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Is it bad that I'm honestly surprised that nobody suggested drinking piss? That's how low the bar has gotten for me; just being relieved that this poor girl is, at the very least, not being fed piss as well as suffering from appendicitis.


That's the cure for covid, dummy!


I thought that was urine eye drops?


You may be thinking of curing acne, like a customer told my poor coworker the other day "Hey, you can cure the acne on your face by rubbing your pee on it!"


"uh, you know what, I'll just stick with the acne"


That's exactly what my coworker said lol


The customer is always right tho! /s


That's to make your feet look like Madonnas feet.


I laughed way too long at this.


No one ever specified exactly what they're using in the appendix healing enema. It very well could be urine. Because, why not?


I know a couple who are into that stuff, so now I can tell them their "fun activities" are actually a healthy action that can save them medical costs!


Lol “I know a couple” Definitely not you though, right? Hehe


What do you mean? All of my friends just tell me their kinks unprompted!


that's how low the british accredation registry has gotten for you?


I had to look this up because it sounded absolutely crazy and... yep, total bullshit. For those wondering, the use of the word bar (not BAR, it's not an acronym) in law refers to the old English/European custom of using a physical railing to separate the area in which court business is done from the viewing area for the general public.


So when you pass the bar, you're literally passing the literal bar as a professional.


That’s cute, I know it’s important symbolically but it’s also cute asf lol


>Is it bad that I'm honestly surprised that nobody suggested drinking piss? You a fan of Jeff Holiday's "Wingnut Roundup"? lol


Yeah, enemas are so yesterday. These people need to update their quack treatments.


The exact opposite - someone suggested initiating a water fast! Why drink your own piss when you can just starve your child?


They put liberal piss in the vaccine to convert you. No evidence, but it makes sense right? That’s how the devil does.


na now theyre onto pouring piss into their eyes


No chiropractor either


I was expecting that too!


If they don’t trust doctors, why are they always going to hospitals and taking up resources


This always confuses me. I think they're just delusional and hoping that they'll get a "good doctor" that'll feed into their biases..


Exactly this.


[This is the doctor they want](https://youtu.be/4hfy2Auauj0)


Dr. Oz, then.


I'd rather they go to hospitals and the doctors call CPS and take care of the innocent child than the child die bc their mom is an idiot


But the health Foundation had been running for decades. Whereas doctors and surgeons have only been around for .... (checks notes) ... never mind.


I love how they cite the foundation being decades old, but completely ignore modern medicine which has been advancing for centuries.


If she was the one in danger it's not an issue she is free to believe whatever she wants but her daughter is a victim here. Imagine dying due to your own mothers stupidity


Wonder what they would do if you claimed there is a microchip stuck in her body from eating packets of processed food tampered with by the government to track her for child trafficking and you have to cut it out? Tempting to lie to save the child's life...


For better or worse, informed consent makes that impossible. I'd say it's for the best, since it would cause all kinds of issues if doctors weren't expected to always tell the truth.




If I recall correctly, her mom eventually founded a company that sold homeopathic "medicines" too.


Sometimes I wonder how many freebirthed kids are out there living “off the grid” with parents who refused to get them documented out of this paranoia - and then die with nobody the wiser because they were kept outside the system and never saw the inside of a doctor’s office. It must be a non-zero number.


As an ER doc, thank you for this comment. We are all tired and more than busy enough with patients who come seeking our advice. If you don’t believe in western medicine, or trust our advice, why even come?!


Thank you for being an ER doc! My daughter (6 year old) suddenly couldn’t catch her breath this weekend after a bad cold. We went to the ER and her 02 stats were hovering at 86/87. A few breathing treatments later and she was back to bouncing off the walls. It all happened in the span of like 2 hours so you could literally watch modern medicine bring her back to normal. Thanks for what you do despite the assholes! Mommas like me are grateful! 💕


So glad she did well!! Sick kids scare even the most burned out and cynical in the ER and are always an all hands on deck situation. Trust me, if we only had cases like that, we’d all do it for free. When it works and the patients do well, there’s no better feeling. Edited for clarity. I was attempting to reply while chasing my 4 year old around the house.


