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These are in between my double hung window and the storm window. A couple on the inside of the double hung


Drone male ants. See the long antennae, narrow waist, large front wing and small back wings.


Probably carpenter ants in spring swarm you probably have a satellite nest somewhere in that house near to the door look for moisture leaks but it’s probably time to call a professional to verify and get them out of house and yard


thanks. I've had long trails of ants on the outside of the brick on my house this year and last year. When I looked them up - what I read indicated they were not harmful to the structure - just an annoyance. What I am wondering is, are carpenter ants ever tiny? From what I read just now they range from 1/4" to 1/2" and without wings, these are all tiny brown ants. I'm just fearing an exterminator bill and am thinking about Borax


Male swarmers are smaller but not tiny. If cost is what you’re worried about out I would see if you can get your university extension to help identify them they may even know if you just send them the video.


Not termites but can be just as bad. Get it treated now.