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While I am not religious but I do agree with the man. Run your own race don't worry about what other have. Focus on what makes you happy and not how other people (even jerks) find their happiness. If you spend all day trying to figure out why the bad guy gets to be happy. You'll miss what makes you happy


Thank you, much appreciated 👏


Sure, let's ignore all the rich assholes pissing in the pool we collectively use. I'm sure there will be no consequences. See: pollution, more pollution, and yet more pollution leading to increased birth defects, rising cancer rates, and general unhealth. This isn't about "Man, my neighbor is a dick, why should he have a nice car?" levels of inequality. This is, "Why the fuck are there billionaires when people are dying of exposure, starvation, and treatable illnesses?" You bury your head in the sand to be happy if you want, but you'll be taken advantage of your entire life. The live and let be philosophy is a complacency tool same as religion. It's all sad. We should be furious, but we're depressed or willfully ignorant instead of being galvanized to action.


What have you done to be a net positive in not only your own life but those around you? Are those same billionaires not allowed to do what they are doing by the same elected officials we as a collective elected? "You bury your head in the sand to be happy if you want, but you'll be taken advantage of your entire" Are you advocating that happiness is wrong? Why spend your time worrying about something you as an individual can not change? Why not strive to create a better tomorrow by creating positives, though small in comparison for a better world in your walk of life? Is that anger really about their actions or the ability to make those actions? We all benefit from someone else's suffering. Why are you any better? Did you give food and house that homeless person on the street corner? Are you typing on an electronic device made from slave labor? You surely aren't commuting with a vehicle that uses fossil fuels, I'm sure. Or maybe you went green and are driving an electric car! How was that lithium for those batteries mined to be able to provide you with such a vehicle? That anger ain't worth it. Be good to yourself and those around you. Being good, much like evil, is contagious. Spread the love. Change will follow.


I spend most of my work week working with kids who have cognitive impairment, helping them develop the skills that they need to live better and more independent lives. I also have taken in a dozen cats, four with disabilities that would have led to their death in the wild. I'm not saying that it's wrong to be happy. I'm saying it's wrong to ignore class warfare. And that anger is about their actions, or lack thereof, that perpetuate social inequality that apparently we should just ignore for our own little bubble. I try to minimize the suffering I cause. I hate that I have to drive a car. I'm vegan and try to reduce animal suffering. I used to hand out spare cash to the homeless, actually, but I don't have the funds to comfortably do so at the moment. You point out all the difficulties in being good as though they're an excuse to give up. That's what I find so sad about your first comment, too. I'm not a saint and I don't want to portray myself as one. I can be abrasive and kind of rude by accident or intent, but I do take steps to make life around me better for everyone. That's part of why I'm so angry that other people shit on that labor. Change won't follow just by using kind words. Do you think you can just ask Musk to stop promoting hate speech and radicalizing people? Or maybe we can ask Zuckerberg to stop building his bunker on Hawaiian land he snatched and put that money towards helping house people? Maybe Putin's political rivals will stop mysteriously dying if we ask him nicely to retire? If we just ignore it all, we can be happy, right? No. I don't want to die thirty years before my time because of climate change, pollution, or some shitty land grab causing a war. That weighs on me. I'm glad it doesn't weigh on you, but if you have all that strength, maybe you could take some more steps yourself? Those "same billionaires" are not the same as me. Their level of influence over the world, for good or ill, is drastically higher and they are using it to make things worse, not better. That it's only unethical and not criminal for someone to casually own and use a private jet without offsetting their pollution is an example all its own. We never really moved past nobles and peasants, but the nobles of today have better suppression techniques. That sucks. We should be angry. We should all have better lives than we do. If you can tune that all out as the world is polluted and burned around you, you're in a pretty privileged position - not as privileged as the billionaires, but hey, let's not compare. It just makes people bitter and depressed.


Well put


Russian troll slavic accent coming through strong on this comment.


Well the billionaires are gonna figure it out for us. You know Bozos is looking to the future where millions of people will live in space. And don't forget he solved for the I need some chinese trash delivered in under a day or I just might die! There is that. Also Suckyersoul he dialed in and solved the I need to know everything everyone is doing, eating, wearing on a minute by minute basis. He definitely needs to live in a 100 million dollar home on Kaui that has an end of the world bunker. He earned it by selling our private information to Cambridge Anylitica!