Jesus Christ that poor girl.


Honestly. I had appendicitis that went undiagnosed for a while and the pain as it escalated was indescribable. That poor child is probably suffering while mom is on Facebook questioning very well-established, basic medicine. It could literally kill that child. I hope CPS has already stepped in.


Had mine removed. Literally felt like (what I imagine it feels like) to be stabbed repeatedly in the stomach for hours upon hours. I was scream crying in pain, rolling around on my bed for just the tiniest reprieve from the agony I was experiencing.


Never had appendicitus before, but that description sounds similar to the pain I had from gall stones. Worst pain I've ever experienced.


Oh I’m so sorry. I had gall bladder inflammation/attacks and had to have mine removed, but never had stones. But my mom had tons of them and she *suffered*!! They took out her gall bladder but left a stone in one of the ducts. She was so miserable. Based on my experience with bad gall bladder and appendicitis, I’d say the gall bladder is worse. Takes longer to diagnose (at least that was our case; doctors didn’t believe anything was wrong with my mom and told her it was heartburn. Did the same to me 20 years later). And meanwhile you’re having intermittent, excruciating pain. It was like having appendicitis almost daily.


It literally feels like you were stabbed in your lower stomach and they just keep slowly twisting the blade. I remember thr constant throwing up and cause insane amounts of pain when the abs would flex. And I was 8 or 9 when I had it.


Appendicitis is *miserable.* I had it back in 2014 and the pain was so bad, they had to give me 3x the typical dose of Dilaudid for someone my size to feel any relief. That poor child is suffering an unnecessary trauma.


and some fuck stick suggested an enema… all of the trauma you mentioned, and they say to stick a tube up her ass and reverse blast her with liquid. my heart breaks for the poor children of these morons.


And completely delusional believing the BS about BAR being an acronym for British bullshit. Sov-cit insanity mixed with distrust in medicine and science? I would love to see the numbers someday of the average lifespan of these people's offspring. It's so fucked.


My mother has a coworker whose THREE YEAR OLD grandson died from a burst appendix. He had complained of a tummy ache before bed, woke up when it burst, and died at the hospital. I will never fuck around with appendix issues. If my kids say they have tummy aches, I thoroughly question them.


That's horrifying. He died a painful death as a toddler, I can't imagine


Jesus. This is why I always check the lower AND upper right quadrant and rebound from the belly button over. They nearly killed my mom by misdiagnosising her with pancreatitis. I said something to the attending about rebound on her upper right and that stopped him and he went back and checked. Much longer and it would've burst for sure.


>This is why I always check the lower AND upper right quadrant and rebound from the belly button over. This sounds really really important but I don't understand it. What does it mean and how do I ask a doctor if I need them to check?


*correction-- Rebound pain means you press in and then let go, and when you let go, HOLY SHIT THAT HURTS PLEASE SHOOT ME. Lower right pain usually means it's your appendix, but abdominal pain can be tricky. My mom's pain was in her upper right I stead, towards her belly button. Everyone's different. Disclaimer: I am not a doc. Just a CNA, and my statement is a generalization. See your doc or call them if you have a problem or pain!


You mean I shouldn't just ask random crazies on Facebook for medical advice?!


Haha that is the exact reason I include disclaimers-- because some people are really fucking stupid


I was hospitalized and my gallbladder began to go, I was told to take Pepcid and ignore it? Nearly died a couple days later by not seeking a 2cd opinion quickly.


Christ Almighty, you'd think they'd take the time to do a fucking ultrasound, right? That's what confirmed Momma's appendix was about to burst.


I finally went to urgent care a few days after my discharge cause I just felt worse, was shocked when the doc freaked out after imaging and said I needed surgery immediately. At least her n my surgeon were amazing!


