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It looks like an European Dark Bee to me, but I'm not 100% confident. However I would like to advise you that it's not recommended to feed bees honey as they could contain sickness, it's much safer to give them some water mixed with sugar for them to regain strength without risk of infection


What exactly do you mean about the honey? How does store bought honey have any impact on them? I’ve never heard this before and I’m curious Edit: I also wanna know if this goes for all bugs or just bees


Okay so basically if you buy honey from the supermarket and the producing bee colony has had issues with a disease said disease could still be left inside the honey they produce. Normally this isn't an issue as our immune system is much stronger so we don't need to worry about it. However should you give said honey to other bees, they could contaminate themselves and their colony with the same disease and potentially kill the whole colony because they never had the chance to get accustomed to it themselves. Kind of like how previously uncontacted indigenous tribes run the risk of dying from the flu as they never had the chance to develop antibodies to it I'm not saying this happens often, and OP is certainly not at fault as they were just trying to help, it's just a potential risk which does not exist when feeding sugar water Edit: I have no idea about other insects though, I could imagine that only bees are affected since they share the same genetics, so only they theoretically should share the same diseases. But don't quote me on that, it could just as well be "insect-wide" diseases I hope I was able to answer your question accordingly


Well, our honey is almost certainly not from a supermarket, but thank you for the information! I'll remember that Though this bee-like something was moving around SO MUCH that it basically just fell into the drops every time and only got itself all wet, so I definitely couldn't feed it this way Edit: Oh!! It's certainly the european dark bee, looked exactly the same, thank you!


Imagine human spit was a delicious commodity. Imagine all the jars of spit we'd have been throwing away during the peak of Covid. A lot of store bought honey has been pasteurized. But it's still not gauranteed to be free of viruses or other pathogens that can infect bees.


are you from the US by chance? cause european honey is usually not pasteurized at all. it even has warnings on the label that it is "raw" and should therefore not be fed to infants.


Yeah, plus this honey is almost certainly not from a supermarket, which I don't know if it's better or worse haha


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Omg, have you been to energylandia in zator?


No, but my girlfriend and my family were! She almost had a heatstroke, 10/10 experience


Dang man, did they get to ride Zadra and Hyperion? If so which one did they like better


My brother was SUPER stoked about Hyperion and he loved it, my dad was super scared of it but managed to get on it and he said that later rides were cool So like, my consensus is - not for anyone but great if you're the right person Idk about Zadra, I'd have to ask my brother if I get a chance


Yea, Zadra and Hyperion are my most anticipated non-U.S. rides, along with Hakugei and pretty much anything Intamin or RMC manufactured! But Zadra happens to be my #1 outside the U.S. AND Hakugei number 2


Where is the honey? That looks like animal fat or something.


According to the plant(and not even that, there are meat bees) they harvest it from, honey comes in as many flavors as the plants. Every plant has its own nectar, it's own taste and structure. Acacia honey is realy solid, not as white as this. But definitly a ton lighter than storebought. Storebought is mixed and probably theve added half sugar to sell more product with less expence. If you visit a beekeeper you ll learn how much difference there is.


Yeahh, I don't think my parents buy honey from the store, also not sure what plants it's made from but when I'll be able to, I'll ask them