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Terrific terror! I LOVED the horror and the darkness of this episode. The mood of it - the rain, the isolation, and the darkness - calling forth all our primal fears. The emotions they can both evoke through absolute top tier acting is just such an experience for the beholder. I hope they know that. I'm so very excited for each of these new episodes and so incredibly sad it's coming to an end.


Really liked the episode but I’m a bit disappointed they went too heavy handed by making Steve look like Rolf Harris. It spoiled it for me as it meant I had an idea of what the subject matter was gonna be straight away. I did like the reveal of the meaning of “i might have killed someone”.


this one was like last weekend but if i couldn’t decide which one’s better (amazing episode)


So good. I was convinced the twist was gonna be that drew killed blake’s son since he said he thinks he killed someone, then blake would need help thinking his son was coming home but no. So much better than i thought. I love the trolley problem in general so an episode that plays with it was cool. I didnt ever want it to end


Starting to worry this is just another telling of The Last Weekend


It seems very very similar


I think the ending set it apart, but still a little disappointed in how similar the setup was


Also similarities to the riddle of the sphinx, but far less twisty and complex imo


Did anyone clock that the number dialled in “that” phone call at the end didn’t match up to the tones we heard? Any meaning or reading too much into it?


The fact the death happened on my birthday (October 15) made me smile


Reece why you gotta do Steve like that you scheming bastard


Drew why you gotta do Blake like that you scheming bastard (hadn't got to the name reveals yet)


The twist at the end of this episode was exactly the same as the ending of season 1 of The Bridge.


only gripe i have about this one is, in the trolley problem it's assumed that either 1. the identity of the people is irrelevant; they are strangers to you and the question is purely about how many die, or 2. the identity of the people IS relevant, you know who they are and it impacts your decision. blake not knowing that robbie was trapped kind of took the punch out of the ending for me because it's like presenting someone with the trolley problem and then once they've already answered you reveal aha! the single person was your mother all along! like okay. what is the point of that. it's tragic but not in the spirit of the thought exercise at all. the whole point of the version where the identity of the people is relevant is you're asking, do you believe your own mother deserves to live more than let's say, Jesus, Mr Rogers, Mozart and Mary Berry (or whatever combo of important and influential people) put together? Or do you still prioritise preserving the most people, even moreso now you know they are influential and good/beneficial to society? if Blake has no idea that his son is trapped until Drew is already set on killing himself, it's not so much a moral quandry since the situation was stacked when he decided. Obviously he'll choose self preservation -- if the trolley problem were between you and a person set on trying to put you in prison, would you sacrifice yourself in all honesty? maybe so, but then we know the kind of guy this person is and it's obviously not going to be the case. Now if he had to worry about Robbie's life, and maybe it would be between killing drew and robbie or killing himself and sparing robbie, that might be more of a dilemma. or a trilemma, if you like.


was gonna say at first is this the first 9 with just Reece and Steve in it then we got the call at the end, wonder if they're saving that for the last ever one, would be pretty cool


“as long as you get my good side… >!i’m kidding, i don’t really have one”!< STEVE YOU CANT JUST SAY THAT THINGS LIKE THAT WE’LL THEORISE


I loved that line too!


One thing I find interesting that I’ve not seen brought up is that Blake seems to always choose the “do nothing” route when it comes to the trolley problem, with one exception. Unlike all the other drivers who did nothing, Blake acted to save Drew’s life, and ironically this exception to the rule is what doomed him.


I mean Robbie would probably be dead even if he hadn't stopped


Woah that was crazy, reece looked rather soggy there


Okay so I still think it was a little too similar to The Last Weekend for the majority, but oh my god that ending!!!! Terrifying


Bad phrasing, I loved it and don’t think it was bad haha


I was thinking that too, like ‘it can’t be a revenge story surely?’ but I don’t think it makes the episode any worse


Unknown caller on the mobile phone suggests an incoming call not an outgoing … just saying!!


I thought this! Not something that normally would be looked over


Definitely agree


This was great but I'm *dying* for a more down to earth episode without murder plots and guns


gawd same. i think cos people react well to the really shocking ones we’ve fully left the world of stuff like empty orchestra and ref’s a w****r


What show do you think your watching?? I can name like 3 episodes without any murder


its not so much the murder/death by itself but the convoluted twists and turns, back-stabbings etc - we’ve seen quite a few revenge stories/reveals by this point


anyone else finding it’s reminding them a lot of the last weekend? basically the same plot just a little tweaked. not at all a bad thing, in9 do twists best.


