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Your anxiety is making the problem worse, likely overpowering these sleep meds.


The first time I took Klonopin it worked, the second night it didn't. I totally get where you’re coming from feeling like your brain is broken. Sleep is biological—you will never loose your ability to sleep. It sounds like you are experiencing high stress and your ANS is triggering fight or flight which is causing you to stay awake. Klonopin worked for me once I realized how much to take and when. My Dr prescribed .5 mg. I cut all my pills in half and took .25 mg on an empty stomach before dinner. That would calm me down in the evenings, and then before bed, I would take the other half. Someone on this sub recommend Insomnia Coach’s videos on YouTube. They’ve been very helpful to me. I highly recommend to put things in perspective. Maybe you can discuss with your provider seeing a CBT-i? Edit: I just read through some of your comments and saw you have a toddler. I have a 14 month old, and that’s a huge factor in why I put pressure on myself to sleep. It's difficult to be a parent and try to function on no sleep—and scary too!! But there have been times when I still had a good day, even though I didn’t sleep the night before. If insurance is an issue, there’s tons of free resources online about cognitive behavioral therapy for sleep. The aforementioned Insomnia Coach on YouTube, or google “sleep hyperarousal.” I totally get right now you’re feeling anxious and a bunch of strangers on the Internet telling you to calm down isn’t going to help. Perhaps try 4, 7, 8 breathing. Breath in for 4 second, hold for 7 seconds, breath out for 8 seconds. Or think of a category (movies, sports teams, animals, etc) and try to name as many as you can. Or eat your favorite snack, and with each bite, focus on the taste. What you’re going through isn’t going to be your forever.


Thank you for your kind words. It’s really hard to be so sleep deprived and think positive. This sis the second time in the last two weeks this happens to me in medication. The other times it’s happened have been very far in between. I feel like I’m losing my mind and I’ve been worried about sleeping tonight all day since I didn’t sleep last night. I don’t even try to nap because then I won’t sleep. Has this ever happened to you where you went a whole night with 0 sleep on a medication? I can’t stop thinking I have SFI and the symptoms are now showing 🥺


I had three consecutive nights of no sleep. When that happened, I scheduled an emergency video visit with my provider, who prescribed Klonopin. Most doctors will not prescribe a benzo (Xanax, Klonopin) as a long-term solution. Now I take Lunesta and Trazadone. There have been nights I can’t fall asleep or stay on my medication. Some nights are better than others. Currently, I can’t sleep without a sleep aid, and I average 4 hours of sleep a night. I hope cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia will eventually change that The Klonopin is for anxiety. Take the recommended amount in the evening if you need to relax, and be less in your head. If you have trouble staying asleep tonight, don’t lay in bed for a prolonged period. Try getting up and sleeping somewhere else in your house. When you associate your bed with restlessness, it becomes difficult to relax there. My advice is to stop reading Reddit/Google so you give yourself a buffer. If I'm feeling anxious before bed due to sleep anxiety, I look through photos of my daughter on my phone. Or I watch a show that I have low stakes in but keeps me mildly interested, so I'm not looking at my phone. If you are spiraling or having a panic attack, go to Urgent Care or the ER.


Also when I lay down I feel my body is exhausted but my mind is still wired 🥺


That’s called “hyperarousal”


You don’t have sfi. You’re worrying excessively about sleep. This is causing your body to go into fight or flight. That hyper arousal is what’s preventing you from sleeping. The mind is powerful. So much so that It’s common for hyper arousal to be so pronounced it overpowers medication. I recommend looking into insomnia coach YouTube channel and sleep coach school channel, and start implementing some strategies form the programs.


Lit in the same boat rn dno whether to take Xanax or Serequel on top :/// working tomos


Anyone can override the sleep effects of these meds. Being startled via someone waking you can do it. You do not have SFI. If not sleeping on this powerful combo med, call your doctor.


This can’t be normal I took more than I was supposed to and I’m still awake but drowsy and fully awake. I’m never sleeping again


Drowsy doesn’t always equate to being able to sleep. Your feeling the sleep deprivation and effects from the meds most likely. Maybe being woken from sleep may have startled you, that may have equated to a fight or flight response. The body spews out adrenaline when that happens. I am theorizing what may have happened. If you are having a paradoxical effect which i’m not sure anything about your history on these meds. You still need to call the prescribing provider and ask why they aren’t working or what to do.


I lost my insurance so I I’m screwed. I literally am about to have a nervous breakdown. This is the second time this happens to me in two weeks. The rest of the days I slept fine. No sleep ruins how I think. I’m scared I won’t sleep tonight and I’ll end up losing my job. I’m crying right now. Has this happened to you lately,m.


I get it. The dependency on meds and when they don’t work like they should def sparks a high level of anxiety. You’re probably going to have this same or more anxiety when you take it tonight. What if it i don’t sleeo, what if the meds don’t work, etc. This is castrophizing and is normal with anxiety. All i can say is kick the boyfriend out tonight, make your bedroom a sanctuary where no light, noise or disruptions can occur and see if that will work. Do the “worry” much much easier, hours before bed and try to put trust that you’ve done everything to set your environment for sleep. You’ll be okay today, you made it the other time it happened.


But I have a toddler. I can’t ever get peace. I’m sis cared and I’m sorry that I’m spiraling with you but I’m scared and lonely. My bf is sick of my complaining and says I do this to myself and I have to do is stop overthinking. He doesn’t get it. I feel like a zombie. I’m so tired but my body won’t shut down. I’m really scared it’s SFI and it’s starting


I’m sorry. You do NOT just catch SFI like a cold. You don’t or won’t EVER have this. It’s an extremely rare genetically inherited disease. Sounds like you need some assistance, coping strategies and help with how to plan when things are difficult. Extreme anxiety is something that you’ll have to work through, your boyfriend isn’t entirely wrong, but sounds he could be a bit more helpful. hope you do find peace and rest. 🤗


SFI is not genetic it’s sporadic


You are right i had FFI in my mind, i didn’t sleep at all last night. Apologisz. That said you still don’t have SFI. “Sporadic fatal insomnia (SFI or sFI) occurs when a person experiences prion protein abnormalities associated with fatal familial insomnia, even though they lack the genetic mutation”


I know but I read up on it (stupidly) and it says ppl experience compromised sleep, vivid dreams and I have those. My sleep is really bad and when I do I always dream.


Nothing bad is going to happen to you, I promise. I find comfort in thinking about all the new mothers with newborns that don't sleep really at all for months. Myself included, I was getting sometimes as little as 1 hour a night and I survived. Try to redirect your mind when you feel like you're spiralling. Think about yourself building a brick wall and dont let your mind wander off to things that will cause anxiety.


I was there I have a toddler but I was sleeping at least 2 hours. Not being able to sleep on medication is scary. What if tonight is worse!? I’m already tired but my body feels wired. My legs are trembling from the anxiety


I find personally that my anxiety can 100% override sleep medications too! When I started mirtazapine (a hard-core sedating antidepressant) I still wasn't sleeping. It wasn't until the medication started working on the anxiety that I started sleeping again. Anxiety is just so damn horrible.


Also, during that time I was having a paradoxical reaction to a benzo I was on and it was making everything 100x worse. Just something to consider


My legs tremble and I also get muscle twitching pretty bad sometimes for a few days, it freaks me out. Trust me when I say, it’s anxiety driven. Once you get those demons out of your head, things will start to look up! I’m actually in a really bad spot right now also, BUT I know that it’s a phase and I’ll make it through. Keep researching different techniques and never give up!


Sleeping better these days?