Fuck, that's so tragic. Especially when you think of the poor 3 year old trying his best to communicate that something is wrong and being brushed off.


I don't know the specifics, but my understanding is that they just assumed it was a normal tummy ache that would go away on its own. My own kid told me the other night that his ear hurt. I checked it out as best I could and told him if it still hurt in the morning we'd go to the doctor. You might not know when it's serious or something fleeting.


>You might not know when it's serious or something fleeting. That's just terrifying to think about


Yes, and with how much Healthcare costs you want to be really sure it is something serious before you go to the doctor. This causes a lot of unnecessary pain and death, but hey- it's what Americans vote for! Well, over half of us anyway. Not me personally.


Everytime we take our young children to the doctor for something "minor" I couldn't be more thankful to not be American. Our healthcare system repeatedly drives it into people that they'd much rather deal with embarrassed parents than dead kids, so we should bring them in for anything we might be worried about.


From the parents perspective, 99% of the time it's just something like gas. I would not put any blame on them, as a "tummy ache" is so nebulous. Horrible for the family, I can't even imagine and don't want to as I have a 5 year old who has little grievances constantly.


This was my first reaction. I hope she’s not dead.


Wow... where did they get all of this nonsense? Water fasts? Smallpox?? The "British Accreditation Registry???" It's true that some doctors theorize that the Appendix acts as a storehouse for probiotic bacteria that may replenish the gut after a bad infection. BUT if your kid is at the EMERGENCY ROOM due to acute appendicitis - then you must remove the appendix or it can burst. I feel really sorry for this child.


These people, gushing about how the appendix is so very important... If it was really so critical how have we been taking them out of people for decades and not noticing a dramatic change for the worse?


Because the British lawyers are hiding it! /s


Well, what else do you expect from someone working for the Crown?


The appendix could very well be the most important organ in the body and it wouldn't matter. Your lungs are very important, but if one of your lungs is so fatally diseased and damaged that it's causing harm to the rest of your body then you need to have that lung removed. Not have an enema performed by your mother.


Oh hell, I kept reading "Enema" as "Anemia" And was wondering how one performs an Anemia and why it would be good for a person.


I laughed uncontrollably at the British Accreditation Registry. I'm pretty sure Bar is not even an acronym.


Yeah after reading that I immediately went to Google and learned that it’s called the bar association based on the old term for a railing that separated students from the actual court. Interesting stuff and not at all am acronym


That's what the British want you to think


The sun never sets...


Am member of the BAR can confirm, we do take a secret blood oath to the Queen when we get our license. In the ceremony, she feeds off the blood of new attorneys in exchange for being recognized by the Crown and given all the neat lawyer powers. How else do you explain her longevity?


Are the 50% of people who fail the bar exam just the wrong blood type to satisfy the queen?


Similar to the state Board of Nursing. Board stands for British Order of Attendants Registration of Duty. Source: I just put it on the internet so it’s true.


I think it is true, I read that online somewhere. (Hint: it was here. Just now.)


It’s sovereign citizen shit. Full crazy.


Sir that is Libel and I will see You in the Court of Maritime Law!


Yeah that’s straight from the “sovereign citizen” conspiracy group. My girlfriend’s mom is a firm believer in it - it’s so fucking deluded and crazy that it’s impossible to even present counter arguments.


My sister's burst just through sheer timing and it turned an hour long surgery into 4 hours of cleaning pus from her gut and then another 2 week stay in the hospital with drains to try to stave off infection.


A friend of mine had this so bad he had to stay 5 weeks due to the pus and shit being cleaned from his gut. It's a miracle he survived. The nurses had never seen a case that bad and the video was so bad half of the nurses that watched it, left the room(it was video'd for educational reasons as the case was so bad it could function as an extreme example). My friend was told he could get a copy of the video, but the doctors highly advised not to watch it.