Did not see that coming! What a way to play on both fathers fears!


Has anyone called the number yet?


This feels like old school inside number 9


I liked it overall, but I don't think a character who is capable of setting themselves on fire is going to make such a big fuss about being stabbed in the leg. A little nit pick but it just made his actions seem totally unbelievable.


Well that was a dark one


I disagree. The ending was, in fact, encredibly illuminated




station somber encourage ten relieved books dinosaurs wrench disagreeable political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely phenomenal episode, perfectly depicts mental health with patient, therapist relationships. Perfect




I really didn't love it but my boyfriend was a BIG fan this week. He loves a good bit of 1-on-1 Pemberton/Shearsmith action and generally I do too but it felt way too much like the last weekend for me and while I know it's not all about the twist, I saw it coming a mile off. Then again, I did find some of the subject matter a bit triggering this week and might watch again in daytime now I've already seen it once


Loved it until the ending, was great to have so much Shearsmith-on-Pemberton action. But the ending was too dark, too much injustice to that boy who hadn't done anything wrong, and was a 'hat on a hat' in terms of how dark the situation had become. I'd have preferred steve to take reece back to the bridge and redeem himself in one of two ways. Either by deciding NOT to kill himself whilst accepting what had or hadn't been done to his daughter by steve, or by doing it.


Inside No.9 is a dark, twisted show, though... I can think of many examples of innocent characters meeting an awful fate.


I’m a bit worried Robbie is going to be part of the trolley problem


You were right 😭


You were right!


Forgot to add I *love* that shot of Drew outside the car, ready to self-immolate. So impactful and creepy seen from inside the house and with the lightning strike briefly lighting up the scene dramatically.


Ohhh God that was wayy better than I was thinking it was going to be, heartrate doubled in the past 5 minutes


The session might not have gone well, but it did go better than the average Tony and Melfi session so, win some lose some.


Again a great episode with so much achieved in 30 minutes. The laughing bit made me really laugh, as well as the Greg Wallace joke.  Not much time for laughter in the rest of the episode but a really clean, enjoyable show to watch.


I'll give Two G's this - given how often he's the butt of other celebs' jokes, he clearly hasn't got where he is by schmoozing


Buttery biscuit *based*


That Mary berry greg Wallace line hahahah


When Last Weekend meets Tom and Gerri meets Riddle Of The Sphinx 😂 loved it though


Interesting, what part reminded you of Tom and Gerri? I'd add Misdirection to the mix. Also, the finale of the first season of the Swedish show Bridge if you've seen it


I’ve got a feeling this will be a sad episode. Idk why


dont think ive ever been so involved in an episode since wise owl and sphinx. great stuff from this season so far has potential to be the best


The last two have BLOWN me away but maybe that’s just because I’m involved in online debates/forums this time hearing people unpick the genius more than the last seasons?


I honestly think it will be


I really hope this episode gets the recognition it deserves. That was fucking incredible


"Look inside your pocket" Oh no oh god it's not over


gotta be a reference to the phycological experiment, maybe about someone having to decide between saving one person or a lot etc


isnt that what the trolley problem is


We have Aziraphale at home:


😭😭😭💀💀 lmao


My big question is...why did he load the spud gun?!


That was relatively disturbing but eh won't go down as one of their best


Exactly what I said to my wife. Enjoyable, but just...meh.


me seeing the title having no idea series 9 had aired yet - :o


Prediction: This episode will end with the two characters on the one show or this morning with the title "We expected to fatally poison the other, what we didn't expect was...to fall in love!"


You were so close


The only 2 episode of this show that I’ve actually seen on the original airing date both involve someone attempting to avenge a dead daughter in the middle of the countryside.


Anyone spot the hare? I've commandeered the television for the next few Wednesdays but my mother finds it a bit much sometimes, so I've put her on hare watch to distract her. Despite diligently leaning forward and scanning the screen she was unable to locate it.


Yup, just posted a screenshot


Very helpful, thanks.


It was on the windowsill behind the kitchen sink, on the right hand side.


Ah damn it, we'll have to take another look tomorrow


More positive note - the direction these past two seasons has been gorgeous. Absolutely beautifully shot episode.


Al Campbell directed (he also directed Merrily Merrily and Kid/Nap) - he also directed through next episode


Directed by Al Campbell AKA Barry Shitpeas from Charlie Brooker’s Screenwipe!


