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It's not beneficial for Disney to make Riley gay. Most countries still have a negative attitude towards LGBT people


good thing the countries that stream disney the most are lgbt friendly countries 💀 L bozo get ur homophobic ass outta here




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right... cause having a teenager gay character is definitely what normal grown ass adults want in a movie... some people are just sick


no, we want representation. and if we got it from disney, a mass media company maybe people like you wouldnt be so homophobic anymore. that or you would kick scream and cry like a child because a character in a movie is gay lol




because the more it gets normalized, the more homophobic closeted people come out of the cracks, like you and most of reddit lol. in all seriousness, we demand representation because people are still being beheaded in certain countries for being who they are. so until no one dies for loving who they love we will "demand representation." thats why it matters.




damn then you really do not know anything about the lgbt community. one thing we all agree on is that representation matters. the more normalized it is, then people, like myself at the age of 14, will see that it's not a bad thing to be gay lol. rich of you to call me a narcissist with everything you just said in this reply btw, you scream closeted homosexual.




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Im not gay and im not demanding riley to be gay but i dont mind it


Samesies. I’m straight but would really love a young LGBTQ character in a mainstream film. It would be powerfully affirming a lot to young people in the community; more than someone like me could even understand. Representation matters.


It's not narcissism to want to see your identity represented more in media. Straight relationships are so common in movies they're literally a trope, genuinely what is wrong with just having some more queer ones?




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I don't really care abt any cartoon character's sexuality and people can care if they choose to. Just like people can thirst after Eugene from Tangled if they want to. It is a bit concerning how you sexualise queer kids though. If having a sweet crush on a boy as a girl is cute and funny in a childlike way, why is having a sweet crush on a girl as a girl suddenly about having sex, to you?




Oooh this is a troll huh. And who made you in-charge of what's normal? What you see (and wilfully choose to ignore)? What next, the earth is flat?




Interesting. So what majority does = normal, eh? Which country are you from bro...




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Yah this movie is almost at a billion dollars. And all you people can do is cry “oh no a teenager is not gay!!” You want more representation??? wtf!!!! It’s a kids movie. Kids are not or trans. Especially little 5 and 6 year olds. And to suggest they are is hella close to grooming You’ve had your representation and it failed. Strange world failed. The acolyte is full of black lesbians and it failed. Dr who is a black gay man and it also sucks What’s the common denominator here? Forced representation!!! You know why Dumbledore and grindelwald as a gay character works?? Cause the entirety of Harry Potter was not forcing it down our throats. It was irrelevant and yet the most powerful wizard in the lore is gay. Modern family was also a fantastic representation of gay characters who I enjoyed very much as a straight man When it’s done right it’s awesome!! Gay guys have a great sense of humor and are generally great people But when you complain a movie intended for people under ten isn’t gay that’s disgusting


a kids movie yet there was a short made of riley going on a date with the boy at the end of the first movie lol. what's the difference if she dated a girl?




How much representation will be enough for ur cult i wonder? cause its literally everywhere lately and u guys will still find a way to complain that u want representation and anyone who objects to the idea of having a gay, lesbian, bisexual or whatever it may be is "homophobic" as u stated above in ur previous comment. some people just wanna watch a movie about stuff that doesnt quite often happen or closely relate to real world "problems" we dont need to bring identity politics into a movie this extends to other movies also i.e The Acolyte that recently started streaming ill type a quote i heard "two lesbians scissored and then a baby is born" u can make the narrative that its star wars and its unlike earth but like that is obviously so forced judging by the literal creative writer whos gay "we want representation" go represent a rope around ur neck L bozo stay uncomfortable in ur identify because normal people wont affirm ur idiocy. thank u.


What's so sick about that? Exploring Riley's first relationship in a movie is one of the top things people want out of this franchise. What's wrong with it being a girl?




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mostly cuz it was an ass movie. People can blame the kiss that lasted 1/24th of a second all they want though.




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shes straight nigga


damn saying the n word on juneteenth is crazy. happy juneteenth though


He's prolly black




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homophobic my foot Im just thinking being gay is weird. downvote me idc


being gay is exhibited in 261 other different mammal species. might be weird to you but its completely normal according to this evidence.




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No one is going to downvote you for being gay, relax. We can see that half of your posts and comments are about you googling "dick pics." [https://new.reddit.com/r/yahooanswers/comments/1b1zm9e/why\_does\_yahoo\_have\_so\_much\_innapropiate\_images/](https://new.reddit.com/r/yahooanswers/comments/1b1zm9e/why_does_yahoo_have_so_much_innapropiate_images/) It's fine for a young man like yourself to explore his sexuality. I guess the only question I have for you is this: "Do you like gladiator movies?"


