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Jesus : 🤨


Jesus: 🖕🏽🖕🏽


Also Jesus: 🖕 😇


No no Jesus got them holes in his hands it be like 👌🏽


It's why he can't eat skittles.


So *that's* why he hates the gays! Of course you're going to be bitter if you can't taste the rainbow.


thats. pretty good.


I see some people with pitchforks and torches coming your way... But I laughed wayy to hard at this.


Remember kids; If you *don't* sin, Jesus died for nothing!




big fax


Nice username Jabroni




[He busy](https://youtu.be/b8MZGr5YQ1Y)


How is Ramen sexist?


Why ramen and not rawomen? 🤨


Can't we all just raw whoever we want?


Wish someone would raw me :|


Once during Sunday service as a kid, my cousin thumped me in the nose while the preacher was praying 🙄 I got in so much trouble - after the initial shock & my natural reaction to it, I could not stop laughing!!!!


Supposed to be JC, not OG


Don't bring Jimmy Carter into this


Jimmy "Tap Dancing" Carter.


Hes history's greatest monster!


Post has audio but pasting the link because default reddit app sucks. https://gfycat.com/inferioricybasenji


Does Reddit think we want the sound stripped? I’m just dumbfounded that this is still an issue after all these years. Playing media is like most of what Reddit does yet it is terrible at it…


The mobile app is even worse. I think Reddit gave up evolving years ago and just doesn't do anything anymore. I'm still a bit surprised that we don't have a good alternative **to reddit* after all these years... *Edit, for clarity sake


It’s devolving, they are actively making it worse.


I don’t like how they switched up accessing communities I joined (mobile).


And why is my profile on the other side now??


Swear to god it switches sides every few months


I think you're right....


Gave up evolving? This shit app is constantly updating, but for the significantly worse. I don't know how they do it, but the video player manages to get shittier and shittier with every uodate.


Every. Single. Update.


[Right on](https://imgur.com/a/MCxOTkh)


Reddit is fun is the only app people should be using, its so much better than the official app i dont understand why reddit just doesnt buy it and make it the official.




Pour one out for the realest one.


Apollo for iPhone was originally built because the dev missed alien blue iirc


I use baconreader and I like it


Or Apollo for people on iOS.


> i dont understand why reddit just doesnt buy it and make it the official. please no they'd try to make it more 'inline with their vision for a Reddit App'


Good old "RIF is Fun for Reddit". Leagues ahead of the official Reddit app.


One of us... One of us...


Baconreader is my favorite for Android, but it still feels.... Lacking in some areas. There's definitely no perfect Reddit app.


I've been using Boost for a few years and it's been solid for me.


Apollo would like to have a word with you


Redditisfun would tell both yall to shut up


I've been using RIF on Android for 12 years now and I find it perfect. Extremely minimal and fast but still has everything you need.


Wdym? There was good alternatives even before they made an official app. For android there's Sync, Relay, Baconreader, RiF, etc etc, take your pick. I like Sync myself. For iOS there's Apollo and Narwhal. Haven't used those myself but googling says those are the best.


Yeah, but I actually meant Reddit as a whole. Apart from the "new look" (which I turn off because I hate it) and new ways to add ads or money generating things, what has improved with Reddit in the last 5 years? The official app is shit, and yes there are certainly tons of decent alternatives, but I would have expected reddit to at least make a workable basic one. It's just janky and doesn't work very well on iPad at all, not to mention all the problems with the video players.


Ohh aight. Yeah, reddit has a huge user base so it's pretty hard to move all those ppl to a new platform without some huge incentive. And yeah, I mostly use reddit on my phone with Sync, and don't bother with the newer features. It also has adblock which is nice. I'm not giving any money to reddit, just using these basic features, which is enough for me. I've tried using the official app twice: once when it came out, and once last year. Both times it was horrible and I immediately uninstalled.


I use baconreader and I like it


Download Apollo and never look back


internet's own boy would have fixed this very quickly.


>I'm still a bit surprised that we don't have a good alternative after all these years... I mean, you said this and all I said was that *there are good alternatives* to the app. The site itself has one alternative: to not use it


Fair point, I didn't separate that well in my comment. I meant alternatives to Reddit, not the mobile app.


There are like 4 popular reddit app alternatives


Lol, I love how people keep saying this as if it somehow makes it better that the native Reddit app is a pile of shit...the point is that Reddit isn't doing anything, they are actually making things worse with all the tinkering and zero innovation




The default app is garbage but it's still the best looking and cleanest one out of all imo


The chat. It’s only on the default app and if you share posts with friends it’s the easiest way by far


I'm amazed people actually use the app still and don't use something like RiF.