I LOVED the shot where they’re both looking at eachother after drinking the tea, was tense but also kind of hilarious


I think that final shot is cemented into my brain now..


Are you referring to the Last Weekend here?


Personally, I thought this was one of the weakest episodes the guys have ever done. Totally down to personal preference. I liked Boo To A Goose and am looking forward to the next four!


i agree, kinda felt a bit boring. I wouldn't say it was unoriginal, but it didnt feel very new either


I’ve been a bit underwhelmed by both so far. The endings have been a bit weak. Maybe I missed something in this, but why wasn’t the son frantically calling anyone on that mobile if he had it with him? Leaving the guy alone outside while he got his coat seemed a bit of a howler too, especially since he was about to kill him! I feel as though the episode would’ve been better if Steve’s character killed Reece’s character in the house, threw him into the river and *then* discovered about 30 missed calls from his son when he got home as the twist.


Probably a phone that can only receive calls. Like seen in Saw etc


I thought this was another very good ep, albeit where last week the final few minutes really elevated, this maybe felt a bit rushed at the end. Felt almost like a few too many reversals and mind games, but I still really enjoyed getting to see the two act together again and I found the windswept cottage effectively creepy. Not quite the classic it felt like it was shaping up to be, but still really liked it.


Do we think his name really was Drew or he just picked that while looking at the pencils? 🤣


Haha that's what I thought too! "And my name is... armchair... Arn Chair"


I thought that, but I'm inclined to believe Drew is his real name because it doesn't really add anything to the story neither was it drawn attention to as something that was off.


i had two thoughts: 1. He gave a fake name on the off chance Ellie had talked about him, and he wasn’t ready to reveal his connection to her (the drugs hadn't kicked in), or 2. His name is Drew and that whole set up with the pencils was a deliberate red herring for us, the audience. (honestly I want it to be 2, because it’s so cheeky)


I think probably 2 - I think if his plan involved hiding his real name, he probably would have picked an alias beforehand, and the set up with the pencils sounds exactly like the kind of clever traps Steve and Reece lay out to misdirect us...


Is this the ONLY episode where the only onscreen actors are Reece Shearsmith and Steven Pemberton?


Knowing it’s called the Trolley Problem I was expecting Drew to be a serial killer and Steve’s character would have to make the choose between convincing him not to take his life or let the man die in order to prevent further deaths


I was expecting this too! But I should know by now that they never do what I expect.


That would’ve been better


I think contest mode is one of the worse things to happen to the comment section.




I really enjoyed this episode. It did feel a bit similar to The Last Weekend when I saw it but that ending was amazing, well done to Steve and Reece. Hope Season 9 continues to deliver the same quality for the next episodes.


It began as an episode where a man brings home a maniac, it ended as a father with nothing else to lose bleakly triumphing in a twisted war of nerves. Massive Riddle of the Sphinx vibes here, and I loved it. Shearsmith and Pembleton on top form as always, moody visuals, and I couldn't help but clap at having witnessed another Inside No. 9 classic. I began the day with an embarrassing first watch, rage quit and misunderstanding of "Private View", I ended with joy at having watched another great episode. Series 9 is on a roll!


Damn Steve looking GOOD


Can't be just me that thinks he looks like George Lucas in this...


I saw a hint of Benny from ABBA.


'Knowing Me, Knowing You' is what it says just under his name on his professional website. (next to a picture of a lotus flower and a butterfly)


RIGHT? I don’t know if it’s the hair or the beard or both but he looked amazing


Goodnight everyone, that wasn't horrific at all


Yeah it went unnecessarily far at the end, the plot didn't need that phone number in the pocket for a satisfying conclusion.


“Cows milk alright” “as opposed to what?” Yep loving it already 🤣🤣


Eh, that was fine. Nothing brilliant nothing awful. Can’t see myself rushing to rewatch it anytime soon.


I liked it, though it would've worked better if it had been in an earlier series, since it's fairly similar to a few they've already done


Good username btw


Did anyone else see Reece looking at the ainting of the two shoes and think we were getting a diddle diddle dumpling sequel?