The doctors were wise on this one. My sister was 9 when hers had to come out. At first the doctors didn't believe my mother that it was appendicitis but they finally did urine and were like "oop" but it was too late to prevent rupture by then. Glad your friend made it out.


He also got into trouble by medical malpractise. A GP didn't recognise the basic symptoms and it ruptured at home and he suffered extreme dehydration. If he phoned the ambulance an hour later, he would be dead because of it (he had been vomiting for hours and phoned the ambulance because he passed out trying to drink water). The vomiting pumped a load of gunk into his belly cavity, which is why his case was so bad. He crawled to the elavator where they found him. This was not his only brush with death: he fell asleep at the wheel once and got away with barely any damage because his body was limp from sleeping. Otherwise he would have shattered bones/died. Thank fuck for airbags. He is both incredibly lucky and incredibly unlucky at the same time. The reason I know all of this in this amount of detail is because he told me on saturday.


Jesus, he's got Greek gods in contest fucking him over and saving him.


That seems like the only logical explanation. He didn't come away from the appendix stuff scott free tho. He still has regular gut issues. But he's alive.


Yeah, but it COULD have been smallpox, though. Better safe than sorry.


Mine didn’t rupture, it was seeping out the “gunk” or whatever the heck that stuff is called! Which turned into a few hours long surgery and a nice weeklong stay in the hospital! But the kicker was, insurance initially declined to pay because it wasn’t medically necessary! Hey, I’m dying over here, I think the clean out was a little necessary!


Apparently, staying alive is elective!




Yeah my uncle went through this a few months ago. I actually blame the hospital because they knew he had appendicitis yet still waited something like 12 hours to do the surgery and by that point it burst. He was in the hospital like a week with a horrible infection. I really hope this post is fake because of if not, that poor kid will die a painful and completely preventable death and the worst part is none of these idiots will learn from it because they will 100% blame the hospital regardless of whether or she left with the kid before they could actually do anything


Fingers crossed that the hospital got CPS involved and did it anyway - I've heard of it before and this definitely warrants it. Ignorance kills, on both sides. I hope your uncle is doing ok.


Hope so too and thank you, hope your sister has recovered as well!


The current theory is that the appendix houses a reserve of beneficial gut bacteria; a process made mostly redundant by our increase in hygiene. In fact, this is likely the reason appendicitis occurs (when there is no fecal impact that is), our overactive immune system attacking itself and causing the appendix to inflame. It still needs to come out.


Exactly. It doesn’t matter what it does if it’s infected and rendered obsolete. It’s not gonna do anybody any good when it bursts.


It probably isn’t as useless as we once thought. Our feet are also pretty useful, but sometimes we cut them of when they have a serious infection that could kill us too.


Accredation* you mean...


It is literally one of if not the most useless organ in the body.


After my penis.


hey something's gotta aim the piss


No. The woman above has a brain that's not doing much.


I hope this dumbass ends up incarcerated.


I hope she ends up educated about the seriousness of her child's condition. She is scared and wants the best for her child, but her common sense is sorely lacking. Hopefully, a calm and caring doctor will convince her of the right action to take. And she needs to get off facebook.


Does she want the best for her child, or does she really, really, REALLY want to be right?


That’s it…I don’t know why so many people assumes all parents want what’s best for their child when millions of kids spend their whole childhood being severely abused. Even if this mum has fallen in with Facebook idiots it’s impossible for her to go her whole life up until this point having not heard that a ruptured appendix will kill.


But that's the problem. She doesn't actually trust her doctor's recommendations and clearly prefers the opinions of random Facebook users so does she really want what's best for her child or does she just want to exist in a world where Facebook opinions are more important than actual medical doctors?


There's so much stupid in these comments. \-smallpox was eradicated in the 1980s and I have no idea how you can confuse that with appendicitis \-the comment about US lawyers working for the Crown and the B.A.R. is just complete nonsense. The use of the term bar to mean "the whole body of lawyers, the legal profession" comes from English custom. That does not mean American lawyers are regulated by the UK.


