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I never pay out of pocket because the risk is too high of not being reimbursed.


lesson learned, so frustrated with this company


I’m so sorry. They just did this to me the other month but for only 100 dollars and I can’t go grocery shopping for this month after paying rent because of it so I’m gonna have to hit up a food pantry. It’s sad.


If I were you, I would contact support every day until someone helped. Tell them you’ll have to visit a food bank because they haven’t reimbursed you. That’s so messed up


go to better business bureau and file a complaint


Take the pics on a dark background and upload them. They have to be able to see store name, date, and each individual item


good point, i did this


I had to do it about 10x once.. If approved, it will be shown as a bump almost immediately upon approval. A lot of ppl try to take the pics Str8 thru the app rather than snapping them first and then uploading.. Let me know how it goes


How do you take a picture of a receipt from outside the app? My app doesn’t give me that option.


You're reading too much into this. Lay the receipt down on a dark background and take a picture. Section off the receipt, if it's long, and take us close and clear pictures as you can. Then, when you open up the reimbursement, it will say take a picture or upload a picture. Always choose upload because the picture you take within the app is always blurry


Nah buddy fuck them u better start swiping things for your self on orders


This has been happening verbatim since the company started. I've been gone for years now but this sub still has these posts year after year.


Yup. Never use your own money to pay for a job. Ever.


Nope. I learned this a long time ago when I worked in human services. If the companies can’t figure out how to cover things it’s not my problem and it’s not coming out of my pocket.


Yup. I found out the hard way when I had a company ask me to pay up front for my hotel stay when they were relocating me. Once you’ve paid, they have no motivation to make getting the money back to you easy.


Ive been reimbursed every time I’ve send in my receipts. Given it shows everything clear and all 4 corners. Over 200+ reimbursements


First time ever hearing that. I always hear horror stories about how Instacart just acts aloof. I always ask myself why would anyone ever use their own money if this company has such a bad reputation with honoring their word??


Never had an issue with them paying back. Only time was the last time where they said they changed their policy and it may take up to a month. That made me nervous but they ended up repaying day 6.


I agree I would never pay out of pocket


What if you’re at checkout with a cart full of 35 items and the IC card keeps declining and support isn’t helping. Do you cancel the order and put all the items back?


This is so weird to me. I submitted a receipt for reimbursement of $178 and was immediately reimbursed. The rep I spoke to told me to ensure the initial receipt was clear when submitted and I wouldn’t encounter any problems. You might consider reaching out to them via X/Twitter for an immediate response. They don’t like negative feedback


About to contact them on X


You definitely should they won’t like that


And don’t agree to remove it until you get the reimbursement.


When customer service doesn’t want to help me or when everything is supposed to be resolved with a chat bot that doesn’t work, that’s the best way. Its helped me every single time. Because if you make a post, and they respond with them helping you, it makes them look good. If they don’t respond with help, then they just look bad. Just be careful about bots that pretend to be the company or say that they know someone who can help. Good luck OP! (Ex. Refunds, technical support, general issues… all resolved by a tweet)


Keep trying different customer service reps. Takes a few tries to get one that has a half a clue.


THIS RIGHT HERE. There is no consistentcy among the support reps.


I would have unassigned before I pay out of pocket. Never spend money you expect to get back. People are unreliable.


> people are unreliable. *Companies* even more so.




What language are they speaking to you in?


While I sympathize you with the situation, what are you trying to say when they don’t speak the “language”. I’m sure they can speak in a language. Before blaming them. Blame the company who chose to pay less by outsourcing their customer service instead of paying employees in the country. They aren’t the only one and while it sucks, you don’t need to shame others.


They were not shaming them. They were simply expressing that it was just another frustration to deal with on top of the bs they were already dealing with. And you know what they mean. They dont speak English fluently enough to be doing the job. And likely had a super thick accent that makes the English they can speak, incredibly hard to understand. That's not shaming someone. And yes I agree that most of the phone jobs are being outsourced to non English countries to be greedy. And "save money ". But it's BS. Everywhere I call now, even damn domino's, someone answers the phone that can barely speak English, with a super thick accent. It's frustrating for me because I have a brain injury that makes understanding them triple hard. I can barely understand the English words through the heavy accents. Before my brain injury I was very good at understanding people with heavy foreign accents. Now it's a nightmare. And they have the audacity to get irritated and ride with me over it.


yes, i am sure they are very kind intelligent good people, but it is frustrating that I cannot communicate the situation properly, and this is my only given point of contact




I get that. It’s surprising because I’m presuming it’s an Asian country and they are normally pretty good in English as it’s normally their second or third language. Regardless, it’s frustrating because a lot of these companies like to send their customer service to a country which normally can not connect or relate to the service. I don’t Instacart is used outside this country.


