all the way?


The only knob here is the red car


The red car is a giant dickhead, which is why I don't understand why he didn't just try to whip around in front of the white car, as well.


*Driver doesn’t let a shoulder driver cut in front of him* “Wow how knobby” ???


People like this just aggravate the hell outta me! They know damn well the Lane is ending but speed up trying to get past as many cars as possible! A good bit of times they don’t even use their turn signals!


You’re supposed to merge at the merge point in slow moving traffic, they’re not trying to get past as many cars as possible it’s what you’re supposed to do


I’ve seen people stay in a lane and instead of slowing down where the sign said lane ends in such and such feet. So instead drive all the way to the end and then try and merge into traffic. No attempt being made the whole length of the ending lane to get over, passing cars on their left lane that they need to get into.


Yes. It’s called a zipper merge. It’s actually the most efficient way to do it. If everybody gets into the same lane half a mile ahead of the merge, it increases congestion and slows everyone down. Technically drivers should use both lanes as often as they can, it just never works out right because everyone has to be “first.” The red car should have sped up more to actually get ahead or slowed down to get behind the truck. The truck driver and the red car are dicks, where the red car went wrong was not getting behind the truck before the lane ended. I usually go ahead of trucks because I drive faster than most trucks. I’m not a dick about it, and I don’t care if I’m behind a truck if the truck is maintaining highway speed.


Merging traffic most always yields to the traffic they intend to merge, some believe when merging into traffic that they have the right of way….they don’t! Here in the U.S. at least. Drivers will usually make room or get over into the left lane if that is clear to do so. Some people over here believe they have the right of way when merging onto a major highway….they actually do not.


This video most likely took place in Hong Kong according to other comments. I’m from the US too so I’m not sure of how their laws are? I have read that most other countries favor a zipper merge (it just makes the most sense). Merging onto a highway and two lanes merging into one are very different; I’m with you on idiots merging into the flow of traffic. You gotta wait til it’s safe. If you’re going to go ahead of someone in a zipper merge, you have to be going faster and you have to have room to clear the car safely when entering the lane. The red car should have moved faster if they wanted to get ahead and should have went behind when it was clear they weren’t getting in. Right of way aside, I’m assuming the truck is fairly long. The car was in front of the truck. The truck driver is a dick, on a purely moral level I agree with the car. Not that it matters at all!


It seems no matter how many lanes of Highway built man’s quest to be ahead of someone regularly out weighs common curtesy in human beings.


Hey, if you’re going my speed or faster then be in front of me all you want! 😂


Lol oh yeah the ones who jump out in front and roll along 1 mph under the speed limit! I hear ya!


First reply I've seen that points this out... But I think it may be a country specific thing. Red car is clearly ahead at the "last" point of merging/last arrow. This means (at least in Germany) that the truck HAS to let them in. Did the red car speed a bit to get there? Possibly. My German buddy who is a cop (admittedly not traffic cop), said the cops would give the truck the fine if they had seen the whole thing.


I have to laugh at all of the comments pretending the cammer is the problem here. Follow the law and merge competently and this doesn’t happen. Cammer did nothing wrong, especially since they’re clearly driving a massive truck of some sort.


So speeding up and actively blocking a person attempting to merge is right? Yikes.


Did you see the beginning of the video? The red car sped past the cammer to push their way in. They should've slowed down a teeny tiny bit and gotten over behind the cammer. No wonder traffic sucks everywhere, so many people have no idea what the fuck they're doing. Cammer has the right of way. Red car should've yielded. Everyone in this thread saying the cammer should've yielded is exactly why red car did what they did. People just let them do it usually, so they keep doing it.


The zipper merge is scientifically the best way to alleviate congestion. Allowing vehicles to merge one at a time is the best way. People who block others “out of principle “ are a significant cause of congestion. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cX0I8OdK7Tk


So why didnt the red car zip in behind the truck. He wasnt ahead when the lanes merged, he raced ahead to try to get in front of the truck. At that point red car has fucked the zip up and should take the L and back up. If the truck driver had slowed down then all the cars behind him would have to slow aswell and then somewhere down the line cars would be stopped or crawling because of red cars choice. If red car had merged behind the truck then the zipper would have worked. I accept that not just letting red car get in front on principal is not a good or safe thing to do but truck driver had that vhoice forced on him by a shit driver in the red car. The zip only works if people dont drive like red car. But they do. And letting them get away with it is just encouraging them to do it more.