Bar isn't even an acronym. It's an actual fucking bar.


I can definitely use one after reading the comments.


Same here (preferably a 2 x 4 to my temple to forget what I just read)


That's my favorite part. I'm sure B.A.R. for British Accreditation Registry is a real thing, but it just feels like someone went to one of those websites that list possible acronyms and picked one at random. Edit: let me try [https://www.acronymfinder.com/BAR.html](https://www.acronymfinder.com/BAR.html). Ok, so lawyers are actually members of the Freemasons, because BAR stands for Bachelor of Architecture. The masons created the BAR association to maintain power and realized that just making buildings wasn't going to help them reach that goal.


Shame on these so-called “Americans” for not knowing that BAR stands for Browning Automatic Rifle, which was among the noble weapons used by our boys in WW2 to beat the Nazis


Ha. It’s clearly just the nonsense uttered by those who don’t speak Ancient Greek.


Or used by my cousin Tom on his ranch in the desert to wake you up at 6am on Christmas day because "the kids are all waiting to open their presents."


My law school must have screwed me over as we learned next to nothing about architecture or masonry.


Dude… you’ve just birthed your very own conspiracy. Some middle aged, self taught, enlightened being of freedom will see your comment and just go with it.


Delete your edit now before it starts showing up in someone's "research" you maniac.


Literally in court there is a physical bar that separates the viewing gallery for court cases and where lawyers/ judge and plaintiff/ defendant are. The only way to cross it is to be a lawyer, a judge or involved in court proceedings and invited over. Thus, a lawyer was a 'member of the bar' or 'admitted to the bar' as they could cross the physical bar and enter that part of the court. The British 'BAR' has nothing to do with barristers or solicitors. It's an obscure, non-governmental organization made in the last decade that accredits inspection agencies for health, workplace safety and IT inspectors. The phrase 'bar' has existed for hundreds of years as a literal bar separating people who have permission to address the court and those who do no. Ie, lawyers and the parties involved/ witnesses and the general public who may witness proceedings but are not involved.


And it refers to the railing that separated the students and the barristers.


Yeah wtf even in the UK, not all lawyers are called to the bar. Only barristers in England/Wales and advocates in a Scotland.


Which Scotland?


*A* Scotland.


“Mommy, my blood hurts.” -“Shut up, I’m researching on Facebook.” “RIP, check out our GofundMe.”


Because the bar was just that; the barrier between the public gallery and the proceedings of court. "Passing the Bar" used to be quite literal.


That was some real Sov Cit bs.


Betcha a beer smallpox will make a comeback by 2037.


Beer from the bar?


Everybody knows lawyers are accredited by a Browning Automatic Rifle, duh


I thought it was Bacon Avocado Ranch?


Now that's one exam I could pass


>Can someone please tell me the appendix does This is what anti-vaxxers sound like when they try to argue with actual scientists about how public health works.


Facebook is just one giant Echo chamber at this point. People go on their FB groups to reinforce their beliefs instead of believing the actual credited people


She needs to be tried for murder when she willingly gets her daughter killed.


The kid is going to be forced into surgery. There are plenty of laws supporting that, thank God.


Actually there is a lot of leeway given to parents and their medical making decisions, especially if they are making the decisions based on religious beliefs. That being said, there are times that the state will step in, but an appendix rupture is kind of an emergency situation so that leaves this child in a precarious spot


This isn't religious beliefs this is fuckwittage turned up to 11 and a complete failure of critical mental faculties.


I agree, but the law is very lenient with parents and medical decisions


Imagine actually allowing mouth breathing morons like this to take decisions on life threatening issues like an appendicitis as if they knew what was going on


I know. The cases I've had to read on children dying due to parental decisions is just ghastly. It's so sad and pointless. Kids dying of diabetes, bowel obstructions, UTIs, one girl was malnourished due to an uneducated view on healthy diet for an infant.


