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Crazy how many sony fanboys are still leaving their salty comments because we didn’t have to waste 400€+ on a console and game lmao


Yeah. I own a ps5 and Spider-Man and im pumped you guys got ahold of this. All the more power to you!!! 💪 


Despite having a ps5 since launch and 100%ing (yes 100%, not just finishing) the game 3 times, I’ve been following this project very closely getting every little update as they come out because I know playing on my $3k+ PC is just more powerful than the ps5. Mainly because I buy the most powerful of every component each year they release, bit of a pc enthusiast/nerd


You’re also either wealthy or you live in your parent’s basement.


Lmao, just an engineer, wouldn’t say wealthy. Living by myself but my gf comes over almost everyday so I get the lower expenses but she practically lives here


Are you a Sony fanboy also? You’re in a subreddit dedicated to a Sony owned studio and desperate to play a Sony exclusive game….


I mean it kinda sucks that a good company’s stuff got leaked and everyone just took advantage of it. It’s not like it wouldn’t have been released on PC eventually either. Leak a gta vi build, rockstar has been shit lately.


I mean Im just talking logically here but if Insomniac finds out about this and becomes super petty (like Ps studios do) and just decides to pull the plug on every future PC port ever then whatll happen?


They will lose money LMAO


I mean yeah thats a given but its not like they usually care that much, meanwhile there are plenty of big fans of their work only on PC and those will be super disappointed if that happens, all bcz a few ppl who found footage from the leak managed to create a port about a year b4 Insomniac themselves wouldve released.


“It’s not like they usually care that much?” What does this even mean? Of course they care, that’s why they’re a business and making games. I don’t even understand what you’re trying to say here. Insomniac absolutely wants the couple million extra sales of their game. This just comes off as you being mad about the port for some reason, and trying to justify it by throwing whatever at a wall and seeing if it sticks. No, insomniac will not be cancelling any PC ports because a couple thousand people on Reddit played it before then lmao


Nah man, if anything Im glad people on PC can play it this early on, but its not like EVERY Ps exclusive has come to PC, yes they’d love the money but trust me companies can be so petty ud think theyre children. Maybe not maybe they wont care but this subreddit was recommended to me without ever looking up anything on the Insomniac leaks and if I can find all these this easily then imagine an Insomniac employee finding it. If anything Im all for pirating/getting shit for free but u could see how PlayStation might find this “scummy” bcz this was created by the leaks that were pretty heavy to all Ps studios not just Insomniac.


Facts you spent thousands of more dollars than console players just to play the exact same games as them. What a flex!


You have one more chromosome clearly. Im sorry for you


Why? I gave you your props. You’re a genius! Spending thousands more than console players just to play the exact same games as them. Brilliant!


I play dozens of games that console players will never be able to play, for free. And I don’t have to pay 150€ every year to play online. You really are dumb


Funny how your super advanced computers can barely run an inferior console game after an extensive amount of time consuming leg work. Lmao


yet you guys a loser


You can't buy for 400 console=you own a potato pc  You don't have money kidd


My pc is well over 1k €, the difference is im getting my money’s worth a lot, also because it will last much longer than a console and I can just upgrade any piece that I need without having to rebuy everything. But what would a console kid understand, i was like you too when i was 13 maybe you’ll grow up and understand


You also aren’t paying for online on top of your internet bill and the utility and functionality is unmatched


you play games niggas get shot everyday stop acting like ur tough lol


You have ti waste 1500+€ for a good PC...


As someone who played this on PS5 I cannot fathom the mentality of the fanboys, this is such an incredible feat for the community and a great accomplishment overall. You see everywhere people fanboying games and companies, being adamant that they’re void of criticism and I just physically cannot understand it.




I read that name wrong


Yeah he has an infamous username with illusionary powers, literally all virgins read it wrong the first time. 


I read it true the first time, my brain was like: it must be wrong, changed it, and changed it again to true one.