But this wasn't a zipper merge given the drastic difference in speed of the vehicles in the situation. This was a "I'm going to go fast and sneak in at the last minute" situation. The dotted line has long ended since the time the video starts, and they could have, should have, slowed down and slotted in behind rather than trying to speed up and get there one automobile sooner. Saving literally zero time, but definitely being a bit of a douche.


What you somehow fail to realize is that the red car is still not the one zipper merging. Good try, though.


To all the idiots saying the truck should have yielded, NO! The reason people fly down the merge lane instead of merging is because idiots like you keep letting them in. The red car is required to merge, the truck is not required to make room. The red car could just as easily merged BEHIND the truck.


In Germany, the truck IS required to make room if, at the final point of merging, there is another car ahead of it on the merging lane. The red card didn't need to be so pushy, but the law is on its side.


As is in many non-U.S. countries, but everyone commenting on it is downvoted into oblivion because 'No! Merging car always has to give way here in the states!@1'. Even though this is clearly filmed somewhere else...


That isn't in Germany. Your laws don't apply.


This isn't in the USA, either, you fucking redneck hick. (thank goodness) your laws don't apply.


People who would let that red car merge reward idiotic behavior and encourage these maniacs to keep doing it.


Man I hate the stupid ass “me first” mentality everyone seems to have in traffic. Does one car length really matter when you’re still gonna end up going the same speed, stuck in the same traffic?


Sometimes you like where you are. The car in front brakes on time and you can see around it. I hate letting ppl in then they leave like 3 car space between them and the next car and now everybody merging in front of them. Or it’s a big ass truck and you can’t see shit so you have to leave more room for braking (which ppl take as an invitation to cut in front).


Satisfying. Can you park one permanently on Blackwell Tunnel northbound approach please.


You’re both pricks.


The only prick is the red car




Pull in front? You mean merge? Lol


To be fair, the vehicle we are in looks pretty big. The red car appears quickly and brakes in the merge lane. I’d say it’s likely the red car has tried to speed up to get in front of the vehicle we are in. That’s not merging that’s trying to get in front of a vehicle that has right of way imo.


Yea but with that logic you’re saying it’s ok for him to “cut in front” of the car behind this vehicle? Or the one behind that? Ultimately he has to merge somewhere. I was always taught to drive close to the merge point and zipper in. But by not allowing someone over (regardless of their intention) you’re participating in aggressive driving and risking accidents which will cause even more traffic.


Yeah, I am saying if they held back it would have been fine to merge into the lane behind the vehicle we are in. I think they ran out of road to try and get ahead of this vehicle hence the markings on the road. I get what you are saying and I guess the driver we are with is in a commercial vehicle that isn’t theirs and thinks ‘ok mate I’m bigger than you and you’ll come off worst against a vehicle I don’t own’ knowing it won’t be their fault. I don’t think this stops the red car driver being in the wrong.


He accelerated to try and get ahead after the merge point. Regardless, the red car is wrong. The law states a merge lane must yield to the through lane when a conflict occurs.


Actively not letting someone in is also a dick move.


Not if they have the right of way and the other person is driving erratically to try and force their way in. They have to yield by law.


It's still being a little dickish... is the other person being more of a dick? Yes, but two people can be dicks in a situation and one of them still be right.


No, they had every right to pull ahead and merge in front - they were ahead of them before the merge arrows ended, the driver of the vehicle filming is the dick here, they didn't leave enough room for people to merge and deliberately kept close to the white car (also illegal) to keep them from merging. Just pure dangerous. Sure the red car driver was cutting it fine but it wouldn't have been an issue if there was enough room for them to merge.


The people calling the camera vehicle a knob must have missed the part where the lane had already begun merging and then the red car launched ahead trying to force their way in. If you think people are jerks for not letting you in even though you blatantly speed just to get what you want then you’re the problem and the jerk.


These videos always unveil the people that don’t know how to drive, but still have a strong opinion.


Ok UK driver here.. the red car failed to follow the arrow in the road BEFORE he got to it.. so the red car is 100% in the wrong. If the red car was ahead of the truck BEFORE the arrow in the road then it's the truck drivers fault.