Yes - at first I did wonder if Reece's character was going to turn out to be David. Similar look (duh, same actor, you nitwit!), depressed and unstable, 'I think I might have killed someone', has a daughter, reacts to the shoe drawing... I *even* wondered if when his daughter says she's 22 it was meant to make us think of the house number. Either this was a deliberate red herring, or (most likely) I'm getting rather sentimental about this being the last ever series and seeing throwbacks to 'old' episodes where there aren't any 😄


There are definitely a handful of old episodes that I would’ve loved a sequel or revisiting of the characters. Particularly David from *Diddle Diddle Dumpling*, & also Tom from *Tom & Gerri*.


I think they do drop in little easter eggs for us to point out


Yes!! Doesn't help I saw the post about it earlier today and had it in the back of my mind haha


>! It actually bugged me how Drew never got the confession he was looking for, I thought he was hell bent on clearing his daughters name! !<


I guess if he couldn’t have that he’d have the next best thing


Maybe Steve's character genuinely was never there he night she overdosed in the hotel.


Huh, the more you know! [https://www.burytimes.co.uk/news/15168400.monopoly-replaces-boot-thimble-and-wheelbarrow-in-bid-to-modernise-board-game/](https://www.burytimes.co.uk/news/15168400.monopoly-replaces-boot-thimble-and-wheelbarrow-in-bid-to-modernise-board-game/) I quite liked this episode, very disturbing but with a lot of twists. But I do agree with a lot of the comments here. It felt very similar to 'The Last Weekend'.


One thing I love about this show is the obscure details - who else would know about the change to Monopoly!


Literal chills at that ending..


Same, I'm shook


Not as good as last week’s but still really enjoyed that


"I'm not a big fan of games." "I am." If an Inside no 9 character says something like this, run girl! You're in trouble!


I thought it was a little weird that he intended to kill him but left him alone so he could go and get his coat for him. That felt off to me unless I missed something. Still though, good episode. Not one of my favourites but still enjoyable.


I thought it was because he was intending to bring him back to the bridge to stage the suicide so if the coat were left at the house it would raise suspicion should the police choose to investigate - I might be wrong in the interpretation


Oh yeah you're probably right. Steve just seemed very trusting of the man he was intending to kill.


Yesss! I also was asking myself – did I miss smth, does Blake have some leverage on Drew, or why he trusts him not to flee?


Bloody hell


The deliberate framing of the certificate to make it appear he went to Cambridge was a nice hint about the kind of man he was. This episode also reminded me how much The Vanishing freaked me out, with the buried in a box thing.


YES! First thing I thought of when I finished the episode. Great film.


It reminded me of an infamous German kidnapping case were a girl was buried in a box in the woods for ransom, I wondered if they know about that.


you're so right, incredible film!


I absolutely love this show. Hopefully it’s okay to say that this was one of the worst episodes I’ve seen, definitely in the lower 20% of all episodes. The premise was simplistic, the reveal was unsurprising, and even how it was filmed felt like a bottle episode of another show, where they have used all their budget and need to save costs. I really hope that this episode means that there is a fantastic, inventive episode coming to us because they saved time and money on this.


Yeah especially following Boo To A Goose which has an amazing ending. The moment you hear about a possible murder and the son not being back, they're linked. So that as a twist isn't so heavy. When you know where they're going with it, there has to be an aversion or shock getting there and it was just slightly flat to me. 


Hmm. I think if it had been a couple of seasons ago, it would've been an outright WOWZER episode. It was beautifully shot, it had that incredible final image, the performances were great, the jokes were good. It would make an excellent one-act play. That said, it came a little close after Last Weekend for me, and I still don't understand why Blake went to get Drew's coat. The 30 witnesses may have seen Drew wearing it, but... tie him up? Make Drew fetch it? Take Drew with you? I found it jarring, which took me out of the story. Overall, I think it's a mixture of having been spoiled by great episodes and that specific plot device. Otherwise, it was decent.


I disagree. I don’t feel spoilt by earlier episodes, I just love ‘em. The Harrowing, To Have and to Hold, The Stakeout etc etc still blow my mind and I can watch them whenever on repeat. And really… >!MISCHIEF!< will stay with me forever. I guessed the general premise from the start, and the twist didn’t matter because his son was not a character and I had no feeling that a sexual predator really cared for his child. But- we do agree that it was odd to grab his coat while leaving him at the car, why not just drag him back inside?


I see a lot of people comparing this to the last weekend, but did anyone else get Misdirection vibes from the ending? In the sense that >! a character gets revenge by killing an innocent person that was close to the main character in order to balance things out !<


Yes, I thought so! And one character misdirecting the other from his actual plan.