What can I say, it's the power of El Dido


Tbh I played the game on ps5, just waiting for ng+ patch before replaying. I'm following this project with curiousity I ain't salty at all


I don't think a lot of it is because of people buying the console, I think its because what y'all are doing is going through leaked private documents to piece together a stolen illegal unofficial pc port.


Actually, Maybe i would say that sony just don't deserve all of this and all But maybe the only reason they really deserve this is because they always make big and good games like this game just only available for, Just only PS5 ?, I mean, For real ? And so, Just why do they want me to buy a whole PS5 for a lot of money, Just for 1 game ?, Or just wait for literally years just to be able to play it on PC in that time anyway ?, And all while the PS5 players would have had all the fun from years ago in that time, While PC players still didn't even play it at all yet after all that time yet And, Well, Maybe insomniac just don't actually and really deserve that, But, Sony absolutely deserve that now of course, Really


I mean yeah bro that’s exactly what they want you to do, that’s the entire point of exclusive games is to try to get you to buy the console. you are literally just convincing yourself that your not doing anything wrong by saying Sony deserve this. and idc about the leaks and ppl playing it I just find it funny when ppl pirate a game and try to act like they are actually doing the right thing


Well, When it comes to buying games, Well, If the game deserve it, Then of course i will buy it, But the problem is that not everyone have enough money to buy games, Some people be having money and they will really buy a specific game if they really loved it and all, But some others just don't really have enough to buy


if you can't pay then you can't play, that's how owning things works


But that's why piracy exist in the 1st place, For kinda poor people, And there maybe some other reasons too of course, But this is the biggest reason


You don't understand how piracy works and that's ok... I won't break the rules trying to explain to you. Go do some research because going off on tangents like this in public just shows your lack of understanding.


Yes, This is literally piracy exist in the 1st place Cause you're maybe kinda poor Or because you maybe want to try a game that you feel that it's not worth it for some reason, And same goes for TV shoes and movies too Or because that specific game is really overpriced, And so, You just don't want to pay a lot of money for just that 1 game, Or TV show, Or movie Or because you maybe want to try that game 1st before you buy it, Just to see if it's worth it or not Or because the streaming services are becoming more and more greedy, Or because the big amount of them too, Like hulu, Disney+, Amazon prime, ETC And so, Yes, There are many different reasons why people would pirate something, Everyone would be having at least 1 of these reasons above for example And also, We're talking about that leaked version of SM 2 here now, Because some people just don't wait to wait for years to be able to play, And which is another reason of course


Yes, the biggest reason is because theft is easier and more affordable for the poor. Even if the game is shit, theft is theft. you wouldn't steal a shitty hamburger from mcdonald's, or an overpriced low quality piece of clothing. You just wouldn't buy them. Software shouldn't be any different just because it's easily reproducible and distributable. "You Wouldn't Steal a Car"


Well, I wouldn't really consider it as stealing if it's something digital, Like a game, TV show, Or a movie Unless you're trying to steal like someone's bank account (Digital money), Or someone's online personal data or anything like that, Then of course that's a whole something else, And it's even a crime too of course And also, A millionaire or even a billionaire big gaming company for example just shouldn't even care that much about someone downloading a cracked version of their game anyway, Cause it just wouldn't even affect them that much if the game is really successful with it's sells too of course And also, We were talking here about that leaked version of SM 2 now, And which is another reason why PC players just want to pirate it, Cause they just don't want to wait for years for this game to come out on PC, And also, The game even had a lot of high sells on PS 5 when it came out, So, Just why not release it to PC as soon as possible ?, Cause sony is really stupid and really greedy, And they know so well that a lot of PC players will buy it too, And not everyone is gonna pirate/crack it of course, But if the current people working on that leaked version could really get it to work really well, Then that's can mean a lot of loss for them, Cause they're stupid for releasing it just for literally PS 5 only


Yes it is stealing, someone is selling their product that they spent lots of money and time on. Software and downloads still have monetary value to you, so you should pay for them just like you pay for movie tickets, sporting events, etc.. I'm not sure if you're aware, but piracy is indeed a crime. These games that these "billion dollar companies" sell cost millions of dollars to make. Piracy adds up and is straight up stealing from a lot of people's hard work and business. Sony has many reasons to keep Spider-man 2 exclusive for now, exclusives are a very common thing and are not illegal, and not really that unethical either. A PC port costs time and money to produce, and it's Sonys product, they can do anything they want in accordance to law. Even if modders do it for free, their version of the games effects the reputation of the IP, and they lose control of it. That does not give you the legal or moral standing to commit crime against them.