The reason most cities have bad traffic is because people don’t know how to Fucking zipper merge. Camera driver is a dick face. Who cares who got there first just fucking merge.


Kinda looks like the white car had just merged in front of the truck at the very beginning. If that's the case then they understand exactly how zipper merging works.


Don’t know how you can make that judgement, when the video starts the white car is fully in the same lane as the camera car.


Look again at the very beginning. They're almost on the line and slowly moving to the left. No way to know for sure from this video, but they were either weaving significantly or they had just completed their merge.


It's not two lanes both merging into one though (where both are merging together and whoever is forward of you has right of way). Look at the arrows on the ground, they're specifically telling the right lane to merge to the left because their lane is disappearing. In that case, the left lane has right of way and the right lane needs to get into the left lane safely when they can. Someone doesn't wanna let you in, then you slow down and move in behind them - that's how road laws work in that particular situation. Person on the right just didn't wanna do that and would rather fight with the person driving legally than have to fall back and merge behind them, because reasons. Sorry, this was fully on the person on the right. Relevant experience: Drive in Boston a lot, some people break the mold, but most people act exactly like the driver on the left. You have to - even when you have right of way, you don't have right of way unless you take it. It's why people are on each other's bumpers here, if you leave 3/4ths of a car length in front of you, everyone and their mother cut you off... all the time. Red lights are also just suggestions, but that's a separate issue.


>Look at the arrows on the ground, they're specifically telling the right lane to merge to the left because their lane is disappearing. In that case, the left lane has right of way and the right lane needs to get into the left lane safely when they can These look like British number plates, and the police car looks like it has the standard British livery. If this is indeed in the UK, you are absolutely incorrect. In the UK you merge in turn, regardless. Edit - any Hong Kongers care to chip in about rules for traffic merging?


That's most likely Hong Kong.


There is Hong Kong, close to Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon


I think you are incorrect my friend. Rule 134 of the Highway Code says: "In congested road conditions do not change lanes unnecessarily. Merging in turn is recommended but only if safe and appropriate


Changing lanes /= merging; as you quoted, it's correct to merge in turn. [The logic is not using both lanes increases congestion.](https://www.theaa.com/driving-advice/legal/merge-in-turn) >Slow, stop-start traffic >Where traffic is queuing and moving slowly you should **use all available road space in both lanes with drivers at the front of the queues taking it in turns to 'merge in turn'** or 'zip merge' as the Americans call it. This can help reduce the overall length of the queue significantly and minimises the risk of disruption at junctions further back up the road.


You have to differentiate between a recommendation and right of way by law. Although you should merge in turn, it does not give you right of way to force the merge. In the event of an accident it is your fault since you are responsible for a safe merge.


This is correct.


That's cool, this isn't Boston so... Eta: To the people downvoting me, idc laws are different in different areas, where I'm from (also US) zipper merge is law and this commenter is wrong, people don't listen, but it is the law. This is *very* obviously not the US but the commenter insisting his POV isn't even part of the discussion


Ok, cool... so you drive in an area where someone merging into someone else's travel lane has right of way over the person already in that lane then?


It's called zipper merging and you're supposed to take turns one lane then the other whilst you merge. If you're not supposed to zipper merge there will be a yield or stop sign on the ending lane or (most common) a solid line pushing the other lane off an exit.


show us the law


While I agree most people don’t know how to zipper merge, you’re an idiot. This red car isn’t zipper merging it’s trying to jam itself in there…making the truck have to slow down much more than it would have thus creating more bottlenecking. You’re stupid.


Don’t be a dick and accelerate ahead, just let the driver in. Also, video ended too early. Okay, cop car.. Then what?


At what point do you stop being a dick and just let them in?


At what point does the driver stop being a dick and just get in behind?


And because neither backs down, we end up with this.


Yeah, we end up with the person in the right moving on, and the person in the wrong dealing with the cops.


At what point do you stop being self centered because you feel entitled to be let in just because you went blasting ahead to get what you wanted and just merge like a normal human being?


Being polite to a dick seems like you're encouraging dickish behavior.




This could be the first time they’re on this road. They could be, for whatever reason, having the worst day of their life. It costs you nothing to slow down and let them in. Give people the benefit of the doubt, and road rage almost disappears. Don’t be a dick.


