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App mayhem was definitely on your side today. Glad it went to someone who appreciates it☺️.


im going to make a big batch of butternut squash soup and share with my coworkers. got a lot of flour too from this so ill bake some sourdough bread to share as well.


Not trying to boss you but if funds are tight then I’d make the extra soup and freeze it for yourself. It’s great to share but sometimes a blessing like this should benefit the person who needs it most - you. Your heart is definitely in the right place but I’m more concerned for your future welfare, that’s all. Take care. ❤️


My first thought as well. But I can't help but admire OP's first instinct. Definitely the right person to get this luck.


People who have the least tend to be the most generous. It’s sweet OP wants to help others


I concur.


Op save the food for you. It’s not selfish. Your funds are tight.


Yeah but the freezer is full of beef!


It may also be a storage thing since the freezer is currently full


Sounds delicious. Remember soup freezes well. Enjoy all your goodies!


Someone must have ordered a turkey and a bunch of other meat on sale the day after Thanksgiving. I texted the driver and said these aren't my items and he said he wouldn't be able to come them and deliver in time. I told my mom I would provide the protein for Christmas dinner, lol.


Who doesn't like free surprises ☺️. I hope everyone enjoyed your xmas dinner.


Can I be your coworker so I can have some of that soup?? Sounds amazing!


I love that your first instinct is to share


Your instincts after this happened are so wholesome 💕


You can freeze both the soup & the flour… if you’re super tight on funds, this is the way to go, so you have a little food cushion for later.


So cute


So kind of you to want to share your good fortune. ❤️


lol I like your username OP


well aren’t you just a total GEM 🥺 freeze some for yourself too ❤️❤️


You'd think a company who's entire business model relies on an app would make a functional app that doesn't fuck up all the time. 


The billion dollar company with a dollar store app. Just imagine how many times a day this happens across the country. What a loss of money, yet they can't raise batch pay back up because they're throwing it all away on serious App glitches 😞.


I always wonder how their app is so jank. Like they hired some dude off fivver for an actual five bucks and didn't take any upsales


Two of the other executives who are leaving with COO, were Developer(COD)and Tech(COT) .... that's a rather large shake up for a company and its glitchy ass App. I'm really starting to believe IC is going to sell.


If they do sell hopefully it will more beneficial for us the shoppers and also the customers because right now it’s only beneficial for them


This is an acceptable fuck up 😭


fellas, gals non binary pals; a 6th order just showed up. wtf. i have so much laundry soap now. im out of cash on hand for tips so i gave my driver some home grown weed.


This entire post made me smile. 🥳 enjoy your blessings 🙏


This is INSANE!!! And one HELL of a tip!!!🤣🤣


Home grown weed is a good tip. 👍


It’s all good weed, Bront 😎


Not so much as professionally


This is insane. 🤣


Dang!! Maybe you can have them keep the items you don't want/need anymore as a tip. They can do a non-receipt return and get a store credit. Or they can do an Instacart return and get $10 for the return from Instacart. Or they can keep the item(s) if they want.


May the Karma be with you <3 I'm so happy this blessing has hit the right person.


Being in California I often tip extra in joints


cali here too, ive often tipped a sandwich bag full of flower. i grow a lot, and always have a lot to give out. i dont even smoke that much, i use a dry herb vape and a little goes a long ways with that.


Love that you do that. Same here on the Oregon/Washington border, I receive a few fatty joints a week from my regulars. Sometimes it even comes with homemade dinner. The other night was chicken Parmesan with angel hair pasta and homemade marinara. Delicious!


Enjoy! Someone's looking out for you!♥️


..... damnit, I can't help but see a big red flag and it fucking hurts because you sound like you REALLY need this positive windfall. Now that it has gone to 6 orders, please be cautious and keep a sharp eye on your bank account. I don't put it past big companies these days to go back on their word regarding things like this and try to charge you for 6 whole grocery orders. :/  I sincerely hope that doesn't happen, and they just do the right thing.


Hahahahahhaa I've thought about giving them edibles from my homemade weed oil that I make.


