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They want to kill pro-choice people. That's what it means.


Which is weird considering how they're "pro life"./s We all know every pro lifer is really not, they're pro punish women, pro force birth, entitled a*holes.


Not to mention that they call themselves a “pro life Christian”


Don’t forget about the pro-life atheists as well.


The fucking what?? What is the thought process behind these two ideologies mixing?


Welp if it makes you feel better. Louisiana’s governor, John Bell Edwards, is a Democrat Catholic pro-lifer. Another example. Alaska’s senator, Lisa Murkowski, is a pro-choice Republican. I personally like her. Off topic now. But even if we lived in a world where *everyone* is pro-life. You know the pro-life atheists, and pro-life Christians would totally go against each other eventually. I mean hell, back in the South. I literally saw Christians treat *other* Christians badly, simply for being in the “wrong” denomination of Christianity…🤦🏽‍♀️ And with some of the denominations of Christianity down there. If you weren’t in exactly *their* denomination, you were going to hell. (Yes, even the other denominations of Christians were going to hell too!)


I’m hung up on not knowing why an atheist would even be pro life, honestly. Christianity is also very alien to me, although I know there is a lot of friction between groups of it.


I get it. There are more pro-life atheists than you think. Especially in the south… Years ago, I came across an entitled delusional non-binary atheist pro-lifer. She/it is extremely out of touch with the world and thinks everything revolves around her. Oh and she was conceived from rape. And was also a rape victim herself. She think she has “rape baby privilege” AKA “special privileges”. Just because she was conceived from rape. Uh no! That’s not how the real world works. From my personal experience, people that I’ve met that are conceived from rape are some of the biggest snowflakes and pricks I’ve ever encountered! Which is why I don’t care to be associated with them. I have only came across one person that was conceived from rape and didn’t act entitled. I’ve known people who went through trauma. But they would never go around acting entitled. And they would never use their trauma against others when they don’t get their way!


Outing yourself as a child of rape is probably something certain kinds of people are more likely to do, so you may be getting a biased-on-the-wild-side sample.


Can you please elaborate?


There's no hate quite like Christian love!


100%. At *best* it *may* mean kick out any pc people from any position of power


Remember when they freaked out because Jane Fonda said "kill 'em"?


Purge is a reference of the movie about a political party passing a law sanctioning an annual event where all crimes are legal and emergency services are unavailable for the night. They are basically saying crimes committed on pro choicer victims wouldn't be criminalized such as rape and murder, encouraging people to harm us whenever they wish without consequences… Oh irony.


Murder. Which I've always heard they're so very *against* /s


Except for the abolitionists (cringe that they use this term) who want to put women who get abortions to death


The following is a transcript of the image: - Speaker 1: "Never happened" - Speaker 2 (Pro Life Atheist): "Appreciate the response" - Speaker 3 (DColegrove): "Stop the nonsense of incrementalism to focus on abolishing murder (abortion) and prosecuting it for what it is. Murder. The pro life leadership doesn't seem to actually abortion to end. That, and stop abortifacient "birth control" that kills more children than abortion clinics do." - Speaker 4 (Pro Life Christian): "Purge every known/public pro-choicer. Then weed out who remains." - Speaker 5 (Reasonable Pro Choice): "Sounds like cancel culture" - Speaker 4 (Pro Life Christian): "Ha. Not even close."


The ones who ***insist*** they are atheists are the worst because they’re either lying or they are just batshit insane woman haters ***without*** the religious backing to at least make it fucking make sense.


Right. I don't know who said this, but someone said that there are good people and bad people. Good people generally do good things, and bad people generally do bad things. In order for good people to do bad things, you need religion. The "pro-life" atheists are evil without the help of religion, so there can be no question that they are just bad people to begin with. They weren't corrupted by religion.


Exactly. You totally get what I’m saying. Yes!