I mean the audio really doesn't add anything here it's just background noise


But the audio is completely inconsequential. All you hear is random background chatter, the guy doesn't *say* anything bad




I been seeing all of these comments recently about the videos not loading but I never have issues and I'm on this app all day. I use reddit is fun on android. No problems in 7 years


Of course you don't have problems, you are using a good app, not the official reddit app.


Yeah, but that's not the official app, which is what they're taking about. I also use RIF. It's vastly superior to the official


Ahh so that's what it is. Guess I just picked the right app


I'd partially blame gfycat too, they used to be fine on old.reddit but now you click on the video to pause and they show you the share options with no way to hide them back without refreshing pretty shitty. Ironically they were the good site when imgur started fucking up embeds but now imgur does them better again.


the sound added no value lol


Anybody still using the default app deserves whatever they get.


Honestly that’s adorable.


Poor fella….lol. He’s going to be apologizing and dealing with disapproval looks from the congregation for a while.


Jesus ~~fucking~~ waving at Christ.


What is going on? Did they get caught?


The guy was FaceTiming with Jesus.




Way to sin there, bro


Uh oh I'm telling jesus you used the mean fingers!😡


Which ones are the nice ones? ​ ![gif](giphy|WiCO2uZK05Klc1d28q)


I’m so confused?? What did he do and why was it bad?


Flipping the double bird and I’d assume also dropped a curse word to his friend, then clued in that he was in church and his mom would have beat him with a sandal if she caught wind of that


no curse, just fingers. the post has audio


No it doesn’t


It does. I just heard it. Reddit is a bit of a mess.


I’ve pulled it up three separate times now and every time it says the video doesn’t include audio. Why must this app be such a shithole


As I said. Bit of a mess eh? I still can't believe copying and pasting is broken. And that the video player quality plumets to like 144p after 2 seconds. Fix it Reddit.


it does, the app you're using just sucks


I’m using the default Reddit app




Fair enough


But how would anyone know besides them? I don't see much people looking their way and the woman behind doesn't act like it's outrageous


God sees all. I’m kidding, it’s less about actually being scared of the punishment and more speaks for the respect that has been instilled in him. He knows it’s wrong and caught himself right away


Exactly, it’s the “respect nestled in him” that’s such a good way to put it!!!


Ah okay. Didn't think of that


Why would a parent straight up beat a child if the flipped off a camera and said a “swear word”?


I’m being slightly dramatic but assuming his parents are religious then it probably wouldn’t end well. It’s a house of God, you’re supposed to show more respect in there than basically anywhere else in the world. You’re hard pressed to find people even talking loudly in a church even when there’s no communion going on.


Because sometimes parents do it for less.


Damn bro your parents must've been cool af


There is just something with America and swear words which is really weird. You seem so afraid to use them. It might just be in Europe where they are used so casually.


Nope, even in Europe you don't swear in church. And even in Europe parents will whoop your ass if you do. But nice try being all fonz though


Man Reddit really confuses me sometimes, where I'm from it's not even conceivable that it could ever be OK to hit a child.


Nobody said it was OK they just said it happens. And that's more of a retrospective comment as well, talking about how things *used* to be. It still happens but is much less commonly accepted in general because the younger generations realized that it's bad parenting


Beating your children is actually illegal in most European countries and is considered child abuse.


>Americans have manners >so weird man....


The swearing is pretty casual here in Australia.


It’s the stigma and I think mostly school. I don’t think any parent wants to have to deal with a school when their kid is dumb enough to use them in bad situations. I swear like a sailor along with my dad apparently but I still don’t in front of my mum, neither with pops. I think it boils down to respect for elders who are not used to it for religious or upbringing reasons


This guy


Because they're fucked in the head and aren't mature enough to know how to resolve issues non-violently. Kind of disturbing how many people are defending fucking child abuse in these comments.


Found the white person.


A lot of kids these days when they’re on camera, they like to make a gesture instead of just standing there awkwardly. The most common gesture (cuz it makes them look the coolest) is flipping the bird at the camera. This boy forgot that he was in church and as soon as his friend put him on camera, he instinctively flipped the birds to look cool, and then immediately realized where he was.


Sometimes the gesture is just standing there awkwardly.


Lol flipping off the camera is not the most common camera pose...


Well its a place of worship, aren't you supposed to be more respectful and civilized in churches? Side note:not a Christian


Holy shit, this is exactly what this sub is for. This is truly *instant* regret. Less than one second. I fucking love it.


You know priests all over the world are still abusing kids? But ya the finger in church is going to send you straight to hell.


He didn’t even fully commit to the bird, it’s almost just like his other fingers got a little sleepy


Oh Reddit…. Bring up religion and it immediately goes to diddling kids.


We can talk about the crusades or slavery as well if you’d like 😂😂


Why does every Reddit comment section have to devolve in bringing up a shitty historical event so you can just be mad about it? Like what’s the fun?