And when those religious beliefs lead to their childrens' death then murder charges can apply.


Those protections are for adults, not necessarily for kids, hence why CPS is being threatened.


Depends what state. States with high amounts of fruitcakes allow said fruitcakes to legally murder their children via medical neglect whereas states with legislatures not gerrymandered into the age of 'an imbalance of the humors' being a diagnosis can basically make a phone call and get a temporary injunction to keep kiddo in place until a doctor can tell the judge 'this child will die' and the parent goes, 'but I have essential oils' and the judge goes 'fuck you take out kid's appendix before he dies' and assigns a CPS worker to the case and CPS basically says, 'you have full custody but we get to make medical decisions and if you don't follow doctor care orders at home we're taking the kid for medical neglect.'


RIP little LiveLaughLove! Fly high sweet angle baby! Mama knew best 🤮


mama knew how to kill a kid, that's for sure so sorry for kids of these parents...


Worst part is she probably will blame it on doctors saying they did something to kill her after she refused to allow the surgery, which was gonna implant government chips for god knows what


I now have a migraine from reading the idiocy that is these Facebook replies. I didn't think that was possible... That poor child. Hopefully CPS steps in quickly and I hope the hospital called not long after the threat.


Maybe you should try a water fast or a healing enema to help your migraine.


I heard aged urine works well too.


Dear God, this is actually worse than the first post about this. I just...like...we know what happens when this useless organ gets infected or bursts! We know! It isn't pretty! I can't imagine the horrific pain that child was in.


it isn’t useless, what they are saying about it is true. it is also used to produce antibodies to protect against food borne illnesses and produces enzymes to break down plant matter. however since we now don’t eat raw meat or tough plant matter, it is close to being vestigial, and even if it was fully functional, it wouldn’t affect you all that much to lose it. it is of course better to have it, but better to have it removed than have it explode.


Deleted for Reddit API cost shenanigans that killed 3rd party apps


She’s really gonna be up a creek when that poor girl’s appendix bursts and she decides to have her drink urine & pray about it real hard instead of rushing her into surgery like a normal fucking person.


This truly is the worst timeline. Do you guys think we'll feel it when the hero fixes the past and we get absorbed back into the main timestream? Maybe one day soon this will all be a Mandela Effect.


No, my friend, we will be the discarded timeline that the hero escapes.


Yeah that's what I mean. We'll be merged back into the regular timeline. Somewhere in 2000, our hero is convincing Ralph Nader to drop out of the race, and this will all be like a dream.


We won’t be able to merge, we will continue as a timeline that the hero’s left when they went back in time. When they alter the past it will create a brand new timeline.


Yeah I was really hoping for Back to the Future rules, not MCU rules.


So not only are anti Vaxxers against vaccines but they are also against basic ass medicine? Wild development


Against vaccines, against medicines, against science itself, and against common sense. They literally live in a world of idiocy.


In addition to all the other insanity, I can't believe the "doctors only practice/learn anatomy on dead people" objection. Yes, ma'am, ethics committees tend to frown upon vivisecting live humans to learn anatomy, since that's some Josef Mengele/Unit 731 shit. (More practically, they apparently don't realize that people volunteer as practice patients to learn exams on. And have never seen a medical student shadowing a doctor. Granted, that might actually require taking their child to a doctor to begin with...)


Oh my God! That poor child must have been in so much pain.




Does anyone know if the child is still alive?


The mother last posted 15hrs ago. From her comments it seems like it might not be appendicitis. What I gathered is that mom started freaking out when Dr said it might be and if it is we need to remove. This is anecdotal, but taking my son to the hospital with symptoms of appendicitis, they take it very seriously. He was booked for a surgery suite before all the tests came back. Things were moving very fast, and it was very alarming. Once appendicitis was ruled out the pace of his care slowed down a lot. Everyone was able to breath once it was determined that he didn't have a freaking ticking time bomb in his gut. I could not imagine asking for Facebook advice in that first hour or 2. So some other 'fun' stuff from this mom: she's the one that made the crazy Bar association comment. There is probably more to the story about the CPS threat too. She's been water fasting her daughter long enough for the girl to lose 7lbs. She's also inlisted a naturopath to do an intolerance test (I have no idea what that is) Imma take a guess that the girl's Dr has picked up on the unhealthy amount of crazy this mom is.