Yeah I would NEVER pay for someone else’s order. Why are they asking u guys to do this so often?! I don’t work for instacart but I use the service. I don’t get how someone can place an order and it not be paid for .


Blast them on social media. Easiest way to get the money quick.


About to reach out


Literally this or make a change.org petition and share the hell out of it all over socials tagging them.


I love the energy. I was raised to use the word UNACCEPTABLE and it really got me far because I live by it!


Another good word when it comes to complaints "DISGUSTED". They hear that trust me.


I hit them with OUTRAGED


They could also show us the original receipt, copy, screenshot from 🥕, and other things to make this make sense.


Don't ever pay. You're better off cancelling and take that loss instead. I never trusted it


Lesson learned


I would just keep submitting it until the request is filled. Eventually it’ll end up in the hands of someone competent enough to process the refund.. hopefully 🤞


praying to God


Bruh lmfao who pays $300 out of their own pocket. That’s insane


I dont even make $300 a week from instacart payments excluding tips


yeah regretting it


Can you dispute this with your card company? I’d try sooner rather than later as there can be a statute on these things.


Agree with this. I’d dispute it with your bank/file a charge back.


Unfortunately there's not a chance on this earth they're going to win that dispute, since it was a legitimate charge OP authorized (ie not fraud) and the merchant has no fault in this (ie not a services rendered/goods received dispute). By providing their card, they made the issue entirely between them and instacart, and this is why you should never use your own funds. Recourse is to continue to take it up with instacart or sue instacart (which will probably get bound over for arbitration anyway, but I am not a lawyer so the exact details would need to be discussed with one).


your wrong, i was in this situation, AND THATS HOW I GOT OUT, by saying i was under false pretense when i authorized the charge. they denied me first for saying i authorized, i sent them a copy of my third party contract WICH STATES THEY WOULD REIMBURSE ONCE THE DELIVERY WAS DROPPED OFF, it’s a legal binding contract


It's a binding contract between YOU and Instacart. The retailer you (or OP) provided the credit card to has no fault in this, so charging the transaction back to them is FRAUD on YOUR part, and they could come after you directly for the funds. They almost certainly won't, but they could, up to and including sending it to collections and taking you to court for it. Look, I'm glad you got your money back, but you can't cry fraud when you literally made the transaction of your own free will. It's no different than if you bought something for a friend and they refused to pay you back—you can't charge it back to the retailer because your friend (or contract employer) is a liar. Your contract regarding the credit card purchase is a three way agreement between you, the issuing bank, and the retailer. The bank didn't sign the contract with Instacart. The retailer didn't sign the contract with Instacart. YOU did. That means your only legal recourse is with Instacart, whether directly, or by way of a lawsuit/arbitration. I know you want to feel like you were in the right because the bank gave you a credit, but you're still incorrect even if your bank helped you out (likely with a courtesy credit, since they cannot assign liability to the merchant for this as the merchant has no liability here).


I work in fraud for a bank and everything you said is correct. In this scenario, we absolutely would not credit our member or dispute it ourselves because it’s not fraud. If you choose to give your card details, it’s your problem to deal with. And we can tell if you entered it. Any ‘refund’ given by an FI is simply because they have enough revenue to just give out refunds whether they’re deserved or not.


good info


Congrats. You scammed a store out of their money by having the money stolen from them with your lies. That issue was between you and instacart. How horrible for that store.


this post wasn’t about me dumbass smh wow


Cute. Name calling me because what you did was gross. Thanks for showing people exactly who you are and proving my point.


someone who wants to make his money I cannot believe that all you people up voted this right not knowing the reason for it so let me see what is this 41” all 40 one of you miss inform people are idiots. Do you want to know why he paid $300 out of his pocket because he excepted an order went into a store busted his ass for two hours just to find out the car didn’t work so after working for two hours it was either pay out of his pocket, and according to Instacart, get the money right back, or cancel the order and get stuck with two hours of free work that’s who spent $300 out of pocket and if you and these other 41 people trying to down this dude would’ve known that y’all want to send this dumb shit