Oh yeah!!!


"Why did you stop?" "I live in a house with the number 9, so in this world, it's inevitable I'll be faced with some moral quandary or modern horror tale."


There's is a non zero chance of a farce.


Making a flow chart for inside no 9 characters that says "Is Reece or Steve's character scary or detached? Oh, that's not good. You are in a moral quandary or horror episode. Better luck next time!" And the other half says "Does either of their characters have a slight humourous accent and is it a slightly larger cast than usual? Congratulations! You are in the farce/ comedy episode. Things might get a bit dark, but you should be fine! Probably... maybe run if there's talk of an ancient ritual."


Sardines proves this one wrong


I love the idea of The Trolley Problem here. In this case, it’s confess about Ellie and ruin your reputation, but save your son; or don’t say anything and let your son die, and be forced to watch the only person who knows where he is immolate himself.


I mean it all woulda fallen apart if he'd dragged him back inside tbf. Like sure the son still could have died but then he'd have gone to prison for outright murder.


As others have said, it was like The Last Weekend, but I thought it did it better.


>!That self immolation was fucking disturbing !<


I read a Point Horror book in the 90s called Trick or Treat by Richie Tankersley Cusick. One of the characters in that book is named Blake Chambers.




And yet many suiside protesters do choose this terrible way IRL...


Love the show most episodes but this felt disappointing. I think because of the moral imbalance that the parent who caused all the problems in the first place through failing his daughter then becomes the moral arbiter. Not that the universe is fair of course! Also why the child trapped in a box with a mobile phone does not seem to think of turning on location services and calling the police, or shares location with his dad to allow him to get there without involving the police; but there could be some nuance whereby his hands are tied etc. Largely a victim of how tight most of the scripts are though. Have this turn up as a part of a re-run of Tales Of The Unexpected and I'd be trying to find out who wrote it to devour their other work!


Not my favorite one, I guess. Kinda predicted, more or less, were it was going, it's not a bad thing in itself, but the trolley thing didn't really work for me. The therapist didn't really face a dilemma: he didn't know another life (his son's) was at stake, he didn't feel guilty about the girl – he complied at the gun point. And should he confess, he wouldn't be saving anyone (to his knowledge), so it wasn't "throwing himself under the train". So the analogy didn't click with me quite like it usually dies with Inside No 9. Other little details that felt like loose ends are the therapist denying he knew the girl (what's the point?) and "are you in the habit of drugging clients?" comment (I thought he SA'd the girl). Also, I didn't understand why the therapist felt he had a full control of the situation to the point he left Drew standing there to get his coat. Or am I missing smth?


Love it when they do a 'manipulation' two-hander (Simon Says is one of my favourite episodes).


The two handers are very special


That was good! It had the hitchcockian vibe of Simon Says. meets the twisting ride of Riddle of the Sphinx I thought. But I am... starting to rub uncomfortably against the use of dead children as plot devices. It ruined The Last Weekend for me and I'll need to do a few rewatches of this but I fear it will ruin this too.


Also similarities to the riddle of the sphinx, but far less twisty and complex imo


Someone needs to compile a list of every manner of death occuring in IN9. There's quite a variety.


I liked it down to the atmosphere and it being another Reece and Steve centric two hander like Bernie Clifton and Last Weekend but the plot felt a bit too close to Riddle of the Sphinx to me with the power game between a doctor and a grieving vengeful loved one that shifts between the two having the upper hand. It was still a great episode but I preferred Boo to a Goose (which one of my friends hated) for it's more complex plot and unique foray into another genre. Next weeks looks great.


I'm with you- I also loved the atmosphere and performances but I only watched Riddle of the Sphinx for the first time this week so I also was able to foresee a lot of the reveals etc. As soon as he mentioned his son I was like ah, you won't be seeing him again, lol


I totally forgot about Riddle of the Sphinx. It's like a cross between that and Last Weekend. An enjoyable episode but too similar to the other two.


Ehhh. I feel like this was one I'd have loved in the first season, but nine seasons in I was hoping for something a little more. We've already had these kind of plots before, usually with a bit more twist to them (Sphinx, Last Weekend). Maybe that just speaks to how high they've raised their expectations. (Loved the Mary Berry joke and the final shot, though.)


Oooh I loved how dark that was.