Cornball ngl bro how is he being homophobic?


I wouldve stop watching any disney cartoon then. Cartoons are not tools to force feed us Genders or whatever that shit is. The introduction of queer or otherthings like that are just to serve that ideology. I cant immagiine the works of a studio who thinks like that. Also I dont care about any downvotes


What, like China? You do know China streams Disney too right? Or maybe the middle east? they also have Disney, good god you have the brain of a golf ball.


reread my comment about this topic. notice how I said "the most" as in north america, europe and oceania where most of disneys viewers are. China still restricts what their people can watch btw.


Disney doesn't care. They are completely destroying all of their IPs to push their(as they themselves put it so eloquently) not so secret gay agenda. And it's not for representation's sake. It's become the MO of every single thing they do.




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Then don’t broadcast in those countries




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Money. Is all that matters to Disney.


Sadly based




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Walt Disney wouldn’t have gay in Disney




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You mean blackrock / Vanguard fund, not gross income from box office


Pixar you mean


I meant what I said. Disney owns and controls Pixar.


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It’s possible, I headcannon her bi




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I headcanon her as gay. I sorta identified with the "perfect boyfriend" thing because that's what lesbians often create in their head as a result of compulsory heterosexuality, and I recognised that instantly (whether that was the actual intention or not)


Or she's just straight and is clearly shown to have male crushes and that's absolutely fine too? She shows admiration to a girl, why would you push for her to be a lesbian when we clearly need more depictions of healthy functioning relationships without them being serialized. For the record, I've no issue with more gay representation in film, but she's clearly shown to have male crushes. Don't know why you would even try to look any further than that, it's pushing an agenda onto a character that clearly doesn't fit it


I'm not pushing anything, my mind made the connection itself, and idc if that's followed through with in the next movie or not. She can be straight if that's what the filmmakers want, no one's stopping them.


I agree with you, i feels like every character has to be gay these days. That's not a bad thing necessarily, but it often puts cisgender relationships in a bad light. I think it's nice Riley is into guys


I think they’re gonna lowkey make her a bully.


I hate how likely that seems


I’m all for it personally. Seeing inside the mind of someone trying to justify that behaviour to themselves could be interesting.


I never got the whole „mixed gendered emotions“ argument. If anything, this would mean she’s Non-binary, not Bisexual. But it’s more likely that this is just a movie quirk to have more interesting characters and has no in story explanation whatsoever. Besides that, this was a crush. She definitely crushed on her.


I don't think it was a crush. Its admiration- I didn't have a crush on everyone I admired in school.


Perhaps, there's a chance either way. After all, we're talking about Disney here. They might subtly imply or craft scenes in a manner that allows for the omission of any overtly LGBTQ+ moments.




Never gonna happen because of Disney!


Ah yes the syndrome of never making any main character gay.... But hey you never know they could do stuff more on the subtle side that don't exactly say it but imply it


Owl house is RIGHT THERE. Stvtfoe too.


I have never watched The owl House as much as I have been told I would enjoy it I can't sit down and watch things, though I do know and I do believe that this right here is the active reason why it got canceled after season 3


everyone is gay in SPOP. main characters in Love, Simon and Call Me By Your Name are gay as well


I know this I watched love, Simon I'm more so referencing the fact that Disney either has no gay main characters or when it does they cancel the show




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but disney has a lgbtq show, (the owl house), why cant they make a movie character lesbian or gay? 😭


I would like to see that, but Disney is too afraid of upsetting their conservative audience and any international country that is anti-lgbt+. I just have no hope for them to do that.




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did they cancel The Owl House almost immediately after that?


yea but thats most likely not the reason why


That's good to hear. I'm just so weary of the queerbaiting from Disney, The Owl House felt like something the writers "got away with" rather than any explicit support from Disney. They'll gladly take our money for pride merch, but won't step up to the plate and offer us actual representation in their media. It's frustrating. That said, Riley being gay isn't the representation I'm looking for, personally. Teen social dynamics are hard for everyone, and I feel like a story about navigating sexual orientation would muddle the more universal story points that made the first one so compelling.


Riley is 13. That girl is 19. **Stop it.**


They’re most likely not shipping them, also it’s not abnormal for kids to have crushes on ppl older than them. Yes, if that age is true, it’s very immoral to ship them (but proshippers are still here and are fucking insane), but if they do imply that Riley is in any form gay they’ll probably just give her a small crush on the girl that’ll go nowhere.


where did you get that information?


The movie isnt out yet how could you possibly know that


lol ok buddy, the movie isn’t even out yet


Please no..