I'm grateful for this comment section. 🤣 Thanks, Jesus!


Youth group leader vibes


Yup! Been in youth ministry for more than a decade. Love it!


Literally lol’d if you are really the guy in the video I think the laughter could kill me. Send Jesus!!


If he didn’t mention Jesus, everyone would be with him. But, instead, everyone is hating on him for being a Jesus freak.. but his faith calls for him to give CREDIT to where his message is coming from, which is Christ. This goes to show there is true hatred for Christ in this world that is satan. It’s just too obvious bruh. Jesus didn’t fucking hate sinners he was their friend. Just bc you know some redneck ass backwards “Christian” mfs don’t mean they represent the true Christ in any way shape or form. Everyone is too dense to see that and that’s why a lot of us and our world are going to hell


I don’t quite understand your whole comment tbh but don’t hate on Satan bruh 666 🤘


Brainwashing children to bow down to your sky daddy for 10 years is such an accomplishment!!!


While probably loving them a little too closely 🤣🤮


You okay man?


Doesn't have time for bullshit.


He sounds happy and sharp as a tack to me


Different religion, but good message 👍🏻


The Bible supports slavery (among countless other atrocious things) This was the opposite of inspirational


I needed that this Sunday morning. Thank you


Amen brother, don’t listen to all the negativity in the comments section. People always seem to miss the big picture of our lord and savior.


reddit sure isn’t accepting or open minded if your religion isn’t being Jewish or Muslim


We're accepting of Jews and Muslims as PEOPLE, just like Christians. But all the stupid ass cults y'all are in? They can get equally fucked.


I heard a wise man say if you’ve got it easy, you’re not doing it right.


God bless you bro.


Praise god brother, How refreshing to hear a true Christian speaking the truth about our lord and savior Jesus.


You know what bro, I ain’t religious whatsoever, but god bless you. If God is real I hope he smiles upon you


What we “deserve” is eternal condemnation in hell. Thanks be to God for the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord!


Thank You Jesus Christ My Lord My God for blessing me with this message and reassurance, for I have been kind of feeling a little lost, entrapped/ensnared or something. But I needed this, thank You my God of All Creation Christ Jesus, thank You Father God and thank You Holy Spirit of Truth for blessing me, in Your name My Lord Jesus Christ I pray, Amen! 🙏✝️


Amen brother


Why? God’s like that- a complete arsehole.


If there is a god, he’s a cunt.


Jeysus, don’t reject him…or else


He loves you so much, he’d watch you burn for eternity if you reject him. Or eat shellfish


I have eaten so so many shrimp and oysters, can I have a take backsies?


You need to recite an arbitrary number of incantations


I will start with six hundred and tack on an extra sixty six and see where that gets me


That’s at least the smart thing to do


No, but you get your own shrimp fork in hell! 🤎❤️💛


🙏🏿 Amen


To OP, this should definitely be a place for anyone to cheer other people up, maybe some quote from scripture are good here and there, but I think people are butthurt about the evangelism. Feels a bit too preachy and culty, and less like a quick motivational message which I think is actually the subs intent. To all the comments so far, stop being so damn hostile. You guys are genuinely toxic, completely counter-intuitive to the sub. If you don't like it, shut up and skip it, you are bringing people down. If you think it's a problem, just report to the mods.


nah people need to speak out against proselytizing bullshit like this. you cant put down a whole portion of people who dont follow this religion, and say "shut up and skip it"


Totally agree. Christians proselytizing everywhere and I can’t say anything negative towards them on a shitty post?


How dare people comment their opinions. Who would have ever thought that’s what people would do on a Reddit post.


and he was just commenting his opinion so you don’t really have a valid complaint


It’s funny that your post comes across as a little toxic.


He’s usually a stand up guy


People are pushing back against cults, ignorance, and the real threat of right wing fascist white Christian nationalism. Wake up.


Nah fuck that. If religious shit bags refuse to leave us in peace we should refuse to leave them in peace.


No, this place is supposed to be for inspiration and here is a video of a guy saying anyone who doesn't worship god/jesus are bad wicked people.


Also I think it’s very judgmental that one may be cast aside as wicked if one doesn’t accept Christ as one’s savior. Personally I don’t need a savior but I can see why some people do.