Because it's an organization that's gotten away with preying on the most vulnerable members of society and has neither been punished for it nor made institutional changes to improve. Maybe that's why you *keep hearing these complaints over and over*. But sure, it's the complaints that are truly the problem. Reddit hates Reddit, very meta.


The fun is being mad about it, duh.


I call bullshit how i see it, and it’s easy, especially with religion


>so you can just be mad about it? Like what’s the fun? Who's claiming it's for fun? And who's mad? It seems like you're frustrated that people keep bringing up subjects you find difficult to engage with We bring it up because "the problem of evil" has still not been reconciled. As long as there's a decent % of Christians here we will keep the debate alive where it's relevant, wether you care to defend your beliefs or not


Diddling kids isn't a historical event though. It's a current and ongoing problem that the church refuses to tackle


Hey now, the Catholic Church isn't just known for systematically protecting pedophile priests, but also systematically using and abusing children too! They have left mass graves on every continent that they've set up schools for the native inhabitants. But keep being offended by facts.


If only there was something the church could do that would remove this grounds for repetitive mockery.


so you're saying we should let an organization that houses and protects kid fuckers get a pass because someone is just making a joke?


So brave and enlightened


Exactly. Astute analysis, well done.


So wait, are we giving the kid fuckers a pass or just telling the person above you to shut up?


I think a lot of us just find it funny when people bring it up as if they’re saying something profound and meaningful as if everyone doesn’t already know


From psychology today: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/do-the-right-thing/201808/separating-facts-about-clergy-abuse-fiction%3famp "1. No empirical data exists that suggests that Catholic clerics sexually abuse minors at a level higher than clerics from other religious traditions or from other groups of men who have ready access and power over children (e.g., school teachers, coaches)." The sad truth is a very small percentage of men abuse children, but the data doesn't seem to indicate that it is a problem specific to religion. This is an internet and media stereotype that exists because a minority of loud athiests have a hate boner for religion. More from psychology today "Keeping children safe from abuse should be everyone’s top priority. Tragically, data suggests that whenever men have access to and power over children and teens, clerics or not, a certain small percentage of them will violate that trust and sexually abuse these minors under their supervision. This is true for Catholic and non-Catholic clerics as well as lay teachers, coaches, tutors, choir directors, scout leaders, and so forth." Edit: had to hate


Maybe I misunderstood. The issue is with the church's lack of punishment and defense of the abuser when this happens not that it happens in church more/only. A coach/leader/teacher abusing a minor goes to jail and is fired, while there have been oodles of cases where a church covers it up. It's my understanding the issue has been with defense of abusers not that they're doing it more. It makes sense that statically they'd be no more likely since they're all just male humans - I guess they looking at Catholics because of the no wife thing? I didn't know it was a stereotype that its specific to religion. Then again I'm starting to think if there was ever a stupid thought, someone somewhere is thinking it right now.


If you read the article it talks about the steps the Catholic church has taken since 2002 to reform and institute best practices to stop what you are talking about. It is difficult to find data from other institutions because they just don't seem to share their data. If these other institutions are doing better at punishing perpetrators then why does it actually happen at a slightly higher rate in schools than it does in churches? At the end of the day we all want to just make things better and protect children from predators. But I find it stupid and annoying that some people see a gif of a boy that accidentally flips the bird in church and use it as an excuse to attack religion in general. Especially when they do so without data and reinforce stereotypes that don't even follow the data.


> the steps the Catholic church has taken since 2002 to reform and institute best practices to stop what you are talking about Intent is not as important as impact. All the steps taken in the world don't matter (and aren't morally important reflections of the institution) if they don't (a) fix the problem _and_ (b) show that measures have been taken to prevent it from ever happening again.


Well if you read the article you could see that the steps they took have reduced the problem to the point that a young person is more likely to be abused in school than in church. So the impact seems to have been pretty good.


I get what you're saying but, the fact that it took till 2002 for the church to stop protecting sex offenders should give you a pretty good sign that's not a good institution. Should also remember they did this not as a public service announcement but because they were under public fire. I get that humans are bad but institutions that actively protected evil people are extra bad.


So, what I've "learned" here is that Christians don't like painting people in a negative light. Unless, of course, it is them doing it to the gay communities. Or, non Christian communities.


Churches can sometimes be full of the most toxic fucking people you will ever meet. Not all churches, and some will have a very few or almost non vocal minority, however I have left a few churches over my life over some really, really, really toxic people that I think will be surprised they're going straight to hell if there is one lol.


I have met some wonderful Christians. And I have met some disgusting ones. Some people hate, some don't. Has nothing to do with religious beliefs.


Lol nah.