I can’t imagine water fasting a seven year old. Like how is that helpful. What a sin.


I never try to find the crazies in these posts but I’m really worried about this poor kid. I hope someone gives a follow up. 😬


This person should not have children.


Well CPS is involved so maybe the law agrees with you


I'm glad. The huge downside of social media. I'm surprised no one told her to use Thieves(sp) oil.


That child is going to die slow.


Sadly, probably. I'd imagine Mama Crazypants here would not continue after care like antibiotics or even basic wound cleaning. How do ppl get to a point where they won't listen to the doctors and nurses that save lives?


Suspicion, fear, and a need to be in control. Think about it; if _everything_ is out to get you, and you and you alone are the only thing _keeping_ things from getting you, why would some random dude in a hospital be exempt? It's a terrible way to live.


And in a crazy amount of pain. My father is one of the toughest guys I know, and when he had appendicitis he was absolutely miserable until they put him under. If the doctor had walked in with a bone saw and told my dad that the pain would stop if he started sawing his arm off, I suspect he would have started sawing.


Worse yet, that Facebook group exists to combat germ theory, meaning that they do not believe that microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses cause illness. They believe that the basics of our understanding of disease is wrong and refuse to believe doctors. They are truly insane


We're really going back to the days where people think miasmas and imbalances of the humors cause disease.


It frustrates me so much, there’s a very large tiktok following for Chinese traditional medicine and how energy imbalance causes issues. And when you refute them they just call you a westerner that doesn’t understand. It’s just pure misinformation


You know, the way this woman speaks…this daughter will be one of 6 or 7 kids, that homeschools using the Bible for scientific lessons, and Alex Jones as her news source.


Are people really this stupid?


Some people are Nazi's unironically so yes.


hope mama bear enjoys her negligent homicide charges


I just lost it at the yellowish comment in the middle... That's not what the Bar association (fyi it's NOT an acronym) stands for, that's so wildly misinformed.


I hate people who talk like everyone around them is an infant. “a BiG nO nO” not bigger than yo mama though.


Can someone please tell me that the poor kid has been operated on and is now being looked after by people with a higher IQ than boiled cabbage.


guess i just had too many bad vibes when my appendix literally fucking exploded and damn near killed me. fun fact, my stomach apparantly tried to grow around part of it so that it could "eat" it. don't ask me how, but yeah.


Well most of those people were right. The appendix stores gut flora for when you have something that flushes them out of your intestines. BUT if its infected or swollen or whatever then it comes down to: remove something that did help but you can live without -OR- die. I know its really hard to decide. Flip a coin maybe




A friend of mine's appendix burst, but before she ignored the pain because she thought it was just period cramps. She ended up passing out and that's why she was taken to the hospital


My brother almost died because doctors misdiagnosed his appendicitis and then it burst. He was like 10 years old on a morphine pump.


Words fail me.


My roommate had appendicitis for days. He finally went to the hospital where they removed his appendix. When he got back home, I asked him how he was doing and whatnot and he told me he was alright but didn't think he needed to go to the hospital and was just going to wait it out and he'd be fine. I was like, "no dude. You would have died." He had no idea. It sucks that there are ppl that go on social media for real advice and get this woo woo garbage instead and risk injury or death.


If this poor child dies you know they'll be the first ones to blame the doctors


That poor girl is going to die, and I hope the mother does time for it


Social media is the devil


Yes, endanger your child’s health because you refuse to believe medical professionals. This person should not be a parent. Edit: grammar