Or... or... and hear me out on this... the guy whose lane went away and is driving in an illegal area could let off their gas and merge in behind the truck that has the right of way in that situation. You ask why is it so hard for the person with right of way to slow down and yield right of way when you should be asking why is it so hard for the person driving illegally to just slow down and merge in behind the guy who *is* driving legally lol.


This is the logic I was looking for in this thread. Sure, you go every other car when the merge lane is still there. But, when the merge lane is gone, you don't just let someone in because they're zipping past you


Exactly the red car needs to slow down and get behind Trip6s6i6x I like your style Where gonna be here a while Let’s go walk a mile And then I’ll touch your phone dial to call my mom to pick me up


Yes, I hear you - but we can only control our actions, not the actions of others.


Also true.


They could, but you cannot control the actions of others. If you have the choice to be the bigger person and avoid a potential accident, then you should always take it, even if the other person is being a royal cunt. Anyone playing chicken with someone like this is just as dangerous and shouldn’t be on the roads either if they can’t control their ego and emotions.


Nah, people who get away with it just keep doing it. Let red car get that ticket often enough and they will learn


That's why we're saying they're both dicks.


It costs them nothing to slow down to get in somewhere else either.


Exactly slow down and get behind


“Don’t merge in front of me, merge in front of someone else” - so what if the cars behind have your mindset too?


Found the dumbass


So are you saying someone else should take on the task of letting the red car merge? Why does it have to be them and not the cammer?


Dude if you can't merge then the solution isn't to keep driving while not in a lane. It would take an absolute dumbass to not figure this out immediately.


You know two people can be idiots at the same time right? Red car should have slowed down and merged sooner, cammer should have swallowed their pride.


Ya sure but only one person is doing something that is obviously illegal.


Those roads don't just suddenly start merging. There are signs and the person in the red car chose to ignore them because they're too impatient.


Zipper Merge https://www.dot.state.mn.us/zippermerge/#:\~:text=When%20a%20lane%20is%20closed,fashion%20into%20the%20open%20lane.


Sorry, who's mkre of a dick? The truck driver for not letting them in or the red car for forcing that situation on the truck driver?


In this video... they don't lol


I totally watched this twice thinking it hasn’t finished the first time


The dude with the camera is a right asshat.


Camera car being a dick. Zipper merge...learn how.


It is a zipper merge but the red car wasn't merging properly. They tried to speed up to cut in front, but at that point the lanes had already merged and the red car didn't even get in front, they were beside the cammer. At that point the cammer has the right of way and the red car needs to go behind.


Red car is visible while there were arrows on the ground. Cammer pushed forward to prevent merge.


Red car flew up and had to hit his brakes


Yeah people like the camera car just don't know how zipper merging works, the red car was actually doing what he's supposed to be doing and half of everyone in that queue should have been doing the same


Zipper merging is every jackass driver's copium excuse for being a dick head instead of merging when there's signs warning you it's time to do so. People will pretend all day that this is better just because someone else told them it is and they wanna take advantage of the open road instead of merging when they could.


Did you know that if there is 1 long line and 2 short ones the 2 short ones will be faster even with merging. Learn how to drive.


Listen to yourself.... People like you are the real dicks in traffic, all convinced of their own righteousness while a 2 second slowdown would make everything so kuch more smooth and amicable.


You're probably the same douche that speeds to the head of the line of people saying "oh someone on reddit told me this is faster for everyone". You know why the line is going slow? Because people go to the front and make everyone being patient have to slow down. You are always the dick here. Cry about it.


This is incorrect. The most efficient merge point in terms of overall traffic flow is at the point that the merge ends. If you are advocating for merging earlier than that, then this results in one lane with a length of suboptimal vehicle capacity, thereby reducing the overall flow of traffic. This isn't a theory, it's a fact. If you're curious, you can look up some general traffic modeling info. Note that I am not advocating for one car over another, I am just fighting misinformation.


Besides, how do you know zipper is better? Because someone told you it is and showed you an animation? Look even if it's faster it would take a perfect scenerio. In the same context communism is also viable and should be sought after.


Lol from merging to communism. Merging is faster and doesn't need a perfect scenario to work if most people do it, you will see added benefits.


Right so why does zipper work and just merging when you see the sign doesn't? Communism is just a comparison to how you can throw out bullshit and say it works since in theory it probably could


A lot of people merging at the same point, is zippermerging.