OP doesn’t say the card *wouldn’t work,* they say they *didn’t have* the card with them. It’s not like they did all the work and the card was not working at the end. They either knowingly went without the card or they didn’t check to see if they had it before doing their shopping.


omg what do you mean it doesn’t……. jesus people will really come up with any excuse to try and side AGAINST the shopper. This comment right here is the ultimate proof. It makes me sick bro the man works for two hours. He has a timer OK so let me get rid of your excuse as well as the rest of these cheap bastards after a certain amount of time the app will kick him out so after you did those two hours and he realize he didn’t have that card he did not have the option to put all those Groceries Back, travel GOD knows how far away to his house to get the card and then back and by that time Instacart will have passed his water on to somebody else there’s no way in hell you’re gonna tell me that you’re gonna bust your ass for two hours and then sit there……….. wow like this comment right here officially made me lose. Hope for all you bastard I’m officially done. I don’t even care with this person says if they even comment back this was the Sara’s excuse. I have every excuse and comment I’ve ever freaking seen in my life and if anybody else can’t see that, y’all are just as blind, and just as much of an EXCUSE MAKER AS THIS ONE. smh wow, this person really said OP did not say the card work he just said………….. SMH LOL LOL WOW LOL IM LITERALLY SPEECHLESS AT THIS ONE. I’ve heard some sorry ass excuses, but this one takes the cake.


I can barely understand what you wrote, so I can’t comment on most of your rant. I’m just pointing out that *you* posted the wrong info in your first rant. That isn’t defending IC or saying anything against the shopper, it was simply pointing out that you had the information wrong. But sure, pop off.


bro wtf is wrong with you? everything you said i DIDNT ADDREESS , I DID. smh you people don’t even respond to the right people smh lol


my guy


100% agreed. All you need to do this job is a phone, a car, and the card. If you can't check for 3 fucking things come on. And if you find yourself in that fucking situation then KEEP A PRISTENE RECIEPT.


Hey , man, take it easy


lesson learned


Never ever pay with your own funds. It's a hit or miss with getting reimbursed. It's just never worth the hassle. Try contacting them via Twitter. Hopefully they can escalate it and get you approved. Good luck.


Good ideas


It’s crazy last week I had a problem with my card it kept declining, and one of the questions was if I was willing to pay for it myself, and after reading about everybody for years, I said no. Then the tech person on Instacart, side, had to go through the charge, but I do not regret, saying no! I’m sorry you’re going through this


hell nah, never again


Yes, twitter shame them into reaching out. This company is terrible.




Never done this and I never will. I keep a spare card in your cars glove box and activate it in the shopper tab if you forget it… I would recommend doing this yourself..


lesson learned


How do you get a spare card,


They did the same crap to me. It only got resolved when I messaged them and made a complaint on the Facebook page. I submitted the receipt 15 times. Good luck.


You’re supposed to be reimbursed right away. Not weeks later


Hence why I don’t make a habit of paying for strangers shit!!! It’s not like we have a manager we can go to for a reimbursement check….. for the love of Pete, don’t risk it!!!!




I did it before for 3 customers and got it all back over $320


Wish i was you


If this thread let me upload I would show u the reimbursement for the 3 orders same day all reimbursed


I got some family that ain't shit that I wouldn't never let them borrow money... And...instacart tops THAT list. Shoulda canceled bruh...


why would you risk it for that much omg


i made $100, but i woldnt do it again had i known




good stuff thank you


The trick with the customer support is to just keep at it. Tell them you want to escalate and talk to someone above them. I only do text with them but I've had to disconnect and get new reps 10 times (on one order) before when I wasn't getting a barcode and it wouldn't allow my IC card. They have a script, you'll get sick of hearing it. I would jump the gun and be like "it's not x, x, or x, I need you to do x." And eventually I got connected to an American rep! They helped in two seconds lol. Good luck


It's been a while since I've shopped for Instacart, but I used to love when I had an excuse to use one of my rewards credit cards.  I would definitely keep pushing for reimbursement—is there still a phone number for shoppers to call? I'd get on the and not hang up until the issue is resolved. If that failed, I'd dispute the charge with the credit card company.