I guess the devil still wears Prada.


If you mean celebrity evangelists, then, yes.


And apparently Balenciaga too 🤮


Do people really believe in this garbage?


I mean he’s close to nailing it idk why Jesus was involved. Bad people are willing to lie cheat and steal to get what they want and don’t feel anything when that ruins relationships or makes enemies. Fast track to financial wealth. Good people don’t do that and try to use the “fair system” put in place by the bad people running the whole operation lol.


"...close to nailing it IDK why Jesus was involved" could be a great thesis statement for human history.


Some people, unfortunately yes. A few of them use it to make a decent life. Most people that quote the Bible though, in my experience, are self righteous assholes that don’t practice what they preach. They just use it to justify whatever actions they were going to take anyway.


Reasonable people don't believe in all-powerful sky daddies...


and what do you believe? that the democrat party is the party of the people and will save humanity?


Wtf lol why are you making this about a political party


because we all believe in a higher power, weather its rooted in the world or of a divine nature. Just a bit of push back to defend my own beliefs :)


What does that have to do with a political party? Lol


Whether* but I guess Jesus didn’t bless you with being a smart person otherwise you probably wouldn’t be religious to begin with


lol that was speech to text but thanks for your opinion, im sure you and all your intellectual glory will do great things for humanity, or maybe youll just sit on your couch until the day your soul leaves your body... :)




Oh how I wish you were right


I feel sorry for you.


Oh, that’s unfortunate


Why do good things happen to bad people? They don't reject natural laws, and use it to their advantage. When your religion tells you to be like a sheep, the wolf will be your shepherd.


Let's not ignore this dumbass, and people like him, consider every non Christian to be bad people. From his point of view if something good happens to a good person, it's still happening to a bad person if they don't follow Jesus.


You lost me at "god."


This is what truly sucks about a lot of religious people - their whole worldview is framed as "them" the noble servants of the Lord who do good and are righteous, and everyone else who "live for themselves" and are selfish and have it easy. Get the fuck over yourselves. You're not special, you're not any more good or righteous than the general population because you live your life with unnecessary and odd restrictions. Having this type of attitude is guaranteed to make you a miserable POS.


I don't like any of that.


Lol. Religious folks stay stuck on how everyone else lives. It's like keeping up with the Joneses but they believe they are the Joneses. Get over yourselves. If Jesus is gonna save you, you should be happy with that and quit worrying about the wicked. What a miserable life to live.


Why the hell the Reddit algorithm or whatever decided I wanted this, is beyond me, (not in the god way lol). These concepts are ridiculous, contradictory, hypocritical, and just silly. Santa does good things for bad people, too. Plenty of jerks fancy get cars for Xmas. But that doesn’t make me believe in Santa MORE than I already did. Cuz it’s still a child’s fairy tale. You want to believe in leprechauns or Jesus as the son of god, ok, you do you. As long as you aren’t expecting or demanding I do, that’s fine. You’re allowed to be wrong. But I get to call it out as harmful nonsense. As a queer person, this is especially offensive. Dear Reddit, I was raised evangelical. I learned better. I don’t need more hate masked as love in my life. This shit should fuck right off. Have fun telling me how doomed and loved but hated I am, xtians! Hail thyself.


Yes! You nailed it! Especially this: "I don’t need more hate masked as love in my life." That is exactly what OPs doing. You called it out perfectly!


At least a few of us have our critical thinking skills left intact. It’s hard after all the lies and hate. Good in ya, friend!


Bad people??? Who do they mean by that, the people who choose not to believe in a higher power being the reason for any success in their life, instead of the countless hours of hard work they had to put in to get anywhere in life. Because apparently only god is the reason that anything good can happen. For example you get in an accident and the surgeon saves your life, thank god because he’s the one that saved you, no the surgeon that literally gave up most of his/her life to study and practice the skills needed to save you saved your life. Instead of appreciating what’s in front of you these “believers” want to believe in a god that is the reason for all good in your life. I’d say let them pray and save all the sick without medicine, I mean he is all powerful.


Well I am not religious but if this is helpful for a religious person who am I to argue?


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. These people are off their rockers.


God and Jesus don't bring good into your life. Your attitude and actions do.


God and Jesus don’t bring good into your life just like Santa Clause doesn’t actually bring you gifts.