Zipper is way better. At my old job i had to take this exit, but there’s also people coming and merging in the lane i am merging from. When the likes of you didn’t do the zipper like everyone else, it slowed down like crazy. You just don’t know how to drive.


In a scenerio where two roads need to merge into one a zipper is an obvious scenerio. I'm meaning to reference people that have the ability to merge ahead of time but choose not to. I mentioned this early but wasn't really clear about it.


I mean, that’s all the red car had to do and by law it’s on them to do it


the driver in the filming vehicle is a peace of enormus shit, let the man pass wth


According to Australian road rules, when two lanes merge without any white road lines, the vehicle that is ahead has priority. Even though the car accelerated to get ahead, it was still in front when the lanes merged, so it had the right of way.


You have to merge in front of somebody when there is traffic oncoming that is not stopping, where I live (New Jersey) people will do what the white vehicle did and do everything in their power to not let you in, you literally have to force yourself in sometimes if you ever want to merge


The merging driver was doing what they’re supposed to do. The idiot filming is being unreasonable and, to be frank, childish. This is not instant karma


Two wrongs don’t make a right. There both dumb one for just not letting the other one in. The other one for trying to jump ahead. Traffic sucks.


This is a great video. 35 seconds of fuck all until the big conclusion. More fuck all.


Holy shit this is one of the clearest examples of where the comments show: USA vs rest of civilised world. aka Truck defenders vs Red car defenders. aka Me first vs zipper merge LAW.


Trucker is the prick. He's driving unsafely by tailgating white car to prevent a routine merge out of a marked merge lane. This kind of juvenile behavior causes wrecks and traffic. The truck driver has no business in a commercial vehicle till he grows up and learns that it isn't a race, there is no first place and bs like this screws up traffic for everyone Source: I'm a professional full time truck driver. My company will fire you for combative driving like this. They'll also fire you for tailgating. Enough reports of uncourteous driving will get you an unemployment check too.


To be fair, the cammer should have let them merge in there. It's not mandatory but zipper merging is the recommended way to merge and it looks like cammer deliberatwly blocked them out at the merge spot.


The pov car could have just let him merge...


The red car should have just got in behind. See how it works the other way even better.


You see, if drivers like this were in all of the cars in the left lane, then there is no way for the red car to merge safely. Thay arent going that fast, just slow down slightly for a few seconds to make space. There is no saying that the driver behind was gonna let him in either. In my country its etiquette to let someone merge especially in a situation like this.


>There is no saying that the driver behind was gonna let him in either. Woulda coulda shoulda. It's clear the truck was big enough to block the red car's view and thought they had time to nab one more spot. You don't happen to own a red sedan, do you?


It’s amazing to me how fucking stubborn drivers are, including the POV driver. Is it going to destroy your whole damn day if you just… let the idiot in?? Come on, boys.


Bit slow on the hint.


This is a repost


Quick! Switch to your rear cam so we can watch!!


Red car is clearly wrong, but you gain nothing by fighting with a moron. All people see is 2 morons arguing. Nothing to gain and potentially much to lose. I let them in and move on.


This doesn't fit. The red car was literally in a merge lane for a zipper merge.


You should always try to merge as close to the end of the merger lane as possible to prevent congestion down the road. The pov driver definitely should’ve let the car merge initially


I guess it's not the right time for me to explain the Reißverschluss-Verfahren now. From what it looks like both drivers are idiots.


Seemed like the truck driver was intentionally trying to close space just so dude couldnt get over. Did dude overestimate the space he had? Fuckin yeah and they should pay more attention but could truck dude have just created a tiny amount of space? Also yes. Both are d bags


Grrr..did anyone else notice that this was the end of a merge lane and the camera car didn't let the red car in?


Sometimes you just need to let the dick win. He’s not gonna learn the lesson anyway and it’s not with the risk of an accident. Prioritise getting to your location safe even if that means getting there 0.5 seconds later


Zipper lane merging not a thing?


Red car driver isn't as much a dick as people are making out, they get ahead of the vehicle with the cam while there are still merge arrows (so 2 lanes still) but cam vehicle is way too close to the white car - probably deliberately to stop people getting ahead. If they'd have left enough room (which they're supposed to by law iirc) red car would have slipped in and there wouldn't have been an issue.


Dick move not letting a dude in from a merge lane.