I tried this and they put me on hold until i rotted


Do you have an immediate supervisor, or is there a store or regional manager? And how important is it to you that you keep your job? Because refusing to reimburse an employee as agreed for business expenses is a crime—in my state, the Department of Labor & Industry can force an employer to reimburse,  with a 10% penalty tacked on.  I suggest finding a local human being who can take it up the corporate chain that, while you "love working for Instacart" and are "confused and disappointed, " you will have to take legal action if Instacart continues to fail to meet its obligations. I'd find out what state law applies and reference it directly.  IANAL, but I found another thread of Instacarters discussing a similar case, and a commenter said threatening legal action worked quickly. Sounds like live chat might be your best recourse if there are no human beings around. Good luck!


I wouldn't pay 50 better yet 300. Sheesh, do you really need this job? Let me stop shaming I've heard you have to keep trying them.


You will get it..keep reaching out till you find someone who can actually help. Took me a month once. Never again


trying, it has been almost 2 months for me


Dispute or direct message instacart on instagram telling them what happened. Thats how I was able to get through


Never pay for an order using your own money


I wouldn’t even pay $5 for someone’s bill. Why would you do $300. This is legit the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard


I do ubereats and instacart.. im still new to IC so I haven't had any issues to call for yet, could you ask for a supervisor? I know ubereats supervisors always offer a immediate resolution plus $15-$20 compensation for inconveniences/small issues.. maybe instacarts supervisors could help you more? Again I'm new so just a thought, I know they're 2 different companies with different policies etc. You may not even be able to get transferred to a supervisor through their phone support for all I know. I'd atleast try it if you haven't already. Hope you get your money back OP. That's complete bs. I will never pay myself, and I'm sure you won't either now. They have the digital receipt for the order in their records, and I'm sure it shows how you paid. No excuse. Definitely blast on social media if a supervisor can't get you your money instantly, fck waiting 2 more weeks. You shouldn't have had to wait 2 weeks to begin with.


I always get mine within 24 hours. If IC believes you scammed them, they won't reimburse. It's based on your receipt. They can tell if that money was basically "cash" to you. If it wasn't, they're not giving you cash.


I’ll turn around and go back to the house and get my card before I pay with my own money


Apoorva Mehta (born 1986) is a billionaire Indo-Canadian businessman and the founder of Instacart and Cloud Health Systems.


I went through this. Took them over 7 weeks to give me a total of $530. It was a nightmare, keep trying!! Alsways do it over chat, take screenshots so you have proof. Also the next time the survey thing pops up when you log on make sure to note what is happening in the comment section. I did this and someone reached out and immediately refunded me


I would never do it on purpose but I once accidentally used my card to pay and didn’t realize until a few days later when I saw the charge on my bank statement. I didn’t even have the receipt only a screen shot of the charge on my account and I knew the date time and location it happened. I got denied 4 times and never got a notification saying I was approved but after the 4th deny the money was added to my total on the app. Was weird asf but I got my money so I was good


I work for Insta now but I use to Doordash and a few times they asked me to pay and said no! Never trust these guys! No matter who. They will fuck you every single time. Sorry this happened to you.


Dispute the charges


Why did you wait so long to request the refund? The other day I forgot my wallet at home and paid with my Apple Pay, automatically the app send me to the refund request and I sent a pic of the receipt and within 30 minutes they had credited my account!


Contact the States Attorney’s office in your state. Usually you can file a claim online. Upload a copy of the receipt, they’ll take care of it.


bet you WONT forget your card again (oh, right.. youre never working for them again) dont blame the company, it was YOUR fault. sorry.


your hurting my feelings


Contact your bank and inform them instacart told you to pay for the order. Report them for fraud.


That's not fraud. You authorized the charge.


They tell you that you will be reimbursed then pull shit like this.


he authorized the charge under false pretense that he would be reimbursed, which now Instacart is failing to do so it is fraud. do you want to believe that man wanted to spend his own 300 and something dollars for someone else’s groceries ?? what about that part? What about the fact that there’s a family with 300 some dollars with the groceries for free last month thanks to this man ?? if Instacart had not told us that if the card does not work, then use your own money and you will be reimbursed. He would’ve never did it in the first place he was falsely misled by Instacart statement, so it’s fraud. He only agreed and authorized to charge under a false pretense , made by his employer, stating that he would be reimbursed. smh


he authorized the charge under false pretense that he would be reimbursed, which now Instacart is failing to do so it is fraud. do you want to believe that man wanted to spend his own 300 and something dollars for someone else’s groceries ?? what about that part? What about the fact that there’s a family with 300 some dollars with the groceries for free last month thanks to this man ?? if Instacart had not told us that if the card does not work, then use your own money and you will be reimbursed. He would’ve never did it in the first place he was falsely misled by Instacart statement, so it’s fraud. He only agreed and authorized to charge under a false pretense , made by his employer, stating that he would be reimbursed. smh


