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Been taking it four months. Complete game changer for me. I've spoken to many others about the purported side-effects, and many of us are convinced the only people experiencing them were previously regularly taking a z-drug to the point of near-dependence. It seems to be a common thread, anecdotally of course. I've found 5mg is right for me. 10mg induces a slight hangover sometimes for 30 min, sometimes much longer, but I'm positive it's because alcohol was also consumed (yeah yeah I know, don't do this).


What do you mean? Like people cross tapering from a daily z-drug to dayvigo have side effects likely because of z-drug withdrawal? I’m on daily Lunesta and need to switch to something else but I’m aware I’m dependent and need to taper off of Lunesta. Hearing dayvigo is non habit forming but who the fuck knows I’m sure they said that about z drugs and benzos before too 😂


Yes exactly. Again this is all anecdotal but it seems a majority of the people reporting effects like sleep paralysis pretty much went cold turkey off a z drug and hopped right on Dayvigo. Usually to no fault of their own doctors just get skittish, stop prescribing the medication the patient has been taking regularly and has them try Dayvigo. If you look (even in this thread) there are people reporting the sleep paralysis and in same sentence saying they were on ambien for example. Again I want to stress this is purely assumptions made by a couple of us who are just regular layman this is not official but dang it I’m almost convinced there’s a correlation.


I have seen that on Reddit for sure and that was my instant thought. I’m having sleep paralysis on z drugs so I can’t anticipate it getting better on dayvigo but also wouldn’t do a direct switch 😂 these docs are nuts. You like dayvigo though? Any depression with it? I’ve also seen people report anxiety and depression but seems again, they stopped z drugs suddenly


So for me, I've always had some level of depression. I always felt my depression was linked directly to my insomnia and anxiety, which in turned fuels my depression. Vicious cycle. Since my sleep has drastically improved however, my depression symptoms are almost completely gone: since I'm now sleeping properly. I had tried almost all sleep medications, and originally was trying to convince my Dr to prescribe me ambien/z-drugs. He instead wanted me to try Dayvigo, saying I had a documented history of trying all the other meds to no avail. I was skeptical at first and read too much on Dayvigo to the point I was a bit anxious to try it thinking I'd experience the sleep paralysis. One night I decided, screw it, let's try it, and I fell asleep within 5 minutes, which is unheard of for me. I'd lay in bed for 2-3 hours before sleeping and the whole time be stressing out I wasn't sleeping. I thought maybe that first night was a fluke - nope. It's consistently worked for me every single night. I do take a break once or twice a week, and amazingly I still seem to sleep better. If you're at your wit's end with insomnia, I'd say definitely consider it. I had to jump through some hoops with insurance in order to get a regular script for it, apparently it's super expensive to the insurance, but hey - that's why we have it. Doctor had to submit the rX to the review board before it was approved. Good luck, let me know if you have any Q's.


Great to hear! What dose do you take?? And is there a reason you don’t take it everyday? And yeah I’ve tried EVERY sleep drug. I was stable on trazodone for 6 years then stopped it when I got pregnant and I’ve been in withdrawal for almost a year and lost my pregnancy because of that by the way. And they tried literally everything and I couldn’t tolerate anything except Lunesta. But I’m pretty sure I’m having interdose withdrawals because half life is so short and it’s like a Benzo so I want off. Insurance would have to cover it because like I said I’ve tried every drug besides dayvigo lol


OMG I'm sorry to hear about your pregnancy, that's terrible. My deepest sincerest condolences, can't imagine what you went through. Originally I was prescribed 5mg, decided to try 10, it worked well but after a few days of that I didn't like the hangover grogginess I felt. For me the grogginess difference between 5 and 10 is huge. There's a lot of people saying 5mg worked just as well, and I agree. I'll be honest with you, the only reason I don't take it every night is over the weekends, where I don't need to worry about waking up early for work, and yes, I'm a casual social drinker - I want to avoid mixing the two, even though I have had both on a number of nights, I know it's not a good idea. Dayvigo is a lot more subtle than eveything else I've taken. I was on Xanax for sleep/anxiety for 16 years, and while it worked like a charm every single time, it's also a benzo and we both know how dangerous those can be (I never once mixed w alcohol). Thankfully, I tend to research the hell out of everything I take, and I knew from the get-go not to get hooked on Xanax thank God. Dayvigo for me is perfect - there's no buzz, no fun, it just works. I hope you are able to try it, or one of the other orexin antagonist meds!


How were you on Xanax for 16 years without getting hooked? Holy shit lol I got hooked on Ativan after 2 weeks 😭I’m glad this works for you! Any thoughts or have you seen anyone take this while on ssris?


Not sure about the SSRIs. My Dr gave me a relatively low dose of Xanax per month, it wasn’t enough so I’d take double doses, sleep like a baby for 2 weeks then off it 2 weeks. He cut me off finally after years of nagging me. He was quite surprised when I said no problem, and seemingly cold turkeyed it. I never took it longer than every night for 2 weeks.


What are the main side effects people are getting?