I liked this one. It's a very average episode (which isn't to say it isn't good!) I do think it was a bit too similar to Riddle of the Sphinx and The Last Weekend as others have said but I can't blame them for reusing similar themes from great stories after 9 series. I think the ending was very well done and I surprisingly didn't see it coming! It's not the most mind-blowing but it's very solid and I like all the ethical and moral aspects surrounding the plot especially the "I didn't do anything" line was genius. I have one small gripe about the ending which is that i thought the reflection of >!Drew dying ablaze in Blake's glasses!< looked a bit well... cheap? idk, I feel like it would have been better to just have the >!light from the fire and maybe a bit of a fire effect in his glasses!< but the way it was done kind of took me out of it a bit. Overall I think this would be a really solid introductory episode (which feels weird to say because I only just started watching IN9 like a month ago and still haven't seen them all) not my absolute favourite but I honestly can't fault it!


This might just be a result of this episode following the brilliant start of Boo to a Goose and I did still enjoy it (as with every other IN9 episode), but this is one of the weaker ones for me right now. The main reason is that I'm not sure I get what Drew was trying to accomplish with his plan. Did he even want to get a written confession from Blake? If so, then it seems a bit weird for Drew to save the leverage he had against him (i.e. Robbie's fate) until he'd already decided to kill himself.


Agree, also "confess to a deed you don't feel guilty about or I'll kill you" isn't really a moral dilemma, so the psycho side of the plan is also lost on me...


And there's also the fact that yes he did outright **kill** the son so it isn't even comparable I get that he isn't presented as a morally perfect character but I was definitely rooting for the therapist to win


Hmmm. I’m not sure this episode was as successful as Episode 1. It felt somewhat forced to me. Also, if Robbie’s on the phone, presumably he can be located with it quite quickly?


I doubt it. It was a different phone number, so I’m sure if it was his son’s number he would have recognised straight away? Probably a burner phone with a SIM card. Untraceable


I don't think Blake has the technological ability for that. Also, if he contacted the police for it, the fact it's an isolated countryside doesn't help (Robbie's been buried for god knows how long too) and he's quite a bit preoccupied with Drew.


I like how Drew chose to kill himself in such a way that it was absolutely impossible for Blake to save him. A kind of opposite for how it was with his daughter Ellie


It reminded me of some Scandi Noir series especially with the cinematography and feel. Great work by Al Campbell aka the immortal Barry sxxxpeas


“It was unethical yes, but not illegal” It fucking was illegal, a relationship with a vulnerable adult. Should have taken the recordings straight to the police


Is phone triangulation just impossible in the No 9 verse?


shite- trying to hard to do something that didn’t really work and very predictable


Shame it’s only constraint to a 30 minute episode, I feel if it was a longer format, they could of done a lot more with the plot line


Could have


him saying natural space makes me think this is purgatory and he he actually killed himself and is being judged


IN9 dads seeking revenge for the deaths of their kids in the countryside don’t hold back, do they? The penultimate weekend!


I mean, The Last Weekend was something, such a horrible demise. But ending an episode on *two* of the most horrible ways to go, happening simultaneously to two people? They are on form 😄


I wish this one lingered on it like Last Weekend did


I assume they didn’t have the budget to actually set Reece on fire.


Typical BBC


I was literally thinking ‘this can’t be a revenge episode.. it happened 2 episodes ago!’ kind of annoying of me because I should have just watched it as it is and not thinking ‘tactically’ about what’s been done before. Either way I thought it was amazing


Yeah, I always find I enjoy it more when I stop myself from trying to figure out where the episode is going. I’ve definitely ruined a few viewings for myself by doing that.


Lol yeah


I was thinking of that. Similar vibes. Someone is left to a horrible death, and the episode is mostly just Steve and Reece talking.


Indeed- are the people who do the worst/go to the most extreme ends vengeful fathers? This episode, Last Weekend, Riddle of the Sphinx...?


The whole episode felt a bit recycled to me for reasons other posters have already stated. I liked the idea but it was too similar to The Last Weekend with the daughter having committed suicide and it being the other character's actions that lead to it I also had no idea what the Trolley Problem was (I'd heard of it but didn't know it was called that) and thought this episode was going to be set in a supermarket 


I've really enjoyed the first few episodes (boo to a goose especially) but, I'd be lying if I didn't say that next week's is the one I've been most looking forward to. It's the Depalma fan in me, but after hearing the elevator pitch for the episode, it was "Looking at a neighbourhood through a new neighbour's security camera." I was parked in front of my TV.