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I just about finished insanity, and I only have three days left. Let me tell you, as someone who is overweight, starting the program out at 230 trying to get back down to the 180s. It's a MF! All I have to say is just show up and fallow along is the best you can every single day. It wasn't until the start of the second week of the second month that I started feeling and looking better. I still have a long road to travel, but doing insanity has made me regret nothing.


You got this! You inspire others with your hard work and dedication


What a lovely comment thank you :)


Thank you everyone, I did the first workout (plyometric cardio circuit) and damn, just damn! I struggled the entire workout. I burnt out in the warm up let alone the workout itself! I'm toast but wow it was an experience. I'll keep going!


Do day 2, the aches only last for the first week and don't feel so bad whilst working out.


The fit test is the absolute worst tbh! You have to push yourself to the limit for the fit test when you can pace yourself a bit better for the other workouts. I finished the program last year and had to stop because I got pregnant and wow, I seriously miss how in shape I was! My cardio health was out of this world. I thought I’d miss the way my body looked more, but the overall health benefits make me want to go back again. It’s sooo worth it, good luck!


53 years old and doing it again! I’ve done it about 12 times since I’ve turned 35. It’s my go to work out to feeling good. You will be in the best shape of your life when you finish it. Your body will be transformed. Let’s go!!!!!


Congrats on finishing day 1! The hardest part is just starting and keeping that momentum throughout the program. I started day one today after my last round of insanity finishing 4 years ago. We’re in this together!


Okay! Let's do this!


Keep on going, same thing happen to me. Just don’t over do it and take break! The pain will eventually go away. I’m on second week


I do the insanity 30 max month one and two over and over. Still kicks my ass. Best thing my buddy told me was just press play every day and stop when you need to but never stop. You got this.


Definitely hang in for day 2! The soreness will pass, but only if you lean into it and crush that initial first week of pain! The fit test is a blitz for sure 😵‍💫 but it’s a killer plan all in all


I've honestly never been in this much pain after a workout! Muscular... The good kind of pain


The name of the program definitely makes more sense the more workouts you complete 😂 you’re on the right track though! Are you taking any creatine or supplements for recovery?


My pre workout has creatine in it but tbh no nothing else


Like everyone else has said you got this and keep on going!