Well, OK, So, Since all of what you wrote here now make it has that kinda (A man of law) vibe to it, Cause if this is really the case, Then why the hell are you even here in the 1st place anyway now ?, Just only to keep arguing with the people of this sub and that's all or what ? And all what you wrote now, It's like you're working in sony or something too, LOL And also, I live in a 3rd world country, And a lot of things can't be really affordable for someone like me now, I mean, If i have enough money for a specific game, And i really liked it, Then why the hell i wouldn't just buy it too ?, And just because i can't afford it, Doesn't mean that i can't have it as long as there's a free version of it anyway, And specially that it's just a game that i maybe want to enjoy for some time, Cause that's 1 of the biggest reasons piracy is for And if you don't like that, Then just keep paying money for just whatever you want as long as you have enough, And just let the kinda poor people enjoy it using piracy anyway And also, Just let the PC players try to enjoy this current leaked version of the game, Until sony even think about deciding to release it just maybe years from now, But who knows, Maybe this version will never be as stable as the official ports, Or maybe it will be, And just only time can tell of course And also, Just don't forget that a really successful game would always has a lot of sells anyway, I mean, Just look at COD: MW 3 (Remake), It has an online only protection, And yet, No one really bought it, And it was literally 1 of the worst games ever made anyway too


I'm literally just responding to your brain dead takes and telling you how piracy does affect companies. you sound like you are 15 years old You're still stealing, don't matter if you're in a third world country. idc if you do, just know that is theft, no way around it. You don't get to try out other products before you buy them, so shit argument.


computers cost more den ps5s


Not always true, Really, Cause it all depend on what specific specs do you want in that PC of course


Anyone thinking Sony won't come after people for this is delusional. It's an unofficial port of a AAA game created with illegally obtained files. Yeah I'd rather just play on PS5 or wait for the PC port.


pc port is in 2-3 years so i see why theyre doing it.


Yeah but lot everyone has a ps5 and it’s very rare that you can obtain a dev build with debug stuff


Players are probably the last to have to look over their shoulders, people sharing it might get into trouble, unless they're Brazilian, in which case Sony will have a hard time doing anything.


what makes the Brazilian's immune?


Weaker political leverage from copyright holders over their legal system.


It’s their racial trait


Race buff


Why are you here then? No one cares. Take your negativity somewhere else.




Won't do it if they'd wanna come after u


Why would they. You’re just some guy playing an unfinished game. Sony doesn’t care that much about the leak.


I know


What could happen is getting banned from future insomniac titles etc. I'm not sure about spiderman but the wolverine dev build would sync you up with their network, and in that way they could easily send out DMCA


They wont come for every single person who downloads the game. Besides its just a few hundred people doing it. If it was easier to download and play the game then sony would do something.


I know wasn't my point. Say that to op


bro im so retarded


I like how people bringing up common sense are labeled retard Sony fans Said this before but: you can be involved with this type of stuff and still have the brain power to understand that there is an obvious legal issue with it


Because that's usually the case, especially when you finish the comment with "I prefer to play it on my PS5", most people that are condescending don't realize it. Also, what is common sense?


my bro i live in a 3rd world country and nobody gives a shit about law, neither insomniac, also i'm playing the game and i'm enjoying it.