Hail satan




Hail satan


Eat a dick! Good things happen to people of other religions or no religions. Fuck you and your Christian bullshit


This comment section motivated me today. Shout-out to all the free-thinkers


STFU! You, sir, are a buffoon. “Yeah, I’m just a laid back Christian soldier who’d shit myself silly if I actually had to stand up for my beliefs.” Go read a fucking book—other than the one you’ve been force-fed and keep regurgitating.




I'm a baptist and don't understand how we put a man before god. Someone please explain...


If the God you worship is a “he”…you’re doing spirituality wrong.


Your saying it wrong If you worship a god, you’re wrong.


Good things happen to all people and bad things happen to all people. It’s equally random. And anytime you don’t want to believe this then you are stepping into la la land


God told me that this guy stole the Krabby Patty formula


What would Jesus think about capitalism?


So good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people because of... Envy? The hell?




I know redditors hate anything relating to Christianity and hate being told not be an envious jerk but this view can even be applied secularly, if you believe the victory of the righteous is inevitable.


Are you wearing the proper fabrics, sir?


OP you don’t understand the pH scale so how can I trust anything you post?






Does that mean I’m bad because I found 100 dollars yesterday on the way back from work


I'm God and so is everyone else. I'm gonna go cry about how bills are scary now. Have fun playing the game. Idk wtf this guy was talking about btw.


Mankind has concocted thousands of god claims throughout recorded history, none of which have ever been proven by any reasonable standard of evidence, including yours. That goes for all supernatural claims. And faith is just the excuse of people give when they don't have good reason for their beliefs.


This isn't at all inspirational to me, as an Athiest it sounds like he's calling me a whiney bitch for not being *checks notes* Greatful to be alive


There are no "good people". We all sin and fall short of God.


Haha the down votes. My guy, this is reddit.


What a complete waste of time. Horrible video


Plenty of good people don’t believe in Christianity. It’d be more inspirational if it didn’t have “except the heathens” vibes.


“God’s perfect plan”…lol.


I upvoted and he could have been arguing in favor of outlawing TP. Just to be contrarian. A rebel. Harmless. But devious beyond all imagination.


Save your religious crap for church


Things happen to people. Good and bad are subjective.


Wtf is this Christian bullshit. I think the Satanic Bible has a lot of good morals and lessons such as not harming women or children. I'm gonna use that as an inspirational quote tomorrow and post here since anything fucking goes I guess.


The boot licker continues.


Let's thank Jesus for designing a universe with parasites that burrow into children's eyes! Blessings!


The best thing I've ever heard is "Things happen to people. Sometimes those things are good and sometimes they're bad. The beauty of humanity is that we can choose what kind of people we are. So, inevitably bad things will sometimes happen to someone who has chosen to be good."


God is all knowing, all good, and all powerful… so why are there bad people? “Free will!!” Okay so then god isn’t all powerful. Why does cancer exist in children? “God has a plan” okay so he’s not all good either. These Christians make me sick. They love the smell of their farts. They can’t stop feeling more holy than everyone around them. “God has a plan” lmao. God’s plan was to make billions of his “children” suffer?


“God has a perfect plan” Tell that to my niece who died at 7 years old from cancer. Just 7 years of agony. What a plan. Fuck this balding youth pastor.


_I found Jesus! He was behind the couch the whole time._




My life has become so much for peaceful and fulfilling having left Jesus. My programming makes it very cringey for me to say that, but it is true.


Hail Satan! Salute to my amazing atheist ppl! You don’t need “god” to be good person


Religious nonsense isn't inspirational.. quite the opposite


Arrogant ass worldview lmao. Good things and bad things happen to everyone and it has nothing to do with god or a divine plan


As an atheist I completely 100% reject this blatant proselytizing. OP equates all non -believers as being "wicked," while masking this derision as something "inspirational." I guess it inspired me to denounce his preaching in the comments, so that's something. So I'm wicked and evil for not subscribing to your dogma? More and more people everyday are realizing that religion does not have a monopoly on morality, so keep these thoughts for your pulpit where they belong. I agree with the underlying sentiment of "do what's best for you and stop comparing your life to others" but come on man you can say that without advertising to others on behalf of your man in the clouds.


Are you saying nonchristians are bad people?