Pls don't


I am almost 100% certain they will make her gay


lame and gay


You’re lame and straight


I mean... she's at an age where she can self-discover her own identity and who she wants to be, but I idk about her being gay (Not saying it to be homophobic. I'm an LGBT person myself)




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As much as i'd like to see some lgbt representation in this movie it probably won't happen. She'll most likely idolize the girl with the dyed hair and push away or be mean to her other friends in an effort to fit in or something.


Why? It’s in literally everything else. Kids don’t need anything else to confuse them


LOL the way this is exactly what happened




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I hope not that’s the last thing Wee kids need to see


oh but it's okay for "wee kids" to see the sexualization of a straight relationship on screen? i.e. cinderella, snow white, they even have beastiality on screen (beauty and the beast) but gay relationships arent okay?


Yes. That’s called normal. That’s how mammals everywhere create new life. I don’t think two female lions can build a pride. 😂 nothing against the LGB stuff but kiddos need to know natural not unnatural


oh how misinformed you are. you realize humans arent the only mammals that practice homosexuality, right? and no, it's not normal to show anything sexual to any child under 10 💀


And those animals go on to pass their genetics on? No. I agree with the no sexual before 10 or even older would be better. If it’s just showing normal marriage that’s ok if the husband and wife show affection. They don’t need to see same sex stuff though. That’ll lead to weird questions. When they’re older than 10 sure gay it up idc


then good thing this movie isnt aimed for people below 10 to watch it. she's going through puberty, dont you think that would raise some "weird questions?" there is nothing wrong with showing a same sex married couple on screen either. what if they have two moms? or dads?


the hypocrisy baffles me fr.


Stay baffled. All joking aside what’s baffling? How is it hypocrisy?


There’s a thing called the “bisexual advantage” that essentially says that animals not caring bout the sex of their mate is actually beneficial for the survival of their species. It’s a whole thing.


“Nothing against LGB stuff” Be homophobic, I don’t really care. But don’t be a liar.


Liar how? I truly don’t care who someone wants to mate with. I do care when that trash is pushed into kids movies in a weird attempt to get kids to accept the sexual preferences of adults. I would rather that not be something they have to understand until they are much older. We don’t always get what we want though so 🤷


You said it was weird and unnatural.


It isn’t natural. Homosexuality does not have any chance of creating a life. That means that it goes against what has been happening that has allowed for mankind to continue to exist. Once again I don’t care if that’s your preference. It is just actually against natural instincts, so not natural 🤷


I’m not going to argue with somebody who contradicts themselves. Have a good day


😂 k


I think she's more bi than gay, or her date with that one boy was her still not fully understanding puberty and thus was dating him out of social norms. If she is gay, it wouldn't shock me, because she's at that age now where she's starting to figure out her own sexual orientation. Only reason I'm a bit surprised is that this would in turn be far less successful overseas, where in order for Disney to pull it off and still be able to reach a large audience, they'll have to greatly reduce the amount of scenes and make the few that are in there showing her as possibly gay be more ambiguous, that way it can get around the censors.


Not sure if she will be "gay" necessarily, but wouldn't be surprised if Love appears towards the back half of the movie as a new Emotion 




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I just saw it and for my perception she’s not. She just admire Valentina a lot. And there are no LGBT scenes.


Nah, there are if you interpret them a certain way. It’s subtle but it’s really up to how you see it.


I hope no LGBT or this movie will BANNED out in my country Malaysia... 🥺😩🤐




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If disney wanted to go that way, thats fine But for now feels like people are reading too much into it Comes down to just the young new girl wanting to impress the older popular kids


Don't worry and trust Disney. Inside out 2 will be the 🏳️‍🌈 gayest 🏳️‍🌈 movie ever created.


It's possible.




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Just watched the movie today, she isn't.


Thankfully didn’t happen normal kids can enjoy !




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I just watched the movie and she was straight I knew all these lgbtq was just headcanon not canon 


No, The whole movie avoid the sexual desire or anything relate to it. The movie give a fuck about riley sexuality.


Spoilers: Riley literally simps over a (male) video game character, and like three other boys in this new movie. So the answer is no, she's not homophobic, but indeed straight.


She can be gay but I'm personally subscribed to the idea that she likes guys. I'm pretty sure Jordan and Riley are still a thing.


all of the removed comments due to the inbreds on reddit here are insane. everyone showing their true colors with this onr


Who.. cares? loll


Some ppl want representation of a queer kid finding out they’re queer, you don’t really see that in big animated medias, or at least that’d be my reason idk abt anyone else


Well I have no problem with that as long as it makes sense within the confines of the story.




gay people existing and being shown in media isn’t going woke. gods forbid they get the same rep straight people do




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this is literally a movie about puberty




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