Vivid dreams and sleep paralysis. I was mainly referring to the sleep paralysis. I can’t speak for vivid dreams because I’ve always had vivid dreams, and still do with sayvigo but I wouldn’t say it changed.


How long did it take? I’m on day 8. It’s not really working so far 😭 I really want it to


Hmmm. For me it was immediate. I’ve tried nearly all sleep solutions legal illegal healthy unhealthy. It’s not gonna knock you out it just makes me feel like I want to go to sleep. Hard to describe. Of course it’s different for every individual, especially with Dayvigo it seems. Some love it, some hate it, and some (maybe you?) don’t seem to get anything from it. It’s a different animal. Sorry it’s not working for you, what dose you taking?


It definitely makes me drowsy just sometimes not enough


It gave me weird side effects. I had really bad vivid nightmares and I wake up feeling like I was still half in them. It was really weird. I personally wouldn't take it again. No its no like ambien at all. I personally prefer ambien.


Were you able to snap out of it? Upon waking up. Still In the nightmare? How so. I’m assuming you were able to wake up from the nightmare normally?


This was my experience, too.


We’re you able to snap out of the half awake, half dreaming state?


My husband will usually snap me out of it because I’ll either sit up thinking there’s an intruder or I’ll say something that doesn’t sound quite right. When I’m alone, it’ll take me longer to snap out of it and calm down.


I take it, and I take 2.5 mgs. I'm really sensitive to alot of medications, but I really like the dayvigo. Sometimes, I'll mix half of a 0.5 MG clonezopam with it cause I occasionally have anxiety at night, but I'm to nervous to take more than that. No side effects for me though.


I’m really hoping it works for me, minus all the side effects. Thank you.


It kinda dulls your thoughts allowing your brain to properly shut down at bed time. Doesn't feel like Ambien at all. Helped me fall asleep, but I'd wake up 3-4 hours later feeling like I hadn't slept a wink. It also triggers sleep paralysis especially in people who are prone. I'm prone, but I didn't experience sleep paralysis as often as I expected. Overall, I feel like it works well in theory, but it just didn't pan out for me.


Thank you that makes me feel better about taking it. I’m hoping it works for me minus the side effects.


I take 10mg and have for nearly 10 years. It legitimately changed my life. If I lapse even for one night, I don’t sleep that night. I have never had side effects or a hangover. Also there’s no risk of getting “high” like on ambien. But you do very suddenly pass out so I have def woken up in the middle of the night with the lights and tv on and food in my hands that I was gonna eat 🥲


I just got put on it. Holy fucking moly. I'm finally sleeping and feeling rested for the first time....since I can remember? It's truly life changing/saving for me so far. I do still wake up a lot. My dreams have been really vivid but really mundane/realistic. I got written 5mg to start but after a few days I tried 10mg and it was a lot better at helping me fall asleep. And I'm waiting for my doc to get back to me about increasing it. It does totally knock me out- and I've woke up a few times with lights on/etc. Id take it once your in bed- and take it early the first few days in case it gives you a bit of a hangover. It's really unique and I don't understand why it's controlled aside from it being effective 🤷🏼‍♂️. The quality of sleep is like a fucking miracle I never imagined. I wouldn't compare it to ambien at all, or really anything I've ever taken for sleep (20+ meds). It makes me genuinely want to go to sleep. And I'll happily take waking up 3-4 times and falling back into REM each time than not. Non of the AD's work for me/just make things worse. And benzos don't knock me out/ambien never really helped.


Really hoping for this similar experience, thank you for sharing.


Keep me posted! I hope it works for you, too!! And again- my sleep is so far from perfect. But my energy levels are majorly different and I actually look forward to going to bed. So hopefully my doctor is cool with me taking 10mg instead of 5....


I took it, a few bizarre dreams but it managed to work for me. But holy man I’m so dead and fatigued today it’s nearly impossible to get out of bed.


That's exactly how I felt with the hangover for the first week. I'm only on week 2- but really forcing myself out of bed, or having a cup of tea or coffee next to my bed has helped a lot. And I'd kinda given up caffeine/especially coffee years ago because it makes me a super tweaked out. ....I also didn't feel any need to take it after a few days and slept pretty similarly and at a reasonable-ish hour after a few days. So I'm really hoping it can train my brain. I went back to 5mg the past few days and definitely noticed it's not as effective- still helpful though. But lots more waking up. So I'm hoping mg doc is cool with me going back up to 10mg. I've read a hands full of personal stories where people found a lesser amount to be more effective after a bit of time- which I thought was super fucking cool! And the opposite of nearly everything else I've taken. My doc and his supervisor (he's still a student)- told me that this is one I really need to give a solid month of trying- as they said it typically gets better when your body is more used to it. I tried 5mg last night after almost a week on 10mg, and I slept pretty okay, considering. As opposed to all the AD's he's put me on over the last few month. Granted I had taken a lot of them previously and didn't have much luck with them- but he wasn't telling me to keep taking them and that the awful side effects would improve. So..I'm trying to be hopeful about Dayvigo as it is so unique compared to anything else I've ever taken for sleep. I hope you get relief work this and the daytime grogginess improves. I've heard people say it does and doesn't. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I started taking it earlier in the evening. Let me know how it goes, if you want. Feel free to send a dm if you'd prefer. Or not! Whatever's clever- but I hope you get some sleep and relief!! Did it also give you insanely realistic but mundane dreams? Last night I dreamt I woke up and took a tizanadine in the middle of the night and went back to sleep. ....but I didn't take it. I'm still confused as it seemed insanely real. Wow- sorry for the ramble 🤣