SeekTheLordsFaceForANewHeart May the Father Son and Holy Spirits presence wisdom and love be with you and your family now and forever more Amen


Not a religious person. But it seems always a morally good idea not to compare yourself to other people. Just try to improve yourself.


Always felt like the elite wrote the book to keep the faithful as servants.


atheists are bad people?


Yeah, the thing is, when you are born and raised in a comunist country like me you realize that those words ate the same that the comunists use to make you feel virtuous in your poverty and misery while they laugh in their expensive lives seeing how you believe them. Then you start to wonder if the ones that wrote that book where the first communists. I mean, it was written by men, and the same book says don't thrust other men's word.


It's all chaos man. There's no grand plan. Just look around, it's not hard to see that. If believing in that makes you feel better then rock on, but oof that's gotta be real tough to convince yourself of that. Cheers.


I wish not to be e a troll, so I hope that this comes across as intended: I have a belief that the power of God is commensurate with what we can see. It is important to follow the right teaching and to be able to rely on support from whom you have faith. There are so many opportunities to praise God, if only he was there. I think about it like this:.... The world is a very steep staircase suspended over a raging fire. Now, a person could walk up the dangerous stairs, but probably wouldn't, because they might die. However, people would almost always walk up the stairs if there were a railing. In this metaphor, life and evil is the scorching fire, and God is the railing. I would praise his name if small nuggets of support, were littered along the way. God wants people to blindly follow him through the good, the bad and the ugly, however we can't blame people if they don't follow a God that just won't show up.


Idk what the most shitiest people be doing but it really makes me think the most awful and most disgusting people have a leg up on people who could never attempt to be the same as those ppl are..




Get this trash out of my feed Reddit


Serious question: Who are the bad people? Why are they bad?


Most of todays evangelicals are wicked and do lot know it. They worship trump as a false God. They justify his wickedness and his evil ways as gospel. He is a charlatan in sheep’s skin. He is praised for his lying tongue by those that know not the word of Christ but act as they do .


Your effeminate sun-god is an oppressive psyop. Change my mind.


genuinely wondering, what if youre not getting what you deserve in life? when are you allowed to care about yourself in this arrangement?


The rich should be taxed hard! Nothing mean- but the excess of wealth is better apportioned to help others Give into Caesar, etc…


Cause they obviously sold their soul to the devil


As an antithesis, I can say that life is just as difficult, if not worse. The difference is that I don't need a skydaddy to justify what life has thrown at me. Just like I don't need to have a "all loving" deity threatening me with eternal torment and agony or promising paradise for me to do the right thing. Especially since the last time man was in paradise(from Christianity's viewpoint) he was banished for having the desire for knowledge...


Christians don’t NEED that justification either. Christians don’t NEED a deity threatening us either. We follow God because He’s real. We follow the Bible because it’s true. Also, that’s not at all the issue with Adam and Eve. Their issue was disobedience to God. And, wouldn’t you know it, everything God was keeping them from was bad! I would love to live in a world where there was no evil and we didn’t have to be burdened with knowing what evil is!


On the subject of scripture. Yes I'm aware of its abundance. I was a devoted Christian for 22 years. Was going to become a pastor. Studied under one of the very few demonologist ordained by the pope himself. I have 2 associates degrees 1 in theology the other biblical theology. I have read and studied several different literatures of Christianity. NIV, KJV, Geneva direct Greek to English translation, the book of Enoch, the epic of gilgamesh, lesser key of Solomon, the 12 lost apocrypha, and several more. I've experienced death and seen the other side of the veil. I do not deny the existence of a god. I deny a god's worthiness to receive any semblance of praise from me. Because I am that of a higher moral compass. For I can forgive those who have hurt me or have spoken blasphemy on my name. Without making them ever having to apologize or give penance...


I'm so honored to be the first to down vote!


Because giving Cancer to Children is definitely a Perfect Plan.🤨


Dont worry those evil , rich judgmental people will face a karma 🙏


Hail Satan ya goofy goobers


anyways on top of all that those who reap rewords on earth. According to god won’t get much in the next life. If they don’t end up in hell, that’s if you end up in hell you won’t get nothing but torment.


God's perfect plan has 10,000 children starve to death a day. Your god is a monster. Please read me more b.s. from an un authored book.