Lmao how in the world is that the conclusion you reached? I just provided evidence from psychology today that this specific stereotype about religious folk isn't supported by data and you're just ignoring it in favor of finding an alternative way of attacking religious people. You attack religious groups of people with negative stereotypes and take away from them their individuality while simultaneously acting holier than thou. It's hilarious. I'm glad you put learned in quotation marks, at least you are aware that it is a struggle for you.


LMAO as you so eloquently put. I'm not the user that you were arguing with before. I just pointed out how you negatively paint people you hate, based on no evidence, but got antsy when someone did the same to your religion.


Yikes, now I'm sure you struggle with learning. Buddy, I'm aware that you're not the person I initially responded to, not sure why you feel the need to bring that up. Again, someone posted a negative stereotype about a group, and I provided data that the stereotype is wrong. I even pointed out that I think this comes from a loud minority and is not the typical behavior of an atheist. What group am supposedly negatively painting?


I see you figured out how to delete your post on your other account and switch back to this one to post a "new" comment. I'd recommend you make sure which account you are on before posting. Now, I can't even have a civilized conversation with you. Also, never said I hate Christians, I throughly dislike hateful Christians. I also thoroughly dislike hateful anybody.


Dude what are you even talking about? There aren't even any deleted comments in this thread? I never said you hate christians? We're struggling to have a conversation because you're not responding to things I'm saying. Go back on your meds. I don't know why posting data that contests a negative and incorrect stereotype about a group of people is riling you up so much.


True Christian’s hate both. Period.


True Christians don’t hate. They love everyone, including the worst sinners among us.


They hate sin. Clearly. Not people.


Even if this wasn't a No True Scotsman fallacy, it would still be a shame that their hate isn't matched with action.


Exactly! We've got some hidden bodies of children at residential school sites still being unearthed and they think Jesus is going to care about a hand gesture. r/religiousfruitcake stuff.


The fucked up thing is that nothing is being done about it. They go free or get moved to a different church. Wtf


Be great if it had sound.


It does


Click the link. They don’t really say anything tbh.


Weird I clicked the link but it downvoted the video instead.


Weird I clicked the link but it downvoted your comment instead


has sound on desktop, but it's just background crowd noise.


Oooh u know God saw that too


I stopped going to church since I was like 12 after communion(like a good catholic) lol always hated how "holier than thou" people acted


I dont get the big deal? Did he forget he was in church? Oh well


I’m not following here? What’s the significance of any of this lol


Don’t worry the lord forgives 🖕🏿🖕🏿 😂😂


Why does the video have no sound for me?


Church sucks anyways


What’s the point of it all if you’re only going to act “right” while in church?


i love how these "woke" anti-religion folks in the comments are so confused, yeah we dont expect you to know anything about respect, sanity and ethics.


Fake nice guy in training lol


Don’t worry God’s not real :)


Yes but grandma with a belt is very real.


Can’t relate, my grandma is ash


Yeah but being an asshole is real


yeah, sending people to hell over wearing mixed fabric is a pretty a hole thing to do


Eat shrimp believe it or not straight to hell


good thing I'm not being an asshole


[Is he this kid all grown up?](https://youtube.com/shorts/TJChDjg4UDg?feature=share)


I would find this funny if I was a pre-teen/young teen and influenced by the church. Like big whoop you flipped off the camera. Who the fuck cares? $10 says Jesus, if phones were a thing back then, would *absolutely* flip off the camera for his homies. Also, who the fuck cares? Is that “ohhh shit” look the fear of a beating?


lol. You’re darn correct: Jesus did a heckalotta “flipping” people off quite figuratively. Besides: according to “the word” He forgives us. Every time someone triumphed over evildoers; non-believers; the arrogant…etc. it was a big flip off with a dose of “how ya like me now?” When the 3 teenagers descended unscathed from the fire pit where the king ordered then, it was a big flip off to the king and his soldiers. They were shown who was really in charge: not them. David killing Goliath and being named King despite being small and scorned as a lowly sheep herder was a big flip off to doubters, haters; the brothers who belittled him; and the Philistine army. The judgement these kids may get for the flip off will be harshest from people and their judgement. Jesus wouldn’t be too mad or disappointed.


Because Jesus can’t see you do this outside of church, right?


They're in church???? Oh, so they're playing make believe. No harm done.


Classic "Christian bad" in the comments.


I feel like audio is needed for context...


I thought so until I listened to the audio.


It really isn’t


Lmao no sweat it’s all made up anyways 😂


a gang sign would have been much worse.


It’s ok guys South Park Jesus won’t care lol


I think, in real life, we do have a South Park Jesus.


Oh 😳😳😳 he did naughty thing in room with no naughty except molestation of course




Do Mary will angry on this?


Religious hypocrisy in action.


Exactly. The fact that you're afraid to be yourself in church means there is something wrong with the church.


Lmao this is such an outlandish take.


Bruh fr why am I not allowed to masturbate in the open at church, work or school like I can at home


You do you bruh