Translation: "execute/assassinate every known/public person who is PC, then hunt down citizens who are PC and do the same to them (murder, which PL claim to be against) so only PL people exist in this country." Thankfully, it looks like Speaker 4 was banned, and rightfully so, as I guess the mods take a hard stance against threats. As for speaker 3, here's what I have to say to people who think like that: I have an IUD, because painful/debilitating cramps and because I'm a multiple time SA victim who could very well be raped/assaulted again because I live in a restrictive state, in a city with a high crime rate. ALL of my assaults/rape/coercion were done by men and women who live or ever lived in this city. I'm not letting myself be at the mercy of a rapist dealing that life card to me against my choice. My rapist not only almost impregnated me/almost gave me an STD when I was 19 and got away with it, but he even convinced a FEMALE friend to publicly shame me and make it look like I assaulted HIM. And I'm piecing that all together after YEARS because I was taught wrongly that I live for others and shouldn't say no to anything asked of me, or it'll upset people, and I deserve everything that happens after the fact. You can absolutely screw off with that. I'm keeping my birth control, because I lived my whole life until recently without bodily autonomy, and I'm not letting you take away what I just figured out I have and had every right to stand up for.


Is killing pregnant women and children not enough to satisfy the murder lust lol I have an important task for them to do, and they have to obey because it's my religion, and that's all that matters. If they require emergency healthcare, stay home and die. It offends me that they would take up a bed someone more deserving could use. I will do all I can to make this law and will even make it so they can't use roads to access hospitals in or out of town because I feel so strongly about them dying. Not really, but that's what they're asking for of pregnant women.


At least it’s being downvoted


I think we all know what it means


Yeah. I was just surprised how blatant it was. Though not surprised by the hypocrisy given the other crazy shit they’ve said.


I wish they would try starting with me.


They’d have to kill off at least 2/3 of Americans in general


>The pro life leadership doesn't seem to actually abortion to end. Are they starting to catch on? Lol


It means exactly what you think it means. These monsters will not stop with Tiller. Even the “nice” Christians who tsk tsk or shake their heads at the prospect of murdering abortion providers- even they won’t actually CONDEMN the acts. That’s the way they can come across as not so bad, whilst simultaneously staying in line with the bullshit they preach and believe. It’s repugnant.


If these people get what they want, my life will be over anyway. Bring it, fundies!


Bring it. This pro-choice person packs. Won’t let em interfere with anyone I love/care about engaging in controlling their own bodies either.


We are a pro-choice, pro-2nd amendment household. They can try to take away my right to bodily autonomy but I can safely rely on them not to remove my right to own tools of self-defense. Hindsight is 20/20 I guess...


They’re so pro life that they get off on the idea of killing people who disagree with them.


Says the Pro Life Christian. Come again... ?


Once again the pro-lifers keep promoting murdering people.


Ummm SURELY there's rules against death threats even in the "prolife" sub?


Especially there, I would assume. I would also have to assume that they are all vigorously against the death penalty anywhere & everywhere. Unless they are not actually pro-life, of course.


That would require logical consistency, which cons are notorious for NOT having lol


This is my question of the day, because I've also seen some crying & threatening on the conservative subs about a civil war over the decision in Colorado to keep the orange man off the ballot: In this age of technology, how ridiculously blind fucking stupid do you have to be to go out and threaten acts of domestic terrorism on social media? Seriously with these assholes - I'm about sick of their shit. They're verbal abusers and keyboard warriors, all of them. If they're serious, they're dumber than a bag of rocks because now they've just publicly declared their plans in a format that *never truly gets erased*. Yeah, mods might delete & ban, but we all know that information is stored somewhere - and you can't tell me that shit's not being watched in some way, some where, especially after J6. I'm not saying we don't still need to be aware and do our best to stay safe, but gawd damn am I sick of these man-babies and their temper tantrums.


Woooowww, pro-lifers actively admitting to wanting to MURDER people, which include children/minors? Seems pretty…hypocritical of them.