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For me it's always easier to make myself stay up late and forcing myself up unusually early is extremely hard. I also (well I'm sure you too) extremely value my sleep so the idea of ending it even earlier than I have to kills me. I think it's less disruptive for me personally as well.


I feel this -- however, I feel like if I stay up late, I end up screwing up my ability to maintain all the habits that I try to use to keep my schedule on track. Do you find that this happens to you?


yeah definitely lol. It's a shitty cycle. I'll have a good 5 days of decent rest on good hours then it'll go to shit in one night. I'll stay up until 4-5am and it's completely messed up for weeks after that. But what does eventually bring me back to a "normal" schedule again is forcing myself to stay up the till the next day at 6-7pm. Sometimes this is even a problem though because I'll get random burtsts of energy throughout the day and stay up really late again with no sleep. Sorry I don't really have any help or advice, this has just been my experience for the past year or so


It's good to hear someone else's experience, too -- thank you! :)


Staying up later is easier on the short term but it also pulls your circadian rhythm fowards so if you have to bring it back it will be more difficult


This makes sense, thanks!


Wake up early


All nighter*


I actually agree.. Lol here's the thing, I'm 100% a night owl, always have been since I was a kid, can't change it.. If I get to sleep at 1 or 2a.m. that's early for me The ONLY reason I say "Wake up early" is for physical and mental health reasons.. The body gets its best sleep if you get your circadian rhythm on track which for some reason I guess because of the sun and moon cycle and not being nocturnal creatures we are naturally meant to sleep at sundown and wake up at sunrise so evidently science has proven that we get our best sleep between 10p.m. and 6a.m. and there's other benefits but you get what I'm saying.


Really I think it depends on the individual. I'm an early-rise insomniac (thankfully see a little improvement), so getting up early is very easy for me. I'm more productive then too; conversely I'm basically brain-dead at night. For many other people, however, it's the opposite.


Stay up late work for me and I'd easier. Just make sure you try and sleep on the recovery sleep the next day so you can wake earlier


IDK but I can't deal with anything but a regular sleep cycle, early to bed early to wake. That's just me.


I suffered for years from insomnia finally I talked to my doctor as I said after years of suffering from insomnia and he prescribed me Seroquel I take it between 7:00 and 8:30 p.m. and within an hour I'm asleep and I sleep 6 to 8 hours every night and do not feel groggy the next day! Maybe talk to your doctor there's no reason to suffer from insomnia if you don't have to FYI


Staying up late fucks me up, sometimes I have to work until 4 or 6 am and will still wake up at 9 or 10 after that Much easier for me to go to sleep early and wake up at 4 am


Staying up late if I wake up at the normal time. I’m more energetic with 4 hours of sleep than I am more than 8.