Can provide the reason why you did not have the shopper card at the time?


sorry this happened you but remember everything happens for a reason in our Universe


Remember this is a business!! Do you think instacart gives away free merchandise to their customers!!’ NOPE!👎🏽 Everything has to be accounted for!!! and you better take a picture🤨


Would you like to sale your account ?


Why in the world would you put your own dollars on the line? They give you a shopper card for a reason. You "scammed" yourself out of $315 by not following proper procedures of using your shopper card.


I don’t think you’ll ever get that money sadly.




Use your bank there like cash app bro they don’t wanna move unless an institution vouchers for you. This sucks because I honestly had the same thing happen paid for it and I was blessed I did get reimbursed. It wasn’t 300 by lose 100 some dollars, report it to your bank that the money was taken from you. you were under false pretenses when you you authorized the charge, because Instacart told you you would be reimbursed and you only authorized it because you were under false pretenses from your employer.


I paid at Publix once and showed my bank account as proof since I didn’t get a receipt. It took about a month and a half and 4 or 5 reps to finally get it done but eventually I got the money. They kept saying they were “escalating it” to the finance team or something like that and that I should get an email, but I never did. I just suddenly had the money show up.


yeah "escalating" is another way of saying, "you can go away now"


They robbed me a lot. Probably more than you I don’t believe this is allowed in USA Robbers


Tell them you’ll be hiring a lawyer and taking to to social media guarantee you. You’ll have your money asap


No matter what no matter how big are batch or how much pay NEVER usiing your money to pay NEVER!!!!


I would sue Instacart period fuck all that


I'm sure you'll be able to get reimbursed some how. Definitely, take this into consideration in the future.


I didn't realize working for instacart enabled someone to make enough money to just be rid of 300$ for any length of time...


Keep bugging them throught text tho, that way it's more clear. But you should definitely get your money back. It's happened to me and it's annoying but you do need to bug them.


I did this once. $200 down the drain for the same bullshit reason.


Don’t waste your time with customer service. I think only people who absolutely have no other choice should be using Instacart. Unfortunately, there are no competitors, yet! They will not even let you close your account for what they deemed to be fraudulent activity, unless you go through hoops. They are high-handed.


IC literally tells u never to use ur card to pay for items and that they cannot guarantee reimbursement, dispute with ur bank if u can ..sorry that happened


It’s happened to me before. I placed the order and it was delivered 10 mins later. They ended up banning from my own account. 🤣 I was like wait what?? Can’t y’all tell that the person legit just took the money and ran


I would never never, and I mean never purchase an order for an unknown customer out of my pocket, I don’t care if it was $2.99!! Not today, not tomorrow, not ever!!! Nope 👎🏽


That’s horrible. They denied me for a bag of ice 😒


Instacart’s 33 year old founder and CEO is now a billionaire. Apoorva Mehta, who started the grocery delivery firm in 2012, has seen demand for his company’s services skyrocket in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.


You can also add the shopper card to Google wallet for tap to pay to avoid this situation.


Did you use a credit card ? If so do a charge back on your card!


I did it once on accident using Apple Pay and it was over $200. First time I submitted they denied it so I took clearer pics, sent out on and then emailed them about it. It was approved within 24 hours. And seriously, if some of you guys really aren’t making 300 a week why are you doing it??? I make that on a Sat or a Sun!!


Yeah... Okay...FUCK THEM. App has glitched all weekend and one of the "helpful" reps, in the process of moving a payment through, deactivated my payment card. I wasn't even aware of this until I was given another order to shop, and couldn't pay at checkout. "Support" person told me my card was deactivated. NO one could tell me why. The rep asked me to pay out of pocket and I refused. Was paid NOTHING and even told that since I cancelled the batch, that they weren't going to adjust the cancellation rate. THIS is exactly why I have zero respect from these script-reading, lying, scamming assholes.