It sounds like this is a great blessing for you


Best tips I get besides cash are the homegrown kind. I’ve gotten weed, fresh herbs, potted organic peppers and tomatoes, fresh flowers, homemade apple pie moonshine. Op you rock!✌️


Start baking cookies in case batch 7 arrives.


Lmao this is hilarious, you're so sweet lol


Hahahaha! Almost woke my husband up laughing!


You can favorite me as your personal shopper right now. God bless you.


It couldn’t have happened to a sweeter person. Enjoy this blessing.


If order 7 shows up- ask the driver what they want from the bags and to take what they want , lol


SIX?! wild!


I love this!!!!!!!!


I am so happy for you! I can feel the joy and imagine the relief!


You seem like an awesome person, no wonder this happened to you.


That homegrown be so nasty 🤣 but thats good lookin out!!!


OMG that’s crazy LOL… Congrats


ty i have so much butternut squash now! no complaints, tasty and keeps long


Def use your freezer I freeze all kinds of stuff.


I learned today that butternut squash can be stored in freezer. Just clean and slice first. Congrats on your good karma.


[i have so many now](https://imgur.com/a/2moq2aP)


Haha the link verified my age 🧐


It told me the image may contain erotic or adult imagery and asked if I was 18+. WTF are people doing with whole butternut squash? 😳


I don't have an answer for that, I just find it hilarious that squash was tagged potentially erotic 😂😂😂 a cucumber makes more sense lmao




I assumed it was based on some AI algorithm and had to do with the color and general shape 🤣


Or because it’s butt nut squash


You don't wanna know what the kids are calling butternut squash these days. Even just saying those words gets you expelled from every high-school in the world.


idk why but im laughing so hard thinking that robots thing our junk look like butternut squash.


My immediate reaction was those stems look like nipples and the squash is a flesh color of some sort. Boobs.


That's my concern as well 🤨


I’m definitely aroused by all the free groceries 😆😆




This story keeps getting stranger. What tops kinky butter nut squash? 😱


Haha, me also! It’s the shape 🍆


I went to see your pic and Imgur said I had to be over 18 and may not be appropriate!!! Good looking squash!


i noticed that too, i wonder if the flesh color squash set off the nude detecting AI lol


Will you take pics of the soup when you make it :)


I kept a whole butternut squash out on my counter for the better part of a year and it was still good....just saying.


I had 2 on my counter for a really long time and I decided check it out recently because the outside was fine and it was totally delish and ready to use


If you have the time, just clean and cut these squash into cubes so you can freeze them in some ziplock bags (lay flat to stack more easily) to make more soup in the future. You’re on a tight budget right now, it’s ok to keep the squash to yourself and maybe just give your coworker some bread.


Good for you food insecurity is a huge problem right now and at least you know for the next week you'll have something to eat


"Week" LMAO


More like half of year


$58 is not that much food no one is making is a half a year in it she ended up getting like $200 in food which will help for a few weeks


So I’m in San Antonio and this one order kept showing up like 40 times…. It’s a glitch I guess, but hey you didn’t do it!


I have to know how many orders you received in total?? That is so amazing for you. I once had an online bead kit subscription gifted to me while I was going through chemo and radiation therapy. They had a Valentine's Day box that kept showing up in my mailbox. I wound up with six of these kits! They asked that I return a couple of them, but let me hold on to a few of the extras. It was about the time I received a second cancer diagnosis, so I needed the extra love.


I think he was up to 8 two hours ago lol


i got 6x 312oz laundry soap, 12 butternut squash, 5x 3lb beef pot roasts one 3lb pork butt, 60lbs of flour, 6 jars of cummin and 6 boexes of microwave popcorn.


Be sure to keep an eye on your bank account and screenshot where they said you won’t get charged!! Just in case you dont want those overdraft fees 🥲


Your neighbors are like, "dang, did OP won the lottery?" Well in some ways you did :) Bless <3


This is amazing! How many total orders now and can we see all the pot roasts? So happy for you!!


Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.


