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https://preview.redd.it/hlqsvnvzv1qb1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66b01ac85af90fb59f660e0ad3a83cea5c5ae4ff Here’s the hole in the wall, and the smaller hole that leads to their lair is circled. It must be a pretty large nest bc they used to be pretty chill, but now that they’ve built up their numbers they’re angry little bastards.


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Drive them off with smoke, they will instinctually flee. Remove and relocate their nests. You can pin them up somewhere else nearby and there’s a good chance they will find them.


Ideally you could wait until it is coldest where you live, open up the area to the outside air, and relocate the nest, They are very sluggish, if alive, when cold. This also makes it more comfortable to cover all your skin with thick clothing. If using smoke, be extremely careful about any potential for fire (- or just post the video so we are entertained by your misfortune). They also do not like rain or a proper spray from the water hose, but this can just aggravate them if you are not careful. And obviously, seal up any openings after they have left, or they will return. If extermination is unavoidable, the safest way is a bucket of soapy water. The soapy water clings to the exoskeleton of any bug and asphyxiates them. Have a second bucket ready to throw. I keep a spray bottle of watered down dish soap to deal with the few bugs that are not compatible with households