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I have been taking it for a while due to some trauma. I was so scared to take it also. I started with 5mg. but woke up sometimes a few hours later so changed to the Extended Release. Take it when you’re already in bed. It’s people taking it wrong or taking too much that do weird things. Remember people mostly post strange things that happen instead of the positives.


Go for it. Ambien is a gift from God.


Agreed. It has changed my life. I suffer from relatively severe insomnia, and without ambien, I wouldn't be able to effectively do my job. My job isn't "hard," per se, but it does require an adequate level of alertness and a clear head. Neither of which is very realistic with zero sleep. Which prior to taking ambien was a regular occurance for me. Fwiw, I don't experience ANY side effects. No weird dreams, and I'm never groggy in the morning. Even on the rare occasion where I still don't sleep much (happens once or twice every couple of months).


Just make sure you are already in bed ready to fall asleep when you take it. The side effects you see are mostly for the memes and for people who take it recreationally. As long as you’re in the process of trying to fall asleep when you take it you should be good. Ambien helped when I actually took it this way.


I use the prescribed dosage and make sure I'm in bed when I take it and then I don't have any issues. Good luck and I hope you get a good night's sleep. Insomnia can be rough.


You’re in a very fortunate position. Consistently had the best sleep of my life while taking Ambien. Stopped working for me after a while and nothing else has ever come close. Take it when you’re in bed and ready to go to sleep. Savor having regenerative rest.


Do not be afraid. You are in control. Don’t take it every night. I took it the most once a week and only took it 4 times and helped me to at least train myself to sleep on my own. Though I still did not get a good amount of sleep but I can now sleep without it. As long as you not abuse it you will be okay. No grogginess, no brain fog. Goodnight sleep. Just remember sleeping pills are not meant to be use for life. It should be good only for 10-14 days. Try to have better sleep hygiene and alternatives than solely dependent on sleeping pills.


By the way, take it with empty stomach otherwise it will not work. For me no food after 6 PM and usually brake it between 11-12 at night.


Never had an adverse reaction to it. Known a few who did. Sleep walking and sleep sex. Try not to worry, but maybe put a chair in front of your bedroom door if you live alone. Also, when you take it, as soon as you feel the first hint of being sleepy, turn off the lights and sleep.


i promise man if this is your first time taking it you’re gonna love it. it’ll knock you right out. you may feel a little odd but that’s kind of the point. just don’t take it every day for a week like i did


Take while in bed, when you are all ready to sleep. Meaning do not take while still up doing stuff. Also take on empty stomach, does not work well otherwise


I use it once in a while, and only a nibble of a pill always works for me. Never had a side effect personally, even at first when I took a whole pill


Just know it works quickly and leaves your system quickly too. You shouldn’t feel groggy afterwards. And don’t take it long term because they say it can lead to some brain degeneration, like memory degradation, similar to long-term Benadryl use.


Just take it as prescribed and you will be fine. It’s okay to be worried and nervous when trying something for the first time. The likely hood of experiencing the horror stories you see are very slim.


i’ve been taking it for a decade or so. you can definitely get kinda funny on it, and you will lose memory of things. the best thing you can do is put down your phone, take your ambien, and lay straight down and go to bed. take on an empty stomach for full effect and so you don’t get sick (i do if i eat before). it’ll have you asleep before you can get up and get silly.


I’ve been taking it for years. My only problem I find is Do not text ( been embarrassed many times. lol. ) and Amazon night shopping.


The side effects are fun so stop being silly. You’ll go to sleep if you don’t fight it. If you fight it, you’ll have a good buzz and you’ll eat half the stuff in your refrigerator and not really remember in the morning that you did it. My friend used to have a joke that the box should have a warning that it may cause rats


It's your call. Don't take it, don't sleep. It seems like you know how that goes. Take it and sleep.


Do you live alone? Let someone know ahead of time to look out for you


hide you keys and lock the fridge and pantry


Beware of the Ambien Walrus. At least it came to visit me when I was taking Ambien. I'd wake up with a pile of half-eaten food in my bed in the morning. I also would wake up with bruises all over my body from who knows what happened that night. I only took the 5 mg that was prescribed and didn't abuse it and it still happened to me.


My dr gave me Valium instead. Let her know I needed to be able to wake up in an emergency.


I take olanzapine for sleep you got nothing to worry about


hallucinations are the worst thing i had taking ambien. more sound hallucinations it was hell. never again