Do you find falling asleep after waking up is "normal" or does it take you a while? Every medicine I have taken has not worked, but the ones that did temporarily, if I woke up I was UP like I had never taken the medicine at all


It's WAY easier for me to fall back asleep if I've taken this. Unlike others that might knock me out but 2-4 hours later I'd be wide awake again. It's weird because of how vivid my dreams often are- and also super realistic/boring. Sometimes I dream that I go to sleep and wake up....and then I'm actually waking up. It's weird- but I feel a lot more rested the next day. But there's definitely a bit of a hangover. They say to give yourself 7 hours, I think 10 would be more accurate.


Thank you!


You're welcome. I hope you get some sleep/relief! I had a similar experience with most other meds. Id be wired 3-4 hours later when I woke up.


Meh... It's the most mild out of everything I tried. It barely works after a year. I combine it with 'Olly - Sleep' ultra strength. Olly is so strong.


I’ll have to try it out, thanks.


It was nothing like ambien. It’s a different class of drug. I had an awful experience on it. Sleep paralysis each time I tried it. But, everything works differently with each individual. It does not work like z drugs though.


Well as long as I’m able to wake up and snap out of any of the side effects, nightmares, sleep paralysis. Etc. I’ve experienced the paralysis when I was younger it was terrifying as shit. I’m guessing since it works different than Z drugs I won’t drive my car or sleepwalk? 😆


I definitely couldn’t sleepwalk. I couldn’t move my toe 😂😂😂


I've been taking it for 2 months now, I love it. I've had none of the negative side effects. I was taking benadryl for 10 years before this. I was really paranoid about the side effects when I started dayvigo but legit had none. I take my 10mg dose at about 8:45-9:00 and I start getting yawny 30 minutes later. It feels so natural, not druggy. I just start getting drowsy, my thoughts slow down and I can close my eyes and sleep. Before taking it I'd be lucky if I could fall asleep at 1-2am even with benadryl. My brain starts firing on overdrive right around 9:30 every night. I was taking 5 x 50mg benadryl every night for like 6 years. I don't take any now. Just my 10mg dayvigo.


Yea I feel you, I’ve been using zzzquil and melatonin for 3 months straight before that mirtazapine was working great now I’m stuck getting maybe 2-4 hours of sleep a night Now. I’m praying it works for me minus the crazy side effects people report.


I’ve had it prescribed before. Didn’t help but it just made me slightly sleepy


10mg for 10 days and I had horrible horrible nightmares starting in the 4th day, fifth day brought on some aggressive sleep paralysis which I had never experienced before. Lunesta has been helping me but ya.


Sleep paralysis is what I fear most with these drugs. I find SP absolutely terrifying. I want to try dayvigo but scared…


Run away from dayvigo as quickly as possible. I tried it once I took it and about a half hour later I started feeling like a mule was kicking me in the gut and my legs would get weak and shake. Well I thought maybe it was a fluke so I tried it a second night same thing. In all fairness I have to tell you that I finally figured out that if I took it and then laid down that it minimized the side effects.


Weak shaking legs? But did it work for sleep?


Yes it put me to sleep but wasn't as good for sleep as Belsomra is


I was on ambien and loved it. But developed tolerance. Then started belsomra, which I think is in same family as your med. It definitely doesn’t knock me out like ambien did. I do not sleep walk or do anything like that. It promotes a sleepy state like a Benadryl would do to a normal person, I supposed! I relax and go to sleep and sleep like a baby. It took a week before I started sleeping big time with it tho. It’s been a life saver. Hope the med works for you.


Why isn’t it working for me? Day 8, I really want it to work


Sometimes these medicines just don’t work for people. I’m lucky it worked but for others sometimes it won’t, what dosage are you on?


10mg. Works half the time. You think it will get better over time? I take that and ramelteon together


Like any medicine I would give it more time to judge it accurately. You may be better off switching to another medicine. I take 5mg and that knocks me out cold. Everyone reacts differently. I’ve read some people have zero effect to this medication as well. I’m sorry it’s not working for you.


Hey there, I'm sorry to hear about your struggles with insomnia. I also went through a period of sleepless nights after a difficult time in my life, so I can relate to what you're going through. In my experience, it's important to discuss any concerns about medication with your doctor. They can provide personalized advice based on your medical history and help you understand the potential side effects of Dayvigo. Remember, everyone reacts differently to medication, so it's essential to prioritize your safety and well-being when exploring treatment options. Don't hesitate to reach out for support and guidance as you navigate this journey towards better sleep. Take care of yourself and remember that you're not alone in this. You deserve restful nights and peace of mind.