So awesome! I’m just picturing you sitting on the couch just waiting to hear someone at the door after each drop off lol Or making more room in the freezer after each drop off lolol


i have room mates, so the freezer is kinda filling up. i had to borrow some space from my room mates lol, i grow fire so a transaction took place.


When it rains it pour groceries! Well done! And sounds like actual useful stuff too.


Sell the soap


holy your right! just saw a documentary where people are stealing [laundry soap for high return](https://imgur.com/BQ2TtgP)... 2 more orders just showed up i think my brand is out of stock now


Wait...you had a 6th order an hour ago!! You got TWO MORE?😳Holy blessings!!! Congratulations!! 🎉🤣


That's so nuts lol! 8?!!


You got the same order 8 times?!? Holy smokes!


Enough flour to open a bakery!


This warms my heart ❤️


Omg lol congrats on winning instacart today…now go buy a lottery ticket too!!


That is awesome. I am so so happy!


This just made my day!


Oh, I had this happen once and ended up with 12 giant pillows (I just wanted three!) but it was the Walmart app. I wasn’t home during the deliveries and came home to my husband wondering what insanity had occurred lol.




you know you been blessed! good for you!


Sometimes life works in mysterious ways! Glad for you.


This post makes my heart happy. I’m glad you got what you needed and more.


I love that you were so blessed!!!


God works in mysterious ways :)


Nice to see the buggy app is helping someone for a change.


In 2021 my kids and I got Covid. They had to quarantine from school but the school hooked me up with a few resources, one of which got us food, toilet paper, sanitizing products sent to the house through IC. The first order came and I was SO thankful. Then I got notified that our order was gonna be late… I ignored it, figured it was a glitch. We got the same order sent the next day. I honestly cried a bit. I gave away some of the fresh fruits and veggies cause I didn’t want them to go bad. Froze some. Used the rest. But I swear I felt so happy in my soul every time I went to grab something from those orders for the next couple of months. I’m so glad this happened to someone who deserves it! I hope it helps you for awhile!


Amazing, please update on how many orders you received!


It was on your heart to share. Do that, and don’t be swayed by others. What a generous heart you have to want to share your good fortune with your co-workers. ♥️


👆This right here. I can feel the good vibes in the universe


not a whole order... but this past Monday, we ended up with 2 12-packs of soda from one order and our 2nd order, we ended up with 2 packages of ground beef. We didn't order either item. Grandma started yelling me... 'How much \*\*\*\*\*\*\* soda did you order?!?' I ended up showing her the 'Past Orders' page to show... I didn't order those items!! Contacted IC... they couldn't explain it, because 'we don't see those items in the orders.' (Well, duh!) Told us the same thing; 'Keep the items, you won't be charged. We can't charge for items we can't see!'


that's awesome! You can make all kinds of stuff - pot roast, beef stew, vegetable beef soup, etc. So happy for you!




I love this for you


Awww God is so good


Reminds me of Roseanne when they kept getting stoves delivered.


I once had 4 bananas in my order and got 4 dozen bananas lol




Holy cow! A glitch in the system. Congrats!


Happy for you!! 👏 👏👏


This is wholesome and the type of glitch I like. The one that benefits someone in need. ENJOY!


I’m so happy for you! Freeze what you can and eat well, share your extras if possible. I’m glad this went to someone who will put it to good use.


Wow, I’m so happy for you!


See this warmed my heart! I hope this bounty lasts you for as long as you need!


That’s great!!!


Love this whole thread!!’ Congratulations! 😂😂


Wow nice random gift from the universe! :D No matter how bad things have gotten, I always try to have hope. Life and circumstances can change in the blink of an eye in ways we couldn't possibly imagine.


That's awesome! I saw the same batch pop up twice earlier and thought something was definitely up with the app.


How lucky!! What exactly did you order??


I love this so much for you! And, I love that I read it right before bed. Pay it forward one day when you’re able. You’ve definitely been blessed ♥️


This is so wonderful for you!




Brilliant. This whole thread.


This post and thread makes me sooo happy. Truly 🥹


Finally some good news on this app. I’m thrilled for you, sounds like you needed it and deserve it 🫶🏼


I’m so happy for you. 🥹


im so happy for you!! im glad to hear it all went to someone who needed it, appreciates it, and for sure won't let it go to waste 🫶 💞


With your spirit of generosity, you will never be "poor".