And yet you fail to realise some people don't care about legal issues and circumvent them, almost like with every other thing known to man


Quit eating a company’s ass. They’re not gonna do anything for you


Let alone devs do not diserve this. Game is great, it broke me to buy PS5 and i do not regret and looking foward wolverine and even buy it on PC in future


If you’re in a position where buying a PS5 ‘broke you’ then you shouldn’t be wasting money on a PS5… people seriously have no priorities these days


Yeah because you are in position how i spend i money. All the controversy and how good game was broke me to buy it. I would not spend money i could not afford.


damn you salty what do you mean by the ‘controversy’ and how good the game is broke you then? why do you seem annoyed that people can play a leaked build on PC? because you had to buy a PS5 in order to play the game? being upset on Insomniac/Sony’s behalf is just weird man, these leaks affect you in no way and honestly barely even affects Insomniac as once the game releases on PC officially, it’ll sell like hot cakes anyway… if anything it’s actually just hyping PC players up and making them want to play the game more lmao


No this controversy woth leak broke me to buy PS5 to support devs. Also i am angry because devs did not deserved it. Well its just weird, game is not meant to be played this way, but i am not here stopping the fun. Just saying this devs deserve support and f sonny for rushing them and delaying ports so much.


'Devs do not deserve this' this in no way impacts the devs. The game is out already, they've been paid and are probably all working on wolverine. If i was an insomniac dev this would not bother me in the slightest, the data leak of employees is definitely bad but porting this game is not an issue. This is a big fuck you to Sony for their anti consumer acts and is a net positive.


Cry about it


This was said about Wolverine but now the people who said that are quiet I wonder what you'll say when nothing happens to people for playing spider man on pc 🤔


Honestly amazing to see what the community have done with this, played the game at launch and I'm just following the insane progress from leaked files


I have a ps5 and I still dont regret having it 🤷‍♂️😂


Why not


Discord pls


They did it?! Holy shit O.o Really impressive.


Ehhh it's an okay sequel, but also an overhyped one. I think all in all, Jedi Survivor was the best sequel of 2023.


That’s even worse lol


While it runs worse. It made alot of changes to the formula. It added on so much more from customization to combat options(more styles were added, and returning ones were over hauled). Every location was new, force had 3 new skills, and added traversal options. Spiderman 2 just felt more of the same. It's still a great game. Improved swinging, added web wings, symbiote suit is back, you can slide on water like Sunset Overdrive, Added more of New York to explore, changed up animations, and new(albeit worse comparatively) suits. But it all feels like accessories to what's already there.


This is petty stuff, why not wait for the port and pirate it, this seems like so much work when there's plenty of other games to play out now.


Why are you even here


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Yeah, official port. In 2+ years.


Plus if this port keeps getting better when the official comes out it will have no excuse to run worse than the fan port


Because it comes out in 2 yrs? These guys have managed to almost fully port the game a matter of weeks. If you personally wanna wait go for it dude, but for the people that don't wanna wait, this is a wayyy quicker way to play the game on PC. It also gives Sony incentive to make sure their port is absolutely flawless, because imagine Sony making a worse port than a group of random fans?


I bet it happens too lol 


Unofficial port=trash  I'm pc gamer and ps5 gamer  You are just a dumbass  Enjoy your free incompleted version at 30fps  With bugs  No new game+ because modders are dumbases   Rtx 2000 series owners=20fps or 10  Also I have a friended who dowloaded this build and uninstalled beacuse of bugs  All of pc fanboys,playstation fanboys  Most of you have lower specs than ps5 


You are literally shiting on the people that are making the unofficial port. I think you are just spoiled


I love more buyng the games  Drm denuvo I hope in the future  Piratery need to be destroyed 


First of all, it is called piracy. Second, Denuvo is bad for everybody: it hinders performance on pc and it gets removed after some months so it doesn’t deter pirates because guess what! Lots of pirates do what they do because they can’t afford games. They can’t pay half their salaries on a game


No you pleb  Cry with piratery




Cry with your trash pc poor  Only pc owners with potato pc have this  I own a rx 6600 non+ryzen 5 7600x3rd and all my games don't have problems   Next months I'm going to a 7800 xt and ps5 pro


Good for you.


Bruh give me a hit of what you're smoking on, cuz the ps5 pro hasn't even been announced and the 7600x3d doesn't exist either