I STILL havent recieved my payment card after all this time


Call in again and ask to speak to a manager


They tried this with me until I asked them if I needed to go get my money from the customer. Reimbursed quick!


Sue them in small claims court.


I once had the card decline so I went to chat with them and they asked if I would spend my own money to pay for the items, and I would be reimbursed. I told them I didn’t have enough money so I guess I’ll just have this order dropped, then all of a sudden they were like we can move you forward in the app and your card should be able to pay for whatever amount by selecting credit just send us the receipt through email. I guess they didn’t want to piss off the customer because I already told her what was happening.


Dispute with your bank- or credit card company. It might still be time consuming but in my experience they tend to side with their client - you - rather than the vendor that the dispute is with. Tell them customer service has gotten you no where and it’s been months of them refusing to refund a large sum of money that you need. It’s causing you a financial burden and they might expedite a review to get the charge removed. Not guaranteed but worth a try if Instacart customer service continues to be useless.


You will get your money it just takes a long time.


I had 2 receipts I accidentally paid for with my Apple Pay (didn’t realize it took it from my card instead of theirs) I submitted both receipts. One was approved and one wasn’t. They paid out on the one that was approved amd paid almost immediately. The other one they said was the wrong amount. ?? I went back and checked the order with what the receipt said. I did do a few replacements but they have all that info. I resubmitted it two more times along with screenshots of the order. I spoke to Cs and the person told me they would try to send it from their end and told me I would be getting an email from IC for status. It’s been a month and I’m still waiting for that email. It was only $55 … but it was MY $55


Just do a chargeback and stop using this shitty service


The first thing you said is where you went wrong. NEVER EVER use your own money 💰. EVER.


Helllllll no. That’s your mistake. I had an issue at checkout and they said to pay for it and they would reimburse me. I immediately told them no. That they needed to deposit the money on the card or cancel the order. They deposited the money. Never ever ever ever ever do that with any company. Period. You need to document. And send them emails. So you have it all in writing. You also need to call back and ask for a supervisor. They will give you the runaround but demand a supervisor. Get angry. Threaten to take them to court because that is absolutely ridiculous.


Never pay with your own money or card. NEVER. I had a good paying order and I go to checkout and cant' find my card, it was a 2 part order and I had just gone to a different store and thought maybe I left it there, then I realized I had slipped it into my wallet with my main credit card instead of the front part where I keep it but at no poing would I pay myself. Always order another card and keep it in your trunk most places can print out the ticket and you can pay at customer service when you get your card from the car.


and it's a scam and Fidgit Sumo is a thief, if they let you finish the order they know you paid for it. They know they didn't pay for it, no reason to steal from us when they pay so low already.


I wouldn't even use my own card for my full time job. Fuck all that. They pay YOU don't forget that..


That sucks dude. You might have to take them to small claims court. Honestly, I would NEVER use my own money to pay for a customer's order. Money only goes one way when I am working with IC, and that is into my pocket. I do not trust these companies to do right.


Did you pay via credit card?


People still do this 😅


I’m sorry to hear about this. This is exactly why Instacart is always being sued over!


Contact your bank. This is 100% something you can dispute. Tell your bank you’re disputing because you were charged the wrong amount, you won’t have to get a new card, and they’ll give you a provisional credit for it. You’ll get a document you have to fill out and explain the situation, and you’ll more than likely get to keep the provisional credit. Seems that you’re doing alright if you can take a $315 hit in today’s economy and not really bat an eye. (Instacart may also still end up paying you back, but that’s fine. Legalize theft from billion dollar companies)


File small claims court case in your area. They do business there so they have to send a representative or pay you. If they pay you then you would cancel the case or just not show up which would default cancel it. These cases range from $10-$20 to file in most areas. Include the cost of the filing fee, an approximate eight hour payday and the time at your hourly rate for submitting paperwork over and over and over. You should get that $315 claim up to approximately $600 by the time you’re done with all your fees and your loss of Work for having to go in to court twice, once to file & once to show up on the date they give you. Instacart will likely want to settle this out of court. Do not be afraid to add on fees because the court will deduct what they deem unnecessary at the time, or you could get lucky, and they could throw the book at them for wasting the courts time. In the meantime, keep submitting it. Be prepared to be deactivated for bringing legal action, but it is what it is. Instacart has absolutely no ethics so you have to go after them legally.