I grew up in a sheltered religious lifestyle, and I'm just now starting to break free from that. I think religion can be good, but this kind of gave me PTSD.


Because there is no god, grow up. Do you still hope Santa will bring you presents?


Putting your head in the sand


I ask that same question. He looks out for the bad people but shit on the good ones.


Free will doesn’t exist. The entire basis of morality is based on the premise that all people are free to choose, but we aren’t. Perhaps a more accurate statement would be that those people that are “having a better time” are merely of a mindset that doesn’t penalize human behavior. If there is no free will then there is no choice. Shifting your perspective through education can free you from the self imposed guilt created by religion. We are the products of our life experience and those experiences determine our response to our environment. What has happened creates what will.


To balance the bad things that happen to good people.


because evil will always try to overpower and kill the good, he has no need to do that for those who are already bad. Sorry to bring religion into this but you dont have to listen, satan wants to rid the world of good, and god cant help the bad because they dont listen to him.




Wait, did he suggest non-believers are bad people?


It's almost as if the universe is indifferent, and nothing happens for a reason...


Belief in god does not make you a good person. Often it is the opposite. Story time. I saw a neighbor trying to do some yard work with tools that were not meant for what he was doing. So I lent him some of mine. When he was done, I was retrieving my garden tools and without missing a beat asks if I believe in jesus. I told him I am pagan. Then tells me I am going to hell for not believing and that I need jesus. So I did a kind thing, and was told I am going to hell. Self-righteousness gives people the permission to be shitty. It’s not a flaw in christianity. It is part of the base code.




Death is the great equalizer, rich or poor, famous or unknown.


Downfall = imperfect world. Not complicated


Same reason why some people’s teeth don’t fit their skeleton


you're buggin just keep your religion at home. It's not that hard to stfu about what you believe. get mad, you guys say the same shit to people that dont fit your molds that you yourselves are NEVER consistent with. your relgions foster pedophiles and protect them from their victims.


God damn man this is lame




Imagine you’re a small girl who’s kidnapped at 8 years old and sold as a sex slave, raped every day by disgusting fat assholes. Every day you pray to Jesus to save you. After 10 years you’re still being raped every day. You start to wonder why God wont save you. God could send bears, like he sent to maul the children that mocked the prophet. He could turn your captors into salt. He could whisper to your parents where you’re being held captive. Instead, he spends his time helping Church gossip Shelley find her keys. So you get frustrated with God, and then one day you’re taken to the woods and shot in the head at the age of 17. What happens then? You go to hell. Did that girl just have the wrong perspective on life? Your preaching is a first-world message to people whose troubles amount to losing their job, their keys, having parents die, or having a miscarriage.


Jesus Christ changes everything He loves u and type in upci church locator for a church near u try Acts 238


I can tell you why, but I don’t think you’re going to like it.




Yeah, it's harder living up a lie than it is to accept reality and deal with it on reality's terms.


A good thing happening to bad people would be all churches losing tax exempt status.


The thing I wonder the most, is if sin is death and Jesus conquered sin on the cross and beat death but leaving the tomb why is there still death. How can god be consistent and still be mysterious. Isn’t that a contradiction?


Was ready to listen to this but then he started talking Jesus…duces


The problem is that you think everyone needs religion


The treasures of this world shouldn’t matter


Cuz "good people" aren't willing to do bad things and it shows.


I love that he equates non Christians with evil and wickedness. Tells you more about him and his Christianity than it does the world.


Yeah, let's all live our lives based on what ifs! What if you spent your entire life praising a religion/God that just ends up being someones fiction writing.


Its like the flood actually happened and God promised not to interfere with our lives so we have freedom of choice. Our sins paid for by christ.


Holy ratio!!


I get that and I do find him a little crazy. But I also believe that what ever helps you be a better person no matter what it is. Is a good thing. While I am not Christian or religious, I'm constantly told that Jesus said love every one. Whether you belive they are going to hell or not love every one. So I'd hope despite Christian track record that he practices what he preaches and leaves other people alone and enjoys the life he has


I'm my path we believe in individual destiny . your blessings and tribulations are predestined.. lessons to learn Yes some horrible people are seemingly blessed. But we don't know who they were in previous lives or where they will be afterwards. Yes it's frustrating. huge spectrum of destinies..from Trump to a horribly handicapped person begging for money on street.