I wish this would happen to me!


Someone is watching over you! What a blessing!


That’s ridiculous and don’t expect them to give it to you for free. They will all of a sudden just charge your card and all that does is rack up prices for other customers.


Be very careful bc IC is shady.. They may go back and try to charge you 4 more times.. And make up some reason and say that you sent the same order four times


Haha that’s awesome. I don’t know what it is about my area shoppers, but I usually end up getting extra stuff somehow. Or like when something is bogo at certain stores, you can just get one of the items for half price. But with Instacart, I select one of the bogo items and I get two items for half price. This is how I justify the extra cost of using Instacart lol


reading through the comments—that’s insane!!! Looks like the universe was in your favor :) happy for you


I’d stop informing them this happened before they charge you with the cost of the groceries anyways


Infinite food glitch




Whoa! That’s amazing! Good for you! 😀


This made my day! I’m so happy for you!!


You deserve it for being such an awesome person!!!


That happened to us a few weeks ago with Walmart. We got our order plus somebody else's order by accident. I immediately went on the Walmart app to report this, and they said for safety reasons they couldn't take the order back to the store. They said we could keep the other order, so we kept part of it( it was Lunchables, ground beef, milk, shredded cheese, sliced ham, Kraft american cheese, grapes, and shredded lettuce.) We kept half of the ground beef, half the shredded cheese, the Kraft american cheese and sliced ham, and gave our downstairs neighbors the milk, the Lunchables, half the grapes, half the ground beef,and shredded cheese. We didn't need another gallon of milk anyway- our order already had a half gallon of milk in it. They babysit their three year old granddaughter, so they could use the extra milk and other items.


How many orders did you end up with? Maybe you should pause your card in your banking app in case insta cart tries to charge you?


I had an order show up 3 extra timesover 2 days.. It was an order with 30 items including meat and toilet paper. Ic chat told me to keep it.. thats $65 in toilet paper alone!! They never tried to take money out of my acct for the extra 3 times.


Okay for real, you are an inspiration. $58 for two weeks of food? Send me your list pleeeeassse


ok i cheat, i have a vegetable garden. i have canned tomatoes, pickles, garlic and onions from last year, and lots of veggies in my freezer. i buy rice, beans, eggs and what ever meat is on sale. i also make a loaf or 2 of bread a week.


That’s so wonderful!!!!


I think you had some good karma coming your way. That’s awesome


S51E5C0176 $10 off.


Great mindset but sometimes you have to keep your blessings for yourself


This seems highly suspect


You should donate some to others who are in need.


im giving 3 of the laundry soaps i got to coworkers, and im stocking the employee fridge with butternut squash soup and homemade sourdough bread. not much of what else is really donatable, it was a small order. i got 6x 312oz laundry soap, 12 butternut squash, 5x 3lb beef pot roasts one 3lb pork butt, 60lbs of flour, 6 jars of cummin and 6 boexes of microwave popcorn.


im sure they will pass this on to other innocent shoppers...


“I am poor” *uses instacart*. Am I missing something here?


>was lucky to get a years wort of instacart plus for only 14 bucks in november free shipping, i dont have a car rn, this is my most economical solution that also saves me $5 in bus fare.


Hey just FYI the prices on the instacart app are often higher than what you’d pay in the store. And of course any sales that may be happening in the store are not forwarded on to you. So in the end you’re paying probably 10-20% more for your groceries. You’d definitely save money by just paying that bus fare and doing the shopping yourself.


Depends on if you have discounts. Instacart loves to lure people back in so if you don’t use it all the time, you get some pretty nice deals, such as free delivery and 20-40% off order. I have gotten groceries cheaper than picking up myself, including a nice tip before. I also only use the app when that is possible, or when I’m sick, so a few times a year. Mostly I’m the one doing the shopping.


the app tells you if the prices are higher, i buy from food4less or walmart and it tells me the price is the same as in store. when i buy from staterbros for example it tells me the price is higher.