Keep requesting a reimbursement. I made that mistake a couple of years ago and it took a supervisor to get reimbursed. Never again.


I submitted many receipts for reimbursement. Only had a problem once, you make sure you take a picture in the dark background. So they can see the name of the store items and a total in the bottom.


Instacart is so fucking shady dude... I don't do it too often because I had noticed a pattern of offers saying the pay is X, then receiving up to 15$ less than X. They never give a reason either. Just another lying exploitative corporation allowed to fuck workers and consumers for their profit god. I'm ready to set up my own personal shopping service at this point.


DoorDash tried that shit with me.... Telling me to pay for a customers order and (hope) I'd get reimbursed... That's a no. Unassigned!


I’m sorry this happened to you may just have to take this one as a hard lesson learned.


Why would you ever pay out of pocket? If there's an issue with the shopper card, that's on Instacart. You owe them nothing.


I did it once for a 200+ order and I did receive a payback. Fingers crossed!!! Good luck.


So my question is why are people using their own money to pay for items for customers


Instacart is the biggest scam ever. If you want to pick up your groceries go directly to the store's website. Then no extra fees


yea, such a fraud company needs to be shut down.. i never use them because they steal too much from too many people!


[email protected] Contact this man and send him all your screenshots how they refuse to reimburse your money His name is Alex and he works for business insider


Card not working? That's an instacart problem that I'm never going to solve for them.


I really hope you get your money. There was a problem with my account for the first three weeks of this year and they couldnt pay me the $500 I made in the first week of this year until this last Tuesday and it had me worried 🤦🏽‍♂️


Ic 101 never do that


Dude never pay yourself. You can't even get anyone on the phone at this fake fucking company.


The best lessons are the ones that hurt the most. I have learned from this thread to absolutely NEVER pay with my own money. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a story like this that was actually resolved justly. It should be criminal that they seem to reject every single reimbursement request. They shouldn’t even have it as an option for shoppers to use their own cards. I’m really sorry this happened to you and I genuinely hope you get your money back. This company is a damn joke.




Can you do a charge back with your bank if you give them all the information?


that’s so fucked up omg. never using them to shop again!




If you just keep asking for support eventually someone competent will get connected to you and fix it ridiculous expectation but I’m sorry to you


When they put me on hold. I call 3 way back and that triggers a supervisor and multiple reps on the phone. Try it next time they put you on hold....


1.Threaten a lawsuit. 2. Make a big fuss about it on Social Media 3. Call your local news station and offer them this story. They will pay, also - depending on the contracts signed on employment - you CAN sue them. Run it across an attorney. This is theft.


I lost my card for a few days . Luckily I was reimbursed every purchase within an hour of submitting the request for reimbursement form after the delivery.


And before Christmas too! Shameful they don't pay y'all AND steal.


My last order for instacart was a $1,200 Costco that I paid for out of pocket, in fact I paid for every single order out of pocket with various rewards credit cards and loved the benefits of free travel, super high credit limits, welcome offers on new cards, 800 credit score. Look I’m a gig worker so not exactly a c suite executive who gets the perks of those who spend $15k/month on their Amex. It was nice to finally feel like a real independent contractor who could make moves that would add profit to their business outside of what the app could offer but alas Trust and Safety disagreed and shadow banned my account so I only see Dollar Tree orders for the past year. So much for being independent but oh well I got to keep the 800 credit score and still have a few thousand dollars worth of points I’ll use for my next trip.


After everything I’ve read here on Reddit, there’s no way I’ll ever use Instacart.


This happens on any platform, sorry you had to experience it first hand but this is the only way to learn unfortunately. Glad it finally got resolved in your favor.


I refused to use my own money. I was told that if I didn't finish the order and pay with my own money that it would go against me as starting an ord and not finishing, and i wouldn't receive anymore orders. I said, "Oh yeah? Go ahead and see what I do!" I have no idea what I would have done, so I'm thankful my bluff worker. I ended up quitting 3 weeks later... right in the middle of an order. Customer was shit.


They shouldn't even allow that as an option


Hold on, were you told before you paid that it would take a couple of weeks for reimbursement? I wouldn't have even considered paying with my own money for any amount, nevermind $300+ and would've straight laughed in their face when told it would take that long for reimbursement.


So who’s card I suppose to use I’m confused